St. David's Church Parish Profile

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Parish Profile

Wayne, Pennsylvania

Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania


Welcome to St. David’s!

St. David’s is a dynamic faith community on a mission to know God in Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to others. We invite you to join us in this exciting journey as we discern God’s call for our next rector. We have taken the time to pause, reflect, and engage with our congregation through listening sessions and a parish-wide survey, while opening ourselves to the movements of the Holy Spirit.

St. David’s holds a remarkable history of more than 300 years, filled with stories of faith, love, and service. Our journey is far from over, and there is still more history to be made together. As you explore this profile, we hope to provide you with a sense of who we are as a community, how we cherish one another, and how we dedicate ourselves to serving God in the world.

Our vision is to find a rector who will not only guide us but also help us discover and develop our unique gifts. We believe that by nurturing these gifts, we can effectively fulfill our mission. We are eager to find an individual who can cultivate the next generation of leaders, empowering them to continue the transformative work of God through St. David’s.

We extend a warm welcome to all rector candidates and invite you to come to know the life and joy of Christ in this place. Through this profile, we hope you will gain a deeper understanding of our community, our values, and our aspirations. Together, let us embark on a shared journey to discover what God has in store for us.

We are a church on a mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others.


Dear God,

We ask for open hearts and minds as our search for a new rector unfolds. We ask for the eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to sense your guidance and inspiration. We ask you to help us imagine as much as think, to listen more than we speak, and to trust the movements of your Holy Spirit throughout this process. We pray for comfort with uncertainty in the coming year; for our friends who are called to serve on our search committees; and for the priests we meet through this search. Help us, O God, to remember that it is in darkness that new life begins and help us to trust in what we cannot yet see. In the name of Christ, we pray.


Table of contents

Significant dates

1715 St. David’s Episcopal Church built

1784 Represented at First General Convention of the Episcopal Church

1844 Old Rectory constructed

1956 Chapel built adjoining the parish house

2006 Present Chapel built; 1956 structure renovated with kitchen, parish hall, and new offices

2017 St. David’s Episcopal Day School established

Notable numbers

308 years of worship at St. David’s Church

39-acre bucolic parish campus nestled in the Philadelphia suburbs

172 years St. David’s Annual Country Fairraising funds for outreach


Our pace of activity

5 Sunday worship services, including livestream

493 average weekly worship attendance in 2022, including livestream

41 baptisms in 2022

53 confirmations in 2022

$2,163,645 pledges for 2022

$184,407 2022 outreach dollars distributed to local and international partners

Our team

6 clergy: rector, two associate rectors, two priest associates (retired), and one deacon. 28 rectors have served since our founding.

28 staff

15 vestry members

3,415 active congregation

6 choirs

100+ lay-led ministries


Our story

With over three hundred years of continuous worship, St. David’s Episcopal Church is a dynamic community of faith with roots in the earliest days of colonial North America. Radnor, part of “The Welsh Tract” land granted to William Penn by King Charles II in 1682, became a welcoming home to Welsh immigrants of various faiths. In 1704, a petition of a hundred signatures was dispatched to England requesting Welsh prayer books, a Bible, and a Welsh-speaking missionary. On May 9, 1715, the cornerstone for St. David’s Church was laid. Named after the Patron Saint of Wales, it has since been a thriving congregation of individuals from different walks of life, backgrounds, professions, and faith traditions.

In the lead-up to the Revolutionary War, St. David’s was home to both Loyalists and Patriots. Throughout the conflict, the church building provided a safe shelter for soldiers on both sides. Following independence, St. David’s continued to play a significant role in the community, including representation at the first General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States in 1784. In 1820, the church organized the first church school and held confirmation services conducted by the Rt. Rev. William White, the first presiding bishop.

The opening of the Pennsylvania Railroad’s “Main Line” in 1832 brought about rapid social revolution to the area surrounding St. David’s as the church acquired a new breed of urban parishioners. The parish has continued to grow over the years. From the construction of the “Old Rectory” in 1844, postWorld War II expansion in the 1950s with the construction of a new, larger sanctuary (“The Chapel”), to erecting the Knewstub Building for education in 1965, the church complex has undergone several changes to accommodate the growing needs of the parish.


St. David’s continues to serve as a beacon of faith. As the largest of the 135 parishes in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, St. David’s stands ready to embark on a new era of service to the body of Jesus Christ. From the past to the present, God has spoken to and through the people of St. David’s Church, and we eagerly anticipate what the future holds.

