Steamboat Today, June 10, 2009

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JUNE 10, 2009

Steamboat Springs, Colorado


Vol. 21, No. 138




C O U N T Y ’ S



Aquarium observer

Celebrating heroes Author T.A. Barron will focus on youth achievements at book talk Page 14



Judy Cullen holds her 10-month-old great-niece Kiley Iacovetto while she points to a fish in the salt water tank in the Children’s Library at Bud Werner Memorial Library. They were at the library Tuesday morning with Kiley’s sister, Makayla, and mother, Lane.

Magic come alive Page 27

Correction The date of a fundraiser to raise money for the Diamond Window Cabin was incorrect in the article “Log building known for window,” on page 2 of Tuesday’s Steamboat Today. The fundraiser is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at Stagecoach State Park.

City Council insists Steamboat 700 developers assume all risk Tom Ross



Risk aversion was on everyone’s mind Tuesday night as City Council and Steamboat 700 developers resumed their slow dance toward annexation. At the end of the evening, council members left little doubt about who could be left holding the bag. If a fiscal stew of property taxes, real estate transfer fees, interest rates and


■ INDEX Briefs . . . . . . . . .10 Business. . . . . . .18 Classifieds . . . . .34 Colorado. . . . . . .20 Comics . . . . . . . .32 Crossword . . . . .33

Cash questions continue

Happenings . . . . .7 Horoscope . . . . .32 Nation. . . . . . . . .26 Sports. . . . . . . . .27 ViewPoints . . . . . .8 Weather . . . . . . .24

Tuesday night’s Cash 5 numbers: 8-9-16-18-26 Drawings are held Monday through Saturday.

housing absorption rates fails to produce enough revenue to fund $70 million to $80 million of community capital improvements in the project west of Steamboat, the developers will be on the hook. “We choose not to put the city of Steamboat Springs in a position of assuming risk,” Council President Loui Antonucci said. “We can talk about that, but I don’t think our position is going to change.” He made the remarks as


Steamboat 700 representatives debuted a financial plan they say would generate sufficient revenue to raise $48 million for public improvements in the next 35 years. Financial consultant Jean Townsend told council that $48 million is the share her clients think they should contribute to $70.8 million in infrastructure needs, ranging from sidewalks to fire trucks, in neighborhoods where they hope to build as many as 2,000 homes. The site is north of U.S.

Highway 40 and just west of the existing city limits. The balance of the money could come from state and federal highway funds, other developments being considered for annexation — such as 360 Village — and the city. Elements of Steamboat 700’s financing proposal for capital costs are so new, city staff has not had time to analyze them and report to council. Accordingly, See Steamboat 700, page 16

A magazine that reflects your love of Steamboat.

Mostly cloudy with storms. High of 62.

Page 24

Find At Home on newsstands today.


2 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crawdads and ice cream T


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Joanne Palmer

worries can wait until I have my perfect moment on the boat dock. “Do I have to be productive yet?” I murmur into the towel. We are in North Routt at Pearl Lake — our paradise. If a perfect winter day means 15 inches of Champagne Powder, a perfect summer day, for us, means Pearl Lake. It’s the place we talk about all winter long because most of our favorite memories are from time spent there: ■ The night we camped in the yurt and a hungry mouse kept us awake. ■ The day we watched a pair of corgis in their little doggy life jackets get lowered into the water for a swim. ■ The day a water snake sent me hydroplaning out of the water. ■ The time a big truck backed up to the water’s edge and released hundreds of wiggling fingerling trout. ■ The moment we raced each other into the cold water, losing a shoe in the process. ■ The day we couldn’t wait

any longer for Pearl Lake to open so we hiked in with our picnic. My pre-teen son argues with me about everything — from washing his face to his untied shoelaces — but we don’t argue about Pearl Lake. We’ve been catching crawdads together there for almost 10 years, and it seems to be the last activity we can agree to do together. When he was little, crawdad fishing offered immediate gratification and less tangled lines. Now that he’s older, it offers uninterrupted time together in a spot with no cell phone service. We never admit to ourselves that the real reason we are going to Pearl Lake is so we can stop for ice cream at the Clark Store. We never talk about the ice cream until we are almost there, and then I’ll ask him whether he wants an ice cream cone, which is a dumb question because he always wants an ice cream cone, and he’ll ask me whether I want an ice cream cone, which is a dumb question because I always want an ice cream cone, and so we stop. For some reason, an ice cream cone at the Clark Store tastes better than an ice cream cone anywhere else. We don’t have a lot of traditions in our family, so I hope fishing — crawdads or otherwise — is a tradition we will continue, with or without the ice cream. And hopefully, at Pearl Lake.

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he heat from the boat dock warms my beach towel as slowly, one by one, I feel the muscles of my body begin to let go. I make a little nest out of my other towel, to burrow my head into, and with a big “whoosh” let go of all the air, all of the to-dos and all of the stress. I melt into my towel. I listen to the hollow sound of my son’s bare feet on the dock as he scampers back and forth until there is the satisfying plop of a crawdad into the bucket. “Got another one,” he exclaims. All of the gear my busy-bee mind hummed at me to bring is abandoned helter-skelter on the shoreline. Canvas bags spill over with rain gear, bathing suits, a change of clothes, extra shoes, books, magazines, bug spray, sun block and water bottles. Eventually, I’ll do something with all the stuff. But first, I need a minute. Maybe five. I lift my head long enough to mumble, “What’s the count?” “Ten,” my son replies excitedly. “Perfect,” I say with a thud as I collapse onto my makeshift bed. There still is more gear in the car to unload — reading chair, � �� �� �� � � � � �� ���� � � � � � �� � � � � ������ cooler, extra fishing rod and more bait — but right now, it ��� � �� � � � � � � � � � � ������ �� � can wait. All of the bad news, the headlines, even the economic �������������������������������

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Huge Selection!

On-thespot financing!

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See Yampa, page 15


Tubers are discouraged from putting in upstream of Fetcher Park, partly to respect the anglers’ designated area, but mostly to reduce the impact tubers have on wildlife habitat through trash left in the river. “Litter, to me, is the overwhelming detriment to the river, and the things that encourage litter are alcohol use, and people

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If you sit long enough by the edge of the Yampa River, you can see the season changing. Not by the colors of the leaves or the temperature of the air, but by the occasional tube intermixed with the kayaks and rafts that can seen floating down the high water. It’s almost officially tubing season, and as the water nears the perfect level for leisurely floating, community and government groups again are reminding tubers of the regulations and urging them to be considerate of other river users.

For questions about tubing regulations and suggestions, call the Steamboat Springs Parks, Open Space and Recreational Services Department at 879-4300.



For more




Zach Fridell


Tubers asked to follow management plan


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River respect encouraged




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- Preferred parking - Alternate parking

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■ Tubers should not put in above Fetcher Pond.

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■ No tube parking allowed at Chuck Lewis Wildlife Area.

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■ Best parking for tube takeout is at the Stock Bridge Transit Center.

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■ Parking limited at Fetcher Park. Available parking at Howelsen Hill, Howelsen Ice Arena, the rodeo grounds and the ball fields.






Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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4 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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6 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


‘Stimulus’ fund to help 4-H Supporters raise money to divide at livestock auction

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Fear not, Routt County 4H members: “Stimulus” money might be headed your way. Several 4-H supporters, worried that the recession could depress prices at the Junior Livestock Sale, are starting a fund to help out. They’re jokingly calling it a livestock stimulus fund, 4-H Agent Jay Whaley said. People and businesses can donate money to help increase overall prices for livestock sold at auction. “If we have a set amount of money in there, we can divide it up by the number of animals,” Whaley said, thereby raising the floor so every youth gets at least some money. Mountain Valley Bank will handle the fund. Dean Vogelaar, president of the bank’s Steamboat Springs branch, is among the organizers. They’re trying to avoid losing ground in animal prices, Vogelaar said. Youths make about $900 net for beef, sheep, swine and goat projects, according to a survey conducted in 2008. About 80 per-



cent of youths put the money toward college, after they reimburse their parents for costs. About 15 percent put it toward the next year’s livestock project. Participant numbers increased this year across livestock categories, Whaley said. “Knowing that the economy is a little bit soft right now and that we have an increase in animals to be sold at the auction, we thought we should start getting out in front of it a little bit and seeing what we could do to fortify, to support, to hold up the sale,” Vogelaar said. His team sent letters to businesses that have supported the sale and 4-H. Ideally, people and companies would just keep buying animals, Vogelaar said. “We continue to encourage all the buyers to be there and buy as they have in the past,” he said. “We’re just trying to create another opportunity to drive some funds to supplement what happens at the sale.” Other organizers include Mike Bell, Medora Fralick, John Kerst, Dennis Kuntz and Bernard Petersen. Kerst, director of business development at Yampa Valley Bank, said he hopes to help


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the youths make money, learn the business and preserve the agriculture of the valley. “4-H, FFA is what this community has been about for longer than it’s been a resort community,” Kerst said. “And we treasure this Western heritage that we have, and a lot of these kids are part of it.” Kuntz said he’d been a 4-H supporter since he was a member. “It’s probably the best program any kid can be involved in, in this community or area,” he said. Organizers will look at the sale and the size of the fund to determine how to divide the money, Vogelaar said. They “thought this would be an equitable source that would create opportunities for buyers and create a level playing field in terms of being able to supplement the sale,” he said. People and businesses can donate at Mountain Valley Bank branches in Steamboat, Hayden, Meeker and Walden. Whaley said he was grateful for the group’s help. “It’s pretty amazing to me that we have these people in the community,” he said.




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Blythe Terrell





Wednesday, June 10, 2009

HAPPENINGS Death notice

■ Yampatika hosts a free bird walk from 8 to 10 a.m. Call Yampatika at 871-9151 for details and to register.

Longtime Steamboat Springs resident Lorene Workman died June 8, 2009, at Yampa Valley Medical Center. Services are pending.

■ Story-times for preschoolers ages 3 to 5 are at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. at Bud Werner Memorial Library. ■ Bud Werner Memorial Library hosts a free story-time program, The Under Five Club, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. and 10 to 10:30 a.m. The walk-in program includes books, stories and songs for children 3 and 4 years old with a caregiver. ■ Aging Well, a program of the Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, holds “Wellness Day” at 11 a.m. at the Haven Community Center in Hayden. The day includes Arthritis Foundation exercise, lunch for $2.50, a guest speaker, a memoir writing class, wellness checks from a registered nurse and foot care by appointment. Call Aging Well at 970871-7676. ■ Advocates Building Peaceful Communities hosts a free women’s support group at noon at the Advocates office. Call 879-2034. ■ The Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Group plays an ACBL sanctioned duplicate game at 1 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Reservations are requested. Call Elaine at 879-1994. ■ Old Town Hot Springs holds tryouts from 5 to 7 p.m. for “Steamboat’s Got Talent” variety show. Call Jill at 879-1828 for details.


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Memorial service A “Celebration of Life” service for longtime Routt County resident Shirley Nay is at 10 a.m. Saturday at Hayden Congregational Church. The family invites all friends and neighbors to join them for a light brunch to be served at 9 a.m. Call Phyllis Moore at 970870-2724. ■ Steamboat Springs women’s rugby is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Ski Town Fields next to the Tennis Center. No experience is necessary, and all women are invited. Call Anne at 303859-3784. ■ Qigong on the Green, a free class for people of all levels, starts at 6 p.m. at the Yampa River Botanic Park. Wear comfortable clothing. Call Neil at 819-2835. ■ Steamboat’s Recreational Poker league plays at 7 p.m. at the Snow Bowl. The tournament is free and open to the public. Players must be 18 or older. Visit

■ The Routt County Gymkhana Club meets at 6 p.m. at Brent Romick Rodeo Arena in downtown Steamboat. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. Call Celia at 970-367-3160 or Bethany at 970-846-7883.

THURSDAY ■ A Steamboat Springs Blood and Bone Marrow Drive is from 12:30 to 6 p.m. at Yampa Valley Medical Center. To schedule an appointment, call Bonfils Appointment Center at 1-800-365-0006 option 2 or 1-303363-2300, or sign up online at www. — use site code 0234. Walk-ins are welcome after 2:30 p.m. Eat a full meal and drink plenty of water before donating. All donors will be treated to free pizza, snacks and soft drinks.

■ The Hayden Activity Center opens at 6 p.m. in Hayden Valley Elementary School. There will be foosball, pool, video games, basketball and other activities. Call 846-9083. ■ The Steamboat Springs Arts Council’s annual meeting is at 6 p.m. at the Depot Art Center on 13th Street. Call 970-879-9008 to RSVP, or e-mail rradetsky@steamboatsprin

■ A speed networking event is from 3 to 6 p.m. at The Boathouse Pub. The cost is $10 for Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association members or $25 for guests. Contact Alli at

■ A free community dinner is at 6:30 p.m. in the Holy Name Catholic Church parish hall at 524 Oak St. All are welcome. Feel free to take dinner to go. ■ Colorado author T.A. Barron gives a presentation and book-signing, “Nature and Humanity: Connecting our Lands, Our Lives and Our Stories,” at 7 p.m. at Bud Werner Memorial Library. All are welcome to the free event.

FRIDAY ■ A sustainable business luncheon is from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Rex’s American Grill & Bar. Learn about local sustainable programs. Contact or 8757000 to RSVP. ■ The Franz Family performs a free concert at 7 p.m. at the South Routt Bible Church on Colorado Highway 131 south of Oak Creek. The Franz Family plays a blend of gospel music that includes bluegrass, jazz and acoustic pop. Donations will be accepted. Call 736-2787 or 736-8135.

How to submit your Happenings The best way to submit Happenings items is to e-mail all relevant information to Readers also can visit our interactive Happenings listings at or submit written information at the front desk of Steamboat Pilot & Today, 1901 Curve Plaza. Fax to “Attention Happenings” at 879-2888. Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations. Questions? Call 871-4233.

Happenings Online Happenings is updated daily on


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or 875-7000 to RSVP. ■ The Northwest Colorado Legal Services Project and Colorado Mountain College host “Ask a Lawyer Night” at 6 p.m. in the CMC library. The drop-in program provides lowincome residents with a free and private consultation for 15 to 20 minutes with a member of the Northwest Colorado Bar Association. Call 2762161 for more information.

■ The Visiting Nurse Association offers a drop-in clinic from 2 to 4 p.m. for adolescents ages 11 to 18. Shots are on a sliding fee scale of $0 to $14 a shot. Come to 940 Central Park Drive, Suite 101, or call 8791632. Parents must be present for youths younger than 18 and should bring vaccine records.

■ hosts a Web site training session from 6 to 8 p.m. at Colorado Mountain College in Bristol Hall, Computer Lab 321. Participating organizations that want to learn how to use the new software platform and local nonprofit organizations seeking a Web presence are welcome. Reservations are required. Contact Jackie to RSVP at 879-0240, ext. 315, or


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Wednesday Night


½ Price Drinks for Ladies 9-midnight Thursday Night

ALL REQUEST NIGHT with DJ DaVinci • 9pm

879-7070 Happy Hour 3-5 DAILY $1 Drafts


■ Social gardening is from 9 a.m. to noon at Yampa River Botanic Park. Help plant flowers, weed and learn about high country gardening. Take a hat, sunscreen, gloves and water. Meet Gayle at the shed.

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½ Price Selected Appetizers

Open for Lunch & Dinner •Burgers • Steak• •Pasta • Salad• Ski Time Square

Comment& Commentary

ViewPoints Steamboat Today • Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Emerald’s future is in our hands


e applaud last week’s action by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to preserve a 4,139-acre Emerald Mountain parcel from energy and mineral development for the next 20 years. Salazar’s signature AT ISSUE put a capstone on a Preservation conservation effort of Emerald that stretches back to Mountain from 1993, when city commineral, energy mittees began discussing the idea of public development recreation and trails on Emerald Mountain OUR VIEW to complement the adjacent Howelsen Laudable Hill. The effort culmiconservation nated in the February effort should 2007 completion of a spark renewed massive land swap, in partnership to which the Bureau of steward future Land Management of local gave the Colorado State Land Board treasure. more than 15,400 acres of federal land — on 123 isolated parcels scattered throughout Routt County — in exchange for the consolidated Emerald Mountain parcel. Although Salazar’s action might seem like a formality, the significance of preserving Emerald Mountain from mineral lease applications should not be overlooked. “That only happens with a secretary

order or an act of Congress,” said John Husband, field manager for the BLM’s Little Snake Field Office in Craig. “Short of that, public lands are available for mineral entry.” Hopefully, Salazar’s action will spur a renewed effort by local citizens to volunteer their time and energy toward future management of Emerald Mountain, which is an incredible public asset. But the BLM can only do so much. The Little Snake Field Office oversees a total of about 1.3 million acres of federal land in Moffat, Routt and Rio Blanco counties. Husband said that although the BLM has funding this year for Emerald Mountain projects including completion of the Ridge Trail, their resources are limited. “Certainly, BLM is going to be managing the (Emerald) area for public benefit and access, and we’re going to continue to work on the area for adequate signing and trails … our funding only goes so far,” he said Tuesday. “We only have so many employees.” The Steamboat community already has shown a strong willingness to step forward for Emerald Mountain. The Emerald Mountain Partnership, a group of concerned citizens and local government officials, spearheaded work that resulted in the land swap. And although that group has grown dormant since the deal was completed, its nonprofit status still is valid. Gina Robison, recreation plan-

ner at the BLM Little Snake office, credited the Routt County Riders biking club for helping with trail planning. Robison added that the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps is doing trail work on Emerald. Robison said if all those interested groups collaborated, the result would be an “astronomical” benefit for the BLM. “We’re definitely looking for groups to get together and manage (the Emerald Mountain parcel) for us, so to speak,” Robison said. “It is public land.” Husband and Robison said that a community partnership could hold fundraisers, for example, that could help pay for trail work and development on Emerald. “Anything that we do out there requires funding,” Robison said, noting that the federal government cannot hold such fundraisers. A renewed community partnership also would enable different users of Emerald Mountain and surrounding landowners to have an impact on the area’s management — “If you don’t raise your voice, you’re not going to get heard,” Robison noted. Those interested in helping shape Emerald’s future can contact Robison at 826-5083 or The hard work of preserving the land is completed. But much work remains to ensure and make the most of Emerald Mountain’s future.

I read, re-read, and had my wife double-check for any mention of DDay in the June 6 and June 7 issues of the Steamboat Pilot & Today. The only reference to honoring those veterans of that epic event was in the often vapid Mallard Fillmore cartoon. Mallard says that June 6 is the 15th anniversary of


QUESTION OF THE WEEK: The BLM just gave added protection to a large parcel of Emerald Mountain. How do you recreate on Emerald Mountain? Log on to

Letters policy Limit letters to 600 words. All letters must include the phone number of the writer so that the authenticity of the letter can be verified. E-mail letters to or send them to Letters at P.O. Box 774827, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. By submitting letters to the editor, you grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today a nonexclusive license to publish, copy and distribute your work, while acknowledging that you are the author of the work. You grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today permission to publish and republish this material without restriction, in all formats and media now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to all electronic rights. Solely by way of example, such rights include the right to convert the material to CD-ROM, DVD and other current and hereafter developed formats, the right to place the article in whole or in part on the Internet and other computer networks, and the right to electronically store and retrieve the work in electronic databases.



P.O. Box 774827 • 1901 Curve Plaza Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR his comic strip: “On this day 65 years ago, the ‘D-Day’ invasion was launched to save Europe from Hitler. He always has to top me.” Not one word elsewhere in the two issues. Yet I see a lot of space (25 column inches) used for an innocuous article such as “Southern funk comes West” and many more inches for canned commentary from the Associated Press. allows readers to submit comments on stories, to create their own blogs and to participate in our Reader Forum. Each Sunday, a selection of the top comments from are published. Log on to today and submit your comments.


The opinion of Steamboat Today is expressed only in the space above.

D-Day was missing

Do you have something to say about a story we’ve written?

970-879-1502 • 888-499-3999

Remembering the many thousands of American, British, Canadian, French and other partisans who fought and died on the beaches of France should dwarf the significance of the ordinary, mundane news. One would think the oft-touted editorial committee of six would have See Letters, page 9 Bruce Tinsley

EDITORIAL BOARD Suzanne Schlicht, general manager Brent Boyer, editor Mike Lawrence, city editor Tom Ross, reporter Grant Fenton, community representative Paul Strong, community representative

WHO TO CALL Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, ext. 224 Brent Boyer, editor, ext. 221 Scott Stanford, sales and marketing director, ext. 202 Steve Balgenorth, circulation director, ext. 232 Meg Boyer, creative services manager, ext. 238 Dan Schuelke, press operations manager, ext. 217 Mike Lawrence, city editor, ext. 233 Allison Miriani, news editor, ext. 207 News line: 871-4233 Classified: 879-1502 Sports line: 871-4209 Distribution: 871-4232 Advertising: 879-1502 Fax line: 879-2888 Steamboat Today is published Monday through Saturday mornings by WorldWest Limited Liability Company, Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, 871-4224. It is available free of charge in Routt County. Limit one copy per reader. No person may, without prior written permission of Steamboat Today, take more than one copy of each issue. Additional copies and back issues are available for $1 at our offices or $2.50 to have a copy mailed. 2006 General Excellence Winner, Colorado Press Association Member of the Colorado Press Association, Newspaper Association of America, Inland Press Association © 2008 Steamboat Today



Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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thought of and selected the most important event in World War II to commemorate and to eulogize on June 6 and/or 7. Instead it was to hype a rock band and an unneeded new post office at a congested, inconvenient and dangerous intersection. A disgusted World War II veteran,

Omar M. Campbell


Facing extinction When you see people riding bicycles instead of driving a hydrocarbon-burning, molecular oxygen-consuming vehicle, we should be grateful that someone is contributing to the future survival of humans on planet Earth. If everyone understood quantum physics and basis chemistry, we all would understand the process of global warming and the reduction of the surplus molecular oxygen that took 3.5 billion years to produce through photosynthesis. Then, we all would understand that it’s the molecular oxygen that absorbs the ultraviolet energy and becomes ozone. We also would understand that larger molecules such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon dioxide and water vapor are great at absorbing the infrared (heat) portion of the energy spectrum. When we drive our vehicles, we are reversing the process of photosynthesis at a very fast rate. For photosynthesis to catch up, it will take another few billion years. A final thought: If everyone

on Earth stopped burning fuel, the climate of the Earth would stay the same (plus or minus 1 degree). If we continue to burn at the current rate, we will face extinction in the next 60 years. So, at least bike if you can.

Mark Greenwood


Buying reinsurance Forty years ago, the President’s Commission on Income Maintenance Programs issued its final report. Its recommendation for a Guaranteed Annual Income or “Negative Income Tax” morphed six years later into the “Earned Income Credit.” But the Commission denied recommending approval for a second program, one to combat the increasing problem of catastrophic health care costs. Although not accepted by the panel, the concept found its way into the White House. President Richard Nixon had an early start in considering federal government involvement in financing health care. In 1947, he teamed up with Sen. Jacob Javits to provide a Republican alternative to President Truman’s single-payer plan. Neither went anywhere. In what would be his last State of the Union message (February 1974), Nixon presented his Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan. Other than its emphasis on Health Maintenance Organizations, it, too, went nowhere. The continuous conflict between the advocates of “single-payer” (Truman, Kennedy and Clinton) and the less efficient but more politically palatable extension of the current system (Nixon) has left the

American public with neither. If we are to have what seems to be the politically expedient program, one key element of the Nixon program — the one rejected by the PCIMP — must be included. The program must recognize “relative catastrophic costs,” and deal with them. Both the staff of the PCIMP and the Nixon CHIP considered medical costs exceeding $1,500 in any year as catastrophic for the average American with an adjustment relative to income for those families having less modest incomes. Today, the $1,500 figure probably would be in the order of $10,000, with a greater number of Americans qualifying for adjustment. To the extent that government has a role to play in the “expedient program,” it needs to be the insurer of last resort, a “re-insurer.” Private plans will continue to provide base coverage, but under this extension, they will be able to buy into the reinsurance and thus be able to avoid the problem of accepting persons who have existing conditions. The alternative suggested by President Barack Obama is a public option. Conservative Democrats and Republicans oppose such a plan as a “foot in the door” for a single-payer plan. They claim that a public option will, per force, be able to compete at a lower cost than private plans and drive those plans out of business. Allowing insurance companies to buy into reinsurance, or allowing the public to buy catastrophic insurance that is related to income, may be the only way to get the concept of national health coverage to realization.

