St Clare Hospice Newsletter Autumn 2013

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News from your local Hospice charity

We’re so much more!

“St Clare made our wedding day so special” Read Emma’s story on page 5

T hank you for your support! St Clare Newsletter Aug 13.indd 1

Autumn 2013

02/09/2013 16:40

Welcome to the autumn edition of Hospice News. This is such an exciting time for St Clare Hospice. We’ve spent most of the summer preparing for some big changes, not only at the Hospice but out in the community too.

Building works get underway We’re delighted that contractors are now on site and have begun the refurbishment works associated with our £472,000 Department of Health capital grant.

As I write we’ve finally got the builders in, and they’re busy transforming areas of the Hastingwood site into modern spaces to benefit our patients and families.

The work carried out will benefit patients and their families and includes improvements to facilities for day therapy, the inpatient unit family space and the dining area. All clinical services will continue to operate throughout the 26-week building programme.

We’re also welcoming new staff to help us provide the kind of care in people’s own homes that we know they want. We’ve been busy recruiting new nurses and healthcare assistants and I can’t wait to see what a difference they will make to people at home. We’re also welcoming some new junior doctors, who have come to St Clare to understand the benefits of excellent palliative care.

The changes include full refurbishment of ‘the old House’ including converting some of the garages to usable space, refurbishing the outpatient rooms, updating the dining room area, reclaiming the family room and the visitors’ kitchen on the inpatient unit. Thanks to our contractors Longshaw Construction Ltd of Ongar – lovely to have you here but we’re looking forward to March when the work is completed!

And it’s also time to say farewell, but not goodbye, to a man who has been instrumental in St Clare’s history since before the Hospice site was even bought: Michael Chapman, who stands down as Chairman and trustee next month has been instrumental in how St Clare has grown over the last 20 years and I and all the Trustees and Directors wish to thank him for all he has achieved. Elsewhere in this newsletter you can read how others are helping patients and their families who have been touched by St Clare – I’m always humbled to read the stories of how people raise vital funds for us like Mike and Hilary Allen, the Curtis family, Paul Woodward and Mayfield Bakery’s Nick and Jane Anderson. But it is when I read of the difference we can make, like we did for Emma Barnes and her late husband Tim, that I know we will all keep doing what we do with pride. With my best wishes for the coming months.

Hospice Care Week

October 7-13 we’ll be holding a number of events to raise the profile of St Clare Hospice across West Essex and East Herts to show people “we’re so much more”. Louise Cameron, Director of Patient Care, said: “Most people know that we have an inpatient unit at Hastingwood, some people know we offer day therapy to patients from across West Essex but even fewer people know we have nurses that visit people in their own homes. Hospice Care Week is a chance for us to raise awareness of what we do at St Clare.” Nurses, fundraising staff and volunteers will join together to show the difference St Clare Hospice makes. See our Facebook page for details!

Tanya Curry Chief Executive

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02/09/2013 16:40

1, 2, 3 – Community Developments come in threes! We’re delighted to announce three new and exciting community developments that will transform the way we’re able to provide end of life care for people with life limiting or terminal illnesses in their own homes throughout West Essex. We have been all too aware that our existing community service needed to operate over the weekends to ensure that we can respond to the needs of people and their families when they are facing the end of their life and their wish is to be cared for at home. Working closely with West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (WECCG) – the organisation that plans and buys healthcare for the population of west Essex – St Clare has identified the need for service improvements. As a result WECCG has granted us vital funding to develop our services. 1 – The Specialist Palliative Care Team will now be working over a 7 day week providing much needed support to patients and families over the weekend and bank holidays. 2 – We’re introducing a new Hospice at Home Service. This will provide hands on personal care and support to patients at the end of life or during times of crisis, allowing people to be cared for in the comfort of their own home. 3 – We’re setting up a volunteer led befriending service to ensure that patients and their families are completely supported in all aspects of everyday living. St Clare Community Friends will provide support, friendship and practical help; this could include walking the dog, food shopping, or just have someone to come in and do the ironing. Tanya Curry, the Hospice’s Chief Executive, said: “We’re so pleased that WECCG has supported our plans to expand our services which will have such a positive impact on the quality of care for people when they need us most. We’re very excited to see the difference we can make together.”

