On the Dial - Relevant Radio Newsletter Lent 2012

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Lenten Edition 2012

Cover Story:

Rosary Across


Join the Prayer Movement!

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: The St. Joseph Recurring Gift Program

Relevant Radio速 Comes to the East Coast Providence, RI Donation Sparks


Chapel of the Nativity Before & After



Lenten Edition 2012

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board / Contents 02 Mission Message from Fr. Rocky 03 Rosary Across America: 54 Day Novena 04 The Gift That Keeps on Giving 05 Providence 06 Chapel Renovations 01

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board NEW STATION! We are pleased to announce a new Relevant Radio station on the East Coast! Thanks to the support of a generous donor, Relevant Radio 550 AM will begin broadcasting April 1st, 2012 from Providence, Rhode Island.

Esto Vir Midwest Men’s Conference: The 7th annual 2012 Esto Vir Midwest Men’s Conference will be held Saturday, March 10th at St. Pius X Parish in Appleton, WI. This event will feature presentations by the following speakers: The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, Alan Keyes, Fr. Larry Richards and Fr. Francis Hoffman. Go to www.estovir.com for registration information.

Drew’s Giant Texas Bar-B-Q: Relevant Radio 970 AM presents: Drew’s Giant Texas Bar-B-Q! This event will be taking place on Saturday, April 21, 2012 featuring a good ole Bar-B-Q, silent auction & music, as well as keynote speaker Drew Mariani and Relevant Radio Executive Director Fr. Francis Hoffman. To register, go to www.relevantradio.com, keyword: Texas.

Relevant Radio, PO Box 10707, Green Bay, WI 54307-0707 Listener/Donor Line: 1.877.291.0123 Prayer Line: 1.888.577.5443 Sponsorship Advertising: 1.800.342.0306 EXT 7315 For more information about our daily shows or to find your local station, check us out at www.relevantradio.com Home | Donate | Subscribe/Unsubscribe | Contact Us | Privacy Statement © 2012 Starboard Media Foundation, Inc.



Dear Relevant Radio Family, Lent is almost here and when I think of Lent, I think of a chance to begin again! I also think of prayer and fasting, because that’s what Jesus did in the desert for forty days and forty nights. I think you’d agree that there are certainly a lot of things to pray for these days! There are many forces out there that want to destroy our basic foundations in life, including marriages, families, and the right to life and religious freedom. Catholics are being called in a special way to combat these forces through prayer, fasting, and action. With the recent intolerable mandate by the Department of Health and Human Services, prayer and fasting are needed more than ever. We are making an effort to do our part at Relevant Radio, and we invite you to join us. We’ve started an on-air 54 Day Rosary Novena praying for a reversal of the HHS mandate. Each morning at 7:30am CT during Morning Air®, we pray the rosary live on air and invite our listeners to call in and participate. In addition during these 54 days, we are praying one Memorare each hour for this intention. We also encourage our listeners to strengthen the power of this prayer with fasting, and we ask them to spread the word. This 54 Day Rosary Novena will continue throughout Lent until the Wednesday of Holy Week, April 4. Relevant Radio has invited all Catholic radio stations and EWTN (a global, Catholic Television, Catholic Radio, and Catholic News Network) to join us in this effort. We’d be so honored if you’d join us too. Check out page 3 for more on the Relevant Radio 54 Day Rosary Novena. Please continue to support and pray for our efforts of evangelization. The Church in our country needs this platform to spread the Truth of Jesus Christ and call people to prayer and fasting. Your prayers are critical for the future of our nation! May God bless you and your families during this Lenten Season! With prayers and best wishes,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director

Lent: No Ordinary Time

What are the Lenten Obligations for Catholics? What is the Holy Father’s 2012 Lent Message? Where can I find the history, origin and purpose of Lent? How can my kids become involved in the spirit of the Lenten season? Check

out the Relevant Radio Lent Resource page! Go to www.relevantradio.com and enter in keyword: Lent. You’ll find links to great tools designed to help you deepen your Lenten journey.


Rosary Across America The 54 Day Novena

Cover Story

Rosary Across America On Saturday, February 11, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Relevant Radio began a 54 Day Rosary Novena praying that justice and wisdom prevail regarding the HHS mandate, for true freedom of religion, for the protection of freedom of conscience and for the end of abortion. Join the Prayer Movement Each morning at 7:30am CT during Morning Air®, we will pray the rosary live on air. Families can pray with us listening to the radio wherever they are or by listening over the internet. This special rosary will be rebroadcast at 8:00pm CT and 10:30pm CT. You can also go to www.relevantradio.com and type in keyword: Rosary to access our

special “Rosary Across America” resource page featuring audio archives of each day’s rosary broadcast. In addition to the daily rosary, over the next 54 days, we will pray one Memorare each hour for these intentions. We will also encourage

Protecting Life & Liberty Responding to the HHS Mandate:

On January 20th, 2012, Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, announced that non-profit employers will have one year to comply with the new HHS Rule mandating insurance premiums paid by Catholic employers will be used to cover drugs and procedures that are in direct conflict with the teachings of the Church. The time for prayer is now! The time for action is now! Storm Heaven with prayer and, as Cardinal Dolan advised, “Let your elected leaders know that you want religious liberty and rights of conscience restored and that you want the administration’s contraceptive mandate rescinded.” In addition to informing our listeners and encouraging them to contact their state representatives, we are also calling them to prayer.

our listeners to strengthen the power of this prayer with fasting, and we will ask them to spread the word. This 54 Day Rosary Novena will continue until the Wednesday of Holy Week, April 4th. (Another great way to deepen your Lenten journey!) Spread the Word Please let us know where you are praying with us and we’ll add you to our map online! Simply email morningair@relevantradio.com Spread the word of this prayer movement to your family and friends! Include your social media network! Let’s get praying!