We invite you to experience the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ at work in this place….


How we worship

Central to our shared life at St. David’s is Spirit-filled worship. We offer five services every Sunday, each featuring Holy Eucharist. Following the standard lectionary, we utilize the Book of Common Prayer 1979, the 1982 Hymnal, and “Wonder, Love, and Praise”, occasionally drawing from “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and other sources to curate a worship experience that is abundant and varied.

At 8 a.m. we hold Holy Eucharist Rite I in the Church without music. Our largest Holy Eucharist service takes place at 9:15 a.m. in the Chapel. It features music led by one or more of our choirs and is livestreamed. During this service, children are invited to attend a special Children’s sermon tailored to their understanding. Two other services are held at 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the Church. The 5 p.m. service is more casual and is sometimes a Taizé-style worship experience.

Our newest offering, inspired by one of our associate rectors, is a popular Family Worship service held at 9:30 a.m. Geared towards younger children and their parents or grandparents, this service incorporates instruction and hands-on participation, fostering spiritual growth among our youngest members.

Throughout the liturgical year, we celebrate a variety of special services. Whether in the awe-inspiring tranquility of the Chapel, the serene, sacred space of the historic 1715 Church, or through livestreaming, we invite you to join us in Spirit-filled worship.

I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
— Psalm 34:1
“This outstanding instrument not only lifts our worship, it extends our reach by drawing both visitors and new members to St. David’s.”

Music ministry

Our worship is magnified by the joyous and uplifting music ministry at St. David’s Church. With six choirs for all ages, we offer diverse opportunities to become involved in our music ministry. Led by two talented full-time musicians, our music program showcases the magnificent Dobson Opus 84 organ designed specifically for the exceptional acoustics of St. David’s Chapel. Our adult choir, supported by professional section leaders, leads worship from September through May at our 9:15 a.m. service. Through diverse styles and genres including our rich Anglican tradition, music is selected to complement and amplify scripture. In the summer, we open our choir to all who want to join us for the joy of choral singing.

For our young musicians, we offer three progressive youth choirs, from ages 4 to grade 12, that provide opportunities for growth in faith, love of singing, and worship leadership through music. Two adult handbell choirs and a Pageant Band expand our music offerings.

We host special programs throughout the year, such as concerts, choral evensong, and youth musical performances, all open to the wider community. Our music ministry actively participates in outreach and touring, both regionally and internationally. For example, our St. David’s Choir will be the resident choir at Lichfield Cathedral in England and St. David’s Cathedral in Wales in July 2023, and our Youth Choir has recently sung at Disney parks in Orlando, and at churches in New York, Scotland, and England.

“Know Christ the Light,” verse 3

Hymn commissioned for the 300th Anniversary of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Wayne, PA

Through song and worship make Christ known,

Through deeds that match our prayer,

Through nurturing our common life and reaching out with care,

Through daring to expend the gifts that God so richly gives, Through bold compassion that declares the Christ we know still lives.

Text by The Rev. Dr. Thomas Troeger, ©2013 Oxford University Press. Scan the QR code to listen to a recording from worship on May 7, 2023.

My heart is steadfast O God, I will sing and make music with all my soul.
— Psalm 108:2

Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won’t depart from it.

— Proverbs 22:6


Christian formation

At St. David’s Church, we are passionate and intentional about Christian Formation and believe it is essential for all members of our congregation: children, youth, and adults. We recognize the home as the primary place of faith formation and strive to support families by providing a range of opportunities to grow together in faith and community. Our programming includes Sunday worship, education, and formation, as well as youth groups, choirs, outreach, and social engagement. We offer a variety of program styles to ensure accessibility for all, including newcomers to St. David’s or the Christian faith.

We welcome all who seek to worship and grow in their faith, regardless of their background or identity. A wide array of formation pathways are offered, including small group discussions, lecture series, virtual meetings, six Bible study groups, and others. St. David’s Center for Spiritual Growth offers Centering Prayer, Labyrinth Prayer, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and Spiritual Direction.

Our youth programs are designed to grow and evolve as children develop, with Sunday school sessions from Pre-K through high school, and social gatherings, youth groups, summer camps, and youth trips to build community and explore Christian beliefs together. Our year-long preparation for confirmation includes active one-on-one mentoring for the newest members of the Body of Christ.

