2010 Annual Report - Relevant Radio

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Dear Relevant Radio Family,

“Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) Those are the words of the great apostle St. Paul to the early Christians at Philippi, but they are very much my sentiments today. 2010 was a “breakthrough year” for Relevant Radio. We expanded our audience, improved our programming, received more prayer requests than ever, and for the first time finished the year solvent. Thanks be to God, the Blessed Mother, and the hard work and sacrifices of many! Let me share with you a few highlights of the year.

Relevant Radio celebrated its 10th Anniversary in 2010, and had the honor of hosting a beautiful Mass and celebration on August 31st with Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, concelebrating priests, and many listeners with whom we were able to share our joy that day, while also renewing our consecration to Our Lady in thanksgiving for all She obtained for us through Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We were also blessed to receive the continued support of our listeners throughout the year, having received some very significant gifts through the intercession of Our Lady, which enabled us to reduce our debt on some of our major stations. In addition, we were able to consolidate all three Chicago area stations into a stronger trimulcast signal, enabling us to better serve our largest market.

To round out the year, Relevant Radio was afforded the great privilege to broadcast the historical Mass on December 8, 2010, from the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI, where Bishop David Ricken made the official pronouncement approving the Marian apparitions that occurred there. What a great joy it was for us to honor Our Lady and share in the excitement together with you, our listeners! All this good news is due to the faithful support of you, our listeners and benefactors. We believe that you have been inspired by Our Lady to support this work. For that, we are truly grateful and constantly pray for you. Together, let us entrust 2011 and all our cares into Our Lady’s Hands! In the words of St. Josemaría, I will remind you: “To Jesus we always go, and to Him we always return, through Mary.” With prayers and best wishes, Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director

RELEVANT RADIO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas Vorpahl, Green Bay, WI – Chairman Michael Ariens, Brillion, WI Mark Balasa, Palatine, IL Steven Burke, Chanhassen, MN John Cavil, Green Bay, WI

John Feltl, Minneapolis, MN Rev. Francis Hoffman, Chicago, IL – Executive Director William Raaths, Menasha, WI Linda Ruf, Chicago, IL Timothy Wiggins, Aurora, IL

Ten Years

PROCLAIMING THE TRUTH ONE DECADE AT A TIME Ten years. To some: a lifetime; to others: only a beginning. To man: a decade of growth, change, glorious highs, tumultuous lows; to God: a mere blink of an eye. And to Relevant Radio, ten years is purely an honor and a gift. For many, the thought of beginning a Catholic radio network would be terrifying, or at the very least daunting. There are certainly many more opportunities to ask “How?” than to confidently say, “Sure, I can do that.” Yet, in the year 2000, a fledgling group of Catholic businessmen, radio professionals, and passionate Catholic laypeople forged ahead with just that intent because, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) This group was determined to answer the call of the Venerable Pope John Paul II to a “New Evangelization”. Yes, Lord your servant is listening. Through each suffering moment and every great triumph, Relevant Radio has abided by the phrase, “To Jesus through Mary.” It is with this comfort and knowledge that we have remained devoted to our Blessed Mother and confidently placed our work; our programming; our thoughts, words and actions; our very lives

in Our Lady’s hands... MISSION STATEMENT

Relevant Radio exists to assist the Church in the New Evangelization by providing relevant programming through media platforms to help people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life. GUIDING PRINCIPLES † Faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church † United to the Bishops † Under the protective intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary



“Seek and you will find ...” (MATTHEW 7:7)


HIS NETWORK BEGAN with a few individuals sitting quietly in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, asking God to reveal His Will to them. As they listened, Our Lord made it clear the path that He had chosen, and so they began their efforts to acquire their first radio station, WJOK 1050AM, in Green Bay, WI. Gratefully, Our Lady made Her presence known from the very start—after having begged for Her assistance, our first station license was granted on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2000, and so our choice was clear: Our Lady of Guadalupe would be the patroness of Relevant Radio.

Thus, we set out to grow our one small station in Green Bay into a national radio network that would have the capability of reaching millions of souls, introducing them to Christ, bringing them back to the Faith, or helping them to grow in their faith through educational, informative, entertaining, and authentic Catholic programming. As we worked to build and maintain the infrastructure and quality programs of our network, the rest was left to God—without listeners and supporters, a non-profit radio network is nothing—and, as always, He provided. We have had ten humbling years of people telling us of the “God-incidences” that have led them to our stations and expressing gratitude for what they have heard, as well as countless people giving their “widow’s mite” so that our programming would stay on the air to feed souls.

Now, as we bring a close to our first decade of operations, we find ourselves, as always, following Our Lady to Her most glorious Son. On December 8, 2010, we were blest to be able to provide the live broadcast of the Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception from the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI. It was at this celebration that official Church approbation was granted to the apparitions of Our Lady to Adele Brise at this site in October, 1859, making this the first officially approved Marian apparition site in the United States and placing it on par with places such as Lourdes, France; the hill of Tepeyac in Mexico City, Mexico; and Fatima, Portugal. We firmly believe that it is no coincidence that: the location of the national headquarters of this Catholic radio network is only a mere twenty miles from this very holy site; the message to young Adele was to teach the Faith, just as that is the mission of Relevant Radio; and this announcement was made almost ten years to the date of Our Lady’s presence in the issuance of our first station license.




While in adoration of the Holy Eucharist at the Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Green Bay, WI, John Cavil was inspired to start a Catholic radio station. This idea eventually expanded into Relevant Radio. There is adoration of the blessed Eucharist at the Chapel of the Nativity at Relevant Radio Headquarters weekdays 9am - 4pm.


A Year in the Life E

ACH YEAR of our apostolate’s decade of operations has brought many rewards, opportunities, and difficulties. The year 2010 was no different. Though we were challenged by the state of our economy with three of our four Pledge Drives falling short of our necessary goal, we were also blest with many tremendous gifts that only God could provide.

The year 2010 was one of beautiful growth for Relevant Radio. In our goal to reach more and more souls through this media platform, we were excited to establish relationships with two new affiliate stations. In February, 88.5 FM in College Station, TX, went on-air with partial Relevant Radio programming, followed in July by full Relevant Radio programming on 103.3 FM in Watertown, WI. With these additions, we have twelve owned-and-operated stations and 21 affiliates in twelve states with a potential listening audience of 25 million people. We also were thrilled to be able to go from

a partial programming day to 24/7 coverage on our flagship station in the Chicagoland area, 950 AM; true to Our Lady’s constant intercession, this awesome change occurred on Her feast day, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption.

PRAYER TO MARY, STAR OF EVANGELIZATION by Pope John Paul II, Patron of Relevant Radio

O Mary, on Pentecost morning, you supported with your prayers the first preaching of the Gospel, undertaken by the Apostles at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Today as well, in these times of anxiety and of hope, continue to guide the steps of the Church with your constant protection, as she goes forth, in obedience to her Lord’s command, to bring the “good news” of salvation to peoples and nations throughout the world. Direct the decisions we make in this life and strengthen us in time of trial, so that, faithful to God and to man, we may humbly and boldly use the wonders of the airwaves to bring to the minds and hearts of all people the joyful proclamation of Christ, the Redeemer of mankind. O Mary, Star of Evangelization, be with us on our way! Amen.



N ITS HUMBLE BEGINNINGS, the first Relevant Radio stations carried programming initiated by other providers, but, over the past decade, we have been blest to be able to develop our own programming lineup. New opportunities came our way again this year as we brought on two weekend offerings: Spirit and LifeTM and The Dynamic Catholic ShowTM with Matthew Kelly. Spirit and Life features the brother and sister team of Franciscan Father Albert Haase and Ursuline Sister Bridget Haase as they examine traditional aspects of Catholic spirituality and how they are lived out and experienced by 21st century Catholics, while Matthew Kelly invites listeners to become the “best version of themselves” as this is God’s desire for each of us. The Climax Of Our Programming opportunities in 2010, though, was our live broadcast of the Most Holy Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th from the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI. We are privileged and honored to be able to broadcast the Mass each day on our network, but this one was exceptionally thrilling. It was at this celebration that His Excellency Bishop David Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay, WI, announced that this would be the first approved apparition site of Our Blessed Mother in the United States, and it was our privilege to be the only media outlet providing live coverage of the entire celebration. In Addition To Our On-Air Efforts, another important component of our work is community outreach. Not only does this allow for us to connect with our listeners and support our on-air message, but it also gives support to the financial responsibilities of the apostolate through suggested donations and fund raising requests. Both the Catholic apologist and author, Steve Ray, and our own executive director, Rev. Francis Hoffman “Fr. Rocky”, offered speaking engagements on behalf of Relevant Radio. Fr. Rocky spoke on “The Five Virtues All Catholic Parents Should Pass on to Their Children”, while Mr. Ray spoke on “Mary, Real Girl and Woman of Mystery”. These events brought out a wonderful crowd, eager for the Catechesis that would help them bridge the gap between their faith and everyday life.

Franciscan Father Albert Haase and his sister, Ursuline Sister Bridget Haase

Matthew Kelly’s insights and humor inspires listeners to grow in holiness

Drew Mariani and The Most Rev. David L. Ricken broadcast from the Shrine

Catholic apologist Steve Ray presenting his talk in DePere, WI


The Most Rev. David L. Ricken and 13 priests con-celebrate Mass at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Green Bay, WI as part of the Relevant Radio 10th Anniversary


ATECHESIS IS AT THE HEART of our mission and was the purpose of our speaking tours, but we were also able to offer some truly fun events this year. First, on August 31st, we invited listeners to join us for our tenth anniversary celebration. We began with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Green Bay, WI, with His Excellency Bishop David Ricken officiating. Bishop Ricken then joined us and our guests for a blessing of our national headquarters, which was followed by refreshments, studio tours, and a meet-and-greet with our show hosts. That day was truly a microcosm of our first decade—beautiful, energizing, and something of which to be most grateful.

On October 1st, we held our first annual Big Fat Italian Extravaganza in Chicago. Over 475 listeners and supporters joined us for an evening of delicious food, speeches by and a meet-and-greet with Fr. Rocky and Drew Mariani, and silent and live auctions. We were fortunate to be out in the community, our listeners were able to spend time with us, and we were able to raise over $50,000 (after expenses!) for our work!


“I am the vine, you are the branches.” (John 15:5) I

N THE BEGINNING of the Gospel of John, Chapter 15, our Lord tells us that God “takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does He prunes so that it bears more fruit.” (15:2) So it is at Relevant Radio—each year we feel the pruning shears, and each year we see the fruits of our labors grow.

Statement of Financial Position Audited (in thousands)

For the first time since our inception, the financial status of Relevant Radio moved into the “black” in 2010, and for this we offer our humble gratitude to God, Our Lady, and our generous donors. With expenses down and donations up, we are in our most stable financial position ever.

After very difficult expense cuts in 2009, we again went back to our budget and trimmed even more in 2010. One such example of a beneficial cut was the institution of “trimulcasting” in our Chicago market. As opposed to operating these three stations as individual local stations, we now run the same content on all three stations throughout the day. Though this changes the “local” feel of the station, we are able to employ one person to oversee all three stations rather than three. The cutting of expenses was necessitated by a decrease in giving during our quarterly Pledge Drives. Our February Pledge Drive made its goal of $1 million, but the remaining three fell short of the $1.5 million goals. As always, we know that Mary has Her hand in our work: we have found that, since we began praying the Memorare hourly during Pledge Drives, we have always surpassed $1 million in pledges, and we are eternally grateful for this. The operating budget for our network is $10.5 million, though, and we rely on Pledge Drives to account for $6 million of that need. In 2010, our Pledge Drives were only able to yield $3.23 million. Therefore, we sent a direct appeal letter to donors in July and also held a two-day on-air “Pep Rally” in September to help make up for the shortfall.

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets (Deficit) Audited (in thousands)

Yet, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Oftentimes when our donors struggle to meet our need during Pledge Drives, our Major Gifts increase. One very generous gift received this year came from an anonymous donor who wanted to specifically help our station in Minneapolis. This individual gave us $3 million in an effort to reduce our $6 million debt on that station, thereby reducing the interest payments.

This year we implemented a new program aptly named “Day Sponsorship,” whereby an individual or business can sponsor one full programming day valued at $21,917. Donors blessed with this means are helping us to (1) maintain our operating budget during this recession period, and (2) aggressively pay down station debts to ensure our broadcasts have a permanent home in the public square. A Mass is being offered by Father Rocky for each donor on their sponsored day in thanksgiving. Having raised $363,257.50 through this initiative, we will continue to encourage this new and special giving level throughout 2011 and beyond – imploring the powerful intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph, without whom the work of evangelization would be considerably less fruitful. And we thank and praise God for His blessing, from Whom all treasures come!

Pictures from the Ten Year Celebration on August 31, 2010.

Though the pruning shears were felt in 2010, there is no doubt that the fruits of our labors grew. Financially, we found ourselves on more solid footing; in programming, we made changes and additions to better serve our listeners; and, key to our mission, evidence shows that more and more people are tuning in to be fed by God’s message of hope and love. As our first decade slips by and we enter the next, we can see that a lot of good has been done and that mistakes have been made; we are confident that, with Mary’s intercession, God’s hand will continue to steer this network on right paths. “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Our Lady of Good Help, pray for us.