Tanya added: “Although as a charity we still rely heavily on the donations and support of our local community, we are so pleased the local commissioners are supporting this fundamental service development for the next 12 months.” Dr Rob Gerlis, chair of West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group said: “We are delighted to be able to play our part in extending this crucial service so that the specialist palliative care team is available round the clock, seven days a week.” Louise Cameron, Director of Patient Care at St Clare, is delighted that the funding bids had been successful. “These are fantastic improvements which will have a huge effect on how we can care for people who wish to be cared for at the end of their life, in their own homes.

“Demand for our Specialist Nurses in the community is steadily increasing and we were all too aware that the demand didn’t stop on a Friday evening. Now we can recruit two extra Specialist Nurses to ensure we are there for patients at weekends and bank holidays too.” Louise added: “A Hospice at Home team provides the professional skills and response required to support people – and their carers – to remain at home, and will always aim to prevent any unnecessary admissions to hospital.” Chris Crump, Voluntary Services Manager at St Clare, said: “Sometimes it is how to deal with the day-to-day practicalities which cause patients and their families a huge amount of stress. If we can help take some of that away by offering practical help through an expanded volunteer network we will.” The new seven day service will commence in the autumn with the Hospice at Home and the Community Friends scheme shortly after that.

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02/09/2013 16:40

T he Baker Boys visit St Clare Hospice

Focus on

Day T herapy

St Clare Hospice was rocking and a rolling when music duo The Baker Boys visited to entertain our day therapy patients.

Every year, around 150 patients suffering from lifelimiting illnesses come to St Clare once a week for 12 weeks of day therapy. A chance to meet and talk with others, people learn to cope with their situation, relax for a while and have access to a full multi-disciplinary team.

The dining room area reverberated with the songs of Elvis, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis as guitarist Paul Speller and double bass player Tony Nihill played over an hour of hits for the mixed group.

“Before I came to St Clare I totally lost all confidence and never went out. I only went anywhere if someone took me. But coming to day therapy, I felt welcome, people talked to me and it gave me the chance to talk back. It reduced my insecurity. I wanted to get confidence back and, through day therapy, I’m getting there.”

Audience participation was expected and received, as patients were given tambourines and encouraged to clap or tap along with the tunes from the 50s and 60s.

Brenda, 2013 Day Patient

The free event was organised by Music in Hospitals and funded by the Swire Charitable Trust.

Two day patients from St Clare Hospice with life-limiting illnesses took the chance to tell a roomful of Princess Alexandra Hospital medical staff what was important to them when it came to talking about their illnesses and prognosis. They spoke about their experiences in a bid to educate the professionals, hoping their stories would make the conversations easier for patients in situations similar to theirs in the future. They told around 60 junior doctors, nurses, therapists and other medical staff that while they appreciated health professionals were extremely busy people with high workloads, the importance of conversations being held in privacy, with dignity and without time constraint were essential. Both ladies have received help and support as part of St Clare Hospice’s 12-week day therapy programme. Emily Stowe, Day Therapy manager said: “It was a big thing for these patients to speak at the event but they were heartened by the reception they received. Firsthand experience is always powerful and we’re grateful that they were willing to share their experiences.”

Patients and carers enjoy Pamper Day Patients and their carers embraced the opportunity to be spoiled at a special All About You Day. Thanks to the support of beauty therapists, reflexologists, colour experts and masseurs, around 30 women and some men were treated to manicures, pedicures, facials and massages, as well as discussions about what colours most suited them when choosing clothes to make themselves feel better. Enjoying a personal styling session, with Helen Boshier, from Inner Butterfly, was Maureen Foxwell, whose friend

Dolly Slack is a day therapy patient. Dolly and Maureen, who both live in Harlow, can’t stop talking about how lovely the day was. Dolly said: “I’ve never had my nails painted by a proper person before and it was an absolute joy – I wanted it to last forever and I’ve never had my toenails painted before – at the ripe old age of 74 that was a first and it was wonderful to be spoiled.” Complementary Therapy co-ordinator, Jacqueline Penhallow, said the All About You days were always popular: “But we couldn’t hold them without the support

• London Nightrider cyclists Carly Snell from Roydon – £310 £310, Chris Wagner from Bishop’s Stortford and girlfriend Holly Nairn from Roydon who raised £380, and 8-strong Harlow team John Lellow, Stuart Brighty, Paul Squirrell, Gary Thompson, Ashley Thompson and Luke Pearson who raised £829 so far.


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and goodwill of the therapists who give their time, skill and products for free. Everyone gets a lot out of the day.”

