On the Dial Summer 2010

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“The Eucharist is Everything!” SPECIAL DOWNLOAD


See the Faces of Relevant Radio!






1 Relevant Radio Bulletin Board 2 Mission Message from Fr. Rocky 3 Relevant Radio News The Eucharist is Everything MP3 / Steve Ray Tour 2010 May Pledge Drive Recap / Ten Year Anniversary Celebration Fr. Rocky’s Summer Reading List

5 The Faces of Relevant Radio We Love to See You Smile!

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board Sean Herriott, host of the Morning Air® program on Relevant Radio will present a weekend retreat July 9-11 at Holy Name Retreat House on Chambers Island. Theme of the retreat is "Beyond the Basics: Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Everyday Life." For more information on the July 9-11, 2010 retreat led by Sean Herriott or other retreats scheduled this summer at Holy Name Retreat House, and registration information (including an online registration option), click HERE.

Steve Ray Speaks in Austin, Texas! Relevant Radio 970 AM will present well-known Catholic Apologist Steve Ray on Thursday, June 24th, 2010 at 7pm at St. Louis Catholic Church, 7601 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX. For ticket information please visit www.relevantradio970.com or call 512-390-5495.

Fr. Rick Heilmann to speak at Madison Relevant Radio Business Association Meeting. Wednesday, June 30th, 2010, 5pm-7pm at All Saints Retirement Neighborhood, 8202 Highview Drive Madison, WI. For more information please click HERE.

Go Ask Your Father... in person - Fr. Richard Simon at the Chicagoland Relevant Radio Business Association meeting. Wednesday, July 14th, 2010. Mass at 7am. Fr. Richard Simon, co-host of Go Ask Your FatherTM, will be the celebrant. Location is Little Sisters of the Poor, 80 West Northwest Highway, Palatine, IL. Continental breakfast will be served after Mass. Click HERE to register and for complete details. Relevant Radio, PO Box 10707, Green Bay, WI 54307-0707 Listener/Donor Line: 1.877.291.0123 Prayer Line: 1.888.577.5443 Sponsorship Advertising: 1.800.342.0306 EXT 7315 For more information about our daily shows or to find your local station, check us out at www.relevantradio.com Home






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Mission Message from Fr. Rocky



A Decade With Jesus Our King! Dear Relevant Radio Family, Exciting news! We are soon approaching a major milestone for our Catholic radio network - our 10th Anniversary! On November 26, 2000, Feast of Christ the King, we officially went on the air with the Mass Live from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral on our first station, WJOK 1050 AM in Green Bay, WI. WJOK used to be a sports talk station, and the initials stood for "Jock" Radio. Little did we know that in God's mysterious Providence, those initials would someday mean "With Jesus Our King!" This station was the humble seed that flowered into a wonderful Catholic radio network of 31 stations (12 owned and 19 affiliates) across the Midwest, growing under the watchful eye of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We are planning some special events to celebrate this milestone. Look for details in this and upcoming issues of On The Dial, on-air announcements, and our facebook pages. You won't want to miss these celebrations! I want to personally thank each and every listener for your support. We could not have gotten this far nor stayed on the air these last 10 years without your support. You are a critical part of this mission, and we want to celebrate with you. And with the grace of God and your help, we can and will grow!

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Listen to “Fr. Rocky” on Go Ask Your FatherTM Weekdays Noon CT and on Morning Air® on Tuesdays at 7am CT.


As we close the Year for Priests, please remember to pray for your pastor each day. May God bless you and your families with a memorable, fun, and safe summer! With prayers and best wishes,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director Happy 18th Priestly Anniversary, Fr. Rocky! On June 14, 1992, in Rome, Francis Joseph Hoffman was ordained a priest forever by Pope John Paul II.

WJOK logo from 2000.



Relevant Radio News

“The Eucharist is Everything!” 2010 May Pledge Drive Recap “We want to create hope for the person ... we must give hope, always hope.” - Mother Teresa Relevant Radio listeners gave the gift of hope during the May 2010 Pledge Drive in more ways than one:

Fr. Rocky recently gave Relevant Radio associates a special presentation on the Holy Eucharist. His talk was entitled: "This is the Bread of Angels That Has Come Down from Heaven." You can download an MP3 of Father’s presentation by clicking HERE.

Steve Ray Tour-Last Stop: Austin

Sean and Drew, as the call screens lit up, thanked everyone for calling in. They asked listeners to call again if their call was dropped because the phone lines were maxed out. Hearing this, listeners jumped in their cars and drove to the National Headquarters and walked in willing to answer the pledge calls. We are so blessed. A generous donor made his pledge and then some so that the next ten callers who couldn't give at the DVD premium level would receive the DVD The 13th Day The True Story of Fatima. We are so blessed.

Steve speaking at St. Nobert College in DePere, WI

Catholic apologist and author Steve Ray delighted audiences with the powerful story of Our Lady on his recent Relevant Radio speaking tour. Steve gave talks in Minneapolis, MN, Milwaukee and DePere, WI and Chicago, IL. Over 1,200 people attended these events. Steve Ray will be making one last stop on the tour on June 24th to speak at St. Louis Catholic Church in Austin, Texas. For more information on this event, or to purchase tickets online please click HERE. To purchase tickets by phone, please call 800-342-0306, Ext 7315.