Relevant Radio® NETWORK St. Gabriel Society The Koch Foundation Illa Abel Charles and Joan Burke Jason and Lori Elder Greg and Sandra Hansen Mary Plafcan Robert and Janet Waring Dr. Thomas and Donna Weiner Anonymous (3)

Cornerstone Society KGYS Radio DeWitt Educational Foundation KQOP - LP Divine Grace Radio Leither Enterprises, Inc. Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish St. James Parish Brock Athman Robert Barkei Rich and Donna Baumann Daniel Bork Rose Borowski Simon Bound Gloria Browne Todd and Ann Clark Timothy and Ruth Close Justin Coburn Edith Daniels Kathleen DeMong Cornelius and Susan Dirkx Dr. Stephen and Mary Earney Mark and Hilde Flicker Stephen Fox Richard and Jill Hamilton Dr. William and Teresa Hammer Margaret Herman Richard Hetland Clifford and Joanna Hidalgo Louis III and Betsy Hillenmeyer Kevin and Heidi Horcher Charlotte Hoyle Mike and Debby Hutchinson Brenda Kipness Anne Krystosek Katherine Kuehn Chuck and Mary Lou Kugel Larry Lamusga Mary Lutgen

Phyllis Manimbo Joseph Molitor Matthew Moreau Ann Neff Cynthia Olson Edward and Donna Polanek Ann Probst Kathleen Quinn Carol Robocker-Andersen Dawn Roper Patricia Ruman Michael and Virginia San Souci Raymond and Margaret Schluender Donna Schroeder Tom and Sandi Simon Rick and Carolyn Simpkins Jasper Jr. and Roxanne Thompson David and Diane Tuescher Janet Tyler Judy Underwood Florence Wallace Rose Warhank Charles Weber Gerald White Anonymous (3)

Dollar A Day Fiesta Pools and Spas Helena Community Education Assoc. Jacobs Appraisal Services Knights of Columbus Council 6366 Network For Good Salt River St. Charles Borromeo St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish St. Mary Catholic Church Maria Agtarap Jeannie Anderson John Arth Joan Atherton Albert and Laura Awakim Berta Baklini Dave and Helen Baldwin Cindy Barnhart Melissa Barthelemy Edward and Paula Basso James Bealer Philip and Judy Becht Eugene and Kathy Bechtold Dale Beierman Jason and Joanna Benedetti

Nicholas Bjelica Tom Bjelica Marilyn Blair Michael Blazicevich Ronald and Judy Bormann Marilyn Brandt John and Josephine Brodie Patricia Brossard Jeff and Laura Brumm John Buckles Ramon Burke Steven and Loida Burt Paul and Mary Bushnell Michelle Cascio Dave and Ashley Casto Maria Castro Diane Chancey Deacon William Cleavelin, Jr. Ada Cleveland Bill Colaner Roberta Colvin Mary Connell John and Penny Cromer William and Gail Darcy Tillie Delak Leo and Janet Delaney Veronica Demmel Gary Diederich John and Deborah Diggs Janice DiIulio Mike and Angie DiMeo Judy Donnelly Mike and Susan Drewiske Jonathon Eads Fred and Mary Erickson Dr. William Evans Jon Field Daniel and Vickie Fister Michael and Margaret Foster Stephen and Maureen Fox Chris and Iris Gabriel Philip and Denise Garceau Marsha Garland Gail Gebert Christina Genereux Simon and Stephanie Gerke Mark Gerl Timothy and Natalia Gilbert Gerry and Colleen Goebel Harold and Agnes Grundman William and Claudia Hamilton Patricia Hammer Dale Hansen Father Thomas Hennen

James Jr. and Corbie Hohn Carol Hollar Warner and Patty Holm John and Inara Howard Vicki Huelat Michael and Cynthia Huempfner David Hunstiger Dennis and Mary Hutchinson Dan and Jessica Jackson Jeffrey and Stacy Jamison Harold and Lorraine Jungels Edward Kallas Joan Kanne Marta Kimball Nancy Klimchak Jeffrey Klucinec Adam Kopczuk Jeffrey Kowitz Ervin and Eleanor Kraemer Michael and Deborah Kratz Kevin and Rosemarie Krebs Stephen and Patricia Kuffner James and Lori Kukla Janice Kummet Gerald and Maureen LaChere Deborah Landers Wilma Langfels Jerry and Denise Laufenberg Richard and Patricia Leisenring Michael and Josephine Lepore Kathleen Loomis John and Sandy Ludwig Edward and Roberta Lyons Sean and Jessica MacDonald Deacon Donald and Roxanne Maiers Grace Marek Jeff Martin John and Mary Jo McCormick Jennifer McDevitt Rose Mceleney Margaret Miksch Anna Mildren Nita Moix Michael and Alice Mueller Father Brian Muzás Cathleen Nelson Roberta Newman Alice Nicoletta William Nissen Michael Notsch Thomas and Kerri Nykoluk Neil and Shannon O’Bryan Carol Oehlhaffen Mary Oliva

Paul Outzen Elaine Peiffer M. Lucille Peschl Patrick and Mary Pritzl Erin Rauser Patrick Reardon Jeffrey and Cheryl Rehmann LaDonna Reisdorf David and Mary Rethwisch Paul and Laura Rick Robert and Carolyn Rickaby Chris Rinaldo William and Anna Marie Roche David and Sheri Roggy Brett Rubin Joshua and Anna Russell Paul Sander Suzanne Sander Bill and Joan Satterlee Margaret Sauer Theodore and Marlene Sauer Joann Schmidt Patricia Schmidt James Scholz David and Alicia Schonhardt Bill and Janine Schubert Joseph and Rita Schurger Kenneth Schwendeman Karen Schwetschenau Anka Sega Florence Sheesley Thomas and Teresa Simmons Gregory and Joyce Simones Chad Sommers Mark and Blair Spearman Daniel and Rachel Stafford Margaret Ann Stimatz A. F. and Mary Jo Streb JoAnn Swank Katherine Sweeney Tim and Kathy Tague Carol Tembreull Nathaniel and Amanda Toca Dr. Geoffrey Tolge Robert and Rita Tomanek Michael and Jill Tomanich Michael Volker Ivan and Janet Weber Agnes Wenderski Cheryl Whitaker Cheryl Wiechman Andrew and Jane Wytaniec Anthony Yoder Phyllis Youngerman Ronald and Mary Ann Youso German Jr. and Joyce Zambrano Anonymous (2)

Advertisers Alexian Brothers All Things Girl Ascension Press (Called To Lead) Ave Maria Singles CatholicMatch.com Circle Media, Inc. Hyper Do, Inc. Israel Ministry of Tourism Israeli Goverment Advertising Agency Laboure Society Life Quotes LifeLock - ROI Media, Inc. Liturgical Publications Mystic Monk Coffee - Carmelite Monks of Wyoming One Way Publishing Population Research Institute Serra International - (Headquarters) St. Lambert Parish St. Mary’s University Theology of the Body Institute United Rare Coins and Precious Metals Vicki Kueppers Wyoming Catholic College


Chicago W. Suburbs 930 AM WAUR (on-air 8/1/2004)

St. Gabriel Society Foot & Ankle Associates Ltd. Mary Bickford Thomas Hoffman Mark Hopkinson Timothy Johnson Michael Lampe Joan Larsen Douglas and Karen LeDuc Barbara Neustadt Claire Putlack Timothy and Debbie Wiggins Paul and Lori Yousif

Cornerstone Society Diaz Interior Contractors Suburban Water Conditioners Tech-Seal Products, Inc.

The Moxie Group William H. & Lois. McEssy Foundation Michele Albertz Charles and Janice Anderson Renee Barron Donna Behan Greg and Colleen Bernhard Dr. John and Teresa Bertolozzi Wayne and Jane Bessette John and Patricia Bitz Dr. Joseph and Blanka Blair Ann Buldak Kevin and Lori Carlson Gary and Jean Dau Donna Doherty Robert and Maurita Freas Randall and Carol Fuchser Nancy Gall Michael Geiger Dave and Shirley Glaser Dr. G. Nicholas and Cindy Grabavoy Joseph and Mary Hartl Doug and Tamera Hengesbaugh Irene Hollenbach Mary Honer John and Amy Iwanski Craig Johnson Michael and Linda Jones Terry Jones Edward and Ursula Kaczynski Robert and Stephanie Kaiser Terrence and Jill Kasper Hans and Jacqueline Kollinger Daniel and Susan Konicek Larry Konz Phil and Ann Kosmala Leo LeClair Paul and Rita Leganski James and Patricia Lenahan Bernardita Libot Thomas and Mary Kay Livorsi Dennis and Sharon Lynch George and Claudia Mahoney Regina Mann Michael and Eva Marchese Patricia Marks Joseph and Janet Marmion Michael and Nancy McLennand Christopher and Leticia Medina Rosemary Miller Monica Monreal William and Karen Moore Elizabeth Murphy Nomie and Paula Namie

Patricia Netti Donna Nicosia Eugene and Dorothy Nonnie Susan Nonnie Adam and Imelda Nunez Steve and Cheri Obendorf Peter and Susan O’Connell Michael and Lora Olenek John and Renee O’Neil Brian and Barbara Pennington Gisele Petitti Gregory Poremba Richard and Maria Portis Peter and Kelly Prina William Recker John Richter Brett and Ellen Riedl Kevin and Julie Rude Libby Runge Dr. Donald and Wanda Sanders David and Esther Schierl Matt and Cathryn Schuck Rollie and Judith Scroggins William and Kathleen Silvestri Tom and Marie Skokna Mark and Mary Sliz Steven and Maureen Smolinske Ethel Sorgatz Robert Steyer Donald and Ruth Stump Joseph Sukle Benjamin and Laurie Topolski Ismael and Nora Torres Elaine Tovar Dolores Trefelner Jeffrey and Julie Van Domelen Ken Warpinski Kip and Janice Weller Joseph and Myrna Williams Thomas Zyck Anonymous (3)

Dollar A Day All Suburban Pest Control KTM Auto Graphics Peaceful Nites Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Assoc. Unisource Group, Inc. William Adams James and Lynne Albrecht Jeff and Christine Anderson William and Kathleen Andrewski Kelly Arcaro Tim Arends


AUGUST 16, 2000

John Cavil, in Eucharistic Adoration at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Green Bay, WI, was inspired to start a Catholic radio station.

Linda Arra James Bailey Patrick and Debbie Bakke Christopher and Ann Barney Edward Barr Dennis and Shawna Bartimoccia Joseph and Gail Basar Carl and Mary Grace Bator Jim and Anita Besch Michael and Laura Bilot Martin Bishop Edward and Deborah Blatz Kerry and Terri Boumans Brenie and Julie Bowles Megan Boyle Paul and Doris Braddock Jeanette Bray Paul and Laura Bringas James and Karen Brown Kevin and Michele Brown Rich and Diane Bucek Margarita Buckley Edwin and Pamela Bunyea Michael Butler Gloria Canchola Brian and Janet Carani Ronald and Lisa Carasella John Carlin Mary Alice Carlson Lisa Cederoth John and Sharon Challand Mark Chandler Dennis and Sharon Christenson Karina Colin Bridget Collins Mark Connelly Patricia Constantine David and Kim Coovert Sidonie Coryn Matthew Cosenza Kevin Cox Charles Crisci Cindi Dammann Robert and Linda Daniel Christopher and Rosanne Deardurff Michael and Kathleen Dietz Joyce Dillon Concetta DiSilvestro Hubert and Eleanore Dix Eric and Marietta Dizon John Jr. and Martha Dlabal John III and Peggy Dlabal Dale and Deborah Docekal Malcolm Dodds

Dan and Anne Doheny Michael and Marilyn Dolder Dennis Dolleton Anna Drumsta C. Dumphy Mario and Mariana Duzek Nancy Ebbers John and Mary Therese Egizio Guadalupe Espinoza Sandy Etten Ellyn Exline John and Christine Faflik Helen Farcus Tim and Amy Fedorski Jeanne Fitzpatrick Craig and Katie Fobert Barry and Diana Fohrman John and Luciana Frank Donald Frieders Rob and Judi Ann Fuller Gerald and Kathryn Gabris Dr. Paul and Elizabeth Gallo Jeffrey and Kimberly Galush David and Mary Gambino Manuel and Wanda Garcia Michael Gaskin Jon and Carole Gassett Kevin and Rita Gerhardt David and Anne Glade Jesus and Maria Gonzalez Robert and Minerva Gordon Daniel and Kelly Gorsky Patrick and Nancy Grasso Edward and Maggie Gricius John and Barbara Halbur Marianne Halvorson Gertrude Hanrahan Stephen Haugh Carol Hayes Barbara Hintz Lindsay Hollenbach Michael Holz Susan Homan Deborah Hutchison Donald and Celine Hying Bruce and Eleanor Ingstrup Thomas and Maureen Jackson Paul and Diane Jagielo Christopher and Kimberly Janicki Patrick Jenkins Michael and Maureen Johnson William and Diane Johnston Vitomir and Milica Jurasic Robb and Deborah Kaczmarek Daniel Kang

John Cavil, Mark Follett and Bob Atwell founded Christ the King Communications and seek to purchase WJOK 1050 AM to serve the diocese of Green Bay, WI.