Murray Tucker, Ph.D.


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Letters continued from 8

Live music Tonight

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Be grateful for those who ride their bikes


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10 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

News in brief

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Hayden Town Hall starts new working schedule Because of budget cuts, Hayden Town Hall will close Friday afternoons. The town has started furloughs for all employees, whose hours will be cut by 10 percent starting June 20. Town Hall will be open all day Mondays but will be closed from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays for lunch. That’s partly a result of Deputy Town Clerk Bonnie Carrico’s move to the new


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729 Lincoln Ave., Downtown Steamboat • 970.879.2431


���������������������� Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner

Hayden Police Station. Carrico will fill in during lunchtime Mondays, Town Manager Russ Martin said. The building will close at noon Fridays.

from 13th Street, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crews will shift traffic to keep delays to a minimum, CDOT spokeswoman Nancy Shanks said.

CDOT plans U.S. 40 work for Monday and Tuesday

Regional adult baseball league taking the field

The Colorado Department of Transportation announced Tuesday that, weather permitting, crews will mill and overlay two miles of U.S. Highway 40 near downtown Steamboat Springs on Monday and Tuesday. The resurfacing work will extend west

Adults who want to play baseball are welcome to participate in the Yampa Valley Adult Baseball league. The games are free, open to everyone and played Sundays in Craig. For more information, call Tommy Larson at 871-4776.



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MONDAY, JUNE 8 12:09 a.m. Steamboat Springs Police Department officers arrested a 36-yearold Steamboat Springs woman in the 1400 block of Robert E. Lee Lane on a warrant for failure to appear. Officers were on scene for an unrelated call when they found the woman had an outstanding warrant. 12:12 a.m. Police and Colorado Division of Wildlife officers were called to a report of a bear in the 2200 block of Village Inn Court. Officers were unable to locate the bear. 12:14 a.m. Routt County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested a 29-year-old Steamboat man on suspicion of driving under the influence, DUI per se and failure to drive in a single lane after a traffic stop at Pine Grove Road and U.S. Highway 40. 7:03 a.m. Deputies and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue emergency responders were called to a report of a fire alarm in the 30000 block of Lakeshore Trail. 9:09 a.m. Police were called to a burglary alarm in the 1400 block of Fish Creek Falls Road. Painters had accidentally set off the alarm, and everything was fine. 9:25 a.m. Police were called to a report

of a burglary alarm in the 2600 block of South Copper Frontage. Everything was fine. 9:42 a.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a fire alarm in the 2200 block of Village Inn Court. 10:54 a.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to an ambulance request in Steamboat. 1:09 p.m. Police were called to a burglary alarm in the 800 block of Lincoln Avenue. Everything was fine. 1:58 p.m. Police were called to a report of a gas skip in the 500 block of South Lincoln Avenue. 2:56 p.m. Deputies and Oak Creek Fire Rescue emergency responders were called to a request for an ambulance in Oak Creek where a 51-year-old woman reportedly hit her head on a stone wall. Paramedics took the woman to Yampa Valley Medical Center and deputies later arrested the Oak Creek woman on suspicion of DUI. 4:03 p.m. Police were called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat. Paramedics transported a woman to YVMC. 4:05 p.m. Police were called to a report



Crime Stoppers If you have information about any unsolved crime, call Routt County Crime Stoppers at 870-6226. You will remain anonymous and could earn a cash reward.

of a noninjury, two-car crash in the 800 block of Lincoln Avenue. 5:06 p.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat. Paramedics transported a 5-year-old girl to YVMC. 5:42 p.m. Police arrested a 32-yearold Thornton man on suspicion of forgery, ID theft, criminal possession of an instrument of forgery, no valid operating license, no insurance and no license plates after a traffic stop in the 600 block of South Lincoln Avenue. 9:23 p.m. Hayden Police Department officers were called to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 300 block of Breeze Basin. 9:23 p.m. Police were called to a report of a fight in the 400 block of Oak Street. The reported fighters were gone when officers arrived.

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Medical Spa



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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Teachers of the Year announced Steamboat Springs School District reveals each school’s winner Jack Weinstein

2008-09 Teachers of the Year



As the 2008-09 school year neared a close, each of the Steamboat Springs School District’s four schools named their Teachers of the Year. They were: Amy Bohmer, from Steamboat Springs Middle School; Maggie Glueck, from Steamboat Springs High School; Susie Gruben, from Strawberry Park Elementary School; and Laura LeBrun, from Soda Creek Elementary School. Each teacher was awarded a $1,000 scholarship for continuing education from the Lazof Family Foundation. Ron and Chenza Lazof, who split time residing in Steamboat and Newport Beach, Calif., established the foundation to “both reward and encourage excellence among the primary molders of our community’s most valuable resource, our children,” according to the school district. Last month, a committee made up of district administrators, parents, school staff and Steamboat Springs School Board members chose LeBrun as the district’s Teacher of the Year. Before the formation of the

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Amy Bohmer

Susie Gruben

■ Steamboat Springs Middle School ■ Eighth-grade English and science teacher ■ Ten years at the school “As a principal, Bohmer you really look for BILL STEWART/ staff members who COURTESY take pride in the work they do with students and understand it’s the most important work that can be done,” Steamboat Springs Middle School Principal Tim Bishop said. “She motivates kids who don’t necessarily want to be motivated. That’s hard to do.”

■ Strawberry Park Elementary School ■ English Language Learning teacher ■ Four years at the school “Her job is one Gruben that requires her to be hands on at all time,” Strawberry Park Co-Principal Celia Dunham said about the ELL program that’s been at the school only a few years. “She has been instrumental in developing that program and working with students and parents.”

Maggie Glueck

Laura LeBrun

■ Steamboat Springs High School ■ English teacher ■ Eight years at the school (18 years at Strawberry Park Elementary School Glueck before that) “She’s a very dedicated teacher. She’s always striving to provide the best education she can,” Steamboat Springs High School Principal Kevin Taulman said. “What makes Maggie very special is her dedication to students and staff.”

■ Soda Creek Elementary School ■ Second-grade teacher ■ Four years at the school “She has truly, truly LeBrun raised the bar for all of us, for caring for our kids and education in general,” Soda Creek Principal Judy Harris said.

committee, the School Board designated the district’s teacher of the year since 1985. LeBrun now is eligible for Colorado Teacher of the Year, which is selected by the state

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For a list of past Teachers of the Year dating back to 1985, visit



SAME PRICING AS LAST YEAR UNTIL JUNE 23rd! Sign up today for all day Or half day sessions.

Board of Education from district winners throughout the state. — To reach Jack Weinstein, call 871-4203 or e-mail

Crafts include pottery, mosaics, drawing, painting and more. Call us today for details or visit our website.

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12 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Tienda de pizza se muda a un lugar más grande Una restaurante de Hayden usará el edificio usado por el Restaurante Mexicano Quintero’s Blythe Terrell



Stacy Magee tiene grandes planes para convertir su pequeña pizzería en un restaurante familiar. Magee y su esposo, Trea, son dueños de Wolf Mountain Pizza en Hayden. Se están mudando al restaurante en la Avenida Jefferson donde el Restaurante Mexicano Quinteros dejó un espacio abierto. Quintero’s cerró la semana pasada. Wolf Mountain está lleno de cosas en su local actual en 175 W. Jefferson Ave. El edificio es de 1,300 por 1,700 pies por cuadrado, pero Magee solo usa un tercio del espa-

cio para colocar asientos. El antiguo lugar de Quinteros en 105 y 107 W. Jefferson Ave. es cerca de 3,300 pies cuadrados, ella dice. “Tendría que decir que definitivamente estamos multiplicando nuestros asientos 10 veces,” dijo Magee. “Definitivamente vamos a tener una gran cantidad de asientos.” Ella planea tener la gran inauguración el 1ro de Julio pero quiere abrir a mediados de Junio para los equipos del Triple Crown Sports. “Tenemos a los equipos del Triple Crown viniendo; tenemos feria, temporada de cacería,” dijo Magee. “Solo queremos hacerlo más grande o mejor para las diferentes familias que vienen a la misma vez.”


Ella va a mantener el área de comedor tan grande como está ahora. El cuarto al este, que solía ser la panadería de Quinteros, será un cuarto para juegos y fiestas. Magee planea añadir mesas, juegos de video y una televisión con una gran pantalla. El cuarto podría ser usado para fiestas o para eventos deportivos especiales, ella dijo. Magee planea ofrecer algunas cosas especiales para los equipos que vienen a visitar, también. Las recetas y comida de Wolf Mountain no cambiarían, ella prometió. Ella planea añadir unas cuantas cosas: helados, una barra de sopas y ensalada diaria. Wolf Mountain comenzará a servir pizza por porción individual todo el día, en vez

de solo 11 a.m. a 3 p.m. La familia Magee también espera conseguir una licencia de licor para poder servir cerveza. “Hay una persona en la comunidad que me dijo que tiene una mesa de billar que nos la dejaría usar,” Magge dijo. “Es algo que estoy tomando en consideración.” Wolf Mountain continuaría estando abierto sietes días a la semana. Terry Anderson es dueño del edificio por cuatro años. Él dijo que está muy complacido de dar la bienvenida a la familia Magee. “Ella siempre esta en tono,” dijo Anderson acerca de Stacy. “Ellos siempre hacen un bueno trabajo, y ella toma ventaja de todo lo que está pasando en esta

área, entonces ella va a traer a muchos clientes, que ayudarían a cualquier restaurante.” Joyce Folley, presidenta de la Cámara de Comercio de Hayden, dijo que estaba emocionada acerca de los planes de Magee para Wolf Mountain. “Que mejor lugar que el centro de la ciudad, finalmente,” ella dijo. “Teniendo cualquier cosa en la esquina de ese edificio es perfecto, y haciéndolo con la perspectiva familiar en mente y con buenos precios, todas las pizzas ella tiene que ofrecer, va a ser genial.” Folley dijo que Magee iba a proveer un servicio necesitado. “Ella tiene muchas actividades planeadas para familias y jóvenes, y no tenemos algo así en Hayden,” dijo Folley.

¡Clases de inglés gratis!

5 años en la biblioteca Bud Werner Memorial.

después de las 2:30 p.m. Coma algo grande y tome bastante agua antes de donar. Se les dará pizza, bocadillos y soda gratis a los que donan.

Agenda de la comunidad Hispana

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Regístrese para las clases de inglés como segundo idioma del 9 al 11 de Junio en el Colorado Moutain College, en el edificio Willet Hall, Clase 300 (El cuarto más grande en el tercer piso). Todos los idiomas y niveles son bienvenidos sin ningún costo. Llame al 870-4444 si tiene preguntas.

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9:30 – 10:30 a.m. La hora del cuento para niños entre las edades de 3 a

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JUEVES 12:30 – 6 p.m. Donaciones de Sangre y médula espinal en el Hospital Yampa Valley Medical Center. Para hacer una cita llame al 1-800365-0006 o si no tiene cita venga

2 – 4 p.m. Vacunas en escala móvil de precios (0-$14) para adolescentes (el padre tiene que estar presente) y para hablantes de español de cualquier edad (habrá intérprete) Venga al VNA en 940 Central Park Drive, Oficina 101 o llame al 879-1632. 6:30 p.m. Cenca comunitaria gratis en la Iglesia Católica Holy Name en 524 Oak St. Todos son bienvenidos. Siéntanse libres de llevarse la comida a casa.

SÁBADO 10 a.m. Rodeo de Bicicletas para Niños en Steamboat Springs en el Centro de Tránsito Stock Bridge. El evento incluye revisiones mecánicas, información de seguridad, y prueba de habilidades en bicicletas y compra-venta de bicicletas. Llame a Rob al 879-4283 o Tom al 879-4344, ext 191.

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LUNES Mediodía – 4 p.m. GRATIS consultas de asma y tabaco, y vacunas de la pulmonía GRATIS para personas sin seguro médico, con bajos recursos que fuman, tienen asma, diabetes, o una enfermedad al corazón / pulmones / hígado / riñones. Venga al VNA en 940 Central Park Drive, Oficina 101 o llame 879-1632.

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¡Haznos saber lo que quieres leer!




VNA Craig Office���� �������� ��������������� VNA Steamboat Springs Office� �������� ������������������������������

Mediodía. Se reúne el grupo de Ayuda para Mujeres que han sobrevivido Violencia Doméstica y Asalto Sexual, GRATIS. Llame al 879-2034.

Envía tus preguntas o sugerencias acerca de la página “La Vecindad” a: Por correo electrónico: Por carta: 940 Central Park Drive, Suite 101, Steamboat Springs CO 80487 Por teléfono: 970-871-7637 (por favor deje un mensaje)de disfraces de Huck Finn y Becky Thatcher.



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spurs on Service

| 13

Enroll by July 15 to be featured in the 2009-10 Visitors’ Guide Molly Killien


We all know the drill. Smiling, opening doors and introducing yourself to visitors seems like second nature to many Steamboat Springs business owners and employees. In tough economic times, fundamental service values are what set businesses apart. Understanding and meeting the needs of customers is a key component for successful business, but demonstrating true hospitality principles like going the extra mile and anticipating guests’ needs are what make local businesses thrive. With the summer season gearing up, local Steamboat Springs businesses may be looking for opportunities to enhance their company’s image. Whether they fine-tune their customer service skills or look for opportunities to recognize their hardworking employees on a job well done, businesses are looking for ways to gain recognition as companies that hold service and customers’ needs in the highest regard. Do you think your company is doing all it can to reach its hospitality potential? This summer, push your business to the limit: enroll your business in the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association’s Spurs on Service hospitality program. Spurs on Service is about reconnecting with the values that set this valley apart from other communities in Colorado. It is a multipronged program with rewards for employees and employers. In Steamboat Springs, we pride ourselves on demonstrating a unique form of genuine Western friendliness and hospitality. How do you show it in your business? How do you reward your employees for a job well done?

The Old Town Hot Springs is a recent enrollee in the Chamber’s Spurs on Service program. The Old Town Hot Springs has decided to take the next step to elevate their customer service and to reenergize their staff. “We decided to enroll in the Spurs on Service program to show our customer base that we are committed to creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for our members and visitors,” notes Diane Hagihara, front desk manager at the Old Town Hot Springs. “Last November, four members of our management team attended a Spurs on Service general training session at Centennial Hall. We were all so impressed with the program’s message, the interaction among the attendees and how much fun the presentation was to participate in. Spurs on Service got our ‘wheels turning,’ and we knew we had to bring this program back to our staff.” Local businesses can enroll for a fee to earn as many as four spurs signifying the quality of service of their business. This service qualification will be printed in the Steamboat Springs Visitors’ Guide in the free listings for guests to see, and each business will receive a P.O.S. plaque, use of logo for advertising and recognition in Chamber publications and on its Web site. All businesses enrolling in the program will receive one free copy of the training DVD for in-house use. Cost of the program is $150 and includes two secret shopping services. “When you evaluate all the components of the Spurs on Service program, it is easy to see the value and exposure your business is getting. This program is a great way for Chamber members to show community support and dedication to customer service,”


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If you go Free Spurs on Service Hospitality Training: Tuesday, June 16 11 a.m. to noon at Centennial Hall Give your staff an opportunity to brush up on their Steamboat IQ before the summer season officially starts. This free training covers the essential components for high service standards and will motivate your staff to be Steamboat friendly for our guests. RSVP: Call Alli at 875-7000 or email Download an enrollment form at

said Amy Minotto, membership director at the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association. “Many businesses spend thousands of dollars on secret shopping services; this program is an affordable way for managers to get honest feedback on how their business is performing.” Businesses who are interested in being featured in the 2009-10 Steamboat Springs Visitors’ Guide with a Spurs on Service rating have until July 15 to enroll. Businesses’ ratings and the fact that they have gone through the program will be on display for all local consumers and visitors to Steamboat Springs. Best of all, the Spurs on Service certification process is fun. “The information presented through the Spurs on Service program was timely and informative. The content really resonated with our diverse staff — from individuals who have lived in Steamboat Springs for less than a year to longtime locals,” Hagihara said. “The presentation gave our staff the opportunity to reflect on their jobs, why they live in Steamboat Springs, how visitors impact our town and how lucky we are to call this valley home. Having an outside party come in and present the information in a genuinely

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Members of the Old Town Hot Springs staff learn more about service and hospitality through the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association’s Spurs on Service program last week at a training session. Because the Old Town Hot Springs has enrolled in the program before the July 15 deadline, their Spurs on Service designation will be featured in the Winter 2009-10 Steamboat Magazine and Visitors’ Guide.

enthusiastic way made it a fun refresher and allowed all our staff to be engaged in the program.” If you are wondering what current enrollees are saying about the program, check out a testimonial from Katy Martin, sales and marketing director at ResortQuest Steamboat. ResortQuest will be listed in the 2009-10 Steamboat Springs Visitors’ Guide, having earned a prestigious 4-spur rating. “For 25 years, excellent service has been critical to the success of ResortQuest Steamboat. Throughout Steamboat, every front desk agent, concierge, housekeeper, activity vendor, server, ski instructor, etc., has the opportunity to make a positive impression on Steamboat visitors, and therefore, every member of this community is incremental in the success of all our local businesses. Now, more than ever, we believe this community-wide training and recognition program is invaluable for instilling pride in our town and all that we stand for. We are committed to ensuring the

success of the program.” The Steamboat-style friendliness is something we all hang our hats on. It’s what sets this community apart from our competition and is what keeps people coming back. It’s more than just great service and hospitality; it’s genuine caring and treating our visitors as our guests. The connection that we make with our customers is very special and valuable in today’s hectic-paced society that often creates isolation and fear. Coming to Steamboat Springs can be a step back in time to a safer, more comfortable place, where your needs are recognized and satisfied, where what you have to say is more important than what you are wearing, where customers matter. It’s a place where visitors are greeted, welcomed and feel at home. Hurry, and remember, the final deadline to enroll is July 15 to be featured in Steamboat Magazine and the Visitors’ Guide winter issue!

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14 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Celebrating young heroes Author T.A. Barron to focus on youth achievements in talk

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Margaret Hair

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What: “The Hero is Every Child,” a book talk and signing by author T.A. Barron When: 7 p.m. Thursday Where: Bud Werner Memorial Library Cost: Free Call: 879-0240 Bookstore events this month: ■ June 19 at Epilogue Book Co.: Book signing and slideshow presentation with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Mark Obmascik. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. Call 879-2665. ■ June 25 at Off the Beaten Path Bookstore: Book talk and signing with Kaya McLaren, author of “On the Divinity of Second Chance.” McLaren was on IndieBound’s list of its top 20 new books in May. The talk is from 4 to 6 p.m. Call 879-6830.

for Young Heroes, is a resident here. “Because of her, I want to spend kind of an extra focus. I’m going to show a trailer from See Barron, page 15

Hayden could use reverse auction for Poplar Street project Blythe Terrell




Contractors confronted Hayden officials last week about an online bidding process the town aimed to test drive.


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Hayden planned to use BidBridge, an online reverse auction company, to contract for Poplar Street improvements. But several contractors spoke against the system during Thursday’s Town Board of Trustees meeting. Louisville, Ky.-based BidBridge arranges for sellers to bid online for projects. The contrac-

tors have a 30-minute window to enter a bid. Bidders can’t see who else is bidding or what the other bids are, but they can see where their bids rank, from highest to lowest. Native Excavating owner Ed MacArthur said he didn’t trust the method. See Contractors, page 17

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If you go

Contractors protest bidding process


Tom Barron has written books about a teenage girl’s adventures, the trials of a young Merlin and Rocky Mountain National Park. Through the picture books, adventure novels, nature guides and epic fantasies, the author — who goes by the penname T.A. Barron — keeps a constant theme: the hero in every child. “It’s a big theme in my books. The fiction ones that most people know me for — the books about young Merlin or a heroic teenage girl named Kate — all those books have that hero’s journey idea at the center of the story,” Barron said. The author, based in Boulder, will tell some of his favorite stories about young heroes in a presentation and a book signing at 7 p.m. Thursday at Bud

Werner Memorial Library. Epilogue Book Co. will sell books from his diverse catalog. Barron’s focus on high-achieving children comes Barron more from being a father of five than it does from being a writer, he said. “I have realized that kids need much more sense of their own potential to make a difference in the world,” he said. “As a society, we are massively confused between what is a hero and what is a celebrity, and we give our kids a very mixed message about what is important. What I’m trying to do is, in my own small way, I’m going to try to counter that trend.” The kid-focused theme of his Steamboat talk comes from a local connection. Barbara Ann Richman, executive director of The Gloria Barron Prize

LOCAL tubing access upstream of Fetcher Park, and no access at River Creek Park or Rotary Park. Tubers may park vehicles in the limited spaces at Fetcher Park to put in downstream or at Howelsen Hill near the rodeo grounds. For pick-up, tubers are encouraged to park at the Stock Bridge Transit Center. “The reality is the downstream stretch, from Fetcher down or Fifth Street down, is a much more exciting, more accessible stretch,” Van De Carr said.

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— To reach Zach Fridell, call 871-4208 or e-mail

T.A. Barron visits the Yampa Valley often a documentary film that profiles seven kids who have won the Young Heroes Prize,” Barron said. The author has connections of his own to Steamboat. Barron fell for the place in 2001, when his book “The Ancient One” was the subject

of the Steamboat Reads program. Bud Werner Memorial Library and Off the Beaten Path Bookstore pushed community members to read and discuss the book in a monthlong campaign. Since then, Barron has taken every chance offered to come back to the Yampa Valley. The more families and chil-


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dren who show up to his lecture this time around, the better, he said. “They’ll hear about some amazing kids who will be very much like themselves and who have found some very cool ways to make a difference.” — To reach Margaret Hair, call 871-4204 or e-mail

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Cowgirls & Angels

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8-5 Monday–Friday


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������������������ ������������������������������ ������������� 1902 13th Street (Twentymile Rd.)

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Open Everyday 11:30am-close Happy Hour 3-6pm • Serving Food ‘til 9ish 609 Yampa • On the River • 879-4797

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going down the river and they don’t really know any better,” said Peter Van De Carr, owner of Backdoor Sports and member of the Respect the Yampa campaign. “They don’t know you can’t take litter on the river because chances are very good you’re going to get upset, and you’re going to get dumped over” and spill trash. Van De Carr and the campaign members are distributing fliers to sellers of tubes in an attempt to urge tubers to follow river regulations.

