Tidings Edition 5

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07 June 2024 Edition Five

Principal’s Message

Voices of Wisdom

This last week, we gathered for National Reconciliation Week 2024 #NRW2024: Now More Than Ever. We heard from our community about the diversity and richness of the indigenous cultures that pervade the lands and lives of those around us. The National Reconciliation Week website: https://www.reconciliation.org.au/organising-an-event-for-national-reconciliation-week/ points out that “There is no one way to participate in NRW, but it is important to take time to think sincerely about the context of your event.” I drew my inspiration from remarkable women who have dedicated their lives to education and fostering understanding, healing, and unity. I bring together the wisdom of Yalmay Yunupiŋu and Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann. My intention is for our young people to see how their insights, incorporating the spirit of St Pope John Paul II, can guide us to hope and action.

Yalmay Yunupiŋu is our current 2024 Senior Australian of the Year: from her story we can see she embodies resilience, generosity, and cultural pride. For four decades, she guided teaching at Yirrkala Bilingual School in north-east Arnhem Land. Known as the “mother of the school,” Yalmay’s kindness and healing work has touched countless lives. Her journey began with translating Dr. Seuss books into her local Yolŋu Matha language, igniting a bilingual teaching approach. Yalmay’s dedication to education empowers young people. She and her husband (of Yothu Yindi fame) forged a path where students are strong in both Yolŋu culture and mainstream knowledge.

Language is not just a means of communication; it carries the essence of identity and connection. Yalmay’s commitment to preserving Yolŋu language and culture, incorporating popular Western literature, and her passion for the education of young people to respect diverse worldviews is a beacon for reconciliation.

Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, our 2021 Senior Australian of the Year, brings a unique blend of artistry, advocacy, and spirituality. Her contributions resonate across generations. MiriamRose introduced us to “dadirri,” an Aboriginal concept of deep listening and inner stillness. It is about being present, attentive, and open to the wisdom of the land and its people. Miriam-Rose advocates that education is a matter for the whole community. It must adapt to contemporary Aboriginal needs. Through her Miriam Rose Foundation, she works tirelessly to create fulfilling futures for Aboriginal children and youth.

Miriam-Rose is a spiritual guide, when she tells us “I believe that the spirit of dadirri that we have to offer will blossom and grow, not just within ourselves, but in our whole nation. We hope that the people of Australia will wait. Not so much waiting for us - to catch up - but waiting with us, as we find our pace in this world. There is much pain and struggle as we wait. The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II on his visit to Australia in 2016, understood this patient struggle when he said to us: “If you stay closely united, you are like a tree, standing in the middle of a bushfire sweeping through the timber. The leaves are scorched and the tough bark is scarred and burnt; but inside the tree the sap is still flowing, and under the ground the roots are still strong. Like that tree, you have endured the flames, and you still have the power to be reborn”.

Reconciliation begins with listening—to stories, to pain, and to hopes. Let us practice dadirri as we engage with Indigenous voices. May we embrace reconciliation as a shared journey, guided by wisdom, compassion and hope.

JUNE 10 Sovereign’s Birthday - Public Holiday 11 12 Art Exhibition 4pm-6pm Kipara and Ulamina House Day 13 Senior Exams 14 Senior Exams 15 16 17 Senior Exams 18 Senior Exams 19 Senior Exam 20 Senior Exams Year 11 and 12 AST Trial 21 Year 10 Exams 22 23 Snowsports Snow Training 24 Year 10 Exams 25 VEX Robotics Competition Excursion Year 10 Exams 26 27 Year 10 Reflection Day 28 Tidings Distributed Upcoming Events

Learn all about what St Clare’s has to offer your daughter with a personalised tour. Tours will take approximately 45 minutes and are led by a member of the College Leadership Team.

Email our Enrolments Officer to book a date and time that suits you!

P: 02 6260 9400 | E: enrolments@stcc.act.edu.au | stcc.act.edu.au
good, but experiencing the real
is better. 3
Step inside and see for yourself! Pictures are


Careers Expo

Careers VET NEWS

ACT Health Work Experience

St Clare’s secured work experience placements for some of our students interested in various careers in Health from 13-17 May.