Kay Karlson Dr. Frank and Patricia Karwatowicz Mary Kay Kaufmann Thomas and Christine Kelecius Jenny Kim Mike and Maureen Kipfer Dr. Michael and Kim Kipp Brian and Katy Kirby Robert and Carol Klein Andrew and Mary Klug Robert and Diane Knight James and Valla Jean Koerner David and Linda Kohlfeld Martin and Susan Kometz Eugenia Kompanowski Mary Konczyk Sandra Kowalkowski Karla Kraemer Mark and Susan Kramer Steven and Margaret Kramer Mark and Mary Kravchuk Joseph and Kathleen Kregul Forrest and Cindy Krisco Father Edward Kucera Patrick and Sharyn Kuhn Randy and Allison Lagman Kathleen Laken Mary Therese Lanuti William and Ann Marie Larsen James and Catherine Lavigne Brian and Andrea Lawless Mary Lehnus Ann Lessick Sam III and Christine Librizzi Angelyn Lindberg Nicholas Linden Mark Liptrot Thomas Livelsberger Ralph and Michelle LoCoco Timothy and Gloria Lowe Joseph and Jeanne Luminiello Frederick Jr. and Marcia Mackenbrock Sheila Madden Edward Mahr Kelly Markham Dr. Steve and Mary Martin John Mastro Janice Mayerhofer Elizabeth Mazur Robert and Carmen McCue Thomas McGuigan Katherine McHugh Michael and Lisa McLaughlin

Robert McLear Daniel and Michelle McSweeney Thomas and Carol Meade Patrick Meeneghan Matthew and Jeanne Meizis Rosemary Milczarek Andrew Miller Kathryn Miller Patricia Miller Donald and Mary Mochon Elaine Molk Don and Nancy Moore John and Gayle Moravecek Andrew Morreale Michael and Susan Mulcahy Victor and Magi Nafranowicz Angela Nash Deacon James and Margaret Newhouse Susan Ngo David and Susan Niedzielko Monica O’Brien Kevin O’Hara Joseph and Concetta Oliva Butch and Patricia Olivotti Edward and Thea Oprzedek Jeffrey O’Rourke Dave Ortman Mary Palasz Sandra Pannell Kit Passwater Jim and Donna Pellegrino Dr. Sharon Pelton Claire Perez David and Judith Peters Debbra Piening Andrew and Pamela Pitock Frank and Cindy Positano Wade and Alyce Poziombka Ruth Pratt Eduardo and Lolita Ranchero Deacon David and Josephine Raskowski Robert and Susan Rath Joseph Sr. and Katherine Reed James and Patricia Reiland Douglas Rentmeester Martin and Rene Reynolds Deacon Daniel and Gisela Rittenhouse Wayne and Katherine Robison Robert and Claire Rollings Lorraine Roloff Patricia Rose Aaron Ross

NOVEMBER 26, 2000 (Feast of Christ the King)

DECEMEBER 12, 2000 (Our Lady of Guadalupe)

Initial broadcast on the first station , WJOK “With Jesus Our King” 1050 AM. Broadcast of Holy Mass Live from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay, WI.

FCC Approved WJOK 1050 AM license transfer to Christ the King Communications.

James Rudnicki Randall Rupp Jerry Ryan Janet Salihar Kathleen Salk Barbara Sanders Bruce and Kimberly Sanders Therese Schafer Regina Schmidt Margaret Schnaitman Michael and Marybeth Schoenwald Jerre and Constance Schultz Sharon Schultz Matthew and Margaret Schuten John and Patricia Sellick Sue Silvestri Bill and Nancy Sleboda Chuck and Diane Smith Michael and Sandra Smith Edward Sondag Christian and Meredith Spesia Douglas and Loretta Spesia Robert and Deborah Spiewak Theodore Stapinski Robert and Sheila Stevenson Thad Stewart Michael Strong Mark Sullivan Supavas Sunavinvivat Daniel and Lisa Szatkowski Manuel and Naomi Te Rosemary Therriault William Tice Thomas Tomac Hugh Jr. and Maureen Toner Jim and Cari Turcan Kenneth and Jennifer Ubertino Jennifer Vera Rosabella Vilbar John and Lisa Vogel Michael and Christina Wallace Tim and Jackie Walsh Stephen Webster Dr. Donald and Jean Wedgbury Maryellen Wegener John and Tammy Welch Larry and Barbara Wesley Jeffrey and Theresa White Fred and Lynne Wickham Patrick and Patricia Wickham James and Therese Wildman Robert and Janet Witek Thomas Witt Douglas and Clare Witter

Frank Jr. and Kathleen Woodin Joan Woodrick Robert and Gabrialle Zaininger Lydia Zambrano Leonel Zamudio Anonymous (6)

Advertisers 4 Sale Realty, Inc. Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church Bens Christmas Tree Farm Borter Heating & Air Conditioning Co. Catholic Conference of Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters Catholic Therapists Cedar Pro Conquest Lemont Catholic Boys Club Corpus Christi Catholic Church Daughters of St Paul/Pauline Books & Gifts Good Shepherd Council #5573 Green Garden Landscapping Guardian Painters Hinsdale Associates, Inc. Knights Of Columbus Insurance Lasota Investments, Inc. Lexington College Pro Life Action League Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception St. Mary Immaculate Parish Tabor Life Institute Totally Yours Pilgrimages Village Market Place Westmont Paint & Decorating

Chicago 950 AM WNTD (on-air 11/27/2007)

St. Gabriel Society A. Kirchheimer Co. Helen Brach Foundation Lakeview Veterinary Clinic, LLC Quantum Foods Mark and Laurel Balasa Lawrence Beger Michael and Kay Birck Robert Boller Christopher and Millie Carney

Thomas Sr. and Allison Carter Lee Clementi John and Catherine Conroy Dale and Suzanne Cooper Zita Gavin David and Barbara Gewalt Victor and Mary Habisohn James and Patricia Johnson Dr. Michael and Mimi Kelly Jakub Koeller and Dr. Barbara Klapinska Harry Jr. and Julie Kraemer Mary Kay Lawler John and Kathryn McAlarney Virginia McCaskey Kevin O’Hara Frank and Karen O’Toole Mark Peterson Dr. Richard and Maria Radak Benjamin and Linda Ruf Edward Sowin Raymond Stachowiak Rosemary Sullivan Therese Tirpak Michael and Jacqueline Winn Anonymous (3)

Cornerstone Society 1413 North Cleaver, LLC 1739 West Beach, LLC Meter Electric, Inc. North Point Marina, LLC Northern Trust Bank Rossi Contractors, Inc. St. Joseph Parish St. Mary Church Wolniak Funeral Home Ronald and Sherrill Albion Jeff and Janet Aleck John and Carol Alvarado Stephen Andrin Jose Aranda Carolina Arcangel Beshar Bahjat Irena Baleisis Leszek and Maggie Ballarin Robert Banet Donna Bankowski Joseph and Sheila Bettinardi Leslaw and Maria Bigos James and Bernadette Bilder Steven and Susan Bock Robert and Kathleen Boharic Adrienne Bonczek Byron Boneck

Wayne Borre Sean and Cynthia Brady Andrew and Tere Brinckerhoff Thomas Brusstar Paul and Maureen Budinger David and Michele Bungum George Cahill Gilda Cappetta Bruno Caruso Lloyd and Monica Cassidy Donald and Lucille Cavi Phyllis Chaloupka Regas Chefas Jennifer Choi Kenneth and Zenith Chua James and Colleen Ciarlette Fernando Cisneros Dr. Emelita Co Daniel Collins William and Patricia Collins Frank Collura Dr. Thomas and Francesca Conti Reverend Alfred Corbo Virginia Cordoba Ann Corty Brian and Eileen Couri Joseph and Joella Cramblit Edward and Linda Crockett Mrs. Marianna Crowley Ford and Marianna Culbertson Lois Curry Mary Anne Damiani Laurette Datta-Concaildi Michael De La Mora Richard and Joan DeCleene Richard and Val DeFrank Zeljko Delac Edward Dessiter Matthew and Laura Dickerson Laura Doerner Francis Dunn, Jr. Mary Dunne Joe Eckert Carl Eigelsbach Andrea Eisenberg Ann Engles Gerard and Michelle Erickson Dr. Francisco Espinosa Roberto Espinosa William and Joan Essig Thomas and Anne Esterquest James Farina Dr. Richard and Carol Feely Russell Fernandes Felix and Lupe Fernandez John Fiedler

FEBRUARY 22, 2001 (Chair of St. Peter) Corporation name of “Christ the King Communications” was changed to “Starboard Broadcasting”, in dedication to the Petrine office of the Church.

William Flood Richard and Susan Franklin Robert Jr. and Darlene Galgan Theresa Gapp Michael and Mary Georgopulos Raymond and Diane Gerard Michael and Franca Giannelli Jack and Marzena Gibes Fulvio and Dr. Katherine Gil Frank and Elizabeth Girdwain Vivian Goeb Timothy and Eliza Grant George and Lorraine Griffiths Dan Gruesser Michael and Patricia Haggerty Howard and Carol Heidorn Brian and Mary Loise Hengesbaugh Albert III and Leslie Herbst Charles and Cynthia Hesser Brian and Mary Higgins Doug and Shirley Hinderer William and Mary Alice Isaacson Shirley Jacksack Tom and Julie Jacobs Dr. Robert and Michelle Janda Steve and Miki Jarvie Catherine Jarzombek Zita Jobst Brent Jones Karen Kaikaris Joe and Julie Kaiser Robert and Mary Ann Kaminski Miju and Rose Kedangan John and Jacqueline Keenan Carol Kempf Debra Khorsand Donald and Cathie King Robert King Carolyn Klaus Michael and Penelope Klestinski Lawrence and Cheri Klock Donald and Marcia Knorr Bruno and Eva Koziel Chris Krozel Thomas and Patricia Krzak Dr. John and Mary Kurkowski Genevieve Lange John and Becky Large Robert and Arlyss Lasecki Robert and Lois Leah Larry and Patti Lechner Vince Liskovec Rocio Lopez Michael Lorenz Marco and Manuela Loyola

Christine Lucas Ronald and Pamela Lundin James and Teresa Maday Steven and Mary Claire Madden Francis and Kathleen Mampreian Chester Manikowski Ted and Mary Marszalek Elisa Martinez Dr. Marco and Dr. Susan Martinez Julio and Sureia Martinez Stas and Mary Therese Maslanka James and Norine McCarthy Mary McDermott Susan McDunn William and Patricia McHenry Claire Meilinger Rita Meinhardt James Menard Bob and Julia Michalak Leo and Nancy Miklius Mike Millhouse Daniel Minarik Mark and Elizabeth Moore Richard and Kathleen Moran Jeff Morton Bart and Barbara Mucha Maria Muniz Dr. Vincent and Madonna Muscarello Dennis and Evelyn Mutzabaugh Dorothy Nardi William and Rita Nash Mary Nicolau Melvin Niemiec Peter and Laura Nowicki Mike O’Connell Craig and Melissa Odegaard Dr. Arturo and Teresa Olivera Robert and Kathy O’Neal Mary Ortigara Larry and Roseanne Oskielunas Rosemary Padula Mary Panek James and Kathleen Pick Dr. Thomas and Joan Planek Patricia Pomykalski Martha Ponderlik Sarah Porfilio John and Helen Powell Chris Powers Barbara Pristo Thomas and Rosemary Purcell Mark and Minerva Rakher Robert Reading Charles and Patricia Rende Gilbert and Alicia Restrepo

Leon Rich Reverend Father Malek Rihani Lawrence and Gerry Ryan William Ryan Kandy Sanew-Hagge Maria Santana Diana Scheeler Susan Sharkey John and Evie Sheridan Robert and Cecily Shudy Mary Christine Siqueira Christopher Slack Daniel and Julie Smith Pamela Smith Eugene Socha Arnold Stanger Stephen and Sandra Sugg Robert and Charlotte Sweeney Michael and Kathleen Swift Bob and Joan Swigon Piotr and Christine Szatko Theresa Tagliavia Salvatore Tamburo Ann Tanabe Robert and Janice Tate Mary Rose Teahan John and Marion Therriault Dr. Sean and Miriam Tierney Thomas Tirpak Anthony and Patricia Towey Katherine Tunca Miguel and Yolanda Vargas Sue Vaught Andres Vera Michael and Kimberly Vlies Michael and Diane Wall Doniece Walton Kenneth and Marilyn Webb Rosemary Webb Agnes Weiss Jerry and Cynthia Wester Gary and Alice Williams Roman and Joanne Wojcik Nancy Wolniak-Cook Benjamin and Katharine Wyatt Bruno Zaucha Tessie Zaucha Ned and Gail Zerwic Peter and Janet Ziegler Anonymous (8)

Dollar A Day Academy of Dance Arts Agape Foundation Angela Intili MD, Ltd.

Cathedral of St. Raymond Come Holy Spirit Conference Complete Women’s Care Mid States Container Co., Inc. Right to Life of Will County St. Constance Parish St. John Cantius Parish Dr. Edward and Rima Abraham Eva Adams Bernadette Akroush Albert Albanese Deacon Terris and Helene Albano Angel Alcantar Victor and Rowena AlcarazGomez Arlene Alitto Doris Alvarado Armando Alvarez Guillermo Alvarez Joseph and Piera Amato Helen Anderson Lawrence and Barbara Antos David and Diane Archibald John Arellano John and Albertina Arrotti Juan and Maria Arroyo Paul and Sandra Artusa Bernadette Arviso Bert and Bernardien Austin Joseph Awoyale Ursula Bachinger Charles and Carolyn Bagdon Donald and Elizabeth Bailey Donald and Kate Balasa Pauline Baranowski Kristin Barker Brian and Jennifer Bartley Patricia Bartnick Alfonso and Maria Bautista Bruce Beal Richard and Ramona Behrendt Alfred and Rita Belluomini Eugene and Janet Bender Wes and Pammy Bender Amy Benjamin Dan Bennett Janice Bernacchi Matthew Berrafato Slawomir and Agnes Bigos Joseph and Donna Billmeier Charles and Mary Anne Bobrinskoy Ellen Bortolotti Pablo and Liz Bottari-Tower Patricia Boyle Dave and Glenda Braun

APRIL 21, 2003 (Easter Monday) Starboard Broadcasting launched Relevant Radio® and it’s Live call-in show, Morning Air®.