City Open Space Supervisor Craig Robinson said many of the regulations are not yet laws, after the Colorado Division of Wildlife’s proposal to implement increased legal regulation was rebuffed earlier this year in favor of the 2004 Yampa River Management Plan. “No alcohol is actually a law, but other things are respecting other users, which should be common sense, but we’re hearing from other users that we’re not at that level yet. That’s the level we’re reaching for,” he said. The 2004 plan calls for no



Yampa continued from 3

| 15


Many river regulations are not yet laws

Wednesday, June 10, 2009




16 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009 ������������������


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Developers ask council for concessions Steamboat 700 continued from 1 council members were hesitant to discuss their merits. Townsend said her clients are willing to provide more than $8 million in cash for priority projects soon after Steamboat 700 wins an annexation agreement. That amount includes $5.5 million for U.S. 40 improvements they say would include rebuilding the intersection at Elk River Road. The money would become available, Townsend said, as soon as the initial final plat for the development is filed. Also within 60 days of annexation, they would contribute $100,000 for the city’s water rights enhancement fund. And when the city and Steamboat Springs Rural Fire Protection District are ready to finance a new fire station in west Steamboat, Steamboat 700 would come through with almost $2.7 million for that project. But the developers also are asking for some concessions. They want to be excused from contributing $3 million to $14.5 million to help solve the 13th Street bottleneck, a problem they say pre-dated their development proposal. Nor do they want to be compelled to put up $8.9 million for a new public safety building, a need they say was formally documented by a city study in 2001. They also want to be credited for between $20 million and $28.8 million in use and excise tax revenues they say construction of the new neighborhood will contribute to city coffers.


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of three mixed-use “village centers” would be replaced with a 348,000-square-foot retail center with space for two large-format retailers and a grocery store. ** Number includes a mix of for-sale and rental housing options for households earning between 70 percent and 160 percent of the area median income. *** Initial sales and community housing units excluded. The transfer fee would be dedicated to community enhancements and housing affordability, and a specified amount would be earmarked to provide a permanent funding source for the Yampa Valley Housing Authority. Source: Steamboat 700

Townsend said it would take 35 years for those revenues streams to cover the big number. Councilman Jon Quinn said there is no way for city government to know with certainty whether all of the financial variables that affect those revenue generators will actually cover the figure. “The proposal has a great many assumptions in it — absorption rates, interest rates, inflation — if we accept a financial model, the city accepts the risks. What happens if the revenues run short?” Quinn asked. Townsend hesitated to say Steamboat 700 would cover any and all shortfalls and Councilwoman Cari Hermacinski countered. “This is a collaborative partnership. But how can the city turn around and accept that risk?” Hermacinski asked. “The fact remains that you guys are the entrepreneurs. If there’s a shortfall, it’s going to have to be absorbed by Steamboat 700.”

“Require a rec center,” Jameson urged. “If you don’t, I want to know what you expect the people to do. You’ve got a real problem.” ■ Former City Council President Ken Brenner: “I can’t find a wastewater treatment facility (in the list of capital improvements). Rifle has experienced growth from energy and had to expand its sewage plant. The cost was $23 million. That’s an enormous cost I don’t see addressed in here.” ■ Bill Moser asked, “Have you ever considered putting this before the residents in the form of a referendum? Because this is a major change of lifestyle of everyone in own and affects everyone — where you work, where you play.” Antonucci replied that City Council decided not to take an annexation question to voters because the West of Steamboat Springs Area Plan was the subject of many public hearings. ■ Steve Lewis asked, “If we start a petition drive to put it on the ballot, will the developer then have a chance to make changes to the plan?” City Attorney Tony Lettunich said the answer to that is “no.” The annexation would be ratified by an ordinance. Any ballot question would be worded to simply uphold or overturn the ordinance. Hermacinski reminded Lewis that the developers have voluntarily agreed that they would live with the state’s petition threshold of signatures equivalent to 10 percent of the electorate rather than the city’s 20 percent requirement.

Public speaks out Previous public hearings concerning the proposed annexation of Steamboat 700 have been lightly attended. However, 45 people, two former City Council presidents among them, came prepared to speak Tuesday night. ■ Bill Jameson argued that residents of 2,000 new homes someday could swamp existing city recreational facilities such as swimming pools and Howelsen Ice Arena.


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■ Total size: 508 acres ■ Open space and parks: 147 acres ■ Development area: 361 acres ■ Start of infrastructure construction: 2010 ■ Start of homebuilding: 2011 ■ Build-out: 20 years ■ Housing units: 2,044* ■ Commercial uses: 340,000 square feet* ■ Community housing units: 511** ■ Real estate transfer fee: 1 percent*** * Under a large-format retail alternative land-use plan, the number of housing units would be reduced to 1,818 and one

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Council members expressed concern with long-term figures. Steamboat 700 proposes to levy five mills of property tax within its metro district and collect a 0.2 percent real estate transfer fee to pay for its remaining $48.7 million share, or 69 percent, of capital improvements.

Steamboat 700 by the numbers


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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Montes Construction Roofing & Framing

BidBridge can stop bidding for problems … and make sure we do this process right,” Martin said. MacArthur said he expected the town to reconsider using an online bidding system. “I think our point was made, and I think the town did a little more research and came to a different conclusion,” he said. But Haskins said that wasn’t yet decided. BidBridge saves municipalities an average of 10 percent on construction projects, Sisloff said. Haskins said Hayden officials would like to award the contract locally but have taxpayers’ priorities in mind. “Our job is not to have local contractors getting the job as it is to get the best deal for the town and have it done right,” Haskins said.

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— To reach Blythe Terrell, call 871-4234 or e-mail

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seen that just once in more than 1,000 auctions. Hayden Trustee Jim Haskins “You just arbitrarily could put some number in, in the said he didn’t understand conbeginning of this process, and tractors’ concerns. “The bottom line is, we have then you’re allowed to work your number down and con- a good idea of what it’s going to cost to do this sistently see where project, and if you stand in the “Our job is not somebody comes line of bidders,” he to have local in at way below said Tuesday. that number, we’re Traditionally, contractors getting not committed to contractors subthe job as it is to awarding that bid,” mit sealed paper get the best deal Haskins said. bids, and the town for the town and No matter the opens them all process, the town at the same time. have it done right.” of Hayden could Hayden isn’t obliJim Haskins award the bid to gated to go with Hayden Trustee whichever company the lowest bid. it feels comfortable Cindy Sisloff, BidBridge’s director of market- with, Sisloff said. BidBridge signs up contracing and business development, compared the process to eBay. tors ahead of time and trains A key difference, however, is them to use the system. Bidders that if a company puts in a also receive a toll-free number lower bid in the last three min- to call in case they hit snags. utes of bidding, the clock resets If a bidder’s Internet goes out, for another three minutes to give for example, BidBridge would put bidding on hold. The comothers a chance to respond. “Our process was structured pany has worked in 29 states, to mirror the paper bidding including Colorado, Sisloff process but allow the suppliers said. Hayden had planned to bid to place multiple bids if they the Poplar Street contract today choose to,” Sisloff said. Contractors including Mac- but is holding off to take care Arthur are worried that bidders of engineering procurement could get emotional, deciding requirements and because of they must win the contract and contractors’ concerns, Town entering a bid that’s unrealisti- Manager Russ Martin said. He hopes to have new bid dates cally low. Peter Langlois, BidBridge’s available next week. “I want to stop it, re-engage director of operations, said he’d


Contractors continued from 14

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18 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Technology, commodity shares gain; Dow ends flat NEW YORK

Investors are finding more than one way to bet on an improving economy. Stocks ended a quiet day mostly higher Tuesday as traders bought commodities and technology stocks. The increase in commodities reflects hopes that economic

activity will improve and boost the appetite for basic materials. A falling dollar also helped push commodity prices higher, and oil settled above $70 a barrel for the first time this year. Technology stocks increased as an improved profit forecast from chip maker Texas Instruments raised hopes that demand could also increase for electronics. Intel and Cisco Systems also have issued opti-

mistic comments recently, bolstering the case for technology shares. Analysts said the third consecutive day of modest moves in the market was a welcome sign after a 39.3 percent surge in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index from 12-year lows three months ago. Even if those gains continue to hold up, many market watchers doubt that the market will

continue to march ahead with anything like the conviction it showed this spring. “The next three months are just going to be a long, hot flat summer. I don’t see a catalyst,” said Scott Armiger, portfolio manager at Christiana Bank & Trust in Greenville, Del. The Dow Jones industrial average declined 1.43, or less than 0.1 percent, to 8,763.06. The broader S&P 500 index


increased 3.29, or 0.4 percent, to 942.43, and the technologyheavy Nasdaq composite index increased 17.73, or 1 percent, to 1,860.13. Robust demand at a government auction of three-year notes reassured investors who have worried in recent weeks that increasing interest rates would choke off a recovery by making it more expensive for consumers to get loans.


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Tim Paradis



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Relay For Life aims high 3rd annual Craig event hopes to rally support despite recession

Kristina Johnson 970-879-7372

To participate


When Ken Prescott’s wife was struggling with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he was stricken with many terrifying thoughts. One of the most difficult scenarios was how he could raise their two kids on his own. His worst fears never materialized, but he became aware that he was not the only one whose life has been affected by the pain of cancer. “In America, eight out of 10 families will be touched by cancer,” said Prescott, whose now ex-wife and kids live in Craig. “That makes it very personal for everyone.” This year, Prescott, a Hayden resident, will serve as the committee chair for Craig’s Third Annual Relay For Life,

To register a team, visit For more information, call Ken Prescott at 276-1893, or


and services to run the event. That way, all money raised can go straight to the ACS without having to be used to fund the event. Currently, there are 18 teams signed up; 40 teams participated last year. Prescott said the condition of the national economy prevents many people and companies from donating as much as they would like to.

Demand Perfection 970-879-1471 ������� ����������������


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See Relay, page 20

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a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, scheduled for July 17 at Moffat County High School. “It’s kind of a rebuilding year,” Prescott said. “We’ve got a whole new committee this year. But Craig has never not rallied around the Relay For Life.” Last year, Craig was ranked third in the nation for money raised in towns of a similar size. “Craig is a very giving, very close-knit community,” Prescott said. “And that is one of the beautiful things about this area.” The Craig event raised $103,000 last year, which went directly to the American Cancer Society to fund research, education, advocacy and patient services. Prescott said he is happy to have several local companies on board to provide sponsorships


Nicole Inglis


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20 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sen. Bennet backs nominee


Democrat meets with Sotomayor, says he will support her Ivan Moreno


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U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is a “bright and downto-earth person” and that he’ll support her confirmation. Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, met with Sotomayor in Washington for about 25 minutes Tuesday. Sotomayor has been meeting with senators since last week and is keeping a busy pace despite breaking her ankle



Monday after stumbling in an airport. Bennet said Sotomayor hasn’t lost touch with how her day-today decisions affect people’s lives despite her long tenure on the bench. President George H.W. Bush nominated her to the fed-

eral bench in 1992, and President Bill Clinton elevated her to the appeals court in 1997. “She has more federal judicial experience than any other nominee in the last 100 years, but she’s very down-to-earth,” Bennet said in a telephone interview. The White House is pressing for her quick confirmation. Sotomayor would replace retiring Justice David Souter. Bennet initially had expressed support for Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to replace Souter before President Barack Obama chose Sotomayor.

� Goal this year is $50,000 ������ Relay For Life began in Relay 1985 when Dr. Gordy Klatt, ������ But he encouraged members of Tacoma, Wash., walked and of the community to get involved ran around a track for 24 hours ������������� iner whatever way they can, wheth- by himself to raise money and it’s signing up their own team awareness on behalf of the


continued from 19

or volunteering at the event. “Just because we’re in a recession, it doesn’t mean that cancer slows down,” he said. “We do it (the Relay) at night as a reminder that cancer never sleeps. We’re constantly fighting it.” Prescott has been involved with Relay For Life in some capacity since 1998. He has been a disc jockey at a total of 44 events across the Western Slope and is sitting as the committee chair for his first year. “A lot of cancer out there is preventable,” he said. “With education and awareness, we can find ways to prevent it by making healthier choices or detect it earlier while it’s more treatable.” Prescott set his goal for this year’s Relay at $50,000 and said he was confident it could be reached.

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American Cancer Society. That first Relay raised $27,000 and helped shape the vision of a nationwide Relay For Life. Teams of 15 are expected to raise $100 per member, but many surpass that mark, Prescott said. A meeting of team captains will take place July 7 at MCHS, but teams can register online at Prescott said he highly encourages local survivors and families of cancer patients to get involved and participate in the event. “We’re looking for survivors to join the Relay because this is really for them,” he said. “They are the ones fighting. “It’s about getting the community to accept the fact that we can defeat cancer; we must defeat cancer.”


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Ganesha Construction & Home Repair Joel Meyers

cell (970) 390-2849


Home Improvement & Maintenance. Interior/exterior remodels, kitchens, decks, minor plumbing, electrical, fl ooring & some appliance repair.


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24 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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Today Hi Lo W 65 42 t 70 49 t 76 50 t 68 47 t 57 30 t 68 52 c 67 49 t 62 42 t 60 44 r 56 36 t 60 41 t

Thu. Hi Lo W 68 41 t 74 47 t 80 52 pc 74 43 t 57 30 c 70 52 t 70 44 t 65 39 pc 63 44 t 61 34 c 61 38 t


Today Today City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Miami 89 76 pc Albuquerque 79 56 t 68 51 c Atlanta 92 72 pc Minneapolis New York City 75 66 sh Boston 60 56 r Oklahoma City 90 68 t Chicago 68 51 r 83 66 pc Dallas 92 75 pc Philadelphia Phoenix 91 73 s Detroit 68 52 t 74 53 t Houston 94 75 pc Reno San Francisco 65 55 pc Kansas City 75 58 t 72 53 pc Las Vegas 88 66 pc Seattle 84 70 t Los Angeles 70 58 pc Washington, D.C. Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.


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RF: 68



Mostly cloudy with a thunderstorm


RF: 65



A t-storm in spots in the afternoon

Mostly cloudy, t-storms possible

RF: 66

RF: 72







High Low Month-to-date high Month-to-date low

Clouds and sun, a t-storm possible


RF: 74


24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday Month to date Year to date


Salt Lake City 68/52

Moab 76/54

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

Casper 62/42

Steamboat Springs 62/39

Grand Junction 73/51 Durango 68/42

Cheyenne 60/44

Denver 64/47 Colorado Springs 64/44 Pueblo 76/50


0.06" 0.49" 12.46"


Sun and Moon:

Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today



61 40 72 38



Today: Mostly cloudy with a couple of thunderstorms. Highs 54 to 64. 0" New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) (7,000 ft to 9,000 ft) Tonight: Mainly cloudy with a thundershower on the prowl. Lows 36 to 44. 0" New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) (7,000 ft to 9,000 ft) Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy with a shower or thunderstorm around. Highs 54 to 66. 0" New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) (7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


Steamboat through 5 p.m. yesterday

RF: The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, cloudiness, sunshine intenisty, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body. Shown is the highest temperature for each day

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Mostly cloudy, a couple of t-storms

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City Meeker Montrose Pueblo Rifle Vail Salt Lake City Vernal Casper Cheyenne Jackson Rock Springs


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Thu. Hi Lo W 63 37 t 71 48 t 71 48 pc 65 42 t 70 48 t 74 40 pc 67 43 t 66 48 t 75 49 t 73 43 t 57 30 c

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Today City Hi Lo W Aspen 59 39 t Boulder 58 47 t Colorado Spgs 64 44 t Craig 66 42 t Denver 64 47 t Durango 68 42 t Eagle 64 43 t Fort Collins 58 47 t Grand Junction 73 51 t Glenwood Spgs 70 46 t Leadville 52 30 t

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5:37 a.m. 8:37 p.m. 11:06 p.m. 7:57 a.m.



June 15

June 22

0" 0"



0" June 29

July 7


Higher index numbers indicate greater eye and skin exposure to ultraviolet rays.


0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme

Area Flow Level Boulder Creek .............256 ............low Clear Ck/Golden .........691 S. Platte/Bailey ............255 ............low Lower Poudre ..............875



Area Flow Level Brown's Canyon .........1480 Gore Canyon..............3320..........high Yampa R./Steamboat .1600 Green R./Green R.....16600 ........high


What color is a tornado if the observer's back is to the sun?

A: White


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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

| 25

Tourism up with spending economy began to slump, the last year figures were available.

Audit: State pay better than private in Colorado DENVER

An audit says Colorado state employees make an average of 6 percent more than private-sector workers, but the review didn’t take into account the lower benefits the state offers. The audit by Fox Lawson and Associates, of St. Paul, Minn., was released Monday. The report didn’t measure state workers’ total compensation package, which includes insurance and other benefits. State personnel officials say that if the state’s less-generous benefits are factored in, Colorado employees make an average of 2 percent more than others. The audit criticized the way the state determines pay, noting the Department of Personnel and Administration measures how much of an increase various jobs get in the broader market, rather than what the actual pay was for those non-state workers.

Colorado sees dip in new requests for food stamps DENVER

Colorado officials say the number of new applications for food stamps fell about 16 percent

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State officials say Colorado tourism is up sharply after the state increased its marketing efforts — but state auditors question the figures. Lawmakers voted to increase state tourism spending from $5.4 million in 2004 to $25 million in 2008. Kim McNulty, director of the Colorado Tourism Office, said Tuesday the number of overnight trips to Colorado increased from 27 million in 2006 to 28 million in 2007. Overnight spending in the state increased from $8.9 billion in 2006 to $9.5 billion in 2007. State auditors said Tuesday it’s difficult to determine the impact of increased marketing because people visit Colorado for a variety of personal and business reasons. They also criticized the tourism office for not setting more measurable goals. “In many of these cases, it is difficult to determine whether the incentive to visit Colorado was prompted by the tourism office’s marketing efforts, such as an advertisement in a magazine, or by other factors, such as a family reunion, increased snowfall, lower airfare costs or the opening of a new state park,” auditors said. Auditors said the state received $13 for every dollar spent on marketing in 2003, which jumped to $18 the following year. However, it dropped back to $13 in 2007 when the

in May, the largest decline in a single month since December. There were 13,859 new foodstamp applications in May, down from 16,578 in April, but total caseloads are still at an all-time high amid the recession. Several Front Range counties have fallen behind in getting people food stamps within 30 days, as required by federal law. There were 144,655 Colorado households receiving some sort of food assistance in May, up from 141,583 households in April.







26 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


10 banks to pay back $68B Large institutions approved to repay government bailout funds Daniel Wagner



Ten of the nation’s largest banks were given the green light Tuesday to repay $68 billion in government bailout money, freeing them from restrictions on executive compensation that they say are making it hard to keep their top-performing executives. The Treasury Department said the banks had been approved to repay the money they received from the Troubled Asset Relief Program created by Congress in October at the height of the financial crisis. Experts say allowing 10 banks

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to return $68 billion in bailout money shows some stability has returned to the system but caution that the crisis isn’t over. And some fear the repayments could widen the gap between healthy and weak banks. All eight banks that took TARP money and last month passed government “stress tests” confirmed they received permission to repay the bailout funds. They are: JPMorgan Chase & Co., American Express, Goldman Sachs Group, U.S. Bancorp, Capital One Financial, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street and BB&T. Morgan Stanley did not pass the government test, but

Tuesday it said it had raised enough capital quickly and was approved to repay its TARP money. Northern Trust was not among the 19 banks subjected to stress tests, but the company said it also had received permission to repay the bailout funds. Speaking at the White House, President Barack Obama welcomed the news but said “this is not a sign that our troubles are over — far from it.” Stocks zigzagged after the Treasury’s widely expected announcement. In afternoon trading, the Dow Jones gained about 20 points. Broader stock averages also edged up.

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To Report Scores: ■ Call Sports Editor John F. Russell at 871-4209 during the day. ■ Call the News Desk at 871-4246 at night.


Page 29



Penguins force a Game 7

Race series to start at 5:30 p.m. today

Pittsburgh knocks down Detroit, 2-1

Luke Graham



See Challenge, page 28

Rockies make 6th straight victory

Steamboat Today • Wednesday, June 10, 2009

’09 Town Challenge kicks off

The 2009 Town Challenge Mountain Bike Race Series opens today with a race unlike any other on the slate. For the second consecutive year, the series will move to If you go the singletrack What: Town at Marabou Challenge Ranch preserMountain Bike vation subdiSeries vision. Where: Marabou To d a y ’s Ranch preservarace begins at tion subdivision 5:30 p.m. for When: children. Pro Registration starts at 4:30 p.m. today. and expert diRaces begin at visions begin 5:30 p.m. at 6 p.m., and Cost: $25 for sport and novadults, $15 for ices start at children. Season 6:30 p.m. passes are $100 Race day for adults and $50 registration for children. is $25 for adults and $15 for children. Registration starts at 4:30 p.m. Fireside Catering will have barbecue available for $10. Today also is the last day to buy a season pass. The cost for adults is $100 and $50 for children. “We’ve been riding out at Marabou for two weeks with it being open to the public,” said Gretchen Sehler, the series director. “I rode up there (Tuesday), and the trails are in awesome shape.” The pro and expert divisions will race 12 miles, the sport course is eight miles, and the women’s novice and children’s course is six miles. What makes the race so unique, Sehler said, is the terrain it covers. Most of the Town Challenge races take place at Emerald Mountain or Steamboat Ski Area and require riders to spend a lot of time in the seat climbing, but Marabou offers something a little different. There certainly are portions when riders will have to climb, but for the most part, Sehler


Alan Robinson




Orlando Magic forward Tony Battie blocks a shot by the Los Angeles Lakers’ Kobe Bryant during Game 3 of the NBA Finals at Amway Arena in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday. The Magic won, 108-104, and the Lakers lead the series, 2-1.

The Magic touch Orlando shoots 63 percent in Game 3 win Tom Withers



Missing for two games, Orlando found its Magic touch. Making easy shots and tough ones from everywhere, the Magic won their first game in two visits to the NBA finals as Dwight Howard and Rashard Lewis scored 21

points apiece in a 108-104 victory against the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 3 on Tuesday night to pull within 2-1. Orlando shot a finals record 63 percent — including another finals record 75 percent in the first half — to snap a six-game finals losing streak and avoid falling into an 0-3 hole that no team in postseason history has been able to escape.

Kobe Bryant, seeking a fourth title and his first since 2002, scored 31 points for the Lakers but the superstar had just 10 points in the second half and went only 4 of 15 from the field after the first quarter. He also missed five free throws, points that could have given the Lakers that 3-0 lead. See NBA Finals, page 28

No clincher by the Detroit Red Wings in Pittsburgh, not this time in Game 6. Marc-Andre Fleury wouldn’t let it happen as a wildly unpredictable Stanley Cup finals is now going the distance. Third-line teammates Jordan Staal and Tyler Kennedy gave the Penguins a two-goal lead, and MarcAndre Fleury held off the defending champion Red Wings repeatedly during a frantic third period as Pittsburgh beat Detroit, 2-1, on Tuesday night to tie the finals at three games. Game 7 is Friday night in Joe Louis Arena, where Detroit is 3-0 in the series but, as the oldest of NHL playoff adages goes, anything can happen when a single game determines who raises a silver trophy. Fleury, yanked during Detroit’s 50 blowout in Game 5, regrouped to make 25 saves and hold off the Red Wings, who are trying for their fifth Stanley Cup since 1997 but, if they win it, will do so without winning in Pittsburgh. The Red Wings won the Cup by taking Game 6 in Pittsburgh, 3-2, last year but were denied a second successive Cup clincher there, and on the 25th anniversary of one of the biggest days in Penguins’ history: the drafting of Hall of Famer Mario Lemieux in 1984. The Red Wings pushed around and punished Pittsburgh while winning, 5-0, in Game 5, a loss that not only embarrassed the Penguins but put them on the brink of elimination. But there’s been no place like home in these finals, the first since New Jersey beat Anaheim in 2002 in which the home team has won every game. The Penguins took advantage of the two-day break to regroup and, perhaps, to remember the frustration they felt in watching Detroit carry the Stanley Cup around Mellon Arena last June — the first team to do so since Pittsburgh gained an expansion franchise in 1967. Staal broke a scoreless tie that followed a Pittsburgh-dominated first See Stanley Cup, page 28


28 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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The Detroit Red Wings’ Chris Osgood lies on the ice after the Pittsburgh Penguins’ Jordan Staal scored a goal during the second period of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Tuesday at Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh. The Penguins won, forcing Game 7.

