JULY 1, 2009
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Vol. 21, No. 156
C O U N T Y ’ S
Morning visitor
Giving back to givers Community Foundation doles out Philanthropists of the Year awards Page 6
A deer stands in front of a home in Strawberry Park on Monday morning. The tall grass seemed to provide plenty of cover and food for the animal.
Talent runs in family
Atira submits base plans
Lack of nightlife in 660,000-square-foot development concerns some Brandon Gee
Page 27
Correction The next Routt County meeting on shared uses of county roads is at 6 p.m. Monday in the Commissioners Hearing Room of the Routt County Courthouse. The date was incorrect in the “New road policies ahead” article on page 3 of Tuesday’s Steamboat Today.
In a backward economy, The Atira Group is pushing forward with plans for the redevelopment of Ski Time Square. But developers will ask for a 10-year grace period before they must bring the project to fruition. Development plans for Ski Time Square — sister to the
■ INDEX Briefs . . . . . . . . .10 Business. . . . . . .26 Classifieds . . . . .34 Colorado. . . . . . .19 Comics . . . . . . . .32 Crossword . . . . .33
Happenings . . . . .7 Horoscope . . . . .32 La Vecindad . . . .12 Sports. . . . . . . . .27 ViewPoints . . . . . .8 Weather . . . . . . .43
Tuesday night’s Cash 5 numbers: 2-3-7-19-29 Drawings are held Monday through Saturday.
proposed 390,000-square-foot Thunderhead Lodge redevelopment project approved by the city in May — call for five buildings totaling more than 660,000 square feet of mixed-use development on 4.6 acres. Like Thunderhead, the Ski Time Square development between Ski Time Square Drive and Burgess Creek Road would be 105 feet tall at its highest points. Together, the projects would replace the
Afternoon, evening storms. High of 78.
Page 43
demolished Ski Time Square and Thunderhead Lodge properties, which totaled about 235,000 square feet, with more than 1 million square feet of new development. Despite the dramatic increase in gross square footage, Atira is proposing a decrease in commercial spaces. That prospect caused some eyebrows to rise during Atira’s preapplication hearings with the Steamboat Springs Planning
Commission and City Council, but Atira argues retail studies show its proposal is appropriate. In Ski Time Square, Atira is proposing about 200 residential units totaling nearly 400,000 square feet and about 27,000 square feet of commercial space for stores and restaurants. City planner Jonathan Spence said it does not appear that See Base area, page 18
For around-the-clock updates, breaking local news and sports scores, videos, photos and an interactive community forum, visit www.steamboatpilot.com.
2 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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A smarter cell phone
omething is wrong with my cell phone. It has taken over my life. We have a strange and complicated relationship. I believe it owns me, which is an issue that could get me committed somewhere — just lock me up at Pearl Lake and throw away the key — but truly, it has become an electronic leash to which I feel tethered. We are overly codependent and probably need hours of intensive couple’s counseling. Can you imagine? Shrink: What seems to be the problem? Phone (sniff, sob): I feel neglected. She left me underneath a couch cushion with the remote and went to the grocery
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Joanne Palmer store without me. Me: I needed a break. Just 30 minutes off the electronic leash, out of touch, it was heaven! I have the Blackberry Pearl, aka. the smartphone. This Phi Beta Kappa phone has dozens of applications I do not use or understand, which makes me feel dumb. What is mobile streaming anyway? It sounds like a 3-year-old who couldn’t find a bathroom. And by “application,” I do not mean a form you fill out to apply for a job. I think an “application” is a smartphone feature. Let’s face it, these phones are designed for members of the 20-something set who want to shoot videos and pictures of themselves participating in adrenaline-charged activities and upload them to their Web sites or post them to their Facebook accounts.
For me, in the warm embrace of the 50-something years, I have a different set of application needs for my phone. I really want a hybrid phone that is part Swiss Army knife and part phone. Here is my list: ■ Face recognition I have now reached the tender age where it is getting really hard to remember people’s names. I need a phone application that allows me to hold the phone up in a discreet manner so it will recognize the face of the person coming toward me and display their name on my screen. ■ Comb, lip-gloss and tissue These are the three things I am always looking for and if they were contained in my phone, it would simplify my life. ■ Car and house keys Aren’t keys and codes obsolete by now? Shouldn’t I be able to wave my phone at my car’s ignition to start it? ■ Toothpick If you’ve ever been to the movies and eaten popcorn, you’ll know what I mean. See Palmer, page 15
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Crews recover Rebecca Green’s body Husband, others find remains of woman missing since June 13 in Fish Creek Zach Fridell
����� ���������������� ����������������� • Apple habañero pulled pork • Green bean salad with shallot vinaigrette • Oven roasted potato salad • Sour slaw • Chicken wings • Key lime pie MATT STENSLAND/STAFF
Rebecca Green’s father, Eldon Adams, right, watches rescuers Tuesday morning as they work to recover the body of Green in Fish Creek below the second falls. Information about a memorial service will be updated on www.rebeccagreenmemorial.com.
his wife and son, Kade, fell into the water June 13. Kade was able to grab a branch and pull himself out of the water and later was rescued from the bank by Search and Rescue volunteers. Kade has recovered from
the bumps he sustained in the water and has only a small cast on his wrist, Rodney Green said. Rebecca Green went in the water while trying to reach her son. “The way she died, the most See Green, page 16
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On the ’Net Information about Rebecca Green’s memorial service will be updated on www.rebeccagreenmemorial.com. Friends and family are invited to share their photos on the memorial site. Contact Rodney Green by e-mail at rkgreen05@msn.com.
• Peanut butter pie AND MORE!
Call to order today. ��������������������� ���������
The search for Steamboat Springs resident Rebecca Green has ended. Her husband, Rodney Green, found Rebecca’s body at about 1:30 p.m. Monday while searching with his brother, Randy Green, and Routt County Search and Rescue volunteer Ty Upson. Routt County Search and Rescue crews worked until 9 p.m. Monday in an attempt to recover Rebecca’s body. At about 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, Search and Rescue volunteers were able to successfully free her body from the water and a log pinning her against the creek bank. “It’s a relief,” said Rebecca’s father, Eldon Adams, at the Greens’ home Tuesday afternoon. “Mostly, I’d just like to thank the community for the love and support they have shown us.” Rodney Green said the family has tentative plans for a memorial service and burial on July 11. More information will be available as the family formalizes plans. Tuesday marked the 15th day in a row that Rodney Green searched the accident site where
4 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Singing summer’s praises
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‘Songs of Summer’ highlights the season in art Margaret Hair
Adam Zabel knows landscapes. When he sits down to paint scenes of the Yampa Valley, the Routt County native doesn’t need to snap a photo or even step out of his door. He just needs to think about the details of the scenery and get those down on canvas as accurately as possible. “I would say I’m more of a realist and an impressionist. I
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Once a year, residents of Routt County will be able to schedule low cost ($20) home pickup of household hazardous waste (paints, batteries, pesticides, motor oil, etc). Call Curbside at 1-800-449-7587, and they will send a container for your hazardous materials. A pickup date is then scheduled for the next available home collection day. It is that easy!