• A posh tea party in Epping at Dot Whately Harris’s garden garden. Special mention to Wendy Anderson of Lambourne Caterers who provided the teapots, scones and cakes that satisfied 81 customers in one afternoon! – £800

• Zumba Gold ladies – and one man – plus instructors led by Tamara Coxall for a threehour extravaganza at the Norman Booth Leisure Centre Old Harlow – £300

02/09/2013 16:40

St Clare makes wedding day special for Emma and Tim…

M Most b brides id h have months h to plan l their h i wedding. ddi Th They h have llong engagements and spend hours pouring over wedding magazines and attending wedding fairs with their husband-to-be. But Emma Barnes had just 48 hours – and it was a day that, thanks to the amazing community spirit at St Clare Hospice, she will treasure for the rest of her life. Emma had been with Tim for 18 years, they’d moved in together after just three months, but getting married had not been a priority for them. They were happy as they were. But in three short months their life together was turned upside down. 43-year-old Tim was diagnosed with a brain tumour. He had an operation to remove it, but the cancer remained and together with their families, the decision was taken not to have any more radiotherapy treatment. He came to St Clare Hospice straight from hospital and Emma remembers vividly how he didn’t want to go. But the prospect that Emma could be by his side night and day, and his friends and family could visit whenever they wanted sealed the deal. “I remember him being impressed by the flatscreen wallmounted TV, and then the nurse telling him he could have whatever he wanted for breakfast,” Emma laughs. “He said it was like being in a hotel with five-star service.” When Tim turned 44, his mates were unperturbed because he couldn’t come out with them – instead they brought the beer to the Hospice. A couple of days after the birthday celebrations, Tim quietly told Emma that he wanted to get married. Matterof-factly, he told her that he wanted to do it, to make everything easier for her once he had died.

“A nurse came into our room and asked us what we were giggling about: I told her that Tim had just proposed and she was so excited. She said, hooray we’re going to have a wedding!” The next day, the Hospice’s Chaplain Joyce Smith arrived to talk through arrangements. Emma said she had assumed that she and Tim, who could be moved around in a wheelchair, would go to Harlow Registry Office for the nuptials. “But Joyce said No, you’re having it here.... how does Friday sound?” The next 48 hours were a whirlwind for Emma. She shopped for her dress and wedding rings locally but told nurses that she didn’t think she’d bother with flowers and other such details.

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But the chance to make the day so special could not be passed up by staff at St Clare Hospice. Within hours ours staff had organised a Mercedes to pick Emma up from her home, a posy sy of flowers and standard roses were donated nated from the Harlow Garden Centre and nd day therapy patients created fabric bunting unting to decorate the sanctuary. Hospice chef Ed provided a wedding breakfast for 12 on the patio tio of the room, and a staff member ber played maitre’d pouring champagne. ne. Catering assistant Sarah made the he chocolate cake – a special request est from Tim. A photographer provided ed an album of pictures to remember the day. “I couldn’t believe how everyone had gone to so much effort and so quickly,” said Emma. “But I shouldn’t be surprised – nothing is too much trouble for anyone at St Clare and they made our day so incredibly special. They make everyone’s days so special though, don’t they?” Chaplain Joyce Smith remembers the wedding day last August fondly. Patients and their families lined the corridor from the inpatient unit to the sanctuary to clap and cheer the couple on. Staff came out and nurses came in on their days off to be there. Emma also remembers how Joyce compared relationships to the creation of a pebble. “She said it was life’s k knocks thatt round you and k th d you, shape h d turn the rough into the smooth and at the end she presented me with the pebble. I still have it.” Just one month later, Tim died at the Hospice, with his parents Janice and Raymond and Emma by his side holding his hand. She now wears his wedding ring alongside her own. One year on, Emma looks back on the most turbulent year of her life and is comforted by the memories of their time at St Clare. “He had his mates around him, he was in comfort, he had me by his side and it was the best place on earth for him.” And as for the wedding? “With 48 months we couldn’t have made it better,” said Emma. Since Tim’s death Emma has helped raise thousands of pounds for St Clare, most notably through a skydive ahead of her 40th birthday with her friend Liz Howes. Tim’s parents now both work as volunteers at the Harlow shop. And this summer Emma returned to the Hospice as Tim’s work colleagues presented the Hospice with a ride-on mower. “He’d be proud of what we’ve all done,” Emma added. “St Clare was there when we needed it and for that we’ll always be grateful.”


