On the Dial: Special Edition

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“The goal and target of our life is He, the Christ who awaits us – each one singly and altogether – to lead us across the boundaries of time to the eternal embrace of the God who loves us.” -Pope John Paul II

• SPECIAL VIDEO BY USCCB Special Programming:

Holy Week and Easter Highlights • DOWNLOADABLE SCHEDULE




Dear Relevant Radio Family,

Fear not, I am with you (Isaiah 41:10). Be Not Afraid (Matthew 10). Throughout all of Scripture, the Lord continually encourages His people to never give way to fear. From the Old Testament to the New, there is a constant theme of “Be Not Afraid.” As our Father, God does not want His children to fear anything; He wants us to be strong and courageous like Him, especially the more we face adversity. While on earth, Jesus himself continued to encourage His followers to never be afraid, especially by His Passion, Death and Resurrection, in which He took it upon Himself to prove that one can – with God’s help – overcome and rise above all adversity. This message of courage is most appropriate to meditate on during this glorious Easter Season. Remembering that Jesus Christ conquered all death and adversity through his power and love helps us to never fear. He is the source of all power, joy and peace – we have everything we need from Him. If we trust in Jesus, we too will be given strength and courage to overcome, so there is never a reason to be afraid of anything. How appropriate that during this Easter Season, our beloved John Paul II will be beatified, especially as the underlying theme throughout his pontificate was “Be Not Afraid.” He continually desired to convey Christ’s message of hope and courage in a world that increasingly struggles with much adversity and suffering.

Fr. Rocky’s ordination by Pope John Paul II, June 14, 1992

I remember the day he was elected, the day he was shot, the day he ordained me as a priest, and the day he died. John Paul the Great is the patron of Relevant Radio and a hero and role model for so many of us. We could not be happier that he will soon be raised to the altar, and we know he intercedes daily for us at Relevant Radio. Thank you for your faithful support. May you be abundantly blessed during this Holy Week and joyful Easter Season! And always remember, “Be Not Afraid!”

With prayers and best wishes,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director


P.S. Be sure to tune in to Relevant Radio during Holy Week for special programming. Join me for the “Fr. Rocky Mission Days,” a five-part series that will air during Holy Week at 10 AM CT Monday through Friday. Also join me at 3 PM CT on Good Friday for a special Live broadcast from the Shrine of Christ’s Passion! Relevant Radio, PO Box 10707, Green Bay, WI 54307-0707 Listener/Donor Line: 1.877.291.0123 Prayer Line: 1.888.577.5443 Sponsorship Advertising: 1.800.342.0306 EXT 7315 For more information about our daily shows or to find your local station, check us out at www.relevantradio.com Home | Donate | Subscribe/Unsubscribe | Contact Us | Privacy Statement © 2011 Starboard Media Foundation, Inc.


The Beatification of Pope John Paul II Drew Mariani and Dr. Christine Mugridge will give live reports from Rome on Morning Air® and The Drew Mariani ShowTM on Wednesday, April 27th, Thursday, April 28th, and Monday, May 2nd. The Drew Mariani Show will broadcast LIVE from Rome on Friday, April 29th. Dr. Christine Mugridge and Drew Mariani to provide coverage of this historic event!

The Venerable Pope John Paul II, born Karol Józef Wojtyła (May 18, 1920 – April 2, 2005), reigned as Pope from October 16, 1978 until his death on April 2, 2005 (at the age of 84). His was the second-longest documented pontificate, which lasted 26 years and 168 days. Pope John Paul II is the only Polish Pope to date, and was the first non-Italian Pope since Dutch Pope Adrian VI (1522–1523).


John Paul II has been acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. He was instrumental in ending communism in his native Poland and eventually in all of Europe.


He was one of the most-travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate.


He spoke Italian, French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Esperanto, Ancient Greek and Latin as well as his native Polish.


As part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1,340 people and canonized 483 saints, more than the combined tally of his predecessors during the last five centuries.


