On the Dial: The Relevant Radio Newsletter

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hat is your most treasured Christmas tradition or Memory?

Relevant Radio® show hosts share their fondest Christmas memories.

In another city, working for a different employer, my wife, daughter, and I were among the “working poor,” and it appeared that Christmas simply wasn’t going to happen that year. My wife made a few phone calls to local organizations, and the gifts and food POURED in! I will never forget the Christmas when I learned the blessing of ACCEPTING gifts graciously.

There’s nothing like attending Christmas Midnight Mass in mainland China as I did many times during my missionary years. At the consecration, fireworks are set off! The very first time I experienced it, I was literally shocked into proclaiming the mystery of faith! When I asked the bishop the reason for the fireworks, he replied, “To remind all of us how surprising and shocking it is that God loves us so much God took on human flesh.” Every time I hear fireworks now, I am reminded of a surprising love beyond all telling.

Paul Sadek - DaybreakTM Fr. Albert Haase, OFM - Spirit and LifeTM

With the lights of the tinseled Christmas tree shining on her, my holidayaproned grandmother proudly set her famous oyster soup on the festive table. After the blessing, Daddy sipped his soup as though he wanted it to last all year and Mama whispered “ah” after each spoonful. Me, I looked at my bowl long and hard, mustering the courage to eat what I disliked. Dilly-dallying, I picked up my soup spoon. Then I saw my beloved Gram wink and beam a radiant smile. Knowing Gram understood my struggle and experiencing her love across the family table are cherished Christmas memories.

Midnight Mass. No question. It was the 1950’s. We would all go to Midnight Mass. Our house was on the same block as the church. All my big brothers’ and sisters’ friends would come straight from Mass to our Christmas Eve open house. There was food and drink and laughter and we would literally roll back the rug and we would dance. There was never excess or drunkenness. Just joy, real joy. I imagine that heaven will be a little like that - A Mass that never quite ends, but becomes an open house for the ones we love. Tears come to my eyes as I remember it.

My favorite Christmas memory is everything. As a child growing up in a loving family of ten in a house that seemed huge but was only 1600 square feet, the Christmas season was magical. After pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, we’d pick names for Christmas gifts. Little by little decorations went up, inside and out. St. Nick’s Day brought treats and St. Lucy’s Day the Christmas tree. Then on Christmas morn, we raced down the stairs to see the piles of gifts and stockings. But before we opened any gift, the whole family went to Mass dressed in our Sunday best.

Fr. Simon - Father Simon SaysTM

Father Rocky - Go Ask Your FatherTM

Christmas has always been a special and enchanted time of the year. Everyone is merry. There are Christmas Carols, Christmas parties, great food and gifts. My mother always wanted us to be sure that, in light of all these festivities, we as a family never forgot the true meaning of Christmas. So every Christmas, the Mariani family would have a beautiful birthday cake and sing happy birthday to Our Lord in honor of His birth, the reason for the season!

When I was a child, I had a treasured illustrated story book about Christmas around the world, the many customs of the people of many lands. It helped me, early in life, to realize our common celebration of something so blessed and treasured by humanity as the birth of the Christ Child. It imbued me with the sense of the sacred, the sense of awe and wonder. I appreciated the magnificent holiday around the Holy Day of the Incarnation, marked in marvelous ways throughout the world by almost every culture, making us one human, joyful family.

When I was probably about twelve, my grandmother came to stay with us for a week over Christmas. This meant me giving up my bed and sleeping upstairs. Our house was a story and a half and while there was a bed upstairs, there wasn’t a lot of heat. So, we often stored goodies, pantry-style, behind the closed door on the upstairs steps. It was a cool and convenient spot. Especially when you’re 12 and on the other side of the door. The side where the cookies are storedcutouts, pinwheels, spritz, etc. I could slowly tiptoe down the steps from my temporary sleeping quarters and have at the cookies. I don’t remember too much else about that Christmas, but I didn’t go hungry.

Drew Mariani - The Drew Mariani ShowTM

Sheila Liaugminas - A Closer LookTM

Glen Lewerenz - Glen’s Story Corner

Sr. Bridget Haase, OSU - Spirit and LifeTM

Favorite Christmas Memories continued... Over the years we’ve appreciated opportunities to share the spirit of Christ with others through acts of service at Christmastime. When we lived in Detroit, we were able to help provide Christmas presents to the family of a prison inmate. After several years, the inmate wrote to us to tell us how much it meant to know his children were receiving Christmas gifts given in his name. I’ve never forgotten about the way a small act on our part could help connect those children to their father and help him to regain a measure of dignity. Sean Herriott - Morning Air® Taking Kate and Maggie to Midnight Mass for the first time. It was beautiful. They were 6 and 4, well-behaved and we were convinced that would ensure a long and peaceful slumber. This would have, in turn, ensured that Santa would be able to finish up in the workshop and also have a long, peaceful sleep. Imagine our surprise when, at 3:15 AM they were both jumping on the bed..”Santa was here, Santa was HERE!!!, wake up wake up” ..with our superior parenting skills, we convinced them to go back to sleep. UNTIL 4:45 AM. JUMP JUMP SQUEAL!! We were the only house in our area with the lights on at 5 am as well as the coffee pot. Maggie spotted the prize. At the top of her wish list, was Rapunzel Barbie. I can still hear her little voice “WAPUNZEL, WAPUNZEL” I’d give anything to be that tired again on Christmas morning. Wendy Wiese - On CallTM

