Annual Report 2023

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Seek Wisdom

StClare'sCollege Griffith

McMillan Crescent, Griffith 2603

Phone: 02 6260 9400



Principal Dr Ann Cleary


St Clare’s College is a dynamic learning community that has been educang and empowering young women for nearly 60 years. Our educaonal philosophy is based on the foundaonal belief that every student can learn. We offer comprehensive academic, pastoral, and cocurricular programs that provide students with ongoing opportunies to grow in all dimensions of their lives.

St Clare's example inspires our community to seek wisdom and live out the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our safe and welcoming environment supports students to become confident, informed, and arculate young women prepared to take their place in the wider community beyond school.

We pride ourselves on developing and delivering an excellent curriculum catering for the diverse learning needs of our students. Students are encouraged to become acve learners and take increased responsibility for their own learning. Our teachers are highly skilled educators with experse across each of the learning areas. They employ best pracces in contemporary teaching and learning, supported by the Catholic Educaon Catalyst program, which ulises High-Impact Teaching Pracces and Classroom Mastery.


This year has seen the return of families to our College campus. It has been wonderful to see families at the College during 2023 for events such as the community breakfasts, school Masses, OnStage and award ceremonies. We cheered on, encouraged and celebrated our children from the audience during the High School Musical producon and on the sidelines of debates and sports matches. We hope 2023 marks a new beginning of vibrant family involvement at St Clare's.

Your School Board has been involved in the seng of the 2023 College strategic plan, new opons for the College uniform and the move to vercal, House-based pastoral care for 2024. Thank you to our parent representaves Anna Gilbert, Samantha Losanno, Susan Harris, Alana Scheiffers and Stephanie Males and our staff representaves Tony Godden and Phil Coe for their experse and paence and their thoughul contribuons to our deliberaons and decisions. There have been several changes to School Boards proposed by Catholic Educaon during 2023. These changes will result in the dissoluon of the Board and the formaon of an advisory Community Council in 2024.

Thank you for supporng our College during 2023.


This year was filled to the brim with school spirit. The Swimming Carnival started us off in the right direcon, where Year 7’s experienced the immense sisterhood during the day, and Year 12’s chanted their war cries for the last me ever. Before we knew it, the Athlecs Carnival rolled around and our school spirit throughout the day was unmatched with each House parcipang in every event to climb up that ladder!

Of course, how could we forget St Clare’s Day. The day started with a beauful, whole school Mass, where we were able to reflect on our Patron Saint – St Clare of Assisi, and how we can demonstrate Her qualies everywhere we go. Not only was our sisterhood thriving, but this year definitely won best and most creave costumes. We brought back the DJ for an epic dance party and the day ended with the most iconic Year 12 dance. It was such an amazing day and truly one we’ll cherish.

We had an amazing SRC team this year, who were connuously seeking out new ideas to improve our school; from organizing talent show acts, to Stress Less Week acvies and starng next year - Integrated PC.

St Clare's College is a Catholic systemic Girls College located in Griffith.

St Clare’s College is a ‘Spirited Learning Community’ that provides excellent educaon for girls: An All Girls School for all girls. The College creates many opportunies for our students to grow in their knowledge, skills,confidence and faith and develop into confident, courageous, and capable young women equipped with the skills and knowledge to shape their futures. Students experience an excing learning environment that caters for a diverse range of abilies and interests. St Clare’s College offers a full and rewarding academic program. Complementary to our focus on students' academic pursuits, Vocaonal training programs and a wide range of performing arts and sporng opportunies are all part of the supporve and challenging learning environment.

There are many opportunies for students at St Clare’s to parcipate in extra-curricular acvies that complement the academic program including debang, drama, dance, music, a wide range of sports and leadership development programs. Student leadership has a high profile in the College through the Student Representave Council and the strong House system. The Pastoral Care program promotes the spiritual and social /emoonal development of students, as well as supporng their learning needs. Our students are well known in the ACT for their efforts in volunteering, supporng charies and social jusce iniaves.

The College is fortunate to have excellent staff and modern resources to support the learning and co-curricular programs that are on off er at St Clare’s. Staff members have the opportunity to aend professional development courses to maintain currency with best pracce in teaching and learning. We are connuing our learning journey with the Catholic Educaon Catalyst program focussing on explicit teaching and acve learning in every classroom, and Classroom Mastery to enhance the learning environment.