John and Lori Brett Gloria Broege Christopher Brown Maralyn Brown Emily Brunner Joan Brunner Nancy Buettner Kevin and Lori Burns Frank Butzen Kenneth and Norma Campagna Al and Guadalupe Canaveral Francisco Javier and Maria Carranza Bob and Mary Carroll Jim and Jan Carroll Kevin Jr. and Susan Casey Noel Casey Dr. Samuel Castillo Michael and Carolyn Cenko Joseph and Annie Cernick Reverend James Chambers Joanna Chavarria June Chenelle Betsy Christensen John and Kathleen Christopher Daniel and Rosa Ciciora Nilda Cinco Dr. Joseph and Lilliam Civantos Carole Clark Daniel Clark Jeanne Clark Maureen Clark Maria Cleope Mark and Deanna Colletti Stephen Conti Bernard and Mary Conway James and Diane Conway Thomas Conway Catherine Coste Guadalupe Cotto Phillip and Susan Couri James and Georgene Croteau Susan Culjak David and Colleen Currie Robert and Marie Cyborski Mark and Araceli Czajkowski James and Dawn Czarnik Robert and Joan Czerlanis Joseph and Judith Czurylo Edward Daley Steven Damolaris Bob and Mary Daniel Teodoro and Belen Dano Louis and Gladys Davis Frank and Anna Dawson Gregory and Katherine Dawson

Rosanne De Frank Craig and Kelly Dean John and Joan Delisi Emo and Mary Dellanina Melba Delosreyes John Dembowski Michael DePaldo Tania DiFatta Andy Dinkha Emad and Sabrina Dinkha Carol Dionne Dr. Kevin and Mary Dolehide Edward Domina Carmen Dominguez Paul Donovan Cristov and Lisa Dosev Connor Doyle Terrence and Carol Doyle Gerard DSouza Sean Dudley Phillip Jr. and Janet Duffin Michael and Mary Duncan Dan and Joan Dupre Dorothy Durso Steven and Lillia Dziak Holly Ebner Dan and Laura Egan Joseph and Mary Lou Egan Guadalupe Elizalde Andrew and Kathleen Esposito Liliana Esquivel Chris and Lynn Esser Frank and Rosemary Fanta Robert Fanter Larry and Sherrie Fassett Donald and Lois Feist James III and Sally Ferguson Barbara Fernandez Armand and Mary Ferrini Anthony and Rosina Fidanzo Greg Fifer Gary and Kathy Fitch Dan and Edy Fitzgerald Joe FitzPatrick Sharon Fitzpatrick Karen Fleszewski Arturo and Patricia Flores Mary Ellen Flynn Thomas and Joanne Forkin Joseph Fosco Mary Therese Foster Patrick Fowler Alyce Frederick William Frossard Dolores Gallagher Lynn Galloway

Maricelle Garcia Adeline Garvy Manuel Garza Frances Gascon Marie Gaughan Megan Gaughan Steven and Judy Gawron Steven and Kathy Gaydos Theresa Gaynes Sergio and Andrea Gaytan Glenn and Marilyn Geist Jane Geldermann Philip and Renee Gerskovich David Giba Carl and Stella Gigante Martha Gilbert Vince and Sarah Giovenco John and Kacey Glennon Mauro and Pearl Glorioso Clark Gloyeske Ana Gomez David and Caroline Gomez Armelinda Gonzalez Dan Gonzalez Idalia Gonzalez Mary Gordon Maurice and Dianna Gordon John and Karin Gory Gerlinde Gossmann Nancy Grady Jeanne Graham Rose Granado Steve Gravante Kathleen Green Dr. Gregg Greiner DVM Chuck and Lluvia Gricius Stanislaw Grochowski Alice Gruszka Elizabeth Grys John and Patricia Gudac Antonio Guillen Maria Josefina Guillen Lawrence and Linda Gulotta Erwin Gurt Erwin and Rita Gurtatowski Gerard and Therese Haderlein Christopher and Janet Haig Sandra Halick David and Karen Hand Margaret Hanlon James and Debra Harding Regina Harvey Jacqueline Hauser Patrick and Cathy Hayes Noel and Mary Heffernan Linell Hendrick

Mark and Julie Heneghan John Herbick Julio and Elida Hernandez William Hernandez Audias and Carole Hernandez Hill David Herrera Joan Hewitt Miriam Hillmert Ann Hoekstra William and Teresa Holl Sean and Deliah Holland Joseph and Margaret Holohan James Jr. and Amanda Holuj John and Kathy Hubeny Michael and Kathleen Hughes John and Kelly Huinker James Hunt John Hyneman Emelie Ilarde Zigmunt Jablonski M.S. Jablonskis Jeffery Jackowski Mary Jaime Jeff and Patty Jalowiec Joseph Jamell Ed and Jeannie James Joyce Janowick Dolores Jansyn Robert and Linda Jaroch Henry and Barbara Jarosz Nancy Jarvis Irene Jasulaitis Gene Johnson Joe Johnson Christopher and Rita Johnston Michael and Carleen Jolls Michael Jones Roman Jurewicz Robert Kacynski Eugene and Susan Kania William and Linda Kapolas Greg Kardas Edward and Sarah Karolewski George and Georgiana Kasper Marlon Kasprzyk W. P. and Louise Kauffman Timothy and Mary Lou Kavanaugh Martha Kay Rod and Debbie Keelan Mary Sue Kegl William Kehoe James and Mary Kelly Paul and Mary Kelly Jeff Kendrick Thomas Kenney

JUNE 27, 2003

SEPTEMBER 19, 2003

Consecration of Relevant Radio to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus icon at headquarters.

Bernard and Sheila Kestel Lawrence Kijak Michael and Christine Kilroy Margaret Kittle-Kamp Peter and Lori Klatt Michael and Suzanne Klimas Candace Kmiec Paul and Vanessa Kniola John and Virginia Koch Maria Komendant Ted Kopczynski Bonnie Kottke Karol and Joanna Kras Paul Krug Mary Anne Krupa Philip and Donna Krupowicz Eugene and Pamela Kuc Gregory Kukulski Leroy and Beatrice Kunkel Ken and Shirley Kurgan Charles Kurns John and Mary Kurt Robert and Camille Lajewski Marie Larson Richard and Audrey LaVecchia Anna Lazzaro Frank and Pat Leali Anthony and Ann Ledden Stephen Leigh Loretta Lelis Nicholas and Elizabeth Leonard Daniel Leudanski Mary Lewis Austin and Margaret Leyden Thomas Lisowski Patricia Littva Patrick Lomasney Leonard and Judy Longawa Joe Longo Irene Lopez Larucci Cornelius and Maureen Loughery Ann Louis Alex and Terry Luciano Mark and Luann Lytell Bertha Macias Stanley and Teresa Maciejewski James and Linda Mackey Emily Macrito Albert and Gail Madden Michael and Carol Madigan Stefan and Dr. Mariola Makos Dr. Colleen Malloy Daniel and Terry Maloney Dr. John and Sherry Marsala Federico Martinez Kristina Martinkus

Eugene and Cecilia Masella Michael and Elizabeth Maslanka Mark Mastroianni Bob and Christine Maszka Mark Materna Father Edward Maxa Terrence and Nancy Maynard Barbara McArthur Elsie McCarthy Fintan McCarthy John McCartney, Jr. Eamonn and Sheila McCauley Daniel and Helena McDermott John and Pam McEnroe James and Laura McKenna Hugh and Tracy McKenty Michael McMahon Barbara McNabola Mark and Eileen McNabola Thomas and Colleen McParland John McPheters Thomas and Arlene Meek Matthew Meiers Michael Meinardus Ma Janet Memorando Byron and Mary Menard Patricia Menges Gilberto and Martha Mercado David and Mary Mercury Gerald Meyer Helen Michalek Martin Michel Paul Michelotti Iliga and Ruzica Miletic Marcy Miller Richard and Barbara Mills Robert and Jeanne Mixa Robert and Marzena Mlynarski Richard and Susan Moellering Lawrence Molloy Jose Montalvo Maria Morales Barrett Moran Robert and Gail Moran Edmund and Mary MorenoSzafarczyk Deacon Peter and Nancy Morrissey Tadeusz Moskal Michael Mrozak Wayne and Margaret Mular Eugene Munin Charlie and Mary Murphy John Murphy John and Karen Mutnansky Richard Nash

Relevant Radio is enrolled in the Militia of the Immaculata and consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

James and Catherine Nauheimer Jeannette Nedelsky Elizabeth Nemanich Joan Nemmer Daniel Nestor Reverend Joseph Noonan Maria Nowakowski Stuart and Branka Nyberg Morgan and Sarah O’Brien Patrick and Patricia O’Brien Tim and Patti O’Brien Elvira Ochoa Elizabeth Ocon Shawn and Michelle Odell Susanne Oetzel Frank and Nancy Ogrinc John O’Leary Timothy and Jane O’Leary Linda Olen Ken and Jodi Olson Anne O’Malley John O’Neill Evelyn Ong Susan Origer Kevin O’Shea Barbara Osipczuk-Beiram Steven and Leticia Oster Robert and Jean Palasz Nicholas and Anna Panagos John and Nicole Panek Joseph and Dolores Papach Chester Parciany Harvey and Salwa Parhad Lena Parker Thomas and Patricia Pavlik Sandy Pecherek Carol Pelke Richard and Vicki Peloquin Jose Perez Jose and Esther Perez Kimberly Pesenko Michele Petrielli Vincent Phelan Michael and Susan Phillips James and Linda Pieper Anthony Pileggi, Jr. Fred and Jeanie Piron John and Josephine Piszczor Deacon Richard and Katherine Pizzato Charles and Joanne Planek Patricia Plodzeen Jadwiga Polszakiewicz Roy and Susana Postel Richard and Jeanne Patricia Poulton

Rita Powers Zygmunt and Stella Prudzienica Kevin and Cynthia Prunty Mary Therese Pujals Paul and Dolores Puschautz Bonaventura and Giuseppina Quatrini Noel Quilao Mary Quinn Beatrice Quinones Martha Racich Richard Jr. and Cecile Raffin James and Rosalinda Rago Robert and Karen Rahn Carol Ramacci Rita Rattin Robert and Mary Rebmann Lisa Reed John and Monica Regalbuto Mary Reppen Sue Rhomberg William and Carolyn Rife Maureen Riordan James and Carole Ritchey Michael and Kathleen Roberts Edward and Teresa Rogala Richard and Rebecca Roller Frank and Grace Romanowski Adam Romeiser Barbara Roshangar Nancy Ross Marie-Mai Rossignol Le Roy Royston Irene Rozmenoski Thomas and Jennifer Ruehlmann Margaret Ruffalo Colette Ruich Louis Ruiz Jennifer Rupert Eileen Ruva Ray and Lucyna Sadowska Edmund and Mary Sajewski Martin and Gina Sakiewicz Carlos and Heydee Salazar Salvador Sanchez Fred Santiago Gustavo Santillan John and Margaret Santore Timothy and Laura Savage Char Scanlon John and Nancy Schreiber Scott Schultz Robert and Mary Schumacher John and Renay Sebanc Mary Lou Seeley Joseph and Wendy Sepsey

JULY 2, 2004

AUGUST 2, 2004

Reservation of the Holy Eucharist at the headquarters’ chapel.

Christopher and Virginia Seuffert Patricia Shapiro Mary Catherine Sherman James and Laurie Shults Richard and Debra Shutter Genevieve Siemianowski Sandra Sifuentes Joyce Signaigo Philip Sioson Barbara Sirovatka Gerard and Kathryn Skaro Elizabeth Skibickl Father Andrew Skrobutt Joost and Helen Sluis Arlene Smialek John Smudde Jack and Renata Sosin Anthony Spalla Salvatore Sparacino Herb Steffen Frances Stevens Anne Stinneford Michael Strezo Mary Strom Lilly Subunnanone James and Diane Swan Bogdan and Jolanta Szajna George and Mary Szatkowski Patricia Tabor Rosenda Tagamolila Judith Talaber Jerome Tarpey Virginia Tarro Don and Julie Techen Gregory and Gail Thomas Steve and Peggy Thordarson Lorriane Thornton Germaine Timlin Father Joseph Tito John and Doris Toher Mary Lou Tomich James and Lorraine Topel Camilo Trujillo Thomas and Dana Udovich Joseph Jr. and Eleanore Ulaszek Janean Utley Robert Utter Joseph Vaccarella Barbara Van Assche Lee Van Linden Jorge Vargas Amelia Vega Asta Velicka Michael and Elizabeth Velten Britton Videbeck Louie and Diana Vignocchi

The Drew Mariani ShowTM debuts.

John and Norma Vilutis Angela Vitellaro Richard and Renata Wacura Krzysztof Wais Zbigniew and Irene Walenski Joyce Wall James Walsh Daniel Wawrzyn Gerald and Theresa Weakley Paul and Karen Weinewuth Arthur and Ruth Wesselhoff Deirdre Whalen William and Christy Whelan Vivian White Genevieve Wieszczyk Ann Wimunc David and Annmarie Wojcik Robert and Ewa Wojtas Irene Wojtycki Edward and Judy Woodson Steven and Markie Works Alan and Colleen Wozniak Bogdan and Dorota Wrobel Reverend Andrew Wypych David Sr. and Joan Yerkes Susan Yohn Doris Zahnle Miguel Zapata Philip and Barbara Zarob Joyce Zuleger Richard and Jacqueline Zwirner Anonymous (13)

Advertisers Aid for Women Andy on Call Archdiocese of Chicago - Office of Evangelization Baar Construction Bredemann Family of Dealerships Casa San Carlo Retirement Center Catholic Citizens of Illinois Catholic New World Catholic Shoppe and Marian Center Chicago Blue Army Chicago Lighthouse Classic Draperies CMG Booking Dold For Congress Donson Machine Company Nancy Dunne Dr. Gautam Gupta Dr. Robert C. Lawler MD EV Windows & Doors Corp.