See Gallery, page 14
If you go What: Opening reception for “Songs of Summer,” featuring oil paintings by Adam Zabel, Orotone prints by Barbara Sanders and pastels by R.C. Dieckhoff When: 5 to 8 p.m. Friday Where: Artists’ Gallery of Steamboat, 1009 Lincoln Ave. Cost: Free Call: 879-4744 Online: See images of the work that Zabel, Sanders and Dieckhoff will have on display through the end of the month at www.exploresteamboat. com.
Massage & Healing
(This program was set up for residential collection only. Businesses may also call 1-800-449-7587 to inquire about service to their facility)
see more detail when I’m doing something,” Zabel said. The artist’s detail-heavy images of landscapes and wildlife have been on display at the Artists’ Gallery of Steamboat since he joined the cooperative in January and will be featured at the gallery in July. “Songs of Summer,” which also features prints by Barbara Sanders and pastels by R.C. Dieckhoff, opens with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at the Artists’ Gallery and will be
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Lena Franzén, CMT
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Local artist Barbara Sanders holds up an Orotone print that will be featured as part of a show at the Artist’s Gallery of Steamboat this month. Sanders uses a time-tested process to create her images but adds her own touches to make the images unique.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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6 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Foundation honors donors Bordens, Holiday Inn, Esswein win philanthropist awards Brandon Gee
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It was her day to be thanked, but Janet Borden had to express some gratitude of her own Sunday. She was appreciative that the city of Steamboat Springs provides a legal means for her husband, Tim, to exercise his obsession with fire. The Bordens were recognized Sunday by the Yampa Valley Community Foundation as this year’s individual Philanthropists of the Year. Among their many gifts to the community, Tim Borden donates hundreds of hours and many thousands of dollars every year to put on the city’s annual Fourth of July fireworks display with his son, Scott. The Community Foundation also recognized the Holiday Inn Steamboat Springs as its business Philanthropist of the Year and Kayleigh Esswein as its youth Philanthropist of the Year. Betsey Jay, executive director of the foundation, said the foundation’s donor relations committee chooses winners after
The Yampa Valley Community Foundation honored, from left, Janet and Tim Borden as individual Philanthropists of the Year for 2009, and Holiday Inn owners Lynne and Scott Marr as business Philanthropists of the Year for their charitable contributions.
receiving nominations from the community. Jay said the foundation looks at more than monetary contributions. “We think it’s not just about giving money — it’s also about giving time,” said Jay, who noted serving on the board of a charity as an example. “We really look at the passion that the person has and evidence of how they’ve lived it.” In addition to the fireworks,
the Bordens also have supported the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club, the Steamboat Springs Arts Council, The Lowell Whiteman School, Colorado Mountain College, the Steamboat Art Museum and more. Tim Borden, a 30year member of The Lowell Whiteman School Board of Trustees, said he is particularly See Award, page 17
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Brett Michael Stearns, of Craig, died Friday near Freeman Reservoir. A funeral is at 11 a.m. today at the Craig LDS Chapel. Interment will follow in Craig Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Grand Mortuary from 10 to 11 a.m. today at the church.
■ Social gardening is from 9 a.m. to noon at Yampa River Botanic Park. Help plant flowers, weed and learn about high-country gardening. Take a hat, sunscreen, gloves and water. Meet Gayle at the shed. ■ An Olympic Heritage Walking Tour of Steamboat Springs is from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Meet at Olympian Hall at Howelsen Hill, 845 Howelsen Parkway. Participants receive a coupon for $1 off admission to Tread of Pioneers Museum and a free ticket for the Howelsen Hill chairlift. ■ The Steamboat Springs School District offers a free summer reading program for elementary students from 9 a.m. to noon and 4 to 6 p.m. at the Soda Creek Elementary School library. ■ Bud Werner Memorial Library hosts a free story-time program, The Under Five Club, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. and 10 to 10:30 a.m. The walk-in program includes books, stories and songs for children 3 and 4 years old with a caregiver. ■ Aging Well, a program of the Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, holds “Wellness Day” at 11 a.m. at the Haven Community Center in Hayden. The day includes Arthritis Foundation exercise, lunch for $2.50, a guest speaker, a memoirwriting class, wellness checks from a registered nurse and foot care by appointment. Call Aging Well at 8717676. ■ The Steamboat Relay business group meets from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Egg & I Restaurant. Steamboat Relay is a group of local business owners and professionals who work together to promote Steamboat businesses. Call 8190312, or visit www.steamboatrelay. com.
■ The Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Group plays an ACBL sanctioned duplicate game at 1 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Reservations are requested. Call Elaine at 879-1994. ■ The Yampa Valley Sustainability
A memorial service for Gaylord Walters is at 2 p.m. Sunday at the home of Jay and Danielle Hofschulte, 39770 Routt County Road 33. Council meets at 1 p.m. in Centennial Hall on 10th Street. Visit www.yvsc. org. ■ Steamboat Ski & Bike Kare hosts a women’s mountain biking clinic at 5:45 p.m. Meet outside Ski & Bike Kare for the free event for women of all biking abilities. Take a mountain bike that is in good working condition. Call 819-0781 for more information. ■ Steamboat Springs women’s rugby is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Ski Town Fields next to the Tennis Center. No experience is necessary, and all women are invited. Call Anne at 303859-3784. ■ A Depression/Bipolar Support Group for those who have been diagnosed with the diseases, meets at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2 at Yampa Valley Medical Center. Family and friends also are welcome. Call Ronna Autrey at 871-0682 or 875-2941. ■ Steamboat’s Recreational Poker league plays at 7 p.m. at Snow Bowl. The tournament is free and open to the public. Players must be 18 or older. Visit www.steamboatpokertour. com.
THURSDAY ■ Yampatika leads a free hike at 10 a.m. at Fish Creek Falls. Meet at the upper parking lot. A free hike is at 10 a.m. at Vista Verde Guest Ranch. Call Yampatika at 871-9151 to register. A hike is from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Mount Werner. A gondola ticket is required. Meet at the information center at the base of the ski area. Call 871-5444 to RSVP. ■ Yampa Valley Recycles meets from noon to 1 p.m. at Centennial Hall on 10th Street. ■ State historian Bill Convery leads a talk and town tour of Meeker from 1 to 3 p.m. at the White River
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Museum, 565 Park Ave. in Meeker. The cost is $20 for members of the Colorado Historical Society and $30 for nonmembers. Call 303-866-4686 to RSVP.
FRIDAY ■ A Nordic ski jumping event is from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Howelsen Hill. ■ Yampatika leads a free hike at 10 a.m. at Fish Creek Falls. Meet at the upper parking lot.