Our physical resources are in exceponally good order, with an annual maintenance program that ensures the facilies are clean, inving, and conducive to learning. Our faculty staff are experienced and well-qualified to offer best pracce in contemporary teaching and learning. The San Damiano Learning Commons is our newest build, with exceponal spaces for senior study, independent and class learning. The inclusion of a Makerspace and unique niches provide alternave spaces for students to explore their creavity and social connecons.



The School caters for students in Year 7 to Year 12. Students aending this School come from a variety of backgrounds and naonalies. The following informaon describes the student profile for 2023:


* Language Background Other than English

Of the students who completed Year 10 in 2021, 69% completed Year 12 in 2023.

Retenon rate is an area of ongoing aenon; current data shows a posive trend. Students do take opportunies for apprenceships or aend CIT/TAFE. The unique system in the ACT means we are in acve compeon with government colleges, which may offer subjects not available at St Clare's.


The Catholic Educaon Commission has established an Enrolment Policy for Catholic Educaon Canberra Goulburn schools. Catholic Educaon monitors the implementaon of this policy. The policy has been developed in the context of government and system requirements. Addional informaon about enrolling in a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn can be found on the Catholic Educaon website.


The average student aendance rate for 2023 was 86%. Aendance rates disaggregated by Year group are shown in the following table.


Regular aendance at school is essenal for students to maximise their potenal. The school, in partnership with parents, is responsible for promong the regular aendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular aendance of their children, school staff as part of their duty of care monitor part or whole day absences.

School staff, under the Principal’s leadership, support the regular aendance of students by: providing a caring teaching and learning environment which fosters students’ sense of wellbeing and belonging to the School community; maintaining accurate records of student aendance; recognising and rewarding excellent and improved student aendance; implemenng programs and pracces to address aendance issues when they arise.

The Principal is responsible for supporng the regular aendance of students by ensuring that: parents and students are regularly informed of aendance requirements and the consequences of unsasfactory aendance; all cases of unsasfactory aendance and part or full day absences from school are invesgated promptly and that appropriate intervenon strategies are implemented; documented plans are developed to address the needs of students whose aendance is idenfied as being of concern; the Catholic Educaon Office designated School & Family Services Senior Officer is provided with regular informaon about students for whom chronic non-aendance is an issue and for whom School strategies have failed to restore regular aendance.


Each year the College collects desnaon data relang to the Year 12 student cohort. The table below sets out the percentages of students for the various categories.

2023 Year 12

Desnaon Data


The following informaon describes the staffing profile for 2023:

* This number includes 73 full-me teachers and 7 part-me teachers.

Percentage of staff who are Indigenous 0%


All teachers are qualified as required by the relevant authories.


Levels of Teacher Accreditaon are as stated below:

Number of staff with Lead/Highly Accomplished Teacher Accreditaon


The Naonal Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN assessment results provide valuable informaon about student achievement in literacy and numeracy. An analysis of these results assists school planning and is used to support the development of teaching and learning programs.

The tables below show average scores for each cohort in numeracy and literacy. The school results shown are compared to the naonal average.


ACT Year 10 Cerficate

All 202 students in Year 10 successfully achieved the Year 10 Cerficate.

ACT Year 12 Cerficate

All 132 students qualified for the ACT Senior Secondary Cerficate. A Terary Entrance Statement (reporng ATAR) was achieved by 87 students:12 students achieved an ATAR above 90 and 31 students achieved an ATAR greater than 80. Students (26) were awarded a Cerficate II in a Tourism and Hospitality Vocaonal Educaon and Training Course and 12 students completed external RTO courses in training packages: Community services; electrotechnology; ICT; Resources Infrastructure; Retail; Tourism Travel Hospitality Students (6) completed H-Courses at either ANU or University of Canberra.


Catholic Educaon Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (CECG) has developed a suite of Policies which are implemented by all systemic Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn.

The full text of policies relevant to the requirements of Annual Reporng can be found below:

Behavioural Support, Suspension and Expulsion Policy

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Child Safety Policy

Complaints Handling Summary

Complaints Policy

Safe and Supporve Schools Policy

Access to addional policies related to CECG schools can be found on the Catholic Educaon Canberra Goulburn website

Further informaon about processes specific to this school can be found on the school’s website.