Through our formation programs, we hope to develop and strengthen our faith community and help members discover and share their gifts with one another and the world.


Now in its 172nd year, St. David’s Country Fair is part of the rich fabric of parish life and raises significant sustainable funding for our outreach ministries and partners in the community.


Parish life


The theme for our 2023-2024 program year is “A Community of Love”. We believe that serving one another and the wider community is a fundamental way to express God’s love in action and grow in our faith. Our programs and events provide opportunities for members to serve and connect with one another, including outreach programs, service projects, and social gatherings. Through these efforts, we aim to create a strong and supportive community that helps members to be their best selves. A wide array of opportunities to use and express one’s God-given gifts underpins both the high energy level in our parish and the high level of parishioner satisfaction.

With over 100 lay-led ministries there is something for nearly everyone, and all are welcome to get involved, share their gifts, and fill up on the joy of serving others. Ministries often originate from the initiative of one or more parishioners who have an idea or pose a question of “what if?” Our culture is to encourage and support members to pursue their ideas. The role of our clergy in new ministry formation is to support individual initiative and help new ministries launch and prosper.

St. David’s enterprising culture proved itself through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our parish grew. We swiftly embraced livestreaming, never missing a Sunday worship. Moreover, we never missed a Bible study, choir practice, or many other regular gatherings. St. David’s livestreaming platform is rife with opportunities. For example, in several nearby senior living facilities, parishioners gather in small groups to worship or study, broadening community reach, and enriching our parish life through informal satellite locations.


Fellowship plays a significant role in our community. We offer various programs to facilitate connections and growth among members, whether they are new to our community or have been here for a long time. Men’s, Women’s, and Young Adult Fellowships provide a safe and supportive environment to ask questions, overcome challenges, build friendships, and deepen our relationship with God through activities such as Bible study, community service, and social gatherings. St. David’s Annual Country Fair, now in its 172nd year, provides opportunities for fellowship, service, and wider community connections.


We are dedicated to caring for and loving one another using our pastoral gifts. We offer various forms of support, from companionship to Stephen Minister relationships, providing rides, meals, and prayer. Our community is here to assist those going through tough times, such as grief or addiction, and to provide respite to caregivers. Our prayer companions are available to pray daily for those in need. We strive to be God’s hands and feet within our community, celebrating life’s joys and providing comfort and care during difficult times.

St. David’s is an engine for growing Christian leaders for impact in the world.


Godly Play (Pre-K4, Kindergarten, Grade 1)

Children’s Formation (Grades 2-5)

Youth Formation (Grades 6-12)

Confirmation (Grades 8 & up)

Sunday Rector’s / Adult Forum

Bible Studies (6 weekly)

Spiritual Growth

• Centering Prayer

• Spiritual Direction

• C.S. Lewis Book Group

• Mindfulness Meditation

Parish History & Archives Committee

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Sacred Ground

St. David’s Episcopal Day School

Summer Vacation Bible School

Summer Music Camp


Birthday Cards & Baptismal


Career Transition Ministry

Care to Caregivers

Caring Meals

Churchyard Neighbors

Driving Angels

Eucharistic Visitors

Journeying Forward

Monday Morning

Flowers/Holiday Flowers

Needleworks Guild

Online Bereavement Groups

Prayer Companions

St. David’s Friends

Seeking Hope

Sermon Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Walking the Mourner’s Path




• Investment Property

• Arboretum

• Creation Care Committee

• Good News Garden

• Churchyard Committee


• 1715 Society


Church of the Crucifixion

Episcopal Community Services

Family Promise of the Main Line

Holiday Giving

International Ministries

• Cuba Ministry

• Guatemala Ministry

• Stand With Iraqi Christians

• Uganda Ministry

• World Gifts

Le Bus Bread Feeding Ministry

No More Secrets

Project Ensonga/Days for Girls

Red Cross Blood Drives

Redeemed for a Cause

Ronald McDonald House

Safe Harbor

St. David’s Country Fair



Altar Guild

A/V Engineers

Childcare (3 mos. - 5 yrs.)