02/09/2013 16:40

update As we went to press, more than half of an expected £75,000 had been donated by the 900 people who took part in July’s Midnight Walk.

Silver couple’s donation raises £1,020

This figure should be boosted by a ring round of walkers by our dedicated volunteers during September to encourage them to collect and send in all money pledged. This year we’ve really tried to encourage people to raise an average of £65 sponsorship each which would get us to our fantastic target – enough to pay for our inpatient unit to run for 19 days. Last year 3 out of 4 people who took part only paid their registration fee so this year we’re confident we can change this to a positive!

An Epping Green couple celebrating their silver wedding anniversary asked party guests to donate to St Clare Hospice, instead of presents, raising a fantastic £1,020 for the charity.

Mike and Hilary Allen celebrated their 25 years wed with friends and family and donations received from the 95 guests were topped up with a £250 donation by the Harlow-based Freemasons Lodge, The Lodge of Borrowed Light, of which Mike is a member. Mike said: “We didn’t want presents, just an evening with people around us and we thought this was a lovely way for friends and family to help mark the anniversary but also help a local charity. Hilary and I are pleased to know that the money donated will contribute to the running of the Hospice that provides such a valuable local service. Many of the donations were also Gift Aided which should boost the amount further.” The amount the Allens donated will help fund around 12 home visits by our specialist palliative care nurses, allowing them to visit patients with terminal or lifelimiting illnesses in their own homes.

Celebration Giving

St Clare Hospice can support Celebration Giving by providing special envelopes, which can be posted to guests along with invitations to an event, or left on tables on the night. It gives details of the services we provide to people living in West Essex and the East Herts border and contributors who pay income tax can Gift Aid their donation, meaning we can claim back an extra 25p for every £1 donated from the taxman. For details, contact our Fundraising team on 01279 773750.

• Harlow councillor Emma Toal, Epping Forest council chairman Mary Sartin, and Uttlesford Council chairman Eric Hicks who all volunteered their time to help out at a Hospice shop during National Volunteers Week. • Inpatient unit volunteer Georgie Cantel for her tea party at Bishop’s Stortford – £2,260


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Starlight Walk success The Curtis family from Stortford helped boost numbers for our family Starlight Walk in the town in September. Grandfather John Curtis, formerly a Sawbridgeworth butcher, was cared for at St Clare and his widow Jean, son Stuart, daughter-in-law Paula and granddaughters Emma and Olivia wanted to support the cause. “We can’t thank St Clare enough for how they looked after Dad,” said Stuart. “Where else could he have enjoyed a whiskey in his final days without being told off by a nurse!”

• Epping Triathlon Club who held a Try a Tri event in memory of their secretary Jenny Clark – £1,000 • Harlow MAMIL – middle aged man in lycra – Paul Tucker, cycled 186 miles from Paris to London – £2,000

• The Woodbine pub in Waltham Abbey, which held a fundraising week for us, including a specially-brewed real ale – £539

02/09/2013 16:41

End of an era as Trustee Chairman steps down Like everyone who visits St Clare, Michael Chapman is always greeted with a friendly ‘hello’ from one of the team of volunteer receptionists. And it is that welcome and the smiles of everyone around the Hospice which Mr Chapman will miss most when he stands down as Chairman of the Trustees in October. “I shall miss the friendship of the people, to come in and see and talk to everyone here, whether they are staff or volunteers. There is always such a welcoming atmosphere here.” Mr Chapman is retiring after completing his nine-year maximum term of being a trustee, of which seven years have been spent as Chairman. However his involvement with St Clare goes back more than 20 years to before the Hospice was even established, when he was chairman of the then West Essex Health Authority. He has seen St Clare Hospice grow from an idea to an organisation that helps around 1,500 patients and their families a year. And he is handing over the reins at a time when the Hospice is branching out even further into the community. “Back then we had three clear goals: the first was to provide somewhere people could come for advice and support. The second was to provide a place to care for people at the end of their lives. And the third was to get out into the community. Well I’m delighted that we have achieved all three and now the work will continue on improving them even more so St Clare is at the centre of providing the kind of service that people want.” The Hastingwood site was purchased by the Hospice trust in 1998. Day Therapy services were joined by the opening of the inpatient unit two years later. In 2011 the community nurses came on board. In his final year here as

• Masterchef finalist Saira Hamilton whose talk on cookery and dinner parties at a lunch in Stansted for the Scarlet Foundation – £350

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chairman, Mr Chapman has seen the Hospice awarded a £472,000 grant to improve facilities on-site for patients and their families, with work beginning this autumn. “I’m immensely proud of how far we’ve come and, looking forward, how far we’re set to go,” said Mr Chapman.