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■ A bake sale to benefit Relay For Life is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at City Market. Baked goods are available for a donation. ■ Stagecoach State Park hosts a bird walk in the wetlands at 10 a.m. Meet at the wetlands parking lot at Routt County Road 14 and C.R. 16. A wildlife program is at 1 p.m. on the marina deck. Become a “Junior Ranger” at 3 p.m. on the marina deck. All programs are free with a parks pass. All ages are welcome. ■ F.M. Light & Sons honors Dick Maday at 11 a.m. at the store for his 33 years representing the Western industry via Stetson Hat Co. The event includes refreshments and a Yampa Valley Boys tribute song. Dick will autograph hats. ■ The Tread of Pioneers Museum hosts a brown bag lunch at noon. Past and present museum board members present “The Museum’s Past 50 Years, with Behind-theScenes Memories.” Take a lunch to the free event. ■ Steamboat Lake State Park hosts a wildflower walk at 3 p.m. at the visitor center. Pan for gold during a park program at 5 p.m. at the swim beach in Dutch Hill. A night hike at the Sunrise Vista Amphitheater is at 9 p.m. A parks pass is required. All events are open to people of all ages.
How to submit your Happenings The best way to submit Happenings items is to e-mail all relevant information to happenings@steamboatpilot.com. Readers also can visit our interactive Happenings listings at www.steamboatpilot.com or submit written information at the front desk of Steamboat Pilot & Today, 1901 Curve Plaza. Fax to “Attention Happenings” at 879-2888. Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations. Questions? Call 871-4233.
Happenings Online Happenings is updated daily on www.steamboatpilot.com.
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■ The Routt County Republican Central Committee meets at noon in the Commissioners Hearing Room in the historic Routt County Courthouse.
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■ Yampatika hosts a bird hike from 8 to 10 a.m. Location to be determined. Call Yampatika at 871-9151 to register.
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■ The downtown branch of Wells Fargo Bank hosts a “Green Day” from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Third Street and Lincoln Avenue.
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Memorial services
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729 Lincoln Ave., Downtown Steamboat (970 )879-2431 Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner
Comment& Commentary
ViewPoints Steamboat Today • Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Every dollar can make a difference
o one needs a reminder of the very real consequences the recession is having on Routt County and many of its residents. But we’re going to provide one anyway. The need for health and human service AT ISSUE assistance has skyrockCommunity eted in the past year. Client visits to Routt Cares Fund County’s Department of Human Services OUR VIEW have tripled. The Routt New County Council on fundraising Aging served 1,000 initiative is more meals in 2008 than it did in 2007. worthwhile Advocates Building effort to help Peaceful Communities community saw the number of members in nights it provides shelter need. for victims of domestic violence double in 2008. LIFT-UP of Routt County provided $32,000 in rent and mortgage assistance in the first four months of 2009. Not only has the demand for services increased dramatically since the economy headed south, but the funding available for local nonprofit agencies that provide direct assistance to those in need also has dwindled. Charitable giving is down about 20 percent across the state, a trend that has proved true in Routt County. Routt County United Way, which provides fund-
ing to 40 local health and human services agencies, missed its annual fundraising goal by about $125,000 last year. United Way received $500,000 in funding requests from those agencies and was able to dole out only $350,000. The truth is, most of us know at least a couple of fellow Routt County residents who are really hurting financially. Waiting lists at day care centers are evaporating as parents reduce the number of enrollment days for their children, part of an effort to reduce expenditures any way possible. Folks who never have needed assistance find themselves walking into the Department of Human Services and other agencies looking for help. For those residents fortunate to be in a stable economic situation, there’s perhaps never been a more important time to consider donating to those in need. Through a new Yampa Valley Community Foundation initiative, such donations can be quickly distributed to fellow Routt County residents who, as United Way board president Laurie Good said, are “living in the margins.” The Community Cares Fund, which launched Sunday, aims to raise $30,000 in 30 days. That money, paired with a $30,000 challenge fund already raised by the Community Foundation, will provide $60,000 to be quickly distributed to agencies that work closely with residents in need. Specifically, the emergency funds
will go to local organizations that provide food, housing, health care and safe refuge. “We think this is a time we need to come together and help people through a hard time,” Community Foundation Executive Director Betsey Jay said. Local agencies that provide the abovementioned services will fill out short grant applications to be reviewed by a Community Cares Fund committee. Funds will be dispersed to organizations that show evidence of an increasing need for their services and have processes in place to assess client needs, make allocations and account for those expenditures. Potential beneficiary organizations include LIFT-UP, Advocates, Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, Steamboat Mental Health, Northwest Colorado Dental Coalition and Routt County Department of Human Services. Any and all donations will be accepted. If you can, please consider giving to this critical emergency fund. Visit www.yvcf. org and click on “Donate Now.” Under the “Local Nonprofit Funds” pulldown menu, select “Community Cares Fund.” Checks also can be mailed to the Community Foundation at P.O. Box 881869, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488. There will be no administrative fees associated with the Community Cares Fund, meaning all proceeds will go directly to our friends, co-workers and neighbors in need. Every dollar will help.
Back in the early ’80s, my husband and I came to Steamboat for the first time to visit friends. We fell in love with the town, beautiful scenery and, most of all, the friendliness of the townsfolk. I felt compelled to write this letter as the townspeople here have not changed through the years. On June 6, our neighborhood held a garage sale. I had raided my husband’s closet of the many shirts he had not worn or no longer wore. A gentleman and his wife came to our sale and purchased a couple of the
Robert and Robin Gilmore
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Are you going out of town for the Fourth of July this year? Log on to www.steamboatpilot.com
Letters policy Limit letters to 600 words. All letters must include the phone number of the writer so that the authenticity of the letter can be verified. E-mail letters to editor@steamboatpilot.com or send them to Letters at P.O. Box 774827, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. By submitting letters to the editor, you grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today a nonexclusive license to publish, copy and distribute your work, while acknowledging that you are the author of the work. You grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today permission to publish and republish this material without restriction, in all formats and media now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to all electronic rights. Solely by way of example, such rights include the right to convert the material to CD-ROM, DVD and other current and hereafter developed formats, the right to place the article in whole or in part on the Internet and other computer networks, and the right to electronically store and retrieve the work in electronic databases.
Reason to love Steamboat
Steamboatpilot.com allows readers to submit comments on stories, to create their own blogs and to participate in our Reader Forum. Each Sunday, a selection of the top comments from Steamboatpilot.com are published. Log on to Steamboatpilot.com today and submit your comments.
The opinion of Steamboat Today is expressed only in the space above.
shirts. A short time later, this same couple returned to our sale, and the husband told me that after he got home, he tried on the shirts and found my husband’s money clip — with $400 — in one of the pockets. Yes, we were elated this kind person returned the money, but the tears that welled up in my eyes were thoughts of what a wonderful, kind and honest man he must be. It’s such a great feeling to know there are still good people here in Steamboat.
Do you have something to say about a story we’ve written?