Eva Year 11 Nursing

Mia Year 11 Nursing

Klara Year 11 Physiotherapy/Podiatry

Sophie Year 11 Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Ruby Year 11 Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Diya Year 11 Radiography

Charlotte Year 11 Midwifery

Bronte Year 11 Nursing (Attending in July)

Matilda Year 11 Exercise Science

Isla Year 10 Sleep Science

The feedback from the students, summarised by Eva below, is indicative of the shared responses of the group after what was a unique and inspiring opportunity:

“Ten St Clare’s students had the opportunity to participate in work experience with ACT Health last week. My work experience placement was in Nursing at the Canberra Hospital. I really enjoyed the experience because the staff were so welcoming and kind and they taught me so much. The whole experience was very positive and I can’t wait to pursue a career in health. For years now, it has been my dream to work in health and this experience has really solidified that.”

We hope to offer a second round of placements in August. Students should keep their eye on the Careers/VET section of SEQTA splash.

UC Discovery Day

All Year 10 students attended the University of Canberra for their Discovery Day program on 23 May. The day provided students with various activities to learn about life as a university student. Our students created their own timetables, navigated the campus to find their lecture rooms, had lunch in the UC Refectory and left with goodie bags and lots of stories to tell. This is the first step for Year 10 toward Year 11 subject selections and post school career planning.

Year 10 Senior Subject Selections

Year 10 will have the opportunity to learn all about senior studies and the offerings we have at St Clare’s in the coming days and weeks. Mr Coe and the Leaders of Learning will provide sessions during Year 10 Flex time to learn about courses, ask questions and reflect on their own interests and strengths in order to inform their subject selections. Year 10 students are also encouraged to book an appointment with Trish Brown for one-on-one conversations around senior classes and career planning. Appointments can be made via the St Clare’s Careers website. Parents are most welcome to attend.

UAC and Early Offer Schemes – Attention Year 12

Tuesday lunchtime help sessions have now closed, but Year 12 students requiring assistance with their university and/or early offer program applications should make an appointment to see Trish Brown via the school Careers website. Note that CSU and UC early offer programs are now open for applications.

St Clare’s and St Edmund’s Career Expo

With over 60 stalls, the Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their families enjoyed the information, conversations and coffee on the 4th June in the San Damiano Learning Commons for our Career Expo. An event like this does not happen without dedicated and prolonged efforts from a team. Firstly, I thank our stall holders for sharing their career passions with our students. The St Clare’s staff who worked behind the scenes, too many to mention individually, are to be highly praised. Lastly, a huge thank you to Trent Masters from St Edmund’s for his collegiately and commitment to this project. Hope to see you all again next year.

Year 11 H Course Students

The following students have been successful in achieving a position in a University of Canberra H Course. This will give the students in-depth focus on their chosen subject areas, priority entrance into a UC course of their choosing and the opportunity to make friends and experience university life. We congratulate the students and wish them well for their extension studies.

Diya – Anatomy & Physiology

Lauren – Perfance Analysis in Sport

Tara – Creative Writing

Bronte – Anatomy & Physiology

Jacinta – Anatomy & Physiology

Lauren – Understanding People & Behaviour

Chloe – Politics & Democracy

Trish Brown

Leader of Learning Careers and Future Pathways

Career Chat Tuesday

“Want to be a Teacher?”

All students are invited to hear from ex-students, Milly and Sophie, for Career Chat Tuesday.

They will talk about their Bachelor of Education studies at UC. The girls will talk about why they chose Education, their experiences as first year university students and answer any questions you have.

• Date: 11 June

• Time: 1pm

• Venue: Campfire Space, Learning Commons

Year 7 Camp

Year 12 Retreat

Reconciliation Week

Yarning Circle at St Clare’s

Last term the St Clare’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander group met on Wall Wing Lawn for a pizza lunch and a Yarning circle. The circle was led by Tanya Keed, who is a respected Aboriginal leader in our St Clare’s community. For those who don’t know, a Yarning circle is a space where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people come together in a safe space and talk about things that are important to them. It is a space where participants can go for advice, for sharing ideas or challenges, and just to get to know each other.

When we came together for the Yarning circle last term, some of the things we talked about were; school life at St Clare’s and our educational goals and opportunities, past and present day discrimination and injustice towards Aboriginal people, what our Aboriginal identity and culture means to us personally and issues in Aboriginal health.

This was my first time attending a Yarning circle. I really enjoyed listening to other student’s perspectives about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and about their experiences and daily struggles. I appreciated Tanya’s wisdom and advice. I learnt about totems and how they are special to each area in Australia. It made me realise that I would like to find out more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander group meets occasionally and when we do it is a safe space where we can get together and share our ideas in a fun way. Also, the pizza is delicious!!


St Clare’s College Student

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.