Flood Brothers Recycling & Disposal Focus: Vision for Life Follett Higher Education Group FPA Theatre Co. Gift of Hope / Donate Life Illinois Gloria Lange, LCSW, RN Gottlieb Memorial Hospital GT & I Hartland Mortgage Healing Gods Way Holy Trinity Catholic Church Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Joyful Again Judy Biggert for Congress Committee Kill The Desire Kingswood Academy KP Insurance Group Law Firm of Kuczek & Associates Law Office of Gerard Haderlein Lin-Mar Motors Liturgical Institute Loyola Basketball Lumen Christi Institute Lumen Institute McGrath Lexus of Westmont Mulqueen Productions / Ambassadors of Mary Murphy’s Fit Murphy’s Window and Sunrooms Mysimbook.com, LLC Network of IL Catholic Home Educators Northern University Football NorthShore Dental Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Pan American Bank Park Ridge Community Bank Perma Seal Phyllis Bergeron & Associates Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration - Chicago Quantum Foods Raffin Construction Co. Raincoat Roofing Maintenance Resurrection Health Care Corporation S Smith Photography Shannon Law Group Shining Light Inc - This Book is About Me Shrine of Christ’s Passion Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Speak Out Illinois

Sports Outlet Express St. John Bosco Catholic Church St. John the Evangelist St. Peters Book and Gifts St. Rose Parish St. Thomas Hospice St. Vincent’s Child Care Alums The Sienna Group Total CFO Solutions Tre Medical, Ltd TW Group Universal Windows University of St. Mary of the Lake Veterans Print Management Villa St. Benedict Waterleaf Womens Center Wickham Interiors Wolniak Funeral Home


NW Indiana 1270 AM WWCA (on-air 5/3/2003)

St. Gabriel Society Philip and Karrie Coduti Richard and Christine Guzior Joseph and Natalie Santucci

Cornerstone Society Water Tower Place Uniforms, Inc. Stephen Brazzale Thomas and Jen Dorris Mary Ellis Kelly Florek Laura Gundrum James and Deborah Kirk Wayne and Cynthia Kwallek Dr. Edison and Jocelyn Lim Jay Mattox Donna McAllister James Oates Ronald Platt Sharon Staley Glenn and Mary Taylor Gino and Rina Testolin Linda Weaver

Dollar A Day Paul and Colleen Anderson Peter and Margaret Appel

NOVEMBER 8, 2004

MARCH 31, 2005

Sean Herriott begins as host of Morning Air速.

Anthony and Sandra Balsamo John Barenie Peter Beda Robert and Christina Bernacchi Glenn and Sheri Berry Scott and Shannon Besedick Robert and Theresa Birlson Gary and Susan Blue Robert and Mary Kay Bobos Dan Bohney Gregory and Susan Bontempo Greg and Louise Carr Therese Carroll Andrea Castrejon Mary Cummins John Curtis Fred and Lorraine Czachor Sylvia De Jesus Dr. David and Melinda DeSchepper Violeta Dulanas Emily Duttlinger Bruce Fulka Charles Sr. and Judith Gorney Dennis and Janet Guernsey Peggy Guernsey Judith Hauff Blaine and Barbara Heric Gregory and Rose Hunt Mary Ann Ivanyo Jerry and Sharon Kacmar Raymond Knuth Robert and Kathleen Lachata Jeanne Laich Charles and Maryann Markley Jerome and Jeanette Marter Terry and Abby McFarland Andrew and Jill McNamara Patrick and Deenna McNicholas Sean and Tanya Meagher Tom and Carol Pappalardo Penelope Pappas Raymond and Marion Peregoy Joseph and Christine Pytel Michael and Jeannine Quigley Armando Reyna Carol Rolfe John and Sharon Ruane Ed Rubio Richard and Gail Sampias Theresa Schafer-Smith Frank and Shirley Schilling Barry and Marlene Smith Stanley Sobilo Lynn Stanek Phyllis Steiner

Robert and Marsha Suarez Lee Tornincasa Joseph and Venus Tschida Gregory and Carol Turner Emery Vamos Elizabeth Varela Jose Vazquez Gary and Julie Wolfe Jason and Melissa Yurechko Richard and Sandra Zang Ira Zimmer

Advertisers Region Sports Network Smart Choice


Twin Cities 1330 AM WLOL (on-air 5/4/2004)

St. Gabriel Society DQCI Services Feltl and Company Neaton Brothers Erosion, LLC Paul Beskar Ray and Janice Breth Steven and Kathleen Burke Warren and Theresa Christianson Dr. David and Barbara Dries John and Jennifer Feltl Mary Jo Feltl Dr. Tim and Jenifer Garvey Patrick and Ann Kirsch Gregory and Emily Mailand Gary and Audrey Manka Robert and Lorraine Melcher Alan and Anne Nicklaus Janice Sweere Pat and Molly VanOss Anonymous (2)

Cornerstone Society 3M Foundation Awintech, Inc. Cathedral of St. Paul Donlar Construction Dunn Bros Coffee Glasgow Automotive Service, Inc. Wel Come Inn Xcel Energy Foundation Matching Program

The passing of Terri SchindlerSchiavo.

Gerald and Carol Arel Roger and Mary Axel Stephen Baird Mary Margaret Bell Glenn and Laurie Benson George and Marilyn Blackney Maryann Bloch Nancy Bohlke Deb Born Deacon Richard and Cheryl Broich Kathleen Burke Jeffrey and Jean Burns Kevin and Susan Bushey Michael and Lisa Bushey Raymond Buttschau Mary Cade James and Norma Cahill Donna Cammack Faith Carlson Helen Christ Todd and Rachel Cina John and Kathy Cleveland Judith Cloutier Norman and Laurie Coleman Scot and Sonie Crockett Colleen Culhane Robert and Mary Cummins Paul and Nancy Curti Tim Czech Dana DeBoer Tony and Jennifer Deldotto Marie Deputat James and Ann Determan Jeff and Michele DeYoung Kenneth II and Julianne Dines Michael and Lorna Dobihal Marc and Teresa Dvoracek Alan and Mary Egging Douglas and Kathleen Eiden Dave and Paula Erato-Daggett Eric and Diane Evander Gregg and Tiffany Farnam Beatrice Ferron Frances Fignar Dr. Sheila Fitzgerald James and Linda Flannery Jerome and Kathleen Frischmon Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye Drew Gaydos David and Patricia Geraty Michael and Georgeane Glasgow Edward and Kathleen Gorman Diane Gorski Father Robert Grabner Pamela Grayson

Philip Grisez Antoinette Grosslein Randy and Barb Gruber Louis and Rebecca Hall Edward Jr. and Marsha Hamil Robert and Linda Harmon Nathan Hildebrand John and Teri Hirsch Christopher and Dianna Hobot Thomas and Carol Hoffelder Keith and Maxine Hogan Thomas and Therese Hurley Walter and Paula Huss Dewey and Anne Jahn Karen Johnson Sandra Johnson Gerald and Mary Jane Joseph Janet Kauffmann Bernice Kaye John and Paula Kelly Michael Kelly William and Linda Klatt Keith Klein Gerald and Lisa Kliber Russell and Mary Knoblach Dr. Steven and Debra Koop Ryan and Tracy Kracht Don Kramer Peter and Debra Krych Carol Krystosek Shellee Lambrecht Mary LaRock David and Ginger Larson Steven and Margaret Laudenbach Shawn and Brenda Leuer Eric and April Lind Mary Lindemann Donald Loehrer Dr. John Loes James and Shannon Lyons Mary Lou Machart Jan Marie McCabe Joseph and JoAnn McCullough Thomas and Roxanne McDonough Hugh McElroy Thomas and Cynthia McGrath David and JoAnne McLaughlin Jim and Jennie McQuillan Joan Meehan Dale and Bev Miller Richard and Anne Miller Robert and Kathleen Miller Frank Jr. and Mary Jo Miske Deacon Terry and Carolyn Moravec Tate and Lillian Nagengast

APRIL 2, 2005

APRIL 19, 2005

The passing of Pope John Paul II.

Dr. Claudia Nassaralla MD Joseph and Luann Neaton Douglas Nevinski John and Nancy Norris John Notermann David and Terri Obermiller Thomas Ochsenbauer Christopher and Noelle Olson Stephen Olson Paul and Arlyss Onken Mike and Colleen Osgar Richard and Julianne Paskach Louann Perry Bernadine Phillips Barbara Pierce Ralph and Lynn Pierre Mark and Cynthia Pikula Peter Posteuca Paul and Sharon Price Ronald Pyka Ernest Que Charles Ramsey David and Kathryn Rennie Thomas and Rachelle Rossini Peter and Mary Rother Luis and Linda Rubi Joseph Sadowski Ricardo and Guadalupe Santos Michael and Colleen Schaefer Ann Schiefelbein Mike and Jane Schlangen Shareholder Fund - Mark Schlough of the Central MN Community Foundation Kenneth and Ann Schramm Matthew Schuler Mary Sipple Daniel and Priscilla Sleight Paul Sokhor Dan and Kathy Sonnek Tom and Leesa Spaeth James and Barbara Spohn John Sprangers David and Lynn Steichen Bill and Barbara Stender Michael and Janice Sullivan David Tabor Marc and Wendy Terris Ken and Linda Timmerman Louis Jr. and Patricia Tinucci Charles Toman Leslie Torstenson Donald and Dolores Traxler Lawrence and Mary Tritchler Ray and Barb Truzinski Erin Tully

John and Evon U’Ren Charles and Marilyn Van Heel Norman and Nancy Villwock Kurt and Michelle Virnig Darlene Vohnoutka Jay and Lisa Ward James and Lillian Wawra Richard and Karrie Weber David Weigel Dr. Bill and Roberta Wheeler Brian Whitemarsh Paul and Geralyn Wilson Ryan and Janelle Wilson Deacon Thomas and Lynne Winninger Frank and Mary Claire Wohletz Margorie Wood Andrew Wowchak Mary Jo Zarbo David and Lisa Zimmerman Anonymous (5)

Dollar A Day Ascendancy Companies, Inc. CBC...Get Organized General Mills Foundation John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. Legatus of the Twin Cities Mining Auger & Tool Father Gregory Abbott Ann Adamek Vincent and Leslie Ahlers David and Sharon Altman Jeff Anderson John and Joyce Anderson Karen Anderson Paul and Joanne Andress Madonna Arel John and Patricia Aretz Sheena Arias Joe and Connie Astuto Bruce and Mary Aubol Lon and Geny Augdahl Karen Baalson Yojani Bachmeier Neil Bain Michael Baker John and Jean Bakos Richard and Sheila Ballweg-Pulju Matt Bannick Shari Barnes Charles and Paula Barry Michael Bartell Ken and Cathy Barthel

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected to the papacy as Pope Benedict XVI.

Nancy Bartie Jeff and Paula Bata Michael and Mary Bauer Gerard Baumgarten Darren Beaudette Lloyd and Judy Beaudry Bob Becker Joseph and Joan Becker Mary Bednar Paul Beery Gerald Bender Leslie Bender Terry Benson David and Jackie Berg Richard and Carol Biniek Mary Bochek Robert and Rebecca Borchardt Timothy and Ruth Borell Julie Bowman Elizabeth Boyle Michael and Dolores Boyle Charles and Laura Brady Edward and Theresa Brang Barbara Breza Janet Brisson Matthew and Jessica Brown Paul and Vikki Buck Patricia Burchill Thomas Burke Thomas and Carolyn Burns Steven Burrill Rita Burwell Bill and Jane Busch Thomas Butler Mary Butte James and Mary Campbell Michael and Cynthia Campbell Dale and Cathy Carlstrom Allen Caron Debra Case Joseph and Krista Cassidy Madonna Cates Philip and Sandra Chabot Katie Chambundabongse Leonard and Cornelia Chandler Daniel and Lynette Christianson Matthew and Kyron Christopherson Chad and Theresa Chryst David and Pamela Clark Terry and Mary Lou Clymer Kathleen Columbus Carmen Conneran Kathleen Cooley Richard and Catherine Cooper George Cossette

Zoila Coto Gregory and Debra Crane Daniel and Victoria Cross Virginia Culhane Cathy Cunningham Don and Jane Czerwonka David and Debra Dalbec Francis Daniel Chris and Mary Danielson Alexander and Nancy Darbut Jacquelyn Daylor Mary Deeds Hank and Janet Demarais John and Barbara DeMars David and Mary Demko Josephine Diedrich Chuck Dimler Loretta Dittrich Daniel Doboszenski Kenneth and Phyllis Doboszenski Clara Dolan Colleen Donlin Clement and Marilyn Dove Jim and Linda Duffy Matthew and Christine Dunbar Justina Duncan Michael and Mary Duncan James and Carol Dungan Ethel Dunn Deacon Steven and Elizabeth Dupay Deacon Robert Durham Michael and Kathleen Ebert Billy and Amy Ellis Robert Fern Cheryl Fesenmaier James Fishbaugher Kathleen Fitzsimmons Kathleen Foley Peter and Mary Foley Dorinda Forbes-Cardey Darcy Fraenkel Craig and Diane Francois Roxanne Franzen Michael and Cynthia Frase Arthur and Agnes Fretag Jeffery and Jennifer Fuchs Joseph and Joni Galzki Denise Ganzer Bonnie Gappa Dieter and Joyce Geerts Michael Gerads Chris and Jackie Gibney Jan Gilbertson John and Marti Lou Gion Miley and Suzanne Gjertsen

AUGUST 16-21, 2005

MAY 15, 2006

World Youth Day, Cologne, Germany.