Online poll was rigged During the week of June 14 to 21, Steamboatpilot.com’s Question of the Week asked, “If it were put to a public vote today, would you support annexing the proposed Steamboat 700 development into city limits?” I have a printout from the Pilot’s Web site for June 17 to 20. It is a sequence of votes cast during 19 time intervals. Before June 19, the voting had flowed evenly enough — ranging from 0 to 13 votes for “yes,” and 0 to 14 votes for See Letters, page 9 Bruce Tinsley
P.O. Box 774827 • 1901 Curve Plaza Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 970-879-1502 • 888-499-3999
EDITORIAL BOARD Suzanne Schlicht, general manager Brent Boyer, editor Mike Lawrence, city editor Tom Ross, reporter Grant Fenton, community representative Paul Strong, community representative
WHO TO CALL Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, ext. 224 Brent Boyer, editor, ext. 221 Scott Stanford, sales and marketing director, ext. 202 Steve Balgenorth, circulation director, ext. 232 Meg Boyer, creative services manager, ext. 238 Dan Schuelke, press operations manager, ext. 217 Mike Lawrence, city editor, ext. 233 Allison Miriani, news editor, ext. 207 News line: 871-4233 Classified: 879-1502 Sports line: 871-4209 Distribution: 871-4232 Advertising: 879-1502 Fax line: 879-2888 Steamboat Today is published Monday through Saturday mornings by WorldWest Limited Liability Company, Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, 871-4224. It is available free of charge in Routt County. Limit one copy per reader. No person may, without prior written permission of Steamboat Today, take more than one copy of each issue. Additional copies and back issues are available for $1 at our offices or $2.50 to have a copy mailed. 2006 General Excellence Winner, Colorado Press Association Member of the Colorado Press Association, Newspaper Association of America, Inland Press Association © 2008 Steamboat Today
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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1/2 Price Texas Pints 18 oz. for anyone wearing a western hat
Appetizer Specials
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Density zoning changes unnecessary
Omar Campbell
Not business as usual My wife and I purchased a condo in Steamboat Springs more than 30 years ago. After skiing in Vail, Aspen and Breckenridge, we bought in Steamboat to get away from the high-density development in those areas. Here in Steamboat, the downtown, the people in the community, and later their desire to set up a land trust to
save the meadows, confirmed we made the right decision. We are not against growth and good planning. However, it makes no sense to be revisiting the master plan at the base area in order to increase density at this time. With all the new condos under construction and the economy faltering, it seems like good business sense to see how existing development plays out. We already have witnessed Ski Time Square. This is not a time of business as usual. Besides, I have heard of no plans to expand the infrastructure (ski slopes and lifts) to ease the traffic on the mountain. A particular case in point is rezoning the Ptarmigan Inn to be able to build a condominium project nine stories tall. Aesthetically, this would stand out like a pimple in relationship to what already is being built on that side of the mountain. Soon, it will be like skiing down the canyons of Wall Street, which most of us come here to get away from. We certainly don’t want Steamboat to lose its openness.
J. R. Clark
Step Back In Time...
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“no.” There were the usual fluctuations in total votes, with the “yes” votes mostly ahead. On June 19, the “yes” led by only nine votes (227 to 218). At noon on June 19, the “yes” votes suddenly surged to 30. At 2:47 p.m. the same day, 34 votes were recorded. At 5:12 p.m. the same day, 20 more were cast — total of 84 votes in about four hours. I have spent hours studying the time sequences and talking to computer-savvy friends. Here is my conclusion: Some growth advocate(s) figured out that the “cookie” (a blocker in the computer program that limits voting to once per computer) could be deleted. This allowed an infinite number of votes to be cast from the same machine. Noting that “no” votes were closing on “yes” votes, he/she/they surged the “yes” votes to assure a significant lead. Clumsily, I might add. The result of the poll, published on June 21, was 55 percent “yes” and 45 percent “no” — about a 10-point lead because of the electronic stuffing of the ballot box.
Removing the 84-vote surge shows a statistical dead-heat; in fact, the “no” vote leads by a small fraction of 1 percent. I know that the poll is not statistically accurate, yet it does create a perception with some people that it is meaningful. Because our local elected officials are very important in the annexation and growthcontrol process, I want them to know this particular vote is a sham. Who did it? Follow the money trail. Yours for a public vote on annexation,
Wednesday Night
½ Price Drinks for Ladies 10pm Thursday Night
ALL REQUEST NIGHT with DJ DaVinci • 9pm
879-7070 Happy Hour 3-5 DAILY $1 Drafts
Tread of Pioneers Museum
stories and artifacts from the valley’s earliest days.
Letters continued from 8
½ Price Selected Appetizers
Open for Lunch & Dinner •Burgers • Steak• •Pasta • Salad• Ski Time Square
10 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
News in brief
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Hospital seeks artwork for Family Birth Place
Staff members at the new Family Birth Place at Yampa Valley Medical Center are looking for donations from local artists to enhance the ambiance of the hospital wing that opened in May.
“We are specifically interested in acquiring fine art photography of pregnant moms, newborns and new families to adorn the hallways and public areas,” Family Birth Place nurse Alethea Stone said. Stone said the hospital also is interested in artwork of any medium that represents themes of growth, tranquility,
inspiration, movement or change. Submissions are due by July 16. Complete artwork guidelines are available on the Family Birth Place page of the hospital’s Web site, www.yvmc. org. For more information, artists may contact Stone by at alethea.stone@yvmc.org or 871-2412.
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MONDAY, JUNE 29 12:29 a.m. Steamboat Springs Police Department officers were called to a noise complaint at Deerfoot Avenue and Broad Street. Officers were unable to locate the source of the noise. 12:51 a.m. Police and mental health professionals were called to a welfare check in Steamboat Springs where a man reported he had been drinking and was upset with his family. Officers took the man to detox. 12:52 a.m. Police were called to a report of vandalism in the 3300 block of Meadow Lane where a couple of people reportedly were breaking windows with bats or pipes. Officers took a report, and the investigation continues. 5:35 a.m. Colorado Division of Wildlife officers were called to a report of a bear in the 28000 block of County Road 200 near Lake Catamount. 5:55 a.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue emergency responders were called to a report of an assault in the 2400 block of Val d’ Isere Circle where a woman reported that another woman was beating her up when she awoke. The victim refused an ambulance. 7:32 a.m. Police were called to a report of a noninjury, two-car crash at 13th and Gilpin streets. Officers issued a ticket. 7:34 a.m. Deputies arrested a 45-yearold Gypsum man on suspicion of driving under restraint and on a warrant for being a fugitive of justice for driving under restraint after a traffic stop near mile marker 44 on Colorado Highway 131. 8:48 a.m. Deputies were called to a twotruck crash in the 16000 block of Colo. 131 near Yampa. Nobody was injured, and both trucks were drivable. 9:34 a.m. Police were called to a report of harassing phone calls in Steamboat.