Penguins’ Cup Game 7 is 1st in history Stanley Cup continued from 27

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period by scoring in the first minute of the second period and Kennedy made it 2-0 early in the third. After that, it was all Detroit as Kris Draper scored and the Red Wings, desperately trying to avoid a Game 7, kept pressing for the tying goal but couldn’t get it despite being on

the power play twice. Penguins captain Sidney Crosby taped an NHL commercial last summer in which he watched the Red Wings celebrate wildly, then vows that it won’t happen again. In nearly identical circumstances, it didn’t as the Penguins forced the first Stanley Cup finals Game 7 in their 42year history. The Penguins were helped

along by a standing room crowd of 17,132 — the 118th consecutive sellout in the NHL’s oldest building — that chanted Fleury’s name at the start in an effort to support him after he was yanked in the second period Saturday. Staal’s goal was the key, just as his short-handed goal in Game 4 that started the Penguins on a three-goal flurry in less than six minutes and a 4-2 victory.

Next: Thunderhead Hill Climb on June 24 Challenge continued from 28

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said, the Marabou course is flat and full of rolling hills. “It’s great for everybody,” Sehler said. “The pro guys won’t be grunting so hard. They’ll be riding harder and faster in a higher gear than on an Emerald course. “It’s so different than what we have in town. The climbing isn’t that tough. It’s just different.” Sehler recommended rid-

Schedule Town Challenge Mountain Bike Series Today: Marabou X-country June 24: Thunderhead Hill Climb July 8: Emerald X-country July 22: Ski Area Sunshine Loop Aug. 5: Howelsen Hill X-country Aug. 19: Buffalo Pass Hill Climb Aug. 28: Mount Werner X-country

ers give themselves at least 30 minutes to get to Marabou. To get there, head west on U.S. Highway 40 and turn right on Routt County Road. Take that

around the Marabou barn, and follow the signs to the parking area. Although Sehler doesn’t anticipate the race being delayed or canceled by rain, she said she would wait as long as possible to make a final decision. “Just ’cause it’s raining in town,” she said, “doesn’t mean it’s raining out there.” — To reach Luke Graham, call 871-4229 or e-mail

Game 4 is Thursday, Game 5 is Sunday


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Game 4 is Thursday night, and Game 5 — now necessary — will be at Amway Arena on Sunday. With their season 48 minutes from all but disappearing,

the Magic, hosting their first finals game since 1995, had five players score at least 18 points. Rafer Alston, who was just 3 of 17 from the field in the first two games, had 20 and Hedo Turkoglu and Mickael Pietrus had 18 each.




NBA Finals continued from 27


“We’ve got to play like this,” Howard said about the balanced scoring. “When guys are attacking we’re tough to guard. “We moved the ball a lot tonight,” he said. “We got some good shots. We didn’t rush anything.” Pau Gasol scored 23 points but had just three rebounds, and the Lakers were only 16 of 26 from the line. For a while, it appeared the Magic, who shot just 36 percent while dropping Games 1 and 2 at Staples Center, couldn’t or wouldn’t miss. From 20 feet, swish. From 10 feet, nothing but net. Layups, runners, banks, pull-ups, didn’t matter. You name it, if it went up, more times than not it went in. “Well, it was going in the basket. That always works,” Magic coach Stan Van Gundy said. “That formula’s always tried and true.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Colorado tops Milwaukee, 3-2, to take sixth straight victory Chris Jenkins




Carlos Gonzalez had a pair of doubles, and the Colorado Rockies rallied for three runs in the seventh inning to continue their recent road resurgence, beating the Milwaukee Brewers, 3-2, on Tuesday night. The Rockies have won six straight on the road under recently named manager Jim Tracy — including their fourgame sweep of the Cardinals. Rockies starter Jason Hammel (3-3) gave up only two runs and five hits in six innings, but Colorado’s offense had a tough time scoring off of

Brewers starter Braden Looper. Trailing, 2-0, the Rockies finally broke through in the seventh, as back-to-back doubles by Troy Tulowitzki and Gonzalez cut the Brewers’ lead to 2-1. Looper left the game, and Gonzalez stole third base off of reliever Mark DiFelice. DiFelice got Chris Iannetta to pop out and was replaced by Todd Coffey, who walked pinch hitter Seth Smith. Coffey (1-1), who had been considered a solid addition to Milwaukee’s bullpen going into Tuesday’s game, then surrendered the lead when Clint

Barmes’ sacrifice fly to center scored Smith and put Colorado ahead 3-2. Mitch Stetter then came in to strike out Todd Helton and end the inning. Milwaukee couldn’t muster a baserunner after the fourth. Hammel left after six, Matt Daley and Manuel Corpas shut the Brewers down in the seventh and eighth, and Huston Street pitched the ninth for his 10th save. Looper gave up only two hits through the first four innings, then pitched out of jams in the fifth and sixth before the Rockies finally got to him in the seventh.

Beckett, Ortiz lift Red Sox past Yankees Jimmy Golen




Josh Beckett allowed only an infield hit in six innings, and David Ortiz hit his third homer of the year to lead the Boston Red Sox to a 7-0 victory against the New York Yankees on Tuesday night. The Red Sox improved to 6-0 against the Yankees franchise for the first time since 1912, when they beat the Highlanders in 14 straight — including the first-ever game in

Fenway Park. Beckett (7-2) struck out eight and walked two before leaving with a 6-0 lead after six innings, having thrown 93 pitches. The only hit he allowed was Robinson Cano’s fourth-inning grounder to the left of second baseman Dustin Pedroia, who dove to come up with the ball but couldn’t make the throw that had little chance of getting the batter anyway.

It was ruled a base hit by official scorer Mike Shalin. Beckett struck out Jorge Posada to end the inning, then retired the last six batters he faced, fanning three of them, for his third consecutive victory. In all, only three batters hit the ball out of the infield against him. A.J. Burnett (4-3) allowed three earned runs on five walks and five hits before leaving with two outs in the third and taking out his frustrations on a dugout watercooler.

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Rockies keep win-streak alive

| 29


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30 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Nationals select Strasburg Washington may struggle to sign talented prospect Mike Fitzpatrick









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Drafting pitcher Stephen Strasburg was the easy part for the Washington Nationals. Signing him could be much more difficult. Strasburg was selected by the woeful Nationals with the first pick in baseball’s amateur draft Tuesday night, a move that was long expected. Considered one of the most talented prospects in the event’s 45-year history, the right-hander features a blazing fastball that’s been clocked at 102 mph — and some nasty breaking stuff, too. He went 13-1 with a 1.32 ERA this season for San Diego State, leading the Aztecs to their first postseason berth since 1991. “He’s a tremendous pitching package,” Nationals acting general manager Mike Rizzo said. “We weren’t going to pass on the best player in the draft.” But signing him might be a major challenge, because agent Scott Boras is sure to seek a record contract that easily exceeds the $10.5 million Mark Prior received after he was

MLB DRAFT drafted in 2001. Teams have until Aug. 15 to sign draft choices; otherwise, they lose their rights. Strasburg leads Division I pitchers with 195 strikeouts in 109 innings this year and was the only amateur on the U.S. Olympic team who won a bronze medal in Beijing last summer. He struck out 23 in a game against Utah last season and threw a no-hitter with 17 Ks against Air Force this year. Strasburg went undrafted out of high school, but some think he has the ability to go straight from college to the big leagues. “It’s tough to say right now,” Strasburg said in a phone interview on MLB Network. “We’ll see what happens.” One person who thinks it’s realistic is Strasburg’s coach at San Diego State, Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn. “I think he’s a lot closer than people think,” Gwynn said. “He’s got the kind of stuff, the kind of baseball savvy, he could be successful.” Rizzo, however, sounded con-

tent to let Strasburg develop at a steady pace. “There’s no shortcut process in this. It’s a process that we can’t rush,” Rizzo said. “As far as I’m concerned, there’s no pitcher or player that’s major league ready coming out of the draft. They’ve never experienced the wear and tear of a professional season.” With the second pick, the Seattle Mariners chose North Carolina slugger Dustin Ackley, who has batted at least .400 for three consecutive seasons. Also represented by Boras, Ackley has 22 home runs and 70 RBIs this year, helping North Carolina earn its fourth straight trip to the College World Series, which begins this weekend. Ackley played mostly first base for the Tar Heels as he recovered from elbow ligament replacement surgery this season. But his impressive speed makes him a candidate to switch to center field as a pro. “This is a guy we thought could be here in a short period of time,” Mariners general manager Jack Zduriencik said. “We think this kid’s got a really nice future.”

Smith adjusting to life with Broncos Rookie cornerback learns from veterans in transitioning to NFL






Rookie cornerback Alphonso Smith’s college statistics are impressive: Seven interceptions for Wake Forest his senior year, tied for the most in Division I, plus 38 tackles. His junior year saw eight interceptions, three of them returned for touchdowns, one shy of the Division I record. Smith isn’t touting those stats at the Denver Broncos’ minicamp. The second-round pick is too busy trying to adapt, learning the playbook

and defensive schemes. “I’m still trying to adjust and compete on this level,” Smith said after Tuesday’s voluntary practice. “Hopefully, I’ll get there by the time training camp starts.” With Pro Bowlers like Brian Dawkins and Champ Bailey in the secondary, Smith doesn’t have to look far for role models. “Once you see guys like Champ and Andre (Goodman) and Brian do things, how they carry themselves on the field, how they carry themselves in the

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film room and how they carry themselves around the facility, as a young guy you just need to watch and absorb what they’re doing,” he said. “Keep watching them, because there’s something you can learn every day.” Bailey, for instance, has shown him the rewards of patience. “As a corner, you have guys running at your toes, and as a rookie I kind of panicked a little bit because I never had someone running up on me so fast,” Smith said. “Just see Champ, how he never panics. He’s just so calm and so composed every time. I learned that from him. I try to take that from his game, try to add it to mine and just try to be a smaller Champ.” Smith wants to be fully versed in the Broncos’ defensive playbook before training camp starts next month. “My goal coming in was to try to catch up to speed with the veterans,” he said about the optional organized team activities, or offseason practices, teams are allowed in May and June. “I’m using OTAs to catch up and be able to compete with the veteran guys once training camp comes around.”


ADULT SOFTBALL MEN’S “B” LEAGUE Steamboat Springs Team Name Wins Losses Ties Points The Market/Slopeside 4 0 0 12 B & K Distributing 3 1 0 9 Double Z./Mt. Paint 3 0 0 9 D2D 3 1 0 9 Ferguson Enterprises 2 2 0 6 Fagen Inc. 2 2 0 6 The Poor Boys 2 2 0 6 Steamboat Ski & Resort 1 2 0 3 Moose Knuckles 1 0 0 3 Holiday Inn/Kit’s Boyz 1 2 0 3 Alpenglow P & H 1 2 0 3 Haselden Construction 0 3 0 0 Old Town Pub/Tugboat 0 3 0 0 GE Johnson 0 3 0 0 Monday’s games The Market/Slopeside 9, Steamboat Ski & Resort 3 The Market/Slopeside 18, D2D 10 B & K Distributing 25, Haselden Construction 24 The Poor Boys 17, Steamboat Ski & Resort 12 Fagen Inc. 23, Old Town Pub/Tugboat 6 Ferguson Enterprises 17, GE Johnson 2 Double Z/Mt. Paint 20, Ferguson Enterprises 4 D2D 26, Holiday Inn/Kit’s Boyz 8 Double Z/Mt. Paint 22, Alpenglow P & H 5 Fagen Inc. 18, B & K Distributing 6 The Poor Boys 18, GE Johnson 1

NBA FINALS The Associated Press All Times MDT NBA FINALS (Best-of-7) Orlando vs. L.A. Lakers Thursday, June 4: L.A. Lakers 100, Orlando 75 Sunday, June 7: L.A. Lakers 101, Orlando 96, OT Tuesday, June 9: Orlando 108, L.A. Lakers 104, L.A. Lakers lead series 2-1 Thursday, June 11: L.A. Lakers at Orlando, 7 p.m. Sunday, June 14: L.A. Lakers at Orlando, 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 16: Orlando at L.A. Lakers, 7 p.m., if necessary Thursday, June 18: Orlando at L.A. Lakers, 7 p.m., if necessary

NHL STANLEY CUP FINALS STANLEY CUP FINALS Detroit vs. Pittsburgh Saturday, May 30: Detroit 3, Pittsburgh 1 Sunday, May 31: Detroit 3, Pittsburgh 1 Tuesday, June 2: Pittsburgh 4, Detroit 2 Thursday, June 4: Pittsburgh 4, Detroit 2 Saturday, June 6: Detroit 5, Pittsburgh 0 Tuesday, June 9: Pittsburgh 2, Detroit 1, series tied 3-3 Friday, June 12: Pittsburgh at Detroit, 6 p.m.

MLB NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W Philadelphia 33 New York 31 Atlanta 29 Florida 29 Washington 15 Central Division W Milwaukee 33


L 23 25 28 31 41

Pct .589 .554 .509 .483 .268

GB — 2 4 1/2 6 18

L 25

Pct .569

GB —

Chicago Cincinnati St. Louis Pittsburgh Houston West Division Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Colorado Arizona

| 31


29 30 31 26 25

26 27 28 32 31

.527 .526 .525 .448 .446

2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 7 7

W 40 30 27 26 25

L 20 27 31 32 34

Pct .667 .526 .466 .448 .424

GB — 8 1/2 12 12 1/2 14 1/2

——— Tuesday’s Games Cincinnati 3, Washington 2 N.Y. Mets 6, Philadelphia 5 Atlanta 4, Pittsburgh 3 Florida 4, St. Louis 3 Chicago Cubs 7, Houston 1 Colorado 3, Milwaukee 2 San Francisco 9, Arizona 4 L.A. Dodgers 6, San Diego 4 Wednesday’s Games Cincinnati (Harang 5-6) at Washington (Martis 5-1), 5:05 p.m. Philadelphia (Hamels 4-2) at N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 4-2), 5:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Morton 0-0) at Atlanta (Jurrjens 5-3), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 5-4) at Florida (Volstad 4-5), 5:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Zambrano 4-2) at Houston (W.Rodriguez 5-5), 5:05 p.m. Colorado (De La Rosa 1-6) at Milwaukee (Bush 3-2), 5:05 p.m. San Francisco (Zito 2-6) at Arizona (D.Davis 3-6), 7:40 p.m. San Diego (LeBlanc 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 3-4), 8:10 p.m. AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W Boston 34 New York 34 Toronto 34 Tampa Bay 29 Baltimore 25 Central Division W Detroit 32 Minnesota 29 Chicago 27 Cleveland 26 Kansas City 24 West Division W Texas 33 Los Angeles 29

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

L 24 24 27 31 33

Pct .586 .586 .557 .483 .431

GB — — 1 1/2 6 9

L 26 31 32 34 33

Pct .552 .483 .458 .433 .421

GB — 4 5 1/2 7 7 1/2

L 25 27

Pct .569 .518

GB — 3

Seattle Oakland

28 26

30 31

.483 .456

5 6 1/2

——— Tuesday’s Games Cleveland 8, Kansas City 4 Baltimore 3, Seattle 1 L.A. Angels 4, Tampa Bay 3 Boston 7, N.Y. Yankees 0 Toronto 9, Texas 0 Detroit 7, Chicago White Sox 6, 10 innings Minnesota 10, Oakland 5 Wednesday’s Games Kansas City (Meche 2-5) at Cleveland (Pavano 6-4), 5:05 p.m. Seattle (F.Hernandez 5-3) at Baltimore (Guthrie 4-5), 5:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Lackey 1-1) at Tampa Bay (Niemann 5-4), 5:08 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Wang 0-3) at Boston (Wakefield 7-3), 5:10 p.m. Toronto (R.Romero 3-2) at Texas (Millwood 5-4), 6:05 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 6-2) at Chicago White Sox (Danks 4-4), 6:11 p.m. Minnesota (Liriano 2-7) at Oakland (Braden 5-5), 8:05 p.m.

WNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Washington 2 0 Atlanta 1 1 Connecticut 1 1 Detroit 1 1 Indiana 1 2 Chicago 0 1 New York 0 1 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Minnesota 2 0 Phoenix 1 0 Seattle 2 1 Los Angeles 1 1 San Antonio 0 1 Sacramento 0 2

Pct 1.000 .500 .500 .500 .333 .000 .000

GB — 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2

Pct 1.000 1.000 .667 .500 .000 .000

GB — 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 2

——— Monday’s Games Detroit 81, Los Angeles 52 Tuesday’s Games Indiana 73, Seattle 66 Wednesday’s Games Washington at Detroit, 5:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Minnesota, 6 p.m. New York at Phoenix, 8 p.m. Thursday’s Games No games scheduled

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32 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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| 33

��������������������������������������������������� ACROSS 1 Lamebrain 5 Sticky stuff 10 Corned beef concoction 14 Above 15 Up to 16 Edmonton’s prov. 17 Close tightly 18 Kingdom 19 Mr. Diamond 20 Makes beloved 22 Kings and presidents 24 Commercials 25 Nonflowering plants 26 Cessna or 747 29 Jam container 30 Gets closer to 34 Long fishes 35 Hightailed it 36 Piece of meat 37 Drs.’ group 38 Aluminum roll 40 Eggs: Lat. 41 Frolicked 43 Most common conjunction 44 Cooking fat 45 Night noise 46 Poet’s “before” 47 Soup server 48 Follow 50 Lend a hand to 51 Chest of drawers 54 Teasers 58 Bumpkin 59 People on the move 61 Of the congregation 62 University in North Carolina 63 Spring month 64 “¿Cómo __ Usted?” 65 Departed 66 Contract with a landlord 67 Part of a flower


DOWN 1 One teaspoon, perhaps 2 Kiln

31 32 33 35



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28

Deceased New __, LA Cat murmurs Ones: Scottish Train depot: abbr. Soil turner Fudd or Gantry One-piece transmitter and receiver Toward shelter Mix in a bowl Linden and Holbrook Fruit drink Invalidate Noisy display Juicy fruits Defective product 1836 Texas battle site First calendar page: abbr. With the voice Make merry Idaho or Maine __ of; free from

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c) 2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

36 38 39 42 44

Castilian hero 13 through 19 Half and half Gift Horse riders’ seats 46 Continent 47 Cover 49 Actor George

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60

Walkway Sketched Law Black, in poetry __ Kristofferson Orient Ceremony Con game Generation

2003 Malibu Wakesetter & Trailer. Wakeboard Tower, Racks, H20Ballast & Wedge, Bimini Top, 4 Speaker Sound System, Sub-Woofer. $27,900. 970-846-6807 1991 Catalina Coronado, C-15, Racing Sailboat. perfect for mountain lakes, needs work, with trailer $1000, OBO 819.5640

1999 SAAB 9-5 Fully Loaded, Turbo. 144k miles runs great. Thule rack. $3,999 call kyle (603)969-3050. 2006 Ford Focus, Nice! 2001 Buick Century 69k miles! 1998 Honda Civic, Sweet! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. 60 vehicles available! M & M Auto will buy your junker. If your junk car is complete, we’ll haul it away and give you $$$. Call 970-879-8178. ‘97 Subaru Special Edition Outback, 2 sets of tires, great condition! $4,000 OBO. Call Julia at 819-5999 2008 Yamaha YFZ 450 Sport ATV. Showroom condition. 5 speed. Ridden less than 10 hours. $5,900 OBO Call 824-7737

Yamaha YFM45FAV ATV Kodiak(green) with Moose Plow (winch installed) for sale for $4500 O.B.O. 970-846-8016 02 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO, 700miles, excellent condition, $3,700. 970-629-0355

Wavesport EZ 970-846-0050




21ft Searay open bow. 1988 kept like new, don’t pay $52,000. V-8 stern drive, custom aluminum tower. Lots of extras, included 2 axle trailer. $9000 846-2889 day, 879-7889 eve.

KAYAK SWAP AND RIVER EQUIPMENT @ Backdoor Sports, 9th and Yampa, $Fee for items to be sold, 879-6249, Saturday, June 13 @9 am

2003 Audi A4, Black, 47k, many upgrades, garage kept, Adult owner, Porche Brakes, Excellent Condition. $16,500. Call 970-819-5957 CHEVY AVEO, 06, 44K, Great gas mileage, 39 mpg, Silver, Great Shape, Commuter car, $8,500 360-561-9704 FINANCING / WORKING PEOPLE! $750.00 MINIMUM DOWNPAYMENT. NO CREDITCHECK. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. “Working Cars / Working People - 24,000 Mile Warranties! Demolition Derby Contestants WANTED! 3 Classes Mini, Cars & Pickups Routt, Moffat County Fairs. Don Hayes 970-276-4174 Lewis Moon 970-824-9568 97 DODGE INTREPID, front wheel drive, good gas mileage, new tires, 188K, good commute car, very clean, $2,000 ( 9 7 0 ) 8 2 4 - 6 4 4 0 , 589-1682 1993 FORD PROBE-2.0L, 5 speed, front wheel drive, 2 door, runs great. Great gas mileage. $2000 obo (719)648-4125

1993, 500SL, Mercedes, 49K miles, 2 tops $13,000 871-6386 2003 Jaguar X-Type 55k, AWD, like new. $9500 Call 846-1250 93 Grand Cherokee Limited 4.0L, Auto, 4x4, Navy Blue, Gray Leather Interior, New Radiator. $1200 Call 970-367-5150 2002 Subaru Impreza, WRX, Turbo, 78K, Silver, Black Interior, $9,000 OBO, Call Danny 846.4838 2000 Ford Focus Wagon, auto, power everything, Thule rocket box, front wheel drive, CD. $2800 (970)819-4412

2006 Triumph Speed Triple. Excellent condition. Low mileage. $6300. 2001 CR500R. For Trails. Excellent condition. $3100 (or MAKE OFFER) (970)846-2648

SUMMER FUN! 2003 Yamaha V-Star 1100, 1400 miles, saddle bags, perfect condition, below blue book, LOTS of Chrome $4,400. 970-846-3762 2002 KTM 520 MX in great condition. $2,900 OBO Ron 846-7500 2005 TTR 125. In good shape. $1400 (970)846-2312 2008 Scooter 150cc, Red, 2 - seater, 80 + MPG, 360 miles, Ready for Summer! $1500. Call 970-819-7816

2004 Yamaha Vmax-1200 cc motorcycle, 1100 original miles like new! $6100.00 OBO call 824-7029 for more info. 2003 BMW F650 GS dual sport! Only 7k miles. Excellent condition, travel bags, heated handgrips, 60mpg $5800, 846-5974 or 2007 KLR 650, 60 MPG, 3200 miles, garage kept, many extras including armor jacket, 2 helmets, $4800. Call Steve 879-7413 2001 Goldwing 1800, 18,000 miles, Great Condition. Beautiful Bike. Call 734-8762 2005 Honda CRF50f, Youth Motorcycle, Excellent condition, runs great! $875 871-9405 846-6635 1988 Honda NX 250 Awesome bike! street legal, 1000 bucks and its yours (201) 410-0077

2000 Chevy Tracker, dark blue, 4 door, manual, excellent condition, good tires, 75k miles. $4,750. Call (970) 826-9724 970-701-9438

2000 Ford Super Cab, 7.3 Diesel, 4x4, snow plow, roll away bed cover, fifth wheel plate, excellent condition! 970-824-5638

08’ Raptor RV, 37ft, sleeps 12, Master has pillor top mattress. TV, solar panel with inverter, generator, loaded $37,500 819-0986 Older pop-up camper, fits in full size pickup, (8ft bed) asking $1995; 2 Scwhinn Electric Scooters like new. Call 970-980-1450 02 Chevy S-10 ZR2 $7500! Jet ski with ski accessories $4000, Electric Piano 88 $1000, House 3 bed $140,000, 701-9243

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1999 Ford F-350 Dually, 4x4, supercab with Powerstroke. 1994 Ford F-250 4x4 flat bed with diesel engine. 824-4575 or 326-6675

2003 Silverado Ext. Cab Z71, 5.3 V8, 58K miles, matching topper, 5” lift, new tires, alloy wheels. Excellent Condition. $16,000 OBO. 846-7379

1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, dkgreen, 4x4 great in snow! 129k, leaving town, priced below blue book. Only $2,450. 970-846-5315

2002 BMW X5 3.0, Black, 100k, cosmetic collision damage, $10,900. 819-1575

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1999 Chevrolet 1500 V-6, $5,995! #2718. 1989 Ranger Pickup, $2,250. #2479 (3) Toyota Tacomas, WoW! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700.