Mission Message Dear Relevant Radio Family, There’s so much to look forward to at this time of year, isn’t there? It’s amazing how Our Lord works in setting up the beautiful seasons of the Church – like Advent and Christmas – to enrich our personal relationship with Him in everyday life. That’s what it’s all about. However, as we enter the Advent season and prepare our homes and hearts for Christmas, it can be really tempting to get caught up in all the commercialism and gift shopping. But all that busy-ness can be such a distraction from what’s really important! Instead, let’s try to imitate Our Lady and St. Joseph with their calm and silent hearts in the midst of the bustle of the world as they searched for shelter for the birth of Our Lord. They gave of themselves completely for the sake of Christ – their comfort, their convenience, their plans – so that Christ could be born into the world for us. What a Gift! How can we imitate that self-giving? The best gift we can give is the gift of ourselves – that’s what Jesus, Mary and Joseph did. I know of some young 20-something-year-olds who have

agreed to spend time together volunteering at a local homeless shelter instead of buying gifts for each other because they all agreed they don’t need more “stuff”! This is one of the best ways to share the faith, by being a living example of His self-giving love. As we enjoy spending time with our families and loved ones, let us make a point of not forgetting those suffering throughout the world from hunger, loneliness, illness, or tragedy. As a human family, we need to support each other. So let’s pray for them daily and give of our abundant blessings to those in need. And don’t forget to make your year-end gift to Relevant Radio, so that we can continue bringing the hope and joy of Christ to souls! With prayers for a Blessed and Joyful Christmas,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director PS – Be sure to tune in for our special Christmas programming! www.relevantradio.com keyword: Christmas.

Keeping Christ in Christmas

of Christ’s birth come to life in a way that everyone can remember for years to come.

As the snowflakes fall and colorful lights begin to brighten the neighborhood, now is the time to focus our minds and prepare our hearts for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here are some suggestions:

• SING! Whether it be with family, friends or fellow parishioners singing carols is a great way to have fun and share the faith with others.

• Display your nativity set and place baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve. Another idea is to wrap baby Jesus in gift paper and “hide” the tiny figurine under the tree. On Christmas morning have the children un-wrap Jesus first and put Him in the manger. • Bake Jesus a birthday cake or make a “Happy Birthday Jesus” ornament to put on the Christmas tree.

• Make your loved ones a gift instead of buying one. Applying God given talents to show love to others is a great way to stay focused on Christ during the season. • Read the Christmas story together with your family – Luke 1:5-56 through 2:1-20. You can even reenact that wondrous night as you follow along! Doing so makes the beauty

• Put out a stocking special for Jesus and write notes/prayers to Him. Another idea is to put notes of things thankful for and good deeds done anonymously in the stocking. On Christmas Eve or Day, take the notes out and read them aloud. All for the greater glory of God! Most important: Don’t forget to make a good confession and to go to Mass. Celebrating the Sacraments is the best way to stay close to Christ all year round.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Plan Today, Give Forever By: Mary Conroy, Chicago Development Christmas has traditionally been known as the “Season of Giving!” Did you know it is possible to give a gift that “keeps on giving?” Have you ever wished you knew ways to help care for your family’s spiritual needs in the future? Are you concerned about the availability of catechesis for your children and grandchildren? Did you know that through your designation, your favorite charities - in addition to your family - can receive your wealth and assets rather than the government? The Relevant Radio planned giving program helps to answer all of these important questions! A planned gift is a commitment today to make a gift in the future. Through a planned gift, you can likely make a donation significantly larger than is possible today. There are many ways to make planned gifts, including bequests, charitable gift annuities, life estates, and charitable trusts. Each option complements the variety of donor interests and settings.

Through a planned gift to Relevant Radio, one is able to make a lasting commitment to help Relevant Radio evangelize, educate, and transform the world! Your planned gift will bring you the comfort of knowing you are continuing to provide resources for your family and friends to deepen and to grow in their faith for generations to come. Your wealth can help increase the wealth of Heaven, helping to unite more souls to Christ. In addition to the indispensable spiritual benefits of planned gifts, they can also provide great tax benefits as well. For example, Relevant Radio can be named as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or retirement plan. Retirement benefits are generally subject to two taxes when an individual passes away: an estate tax and an income tax. These taxes could add up to more than 80% of the assets. Presumably, you don’t wish to leave 80% of your estate to the government, and thankfully there are ways to create a plan that minimizes

or eliminates taxes due while providing for your family or charities. Since Relevant Radio is a qualified tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity, we’re not subject to these taxes and would receive 100% of the gift dollars properly designated to us! Yes, Christmas has been known as the “Season of Giving!” Yet Blessed Pope John Paul II’s call for the New Evangelization is an invitation to give, to participate, to invest in the Church and her future each and every day. Our lives, both now and in the future, can be a season of giving! For more information please visit www.relevantradio.com – keyword: Give. This page provides details about the program and contacts for specific questions.

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