9:42 a.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a report of a fire alarm in the first block of Eighth Street. Everything was fine. 10:03 a.m. Police were called to a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of Lincoln Avenue where a customer in a store reportedly threw water at employees. The customer was gone when officers arrived. 11:06 a.m. Hayden Police Department officers were called to a report of a theft in the 200 block of Harvest Drive in Hayden. 2:26 p.m. Police were called to a report of a noninjury, two-car crash at South Lincoln Avenue and Anglers Drive. Officers arrested a 22-year-old Routt County man on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. 2:44 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to an ambulance request in Steamboat. 3:37 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to a report of a suspicious incident in the 2500 block of Lincoln Avenue. 4:29 p.m. DOW officers were called to a report of a bear in the 1400 block of Anglers Drive. 4:35 p.m. Deputies and DOW officers were called to a report of a bear inside a house in the 28000 block of Yellow Jacket Drive. Officers were able to drive the bear away from the house with rubber buckshot. 4:44 p.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat for a 4year-old who had a seizure. Paramedics transported the child to Yampa Valley Medical Center. 7:08 p.m. Deputies and Hayden Police were called to a report of a man and a
Crime Stoppers If you have information about any unsolved crime, call Routt County Crime Stoppers at 870-6226. You will remain anonymous and could earn a cash reward.
woman arguing in Hayden. They were gone when deputies arrived. 7:47 p.m. DOW officers were called to a report of a bear in the 28000 block of Valley View Lane. 9:09 p.m. Police were called to a report of a disturbance in the 1300 block of Athens Plaza where a father and son reportedly were fighting. 9:13 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to a request for an ambulance. 9:18 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to a request for an ambulance. 9:28 p.m. Deputies and mental health professionals were called to a potential suicide threat in Oak Creek where a woman reportedly was distraught. Mental health workers spoke with the woman. 10:30 p.m. Police were called to a report of a noise complaint in Moraine Circle where six to 10 people were reportedly in a hot tub with alcohol, possibly drugs and using foul language. The people were gone when officers arrived. 11:21 p.m. Deputies, Twentymile Road Ambulance and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to an ambulance request in Oak Creek. 11:42 p.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a report of a possible electrical fire in the 300 block of 12th Street where a person reported smelling fire in the walls. Firefighters removed some pieces of siding but could not locate any fire.
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Open Everyday 11:30am-close Happy Hour 3-6pm • Serving Food ‘til 9ish 609 Yampa • On the River • 879-4797
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
| 11
Blues on a riff to come to ’Boat Tab Benoit doesn’t plan shows but promises emotion Margaret Hair
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See Benoit, page 15
Blues guitarist and singer Tab Benoit performs during the Grand County Blues Society’s annual Blues From the Top festival at Hideaway Park in Winter Park. Benoit plays at 9 p.m. Thursday at Ghost Ranch Saloon. Tickets are $17 in advance and are available at All That Jazz, Pioneer Spirits and Ghost Ranch Saloon.
Live music Tonight
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In life and in the blues, Tab Benoit figures we’re all in this together. That’s how the Louisianaborn Benoit has been approaching his live show since getting an early start at a Bayou juke joint and hitting the New Orleans blues Listen to “Night Train” by Tab scene in the Benoit online. early 1990s. To put everyone www.Explore on the same Steamboat.com level walking into a concert, Benoit rarely rehearses, and he doesn’t plan set lists. He just shows up, sings and waits to see what happens. Benoit and his band are back in Steamboat for the first time in a few years with a show at 9 p.m. Thursday at Ghost Ranch Saloon. The blues master talked with the Steamboat Pilot & Today about going onstage blind, changing up his show for each
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Closed Saturday, July 4th So that our staff may enjoy the holiday with their family & friends. Have a safe & happy holiday!
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12 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
La aerolíneas Frontier elimina servicios al YVRA Horario de posibles vuelos refleja la caída del 12 por ciento en capacidad Blythe Terrell
La aerolíneas Frontier se está sacando las colas de sus aviones adornadas con animales del Valle de Yampa después de su primera temporada de esquí aquí. Frontier no volaría al Aeropuerto Regional del Valle de Yampa (YVRA, por sus siglas en inglés) este invierno, confirmó el vocero Steve Snyder el 24 de Junio. Snyder dijo que Frontier podría regresar para futuras temporadas de esquí. La aerolínea con base en Denver, que está declarada en quiebra, añadió vuelos de Denver al aeropuerto de Hayden la última temporada. “En este año en especial hay ciertos factores que influyeron,” dijo Snyder. “Primero, el mercado realmente no fue lo que anhelábamos, esperábamos, el
año pasado, y solo tuvimos un número limitado de vuelos, y creo que hay mejores oportunidades para ellos.” La aerolínea voló del YVRA desde Diciembre hasta Abril usando un avión Bombardier Q400 operado por Lynx Aviation. El lunes, Republic Airways Holdings de Indianapolis anunció sus planes de comprar Frontier. Frontier y Lynx podrían convertirse en subsidiarias operadas bajo Republic. Andy Wirth, vice-presidente de marketing senior de Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp, y otros oficiales de Ski Corp. trabajan con las aerolíneas para arreglar el horario de vuelos de cada temporada. El resort y negocios locales pagan para garantizar cierta cantidad de ingresos a las aerolíneas que vuelan al YVRA. Frontier no era parte de ese programa. Los números de pasajeros
en 2005-06. “Reconocemos que es un paso para atrás, pero creemos que es prudente,” dijo Wirth. American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines y United Airlines volaron al YVRA en el 2008-09. Estas aerolíneas están programadas en regresar. Delta compró Northwest el año pasado. Los vuelos para la temporada de esquí vienen de Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, New York, Salt Lake City y Newark, N.J. “Creo que es una amplia capacidad para mantener debido a la accesibilidad de Steamboat,” dijo Wirth. El año pasado, los costos de vuelo se incrementaron durante la temporada de reservaciones a causa del incremento del gas y precios de los combustibles. Luego bajaron junto con la
economía. Este año, Wirth ha dicho que espera que los pasajes sean más razonables. Una verificación de ello muestra que un pasaje de ida y vuelta por American Airlines de Chicago a Hayden desde el 24 de Diciembre al 2 de Enero del 2010 esta casi $490. Un vuelo de ida y vuelta en Continental desde Houston a Hayden durante el mismo tiempo está casi $453. Wirth atribuyó los problemas de Frontier en parte a que entró tarde al mercado de Steamboat el año pasado y que tenía mucha capacidad. Frontier comenzó con tres vuelos diarios a Denver. Gerente del Aeropuerto Dave Ruppel dijo que apreció la presencia de Frontier. “Disfrutamos de tener el servicio adicional aquí,” él dijo. “Creo que fue un problema para ellos competir con los que ya estaban aquí.”
Agenda de la Comunidad Hispana
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JUEVES 2 – 4 p.m. Vacunas en escala móvil de precios (0-$14) para adolescentes (el padre tiene que estar presente) y para hablantes de español de cualquier edad (habrá intérprete) Venga al VNA en 940 Central Park Drive,
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Oficina 101 o llame al 879-1632.
en el Parque Little Toots (al lado de la Biblioteca) gracias al Club Lions de Steamboat Springs.