Children’s Sermon (Grades 5 and under)

Christmas Pageant

Flower Guilds (Church & Chapel)

Lay Readers and Chalicists

Primary Choir (age 4-Grade 1)

Children’s Choir (Grades 2-5)

Youth Choir (Grades 6-12)

Pageant Band

Adult Choir

Handbell Choirs (2)

Ushers and Greeters


The Gift Shop & Art Gallery at St. David’s St. Gabriel’s Church

St. James School

St. John’s Cecil & Grace

Bean Soup Kitchen

St. Mary’s Ardmore

Food Pantry

St. Mary’s Chester Food


Thistle Hills

Youth Feeding Ministry


The Edge (4th & 5th Grade)

Middle School Fellowship (Grades 6-8)

High School Fellowship (Grades 9-12)

Youth Summer Retreat

Young Adult (20s-30s) Fellowship

Men’s Fellowship

Women’s Fellowship

Foyer Dinner Groups

Social Singles

Welcome & Connect Newcomers Group

Our life
ministry 19

Outreach ministry

Outreach is an integral part of our mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others. This commitment is both deep and far-reaching, with years of continuing service and immediate relief efforts during disasters, locally and internationally. St. David’s operates more than 20 outreach ministries and our parishioners represent many more mission-driven programs throughout our community and beyond through active servant leadership.

St. David’s international partnerships in Uganda, Guatemala, and Cuba have touched the lives of thousands by building homes, schools (including a nursing school), churches, and a hospital. Our outreach efforts have provided lunch for students (often the only meal of the day) and clean water systems, while building lasting relationships with the people we meet in these communities. Locally, we partner with organizations such as Church of the Crucifixion, where we reach out to the Latino population, Cecil & Grace Bean Soup Kitchen, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (Ardmore and Chester) food pantries, and Family Promise, among others, to provide crucial support to those in our community. Our involvement with Days for Girls, Red Cross Blood Drives, Ronald McDonald House, and other organizations allows us to serve those in need in a variety of ways.

These outreach ministries are sustained through recurring revenues derived from the historic St. David’s Annual Country Fair and the Gift Shop & Art Gallery at St. David’s, which combined generated more than $125,000 for outreach last year. We believe that through service we can deepen our understanding of God’s love and make a positive impact in the world.


The Gift Shop & Art Gallery at St. David’s, born from a parishioner’s vision, offers goods that include popular brands and fair-trade items sourced worldwide, helping to provide economic support to artists and workers in many different countries.

Our financial health

St. David’s Church operates with a balanced budget, projecting revenue of $3,260,000 for 2023, with $2,225,000 from pledges. Both St. David’s Church and St. David’s Episcopal Day School’s financial statements are audited annually by an independent accounting firm, and both have received clean bills of health. St. David’s has no debt and financial matters are overseen by three lay-led committees: stewardship, finance, and investment.

The Stewardship Committee develops and conducts all aspects of the annual stewardship campaign and is also responsible for the marketing and solicitation of planned giving, through the St. David’s 1715 Society. The Finance Committee reviews and approves financial statements, receives updates from stewardship and investment committees, and makes finance-related recommendations to the Vestry.

St. David’s has a healthy portfolio of four endowments with assets of $10.6 million as of March 31, 2023. The General Endowment and the Newlin Trust, a related endowment of restricted funds, support the operations and facilities of the church. The Graveyard Endowment helps maintain the grounds of St. David’s churchyard, and the Outreach Endowment supports St. David’s extensive outreach efforts both locally and around the world. Managed by our Investment Committee, these endowments contribute an annual budget draw of 4%-5% of their value for the church’s budget needs.

2023 Budget 2022 Actual 2021 Actual 2020 Actual 2019 Actual Pledging units 528 522 532 569 579 Pledges & prepaid pledges $2,225,000 $2,181,394 $2,074,477 $2, 197,584 $2,097,599 Giving other $347,000 $303,390 $293,094 $322,404 $444,141 Net Fair & Gift Shop release $125,000 $121,700 $123,878 $110,598 $105,163 Transfer from endowments $412,600 $330,524 $288,373 $473,467 $308,994 Other (rental, fees, etc.) $121,600 $84,545 $8,938 $8,456 $17,320 Total annual revenue $3,260,000 $3,043,554 $2,803,031 $3,121,970 $2,999,055 Surplus/deficit n/a -$128,512 $3,586 $165,767 -$298,480 Outreach partners served 20 23 25 20 22 Outreach dollars distributed $194,318 $184,407 $172,818 $280,050 $162,739

Our campus

Our commitment to our mission of knowing Christ and making Christ known is evident in all aspects of our parish, including our facilities. The beautiful campus is designed to support a wide range of activities. The inspirational setting of the Church even prompted Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to write his famous poem, “Old St. David’s at Radnor” in 1880.