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Join Us! Give HOPE St. Joseph Recurring Gift: The gift that keeps on giving! For centuries, we Christians have honored St. Joseph - fosterfather of Our Lord Jesus - for his quiet, reverent, obedient and generous witness to his Family; and in doing so, to the universal Church. With humility, Joseph accepted the call to heroic sacrifice to help bring God’s gift of salvation in Jesus to the world. It is the same call in every age.

Prayer to St. Joesph the Worker Glorious St. Joseph... model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work in a spirit of penance for the expiation of my many sins; to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my inclinations; to work with gratitude and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, the gifts received from God; to work with order, peace, moderation and patience, without ever recoiling before weariness or difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of intention, and with detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the account which I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in success, so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all through Mary, all after your example, O Patriarch Joseph. Such shall be my watchword in life and in death. Amen.

In January, Relevant Radio was happy to launch its St. Joseph Recurring Gift Program. As a Recurring Gift participant, one agrees to contribute $10 or more each month through

automatic deductions from his or her credit card, debit card or bank account with no specified end date. The program, thereby, enables supporters to engage in continuous membership without the inconvenience of renewal appeals or reminders from us. It provides a stable source of income for Relevant Radio and reduces both expense and (gradually) dependency on pledge drive fundraising. That means more great content for listeners and their families to enjoy! With this new development, Relevant Radio hopes to spend more of its resources — donor dollars — on programs and future needs, and less on pursuing needed funding.

Making a Recurring Gift: To show support that extends beyond the lenten season - look no further than our new Recurring Gift Progam! The following are ways that you can make your generous donation a recurring gift: 1.

Use our on-line donation form. Choose the “Recurring Gift” option and specify your monthly payment amount.


During a pledge drive, tell the volunteer you’d like to create a “Recurring Gift.”


Use one of our mail appeal forms and check the “Recurring Gift” option.


Call our Donor Relations team at 1-877-291-0123 and ask to create a “Recurring Gift.”

Also visit www.relevantradio.com Keyword: gift or click here


Providence Relevant Radio Comes to the East Coast!


ev. Francis J. Hoffman, Executive Director of Relevant Radio, was pleased to announce that Relevant Radio entered into an agreement with Salem Communications to purchase WBZS 550 AM located in Providence, Rhode Island, on January 6th, 2012. The official FCC Application was filed on January 17, 2012. “Through the unbelievable generosity of a supporter, a gift was given with the hope of expanding

based upon the signal coverage and strength, the size of the Catholic population and the affordable purchase price of $750,000.”

“For the New Evangelization we pray first; sacrifice second; and then get to work...” -Father Francis J. Hoffman

Executive Director

the foot print of Relevant Radio,” said Fr. Hoffman. “After much discernment and prayer, plus consultation with His Excellency Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of the Diocese of Providence, the Board of Directors selected WBZS

Fr. Hoffman stated, “For the New Evangelization we pray first; sacrifice second; and then get to work. We are thrilled that Relevant Radio can step out with faith into Providence in this upcoming Year of Faith. Our first station license was granted on December 12, 2000, the feast day of our Patroness, Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is fitting that both parties entered into the agreement on the feast of St. Andre Bessette, January 6, 2012. He had a great devotion to St. Joseph, and St. Joseph had a hand in this transaction.” To learn more, click here to download Fr. Hoffman and Morning Air® host Sean Herriot discussing the new Providence station.


His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan May God bless you in your service to Him! Our prayers are with you.

Pope Benedict embraces Cardinal Dolan of New York after presenting him with a red biretta during a consistory in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Feb. 18, 2012. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)


Transformation Relevant Radio Chapel: Before & After


Above: Chapel of the Nativity crucifix with inscription reading “Nothing Is Impossible With God” Left: Plaque displayed near the entrance of the Chapel of the Nativity in honor of the generous donors who made the renovation possible.

Lent: A Time for Transformation

After Above: Relevant Radio Chapel of the Nativity transformation before and after its renovation.


ue to the extreme generosity of an anonymous donor, Relevant Radio was able to recently renovate the Chapel of the Nativity, located at the Relevant Radio headquarters in Green Bay, WI. The process started early last year and was unveiled by Easter Monday. Final details, such as the Holy Spirit mosaic by the tabernacle, the tabernacle gates, and the quote “Nothing Is Impossible With God,” were only just recently completed. Relevant Radio associates, priest celebrants, and chapel visitors are pleased with the results and feel their hearts lifted up in praise of Our Lord while surrounded by the simple beauty of the newly renovated chapel. The Chapel of the Nativity is open to the public Monday through Friday, with Eucharistic Adoration from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM, Rosary at 11:05 AM, Mass at 11:30 AM, and Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 PM. If you are in the area, be sure to stop by!

Lent is often considered a time of self-sacrifice and denial; a time to give something up, to practice selfdiscipline and to forgo that which we may otherwise consider difficult to let go of. While this is common practice, it is important to keep in mind the purpose behind our Lenten sacrifice - the reason why - lest we become lost in the legality of the action. From this perspective Lent is very much about transformation. We do not give something up merely for the sacrifice alone, but rather we do so with the understanding that we are opening our lives and our hearts up to the will of the Lord. In other words, we should choose to make a sacrifice that will better transform our lives in accordance with God’s will. For instance, one may decide to cut back on the number of hours spent watching television during the Lenten season. Without further consideration, the individual may forget that this sacrifice can also be thought of as an opportunity to spend that time with family and friends or to engage in spiritual reading - thereby strengthening bonds and enlightening the mind. In this way, we are not only partaking in Christ’s sacrificial gift, but we are transforming our lives while showing love to those around us.

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