1979 Golden Eagle Jeep, 77k miles $3,500, 1983 Jeep Scrambler, 36k miles $5,500, Both in good shape and run well 879-3019

2006 KTM 450exc lights off road ready $4,000 OBO 970-846-5358.


1993 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel, ex-cab, dually, 2 wheel drive, 5 speed, Good condition, Runs great! $5000 obo (719) 648-4125

01,0. 3/4 Ton Dodge ext. cab cummins pipe and chip goodyear mtr tires. 141K miles. Great truck. $11,000 call after 7p.m. 736-1213

85 Subaru GL Wagon, 162K, Runs, but will need clutch, $500 303-912-2329

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2002 F-250 Lariat crew-cab, diesel, auto, 125K, $12,000 obo, 2002 Travel-a-long four horse slant 5th Wheel Trailer $4,500 obo 736-2325

2008 Ford Escape, 4WD, 19,500 miles. Excellent condition, 24-26 mpg, with four Blizzak snows, roof rack. $18,000 970-879-1625

(4) 1999-05 Jeep Wranglers, Outstanding! 1996 Honda Passport, Sharp! (3) Jeep Grand Cherokees, Very Nice! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700.


2008 Chevy Tahoe, 7,000 miles, Excellent condition. $25,000 Call 846-5433

READY TO SELL MAKE OFFER! 2004 CRF-250X Honda & 2006 Yamaha TTR-250, low miles, like new. Dirt, street ready. See at Extreme Power Sports 970-879-9175/970-276-4821

2004 KTM 625 EXC. Baja ready, on or off road, lots of extras. Excellent condition. Price reduced to $3900. 276.4446


1996 GMC SUBURBAN K15, new factory reman trans, radiator, brakes, u-joints, alt., battery, tune up. 135k miles, very clean. $6,500 Advanced Auto and Truck Repair. 970-870-3357

2001 Jeep Wrangler Sport, 90k miles, exc condition, 1 owner, soft top, 2” susp, lots of extras, $9500 OBO, 970-846-6431

1997 Dodge Avenger ES. Great condition, great in snow, 2 sets of tires, 112k, $3,500 OBO. 970-879-7071


2004 VW TOUAREG, gorgeous, well maintained, loaded, V8, snow tires, ski rack, heated seat and steering wheel, $15,000 call 970-723-3277

Kawasaki KDX50 great kids bike, runs well $750.00 OBO, YAMAHA XS-650 Twin, Race Bike $1,200 OBO Call 846-2045 or 870-9028.


2003 Subaru Forester AWD, Excellent condition, 56k, good tires. $8500 Call 846-1575

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1991 Dodge 3/4 ton 2 wheel drive diesel, automatic in good condition. $3800.00 OBO call 824-7029 for more info.

Steamboat Springs School District will receive sealed bids for a 1984 GMC VanDura w/5.7L V8 gas engine. Bids will be received at 923 Critter Court or 325 7th Street, Steamboat Springs until closed 6/12/09. For information call 879-1057

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1999 Chevy Astro Van, AWD, 8 passenger, LT package with leather seats. Rear AC, 36k miles on Jasper rebuilt engine. Includes spair set of four wheels and tires with trailer hitch. Clean and running well. $3,200 970-870-1710 970-871-0021

Remington 700 Varmit Synthetic 22-250 $600; 700 Sendero Stainless 300 ultra mag $800; Jewel Triggers Leupold 8.5x25 $500 970-590-3450

Craftsman table saw $150, Floor Drill press $100, 9H Honda snowblower $275; 371 XP Husky Chainshaw $300. Call 970-276-2572, 970-590-5913 Painting crew for hire. No job too big or small. Call 846-1044 2 door True reach in refrigerator, 2 stainless steel tables, slicer, table top deep fryer. Call 846-7882

Steamboat Must See! 1930’s Sheep Herders Wagon with all the trimmings! Would make a great “spare” room for sleepovers. Put it on the acreage and call it the “Honeymoon Suite”. Serious inquiries only. 505-983-7165 505-692-5756

New Sears 50 gal Propane Hot water heater $250 Call Vito 970-870-9058

Ask me how you can save 30% up to $1500 off of replacement widows. Local 15 years-Big Horn Exteriors. Call 276-4555 leave message. Hardy Siding: 110 pieces, 6 1/4x144 inches, primed. Retail $6.70 each. 50% off $3.35 each. See example 143 Logan, 846-5411

Pearl Isumi Select Versa Biking shorts, Baggy with Mesh liner & Chamois. New with tags Sz L $50 846-8469

Tune-ups, Troubleshooting & Repairs All Computer & Laptop Brands New & Used PCs, Laptops & Parts, Virus Removal & Prevention, Wireless Networking, DELL Registered Partner 970-879-8890

CONCEALED CARRY CLASS. Saturday and Sunday, June 13 & 14, Hayden. Call Steve 9 7 0 . 8 4 6 . 7 0 4 1 , o r Only 6 positions remaining.

Automotive Cherry Picker & engine stand still in box $175 for both. 846-2889 day, 879-7889 eve.

FoxFire: 736-2745 Natural Resource Protection. Low Impact, Light Equipment Tree Removal. Precise Tree Falling. SAVE 50% Up To $2,500!

TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! Kimco 879-6898

Kirby Generation 3 Vacuum and Shampooer, Extra belts, 276-3638 Free moving boxes at 1103 Lincoln, back of building entrance faces 11th Street. 970-870-6087

PC COMPUTER SERVICES HALF PRICE Residential Computer Repair, located in Steamboat. Microsoft Certified Professional. Tune Ups, Troubleshooting, Repairs and Installations. Cell:(818)426-9095 HEAVY DUTY BUSINESS Copier, scanner, Xerox 440 ST. $800 OBO. Call Tom 846-8179

Jotul Heating Stove. Converted to Propane. $500 OBO 970-819-2440

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LEGAL HAPPY HOUR Free legal advice

Call to sign up. Randall Salky, Attorney at Law McGill Professional Law 970-879-6200 ext. 13 Free towing of unwanted & abandoned vehicles. 879-1065 FREE: Firewood - cut to 16” length. You must split. You Haul 970-870-0310 Need to get rid of logs? Mingle Wood Timbers Inc. will pick them up for free. (970)871-9238

Jeans a little tight? Try something that works. Take it off keep it off. Get ready for Spring! 970-824-9284

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Structural Pipe for Sale. Most sizes available. Great for fencing, coral’s, arenas, ect. Truckload discounts. Please call (970) 352-4330.

Spring Harrow Sale

Sale prices only while supplies last. 4 ft $338, 8 ft $628, 12 ft $915. Includes Drawbar. Farrow Repair Service, 970-879-0130 Swather for sale. 1992 Self propelled McDom 12’ Cummins Diesel. $5,000 970-824-6434 WANTED:ROUND BALER used, in good operating condition. 4’ bales needs to have wide belts. String or sheath tied, (970)824-6440, 589-1682 Vermeer 605H Baler, NH 499 Swather, Meadow drags, Heavy Steel Gates, Ph. 846-1191 day, 879-3624 evening

IntExt LLC

Call us for all your remodeling needs! Licensed & Insured. 970-819-4991 Water Damage Specialist

NEED TUTORING SERVICES? Friendly, effective tutor available for your child or teen, in my home or yours. Most subjects available. Please call 846.0613 if interested. Used Kegorator asking $200 OBO; Infinity Speakers asking $100 OBO; Kenwood head unit asking $75 OBO. Call 724-612-7711

FREE: CARPORT Approx. Interior dimensions 24x25, 13ft high, downtown SBS. Possible over-road transport, or cut apart for trusses, posts & beams. 846-2138

Large commerical awning for storefront, restaurant or professional business. $400 or best offer. Original price $1000. Boutique racks $50-$75. 846-4330.

Clear tempered glass 1/4 in: 3 panes 44x32, 5 panes 44x28. See @ 143 Logan Ave. Uhaul. 846-5411 FREE: Heavy Duty set of 3 drawers, misc shelving units. You Haul. 970-870-2980 Appendix Quarter Horse Throughbred cross, 23 yrs gelding, needs loving home, great companion horse, possible light riding, 481-2130

Blue leather recliner, blue leather sectional, octagonal coffee and end table, and two lamps for sale. $200. 846-3991 Furniture Sale at The Hampton Inn & Suites of Steamboat: Armoire, Mirrors, Art Work and Other Miscellaneous items. 10 am to 5 pm daily- Monday through Friday. 970-871-8900

Stand out in the crowd! Call 970-871-4255 to add an attention getter to your advertisement.

LIQUIDATION SALE - FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT Rounders, Displays, label makers, shelving, cash register, filing cabinets, Centennial Mall Suite 112

Free to a good home. Neutered 8 year old Male Rottweiler mix needs a quiet home with no small children. 846-0553

FREE: 2 twin boxsprins, 30” white stove top vent, & misc small furniture you haul. 430 Lauril St


Help the Youth Community of Steamboat, The Boys and Girls Club of Steamboat needs Volunteers, donations including games equipment, furniture, tvs, etc. Call Heather Martyn if interested 846-7710

Lopi Berkshire high efficiency free standing gas stove. New $4,700, will sell stove, hearth and piping for $2250. Call 303-324-2346

Having trouble getting the computer help you need? Ask a local where they go for help... We have been helping Steamboat use computers since 1985! Whether it’s your home or business, we are the locals choice for anything computer related. Andy, Marcus, Royce and Kenneth. 970-870-7984 2130 Resort Drive, Suite 100



9AM-4PM, Driving range open 9AM-6PM. Call for details 970-846-5647 -

| 35

JD post hole auger, 500 gal. fuel tank, hay sled runners, hay wagon running gear, grain auger. 970-846-1191 day, 970-879-3624 evening

DEERFOOT AUCTION SERVICE is now scheduling estate farm and ranch and business auctions, contact Mike to schedule your sale today! 970-629-0321

1995 Astro Van, AWD, original owner, 137k, mechanically sound with all maintenance records, $2100 OBO Call 879-9380

Now accepting antique consignments. Hayden Artisans’ Marketplace. Call 276-2019. Open Tues-Sat, 10a-6p

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Furnish your office in style for less! Maple office furniture, five file cabinets, two desks, three book shelves, raised panel design, excellent condition! Over $1,300 new, asking $750 (OBO) for all! 970-734-8500 STEAMBOAT’S MATTRESS HEADQUARTERS Mountain Mattress and furniture, Queen sets from $299. All natural, memory foam, 22 models on floor (970)879-8116 2 Walnut desks $250-350, Round table 4 chairs $200, Dining table 8 chairs $400. Slipcovered chair $50, Bistro Set $80, and other miscellaneous items. 970.819.4025

Need Top Soil? Call 970-879-0655

DE VRIES FARM MARKET Open for another successful season! See you on Wednesday! Yampa Valley Feeds is now featuring Carolyn Moon’s garden veggies, flowers and shrubs. Come visit the Historic Hayden Grain Elevator for your garden; wildbird; poultry; dog; cat; livestock and horse needs. Open Mon-Saturdays;9-5:30pm. or 276-4250. BUYING GOLD, SILVER AND PLATINUM BULLION AND COINS. all (970)-824-5807 or Cell (970)-326-8170. GrandKids Child Care Center Has rare openings in preschool for children 31/2 to 5 years for summer and fall. Quality early education including intergenerational activities with seniors at Doak Walker Care Center, hot lunches, nutritious snacks. Where fun, loving and learning go hand in hand. Minimum 2 days a week. 870-1140. CHILDCARE OFFERED: Experienced Craig mother offering FT & PT day care, no weekends. Children of all ages. Call 937-231-3925 Manny’s Handyman Service: Minor remodels, electrical, swamp cooler start up, yard clean up, drywall, etc.... Free estimates! 970-620-1760 GET RID OF YOUR OLD HOT TUB for little or no $,: Pasture for two horses, live water - 7 miles south of Hayden 970-276-3148 Gas portable generator 8500, Diesel portable generator 7500, Commercial dual tank air compressor, Commercial pressure washer, Commercial trash pump 3” Call 970-846-8693


36 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Energetic, Responsible, Young Lady looking to provide part time child care for children 3 and older. Available for daytime, after school care, and weekends. Specializing in Arts & Crafts, and Outdoor Activities! Please call Lauren at 540-908-0150

ARCHERY 2007 Fred Bear Instinct, $800 new, $500 obo, 3 pin fiberoptic, 4 arrow quiver, 5 arrows, 720-323-2823

61” Scag Commercial Mower 21hp Kawasaki good cond $4300, 303-579-8647

Offering Hay hauling! Specializing in hay, lumber, small equipment, etc... Call for info: (970) 629-3936 Rob. HIRE ME! Bookkeeping and Errand Services 970-819-1118 Payroll Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Monthly and Quarterly Taxes, Miscellaneous Office Needs, Errands. Mobile Welding, Fabricating and Mechanic. 20 years experience. Call Mark at 970-276-4906 ALL STEEL PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS. Strong, secure, weather & rodent proof. Great for business, home, ranch, oil field & more. 8x8x20ft in stock. 8x8x40ft. available. 970-824-3256. THE CLEAN UP COMMITTEE- Parking Lot maintenance, Seal Coating, Chuckhole Patching, Stripping, Vacuuming, Crack Filling, Pace ice melt, Propellant 49, Environmental Hot Water Pressure Washer, (Zero Water Run Off), George May, Owner 970-824-2131 Bush Hog 2101 post hole auger with 9” bit. 540 pto drive, 3pt mount, in good condition. Asking $450. 970-879-4974

Create your own Waterfront Property...

Chicken Coop for 4-6 birds for a 4H project. Call 970-879-4104 STANDING AT STUD reduced fee for 2009 $400. AQHA Palomino - Dash for Cash, ShawnaBug bloodlines. APHA Sorrel Tobiano Cherookee Indian Native Dancer. Showing, Performance, Racing. Check out our Stalions! Horses For sale, horse breaking, 970-824-5219 970-620-3449 STANDING AT STUD: Zan Bar Baron AQHA ROM, Performance and Heading, NRCHA money earner, COA point earner in three different events. Fee: $800. Call (970) 824-4857 Horseshoe Trimming, over 10 years experience, Vet Referred. Call Steve 846-1965

Flashy Red 10 yr old Quarter Horse Gelding, trail horse MUST SEE! Call 970-736-8258

Dump trailer, Heavy Duty Tandem Axle, hydraulic lift, 10’x6’x6’ 2 years old, $4500 Call Chuck 846-5633 6 Ton National Boom Truck, 60’ reach, Ford 800 with flat bed & carrying rack. $12,000 846-6823 Skidsteer, Case1835B diesel, oldie but goodie, perfect farm or landscape machine. Excellent condition. $6500 846-2889 day, 879-7889 eve. 2004 John Deere 240 Series II Skidsteer. 1300hrs, 4 in Stock. $9,750 each. Byrne Equipment Sales, Craig 826-0051 2008 46,000 lbs Tag trailer $25,000; 1995 International Dump truck $22,000 Call 736-8396

Bicycle pannier found on Butcherknife Canyon trail. Call 879-5988 to claim.

Heavy silver cross necklace found on Huckleberry call 303-618-4311 to identify FOUND: Black wire rim glasses in Safeway parking lot 06/08 in the PM. Call 879-5953 City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter, Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court, 6/5/09, Found on Howelson Parkway: Short-haired black and white male neutered cat., Found on CR 14: 7 week old female black and white heeler puppy. Found: Bucket of cords on Hwy 40, call to identify. 970-846-4696

Big, Black & Beautiful 10 yr. old Quarter Horse gelding, broke. Great Ranch or gymkhana prospect. Inter, to exp. rider $2000 OBO: 970-819-0652 REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS: PAP tested, ultrasounded for carcass data, fertility tested, EPDs and performance data available. Call to come see them anytime. Don night: 879-7632 day:734-7322


Your best pasture improvement is weed control. Acreage only, no residential please. 970-879-3920 Evenings. Excellent Horse Hay, $6.00 per 65 lb bale. Wiley 970-778-2439 1400 # grass hay round bales. Been covered. $75 per bale. 276 4446 Schedule early for CUSTOM HAYING! Small square bales. Call 970-629-9299, leave message. 120 acres standing dryland grass hay for sale, will consider custom haying offers. Located in Craig. Call 970-824-1085. Leave message.

LOST:Pocket book with Snaffle bit handle, last seen at ACE on Sat 06/06. Wallet with Corgie Dog on it, many irreplaceable sentimental contents. Please call 879-6303 or bring to Pilot Newspaper office. City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court 6/3/09 Found in Stagecoach area-Male Pomeranian with purple collar

Dear kind folks from CACP, in honor to entertain you this evening and by the way the words that you are thinking of are brainstorming, and committed, 638-0214

LOST: KAYAK, Large Blue Liquid Logic, between 5th St Bridge & Pacific Ocean If found please call 970-870-1891 or 970-846-9775

Stand out in the crowd! Call 970-871-4255 to add an attention getter to your advertisement.

Yearling Registered Black Angus Bulls. PAP & Fertility Tested. Call 970-276-3323.

Horses for Sale: Excellent Bred Mares from 2 to 13 years old, Great Brood Mare prospects. 970-846-1220

Individual and Group Health Insurance PPO, ALL-PROVIDER. Emergency room, RX. Rates guaranteed. Replace expensive COBRA Plans. (970)879-1101

Lost April 20th: Velvety grey male cat with 1/2 tail. Possibly stowed in a car and ended up downtown. Flash. 846-3184

Standing at stud AQHA Capitol Class -Black Bay. Hollywoods Shining -Red Dun. Get ‘em Dun -Palomino. APHA Tuff N Tru -Bay Homozygous Tobiano. Foundation breeding, great dispositions, versatile. Call 970-824-4145 or 970-629-0190

Flashy Black Missouri Fox Trotter Gelding 17 years, $1,000 obo & Canainden Sport Horse Red Roan Gelding 17 hands, 7 years, $2,000 Call for info 871-6750

Specializing in construction, maintenance and repair of water gardens, koi ponds, and pondless waterfalls. Call James, your local Pond guy! 970-879-7665

The Hayden School District has the following positions open for the 2009-2010 school year: High School: Sign Language Interpreter Middle School: Special Education Teacher, Half-time 6th Grade Literacy Teacher, Paraeducator, Elementary School: Kindergarten Paraeducator half-time Coaching: High School Girls’ Assistant Basketball Coach, High School Boys’ Assistant Basketball Coach, High School Winter Sports Cheerleading Coach, High School Head Wrestling Coach. To apply, visit the district website at and click on the employment link for further information.

Lost-Reading glasses, metal frame, bifocals on 8th and Oak Sunday. 846-6823


Sleigh crib $175, Kelty child carrier backpack $50, chest freezer $150, hearth gate $75, mountain boy bambino sled, $80 879-8091

Missing Bike, Silver and White LeMond “Reno” Sentimental Value, received from deceased friend. REWARD 846-3701

Lost brown handbag with snaffle bit handle, and black wallet in the Safeway or Ace parking lot Saturday. PLEASE CALL 970-879-6303

6 panel solid wood doors: 3’x5’ architectural drafting table $175; 21” 3-tier skutt kiln-new; whirlpool oven 4 burner $100.00. 870-1781

General tutoring also available. All subjects, all ages. Ivy League School Junior, former SSHS valedictorian offering tutoring. Call Max 970-879-9057


APR REG. toy poodle puppies 2 black 1 phantom all female. 970-589-1058 DACHSHUNDS Puppies, all males, $250 970 826-2610 Tropical Rockies Red Tag Sale up to 65% off store wide. Plus, see us at FREE Family Fun Fest, June 20th 970-879-1909 Sale ends 6/23/09.

There are funds available for uninsured and underinsured local women to pay for annual wellness exams, mammograms and breast cancer treatment costs. Don’t compromise your health we can help! Call the Yampa Valley Breast Cancer Awareness Project to learn how to apply for funds. 846-4554.

professional couple seeking condo, townhome, apartment or mobile home management position. experience in commercial and move out cleanings, plumbing, maintenance and customer service. 15-year locals with excellent yampa valley references. 846-4330

Fabulous Border Collie puppies, Ready to go, full bred, Great Parents $150. 970-276-4291.

Steamboat Springs School District Teachers 2009-2010. Elementary: Special Education, PE/Health PT, Music, Elem. Teachers, PT Reading, Middle: Math/Science Teachers, High: ELL, Industrial Arts (Part-time), Charter: 6-8 All Subjects, PE Teacher/Outdoor Ed (Part-time). CO Teacher License with appropriate endorsement required. Salary: $32,910 - $52,636 DOQ for FT positions. Quwstions? 970-871-3199 Please complete district application at EOE

Alpine Campus of Colorado Mountain College is seeking part-time instructors for the following courses for fall semester, August 24-December 11: * CAD * Geology * Math * Engineering/Structural. Minimum of Master’s Degree (or 15 graduate credit hours) in discipline or related field required. Part-time instructor pay is commensurate with earned degree. Applications may be obtained from the Alpine Campus or on-line at Please send application, resume, transcript, and/or direct inquiries to Kevin Cooper, Instructional Chair, Colorado Mountain College, 1330 Bob Adams Drive, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487. Application deadline is June 15. CMC is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to diversifying its workforce.

3 Teacup poodles. 1 male ready to go now. Other 2 ready on 6-16. Call for details (970)653-4494. Chocolate Lab Puppies for Sale in Craig, avail 7/4/09. Male and Female $350. Call 661-886-2864 K-9 Gentle Dental will be at Mt. Werner Veterinary Hospital for the June Hygiene Clinic. June 11th, 25th. No anesthesia required. Call Angel for appointment 619-370-5956. City of Steamboat SpringsAnimal Shelter, Phone: 879-0621, DATE: 6-7-09, Dogs for Adoption:Koal- Adult male Golden Retriever, Black Lab-Very affectionate! Baxter- Young male Border Collie mix-Friendly smallish-size boy! Braveheart-2-3 year old Lab, Newfoundland Mix-Happy and good spirited! BeeBee- Young female Heeler Mix-Total lover! Sam-8 year old Purebred Yellow Lab-AKC! Blossom-Female Heeler puppy-Spunky little girl! Munchkin-Young male Pomeranian-Playful! Cats for Adoption Just received more cats!-$30 each! Lots of kittens! Tropical Rockies Red Tag Sale up to 65% off store wide. Plus, see us at FREE Family Fun Fest, June 20th 970-879-1909 Sale ends 6/23/09. For Sale: English Bulldog Puppies. AKC Registered. Sherrod Ranch 970-879-3920 Bar Lazy U Registered Border Collie puppies. 8 weeks old, ready for new homes, vaccinated. Renee 970-276-4807 SUMMER CITY DOG CLASS Family Dog Training Advanced Class Contact Laura Tyler 629-1507 Sandra Kruczek 824-4189

Overnight Nanny for independent Teenage Girl (that drives) Night & weekends Sept 09 - May 2010 flexibility, References required. 217-652-9752

Summer Nanny Available. Fun, energetic, and reliable 24 year old teacher available to watch your kids! Call Nichole 303-895-0000

PAINTERS: 5 yrs experience in commercial painting. Work in Steamboat & Craig. Drug test. EOE, Ins., 401k Contact Walter (888)947-2559.