St Clare’s College gathered together as a whole school community for a Reconciliation Week assembly. A presentation about a number of important topics were spoken. Topics included the meaning of Reconciliation, National Sorry Day, the 1967 Referendum, 1992 Native Title Mabo Decision and the theme and artwork for this year’s Reconciliation Week. Students listened to a song by the Warumpi band followed by two presentations by Dr Ann Cleary and Ms Maddison Penn. A huge thank you to all the students involved and Dr Michelle Burg, the Contact Teacher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education, for the organization of this assembly.

Family Breakfast

Family Breakfast was a lovely opportunity to sit, chat and enjoy the company of one another. This event focused on celebrating the inspiring women who uplift our community. We were thrilled to be joined by our amazing families but also several of our House Charity groups and local community organisations.

The morning started off with a liturgy and then guests enjoyed coffees, pastries and muffins that were served by our phenomenal Hospitality students and staff. Our Social Justice Captain Georgia, delighted the hall space with a number of musical pieces.

This event could not be made possible without the dedicated students, support staff, teachers, families and wider community. Thank you all for coming and making another Family Breakfast so special!

Visual Arts Exhibition

The Visual Arts Department is thrilled to announce our upcoming Exhibition, a celebration of creativity, talent, and passion, featuring the remarkable works of our Media, Photography, and Visual Arts students. After a semester of dedication and hard work, our students are eager to showcase their artistic endeavors. The exhibition will open Wednesday 12 June and run until Friday 14 June.

We encourage everyone to mark their calendars and join us for the opening evening. This event promises to be a vibrant showcase of diverse artistic expressions, ranging from captivating photographs and multimedia installations to striking visual artworks. It’s an opportunity for our students to share their unique perspectives, narratives, and talents with the school community.

Opening Evening Details:

• Date: Wednesday, June 12

• Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

• Location: San Damiano Learning Commons

• Refreshments: Light refreshments will be served during the opening evening.

Stay tuned for further updates and sneak peeks of the artwork leading up to the event. Let’s come together to celebrate the vibrant artistic community here at St Clare’s College and honor the dedication and talent of our Media, Photography, and Visual Arts students.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Art Exhibition!


Defence Support Mentor

A reminder to all Defence families that there is a SEQTA page accessible by both staff and students for updates on community programs linked to Defence as well as internal Defence opportunities and activities.

In Week 5, Grace and Brigid attended Gungahlin College to attend the 2024 Monash Commemorative Service. This is a yearly service held around the country in memory of Sir John Monash and to honour the impact that his leadership made and continues to make in Australia. The service discussed the life and influence of Sir John Monash, a Commander of the 4th Infantry Brigade tasked with withdrawing 45,000 men from Gallipoli. Monash is recognised today as one of the most influential leaders of WW1 with a real passion and care for his men. In 1916 in Egypt, as well as granting a days holiday to all men, Monash distributed blue ribbons to those who have served on Gallipoli and an additional red ribbon to those who had also taken part in the historic landing on 25 April. This was the very first ANZAC “celebration” which was a part of his plan to rehabilitate both health and morale of his troops in Egypt.

As well as hearing about Sir John Monash’s life and leadership, we were lucky to have a presentation from a John Monash Scholar, Dr Laura Dryburgh who spoke on the village that raises a leader and how many have uplifted her to be able to be the leader she is today.

This service was beautifully run and we are very lucky to be a part of the network of ACT/NSW schools with an active Defence Support Mentor program with access to such events.

In the Classroom

Year 10 English

Year 10 students collabatively discussing in groups on English texts in Ms Logan and Ms Gardiners class.


In the Classroom

5 Senior students spent the day completing a series of Mathematics challenges as a team including a crossnumber puzzle and a relay race. The students displayed excellent teamwork, enjoyed competing against the other schools and had a really enjoyable day. Thank you to our students for being such wonderful representatives of our College.

Year 9 History Excursion

On the 30 April, Mrs Blackshaw’s and Ms Bos’ Year 9 History classes went on an excursion to the Australian War Memorial and the National Archives. We arrived at the War Memorial and were broken up into 3 groups. Each group was given a personalised tour of the World War 1 Galleries. We saw memorabilia and dioramas of battle scenes. We heard stories and saw artefacts from the war. Our group heard the sad story of John and Jim, two brothers who fought side by side at Gallipoli. John went into no man’s land to retrieve metal, he was struck by shrapnel and later died in his brother’s arms. Jim buried his brother by tenderly wrapping him in canvas and burying him with 5 other soldiers near a village in France. Jim went back to Australia and later tried to find John’s body, but had no success. By accident the bodies were discovered under a road 90 years later. Stories such as these tell us a lot about war and the heroic sacrifice of Australian soldiers.