Día Festivo: Día de la Independencia Americana
9:30 a.m. Carreras sobre esquís con ruedas en la Avenida Lincoln
7 – 10 a.m. Desayune Panqueques
9:40 a.m. Carrera corta de velocidad. Desde la calle 9 hasta la corte. Las inscripciones comienzan a las 9:00 am. El costo es de $4 por corredor. Los ganadores se llevarán un vale de compras por $10. Llame 879-2060. 10 a.m. Desfile por el Día de la Independencia Americana. El tema de este año es: “Las temporadas de Steamboat: Celebrando su belleza” 12:30 – 2 p.m. Salto con esquís en el Howelson Hill
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7 p.m. Rodeo de la liga de Steamboat Springs en el Ruedo de Howelson Hill 7 p.m. Barbacoa al estilo del Viejo Oeste en la parte de arriba de la Góndola.
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9 p.m. Los Fuegos Artificiales comenzarán cuando se oculte el sol y después del Rodeo.
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estuvieron bajos en conjunto en el YVRA el 2008-09. Las llegadas de aviones de Diciembre a Marzo, bajó 14.7 por ciento comparado con el mismo periodo en el 2007-08. El número de partidas de vuelos entre Diciembre a Marzo, bajó un 12.5 por ciento. Wirth dijo que la capacidad de vuelo 2009-10 es 12 por ciento menos que 2008-09. Eso es comparada con los vuelos de Junio del 2008 y no necesariamente toma en cuenta los ajustes que las aerolíneas hacen durante la temporada, dijo Wirth. Tampocon incluyen los asientos de Frontier del año pasado. YVRA espera tener cerca de 139,000 asientos por vuelos de ida y vuelta este año, comparado con 158,000 el año pasado. Esos números pueden ser comparados con las temporadas 2003-04 y 2004-05, dijo Wirth. Son más altos que los números
¡Haznos saber lo que quieres leer! Envía tus preguntas o sugerencias acerca de la página “La Vecindad” a: Por correo electrónico: lavecindadcolorado@gmail.com Por carta: 940 Central Park Dr. Suite 101, Steamboat Springs CO 80487 Por teléfono: 970-871-7637 (por favor deje un mensaje)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Buy Local. Think Community. At the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association, the Buy Local campaign has been about community dedication, reenergizing grass-roots efforts and showing commitment to the local businesses of Steamboat Springs. Throughout the past six months, the Chamber has worked to identify five Buy Local campaign themes that highlight benefits of purchasing goods and services locally. Members of our community have various reasons they choose to buy locally. What is your reason to buy locally? Is it for businesses to give locally, build local partnerships, get value from local vendors or choose to protect the environment and be green? The original idea that started the movement in Steamboat Springs is the idea of Buy Local. Think Community. The notion of “Buy Local. Think Community.” speaks to the hard-hitting, bottom-line reasons to purchase locally. When local customers pay local sales tax, they provide funding for city and county services such as snowplowing and road maintenance. Sales tax also pays for other popular and widely used amenities such as parks, affordable housing and the Yampa River Core Trail. Almost $20 million in 2007 and 2008 came in from sales tax revenues to fund city operations. A portion of the Steamboat Springs sales tax helps to fund our public education through grants to manage growth of class sizes and provides the latest technology to students. The half-cent sales tax for education now has been voted in three times by our citizens who strongly support quality education. “We should think of buying locally as contributing locally
How to help Your sales tax dollars help fund the following local city amenities. Think of these when you are making a purchase, local or otherwise. All numbers are approximate. • $5 million annually is allocated to the city of Steamboat Springs Parks, Open Space and Recreational Services Department — baseball, volleyball and soccer leagues, youth sports and summer camps • $3 million annually is allocated to the city of Steamboat Springs Public Works Department — snowplowing, road maintenance and closures, street lining, etc. • $3 million annually is allocated to the city of Steamboat Springs Transportation Department — Steamboat Springs Transit • $6 million annually is allocated to the city of Steamboat Springs Public Safety Department — police and fire departments
because they are one and the same,” said Del Lockhart, fourth generation owner of F.M. Light & Sons. “The loss of revenue (to outside economies) though subtle and invisible, is exponentially damaging to a community’s long-term health. When the community members buy outside of Steamboat Springs, regardless of the venue, those dollars, their exponential potential and the human capital derived from those dollars are lost forever.” Business people and local government officials see eye to eye in recognizing the importance of keeping money local, supporting neighbor businesses and how every dime has exponential impacts affecting local commerce. “There is no question that every purchase we make as a business or as an individual has a ripple effect in our community. Money that is spent in our community stays in our community and is then able to be recirculated,” said Jon Quinn, Steamboat Springs City Council member
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Steamboat Springs’ sales tax dollars help fund widely used amenities and services in town such as snowplowing, parks and recreation and the Yampa River Core Trail. Other entities, such as Steamboat Springs Transit, are completely supported by sales tax. Pictured is the Steamboat Springs Transit hybrid bus.
and partner at Northwest Data Services. “The city of Steamboat Springs is completely unique among other resort towns in Colorado. Currently, the sales tax is the lion’s share of the city’s general fund. We rely on locals keeping money in the community, as well as tourism dollars, to help fund our city services and our wonderful amenities. Buying locally makes an enormous impact on the city’s ability to deliver essential services to the community.” The Chamber’s Buy Local program has shown that when residents and visitors spend money in town, that money helps to support the community organizations, groups, events and activities that help make Steamboat Springs such an
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attractive place to live, work and play. Keeping your money in the community helps create and sustain local payrolls and local jobs. In the current economy, sales tax doesn’t just affect the city’s general fund; it also influences businesses and their livelihoods. Something important to reflect upon before purchasing anything, especially outside of the Yampa Valley, is to think about the businesses here in Steamboat Springs and who you would miss the most if a business were to close its doors. What retailers, restaurants, lodging properties and activity driven businesses would you miss the most? Make an effort to stop in and say hello to these businesses that you think are part of the fabric of Steamboat Springs. Support
them by referring your friends and colleagues to them, making a purchase or even just letting them know what they mean to the community. Steamboat Springs has become what it is because the town has managed to sustain a small-town, genuine Western, friendly character. Locally owned and operated small businesses have invested in the community and therefore have a stake in the future viability. “Saving a “buck” — so to speak — by buying outside the community is in reality, very costly,” Lockhart says. “When we buy locally, we’re essentially helping our neighbor and ourselves at the same time. Buying locally sounds like the neighborly thing to do, doesn’t it?
