Kayakers rule weekend event
Animal breaks into area home for sugary snacks
SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2009
VOLUME 122, NUMBER 45 • STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO • www.steamboatpilot.com
Celebrating a beloved class Students told to leave their marks Jack Weinstein
define the expectations for their lives to leave their marks on the world. OAK CREEK “Pursue your own dreams. Soroco High School com- Pursue your own definitions mencement speaker Sam of greatness,” McLeod said. McLeod said the size of the “Have success.” crowd at Saturday’s graduaJudging by the remarks of tion ceremony was a testament valedictorian Kimberly Rossi to how much the and salutatorian 2009 senior class “Pursue your own Traci Schlegel, meant to the that’s exactly what dreams. Pursue entire commuthe class of your own definitions plans to do. 2009 nity. McLeod, an of greatness. Rossi encourEnglish teacher Have success.” aged her fellow at Soroco, said graduates, 15 of he was honored Sam McLeod which she said she and humbled Soroco High School teacher, went to school with commencement speaker to accept the since kindergarten, seniors’ request to each find a way to deliver the to make a difference. address, giving him a final Schlegel said she rememopportunity to impart some bered being a kid when life was wisdom on them. But the audi- easy. She said the only thing ence in the high school’s gym- she wanted to do was grow up. nasium, a crowd he estimated “I guess that the time has at 500 people, added some come,” Schlegel said. “The unanticipated pressure to com- future awaits us through those plete his task. doors.” He forged ahead, challengBefore the speeches, Soroco ing the 27 graduates to contin- counselor Lisa Omori recogue touching the lives of those around them and, individually, See Soroco, page 7A PILOT & TODAY STAFF
Claude A. Luekens World War I
Don Brookshire World War II
Carl Rammuno Korean War
Bringing honor home
James A. Chew Vietnam War MATT STENSLAND/STAFF
Ceremony to recognize local, regional war heroes for their years of service
arl Ramunno spent about 18 months in Korea during the Korean War. What he learned there would be the guiding force behind the rest of his life. “When he came out of Korea, he knew right away what he wanted to do,” said his son, John Ramunno, who said his father immediately married his mother, Marilyn, and went to college to become a teacher. “It made him grow up quick. … The service set him up for life.” Carl Ramunno went on to become an industrial arts and woodshop teacher at Steamboat Springs High School, but he is most remembered as the school’s legendary, discipline-instilling wrestling coach,
SUNDAY FOCUS STORY BY BRANDON GEE who led athletes to six team and 28 individual state titles. “He just had an incredible program,” John Ramunno said. “He just had great discipline … and taught a lot of values that I think people hang on to, to this day.” Carl Ramunno died Dec. 6, 1999, at the age of 68. More than 800 people attended his memorial service. “That was only about two years of his life, but I swear there was almost a
Greg Kyprios Operation Desert Storm
See Honor, page 11A
Soroco High School graduate Clinton Koler hugs his mother, Stephanie Bratton, after Saturday’s graduation ceremony.
Hiring freeze has slight thaw Experts offer aid to jobless County approves exemption for communications department
Resource fair is Thursday; networking group starts June 8 Blythe Terrell
Zach Fridell
The countywide hiring freeze was thawed slightly this week as Routt County commissioners voted unanimously to allow a hiring freeze exemption for the communications department. The commissioners said they also would be willing to hear future freeze exemption requests that relate to public safety. Communications Director J.P. Harris told the commissioners that his department was likely to lose people in the coming months and that he needed PAGE DESIGNED BY CHRISTOPHER WOYTKO
If you go
Routt County Communications dispatcher Nathan Archuleta locates information for a police officer Friday afternoon. Communications Director J.P. Harris was granted an exemption from the county’s hiring freeze to hire a new dispatcher.
to hire someone soon to keep things running smoothly. The commissioners approved the request. Routt County Sheriff Gary Wall said he plans to request more exemptions to cover unfilled positions for jail
See Freeze, page 7A
INSIDE Business . . . . . . . . Classifieds . . . . . . . Comics . . . . . . . . . Crossword . . . . . . . Happenings . . . . . .
and patrol deputies. “We’re probably going to be four down in detention,” he said. “And if somebody leaves patrol, we’ll ask for an exemption.”
3A 3B 5D 6D 2A
Horoscope . . . . . . . 6D Obituaries . . . 8A, 10A Outdoors . . . . . . . . 6C Viewpoints . . . . . . . 4A Weather . . . . . . . . . 2A
Cloudy with showers and storms. High of 65. Page 2A
About a year ago Friday, the Steamboat Today classifieds section offered 142 job listings, 67 percent more than this year. That isn’t a tally of total available jobs, however. Several of those listings advertised multiple jobs — 26 with the Steamboat Springs School District, for example. The May 23, 2008, newspaper was 76 pages long. Comparatively, this past Friday’s paper contained 48 pages and 47 job listings. Pickings are slim, competition is fierce, and unemployment increased from 6 percent to 7.6 percent in Routt County from March to April. But local experts are reaching out. Recruiter Karen Goedert and
To report home delivery problems, please call 970-871-4250 on Sunday from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Missed papers will be delivered by 10:30 a.m.
THIS WEEK: Do you get more excited for the start of summer in Steamboat Springs than you do for the start of winter?
the Steamboat branch of the Colorado Workforce Center have organized workshops and pledge to provide resources. So, you were laid off. Now what? “Network,” Goedert said. “Which, you know, includes a lot of different things. Network face to face, network by going to different things, Chamber events, just to get their face out there. … Network, network, network, network, network.” Goedert runs Resort Re-
LAST WEEK: Will Steamboat Springs sales tax rebound with a summer tourism boost? Results/5A
What: Routt County Summer Resource Fair When: 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday Where: Olympian Hall at Howelsen Hill Cost: Free Information: Local branch of the Colorado Workforce Center, 879-3075 or steamboatsprings@cwfc.net
cruiters and Columbine Consulting, a human resources consulting firm. She also has organized a job seeker networking group and is revamping it. The once-informal group will become a four-week, $25 program. She’ll provide materials and a handbook to participants. “I’m just trying to reel things in,” Goedert said. “I want it to work for everyone involved.” The group will meet from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Mondays starting June 8, in the upstairs conference room at Bud Werner Memorial Library. Only eight spots are available, so those interested should call Goedert at 846-6381 to register. “I’m just kind of asking people to commit to a four-week series,” she said. “That way, it’s See Jobs, page 7A
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