GrandKids ChildCare Center Preschool Teacher - FT (32 hours/week) Responsible for the planning and execution of an age appropriate curriculum. Provides a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for the children. Maintains an effective relationship and open communication with other staff, parents and departments. Must be Group Leader qualified and have a strong knowledge and understanding of young children with at least 2 years of verified teaching experience in a child care setting. A minimum 2 years of college education with at least 1 college class in child development is required. Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Child Psychology degree preferred. We offer great benefits including health insurance, paid time off, professional staff, ski passes, 403(b) retirement plan and more! Apply at Yampa Valley Medical Center Human Resources 1024 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs, CO or fax resume to 871-2337 or e-mail to:

Mortgage Loan Originator - Colorado mortgage banking company seeking loan originator. Guaranteed salary plus commission. Excellent technology. Fax resume 970-242-6285,



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SPEECH COACH (or Co-coaches) SSHS. Please complete district classified application at Questions: 970-871-3199. EOE

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ATTN: Computer Help Wanted, earn up to $25-$75 per hour, PT, FT, training provided!

Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School and Camp is hiring a Camp Nurse for the summer. Available immediately through August 16. Must be either an RN or EMT with certification to dispense medicine. The Camp Nurse ensures that a nurse is available 24 hours each session. Responsible for student and staff medical needs, administering meds to students, stocking and maintaining first aid kits and Infirmary supplies, and processing all insurance paper work. Salary plus room and board. For more information call 879-7125.

NEEDED: 12 Heavy equipment operators - mechanics. Will train the right people. FT or PT work. Call Sergeant Holloway 970-986-9206 Own A Computer? Put it to work earning $500 to $5,000 per month FT - PT Hours. www. 29 People Needed Get paid $ $ for lbs and inches you will lose in 30 days. Dr. recommended

Want a more relaxing summer? Let an experienced Bookeeper and Office Manager lighten your load. References, experience, with Quickbooks pro, Microsoft office, BS in Accounting. Kimberly, 846-6313

LIBRARY ASSISTANT – REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Assists the public with computers and the Internet, researches hard-to-find information, reads and recommends books on any topic under the sun. This rewarding position requires compassion and excellent communication skills. PT, 20 hrs per week, $12/hr. Submit application in person at the Library, 1289 Lincoln Ave. Application deadline is Thursday, June 11.


The Holiday Inn of Craig is now hiring for Bartenders and Cocktail Servers. Full time & Part time positions available. For more information please contact Gayle Henderson-Haas at 970.824.4000 X 419.

JOB # 5312356 4 FT positions available in Steamboat, CO. $18.80 hour 40hrs week; NO OT. Paint new & existing homes, while managing a crew of painters. Coordinates delivery of supplies. Resumes ONLY to: 303.487.1610 attn: Debbie. Must include JOB# 5312356 on fax cover sheet. DO NOT CONTACT EMPLOYER DIRECTLY!

Become a member of our award-winning design team. The Steamboat Pilot & Today has an opening for an experienced graphic designer. This is a full-time position with benefits. Qualified applicants must have working knowledge of InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. The ideal candidate will be creative, deadline oriented and have the ability to multi-task. Send your resume and samples of your work to 970-871-4218

Moffat County-Seeking applicants for the position of Part-time on-call Crisis Intervention Specialist(2 positions). For complete job description, contact Colorado Workforce Center (970) 824-3246. Moffat County is an EEO Employer.

The Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association is seeking a Membership Sales Manager. Come join our energetic and enthusiastic team! The position will be responsible for obtaining new members, retention of current members, and the sales of a variety of Chamber programs. The right candidate will be a self-starter with excellent communication skills and will excel in a team environment. A friendly attitude and ability to multi-task are essential. Email your resume to:

Moffat County-Seeking applicants for the position of Part-time Grounds / Facility Maintenance Technician for the Library. For complete job description, contact Colorado Workforce Center (970) 824-3246. Moffat County is an EEO Employer.

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Steamboat Lake Outfitters is now hiring for Waitstaff, Breakfast cooks, line cooks, & Pizza cooks. Call 970-879-4404, apply online

Tugboat Grill & Pub

Will be accepting applications beginning May 26th for Kitchen staff. Apply @1860 Ski Time Square. SUBWAY / COLD STONE CREAMERY is now hiring Store Managers, Assistants for Steamboat location. Experience Required. Apply 2032 Curve Plaza. No phone calls please.

PS Homecare, a leading National respiratory company seeks friendly, attentive Customer Service Representative. Phone skills that provide warm customer interactions a must. Maintain patient files, process doctors’ orders, manage computer data and filing. Growth opportunities are excellent. Drug-free workplace. EOE. Fax Resume to 970-879-9695 Overland is looking for personable full time or part time salespeople for year round sales positions. Retail experience preferred but no required. We operate a relaxed retail environment with flexible schedule, great pay, and benefits (insurance & 401K) for full time employees. If interested please give us a call at (970)870-9770, or stop in at 612 Lincoln Ave. We look forward to hearing from you.



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Graphic Designer

Multi-Million Dollar Debt Free 12 year old company seeking professionals that would like to own their own business. Call Mike 303-229-3211.

Is looking for a Personable, energetic applicant who adds strength & value to an innovative, established company Plumbing & Heating Service Technician. Excellent wages, benefits & training! 970-879.1504 x206

| 37

Vacation Resorts International is seeking Part-time Housekeepers. Qualified applicants must be detail oriented and be responsible. This position is for Saturdays only. Please stop by and fill out an application at Thunder Mountain, 2030 Walton Creek Rd. Or call 970-879-9634.

SEEKING POSITION: Horse Ranch manager, 15 years experience, all mare & foal care, grooming for Dressage and Eventing. Joann 715-892-6040

Rodeo / Ballfield concessions. Earn extra income, have fun, 10 weekends mid June thru August and Labor Day. All ages over 18, full availability only please! 970-879-9678


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Patient Financial Counselor (Full-Time) Patient Financial Counselor is responsible for qualifying patients for financial assistance programs; setting up a payment plan; monitoring and maintaining interfaces with our self pay billing company, statement vendor, and collection agencies; and responding to patient inquiries regarding their bills. Candidate must possess excellent customer service attitude, strong computer skills with knowledge of Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and hospital information systems required. Strong background in healthcare billing and collections, government assistance programs strongly preferred. Solid organizational, mathematical and financial skills required. We offer great benefits including health insurance, paid time off, ski passes, 403(b) retirement plan and more! Apply at Yampa Valley Medical Center, Human Resources at 1024 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs, CO, fax resume to 871-2337, apply online at or email to:

Claims Analyst (Full-Time) The Claims Analyst is responsible for the submission of clean and timely patient claims to commercial, governmental, and workers compensation insurance companies. Candidate must possess excellent customer service attitude, strong computer skills with strong knowledge of Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and hospital information systems required. An overall knowledge of functions & activities of hospitals, understanding of compliance, knowledge of various payment systems, skill in analyzing, researching, and resolving problems and issues. Previous hospital billing experience & Patient Financial Services certification preferred. We offer great benefits including health insurance, paid time off, ski passes, 403(b) retirement plan and more! Apply at Yampa Valley Medical Center, Human Resources at 1024 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs, CO, fax resume to 871-2337, apply online at or email to:

STEAMBOAT:Great furnished private mountain 2 bed, 1 bath apartment. Non smoking, pets allowed, parking. WD + cable + internet + utilities included. 6 months, available now. $1250 month. Call 970-819-5160. STEAMBOAT:Advocates Building Peaceful Communities’ caretaker unit: 2BD, 1BA, WD, NS. Reduced rent in exchange for services. Must have interest in victim advocacy. 879-2034. OAK CREEK: 2BD, 1BA apartment, all appliances, NS, pets negotiable, 1st & security. $850 per month includes all utilities. Joe 846-3542

The Village At Steamboat is hiring for the following positions:

* Maintenance Manager * Front Desk Lead *Front Desk Agent * Maintenance Tech

Full time- Year round employment. Benefits include: Health, Dental, Vision, PTO, 401k, Potential Tuition Reimbursement, Discounted hotel room rates at Wyndham core properties. Apply in person at 900 Pine Grove Circle (Across from the Tennis Bubble) EOE, VETERANS, DV, M, F

STEAMBOAT:2bd, 1ba, waterfall, stone patio, Saltillo tile, hickory cabinets, gas fireplace, fenced yard, WD. $1200 includes utilities. NS, 1 dog allowed. 970-734-7374 STEAMBOAT: Wonderful, furnished apartment on the mountain. $1,350 monthly includes WD, utilities, wireless, patio, NS, NP, Available 6/15/09 970-846-8257 STEAMBOAT:Private home garden Apt, quiet, sunny 2bd walk-out WD, DW, NS, NP $1150-Utilities, wireless Inc 1st Dep 846-0261 STEAMBOAT:2 Bd, 1 Bath, Val D’Isere. Flexible lease, hardwood floors, DW, WD, very clean, Pets neg. $1100 303-859-2616


38 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

STEAMBOAT:Great Views from private sunny deck, quiet, second floor Apt, upper Copper Ridge Business Park. 1000sqft 2BD, 1BA WD, NS, NP. $1200 month. Better than living on the mountain. 970-879-5815 CRAIG:Large 2 bedroom basement apartment, NP, NS, utilities included, Background check required $750 plus deposit, 699 Russell St, Craig 276-4144

STEAMBOAT: Cozy 1BD walk out apartment. Downtown, 1 dog okay, $675 utilities included. 970-846-4881 YAMPA:1BD upstairs apatrtment, wood floors, propane heat. Outside deck, NP, Year lease, 1st Last, Damage $500 plus utilities. 970-638-4455, 970-638-4264 STEAMBOAT:New 1 Bedroom on Mountain near bike path and bus. Furnished. Utilities, Wi-Fi, Satellite included. WD, NS, NP $900. 970.734.7933

STEAMBOAT:Furnished 1BD, 1BA. Utilities and internet included. WD, Pool, hottub, on mountain. 1st, last, security NS, NP. $900. Liz 879-5100x10 STEAMBOAT:Large top floor 2BD, 2BA Rockies Condo. Furnished, hardwood, deck, storage, bus route, pool, hottubs, golf; utilities included. $1400 month Lindsay 508-789-1910 or,


STEAMBOAT:Spring Meadows Condo 2BD, 1BA, unfurnished, close to mountain. $900 monthly plus S.D. NS, NP. (970)879-2373

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STEAMBOAT:Clean 2bd, 2ba, 1 Car Attached Garage. Includes Heat, Cable, Internet. WD in Unit. Available Now; $1495, Mth 879-4529

�������������� ������������ STEAMBOAT: Private studio. $650.00 month includes all utilities, NP, NS. 1st, last, $150 security. 970-846-6905.

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STEAMBOAT:Cabin for rent, 1BD + loft at River Bend. 1 pet ok. Low utilities. Available July 1. $900 monthly 970-846-9340

CRAIG:Remodeled 2BA, 1BA apartments with Travertine, slate, oak, and alder finishes, Economy apartments, or 2BD, 2BA Townhomes that allow pets. 970-824-9251

STEAMBOAT:1BD condo, great location, new kitchen & bath, NS, pets negotiable. $850 month. Call 846-0386

STEAMBOAT:DOGS WELCOME! Fenced Yard, 3 bd, 1.5 bath, walk to town. Gas fireplace. $1,500. First, last, deposit. July 1st. 970-846-3859

STEAMBOAT:CLEAN, furnished, well kept 1BD, 1BA. HUGE hot tub pool. WD, newer appliances. Bright upper corner unit. NS, NP. $800 (970)846-1812

STEAMBOAT:1 Bedroom studio apartment on the mountain. Walking distance from Gondola. Pet’s welcome. $800 monthly, 1st, last, deposit. (605)354-1825

STEAMBOAT:Studio apartment in luxury home available. $1200 monthly includes utilities. (970)879-8089 STEAMBOAT: DOWNTOWN Unfurnished 2BR, 1BA, cosy, clean, bright, low utilities. No Pets - limited parking. $1000 734-4919 STEAMBOAT: HUGE studio on Hillside Drive. 1-2 people. Dog OK. Large bath. Fenced yard. Private Drive. W/D. Furnished. $1000 month includes utilities. Call Central Park Management at 879-3294 STEAMBOAT: Spacious one bedroom studio on Hillside Drive, Dog Ok, fenced yard, bright. $1000 month includes utilities. Available Now. Call Central Park Management at 879-3294. HAYDEN:The Redstone Motel, 20 minutes west of Steamboat. Monthly Rentals available, Long term. Security Deposit of $400 required. Includes utilities, cable, wireless. Call Jessica (970)846-8252. STEAMBOAT:Available NOW! Downtown 2bd, 1ba with wd, np, $1250 call 846-8247, long term rental, view online @ steamboat STEAMBOAT:Furnished Apartment, 2BD, 1BA, 4 miles from ski mountain, Dishwasher, WD, $875 month. NS, NP. 1st, last. 871-4800, ext.100, 970-393-0906 CRAIG: DOWNTOWN Large 2 to 3 Bedroom Apartments.Furnished, parking, laundry facilities. All electric kitchens including DW, disposals. Small pets ok. Call (970)824-7120 STEAMBOAT:2bd, 1ba furnished basement, quiet, downtown home. Private entrance, kitchenette, Patio. NP, NS. $1,000 month + electric. Cable, WiFi, water, trash included. 879-8793.

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STEAMBOAT:Great Downtown Location. Large 2BD, 1BA, Very private, Extra storage room, WD, NS, NP. Avail 6/15 $1150. 970-879-4924 Cell 303-501-3981

STEAMBOAT:Snowbird Perfect, Beautifully furnished, centrally located, 2+2, WD, FP, Garage, Utilities and Cable included, $1,500 mo. NS, NP, Kym 879-2149

����������������������������� STEAMBOAT:Caretakers apartment in luxury home available. $1200 monthly includes utilities. (970)879-8089 STEAMBOAT: 1bd, 1ba, Garage Apartment with heated 2 car garage in Fairview, walk to town, Basic utilities included. $1,200. 846-8202

STEAMBOAT:Newly furnished 3BD, 2BA Sunray Meadows. 2 car stacked garage. 1,163 square feet, WD, NS, NP. $1,500-$1,600 month. Available June 8, Axis West Realty 970-879-8171 or STEAMBOAT: SPACIOUS, 2BD, 2BA, Furnished, Mountain, Bus, Grill, Garage, NS, NP, WD, UTILITIES INCLUDED, Flexible Term, $1650, Karen 970-819-9051. STEAMBOAT:Great 2BD, 2.5BA, All Appliances, carport &garage on mountain. NS, NP $1,275 1st, last, deposit. Available 6/1 Dan 719-491-6231or 719-495-8304 STEAMBOAT:Cool and Cozy 1BD, totally furnished, Walton Village, NP, NS, Pool, 6 mo or 1 yr lease. $825 mo 210-332-8611

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2.5BA, partially furnished, 1 garage, 1 out door space, WD, hardwood floors, premium appliances, close to down town, responsible couples and families preferred. $1,850 month + partial utilities. Or 2BD apartment $1,300 monthy plus utilities. Call Russ 203-253-6509

STEAMBOAT:ShadowRun 2BD, 2BA, DW, WD, fireplace, cable, pool, htub, extra storage, on mountain, NS NP $1200 +utilities, available immediately 307-760-3227.

STEAMBOAT: Very nice studio apartment available. utilities, cable, and internet included. NP, WD, First, last, security. References required. $725 monthly. (970)871-9918 or (970)846-5358

STEAMBOAT:Furnished 2BD, 1BA. Heated oversized garage, WD, FP, Decks, new carpet. Near bus route, gondola, NP Mo to Mo Lease for $1495 or 1 Year at $1270. Central Park Management 970-879-3294.

STEAMBOAT:1bd, 1 ba separate unit in lower part of house on upper mountain -val’disere, views, pet OK $925 +utilites 846-8145 STEAMBOAT:Completely remodeled 2BD, 1BA. NS, NP, $1,150 + utility. Close to bus route, on site laundry facility. Susan Ross 970-819-2300 STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA partially Furnished, Internet, Cable Included, bus-route, WD, Hot-Tub, mountain. NS, NP $1200 1st, Last, Security. 970-871-7921 STEAMBOAT:BEST PRICED SUNRAY! Sunny 2bedroom, 2bath new condo; ski area; 2 decks; views, vaulted ceilings; heated garage; washerdryer; available July; NP. $1200 plus utilities 819-1605.

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STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA Shadow Run, bus-route. Available July 1st. WD, storage. High speed internet included. NS, NP. $1200 First,last. 819-4301 STEAMBOAT:WALTON VILLAGE 1BD, 1BA LOWER CORNER UNIT, WD, NP, NS, HOT TUB, POOL, TENNIS COURTS. FIRST, LAST, DEPOSIT $800 879-7746 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Condo, Fully furnished, WD, on bus route, NS, NP $1,300 plus utilities, First, Last, Security (719)338-4763 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, beautiful views,very quiet environment!! Fully furnished, cable, gas, water, and trash included. $1,100 per month. Call Drew 970-291-9101 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA furnished, remodeled, top corner unit, mountain views. wood floors, WD, HT & pool, NS, NP. $1095 monthly (970)736-1204 STEAMBOAT:Mustang Run. Spacious & immaculate 3 bdrm., 2ba. on bus route. Garage, furnished, all utilities (including cable) $2,100 mo., 1 year. NP, NS. 1st, last, security deposit. 303-987-2287 or STEAMBOAT:Clean Sunny corner unit, 2bd, 2bath, Available NOW, walkout patio to pool, tennis. 1st, last, NS, NP, partially furnished. 970-879-6528 STEAMBOAT:Shadow Run 2BD, 2BA, furnished, hot tub, pool, on bus route. 2 blocks from ski mountain. $1250 monthly (610) 945-7281 STEAMBOAT:3 Bed, 3 ba, Clocktower Sq. $2750 incl util. Fully furnished, hot tub, BBQ, WD. 6 month lease. Jen 415-350-7726 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 2BA Nicely Furnished. Fireplace, WD, Fully equipped kitchen, Cable, Pool, Hot Tub, Very Clean, Mountain views. NS, NP References required. $900 1st, last, dep. Call 879-6189 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village, 1bd, 1ba, furnished, upper level, NS, NP, WD, $875 mo. 846-0714, 846-7217 STAGECOACH:Immaculate remodel, 3BD, 2BA, stainless steel appliances, granite, WD. $1200 month. First, Last & Security, NS, NP. Available 09/01/09. 970-736-8199 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 2BA, Top corner, GFP, WD, Pool, HT, Updated, Creek views. NP NS References required. $1000. 1st, last, deposits 879-3788 STEAMBOAT:Beautifully renovated, furnished 1bd, 2ba Walton Village. Bus route. Pool, hot tubs $950. First & security. 970-819-0731

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����������������������� STEAMBOAT:Newer 2 BR, 2 BA Sundance Creek Condo with FP, deck, WD & garage. Quality finishes, excellent location & views. NS, NP. $1,495 includes most utilities. Nelson 970-846-8338 STEAMBOAT:Fish Creek falls condo, 2BR 2BA, spacious living room. Low utilities, great view of downtown and west. NS, NP. $1250 per month. 970-456-3739 STEAMBOAT Condo Rental: 4Bdrm, 4Bath, fully furnished. Outside deck, WD, garage, fireplace. Complex has pool and hot tubs. Across the street from gondola. NP, NS in unit. $2,100.00 month, flexible lease terms. Call Megan 720-335-6562 or e-mail

STEAMBOAT:Bright and Cheery Rockies 1BD, fully furnished, gas fireplace, new carpet, tile. Freshly painted, pool. $900 monthly. Available immediately. (970)879-3142 STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA + loft Furnished Condo, on mountain, WD, NP, NS, HT, Pool, bus route. $1550 879-1982 STEAMBOAT:3 BD, 2 BA, mountain, deck, spa, DW, WD, NS, NP, bus. Avail. 7/1. Year lease. $1,850mo+ Electric. 1st, Lst, Sec 970-276-9151. STEAMBOAT:Old Town Condo, 1 bed, 1 bath with underground parking, wd, gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen, np, ns. 846-5898

STEAMBOAT:*ONE MONTH FREE!* Clean 2 bd, mountain views, unfurnished, WD, cable, utilities, garage, NP, Lease, FP, $1,395 (317)695-3426 STEAMBOAT:2BR, 2BA Walton Creek, Lease Negotiable, Pool, Hot Tub, partially furnished, storage. Available 07/01 $1150 1st,last,security NS, NP, WD. 970-846-7587 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA furnished Rockies 1st floor. Views! Pool, hot tubs out your door! Mountain, bus route, NS, NP $1250. 304-552-3607 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1BA, Meadow Lark Condo on the mountain. 6 month - 1yr lease, furnished, NS, No dogs, $1,350 monthly. Available now. First, deposit (970)846-1240 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA furnished Pines Condo, new remodel, WD, NS, mtn views, bus route, $975. 970.217.1503 STEAMBOAT:THE LODGE, 2BD, 2BA furnished Pool, hottubs, deck, cable, gas, internet, shuttle. NS, NP. $1,600, 200yds to Gondola 440-666-6008 STEAMBOAT: Condo on mountain. 2BD, 1BA. Cute, clean, great karma! (970) 846-2631 STEAMBOAT:Storm Meadows, fully furnished 2BD, 2BA, Sweet! $1,250 month, plus electric and deposit. Available now until end of November. 970-819-0720 STEAMBOAT:Magnificent 1BD condo, Storm Meadows on Mountain. Fully furnished. $1,190 month to month. All inclusive, NS, NP. Ron @ 970-620-5918

STEAMBOAT:Bright 1-BD, 1-BA condo. Walk downtown, WD, DW, NS, NP, good storage, views of sunset, cable included $900. (970) 846-6786. STEAMBOAT:3bd Meadowlark condo. Clean, nice, affordable. 1st, last, sec., NS, NP. $1000 mo. Call 819-2751 STEAMBOAT:Families wanted for 2 and 3 bedroom condo’s. Fully furnished on mountain with garages. Sorry no pets, no smoking. (970)871-6762 STEAMBOAT:3bd, 2ba with garage NS, NP, bus route, gas FP, most utilities included; 1st, last, security. Call 970-846-0310 STEAMBOAT: 1 and 2 bedrooms. Furn. On Mt. and Bus. Avail immed. Lease. No Pets. 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:Downtown. NS, NP, 1BR, fully furnished, parking. WD, DW, includes utilities except electric. 730 Yampa, $975+ deposit. References. 970-846-7879 Available 6/15. STEAMBOAT:Shadow Run, 2BD, 2BTH, 2nd floor, remodeled, new carpet and appliances, bus route & WD. References. $1250 month. NP. (970)879-7086 STEAMBOAT:Furnished Ski Time Square, 2BD, 2BA, WD. Covered parking, hot tub, sauna, NS, NP. First, last, security, year lease. $1250 mo 970-846-8559 STEAMBOAT:2bd, 2ba with garage NS, NP, bus route, gas FP, most utilities included; 1st, last, security. Call 970-846-0310 STEAMBOAT:SKI IN SKI OUT, 2BD, 2BA Storm Meadows, $1750 +Electric, NS, NP, Yr lease negotiable. 846-8284.