M Mr Chapman re recalls the Royal vvisit to mark tthe Hospice’s 2 21st birthday as a day of pride n not just for him, but for everyone inv involved in the Hospice. When Sophie, Countess of Wessex visited in 2011 she spent time talking to volunteers, staff, patients and their families. “It was a tremendous boost and people really appreciated it. Maybe when we celebrate our 50th it will be the new Prince George of Cambridge who visits!” Yet Mr Chapman retains his main appreciation of his time at the helm for the fundraising efforts of the local

it and d th t ib ti i community the contributions given to St Clare by so many volunteers. “This Hospice couldn’t operate and continue to grow without the goodwill of the people of west Essex and the east Herts border and I am absolutely amazed at the effort people put in to making it successful and the money they donate,” he said. “It’s testament to how much they love this place and what it means to them or their families. After all, we only get around 30 per cent of our money from the Government. Every other penny comes from the local community. That’s an amazing amount to produce and it comes in year after year after year so I’d like to thank people for that.” After so many years associated with the Hospice, it’s unlikely that Mr Chapman will ever be too far away from the Hospice he has helped to create.

Educating doctors

St Clare Hospice holds education days to improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals on the benefits of palliative care. This summer, it has also begun training foundation year junior doctors, who spend four months working at St Clare. We also regularly receive students from nursing, physio, occupational therapy and counselling backgrounds. Deputy Medical Director Qamar Abbas said: “Palliative care provision is a triad of service, education and research. In order to make sure that our patients in the Hospice and elsewhere receive the best possible care, we are committed to educating our staff and colleagues.” Dr John Zeppetella, St Clare’s Medical Director has recently been awarded a Doctor of Medicine Research degree. His research project focused on the management of pain in skin wounds, a challenging problem in the Hospice’s daily clinical practice.

• To all those people who have donated back some of their St Clare Hospice Lottery winnings – much appreciated lucky people! • Chris Lakowski, of Harlow wooden furniture firm Branson Leisure, who donated a bench for the Hospice grounds.

• Customers at Sainsbury’s Debden who helped make us Charity of the Year.


02/09/2013 16:41

Shop News

Epping store

The revamped Epping store re-opened in June and is bigger, brighter and finally pushchair-friendly! Shop manager Jeanne Rawlings said: “We’ve had lots of great comments and sales have definitely increased – people love the shop now they can browse without causing a traffic jam.”

Nothing run of the mill about Mayfield Farm Bakery Volunteer Dot Whateley-Harris loves the new-look Epping shop


St Clare Hospice supporters are truly worldwide thanks to Ebay purchasers. Recently we’ve sent a teapot to Russia, Poole Pottery cats to Australia and a camera to Ukraine! Ebay successes are raising an average of £500 per month for St Clare – that’s enough to fund a one-night stay for a patient in our IPU every month.

Designer gear

We sell high-quality brand named ladies clothes and shoes donated to us through our designer shop Scarlet in Buckhurst Hill. So if you’re planning an autumn clearout, please donate to St Clare – we know a quality donation when we see one!

The owners of an Old Harlow bakery are using their loaf to raise some dough for St Clare. Nick and Jane Anderson are hosting a Meet the Baker event at Mayfield Farm Bakery on Thursday October 10 to share some of the secrets that go into making their award-winning artisan bread and cakes. The couple are long-term St Clare supporters as Nick’s mother Gwen Anderson was cared for at the Hospice before she died in November 2006. Gwen and husband Leslie owned about five bakeries in the Harlow area in the 1970s. Jane said: “She was looked after magnificently while she was at St Clare. It’s such a vital service and having experienced just how much the Hospice does, and how much it relies on donations from the public, we feel it’s really important to do what we can to support its work.” Master Baker Nick, who can trace his family’s baking heritage back to 1680, will be explaining how he produces his innovative loaves using locally-sourced ingredients and how the baking trade has changed in the 350 years that his family has been making bread. Following a glass of Luscombes Organic Elderflower Bubbly on arrival, 50 guests will watch Nick at work as he kneads and shapes the dough so they can try out his techniques in their own kitchen. Participants will take home a complimentary loaf to enjoy and the demonstration will be followed by a delicious Mayfield lunch of quiche of the day. Mayfield Farm Bakery, in Sheering Road, launched its popular ‘Meet the Baker’ event due to demand for Nick to share his skills and knowledge. Places at the Meet the Baker event on October 10 cost £15 (includes lunch). To book call fundraising on 01279 773750.