Richard Gladhill John Glasgow Daniel and Bree Gleason Dr. Gilbert Golding Charles and Gigi Gonderinger Kay Grabner Jerome Gracyalny James and Patricia Gramke Daniel and Nadia Graskow Bruce and Ruth Grieves Ross Gronfield Theresa Gunderson Mark Guzik Jane Hackenmueller Dave Hallett Matthew and Ruth Anne Halverson Tom and Sandra Hammrich James and Rita Hanson Sylvia Harrington Thomas and Catherine Harrington Catherine Hartman Richard and Mary Ann Hawkins Karen Hayes Joseph and Barbara Haynes John and Gretchen Healy Timothy and Lynn Heeren Gerald and Barbara Heil John and Carol Heselton Joan Hlas Sylvia Hoff John and Jayne Holker Dallas Holm, Jr. Brian and Mary Lou Holt Douglas and Mary Holt David Horner Jeffrey and Katleen Houchins Pat Huber Loren and Theresa Hubert Richard Hurd Robert and Susan Hurd Daniel and Molly Huschke Deborah Huschle Scott Hussey Richard and Karen Iffert Bart and Jodi Ikens George and Mary Jace Ralph James Brian Jensen Stephen and Katherine Jensen Jane Jestus Dean and Diane Jilek David and Linnea Johnson Jeff and Diane Johnson Kathleen Johnson Lindsay Johnson

Dr. Steven and Katy Johnson Ralph Jones Gregory and Julie Juba Steve and Deb Jung David and Kathleen Jungquist Michael and Diane Kacer John Jr. and Jane Kadlec Jon and Marlene Kainz Arnold and Judy Kaiser Cherie Kammerer Herman and Alice Kashmarek Joseph Kelly Raymond Kieser Andrew and Annmarie Kirsch Preston and Amy Kitzmann Jason and Dawn Klassen Barbara Kletschka Robert and Bridget Kluesner John and Loraine Kniprath Penny Knoll Gail Knutson Robert and Catharine Knutson Joyce Koch Richard Koehler Pauline Koes John Kokesh Mark Kolesar Matthew Kopyar Mary Kostreba Jonathan Kovach Marjorie Kozachok Michael and Linda Kraemer Arnold Kraft Todd Kraft Roger and Frances Kramer Gary and Debbie Krautbauer Tamara Kray Jeanne Krumpelmann Jessica Kuehlman Tom Kuehn Michael Kulhanek Craig and Sue Kuske Timothy and Roxanne Lackas Carmen LaFrance Wallace and Darlene Lambrecht Robert and Diane Landberg Bob and Julie Lang Frank and Elaine Lang Richard and Julie Langer Gregg Langhoff Timothy and Shelly Larson Dianne LaScotte David and Beth Lauzon Charles and Mary Lawrence Chris Lentz Donald and Jane Lenz

Weekday Eucharistic Adoration begins at headquarters’ chapel.

Diana Lightner Andrew Lindquist Marion Linman Debra Linquist Luke Litteken Hilda Loesch Thomas and Janet Logan Keith and Erin Lommel Paul and Judith Lorentz Vincent Lubbers John and Theresa Lucia Theresa Lund Daniel and Raelee Lunney Dr. Tom and Mary Jo Lyke George Lysdahl Leona MacFarlane Jeff and Rebecca Maciej Maureen Makens Mary Maki Irene Mangan James Jr. and Mary Manning Ann Manthey Timothy and Marie Marden Elaine Marsolek Julie Mart Elizabeth Martin-Hinton David and Mary May John and Betty McCain Sheila McCallum Joseph McCormick Michael and Pamela McDonald Maureen McDonnell Lawrence and Andrea McGough John and Jane McMonagle Jeff McNamara Jeffrey and Joanie Meehan Mary Meidl Thea Melillo James and Katie Mendoza Cathy Mevissen John and Colleen Meyer Thomas Michaud Christopher and Ann Miller Christopher and Mary Miller Victoria Miller Michael and Jean Moeller Lori Mohs Donald and Marla Montbriand Alejandro and Jane Montoya Kenneth and Rita Monyok Lee and Priscilla Moore William and Eileen Moore Maximo Morgan Jude and Ignatial Moses Wayne Mosey George and Audrey Moy

Patrick and Barbara Munnelly Sharon Murphy Lowell Nally Chris Nei Joel and Luann Neisen Dale and Colleen Neumann Robert and Michelle New Roger Newinski Adam Nguyen Miss Catherine Njogu Michael Oberg Michael and Amy O’Brien Scott O’Brien Dale and Alice Oden Jacob O’Konek Maryann Olson Robert and Judy Olson Jay Ostergaard Michael O’Sullivan Brian Pankow Maryann Peffer Robert and Rita Peichel Rose Marie Pelzel Laverne Peterson Janice Philipsek Frank and Susan Pieper Thomas and Susan Pilon Dr. Rolland Pistulka MD Jeffery and Susan Pitman Linda Pohl Lorraine Pohlen Mary Poli Gerald and Julie Popp Landon Poss Joan Prairie Kenneth and Kathryn Prom Theresa Punyko Joyce Pyka Kate Pyzdrowski Marilyn Quigley Patricia Quinn Thor and Paula Raarup Richard and Jennifer Racine Dr. Thomas and Mollie Raih Roy and Ruby Ramirez Joseph and Sharnez Ranasinghe Robert Reese Douglas and Deborah Reetz Gary and Louise Ann Reinhardt Virgil and Lavonne Reller Tom and Diane Repucci Joel and Debbie Rhein Mary Rinehart Diane Ritter Roger and Connie Rivard Carlos and Fabiola Rocha

JUNE 11, 2006 “I have been a Baptist for over 30 years, but since I began listening to Relevant Radio, I know I will become a Catholic.” - John

Austen Rockcastle Patt Rogich Dan and Mary Jo Rolczynski Lorne and Kathleen Rosand Patricia Ross Paul and Marie Rossez David and Jan Roszak Mark Rotz James Rougier Herbert and Cyrilla Royce Paul Rysavy Lynda Sampson Geraldine Sanders Dave and Mary Sandquist Pete Savage Mathias Saxe Dr. Scott and Jennifer Saxe John and Carole Sayer Michael and Ellen Sayer Raymond and Jeanette Schelonka Robert and Mary Jane Schiferli John Schleif Joann Schmidt Shawn and Kari Schmidtknecht Mike and Pam Schmit Larry and Jeanne Schmitz Roy and Cynthia Schneider Steven Schoenecker Barb Schrenk Jim Schroeder Mary Schubert Joan Schultz Michael Schultz Michelle Scott Joseph and Mercy Sebastin Agathea Selner James Shackelford Michael and DeAnne Shea Neil and Julie Sheehy Jessica Sheridan James and Marie Shovelain Mary Shuman Robert and Rhonda Siebert Arlene Sieve Reverend Michael Skluzacek Frank and Julie Smaron William Smelter Anthony and Cherelyn Smith Dennis Smith Ethel Smith Marc and Julie Smith Margaret Smith Margarete Smith Michael and Roberta Smith Daniel and Teresa Smock Sharon Soderlund

David Solors Timothy and Nancy Sommers Mark Spaniol Steven Spoering Jay Steele Michael Stenquist Gene and Diane Stensland David and Elizabeth Stewart Brian and Julie Stibal Curtis and Kristina Sticha Paul and Lisa Stokman Robert and Lynn Storey James and Judith Strande Jerry Strenger Rhonda Sunnarborg Ray Svobodny Carol Swanson Joseph and Kathleen Sweeney Eugene Sweet Steve Symalla Donald and Mary Tadich Julie Taylor Jim Thelemann Harold and Molly Thibault Charlene Thomas Brian and Lynn Thompson Tom and Kathleen Tiemann William and Carol Townsend Keith and Sara Triplett Fred and Kathy Trosvik Steven and Mary Truckenmiller Lyle Tschosik David and Marilyn Tucci Ronald and Katherine Turner Marjorie Tushaus Joan Van Roo Todd and Sarah VanHorn Daniel and Roberta Vaughan Michael and Karin Vestal Ann Virnig Chris and Mary Anne Vondohlen Shawn and Nancy Vouk Janet Walther James Wangen Mark and Jennifer Ward Alan and Kris Warmka William and Sue Waytas Gregory and Dianne Weber Fred and Mary Wee Daniel and Carol Weiler Robert and Judy Welch Roxanne Weldon Robert Western Maximillion and Marianne Wexler James and Susan Weyandt Scott and Stephanie Weyenberg

Mark and Mary Anita Whims Ken Widstrom Florence Wieneke Roxanne Wilcox Dale and Paula Williams Phyllis Wills Reverend Thomas Wilson Mark Windyk Lynne Winninger Diane Wirtz Joseph and Michell Witchger Betty Wolney Tod and Cari Worner Doug Yetzer Robert and Barbara York Curt and Shawna Zachman Jeffrey and Mary Ellen Zachman Paul and Rebecca Zech George and Susan Zirnhelt Anonymous (17)

Advertisers Agent 41 Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis AutoGlass Installed B & W Specialty Coffee B Secure Becker Building and Remodeling Brookdale Senior Living Carlson Lavine, Inc. Catholic Cemeteries Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office Catholic Community Foundation in St. Paul and Minneapolis Catholic United Financial Catholic Youth Camp Cedarcrest Academy CertaPro Painters Chesterton Academy Claris Eye Care & Surgery Collette Vacations Coordinated Business Systems, LTD Copperfield Hill Crestview Senior Communities Deer Run Golf Club DQCI Services DuALL Handyman & Remodeling Episcopal Church Homes Faelon Partners, Ltd First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association G & B Environmental

Gianna Homes Glasgow Automotive Service, Inc. Globe Publishing Goins Electric Golden Living Center Golden Living Centers Golden Valley Rehab & Care Center Harris Communications Health and Wellness Center Heartland Tours & Travel Higher Ground Music Festival Holy Cross Catholic Books and Gifts, Inc. Holy Family Academy Home Based Hearts Hudsons Ace Hardware IMAX Theater at the MN Zoo Jeff Wren Contracting John Paul II Center Justen Plumbing Kletschka Publishing L & L Mechanical Liberty Oxygen LTCI Partners Mall of America MAPS Applied Research Center Medical Weight Management Michele Bachmann For Congress Minnesota Citizens Concerned For Life Minnesota Score Minnesota Sports Broadcast Network Minnesota State Fair Minnesota Teen Challenge Minnetonka Boat Club and Rental Missionary Society of Saint Columbian Modern Roadways Mrs. O’s Immaculate Cleaning Service North Memorial Home Health & Hospice Our Lady of the Lake Perpetual Resources Platinum Bank Prenatal Partners for Life PrimeLending Pro Built America - Window World MN Pro Life Action Ministries Que Computers Re-Bath ReMax A-1 Excellence Richard Vigilante Books

JUNE 26, 2006


On Call , Searching the Word , The Inner Life , Issues and AnswersTM, Changed ForeverTM debut. TM

Ricker & Associates Sacred Places Saxe Chevrolet & Buick Sears Driving Schools MN Serra Club Sharing and Caring Hands Sonshine Music Festival St. Marys St. Paul Saints Baseball St. Paul Saints Baseball / Veeck Advertising Professionals St. Pauls Outreach St. Therese of MN Star Exhibits Stevie Rays Improv Co. Target Center Teresa Collett for Congress The Towers, LLC Tinuccis Restaurant Catering and Deli TJ Broadcast Services Total Life Care Centers TPM Flooring Sales Tri-County Broadcasting Trinity School at River Ridge Twin Cities Catholic Chorale Twin Cities Fertility Care Center Union Gospel Mission University of St. Thomas Valleyfair c/o Yellow Submarine Marketing Vein Associates PA Walters Construction Warners Stellian Washburn McReavy Funeral Chapels Wells Fargo Mortgage Wells Fargo Reverse Mortgage Westside Tire World Apostolate of Fatima Xcel Energy Center Young Catholic Minute Zero Rez Gregory and Barbara Zebro


Austin 970 AM KIXL (on-air 1/23/2006)

St. Gabriel Society Francis and Lisa Bradley Edward and Marilyn Finnegan


National headquarters consolidates into one location.


Russell Knoblach Dr. Jose A. and Catherine Martinez William and Constance Ricks

Cornerstone Society Dell Direct Giving Campaign St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Woody and Beth Arnold Charles and Barbara Barker Richard and Rita Barrett Burton and Barbara Bartley Darryl and Michelle Beach Peter and Debra Bisson Jeff and Sheila Bosworth Maureen Bourgeois Gerald and Joleen Boyer Vincent and Mary Jane Boyle Jesse Brumbaugh Doug Burton Thomas Cahill Joseph Diaz Matt and Megan DiTeresa Ricardo Dunia Michael and Maria Eisenmenger Dr. Ken and Dr. Lisa Ellis Hyacinth Ernest John Flath Daniel Gonzales John and Christine Gordon Josie Hernandez Chris and Kelly Hotz Joseph Husband Ralph and Kathleen Huttenhower Diana Kelbell William III and Melissa Kelly Criston and Diane Klotz Dan and Martha Krischke Linda Kutach Ron Lievens Paul and Lori Mazzurana Sharon McAuliffe Ross and Cindi Messner Lee and Joan Mills Ron and Ellen Morrill Edward and Elina Mullen Hai Nguyen Kathleen Nichols Dr. Bobby and Jaydee Perales A. J. Polhill Richard and Debra Ratliff Irene Robertson Exiquio Salinas Maria Segura

Shane and Erin Starr Robert and Leslie Suffoletta Larry and Mary Taylor Sue Ann Utz My and Lu Ann Van Dinh John and Sheila Ward Joseph and Marilyn Williams Anonymous (1)

Dollar A Day Field Asset Services, Inc. HVAC, Inc. Loretta Mudd Moser LP #1 Industrial Solutions Wilda Adams Salvador Apud Thomas and Jeanette Arellano Frank and Sherry Armstrong Peter Bartell Daniel Bauer Jose and Katherine Berbel Mary Bernard Tom and Ann Bierschenk Brian and Jennifer Boettcher Donald and Margaret Bohls Georgina Bouton Kent and Michelle Burr Rose Bustos Richard and Deborah Butynski Jeffrey Cadenhead Alfonso and Connie Campos Lloyd and Robyn Carter Jesus and Paulina Castillo Earline Chapa Audrey Charba Omar and Dianna Chavez John Cinadr Kevin and Martha Collins Chris and Hillary Cosgrove Jonathan and Josephine Creath William and June Crook Paul and Gail Curtin Michael and Colleen Debner Gloria Deitrick Jeffrey and Amber Delaney Ben and Linda Deluna Stanislawa and Leszek Demkowicz Lisa Devore James DiSorbo Martin and Tessy Dorantes Chris Earthman Bradley Eilers Bret and Allison Elder Tim and Betty Elliott

Myrna Espejo Anwar and Jacki Farhood Kearby Fehr Doris Finley George and Selma Flores Michael and Kathryn Ford John Jr. and Charlotte Franklin Sharon Fuhrmann Louis and Cynthia Gagnon Anita Garcia Dr. Dana Garcia Donovan Gaudin John Gillen James Goertz Mary Goetschel Hollye Goler Sanjuana Gonzales Patricia Gonzalez Joyce Greer Robert and Kathy Hadlock Mark Hamilton Stephen and Claudia Hampton Ward and Diana Harold Charles and Marchelia Hart Douglas and Teresa Haunsperger Olivia Hausherr Helen Havelka Paige Heard Jim and Terry Henderson Margaret Hibbs Robert Hill Russell and Denise Hoelting Mary Holt Marian Hudnall Mauricio and Claudia Hurtado Susan Jahn Lee Jan Alan and Anne Jefferson Jerome and Terry Johnson Sara Johnson Albert and Ellie Jurado Chris Kacerguis Zoraida Kaczorowski Dominic Karow Mary Kaszynski Dr. William and Marcia Kaylakie Michael and Dr. Susan Kent Judith Kieffer Jeff and Teresa Knavel Margaret Kokernot August Jr. and Catherine Kostroun Mark and Carrie Kubala Mary Ann Kuhlmann Jacquelyn Leonard Enrique and Enrique Lopez Kit Lou

MARCH 2, 2007 Headquarters’ chapel blessed by Bishop David L. Ricken.