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA, utilities included, hot tub, easy access to hiking and biking trails large porche, yard area, 6 month lease, fully furnished $950 per month. 1-800-733-7060 STEAMBOAT:Contemporary upper floor 2br, 2ba Sunray, high-end finishes, wood floors, stainless, FP, decks, garage, WD, NS. $1600 includes Heat, Cable, Water. 7/1. 970-846-7379 STEAMBOAT:Sunray 2BD, 2BA, on bus, vaulted ceiling, WD, 1 car heated garage, included heat water & cable. Call Mike 846-8692 STEAMBOAT:1BD, fully remodeled Timbers Condo. New floors, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, great views, MUST SEE! $950, Available 07/01 802-310-1135 STEAMBOAT:Newly furnished Ridgecrest! 2BD, 2BA, bus, ski, mountain views, deck, hottubs, WD, NS, NP, utilities, internet, garage, storage, $1750. 719-648-5789 STEAMBOAT:Mountain, 1 bedroom+ loft, 1 bathroom. Quiet, backs to National Forest, Available July 1, $1,100, includes cable and utilities, NP, 303-324-4072



STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, 3357 Apres Ski Way, WD. Walking distance to Gondola. NP, $1100 monthly + deposit & utilities. 970-846-9589

STEAMBOAT: Views! 2 BD 1BA nicely furnished Villas @ Walton Creek, garage FP WD deck NS NP $1,250mo 970-879-0080 STEAMBOAT:Sundance Creek 2BD + Den, includeds trash, snow plow, gas, water, sewer & most heat $1445 NP, NS. Call 846-5551

STEAMBOAT:New 3bdm, 2.5ba; Between town and the Mountain, 2 car garage, Great Views of Emerald, Mt Werner AND down valley, NS, Pets negotiable. 970-819-1890 STEAMBOAT:Chinook Lane, 2BD, 2BA on bus route. Furnished, WD, NS, lease. 1st, last, deposit $1500 month + utilities. Call 970-222-0913

STEAMBOAT:3bd, 2ba W 40 corridor. Avail July 1st. $1700, water incl. pets negot, NS. 871-1851 STEAMBOAT: Spectacular ski area views from this 4BD, 3BA Tree Haus home. Just 2 miles from both downtown and the ski area. Close to everything Steamboat has to offer! Fully furnished with landscaped yard, large deck, hot tub and 2-car garage. Long-term lease $2750 monthly + utilities. Pets welcome. Call 970-390-5244. HAYDEN:Horse Property, 100 acre ranch with great views, 3bd, 1ba, large living room and, kitchen, DW, Disposal, Microwave, WD, WS, Garage, riding arena, loafing shed, corral, 2 barns, live water, pasture rights for hay negotiable, references, 1st, last, security, $1,900 month, north of Hayden 276-4778

STEAMBOAT:2bd, loft, 1ba, furnished or unfurnished, utilities included. On the mountain, bus, $1500 month. NP, NS. Call Bill at 879-2854. STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA plus loft, wood burning stove, WD, on Yampa river, quiet, 3 miles from Steamboat on Highway 131. $1500. 970-846-0200 STEAMBOAT:Duplex, 3BD, 2BA, Riverside, fenced yard, new carpet - paint. DW, WD, NS, NP, bus. Available now. $1,500 mo. 1st, Last, Security. References. Possible Sale or Rent2Own. 970-276-9151 STEAMBOAT: Large home with great yard, nice neighborhood. 4 BD, 2 BA, partially furnished, 1 car garage, deck, WD. Dog allowed. Mo to Mo Lease for $1850 or 1 Year at $1575. Call Central Park Management at 879-3294. OAK CREEK:Brand New 1/2 Duplex for Rent 3BD, 2BA, 2-car garage, all appliances included + central vacuum. NS, Pet negotiable. Sierra View, $1550 monthly + utilities. Call Joe 846-3542

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA newer-home. 2 car garage, spacious kitchen, FP, WD. Mountain, bus route, landscaped, Jacuzzi tub. $2150 month. 970-846-5004, 870-6410 HAYDEN:Furnished one bedroom guesthouse. $675 per month. Matching Security. Call Kristy (970)846-3805. STEAMBOAT:Log Home Blacktail Estates 3BD, 2.5BA, 2 car garage, 5 acres, office & family room. $1,500 - $2,000 Depending 805-748-7258 STEAMBOAT:Old Town Home, 3BD, 2BA, Gas fireplace, W/D, NS, Pets OK, One yr. lease, 1st and security. $1700 month, 846-4705

STEAMBOAT:Huge 2BD, 2BA private preserve.10 minutes to town. Pet considered. Garage. NS, $1400 mo+ utilities. Lease. First, Last, Security 970-870-9815 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1BA, garden level, fenced yard. Off Tamarack. Bus, 1-car garage, WD, NS. $1500. Pets ok, Available Now 970-879-5507, (970)879-8584 STEAMBOAT:Spacious, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, bus route, walk to town. Laundry & mud room, heated garage, low utilities. $1,500 (970)871-0961 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, 3-story, nice, clean, 2300 sf, fully furnished or unfurnished, private town setting, great mountain views. NS $1,900 970-819-7684 STEAMBOAT:GREAT VIEWS unfurnished 2BR 1.5BA double garages, yard, low utilities, WD woodstove, pet considered. 8/1 $1,350 734-4919.

STEAMBOAT:1 BD COTTAGE, 502 1/2 Pine Street, includes water and trash, $800 mo. Available now. NP, NS, 719-576-9930 STEAMBOAT:Tamarack Point, 3bd, 2.5ba, one car garage. Huge unfinished basement. Nice family neighborhood. Available 07/01, flexible lease. $2100 MONTH 736-2315. STEAMBOAT:1 BD, 1 BA, WD, 3 miles from town on HWY131 on Yampa River, River Frontage, $1,200 mo.970-846-0200

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA Log home, on acre, next to River Bend. $800 - $1000, 1 dog $50. Se Habla Espanol. 819-2987 STAGECOACH: Beautiful furnished 3bd, 2.5ba home, 2,300 sq ft. Possible Lease option. $1,600 mo 970-846-1525 STEAMBOAT:2bd, Downtown home, Great quiet location in Fairview, very large with WD, available 7/1, NS, pets negotiable, $1,250 mo, 846-6683 HAYDEN:Spectacular home in Hayden for rent. 4BDR 3BATH, 3000 sq ft with att dbl gar. Open floor plan, in-flr heat, 500 sq ft custom log deck, two laundries, oversized kitchen with dbl ovens, custom closets, undgr sprinkler. We are looking for neat, clean, responsible renters ONLY! Lease and deposit required. $2000 mo. Call Amy 846-7044. MILNER:Quirky 2bd, 1ba house on great 1/2 acre lot. Dogs welcome. Must allow showings. $850 1st, last, security. 541-497-3572

STEAMBOAT:3,4 Bdrm, 3.5+ Ba luxury Cherry Dr. garage, decks, views, WD, FP, family rm, open floor plan, storage, NS, pets, $2,400. 970.846.3868

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, mountain, 1600 sqft, WD, NS, Pets okay. Available 06/16. $1,500 + utilities & deposit. 9 7 0 - 3 9 3 - 0 9 8 0

HAYDEN:near High School and Town Park, 2BD, 1BA, WD, 2 car garage, yard, Pets negotiable. $1,100 month. Available July 1. 406-570-2031

STEAMBOAT:Blacktail, 3bd, 2ba, WD, heated garage, CLOSE to town, 10 acres, np, $1,850 mo. 1 mo plus security. 415-868-9675, 415-860-9663

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1BA Utilities paid, furnished, in town, not on bus, private, clean, 1700sq.ft., 2-vehicle maximum, full laundry $1800 (970)879-6702

STEAMBOAT:2BD 1BA cozy, quiet, downtown. Great yard. WD, NP, NS. Lease, references First, Last, Security $1300 month + utilities. 970-879-9038

CLARK:Charming Cabins for lease 17 miles North of Steamboat: 1BD’s start at $650 monthly, 2BD’s $1,000 monthly plus utilities. NS, NP. Horse boarding available. 1st, Last, Security. 970-879-6220.

STEAMBOAT:3 bdrm log cabin in Downtown. $1,700 month includes utilities. No dogs. Contact 824-1703.

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 3.5BA Custom home on Anglers Drive. This home has everything! $3,750 monthly, see more details at or Call 970-846-6767

STEAMBOAT:Live & Work Downtown, 1,200 sqft apartment, new bathroom, 1,000 sqft garage, 10ft door. $1,500 mo 846-9753 HAYDEN: Charming Downtown 3BD, 2BA, 1 car garage, WD, NS, pet negotiable. $1200 month + utilities. Call Amy 846-8601 STEAMBOAT: 1BR, pet & smoke free on Ski Mt. Burgess Creek Rd. 970-846-9297 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA Large Downtown House, furnished, free bus, yard, river, decks, vaulted ceiling, gas fireplace, WD, NS, NP $2200 month 970-870-6277

STEAMBOAT:4 + bedroom old town home, big fenced yard, pets okay. Furnished, $3,000 includes utilities. Flexible terms, call for appointment. (970)871-6898

HAYDEN:Horse property, 3BD, 2BA, large barn. 35 acres. 3 miles outside town. $1,700 monthly. NS. Available immediately. Call (720)339-8938 STEAMBOAT: Spectacular views in Soda Creek Highlands. Hike from house. 3BD, 3.5BA, den, 3000 sq. ft., 2 fireplaces, great decks, 2 car garage. 7 acres. Available August 1 with lease. 1st, last, security. $2200 mo. See details at Call 401-423-0055. STEAMBOAT:Will trade 4BD, 4BA contemporary house on ICW (Hobe Sound FL), Large pool, Pontoon boat for comparable Ski In -Out mountain home. Late Feb early March 2010. 561-312-1567 STEAMBOAT:5BD, 3BA, bus route, On Golf Course, WD, NS, 2-car garage, pets considered. $2,445 + utilities. Great home. Call 970-846-5551 STEAMBOAT:AVAILABLE NOW, 2 bedroom plus loft, 1 bath home, pets, close to bus, skiing. Large deck, views. $1,350 monthly, 970-819-6930 STEAMBOAT: 1300 Sq Ft house in Fairview, fenced yard, garage 2BD, 1BA, 2 attic rooms that could be used as an office. $1,550 (970)846-1760 STEAMBOAT:Never-lived-in, brand new home, 5 minutes from downtown. 4bd, 3.5ba, views, decks, school bus route, nice yard, private. NP, NS. $3,500 month + utilities. Corey 970-846-3782 Email:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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STEAMBOAT:Beautifully restored cottage, 9th & Oak Street, downtown. 1BD, 1BA, WD, NS. First, last, security utilities. Available 07/01 $1300. 879-1453.

STEAMBOAT:JUNE FREE!! 2bd 1ba Whistler Unit. Recent partial renovation. Last, deposit only. Includes several utilities and amenities. $1300 month (970)596-9884

CLARK: Right on The Elk River, 3BD, 2BA, WD, NS, pets neg., $1350 month 879-3253

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA Mountain Vista,furnished townhome,1 car garage end unit. On bus route. Fireplace, WD, Cable, Trash, Pets considered, NS. $1,700. (970) 871-8027

STEAMBOAT:Downtown by High School. Great views. Unfurnished, 4bedroom, 2bath, 2 car garage. 1,726 sq. ft. , pet considered, available July, lease,ns. $2,000-2,500 monthly. Axis West Realty 970879.8171or YAMPA: 3 bedroom Log home $850.00 month . First, Last, Damage year lease. NP Available June 1st .(970) 638-4455 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, Fairview, New kitchen, Granite, Wood floors, Gas fireplace, Large decks Beautiful Private backyard, WD, Furnished, NP. $2200 970-870-6277 STEAMBOAT:Strawberry Park Home, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bath, remodeled 04’. 5 minutes from town $3000 monthly. 846-9783 STEAMBOAT:Cute Old Town home. 3BD, 1BA Hardwood floors, gas stove, WD, Pets considered. $1700 month plus utilities. Available immediately. 871.1749 STEAMBOAT:For Rent on bus route: 3 bdrm, 2 bath, WD. $1,500 month+ utils. 1st, deposit. Available. No dogs. 970 846 6524.

STEAMBOAT: Unfurnished 1 bedroom 1 bath Mobile Home located in Dream Island MHC, $875 monthly, $900 deposit, Call (970) 879-0261

STEAMBOAT:Bright, Sunny, & Clean 2BD, 1BA corner unit available immediately, fully furnished, mountain, bus route, recently update, pool, hot tub, NS, NP, 1st, last security. $1200 some utilities included. 970-846-4965

STEAMBOAT:Sunny room, private bath, Stylish, clean, townhome, Quiet, private! Garage, WD, dishwasher, Fireplace, decks, NS, NP, $650 month includes cable, hi-speed internet, 846-2294 HAYDEN:2BR,1BA, WD, NS, small pet negotiable $800 month, 1st & Deposit. Call 970-846-1512 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, bus route. WD, DW, pet negotiable, NS. $1,300 month. First, Last, Deposit, June 1st. Tim 846-1605 STEAMBOAT:Townhome, 3 Bedroom. Furn. On Mt. and Bus. Avail. immed. Lease. No Pets. 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1.5BA, bike path & bus route. Cable, Water, WD, Gas Stove, Pet? Available 07/01. $1500. First, Last, Deposit. 846-4633 STEAMBOAT:Newly remodeled Woodbridge townhome, 3 bdr 2.5 bth, 2 decks and a garage. WD, fully furnished, NS, NP, on bus route. available July 1st. $1,800+ utilities, call 9 7 0 - 8 4 6 - 7 6 9 5 hp?album=35. STEAMBOAT:3 bd, 2 ba, Mountain Vista Townhome, garage, WD, $1,800. 970-871-1839 STEAMBOAT:Luxury Duplex, incredible views, 3 BD, 2.5 BA, leasing now with flexible terms, high end furnishings included, $2,700 month, 2 car garage, no smoking (303)904-2377 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1.5BA Whistler Townhome. WD, deck, pool, hot tub, NS, NP. $1200 month includes most utilities. 1st, last, security. 846-2451.

HAYDEN:Valleyview Work OR Live. Large 1150 sqft 2BD, 2BA + 1150 sqft heated storage with overhead door. Great views! New construction. $1500 month. 819-1788 or 870-0169 STEAMBOAT:EARN FREE RENT 1 SEQUOIA, 2 bed corner unit, lots of light, just remodeled brand new floors & walls, updated appliances, pool, hottub, $1200 negotiable 970-846-6943 STEAMBOAT:Clean, Sunny, Bright unfurnished 3BR, 2BA. 2 garages, gas heat, hot water, low utilities, pet considered, mountain views. $1,400 734-4919 STEAMBOAT:Recently renovated Whistler 2bd, 1ba, sunny end unit, beautiful views. New tile, carpet, paint throughout, maple cabinets, granite counters! Deck, WD, pool, hot tub, bus line. NS, NP, no partiers! Available 07/01. $1300, year lease. (970)879-5141, 846-4240. STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, furnished, WD, on mountain, deck, Hot tub, cable, on bus route. $1,250 + deposit, NS (970)870-9997 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village 2BD, 2- 1/2BA Remodeled, WD, NS, cable, water, trash included, Pool Hot tub, mtn, bus. $1300 +dep. 846-6113

STEAMBOAT:FOR LEASE - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 4 BD, 3BA townhome on mountain, Ski-in, Ski-out, Fully furnished, 6-12 month lease, $3500 month, Suraya 303-601-3621, STEAMBOAT:Furnished Herbage Townhome, 3bd, 3ba. On mountain on bus route. $1,800 monthly includes heat, water, cable. NS, NP. Available 6-1. 303-525-9102

HAHN’S PEAK:Mature, Fun person wanted for Furnished room with views! Couple considered, Dog possible. $475 month, utilities included. 970-846-7316 STEAMBOAT:Downtown 7th Street location. Master Suite - fabulous home. $1,000 monthly, Includes utilities, cable, NS, NP. 875-0700. Short stay available -No lease.

HAYDEN:2BD, 1.5BA, fireplace, heated garage, WD, NS $1100 month, 1st & Security. (970) 756-6298 STEAMBOAT: 3bed, 3bath Walton Village Townhome for rent. Sunny, corner unit with valley views. Fully furnished. $1500/month. NS, NP 970.846.9449 STEAMBOAT: Beautiful 4BD, 3.5BA, 1 car garage, between mountain and town, bus route, WD, NS, NP. $1950 monthly. 970-846-6423.

STEAMBOAT:3BR, 2B Townhome great location near hospital, golf course, skiing; perfect for family or 2 couples. Hot tub, deck, wood fireplace, garage. Unfurnished, available July 1 $2100 month exclusive utilities; references required call Bob 970-846-4907.

STEAMBOAT:Rooms for rent in beautiful 4BD Townhome, NS, NP. $650 monthly per room includes all utilities & internet, on bus route, between downtown and mountain. (970)846-6423 STEAMBOAT:Room with Private bath, entrance for Mature, Responsible individual. Share kitchen and utilities. Tamarack Dr., References, Deposit, NS, NP 970-879-6903 HAYDEN:Rooms available in Hayden. Long-term rentals $400 per month plus utilities, NS, NP. 970-276-4545 or 970-276-2079


STEAMBOAT:Mature housemate needed for 4bd, 3.5ba home. 6 miles North of Steamboat. $625 plus utilities, pets and lease term negotiable. (303)673-0727. STEAMBOAT:Room for Rent. $500 monthly. Utilities included except gas. Cable, internet, phone, free LD, WD. Pets negot. (970)879-4202, (340)998-8240

STEAMBOAT:Looking for 1 roommate to share 3BD, 2BA house with one other, WD, pets neg. $625 includes utilities. (970) 846-8890 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, Fully furnished, on bus route, NS, walk to mountain. (970)846-8280 STEAMBOAT:Furnished room for rent. $600 month + 1/4 utilities.NS,NP,no drugs. $600 deposit at move in. Large room with great views! Call 970-819-7854.

HAYDEN: 3100 sq ft warehouse with office and full bath/shower – 2 12X14 foot truck doors and man doors on either side. Could divide. New, landscaped and ready to lease @ $10.80 per foot ($2800mo). Valley View Industrial Park, a great midpoint location between Craig and Steamboat. Call Dutch (970) 846-1676.

STEAMBOAT: Copper Ridge Office / Warehouse for rent. Approx 900 sqft 303-350-9436

STEAMBOAT: BEAR RIVER CENTERBeautiful 2nd floor space available immediately! Perfect for salon, spa, gallery, or office space. Small 114 SF unit and large 960 SF unit. Call Central Park Management today for more information. 970-879-3294


STEAMBOAT:AVAILABLE NOW! New Riverfront commercial unit, Below Market Rent. 1400sf with two large internet ready offices with windows, warehse, garage, storage, receiving bay, good signage, parking, kitchen, bathroom, riverside patio, near bikepath. 970-846-3289 STEAMBOAT:Pentagon West Office spaces available starting at $375 month + cam. Garage Bay with office. $600 month + cam. 970-846-4267 STEAMBOAT:Next to Yacht Club, 8th and Yampa on the river. Huge yard, Parking, flexible terms, price negotiable. Jon Sanders 970-870-0552

STEAMBOAT:30% Discount. Low CAM. Parking. Great office setting in central location with views. Office and Storefront. 255SF to 6000SF. 879.9133

STEAMBOAT:Small Office space available on the Yampa River Downtown. Bathroom & waiting room, Deck overlooking the River. (970)879-3088

STEAMBOAT:Copper Ridge Business Park 1000’ sq. ft warehouse 10’ garage door 1/2 bath radiant heat $800 mo, Additional 500’ sq. ft. loft available Call Michael 846-3587

STEAMBOAT:Executive Office Suites Available at the Historic Old Pilot Building Great downtown location with full amenities: Phone System, Wireless Internet, Cable TV, Conference Room, and Kitchen. Contact Rhianna at (970)875-0999

STEAMBOAT:High visibility, high traffic, 3rd and Oak location. 211 3rd Street. 1800 sq.ft. total. 1450 sq.ft. finished, 350 sq.ft. storage. 2 bathrooms. Live-Work potential. $17 sq.ft. NNN 5 year lease. Call Tom 970-734-5977

STEAMBOAT:510 Sqft warehouse @ #5 Yampa Valley Business Park, 2464 Downhill Dr. Garage and regular doors. $565 month Tom 879-1708 STEAMBOAT:First month free. Professional suites and individual offices available at 1205 Hilltop Pkwy from $600. Lofted ceilings, AC, security, plenty of parking, great views from every office. Call Jules 879-5242


STEAMBOAT:Office Suites Available for Immediate Occupancy. Conference room accessible. Long/short term available. Starting at $400 per month. All inclusive Call Bruce 846-0262

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Multi-million Dollar Company offering business opportunity to self motivated person. No franchise fees or products. For details call Steve (970)629-0272


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STEAMBOAT:RIVERSIDE PLACE AGGRESSIVELY PRICED STARTING AT $10 FT. Several square foot age options available for retail, office, restaurant space. Jim Hansen (970)846-4109 Thaine Mahanna (970)846-5336 Old Town Realty

STEAMBOAT:Entrepreneurs seeking office space for new - growing business check out Bogue Enterprise Center at CMC. Great rates, one year leases, copy center, meeting rooms, SCORE counseling available. Call 870-4491 STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473

STEAMBOAT: RETAIL: Center of Downtown 1,200-3,500sqft Boutique Retail, Food Service Restaurant? Flexible Terms. OFFICE: Prestigious location center of Downtown 700-1400sqft, Tenant finish allowance, Call Jon Sanders 970.870.0552 STEAMBOAT: Office or Retail 5th and Yampa. 750-1700sqft. Terms negotiable, Month to Month? Ample parking, great signage. Jon Sanders (970)870-0552

STEAMBOAT: THE VICTORIA 10th & Lincoln RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE OR LEASE Hal Unruh - Prudential Steamboat Realty 970-875-2413

CONSIDER: 2660 s.f. A+ building. Lots of light and parking. Rent possible. For price: MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839

STEAMBOAT: Hwy 40 Frontage, Logger’s Lane Commercial Center, 2480sf Finished retail, industrial space, overhead garage door, Central AC & Heat Call 970-846-5099 STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473

STEAMBOAT:WANTED to lease: 1 bdr apt near bus route from Nov ‘09 thru April ‘10. 58yo, NS, NP. 228-326-6693 STEAMBOAT: Handyman willing to do any work for partial rent payment, Responsible Pet owner (6yr female lab) Call Mike 636-295-0017

STEAMBOAT:Workshop space available. 650 heated sqft. Off Downhill Drive. Storage & utilities shared with hard working individual. $275 monthly (970)846-0699 STEAMBOAT:1,500SF shop with large, well appointed office. Knotty pine built-in cabinets and workstations. 10’x10’ garage door, 14’ ceilings. $1,580NNN.. 879.9133

Successful year round guest ranch business for lease or option to buy. Owner financing may be available. Great growth potential! Call 970-879-6220

Discover the benefits of owning your office space. Office and storefront from 845sf to 6000SF.Central location with parking. 879.9133

CRAIG: up to 2,500 sq ft @ $10 per sq ft, including shop, utilities included, high traffic location with good parking. call Bobbie Jo (970)824-7000

STEAMBOAT: Prime Downtown Location in Historic Professional Office Building! 1,050 sf first class finished space including 3 offices and 5 work stations located at 141 9th Street. Call Ryan at 970-819-2742

STEAMBOAT: Rent all or Part of A+ Professional Office Building. Features: Reception, conference, windows & kitchen. MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839

STEAMBOAT: Need more office space?? Hilltop Document Storage is the perfect solution for storing sensitive and confidential documents. Call (970)879-5242


STEAMBOAT:SUNDANCE @ FISHCREEK, 1st Floor, Prime Retail Space, Large Windows, 2nd Floor, Office Space, Recently Remodeled. Lots of Natural Light, Bob Larson: 871-4992 or 846-6899