Many shared their stories of conversion, hope and blessings received. A young girl from Central Wisconsin called in her pledge and asked for a prayer of thanksgiving because her baby goats, Sarah and Ruth, were born healthy. We are so blessed.

Relevant Radio News



"Interior Freedom" by Fr. Jacques Phillipe This book is written in a simple and inviting style. It seeks to liberate the heart and mind to enable it to live the true freedom to which God calls each of us.

Save the date and join the celebration! Relevant Radio is marking its tenth year on the air with a special day of events August 31st, 2010 and you are invited to join in the fun!

Save the Date: August 31st, 2010 11am CT Mass of Thanksgiving St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 140 S Monroe St., Green Bay, WI Celebrant: The Most Reverend Bishop L. Ricken, Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay Concelebrant: Fr. Francis “Fr. Rocky” Hoffman This Mass will be broadcast LIVE!

12:30pm CT Blessing of the National Headquarters 1496 Bellevue St., Green Bay, WI

12:45pm - 3pm CT Refreshments, Meet & Greet, Studio Tours Stayed tuned to Relevant Radio for more information of our Tenth Anniversary events.

"Death Comes for the Archbishop” by Willa Cather The fate of the Catholic faith in the New Mexico territory rests in the hands of three Cardinals and an American Bishop. In 1848, they meet to discuss the Provincial Council at Baltimore's request to found an Apostolic Vicariate in recently annexed New Mexico. Join Father Jean Marie Latour as he, leaving behind the lush shores of Lake Ontario, travels to the barren countryside of New Mexico. His task is to bring order and a rebirth of the Faith to the native people. "When Hell Was in Session" by Jeremiah Denton Jeremiah Denton is a true American hero who writes with a rare perspective forged after 7 ½ years as a POW in Vietnam. Find inspiration in the examples of his Christcentered life, how he gained humility through suffering, and how his faith helped him survive. A must read for every Catholic man.

These books can be found at the Relevant Radio Online Store at www.relevantradio.com, Keyword: “Shop” or at your local Catholic bookstore.



The Faces of Relevant Radio


Bettag family of Sheboygan, WI.

“As of last Wednesday night, I am Blessed to be a Eucharistic Minister. Angela suggested I take the Holy Host to Mom as a Mother's Day Gift! As our Pastor, Fr. Mike, replied, "WHAT A GIFT!" Tony and I arrived with the Holy Host, surrounded by Blessed articles and I was very excited to find Rose there, along with Mom, very eager to receive Jesus Christ...we prayed and I administered the Blessed Host to her. I will always have this as the TOP memory of my life and I wish to thank Relevant Radio for teaching me the deep importance of this Sacred Sacrament...” Blessings, Carol Listener from Austin, Texas

Fr. Alfred McBride, O. Praem. and Steve Ray. During Q&A at the Steve Ray event in DePere, WI, Steve went over to greet Fr. Alfred McBride, a Norbertine priest and author, who lives in Green Bay and is a regular celebrant of Mass for Relevant Radio. Steve then shared with our audience that he read every one of Fr. McBride’s books when he was going through his conversion to the Catholic faith. So when he recognized Fr. McBride in the audience he was moved to immediately go meet him.

The Faces of Relevant Radio!



Fr. Rocky with the First Communicants at “Holy Hill” in Hubertus, WI on Corpus Christi Sunday.

Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz and Mother Assumpta Long of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in the studio with Sean Herriott.

Relevant Radio Broadcast Technician Gary Northway at the controls for the live broadcast of the Mass from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Green Bay, WI. Relevant Radio listeners tune in Sunday mornings at 9am CT to hear the Mass.


Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, with Drew Mariani.

Does Relevant Radio put a smile on your face? We’d love to see it and post your picture in upcoming issues of On the Dial. Send your pics to Nancy Jensen, 1496 Bellevue St., Suite 202, Green Bay, WI, 54311 or email Nancy the pictures at njensen@relevantradio.com.

“ Dear Morning Air, I wanted to email you and tell you what this station has done for me. I am 25 years old, I recently had a child, I am unmarried and I am not with the father because he did not want to be married. I had felt this horrible unexplainable weight, a feeling of being all alone. I lost my father, grandfather and had a child all in one year. I have a long commute to and from work, and happened to be flipping through the stations and landed on Relevant Radio. Without really thinking about it, I just left it and listened; it's been about a month and I have yet to change the station. I was baptized Lutheran but my family never attended church. It was not until listening to your station that I felt any connection with God. Most questions I ever had regarding The Bible were answered while listening to your show. Today when I was listening to the show they were talking about Mary and her importance. I suddenly felt this complete understanding and have decided to meet with one of my local Catholic churches about converting. The moment I made that decision, I felt the weight lessen. Just knowing that I'm going to be going to church and accepting God into my life has made me feel so much better.

I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you are reaching people of all ages. Without your show, I may have continued on as I was without hope.� Morning AirŽ Weekdays 6am-10am CT

Thank you, -Anonymous

For a complete program schedule, click HERE.

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