We then went to the Australian Archives. Students interacted with giant screens to learn about immigrants to Australia. We were able to see the original Constitution, a great experience.

Overall the excursion was a valuable experience for students and staff. It helped students gain insights into Australian History and soldiers experiences of World War 1.

Year 9 History

Mrs Blackshaw’s class had an interactive lesson with clay/playdoh to reconstruct what life was like with trench warfare of World War I. The girls had a fun time recreating the trenches, taking photos of their work and placing this in a PowerPoint. They added labels and then showed the class their work. It was a fun activity, it showcased their talents and made the stories of trench warfare realistic by model building.

Year 8 Geography

Mrs Blackshaw’s class on 24 May had an interactive lesson with clay/playdoh to reconstruct models of water in the world. The girls had a fun time recreating the movement of water in the water cycle or how water is captured and used in homes. They took photos of their work and placed the photos in a PowerPoint. They added labels and then showed the class their work. It was a fun activity, it showcased their talents and they built on their knowledge of water in the world.

Business Students

Our Business students went above and beyond for their Market Day which was held on Monday. Market Day is a practical application of business theory and showcases products that students have produced and marketed. There were so many delicious treats on offer and the stalls were exceptionally presented.

Congratulations to our students and to the fabulous HASS faculty for their support and encouragement.

Dorothy Year 7 Kipara

In the Headlines

Congratulations to Dorothy in Year 7 Kipara who is performing not only in the Child Players ACT upcoming production of “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,” but is also an active backstage crew member in their July performance of “Jack and the beanstalk!”

Interested in watching the show? Tickets can be purchased here: https://www.trybooking.com/events/ landing/1206998?

Madeline CardoneSt Clare’s College Technologies Assistant and Alumna

A huge congratulations to Madeline Cardone (St Clare’s College Technologies Assistant and STCC Alumna) who was recently proclaimed by an international panel as the winner of the “Aldo Bellini” acquisition prize in the Biennial Glass and Design competition MilanoVetro-35, at the Castello Sforzesco di Milano.

Madeline’s winning glass piece titled “Shroud,” will become part of the museum’s permanent collection in Milan.



Girls’ Programming Network

GPN Term 2 workshop

Date: 23rd June 2024

Time: 9:30am - 4:00pm

Location: ANU CSIT Building

Sign up: https://events.humanitix.com/gpn-canberra-term-2

Cristina Munoz Class of 2019

It’s been four years since I graduated from St Clare’s in 2019, a time that has gone by quickly. Four years ago I was the Social Justice Captain at the school that helped me grow into a capable young adult, and presented me with opportunities to learn and explore new interests. After graduating from St Clare’s, I started a double degree in Science and Information Technology, at the Australian National University. Last year I completed my Information Technology degree, where I learned about different parts of computer science, from software development to data mining. Now I am wrapping up my Science degree with a chemistry research project.

At the same time, I am currently working in the Australian Public Service, where I assist in managing software projects. It’s interesting to see how technology supports areas of business, and it’s rewarding to lead the team of people who bring web apps to life.

I found my way to my current job through the Digital Cadetship program run by the Australian Public Service. Through this program I was able to work part-time and gain real world work experience while studying.

A bonus to this program was that it paid for part of my degree as well. When I look back at my degree, it was definitely more than just studying. One of the highlights of my time at university would be completing a short course in Japan – where I learned about natural disasters and Japanese culture along the way – that was funded through the New Columbo Plan.

This funding is from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and provides scholarships to university students studying a variety of different subjects. These scholarships help students study or complete internships in the Asia-Pacific region.

If I could go back four years ago and give advice to my Year 12 self, I would say: be aware of the opportunities at university. Scholarships, exchange, committee positions in university societies. Internships, trying new subjects, and chances to meet new but likeminded people. There’s a lot out there and you don’t have to do it all, but choose what interests you most and chase it. Even if you’re not sure that you’re completely qualified, go for it anyway.

You’re capable of more than you think.

Contributions are greatly welcomed from past students. Send 300 words plus a current image to media@stcc.act.edu.au

Contact us (02) 6260 9400 media@stcc.act.edu.au St Clare’s College 1 McMillan Crescent, Griffith ACT 2603 stcc.act.edu.au

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