MILNER:3360 sqft warehouse, 12x14, and 12x12 doors +man doors, 14’5” ceiling, concrete floor, gas heat, bathroom, electricity. $2,400 month 970-846-0423

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HAYDEN/STEAMBOAT: Airport Garages, Spring Special! Own a heated 12’ x 22’ storage unit for cars, home or business. $39,900 now $24,900 on a limited # of units. On site shuttle/clubhouse and manager. Rentals also available. (970)879-4440

Large Industrial zoned location close to downtown. 3.08 acres. House, shop, 26 units self storage. Many existing uses. Water rights and more! 970-879-5036


Just steps from Steamboat’s slopes! Private entry, fireplace, 3 levels, 1.5 bath, patio on the lawn! $275,000. Patricia Dulan , Broker. 970.870.6373

Best condo Value Under $250K on the Mountain Offered at $249,500 #125295 This cozy 2 bedroom/2 bath unit is a fully furnished turn key unit with ski mountain views. Solid management program with Mountain Resorts. Building recently renovated and paid for! Call Bob Bomeisl at (970)846-3046 Prudential Steamboat Realty

$169,900 LOCAL STARTER OR INVESTOR CONDO MLS#124806 One Bedroom, dogs allowed. Low dues. Washer/dryer. The market has bottomed; pending home sales up, existing home sales up, construction spending up, monthly supply of inventory down, buyer traffic up, consumer confidence up. Interest rates lower than ever! Use the $8,000 tax credit for 3.5% of your down payment, also 102% financing, you don’t need any money to buy this home. This condo is less expensive to buy than to rent. Investors: this is the first property in years in Steamboat that cash flows positive. Now is the time to buy! Tour:

Ski Town Realty, Bruce Tormey, Realtor (970)846-8867

Quail Run, All utilities included in Homeowners dues, except Elec. 2bd, 2ba, with garage, BEST PRICE! $369,000. Call Roy Powell, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661


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STEAMBOAT:Mature roommate wanted for Downtown apartment. Great location, close to bus, WD, NS. $450 month includes utilities. $450 deposit. 970-846-9108

STEAMBOAT:Warehouse: Live or Work 2,000 sq.ft. 3 phase power, fire alarm, sprinkler, large swing and overhead doors, internet, passive solar. Tenant finish, built to suite. This is an excellent property with great neighbors. 970-879-6667


STEAMBOAT:1bd in 3bd, 2ba nice townhome. Hotub, NP, NS, Tamarack area. Quiet, responsible. $700 includes utilities, Wi-Fi. First, Last. (970)846-4312



40 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Value of slopeside living. Beautiful 1BD, 1BA, fully furnished, great starter home or rental. Owners pets allowed. Reduced to rock bottom price of $255,000! MLS#124596 Valerie Lish RE/MAX STEAMBOAT 970-846-1082

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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Own, Don’t Rent! Offered at $198,500 #125028 Own! Don’t rent! Very cute, top floor, corner unit with lots of light over looking the green space with views of the ski area. Bedroom has windows on two sides, one bath, washer/dryer, wood stove, new appliances and kitchen. Nice beams and T & G ceilings. Easy access to parking area, free bus and the recreational amenities. Nice upgrades and quality finishes. Call Cindy MacGray at (970)875-2442 or (970)846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty Remodeled 2 Bedroom Close to Ski Area Offered at $249,000 #125356 Nicest unit at Shadow Run and best price! Gondola views from both bedrooms and the living room. Upgrades include new kitchen cabinets, counters and tile backsplash, new flooring, paint, and more. Enjoy the outdoor pool and hot tubs, and the convenience of living close to the slopes on the free city bus route. Owners are allowed to have pets. Short and long term rentals allowed. Call Stephanie Fairchild at (970)819-1131 or Cam Boyd at (970)846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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New Price on this Fabulous Home w/Caretaker unit Offered at $849,000 #124387 “This home sits on a large lot in one of Fishcreek Falls finest subdivisions, Margarite Ridge. Enjoy all that this single family home has to offer with beautiful back yard, large open living area and great views. There are four large bedrooms and three and half baths with the master suite resting on its own level. The caretaker unit is a large one bedroom with kitchenette, full bath and its own entrance. Truly a remarkable home. Priced to sell. Call Cheryl Foote at (970)846-6444 Prudential Steamboat Realty FSBO:4BD, 3BA Home in Tree Haus, 2300 sqft, 2 car garage, permanent siding, new roof, granite countertops & new tile, Terrific Ski Mountain Views $690,000. 970-879-6294

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FSBO #313 Ski-inn, 2BD, 2BA, Under Gondola, W/D, 987 sq.ft. $572,500 Phil (713)818-1513



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NEW HOME Energy Efficient 3bdrm, 2bath, 2 car garage. Good time to buy with a price to sell! 275 Bilsing St. Craig 970-629-5427 or

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STEAMBOAT: FSBO Walton Village 1bd, 1ba. Upper corner unit, nice views! Updated unit, WD, fp, pool, hot tubs, tennis. Great for 1st time buyer! $169,000. 970-879-8127

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Perfect Home for the First Time Buyer Offered at $317,000 #125010 Cute home in Oak Creek. Wood floors, updated bathrooms and beautiful personal touches throughout the home. Garden areas and storage shed outside. This home is in great condition and one of the nicest area! Call The Hibbard Team at (970)846-8247 or (970)846-8536 Prudential Steamboat Realty


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Outstanding Hayden Home - Very well-kept home on a great lot with professional landscaping! 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and attached 2-car garage. Sunset views from the large wrap-around deck overlooking green belt. Extras include honeycomb blinds throughout, sprinkler system, pet access doors, concrete drive, brick retaining wall and huge walk-in closet in master. 1-year HSA (Home Security of America) Home Warranty is included. Offered at $290,000. Call Dutch Elting at 970-846-5569



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OWNER FINANCING! Walton Creek Condominiums, 2bd, 2ba, $249,000, 1020 sqft. Why wait? Roy Powell 846-1661, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT



STEAMBOAT:Pines @ Ore House, Quiet 1BD, 1BA, garden level private patio. Close to Starbucks, restaurants, Yampa River Core Trail, and bus route. Low HOA & pet friendly. $320,000. MLS#125114 Tim Boehm Steamboat Real Estate, Inc. or 846-7873

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Back on the Market with a $20,000 price reduction! Offered at $759,000 #125547 Immaculate Single Family Home offering the ultimate location close to Whistler Park, minutes from the Ski Area, and easy access to the Core Trail. Interior offers a great open floor plan with vaulted T&G wood ceilings. Home is warm and charming with luxury appointments that include new appliances, hickory cabinetry, slate flooring, slate shower surrounds, and beautifully landscaped yard. Filled with brand new mountain furnishings and accessories. Offered turn-key. Truly a MUST SEE residence. Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty

STEAMBOAT: Work - Live 1700 SqFt end unit, Custom finishes, Owner Finc. 3% APR. $350,000 970-734-8265

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Views, Views, Views! Offered at $3,595,000, #122380 Possibly the best views of the mountain can be seen from this 5 bedroom/ 7 bath home. The master suite is on the main level with its own office and walk out to a private hot tub. A large family room, wine cellar, great storage and incredible craftsmanship can be found in this luxury home. Call for an appointment. Completion in August of ‘08. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty

LOG HOME & CABIN PACKAGE - 1757sqft $60,900.00; 615sqft - $31,900. Many other models available. 719-686-0404 or visit www.highcountryloghomes.NET


FSBO, Steamboat, 2,500 Sq feet, 3 bd, 3ba+ loft office and gameroom. New carpet, new everything! Great Deal for the square footage. $419,000, 30K below market value (970)-819-8777 Like New Home in Hayden Offered at $395,000 #125319 Very nice home in like-new condition, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, covered porch and large open trex deck. Views of the Hayden valley. Beautiful kitchen cabinets and lot of counter space, spacious open living room and dining room, direct access from garage to kitchen, storage space over garage and in crawl space under home, solid wood doors, high efficiency water system, close to neighborhood park and school bus pick-up nearby. Call Cindy MacGray at (970)875-2442 or (970)846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty Family home on a great lot at the mountain, 1770 Meadow Ln. Three-plus bedrooms, two bath, family room, 1800sqft. One block to school bus and free city bus to ski area. Two blocks to large city park. Large deck gets full sun in winter, shady by dinner time in summers. Great place to raise children and pets. $550,000. 970-846-8650. Three bedroom 2 ½ bath home with large two car garage offered at $298,000.00. This well kept 1995 Hayden home offers two stories, professional landscaping, wraparound decks overlooking greenbelt on Harvest Drive. A must see value for Routt county buyers looking for great value in a family home! Call Dutch Elting at Prudential Steamboat Realty, 970 879-8100 see virtual tour on line at Price Reduced! New home, 2BA, 3BD, 2 Car garage on large lot! Gain instant equity! 980 E 9th, Craig. 970-629-5427


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Ski Town Realty, Bruce Tormey, Realtor (970)846-8867

DOWNTOWN SPECIAL $369,000! 2BD, 1BA home plus 2nd unit 1BD, 1BA, Trees. Great location. Owner, Broker Call Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970)846-1661


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AFFORDABLE MOUNTAIN CONDO! $259,900 MLS#122773 Two-bedrooms, two-bathrooms. Pets allowed! Tour:

Downtown Steamboat OWNER FINANCING, $470,000, 2BD, 1BA home on huge .79 acre lot. Owner, Broker Call Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661


FSBO: Sunny 2bedroom, 2bath new condo; ski area; views; decks; top floor vaulted; low HOA includes heat and utilities! heated garage; mls: 125462, $70K below appraisal @ $329K OBO. BUYER BROKER 3% 819-1605.



Remodeled 2 Bedroom Unit at the Pines Was $355,000, Now $274,900! #124394 Over 20% of price reduction! This unit has just undergone an extensive remodel including new slate tile, hardwood floors, paint, appliances and countertops. This unit is sunny and brightwith a delightful patio opening up to the grassy courtyard. The Pines complex offers extremely low dues and is ideally located near shopping. Great value,won’t last long. Call Cheryl Foote at ( 9 7 0 ) 8 4 6 - 6 4 4 4 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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Value with Quality Offered at $765,500 #125109 Incredible value for the dollar - $206 per sq ft. Listed under year-end appraisal. Well thought out home. Like new condition, 4 bed, 4 bath, great open floor plan with vaulted ceilings, easy access to three car garage and mudroom off main floor, lots of cabinet space with soft-close on drawer, granite counter tops, walk-in-pantry, solid pine doors and trim, lower level activity room, two laundry areas, huge fenced backyard, large 30 x 12 deck off dining room, fabulous views of Flattops and open space. Easy access to walking trails. Call Cindy MacGray at (970)875-2442 or (970)846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty Attention Investors and Bargain Hunters! FSBO: Reduced to rock bottom, no realtors fees included. 3BD, 2.5BA, family room, 2 car garage, fireplace, central vaccum and more! Sierra View Subdivision, Oak Creek $385,000 Joes 970-846-3542

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Below Market Value, Great Starter home! $172,000 3BD, 1.5BA, 2 car garage. 648 Colorado Street, Craig. Please call 970-824-9784 970-887-2411 Brand new Custom Home 3 BD, 2.5 BA, 2 car garage, 2500 sq ft. OPEN HOUSE Saturday June 6th 11-3 pm, 38835 Main St, Milner. MLS#123639 Call 970-846-8949 LARGE FAMILY HOME 1.7 acres 4BD, 4BA two separate living units, decks, oversized garage. ONLY $540,000. Roy Powell REMAX/STEAMBOAT 846-1661 FSBO:Own a piece of Routt County History. Updated 1730sqft 4BD, 2.5BA home on .3acres. 15 miles South of Steamboat on Highway 131. $235,000 846-8630 or 846-1558 Paonia Retirement - Clark Homestead offers energy conscious homes for elegant living, two bedroom units, with oversized garage.

$8000 TAX CREDIT Cash for buyers who haven’t owned in last 3 yrs. Must close by Dec.1,2009. Single family homes in Stmbt starting at $149,000. Call Lisa Olson or Beth Bishop at 970-875-0555 or see virtual tours & top deals at 4 + bedroom old town home, big fenced yard, & furnished. $790,000 Call for appointment. (970)871-6898


Move-in Ready, 3BD, 2BA, 1-car home located within walking distance of downtown Steamboat. Master bath with Whirpool tub and double sink vanity, gas-fireplace 2-decks, extra parking, corner lot, mature landscaping, sprinkler system, on bus-route, bike-path, great views! Pioneer Village $430,000 Directions: HWY-40, 1/2 mile west of 13th St, Across from new Community Center, Rt on Conestoga Circle top of hill, brown house on left, 1467 (970)871-4880 (970)819-0347 Picket Fence & Amazing Views! Offered at $549,000 #125431 This large cottage style 3 bedroom, 3 bath home sits on one of the nicest lots in West End Village. It offers gracious open living with almost 2000 square feet...the perfect sized home! All of the extra large bedrooms have bathrooms and great views. Laundry is on top floor near bedrooms. Overlooking the valley this super cute home offers value, space and privacy! Call The Hibbard Team at (970)846-8247 or (970)846-8536 Prudential Steamboat Realty 4BD, 3BA in Beautiful Stagecouch area, with 9x15 swim spa. Lease to own option by owner. $600,000 Please Call 736-8396 Overlook Drive Oasis Offered at $2,175,000, #122522 This 4 bedroom / 4 ½ bath home has panoramic views from the valley to downtown. The house overlooks the Rollingstone Golf Course (formerly the Sheraton) and comes with a transferable golf membership. Easy living with a main floor master and his & her walk in closets. Eat-in country kitchen has a sitting area and fireplace. Three bedrooms on the lower level have access to a covered deck and large family room with wet bar. Great storage, 1000+ square feet of unfinished space, fenced in dog yard, water features, and a spacious office with a private bath complete this special home. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty Huge $124,000 Price Reduction! Offered at $1,175,000. #124825. Great opportunity for 3500+ sq ft, 4 bed, 3.5 bath on quiet location. Open floor plan with lots of sunlight and spacious bedrooms. Quality finishes and incredible amounts of storage. Like new condition. Views of the ski area and Flattops. Just minutes from the gondola. Call Cindy MacGray at (970)875-2442 or (970)846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty Luxury Home in the Sanctuary Offered at $3,979,000, #122392 This home overlooks the Sheraton Golf Course with amazing views of the mountain and valley. This 5 bedroom/ 7 bath including a 1 bed caretakers unit home & backs up to 38 acres of green space.The master suite has a private deck, fireplace and oversized his and her closets. A gourmet kitchen, covered deck and media room top off this amazing home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Walk to the Slopes! Offered at $1,190,000 #123431. Excellent location and ski area views from this single-family home in desirable Landings neighborhood located just two blocks from the Gondola. Gorgeously decorated five bedroom, four bath home featuring vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, wood-burning fireplace and 2 spacious decks with outstanding views. The HOA takes care of the exterior maintenance so you can enjoy life! Call Colleen de Jong at (970)846-5569 Colleen @ Prudential Steamboat Realty

NATIONAL FOREST ACCESS. 5.2 acres. Hahn’s Peak views. $219,000! Another excellent buy! Roy Powell RE/MAX STEAMBOAT (970)846-1661


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Dream Island 3BD, 1BA, completely remodeled, new cabinets, appliances, carpet, storm windows, roof, wood trim, 12x16’ storage shed. 100% financing to qualified buyers. $37,500 Don Kotowski Rocky Mountain Real estate 846-8081 or 846-7522

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Ski Area and Trout Creek Views! Secluded 40 acres. Great value 10 miles from town. $339,000. Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970)846-1661

0.22 acres. No lot fees! 3bdrm, 2bath, 16’x80’, mudroom, $75,000, $5000 flooring credit. Craig, Laura Frey, Old Town Realty, 970-734-4831 West Acres 2bd, 1ba, updated and clean! Tile, laminate floors, new furnace, wood stove, 2 sheds, all appliances incl WD, large deck, fenced yard! $38,500 819-0929 or 819-4377 866-828-0200

CRAIG MIGRATION ACRES:35 Acres with Well, $120,000, 38.6 Acres $100,000, 39.8 Acres with Well $110,000, $5,000 Down 7% interest, OWC, 824.4256

40 ACRES East North CRAIG $100,000, Owner finance 6.5% with $5000 down, $673.95 mo, elec and roads, 970-640-8723

40 acres with older motorhome in 64x40’ barn 2 miles east of Craig. $325,000. Owner financing with $15,000 down at 6.5% interest at $1,959.41 monthly. Leveled building site, teriffic views. Waterwell, electricity, phone, septic, one reservoir, one spring. 970-640-8723.


$163.00 PER SQFT! SilverSpur 4BD, 3.5BA home. LOWEST PRICE - SQFT ON THE MARKET. Immaculate, 4600+ sqft custom finishes. Call Roy Powell at RE/MAX STEAMBOAT (970) 846-1661. $755,000. Live In / Live OUT! Offered at $995,000 #125347 Tucked away on a private drive and surrounded by an aspen grove, this lovely 3 bedroom home on 3 levels has recent upgrades. Enjoy solid cherry custom wood cabinetry, travertine marble countertops, hand-set tile backsplash in the kitchen and large picture windows in the living room. This property is topped with quality finishes, infinite views, a quiet neighborhood with no through-traffic and large adjoining parcels. Call Cam Boyd at (970)879-8100 ext. 416 or (970)846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

FSBO, exceptionally nice, updated home, 1860 sq ft, 4 BD, 2 BA. All new windows, new kitchen, family room, A/C, 2 car garage, Large, fenced yard, sprinkler system, two storage sheds. Spacious decks. 1281 Crest Drive, Craig. $244,900 Brokers welcome = 3% 970-824-6804, 970-629-8739

Log Home on Five Acres

4BD, 1.75BA, 2300sf, new appliances, new carpet, horse corral, Hay shed, good water, great views! Mid $200’s. See web site for full description: or call 970-629-5397 Economical, wonderful, in town; beautiful mature grounds; minute’s walk to river, downtown. 2bd, 2ba home plus detached guesthouse. MLS 970-734-7113.

Chateau at Bear Creek Back on the Market! WOW! Was $1,100,000 NOW $899,000! Beautifully remodeled 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath townhome located on a pond and a short distance to the base of the ski area. Enjoy exceptional views of Mount Werner from your large wrap around deck. Like new with high-end finishes throughout including granite slab counters, stainless steel appliances, natural stone and travertine bathrooms, wet bar with wine fridge and copper sink... New carpet, paint... the works!! Southern exposure provides excellent light throughout the home. Beautifully landscaped yard with mature garden. Priced to sell!! Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty


FSBO, Steamboat, 2,500 Sq feet, 3 bd, 3ba+ loft office and gameroom. New carpet, new everything! Great Deal for the square footage. $419,000, 30K below market value (970)-819-8777 STEAMBOAT:NEWEST TOWNHOME, 2br, 2ba 1152 sqft Westend Village, great finishes, sunny end unit. FSBO Brokers welcome $289,000 846-2141 Townhome in Hayden. Offered at $178,000 #124225. No HOA Fees!!! 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 Bathrooms with big fenced in back yard for family dog, overzised 1-car garage. Great location! Call Billie Vreeman at (970)620-0655 Prudential Steamboat Realty


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42 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Listing! 125 acres, NF boundary, aspens, meadows, fantastic Steamboat Lake views. $1,295,000. Christy Belton, Prudential Steamboat Realty. 970-734-7885-cell

Ready to build, 5.3 acre LPS lot. Surrounded by 190 acres of preserved land. Bordering Flying Diamond Ranch, Ag Status, water, good hay. Just off expanded HWY 131, elevated, private setting. Stunning views of ski area. Flat building site, no envelope. FSBO $235,000. 970-819-5353

STEAMBOAT:2BR, 1BA Riverside Duplex unit, New roof, carpet, paint. Nice yard, No HOA This home qualifies for a USDA Rural Direct Loan with possible interest rate to 1%. $265,000. (970)879-2025

Stagecoach 3BD, 2.5BA, garage, 2300 sqft, stream in back, Beautiful Views. $419,000. Call 970-846-1525

RENT TO OWN! Willow Hill MH/Park, Oak Creek! Remodeled 1400 sq./ft., 4 Bedroom doublewide - $950 month. 875-0700. Beautiful fenced yard!

2BR mobile with all appliances & plenty of storage in Milner MHP. $40,000. Joyce Hartless 291-9289. Colorado Group Realty.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 3+BD, 3.5BA, Single family home across from high school 74 E. Maple 1:00–3:00 MLS 125655 Michelle Diehl, GRI Prudential Steamboat Realty (970)846.1086

STAGECOACH: Rock Point Trail, ready to build, no assessments, W-S taps paid, soils test, plans, utilities. $190,000. Call 638-4496



Heavenly View Offered at $795,000 #125493 You will absolutely fall in love with this exceptional homesite that has superb views and includes an active Rollingstone Ranch Golf Club membership. This 1.65 acre parcel within the exclusive Sanctuary subdivision is the perfect retreat for anyone with discerning tastes and a love of the great wide open. With a wonderful central location to town, shopping, dining, skiing and other activities you can save your driving for the fairways! Call Cam Boyd at (970)846-8100 or Pam Vanatta at (970)291-8100 or Prudential Steamboat Realty

CONTINENTAL DIVIDE VIEWS!!! Aspen Tree Covered, Ready to build. Steamboat Lake. $125,000 OR TRADE! Call Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661

Magnificent Large Lot on Ridge Road Offered at $750,000 #124724 1.3 Acre on the Mountain with views of Mountain and Valley. Water, sewer, electric, gas, phone and driveway to lot. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Reality

Owner Must Sell! Steamboat Lakes lot #34 all utilities, great views, Brokers welcome, $65,000. Call 970846-4742

3 Old Town Lots in Steamboat Springs Flat, easy build, fenced with views of Sleeping Giant. $300,000 970-826-0307

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberry Park Paradise Offered at $799,000 #125397 This premier Strawberry Park location is just minutes from downtown, a half mile from natural hot springs and adjoins National Forest for endless beauty. This property has multiple building sites to choose from and would be a prime hunting property or quiet retreat. The cozy cabin is true “green living” with solar power, gravity fed spring water and a wood burning stove. Outbuildings include a hay barn, tack shed & horse shelter. Call Cam Boyd at (970)879-8100 ext. 416 or (970)846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Cheap Building site Phippsburg $52,500 with Tap fees Paid. Call Troy Brookshire Colorado Group Realty 846-2356

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Expansive Ski Area Views Offered at $745,000 #125398 Fantastic price for premier lot with jaw-dropping views of the Steamboat Ski Area and Flat Tops. Upscale neighborhood, expansive views and a flat building site with aspens and scrub oak. Build your luxury dream home on this perfect and private .68 acre lot. Best lot on the market at this price. Call Colleen de Jong at ( 9 7 0 ) 8 4 6 - 5 5 6 9 Prudential Steamboat Realty Affordable Building site Phippsburg $57,500 with Tap fees Paid. Call Troy Brookshire Colorado Group Realty 846-2356

Oak Point Ranch. Approx. 2500 acres. Great Grazing and Big Game Hunting! Priced at $2,500,000. Call Patricia Dulan Broker, (970)870-6373

ASPEN TREE COVERED site on cul-de-sac. 1/2 acre, ALL UTILITIES TO LOT. $98,000 Call Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970) 846-1661


house 20465729

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Good art

is not what it looks like,

but what it does to us. Roy Adzak � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

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Visit the Art Depot for ongoing exhibits Tuesday-Friday, 9-5; Saturday-Sunday 12-4 1001 13th Street, Steamboat Springs • 879-9008

44 | Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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