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Molly Killien
14 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Community mourns Stearns
Ritter orders flags lowered in honor of fallen Craig firefighter
northeast of Craig. He was struck by a falling tree and pronounced dead at the scene. Flags at all government buildings in Colorado are to be lowered to half-
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Gov. Bill Ritter issued an order Tuesday for the lowering of all U.S. and state flags in honor of a fallen local firefighter. Capt. Brett Stearns, 29, a Craig resident who served the Bureau of Land Management for 10 years, was killed Friday while working with 12 BLM firefighters on a hazardous tree removal project at Freeman Reservoir, 15 miles
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Gallery continued from 4 on display through the end of the month. Zabel started his lifelong love of art as a child, going on trips along the Mississippi River with his grandfather, toting pencils and paints to make his own ren-
ditions of what he saw. He won his first art competition during his 4 1/2 years in the military. Moving back home, he stepped away from the three-dimensional art that characterizes much of the crafty side of the Zabel family to make realistic, two-dimensional depictions.
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staff today. Stearns was an engine captain and had worked in the fire program for the BLM’s Little Snake Field Office in Craig since 1999.
Sanders uses Orotone technique on photos
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BLM officials said Stearns was a leader, brave public servant, mentor to younger firefighters and someone who “had the capability to inspire people, all those around him, to go the distance and do their best.” He will be remembered during a funeral at 11 a.m. today at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Chapel, 1295 W. Ninth St., in Craig. He is survived by his wife, mother, father, brother and half-sister.
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“This is where all of my natural ability lies, is with art and design,” Zabel said. Dieckhoff uses nature as a basis for the dozen pastels he has in “Songs of Summer.” “RARE: Imperiled Plants of Colorado,” an exhibit of botanical illustrations on display through the end of summer at Steamboat Art Museum, inspired Dieckhoff to adopt wildflowers and other plants as his subjects, he said. The pastels focus “on the bulbs themselves rather than the whole plant,” giving gallery visitors what Dieckhoff calls “the bee’s-eye view.” Dieckhoff’s rolling landscapes sit in the background of each work and represent where each plant naturally would be found. Printmaker Sanders tackled the multi-step photographic process known as Orotone for a collection of 15 images featured in “Songs of Summer.” The Orotone technique is a chemical process that follows several steps to turn a photograph into a negative image crafted on a gold background. The technique at Sanders’ hands results in images of the Yampa Valley and Hawaiian wildflowers set chromatically gold-backed paper.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tickets for Thursday’s show are $17 Benoit continued from 11
If you go
audience and making some powerful music in the process. Steamboat Pilot & Today: Can you describe what people can expect from your show here? Tab Benoit: Not really. SP&T: How’s that? TB: There’s no plan. I pretty much play requests, and I play whatever feels good. I don’t have a set way of doing anything, and I don’t walk in with any preplanned show. It’s all of us together. SP&T: Why do you approach shows that way? TB: It keeps it free and open, and that’s where the magic is. You can’t plan the magic; it has to happen by itself, and that’s the best way you can do it. That’s the way the blues has always been.
What: Tab Benoit, blues When: 9 p.m. Thursday Where: Ghost Ranch Saloon, 56 Seventh St. Cost: $17 in advance; advance tickets are available at All That Jazz, Pioneer Spirits and Ghost Ranch Saloon Call: 879-9898
SP&T: Did you come to that style during your years of performing, or is it something you’ve always done? TB: It’s something I’ve always done. It’s probably why I ended up playing the style of music that I do, because that’s what fit me best. Some people are uncomfortable not knowing what’s going to happen, and some people are more comfortable — and I’m one of those. SP&T: Can you describe at all what kind of styles you might take on, what kinds of songs you might play?
TB: I don’t know — that’s the fun part. I don’t know what I’m going to do; the band doesn’t know what we’re going to do; the crowd doesn’t know what we’re going to do. You’ll see some playing, and there will be some guitar, bass and drums, and some singing.
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SP&T: What about the blues makes that approach work for you? TB: Blues is a basic form of … raw emotion — nothing is written out, and nothing’s ever come out the same. It’s like if you were painting pictures, the blues would be using maybe just the primary colors and a big fat brush and coming up with a beautiful piece of work using the minimal amount of tools. … The less tools you have, the more heart you have to put into it, and you never know what your heart is going to feel from one day to the next.
I’ll be waiting for my dream cell phone ■ Small mirror You need the mirror to see if you have a kernel of popcorn lodged in your teeth and need the toothpick. ■ A small pair of scissors Have you ever noticed how difficult some packaging — especially plastic — is to open? My son just bought a pair of headphones, and we practically had to use a machete to open it. ■ Recipe help I am standing at the grocery store with a recipe that calls for the spice turmeric. Do I already have it at home or do I need to buy it? My smartypants phone should have the answer.
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■ Fat siren Finally, the ability to get an honest answer to the question, “Does this make me look fat?” Because I do not have a full-length mirror, I frequently debate which pair of pants makes me look less doughy. A small but audible — only to me
— fat siren on my phone would be invaluable. ■ Medical scanner My throat hurts. Is it strep, or have I been screaming at my phone too long? Scan it! I think that takes care of my wish list. Call me when it’s ready.
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After ACL Rehab Knee Class
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Palmer continued from 2
16 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Husband: Funeral will be open to public Green continued from 3 ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ��������
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important thing to me was ... she died trying to keep her son from danger,” Rodney Green said. “I couldn’t ask for a better wife, a better friend. She was a fantastic mom. Her whole life was making sure our kids were taken care of and loved.” Rodney Green said the funeral will be open to anybody who wishes to join. “The most important thing now is, we’re planning a funeral, and we’re trying to figure out how we can live without her, at least physically,” he said.
The search
The water levels on Fish Creek declined precipitously between Saturday and Monday, giving rescuers a better view at the search sites, said Search and Rescue volunteer Darrel Levingston. On Saturday, the
water levels peaked at more because of darkness. He said than 600 cubic feet per second, Linville was able to eventually according to readings from the talk him into sleeping in his car U.S. Geological Survey Web in the parking lot, where his site. By Tuesday morning, the brother joined him. On Tuesday morning, they were creek flow slowed to 217 cfs, Routt “The most important able to hike to the recovery site at 7 County Sheriff thing now is, we’re a.m. before the first Gary Wall said, planning a funeral, search teams joined and by the afterand we’re trying to noon, the Web site them at 9 a.m. showed a flow of On Tuesday, 24 figure out how we 146 cfs. searchers went to can live without her, Levingston said the recovery site, at least physically.” the search had setting up a highcentered on severline rope system by Rodney Green al high-probability 11 a.m. Rebecca Green’s husband areas in the past Linville said the two weeks, and type of high-line Rebecca Green operation Tuesday was found at an area searchers was something the crews had considered “super-high prob- trained for, but it was unlike ability.” anything the search teams have Jim Linville, Incident Com- used before in the field. mander for Monday and Tues“It was like clockwork; it day, said the searchers were went so well,” he said. looking in the right areas as The rig, with a line strung they repeatedly combed the across the canyon above the site. creek, allowed searchers to “It was within 20 feet of place swift water rescuers into where we thought she might specific places in the creek. be, but we couldn’t get in there The searchers then removed because of the high water,” he debris from the river and used a chainsaw to cut three logs said. On Monday night, 30 volun- that were impeding the recovteers showed up to help, includ- ery. “It seems painstakingly ing former Search and Rescue slow at times because you have volunteers, firefighters and othto get somebody in the right ers. That night, Rodney Green position, make the cut and get said he wanted to sleep near (the log) out of there,” Linville the upper falls after rescuers said. After the logs were removed, were forced to stop for the night rescuers were able to hoist Rebecca Green’s body about 30 feet up a cliff face, then hike out of the area. For more information about Rebecca Green’s memorial, to share photos or stories, or to donate to the memorial fund for Rebecca’s two children, Rachael and Kade, visit www.rebeccagreenmemorial.com.