Deacon Dan Lupo James and Mary Lynch Arnoldo and Angela Marez Scott Martin JaunCarlos and Cristina Martinez Magdalena Martinez John and Glenda Massey Tony and Sharon Masterjohn Michael and Karen May Judy Mayo Deacon Frank McCormick Teresa McCuan Ted and Rebecca McDonald Sean and Barbara McGuire Amelia Medina Bill and Linda Meehan Victoria Metzger Carl and Patricia Meuth Steve Meuth Art and Ellen Mika Linda Mikula Lisa Miller Colleen Morris David and Audrey Morton Martin and Debbie Motal Charles and Cecilia Muela Adan and Armida Munoz Felix Munson Stephen and Bernadette Muras Mike and Jane Murphy John and Margie Murray Chad and Kathy Myers Donald and Patricia Nadon Gregory and Stephanie Nelson Timothy Nevlud Maithi Nguyen Raymond and Tricia Nikel Patrick and Laurie O’Beirne Pat and Kathryn O’Grady Rosemary Omar Angel and Maria Padilla Rick and Denise Pastor Jeffrey Payne Deacon John and Yolanda Peca Dorothy Pereira Eric and Gail Peterson Rebecca Peterson-Male Rafael and Araceli Ponce Edmund Popp Robert and Marianne Prybyla Joe and Gloria Ramos Richard Rangel Don Rauschuber Salvatore Reale Shirley Reeder David and Susan Reue

Jason and Judy Robbins Kenneth Roche Jessica Rodriguez Joseph and Veronica Rodriguez Nancy Rodriguez Patricia Rodriguez Pete Rubio Roger and Sharon Ruether Wanda Russell Richard and Mary Saniuk Gilberto and Becky Saucedo David Scott, Jr. Ellen Seals Margaret Seidl John and Charlotte Sharp Mike and Mary Shearer Richard and Anita Shephard Judith Shoemaker Cindy Simons Sitthideth Sisourath David and Dee Ann Smith Janet Smith Scott and Rebecca Snyder John and Cathy Southrey Jeanette Sulak Gary and Valda Sutorius Ben and Fran Svrcek Theresa Tess Stephen Tomasko, Jr. Todd and Kerry Tomasoski Brad Toups John Townsend James and Lucille Trainor Timothy and Kathy Tray Adam and Esther Trejo Evelyn Tybor Marcela Uribe Kenneth Vail Ted and Claudia Valmassei Robert and Juliet Vanderploeg Dr. Arnold and Beatriz Vento Bonnie Vinklarek Joyce Voegtle Jayson Vogler Nathan and Gracie Weber Christina Wells Scott and Jerie Wetzel Lynn Williams John and Diana Wisneski Robert Wissmann Mary Worley Frank and Janie Zapata Anonymous (4)

Advertisers ABE Charitable Foundation, Inc.

MARCH 6, 2008 Spirit and LifeTM debuts.

AMNET (Advantage Mortgage Network) Anchor Ventana Glass Arbor Car Wash Art on 5th Fine Art Gallery ATX Personal Fitness Austin Computing Solutions Austin Dermcare Austin Ear Nose & Throat Clinic Austin Flair Custom Remodeling c/o Flair Homes Austin Granite Direct Austin Orthodontic Specialists Austin Retina Associates Aztec Roofing & Siding Babineau Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Canyon Creek Construction Co., Inc. Casa Chapala Mexican Grill Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men Ciani Financial Services CNA Construction Conspirare Cornerstone Financial Education Denavi Corp. Diocese of Austin - ProLife and Chaste Living Dominion Family Healthcare El Azteca Restaurant Fiesta Mart, Inc. Fontaine Consulting, LLC Fullness of Truth Ministry Clarence Griggs Dr. Roger and Dr. Celie Harden Heroic Media (previously Majella) Heyl Homes, Inc. Hiway 620 Animal Hospital HVAC, Inc. James E Bashaw & Co. John Paul II Family Life Center John Paul II Life Center & Vitea Clinic Knights of Columbus-Council 8156 Lockart Spohrer & Associates, PLLC Long Center for the Performing Arts McBride’s Guns, Inc. Mickey Batsell CLU Mission Mortgage of Texas, Inc. Northwest Imports Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery

& Prayer Gardens R G Tate & Associates, Inc. Republic Print & Mail Rizzo Construction, Inc. Rudy’s Country Store and BBQ San Juan Diego High School Seton Family of Hospitals Shepherds Guide Sleep World Mattress Factory Store St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Faith Church St. John Neumann Kinghts of Columbus-Council 10836 St. Michael’s Academy Football 2010 St. Theresa’s Catholic School Sugar & Spice Ranch Camp Texas Alliance for Life The O’Keefe Group The Original Pancake House The Pines Catholic Camp The Village at the Arboretum Theology of the Body International Alliance Tier 1 Group Trinity Publications, Inc. Water 2 Wine Words of Challenge


Eau Claire 1050 AM WDVM (on-air 1/1/2001)

St. Gabriel Society Tony and Patrice Sykora

Cornerstone Society Patrick and Patricia Bauer Troy and Corinne Berg Eric and Sonia Buntz Judith Corcoran Joe and Karen Dolan Thomas Giles William Haag Marek and Dorota Kaminski Russell Nelson Monica Pittman Cecelia Pudelkewicz Margaret Racanelli James and Theresa Ruff

MARCH 15, 2008 “Thank you for the fantastic ministry that you do! It was one of your shows back in June that gave me a little shove toward the Catholic Church. I’m currently a Candidate in my parish’s RCIA program. Thanks!” - Jennifer

Louis Jr. and Jane Sonnentag Dr. David and Susan VanDeLoo

Dollar A Day Gene and Carole Adams Dr. Chris and Carol Ahrendt Matthew Amundson Michael and Carol Bauer Kristin Belling Sharon Biegel Larry Brantner Jeane Casey Thomas and Marianna Greenlee Carol Heyde Robert Hollern Michael and Lisa Hood Jean Johnson Matthew and Mary King James and Lynne Kisfalusi James and Alma Koenig Karl and Tricia Kopacz Teresa Larson David and Wendy Loew Julie Reed Dr. Robert and Deborah Ridenour Bob Ripple Kenneth and Louise Rogers Don and Kathleen Scharlau John and Christina Scharlau Thomas and Sherry Schlosser Agnes Schumacher Thomas and Jacqueline Schwechel Stan and Joanna Setla Veronica Sigurdson Paul and Jane Stark Pat and Pam Styer Andrew and Andrea Teska Dr. David and Patricia Usher Greg Wolfe Anonymous (1)

Advertisers Country Financial Independent Advisors, Inc. Murphy Insurance Group - Troy McAnarney Pleasant Valley Tree Farms / Properties Princeton Valley Golf Course Regis Catholic Schools Sacred Heart Hospital Science Museum of MN St. Joseph’s Hospital Chippewa Falls

Western Dailyland CAA Women’s Business Conference Robert and Sara Hansen

Green Bay 1050 AM WJOK (on-air 11/26/2000)

St. Gabriel Society Michael and Mimi Ariens Deacon James Asmuth Robert and Sally Atwell Errico and Patrizia Auricchio John and Robin Cavil Dr. Gregory and Patricia Cooley Steve and Regina Corbeille Timothy and Ann Emenecker Paul and Carol Gehl Dr. Mark Bullard and Dr. Karen Gremminger Robert and Josephine Kanzenbach William and Natalie Raaths Robert and Cathy Riordan Paul and Carol Schierl Thomas Schuh Thomas and Ann Vorpahl Don and Rose Warden Anonymous (2)

Cornerstone Society Ariens Foundation, Ltd. Canterbury Tails Pet Care, LLC Gezella Petroleum Equipment Co., Inc. Intensive Dairy Care, Inc. Ken’s Concrete Placements Optima Associates, Inc. Resurrection Parish Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Varus Investments, Inc. Dr. Susan Allen Ryan and Cindi Auth Daniel Baird James and Barbara Ball Dr. Matthew and Bridget Bayer Jack and Nancy Beilfuss Jason and Amie Beilfuss Patrick Beno Reverend Patrick Beno Richard and Jennifer Bergstrom Mary Blohowiak Thomas and Judith Bluma

Michael Bria John and Jennifer Budde Paul and Pamla Cleveland Thomas and Roberta Conard Dr. Douglas Coyle James and Gail Cummings Sylvia Dannecker Dr. David and Irene DeGrave James and Teresa DeMerit David and Elaine Demro Patrick and Julie Deprey Rose Marie Derks Dr. Marc and Julie Ditty Robert and Patricia Endries Jeffrey and Celia Engel Judson and Mary Fowler Dr. Peter and Carolyn Gapinski John and Jeanne Geigel Michael and Mary Georgia Paul Utrie and Dr. Robin Goldsmith Steve and Barbara Gorches Bill and Joanne Griesbach Brian and Nancy Harrison Peter and Jane Hein Dr. Shawn and Joann Hennigan Gerald and Barbara Hietpas Joel and Gail Hjortness Paul Holzman Paul and Jill Jones Conrad and Ann Kieltyka Stan and Lori Klosiewski Helen Kornaus Andrew and Judith Leisk Patrick and Pam Lennon Carol Lewis Leo and Lucille Maccoux Jim and Sallie Magalska Dr. Robert and Caroline McDonald Richard and Diane Mihalski William and Bridgett Mihalski Lenore Miller James Mongin Ronald Muellenbach Richard Newman Debbie Niesen Peter Novotny Jeff and Christina Pallini Stephen and Cynthia Parent Matthew and Kristine Peterson Daniel and Margaret Pichler Dante and Andrea Pizzuti Douglas and Amy Polasky Jeffrey and Mary Prickette Robert and Mary Puissant

Ernest Remondini Jerry and Emily Rhodes Robert and Susan Ruonavarra Dr. Mark and Dr. Patti Schick Mary Schmidt Boyd and Nancy Seidler James and Elizabeth Sorenson Elroy Stahl Donald Stanek Linus and Jeane Stoll Reverend Milton Suess James and Nancy Taylor Bruce and Suezanne Vanenkevort Mark and Mary Waldecker Bob and Christal Wavrunek Janet Weisse Donald and Sharon Windey Dr. James and Virginia Winston Reverend Dennis Worzalla Linda Zegers Anonymous (4)

Dollar A Day St. Martin Council of Catholic Women St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish James and Laurie Albers Shirley Ardell Michael and Jean Bachmann Tom and Cherie Bamrick Isabelle Belinske Michael and Karen Bendel Michael and Kimberley Biese Ben and Kristie Bigari Gregory and Peggy Blank Ella Blenke Thomas Boehm Carl and Marlene Boucher Michael and Elaine Broderick Donald Bruex Keith Burger Ed and Bertha Cavil Deacon Peter and Antoinette Cheskie Thomas and Lisa Cochrane Robert and Linda Couch Marvin and Kathleen Daniels Michael and Barbara Dercks Gary Dietzen Reverend John Doerfler Deacon Michael and Ann Dolezal Dan and Linda Dooley Dennis and Lynda Dvorachek Anthony and Gina Ellis

APRIL 2-6, 2008

APRIL 15-18, 2008

Broadcast the First Divine Mercy Congress.

Thomas and Martha Endejan John and Sue Engelmann Charles and Jill Estermann Brad and Yvonne Everts Joyce Fiel Carol Frahm Rob and Kim Franda Fran Frigo Richard and Paula Froelich Dr. Mark and Margaret Gardon Dale and Mary Gebhart Roger and Marilyn Genske Todd and Carol Gerhardt Josephine Giacalone Gary and Vickie Gossens John and Mary Graycarek William and Susan Griffith Robert and Sara Grossheim Judy Gruber Dyan Gwidt Brian and Tina Haanen David Hackney Doug and Sharon Hale Steven and Mary Hamilton William and Sandy Hammond Julie Haney Gladys Hansen Edward and Rita Hart Jacob and Mary Hashbarger Jason Heiberger James and Janet Heiman Arthur Hill, Jr. Steven and Brenda Hirt Deacon Richard and Anne Hocking Carla Hoffman Thomas Holland James and Rose Mary Holschuh Kenneth Kabat Dennis and Cathy Kallin William Kartheiser Jeremy Kater Joseph and Brenda Ketter Daniel and Kristin Killian Wayne and Kelly Kinjerski John Klenke Ryan Koch Teresa Kochaver Dennis and Donna Koenigs Benjamin and Joann Koss Marge Krautkramer John and Julie Krock Mary Krueger William and Cecilia Kwasny John and Virginia Lippert Marcia Lynch

Broadcast Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to United States.