The opinions and ideas of parents, students and school staff in this learning community are sought and valued. Their suggesons are considered and incorporated into planning for and achieving improved outcomes for students. This year, the school has used a variety of processes to gain informaon about levels of sasfacon with the school from parents, students and staff


Tell Them From Me ‘Partners in Learning' Parent Survey responses were collected from 297 respondents; a connuing increase in engagement in this data collecon acvity. Parents noted that the facilies and learning environments are wonderful, providing an excellent experience for students. Feedback indicates that the frequency of parent contact with teachers connues to improve since COVID restricons. The majority of parents thought that the school is a place of rich learning and experiences. Parents felt that teachers had clarity on the expectaons in class and that students were clear on the rules for behaviour, however, addional work was needed to ensure consistency in calmness in the learning environment and more mely follow up of issues. Most parents indicated their daughters were happy as a result of being connected to their school and that the school community supports and arculates the importance of the dignity of each person. There is recognion that the Religious Educaon Curriculum is increasingly being made relevant to all students.


The Annual Tell Them From Me ‘Student Engagement Secondary Survey’ was conducted in Term 2, 2023. 632 students across Years 7-12 completed the annual survey, demonstrang connued growth in engagement in this data collecon acvity. Students report that lessons are generally engaging and accessible, providing a strong foundaon for effecve learning. It is heartening to note that most measured outcomes are consistent with TTFM norms, which is a testament to the quality of educaon provided and level of student social engagement. Students idenfy some disengagement or disjointed learning due to staffing changes. Students see learning intenons and success criteria as most relevant to mathemacs, however, they recognise that efforts are being made to implement them across all subject areas. Across all year levels, there is a trend for students from mid to low SES backgrounds to have a lower sense of sasfacon about belonging and valuing schooling outcomes, but the trend is blurred or reversed for the level of interest and movaon.


The staff at St Clare's College parcipated in the Tell Them From Me ‘Focus on Learning’ Teacher Survey in June, 2023. 46 teachers completed the survey, demonstrang a decrease in engagement with the survey. These teachers highly rated their collaboraon with colleagues on student engagement, sharing resources, assessment and discussing strategies for supporng student learning. Teachers highly rated their wrien feedback to students and their use of assessments to monitor student progress. They expressed a desire for greater parent involvement and for the leadership team to be more visible. The objecves, approaches and methods of Catalyst Professional Learning were clear and the majority of teachers felt supported to make instruconal decisions based on clear curriculum content, access to adequate and appropriate assessment and confidence in rounely implemenng HITP in the classroom. Teachers expressed that they were overloaded with their current responsibilies and may not have the capacity to implement new iniaves.

Commonwealth Recurrent Grants (46.3%) Government Capital Grants (0%)

State Recurrent Grants (10.4%)

and Private Income (43.4%) Other Capital Income (0%)

Capital Expenditure (2%) Salaries and Related Expenses (69.4%) Non-Salary Expenses (28.6%)

1. Commonwealth Recurrent Grants includes recurrent per capita grants and special purpose grants.

2. Government Capital Grants includes all capital grants received from the Commonwealth and State Governments.

3. State Recurrent Grants includes recurrent grants per capita, special purpose grants and interest subsidy grants.

4. Fees and Private Income include Archdiocesan and school based fees, excursions and other private income.

5. Other Capital Income includes building levy fees and capital donaons used to fund Capital Expenditure.

6. Capital Expenditure includes expenditure on School Buildings, and Furniture and Equipment.

7. Salaries and Related Expenditure includes all salaries, allowances and related expenses such as superannuaon and workers compensaon insurance.

8. Non-Salary Expenses include all other Non-Salary Recurrent Expenditure covering resources, administraon, operaonal expenses, ulies, repairs and maintenance.

This school is one of 29 systemic Catholic schools in the ACT under the governance of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn and overseen by Catholic Educaon Canberra Goulburn (CECG).

The standards for ongoing registraon of ACT Non-Government schools are set out in Schedule 2 of the ACT Non-government Schools Registraon Standards (Educaon Act 2004, Educaon Regulaons 2005). With the support of CECG, as an ACT Non-Government school we ensure we are compliant with the Registraon Standards in the required areas of Governance, Educaonal Programs, Safety and Welfare, and Other Operaonal Requirements.

CECG undertakes a five-year cycle of compliance review of its system of schools, systemacally assessing each school against the Registraon Standards. The review includes: consideraon of a comprehensive suite of compliance documentaon provided by the school;

interviews with members of the school community; and, a full audit of the school premises, buildings and facilies.

It is then determined if each school is maintained and conducted in accordance with all requirements and remains compliant with the Registraon Standards.

Addionally, each school Principal is required to annually aest to compliance with the Standards and provide evidence to prove this compliance.

Concurrent with the five-year cycle, CECG also employs an annual Compliance Assurance Program, with office staff conducng random audits of potenal key risk areas in a selecon of schools, providing feedback and ongoing support to improve pracce where necessary and ensure compliance.

Our school remained compliant with the standards for ongoing registraon in 2023.

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