On the Dial: Relevant Radio Newsletter - Fall 2014

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“Let us remember that faith is not something we possess but something we share. Every Christian is an apostle.� - Pope Francis

Milwaukee gets more coverage

Relevant Radio® Reach expands on the East Coast Believe it or not, Newark/New York now has Catholic Radio, for the first time since 1937! In June, Thomas R. Vorpahl, Relevant Radio Chairman and COO, announced that an agreement was reached to transfer control of 1430 AM WNSW to Starboard Media Foundation, Inc., dba Relevant Radio. Then, on August 28, 2014, the dream became reality as Relevant Radio programming officially hit the airwaves in the Tri State area (New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut). “We are pleased to welcome Relevant Radio into the Archdiocese of Newark and greater metropolitan area. We look forward to working closely with them to bring to all listeners the clear and consistent Catholic message and to share the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of our Faith,” said the Most Rev. John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark. “As we continue to broaden our efforts in the New Evangelization to spread the good news of the Gospel, Relevant Radio

will be of tremendous benefit not only to Catholic people but to people of all faiths to help them understand the Catholic faith more fully, and share it with others.” With the new owned and operated signal, Relevant Radio is reaching 16 million listeners in the Tri-state area. This brings the Relevant Radio potential listener base from 30 million to 46 million people! That’s 16 million more souls that now have greater access to the hope found in the Truth and teachings of our Catholic faith. “The invitation and support of Archbishop Myers and Bishop DiMarzio was essential in bringing Relevant Radio to this area,” said Tom Vorpahl. “We are very grateful for their assistance and for the generous support of so many individuals who wished to further our mission to assist the Church in the New Evangelization. We are humbled to serve our bishops through the medium of radio and are most grateful for their encouragement and support.”

“I was delighted to hear Relevant Radio now on 1430 in Newark/New York. I wish you all the best in the bold adventure into radio market one!” Peter - Online “This area, NY/NJ is in SUCH need of the Gospel! May He be glorified thru your efforts and continue to bless this ministry.” Michael - Online

Relevant Radio 1640 AM WSJP celebrated its first broadcast on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014. This newly owned and operated AM station, paired with the existing 100.1 FM WSJPFM, allows Relevant Radio to reach an additional 2.6 million people in southeastern Wisconsin. The Milwaukee sister stations’ call letters were changed to WSJP/WSJP-FM in honor of Saint John Paul the Great, patron of the Relevant Radio network. The response to the new signal has been one of excitement and appreciation! “Just let me start out by saying, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I have listened to 100.1 for years... About a year ago, I switched jobs which causes me to spend a lot of time in my car driving around the Waukesha, Oconomowoc, Delafield area. I have been frustrated with not being able to get the station in well and not at all around Delafield. The constant static caused me to switch to another station in those areas ... The other day I heard Drew mention the new station and I tried it out right away. WOW!!!! It comes in perfectly. Now I am able to listen to RELEVANT RADIO all day long without needing to switch due to bad reception. I am so grateful, thank you again!” Denise - Sussex, WI “Good news about the new Milwaukee signal! Your station has made a difference in my life. I was a luke warm Catholic at best prior to listening to your station... Thank you.” Ellen - Milwaukee, WI

Pope Francis’ Words to Athletes: The Game Strategy We Should All Hear By: Mary Conroy, Chicago Development

a Reason!

Before a soccer match last August between Argentina and Italy, Pope [Coach] Francis shared powerful words of wisdom with both teams present at the Vatican – these words are just as timely to us as to the men present then. A good coach always challenges his or her players to give more and more, go further and further, without taking one’s eye off the goal. With Pope Francis as our spiritual coach, his words are ones we all ought to hear. After complimenting the players on their captivating popularity, he soon reminded them that this is a social responsibility. “In the game, when you are on the field, you find beauty, generosity, camaraderie. If a game is missing this, it loses its force.... There is no place for individualism; everything is directed to the team. Perhaps these three things—beauty, generosity, and camaraderie—ought to be recovered in a sporting term that should never be abandoned: “novice.” He continued noting that the professional dimension of an organization (and we can apply this here as we self-identify as professionals, adults, experts in our fields) is important but “should never lay aside the initial vocation of an athlete or a team: being a novice.”