• Paper firm firm Aktrion Ltd off Waltham Cross and pen company Senator of Harlow which both donated hampers for our summer raffles. • Heckford Norton Solicitors in Saffron Walden who topped up a company donation with a cake sale – £3,076


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STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS As the event is sure to be a sellout, Nick and Jane, who live in Allens Green, near Sawbridgeworth, have promised to host a second event in aid of St Clare in January.

• Elsenham companies LPL Construction Services and sister company E Corr plant • A team from Simply Washrooms in North hire which raised £14,000 Weald ran the British 10k London Run – £960 at a fun day for staff, suppliers and their families • Pitney Bowes and Cashman Interiors for in memory of Anne Corr. donating office furniture. • Staff from Weston Homes in Takele Takeley ran a quiz night – £2,250

02/09/2013 16:41

Focus on


Interested in running a Marathon for St Clare? We have 10 places for the Brighton Marathon (Sunday 6 April 2014) and 8 places for the Virgin London Marathon (Sunday 13 April 2014) get in contact now!

More and more St Clare supporters are looking to combine their fundraising for us with a memorable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here, some of our supporters talk about what has inspired them to get up and go in aid of St Clare. Inspired by Paul, Claire, Stuart or other challenges in this newsletter? Get in touch with our fundraising team for the latest challenges we have on 01279 773750 or email

Freefalling for St Clare

Bungee for St Clare! We’re looking for 60 daredevils to bungee from a 170 foot crane, all in the name of charity! You can jump on Saturday 25 January 2014 in Harlow.

Twins Claire and Stuart Evenden from Harlow will be taking the plunge next month by taking part in a Skydive for St Clare in memory of their Nan Sylvia Allum. Mrs Allum was cared for at St Clare and died in October. Claire, who is afraid of heights, said having her twin brother there would help to ease the nerves as they are so close, but said sister Keeley was keeping her feet firmly on the ground ground.

If you’re interested in taking part, you’ll need to pay a £60 registration fee then pledge to raise at least £140 in sponsorship for St Clare.

“It’s not for her, but it’s something outrageous for Stuart and I to do,” said Claire. “It’s something that we’ve always wanted to do, and I knew we could do it for charity, so our involvement with St Clare pushed us into doing it. We feel truly blessed that so many of our friends and family have supported this great charity – our Nan would be proud.” Claire added: “St Clare did such a wonderful job of looking after our Nan with everyone else that was in their care – the staff can’t be praised enough. We just want to do our bit so that this charity can continue to help other families like ours.” Do you fancy taking part in a skydive for St Clare? The next one is scheduled for March 15 next year. Get in touch with us if you do. Registration is £50 and we ask you to pledge to raise a minimum £390 each.

Paul’s Great Wall of China challenge

A grandfather-of-three is set to fulfill a schoolboy dream of tr trekking the Great Wall of China, raising more than £2,000 for S Clare Hospice. Former policeman Paul Woodward, who now St v volunteers as a receptionist at our Hastingwood centre, will be p part of a group completing the nine-day trip in October. P Paul, 62, who lives in Theydon Bois, said: “I remember learning a about the Great Wall of China as a young boy at school in North L London, thinking wow I’d love to do that and never ever thinking II’d be able to do it. But here I am, 50 years later and I’m ready tto take on the challenge – I cannot wait.”

P i i hard in the months leading up to his trek. “The build-up has Paull h has b been training been fantastic and my fitness has improved, I now just can’t wait to go. Sounds cheesy but it will be an experience of a lifetime.”

• Organisers of Thornwood Village Festival – £2,700 • Harlow Referees Society whistle-blowing end-of-season ball in Stansted – £1,370

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Be spooked in the forest! In the run-up to Hallowe’en, why not spook yourself silly with a Fright Hike Challenge through Epping Forest at night? Designed as a team event, it’s a 30k overnight walk in six hours on Saturday October 26 – so will challenge your mind and body! It’s organised by a professional company, with marshalled checkpoints, so why not sign up with your friends, family or work colleagues... or dare you go it alone? £39 registration and pledge to raise £160 minimum. Not for the faint-hearted – this is one night you’ll definitely remember!