We take immense pride in the preservation and maintenance of our campus and facilities, with a strong emphasis on ecological responsibility. We recently acquired adjacent properties and initiated a master planning effort for churchyard expansion.

Our commitment to maintaining aesthetically pleasing and functional facilities to support our mission is evident in our refurbishment endeavors. In 2006, the present Chapel was constructed, and the adjoining structure was renovated with a new institutional-quality kitchen, St. David’s Hall, expanded offices, conference rooms, and space for Christian formation. From the Parish House improvements in 2015 to the Day School building update in 2017, significant efforts ensure that our facilities remain beautiful and efficient.

As part of our ecologically responsible practices, we recently hired an urban forester to evaluate and tag 160 trees for removal over a five-year period. This initiative exemplifies our proactive approach to sustainable stewardship and staying up-to-date with best environmental practices.


(square feet)

Church: 4,327 Chapel, Fellowship Hall, Offices: 43,522 Knewstub Building (education): 18,200 Rectory: 4,728 Sexton House: 3,714 Barn/Fair Shed: 9,072

With a focus on planting, praying, and proclaiming the love of God, the Good News Garden has thrived as a community garden for over 20 years. Participants cultivate the land and share their harvest with food pantries. Moreover, it serves as an educational platform for day school students and individuals with different cognitive abilities.

Nestled between gardens, beehives, and the churchyard, the Arboretum at St. David’s offers a tranquil sanctuary for worship and prayer.

St. David’s Fair offers a delightful selection of natural, high-quality honey, lovingly produced by our team of skilled beekeepers.


Church & education buildings




St. David’s Episcopal Day School

St. David’s Episcopal Day School (SDEDS) is a co-educational school that caters to children aged two-and-a-half through kindergarten. As a distinct 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with the vestry of St. David’s Church as the sole member, the head of the school reports to the rector. The school is a member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools and had a total enrollment of 97 students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

A robust academic program fosters a love of learning and a strong scholastic foundation in a Christian-centered community. In addition to academics, the school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and takes advantage of the church’s campus. Students can explore nature and science and embrace the environment around them.

While parish membership is not required, students attend weekly chapel services led by one of the associate clergy who serves as chaplain. Students and their families are warmly embraced as part of our church community, actively participating in various activities and outreach initiatives throughout the year. St. David’s Episcopal Day School is another way we spread the love of God into our wider community.


Are you called to St. David’s?

We have taken the time to pause, reflect, and engage with our congregation through listening sessions and a parish-wide survey. We have labored to discover the heart of our community, our strengths, areas for growth, and profound yearnings. We seek a rector who will build upon our existing strengths, inspire growth in Jesus Christ, and help us courageously step into parish priorities.

As a church on a mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others, we invite you to consider:

Are you a priest who will nourish us in the knowledge and love of God and God’s Word?

Service is a unique charism at St. David’s evidenced by the breadth and depth of lay-led ministry. We are encouraged to discover and use our individual gifts, and this underpins the vibrancy and high energy within our community. We want to continue to build on this vitality while deepening our individual and collective relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. We seek an inspiring Scripturecentered preacher and teacher who will nurture our growth and maturity as disciples.

Are you a priest who will empower our ministry strengths?

St. David’s strengths are many and abundant, from our inspiring music ministry to our energetic outreach, to spiritual formation, and more. Yet these strengths need to be cherished, encouraged, and used. We look to build on these strengths while keeping us all fit and relevant in God’s dynamic and ever-changing world. The rector we seek is comfortable with mutual ministry and is gifted at attracting new members and volunteers from within.

Are you a priest who will gracefully teach us to embrace our differences with patience and humility?

Our membership encompasses a broad spectrum of theological, social, and political perspectives, making our community remarkably vibrant as we embrace diversity and strive for inclusivity. This mindset is an asset, particularly in our commitment to welcoming all who seek to know God in Jesus Christ. It also presents challenges as we seek to respect differing opinions and beliefs, while learning to love one another as Christ loves each of us. We desire a rector who will meet each person where they are in their spiritual journey, regardless of theological, social, and political persuasion, and to effectively pastor all members spanning the full breadth of our differences.


Are you a priest who will inspire financial generosity among our members?