Freezin' for

Novice…a beginner, an apprentice, a learner. In our spiritual journeys we are all novices, children developing our faith and growing in new ways. Perhaps ways we can live this child-like spirit in finding new ways to serve, to grow ourselves through sharing Christ’s words and to open the doors of the Church for others. Many positions make up a team, and the many ways to help Relevant Radio make its presence and growth possible. Join Team Relevant Radio! We each have been given time, talent, and treasure. Perhaps for our “next season” we can practice new positions, contributing to this indispensable evangelization in our world today. Visit the Support Us tab at RelevantRadio.com for resources. Let us follow the words of our Coach Pope Francis, who is under the direction of our General Manager, Our Lord!

In August, Drew Mariani, host of The Drew Mariani ShowTM and Wendy Wiese, host of On CallTM, took on the Relevant Radio cold water challenge to help raise funds for the Summer “Reach out and Respond” Pledge Drive. The outcome of the challenge was supersoaked with success! Thanks to your prayers and support we passed the $1 million mark and, holding true to their promise, both hosts had a bucket of ice water poured over their heads. All proceeds went to the mission of Relevant Radio.

Welcoming John Harper, New Relevant Radio Host of Morning Air®

John Harper, host of Morning Air

On July 28th, John Harper made his debut as the host of Morning Air on Relevant Radio. Harper started in broadcast media when he was 17 years old, and he is thrilled to now share his expertise in radio with the network that has helped him so much in his spiritual growth over the past several years. In addition to being a well-known name in radio and television broadcasting, John has made it a priority to give back to his community and has received several awards for his dedication to worthy causes. John Harper was raised Catholic and is still an active member of his original childhood parish, Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Stamford, Connecticut. Tune in from 6-10 am CT/ 7-11am ET Monday through Friday to hear John Harper live. You can also stream or download the Morning Air show anytime online at RelevantRadio.com.

See the video footage at RelevantRadio.com Keyword: “SOAK”

5 things you didn’t know about Pope Francis . . .

1. He was a bouncer. He worked as a bouncer in a Buenos Aires bar to earn money as a student. 2. He only has one lung. Pope Francis had one of his organs removed as a teenager, presumably after a bout with an infection. 3. He is a fan of the tango. “I love tango and I used to dance when I was young,” he told Francesca Ambrogetti and Sergio Rubin, the authors of his 2010 biography El Jesuita. 4. He had a girlfriend. “She was one of a group of friends I went dancing with. But then I discovered my religious vocation,” he said to Ambrogetti and Rubin. 5. He was a teacher. Pope Francis was a teacher of literature, psychology, philosophy and theology before becoming the Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Image: Philip Chidell / Shutterstock.

Mission Message Dear Relevant Radio Family,

Apostle Paul, we are led by the Holy Spirit and can determinedly move forward and reach as many souls as possible. We are calling it “Growth in the Era of Pope Francis.”

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be a missionary, proclaiming the Gospel message in the first century? Take the Apostle Paul for example - he travelled thousands of miles by foot and boat to share the Gospel message with the masses. There were many times when he was tired and hungry, encountering obstacles, adversity, and even shipwreck along the way. But still, he persistently carried on and made evangelization his life’s mission.

Thus, it is with great joy to announce that, due to the generosity of souls inspired by the Holy Spirit, Relevant Radio is expanding and our listener base is growing. We recently welcomed more listeners from Southeast Wisconsin and the New York Tri-State area with our new owned and operated stations in those markets and are now able to share the hope of Christ with millions of more souls!

Here at Relevant Radio, we attempt to do the same. As God blesses us with the capacity to serve more of His children, we respond to the call, praying that, like the

A few weeks ago, Relevant Radio also had the pleasure of sharing the new voice and talent of John Harper on our growing radio network. John’s voice comes to us

all the way from our New York Studios, sharing his joyful enthusiasm for the Faith as he hosts Morning Air®. All of this growth in our efforts of evangelization are the result of your faith in our Mission. It is only through the generosity of our listeners and supporters that we are able to bring the Good News to souls all over the world. Thank you! Relevant Radio now has more active listeners and supporters than ever before. With prayers and best wishes,

“How then are they to call on Him if they have not come to believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard of Him? And how will they hear of Him unless there is a preacher for them? And how will there be preachers if they are not sent? As scripture says: How beautiful are the feet of the messenger of good news.” (Romans 10:14-15).

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