• Epping Rotary Club golf day at Saffron Walden was boosted by an appearance by former England footballer Teddy Sheringham on one of the teams! – £12,600

• Brothers Luke, James and Aidan Drake from Harlow who completed the Three Peaks Challenge in June with friends in memory of their Dad George – £5,600


02/09/2013 16:41

It’s (almost) Christmas!

Okay we’ve tried to hold back as long as possible in this newsletter, but there’s no denying it: Christmas will soon be here.

Light Up a Life Ceremonies – dates for your diary Every year, St Clare holds events to allow people to come together and mark the lives of a loved one. This year’s events will be held: Saturday 30th November – Loughton Town Council, Loughton – 4.30pm at church, 4.45pm procession Wednesday 4th December – St Clare Hospice at 7.00pm

Remember someone special and support your local hospice this Christmas

Thursday 5th December – St Martins Church, Ongar at 4.15pm Thursday 5th December – Waltham Abbey Church at 7.00pm Saturday 7th December – St Clare Hospice at 4.00pm Saturday 7th December – St John’s Church, Epping at 5.30pm Sunday 15th December – St Mary’s Church, Stansted at 11.00am

Today. Tomorrow. Together

Sunday 15th December – United Reformed Church, Great Dunmow at 3.30pm Registered Charity No.


Sunday 15th December – St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Harlow at 5.00pm

Our Christmas Appeal:

This year, we’ll be asking supporters to help us decorate the Hospice at Christmas time by contributing a personalised paperchain message. All the messages of hope, gratitude and support will be linked together into one continuous chain for patients and their families to see. We’ll be sending out our Christmas appeal in November so look out for the special envelopes.

Christmas Knits!

If you’d like to knit us some cash this Christmas, how about making ‘hats’ for Ferrero Rocher chocs for us to sell? There are patterns for figgy puddings, santa and snowmen on our website. Get those needles clicking!

How about sending St Clare’s e-card this Christmas? We filmed our festive video in July and involved patients, volunteers and staff in our rendition of Dickie Valentine’s Christmas Alphabet. It may not win any Oscars, but we hope it’s a winner with you. You can download the clip for a suggested donation of £1 per recipient (minimum donation £20) from mid-November. See our website for details nearer the time!


St Clare Newsletter Aug 13.indd 10

02/09/2013 16:41

What’s on where you live? OCTOBER Clavering Magic Night 18th October 2013 An evening of magic and fun with local magician, Martin Cox and two of his fellow entertainers. At Clavering Village Hall. Doors open at 7pm. Raffle & bar. Charity Dance with live band, Waltham Abbey 19th October 2013 Abbeyevents4charity fundraiser at Upshire Village Hall, 8 – 11:30pm. Tickets £10 in advance (includes glass of wine). Contact Paul 01992 767175 Edwina Hayes Gig, Cottered 19th October 2013 Edwina Hayes is putting on her annual gig for us, supported by Roxy Searle and Rob Chamberlain. At Cottered Village Hall, East Herts, SG9 9QL. Doors open 7:30 for 8pm start. Raffle & bar. Fright Hike, Epping 26th October 2013 Famous for ghost sightings and paranormal activities, Epping Forest is the location for this Halloween hike! The nightwalk is 30k, taking you past a large church, surrounding cemetery and the legendary Hangmans Hill. £39 to register and we ask you to pledge to raise £160 in sponsorship. Men2Sing Choral Concert, Waltham Abbey 27th October 2013 Thanks to our newly-formed supporter group we’re now looking forward to their first event – a musical extravaganza in the Abbey Church. 2:30 – 4:30pm.


Indian Spice Evenings 13th and 27th November 2013 SPICE - Specialised Personal Indian Cooking Experiences at the home of Kalpna Kadri, Harlow Women in Business member. An Indian meal is cooked in front of guests with cooking and preparation tips. It’s dynamic and interactive and ends with the guests sharing the meal. The recipes followed are Kalpna’s own or learned from members of her family and friends, original and authentic. It’s Indian home cooking at its best! Ticket price TBC. Mustard Seed and Athena Supper Club evening, Ongar 15th November 2013 Come and enjoy a Supper Club evening at Katherine Garner’s home. Katherine will cook and serve, with help from her family, a 5 course meal. Something not be missed if you are a foodie. Ticket price TBC. Christmas Gift Fair, Theydon Bois 16th November 2013 Our 2nd Gift Fair to be held at Theydon Bois Village Hall. A whole variety of stalls will be there selling their wares, perfect for Christmas gifts for your family and friends. 11am – 3pm, refreshments will be available. Entrance £3. Christmas Fair, Abridge 23rd November 2013 Epping Friends of St Clare festive event, stalls full of Christmas present ideas! Abridge Village Hall 10am – 1pm.