Dick Mack Kevin Martin Marie Mathews Ruth McClone Jeffrey and Jill McClure Sharon McConnell John McCormick Andrew and Carrie Mihalski Bryan and Mary Mikota Robert Mongin Todd and Lisa Moore Rose Murray Walter and Theresa Neta Fred Newcombe Steven and Christie Nimmer Wayne and Bernardine Nitz Steve and Bonnie Nockerts Gerald Nowak Jon and Giovanna O’Donahue Veronica Pauze Vicky Pelegrin Helen Pierquet Brian and Cindy Plamann Steve Putzer Michael and Carol Quinn Nick Radtke Richard and Rosemary Rankin Reverend William Rickert Matthew Rogatzki Gary and Sally Ronsman Erin Rosales Gregory and Ann Rotherham Fred Gedemer and Dorothy Rowe Sheryl Ruedebusch William and Martha Sacksteder Jared and Elizabeth Saindon Dr. Gregory and Pamela Saulnier Mary Agnes Scheuer John and Nancy Schmidt Thomas and Cindie Schmit Sara Schmitz Bob and Donna Schommer Brian Schuh Andrew and Jeanne Schumacher Marvin Schuster James and Wendy Sell Robert and Dorothy Seymour Patrick and Judy Shimon John and Bernadine Simon Deacon Richard and Judith Simon Kim Simons Lee and Betty Sinkler Bernard and Karen Skaletski Steven and Doreen Skinkis Thomas and Mary Ann Sladek Jacob Slavek

Dr. Pierre and Margaret Slightam Kathleen Splichal Dan Stahl Edward and Cindy Sypek Gary and Jean Thiel Robert and Mary Ann Treml Judith Twohig Allen and Joann Vaile William and Colleen Van Camp Michael and Donna Van Rooy Mary Jane Van Sistine Greg and Ginger Van Thiel David and Lynn Vanden Heuvel David Vander Loop Clarence and Barbara Vander Putten Jason Vandermause Terry and Lois VanderMause Joseph and Kay Vandersteen Dr. Donald and Mary Wackwitz Mark and Renee Weber John and Amy Weiss Timothy and Camille Welch Mary Weslow Larry and Virgina Westenberg Marlene Westphal Benjamin Weyenberg Glenn and Christine Whipp Marjorie Wicks Rose Mary Wilhelm Gregory and Cindy Winiecki Vincent Zehren Lynn Zukus Anonymous (11)

Life! Promotions, Inc. Lighthouse Catholic Media McCormick Memorial Home Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Neighborhood Communications, LLC New Life & Hope Nicolet National Bank Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play Outer Edge Stage Renards Catering Ripon Athletics Sconnies Pub & Eatery Sovereign City Radio Services, LLC Square One of Green Bay, Inc. St. Pius X Parish Trulley Irish Gifts Womankind Medical Clinic Women Celebrate Thomas and Mary Murphy


Cornerstone Society

ACES Xavier Educational System American Climate Control Avenue Coins & Jewelry AXA Advisors, LLC Bemis Conference Center Cathedral Bazaar Catholic Financial Northeastern WI Regional Agency Cops Construction, Inc. Cup O Joy Dinner With The Bishop Dudley Birder Chorale St. Norbert College Esto Vir Esto Vir - Oshkosh Fox Valley Metal Tech, Inc. Heritage Hill State Historical Park John Gard Koss Industrial, Inc.

Mark and Deborah Hansen Nicholas and Kathleen Nicks Gregory and Joan Stellrecht Brian and Diane Sullivann

La Crosse 1570 AM WKBH (on-air 1/3/2003)

St. Gabriel Society Hansen Family Foundation, Inc. Timothy and Mary Brennan Paul and Karla Hansen Deacon Samuel and Judy Schmirler

Dollar A Day Mary Colsch David and Linda Coppens Joseph and Nancy Coppola Justin and Kati Dziowgo Norman and Mari Erickson Peter and Aretas Hafner Dorothy Heberlein Charles and Paula Heiderscheit Janice Hoeschler Virginia Horstman Terrance Hubert David and Barbara Janda

JULY 15-20, 2008 World Youth Day, Sydney, Austrailia.

George and Patricia Jehring Dan and Carol Kalmes John Keuler Dolores Knobloch Michael and Maria LaVoy John Leisgang John Leslie Connie Marshall Ted and Nancy Nagel Regina Nordeen Galen and Marianne Pittman Michael and Rita Richmond Stan and Sandra Roellich Kathryn Spelker Dr. Dean and Virginia Stroud James and Mary Beth Vach Ida Vessel Charles and Elizabeth Whalen William and Tammara White Anonymous (1)

Advertisers Aquinas Catholic Schools Bertrang Financial Catholic Foresters Insurance Services Catholic Knights Financial Services CityPrayz Comfort Keepers Diocese of La Crosse Franciscan Skemp Health Care Knights of Columbus Paradise Pool & Spa Providence Academy Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Madison 1240 AM WHFA (on-air 11/25/2001)

St. Gabriel Society Knights of Columbus - WI Council Mater Dei Tours Greg and Jody Greiber

Cornerstone Society RG Heating & Air Conditioning Margot Borchette Dorian and Linda Brazy

Christopher Collins Roger and Nancy Cook Mrs. Teresa Evans Stan and Sondra Gorius Sue Gudenkauf Richard and Beth Hellenbrand Daniel and Angela Hineline Dr. Brian Kremer Rosemary Kuehn Robert II and Ann Laux JoAnn Marshall Christopher and Carol Miller Mercedes Ptak John and Jane Renz Rose Rettenmund Darin and Molly Ries Michael and Stacey Sanders Neal and Ellen Schoepp George and Judene Skrum Roman and Jean Statz Jane Tisdel Shane and Georgia Van Loenen Greg and Ann Wagner David and Jill Yanke Gertrude Zeier Paul Zeier James and Renee Zimmerman Anonymous (1)

Dollar A Day CES Foods, Inc. Kane Livestock Sales, Inc. Knights of Columbus - Charity Fund 3924 Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Jim and Jane Adams Steven and Carole Anderson Dennis and Laura Arneson Peter and Klementina Bartaczewicz Dr. Joseph and Carolyn Bellissimo Dr. Kevin and Julia Blau Dorothy Bollant Robert and Althea Burrier Jim and Jane Cisler Thomas and Marcella Claridge Patrick and Mandy Collins Judith Conger Sarah Connor Mary Ann Croft John and Margaret Cuva Carol Dambach

JULY 6, 2009 Go Ask Your FatherTM debuts.

Ann Delmore Amie Dragoo Annemarie Dresen Daniel and Rita Endres Joseph and Maureen FrawleyLemire Joanne Ganske Pauline Gilbertson Virginia Glasgow Vance and Anne Haney Leo and Rosemary Hanson Robert and Mary Jane Hartjes Bill and Bev Herriges Steven and Karen Holler Wayne Hunt Brian and Cathy Johnson Patrick and Carol Kaiser Margaret Kennedy Scott and Bethany Kisting Jennifer Klaas John and Cynthia Klietz Joe and Jane Krzos Kathleen Kukawica Peter and Kathryn Kurt Darrell and Barbara Kutchmarek James and Andrea Larson Eleanor Lawry Cheryl Leik Mark and Donna Lessner David and Michelle Mack Michael and Joan Mack Greg McCubbin Daniel and Cathy Meinholz Eugene Mueller Michael Mueller Matt Nilsson Catherine Packman Genevieve Pike Laura Jeanne Powless Geraldine Ptak Thomas and Mary Quamme Stephen Rajchel Steven and Melinda Rammer Kim Robertson Joseph and Marie Roche Kevin and Tracy Roche Christopher Rodel Col. John and Ann Rogan Robert Ryan Robert and Elise Saidler James and Susan Schemmel Christopher and Patricia Schmelzer Dr. Brian and Cynthia Schroedl Scott and Andrea Schulte

Julie Schwingel Robert and Antonia Seitz Mary Sharata Richard and Nancy Smith Thomas Sracic Guy and Denise Starbuck Brad and Laura Stuczynski Elizabeth Sullivan Del and Mary Teeter James and Barbara Tierney Elizabeth Tumpach Craig and Marilynn Uselman Nicholas and Jane Voegeli Dr. Donald and Mary Wackwitz John and Dawn Walz John and Kathryn Wittwer Joseph and Victoria Zaffino Anonymous (2)

Advertisers All Saints Neighborhood Arbonne Arc of Life Chiropractic, LLC Ballweg Construction, Inc. Dennis and Jeanne Breunig Camp Gray Capital Chaplains Carnation ChemDry of Middleton Catholic Financial Life Catholic Herald Dentistry of Madison Diocese of Madison Edward Jones First Weber Real Estate Ganser Exteriors House of Wellness Jockey Person to Person Knights of Columbus InsuranceBaxter Agency Leon’s Roofing and Siding, Inc. Madison Marriage Encounter Mary Kay Mauston Pumpkin Bash Committee Meridian Group, Inc. Monica Marrone/Shaklee Distributor Our Lady of Hope Clinic Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Poynette Auto Body, LLC Pregnancy Helpline of Madison Reitz Internet Technologies ReMax Preferred River Arts, Inc.

APRIL 23, 2010

JULY 25, 2010

Relevant Radio names Rev. Francis J. Hoffman Executive Director.

The Dynamic Catholic ShowTM with Matthew Kelly debuts.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. Ambrose Academy St. Mary’s Hospital Sunrise Auction Co. Tridentine Mass Society of Madison Wagner Insurance & Financial, Inc. Walz General Surgery Warden & Sons

Milwaukee 100.1 FM WPJP (on-air 8/22/2003)

St. Gabriel Society Dr. Mark and Dr. Teresa Bettag Thomas and Mary Chemotti John Fischer Dr. John and Dr. Kathryn Goetz Michael and Renee Gratz Dr. Peter and Yvonne Jahnke Kurt and Kathy Kellogg Gregory and Regina Kennin Philip and Nancy Lundman Glenn Miller Joseph and Martha Nennig Dr. Ken and Dr. Mary Anne Urlakis James and Debbie Wozniak Dr. John and Amy Yadgir

Cornerstone Society Faust Greenhouse Robert G. Friedman Foundation Sartori Foundation, Inc. Sharon Cutwell Co., Inc. St. Joseph Congregation Anthony and Linda Adams Thomas and Mary Ann Albiero Mary Bachowski Philip Jr. and Barbara Bail Maureen Balistreri Kevin and Dianne Bay Josef Becker Todd Becker David and Paula Beine Robert and Mary Breuer Anthony and Andrea Bryant Denise Carroll Linda Clerkin Jon and Elizabeth Cyganiak

James and Carol Daun James and Mary Degenhardt Stephen and Laura Deguire Salvatore and Gayle Dragotta Charles DuFrane Tom Dugan Christopher and Ann Evanich Marian Fassbender Richard and Diane Floryance Christopher and Kristen Gabel Louis and Michele Gentine Gerardo and Josephine Gonzalez Ron and Michele Grall Joseph and Betty Hamm Thomas and Theresa Hayssen Thomas and Pam Henke Phillip and Barbara Hesselbein Robert and Amy Hietala Gail Huber Harlu and Karen Keller Lois Ketterhagen Andrew and Sharon Kiselicka Dr. Mark and Mary Knabel Lysette Kopecky Jason Kopp Miles and Kathleen Kosovich Thomas and Clare Kuble David and C. L. Kunze Thomas Kurz David and Michelle Larson Gerald and Victoria Lee Andrew Linn Dr. James and Jean Linn Matthew and Patricia Linn Richard and Laura Lyons James and Theresa Maciejewski Richard and Paula Magliocco Patricia Mahoney Kurt and Jennifer Maltby Beth Maniero Michael and Pamela Matenaer Scott and Susanne Mayer Francis and Mathilda Messa Joseph Metrish Evelyn Milas Richard and Lucille Moran Father Robert Mueller Michael and Tobey Neuberger Agnes Obst Russell and Kathleen Paulin Jack and Diane Perrone Paul and Mary Ann Petri Cathy Rakers Michael Reger Mike and Sharon Reichert Terry and Kelly Retzke

Edward Robb Betty Jane Roethle Angela Schmitz James and Marion Sember Joseph and Elizabeth Senglaub William and Dr. Cheryl Serb Dr. Franklin and Dr. Krishna Smith Paul and Janet Smyczek Frank and Terrie Stangl William Stoll Steven and Jo Anne Swanson Marlene Sweet Gary Vogel David Vogt Marjorie Vukelich Joel Wade Genevieve Wagner Christopher Wanta Jude and Nora Werra Jerome and Barbara Wichgers Carol Wieseler Arthur and Mary Ann Wigchers Allison Wilke Robert Wisniewski Dr. Richard and Kathleen Zimmerman Donald and Janice Zuern Anonymous (3)

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AUGUST 1, 2010 “You helped save my marriage. I was ready to leave her husband but after listening to Relevant Radio, I was brought back to my faith and the right way to go. You are a life-saver!” - Maureen

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AUGUST 15, 2010

AUGUST 31, 2010

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Relevant Radio Celebrates 10 Years On-Air.

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Cornerstone Society

Dollar A Day

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Wisconsin Rapids 93.9 FM WMMA (on-air 10/2/2002)

St. Gabriel Society

NOVEMBER 14, 2010 I had fallen away from the Church and ended up in a terrible sin. Then, thanks to Relevant Radio, I received a Word, a Message and a Digital Hug, that helped me survive the day. Life is not perfect but I now have hope.� - Patrick

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DECEMBER 8, 2010 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) Live broadcast of the Most Rev. David L. Ricken, Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, WI, formally declaring the modest Shrine in Champion, WI to be a diocesan shrine and approving the Marian apparitions of Adele Brise.

“…teach them what they should know for salvation.” - Our Lady to Adele Brise, 1859

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