St. David’s is seen as a resource church, and we are generous with outreach and with our time. However, when compared to other parishes we have substantial unrealized potential around individual financial commitment to the life and mission of our parish. We seek a rector who will challenge us as stewards of the financial resources entrusted to each and encourage us to stretch beyond comfort zones as we learn to trust Jesus more fully in our daily lives.

Are you a priest who will model Christ’s love in leadership and innovation in attracting and engaging new followers?

At St. David’s we are motivated to share with others the joy and wonder of Christ at work in this place. This yearning is expressed in priorities to draw newcomers into our community, including families with children and youth, and incorporate them into the life of our parish. We are open to innovative ways as well as tried and true approaches to fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships with one another. We seek to remove artificial barriers such as choice of worship service, age, gender, and other divisions that constrict connection, fellowship, and community. We seek a rector who will equip us to carry God’s love into the world to better reflect the values of the kingdom of God.

Are you a priest with a pastor’s heart?

At St. David’s our spirituality is often expressed in what we do for Christ more than by who we are for Him. Our outreach and service to others can sometimes make us less sensitive to those among us who have been broken by life’s circumstances or who are living on the margins of our community. We seek a rector who is a sensitive and spiritually alert pastor who can lead us to be more available to one another, more sensitive to the Spirit’s nudges, and more caring of the person beside us.

Are you a priest who recognizes and values effective administration?

As a large, complex resource church with lots of moving parts and a sprawling campus, St. David’s requires well-ordered administrative processes and procedures to support and undergird the life and mission of the parish. Planning, financial management, care for our campus, thoughtful communication, and effective coordination among and between clergy, staff, and lay leaders are also gifts of the Spirit. We seek a rector who may well possess these gifts, but especially who is able to recruit, empower, and lead those who do, while being alert to areas which require care and attention.

Are you interested? To apply please visit


Our neighborhood and region

St. David’s Church is located in the heart of the Main Line suburbs, 17 miles west of Center City Philadelphia. The area has outstanding public and private schools and excellent healthcare, cultural institutions, parks, and historic sites. It is also home to at least two Christian-rooted universities: Villanova and Eastern, as well as many other colleges and universities. Central Wayne, just two miles from St. David’s Church, offers a charming, walkable downtown filled with shops and restaurants.

Our area is an outdoor-lover’s paradise with public gardens, arboretums, nature preserves, trails, and parks. Our proximity to Philadelphia offers easy access to a host of performing arts options, from the highly ranked Philadelphia Orchestra to several professional chamber orchestras and an array of choral arts groups. Live music and live theater are never far away, and there are plentiful museums, art galleries, dining, shopping, and sporting opportunities. Both the Pocono Mountains and New Jersey beaches are within a 90-minute drive.

The community surrounding St. David’s is affluent and highly educated, but the Main Line and Philadelphia’s broader western suburban area is also home to low-and-moderate income households and pockets of poverty. In addition to ministries in Philadelphia and abroad, our outreach efforts seek to serve our neighbors in need.

The Rectory Downtown Wayne

“Old St. David’s at Radnor”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ultima Thule, 1880

What an image of peace and rest Is this little church among its graves! All is so quiet; the troubled breast, The wounded spirit, the heart oppressed, Here may find the repose it craves.

See, how the ivy climbs and expands Over this humble hermitage, And seems to caress with its little hands The rough, gray stones, as a child that stands Caressing the wrinkled cheeks of age!

You cross the threshold; and dim and small Is the space that serves for the Shepherd’s Fold; The narrow aisle, the bare, white wall, The pews, and the pulpit quaint and tall, Whisper and say: “Alas! we are old.”

Herbert’s chapel at Bemerton

Hardly more spacious is than this; But poet and pastor, blent in one, Clothed with a splendor, as of the sun, That lowly and holy edifice.

It is not the wall of stone without That makes the building small or great, But the soul’s light shining round about, And the faith that overcometh doubt, And the love that stronger is than hate.

Were I a pilgrim in search of peace, Were I a pastor of Holy Church, More than a Bishop’s diocese Should I prize this place of rest and release From further longing and further search.

Here would I stay, and let the world With its distant thunder roar and roll; Storms do not rend the sail that is furled; Nor like a dead leaf, tossed and whirled In an eddy of wind, is the anchored soul.

St. David’s Episcopal Church 763 S. Valley Forge Rd. | Wayne, PA 19087 610-688-7947 | Apply by August 18, 2023 at

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