Sing for your Supper, Bishop’s Stortford 23rd November 2013 A fun, sociable event for local choirs to get together to show off their talents and to sing along with other choirs. At the Memorial Hall, Bishop’s Stortford College, fish and chip supper included – £15. For your choir to get involved please contact us.

DECEMBER Santa Fun Run, Debden 1st December 2013 A 4k jaunt organised by Geraldine Wilson Hair Salon. Starting line will be on Debden Broadway and the route will take you around Loughton. Refreshments for everybody at Geraldine’s afterwards. £10 tickets from Geraldine. Santa Fun Run, Harlow 8th December 2013 Run or walk 4k around Harlow for this year’s Santa Run! £15 adults, children £5. Santa Fun Run, Epping NEW! 12th December 2013 New this year, Santa Run or walk in Epping. Taking place after work so you can don your Santa suits at the office and all come ho-ho-hoing down Epping High Street. £15 adults, children £5.

COMING UP Winter Walkies – Hastingwood and Saffron Walden NEW! 9th February 2013 5k family dog walks at the Hospice and new for 2014 one in Saffron Walden area – see website, Facebook and local media for details in January!

on this page please contact the For more information on any of the events Fundraising team on 01279 773750 or email

Sahara Desert Trek: 4th-11th October 2014 This is a 50km trek across the largest desert in the world and a chance to discover Morocco. Led by experienced local berbers and camel handlers, you will trek six to seven hours a day then sleep under the stars in camp.

The landscape is vast and diverse and you will find sand dune fields, rugged stony ground, dried up river beds, large rocky outcrops and even some wide gushing rivers. A highlight will be spending the evenings stargazing after a hearty and delicious meal. At the end of the eight day trek you will be able to take part in a local community project in Marrakech, giving you the opportunity to help local people and learn about their culture.

St Clare Newsletter Aug 13.indd 11


02/09/2013 16:41

I would like to support the work of my local Hospice!

Dry weather and plenty of tea, cake and lunch sales led Harlow Open Gardens to a record-breaking weekender. This firm favourite in the June calendar organised by Harlow Friends of St Clare would not be possible without the greenfingered skills and enthusiasm of the owners of 28 beautiful gardens. An amazing £6,470 was raised!

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Open gardens bring in the crowds Newsletter by email

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Where ’s my local shop? Bishop’s Stortford

10 Devoils Lane CM23 3XH Tel: 01279 755990 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat, 10am to 4pm Sun

Buckhurst Hill

Scarlet, 46 Queens Road IG9 5BY Tel: 020 85055110 Open: 9.15am to 5.15pm Mon to Sat


72 The Broadway, Debden Loughton IG10 3SY Tel: 020 85022361 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat


182 High Street CM16 4AQ Tel: 01992 575092 Open: 9am to 4.30pm Mon to Sat

Gt Dunmow

41 High Street CM6 1AE Tel: 01371 875756 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri, 9am to 4.30pm Sat


Unit 2A, St James Centre, East Road CM20 2BJ Tel: 01279 639760 Open: 9.30am to 4.30pm Mon to Sat, 11am to 4pm Sun

Saffron Walden

1 Mercers Row CB10 1HD Tel: 01799 523573 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat


01279 639760

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Please treat all gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future donations as Gift Aid donations. You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. You understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, you change your name or home address, or you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. St Clare Hospice will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give. Registered Charity No 1063631

T hank you!

Please return this slip in the freepost envelope enclosed or send to: FREEPOST RRLY-EZLX-YJLK, St Clare Hospice, Stone Barton, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, HARLOW CM17 9JX

24 Hour Advice Line 01279 773773

Bereavement Support 01279 773767

Day Therapy 01279 773768

Fundraising Telephone: 01279 773750 Email: Fax: 01279 773701

Inpatient Unit 01279 773770

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Registered Charity No. 1063631. St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood CM17 9JX. All rights reserved

St Clare Newsletter Aug 13.indd 12

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02/09/2013 16:41

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