On December 19, 2009, John Paul II was proclaimed venerable by his successor Pope Benedict XVI and is set to be beatified on May 1, 2011, Divine Mercy Sunday. Pope John Paul II statue in Vitebsk, Belarus




Beatification is a recognition accorded by the Catholic Church of a dead person’s entrance into Heaven and capacity to intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in his or her name. Beatification is the second of three steps in the canonization process. A person who is beatified is given the title “Blessed”. Click HERE to download the article “Making Saints” on the canonization process from the USCCB.

ars! d n e l a C r u o Y k r a M Catholic News Service reported that the feast day of Blessed John Paul II will be marked October 22 each year in Rome and the dioceses of Poland.

When the Vatican made the announcement April 11, it also said Catholics throughout the world will have a year to celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for his beatification.

Click the picture above to play a special memorial video on John Paul the Great’s pontificate. (produced by the USCCB)

Thanksgiving Masses for a beatification -- like the observance of a feast day -- are usually limited to places where the person lived or worked. The exceptional character of the beatification of the Venerable John Paul II, recognized by the entire Catholic Church spread throughout the world, led to a general permission for the thanksgiving Mass.



Holy Week and Easter

We’re excited to offer an extensive lineup of special programming for Holy Week. To make you aware of them, we wanted to highlight just a few: (all times central) DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE SCHEDULE HERE. Father Rocky Mission Days - “Close to Jesus to the Last: The Passion of Christ in Five Parts” Monday-Friday of Holy Week 5am CT / 10am CT

A special 5-part Holy Week mission series presented by our own Father Rocky. Each day at 5am, and again at 10am, we’ll pause for an hour to take a deeper look at all that led to the crucifixion and glorious resurrection of Our Lord. Each day, Father will walk us through Christ’s Passion through special reflections, teaching, specially selected music and prayer.

Father Rocky LIVE at the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, IN. Good Friday 3pm CT - a LIVE broadcast with Father Rocky

On Good Friday, we’ll suspend our normal programming and present a special live broadcast from the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, Indiana. Father Rocky will present The Divine Mercy Hour “The Losers Take It All”. This commercial-free hour will serve as a powerful way for Relevant Radio listeners to gather together on the most solemn day of the year. Join us in prayer and reflection as Father reveals the truth and beauty of The Divine Mercy Hour. (location/directions: www.shrineofchristspassion.org)

The Passion by Radix Holy Thursday 6pm CT, Good Friday 10pm CT

An annual Relevant Radio favorite, this unique program offers the listeners a chance to experience Christ’s Passion through a compelling and theatrical one-man presentation.

The Stations of the Cross for Children Holy Saturday 9am CT

This 30-minute program presents the Stations in a way the whole family can appreciate. The voice of children are used to make the program more relatable to our youngest listeners.

Easter Vigil Mass from the Vatican* Holy Saturday 2pm CT

A Relevant Radio tradition. Bringing “Rome to Home” with Mass celebrated by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.


Easter Sunday will feature a variety of special shows, including talks by Father Larry Richards, a classic from Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Easter Sunday Mass - LIVE from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Green Bay, WI at 9am CT. We hope you’ll find time to listen to some of these shows and help us get the word out about them. Have a blessed Easter!

DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE SCHEDULE HERE. Programming schedule is subject to change

*Courtesy of EWTN

*Courtesy of EWTN

EVEN SAINTS HAVE A PAST. Roland Joffé, the director who brought us the The Mission has returned to his roots with the epic movie THERE BE DRAGONS, a powerful story of war, tragedy, love and redemption. Set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War (early 1900’s), Dragons tells the story of two childhood friends who became separated during the political conflict to find themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. St. Josemaría Escrivá (Founder of Opus Dei) chooses the path of peace and becomes a priest while the other chooses the life of a soldier driven by jealousy and revenge. Each will struggle to find the power of forgiveness over the forces that tore their lives and friendship apart. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE OFFICIAL MOVIE TRAILER! CLICK HERE FOR A THEATER NEAR YOU.


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