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Youth award goes to Kayleigh Esswein
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interested in improving education at the pre-college level. “I also feel very good about the fact that I was a founding member in starting the Lowell Whiteman Primary School,” said Borden, who said the school has been very successful and popular. “Their biggest problem is the size of their waiting list.” Tim Borden said Steamboat is a very philanthropic community and that several people were deserving of the award. He said residents’ love for this community inspires them to give back. “It’s not how many things you do, but get involved in something you’re passionate about. It really turns out to be a very rewarding experience,” Tim Borden said. “The hours just don’t seem like that long. “When I write those checks, I’m always thinking about the benefit those checks will do,” he continued. “It’s a great situation to be as fortunate as my family has been so that we can make donations to others. We feel very strongly about that.” Scott and Lynne Marr purchased the Holiday Inn Steamboat Springs in 2001. Through their business and individually, the Marrs have been active in the Steamboat Springs Rotary Club, the Yampa Valley Medical Center, the Healthcare Foundation of the Yampa Valley, the Yampa River Botanic
Esswein, a rising junior at Park, Routt County United Way, Steamboat Springs Youth Steamboat Springs High School, Soccer Association, Humble has helped build and support Ranch and more, according a school in remote northern to a Yampa Valley Community Zambia during the past few years. She was unable to Foundation news attend Sunday’s release. “It’s not how many award ceremony “When you live things you do, but because she is on in a place and really a mission trip to like it and it’s been get involved in the Dominican good to you, you something you’re Republic, but she feel a need to give passionate about. It wrote that, “The back,” Scott Marr really turns out to kids I met in Zamsaid. bia taught me A nomination be a very rewarding the true value of letter written by five experience.” laughter, to cherish local businesspeople notes that the the simplicities in Tim Borden Holiday Inn also life, to hope beyond Individual Philanthropists of sponsors a numhope, to love like the Year award winner ber of community it’s the end and to events and provides live every moment free accommodations to local to the fullest.” organizations. “They really walk the talk,” “The Holiday Inn demon- Jay said about this year’s winstrates that the size of a com- ners. “We want to encourage pany does not have to — and that. Not only is it good for should not — dictate its capac- community to have that, I think ity to care for its community,” people have more meaning in the nomination letter states. their life when they give back.”
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Award continued from 6
| 17
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Cow Town Ranch Tour Sunday, July 5 1:00pm – 4:30 pm
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Tour local working ranches and learn about the rich ranching heritage in Routt County. Hands on experiences will include stops at cattle, sheep, bison and elk ranches throughout the Yampa Valley.
Tours depart from Artists’ Gallery of Steamboat (1009 Lincoln Avenue)
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18 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
VFW to burn tattered flags Veterans to dispose of about 250 worn flags in Moffat County Yesenia Robles
If you go
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Base area continued from 1 Atira is proposing any spaces for nightlife in Ski Time Square to replace venues that were lost in demolition. That could be a potential deal-breaker for some City Council members. “I have a tough time micromanaging projects, but, yeah, I think it is,” Councilwoman Cari Hermacinski said. “We don’t have any nightlife … on the mountain anymore. It’s certainly something I think the tourist expects to be able to do … and locals enjoy it, as well.”
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been invited to participate. The burning is not out of protest, VFW Commander Mark Wick said. Rather, it’s the proper way to retire an unserviceable flag. Wick said he hopes people are aware of how to dispose of unusable flags.
Atira requests extended vesting period
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Burning American flags on the Fourth of July may not appear to be in keeping with the purpose of the holiday, but local veterans organizing such an event this weekend disagree. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4265 is scheduled to burn about 250 worn flags, beginning at 7 a.m. Saturday at the Moffat County Fairgrounds. The Craig Rotary Club and American Legion Post 62 have
What: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4265 flag disposal ceremony When: 7 a.m. Saturday Where: Moffat County Fairgrounds. The public is invited to view the ceremony and to bring their own worn flags. Call: VFW commander Mark Wick at 326-6998.
A flag is considered no longer serviceable when it is extensively worn, torn, tattered or soiled, Wick said. Disposing of it improperly “would be a disgrace,” the post commander added. After the colors are burned, Wick said the flag’s ashes must be buried. About nine VFW members will be conducting the burning this year. The VFW conducts flag burnings at least once a year to dispose of flags that have been given to them by residents or businesses that may not know how to dispose of the flags.
Phone messages left for Mark Mathews, an Atira vice president, and the project’s architect were not returned Tuesday. City Council President Loui Antonucci said nightlife is desirable but not necessarily a requirement for him. “It will seek its own level. If it’s appropriate, somebody will put it in somewhere on the mountain. I don’t know if it has to be in Ski Time Square,” he said. “Even though I’d like to see it, I don’t know if I’d mandate it.” Antonucci said he was encouraged to see The Atira Group moving forward with Ski Time Square in a down economy. He said he assumes Atira wants to be ready with an approved project when the economy rebounds, hopes entitlements will attract investors or both. “It’s nice to see some optimism amongst everything else,”
Antonucci said. But in what could be a sign that their optimism is measured, The Atira Group is requesting an extended vesting period for the project that would allow them wait for as long as 10 years before pulling a building permit. The city’s normal vesting period is three years. Hermacinski and Antonucci said that 10 years sounds like too long of a vesting period at first blush but noted that council is scheduled to have a discussion about vesting periods at its July 21 meeting. Development plans for Ski Time Square were submitted to the city of Steamboat Springs on June 1. The city has not fully analyzed the project, and Spence said hearings with the Planning Commission and City Council are not scheduled. — To reach Brandon Gee, call 871-4210 or e-mail bgee@steamboatpilot.com
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
| 19
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Stimulus to help fund bike path repaving along C-470 LAKEWOOD
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood helped break ground on Colorado’s latest highway stimulus project. A bike path along C-470 west of Denver is being repaved for $5 million and a stretch of the highway closer to Intestate 25 is also being repaved for $27 million. The main contractor, Castle Rock Construction, estimates six to 10 new jobs will be created because of the work. It also says 150 to 200 jobs at the company and its subcontractors and suppliers will be saved. The Colorado Department of Transportation says the groundbreaking Tuesday marks the largest highway stimulus project in the state. Colorado is getting about $400 million for highway projects and another $103 million for mass transit from the stimulus package.
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Colorado confirms 1st West Nile case of the year
Remains near Vail Pass part of FBI investigation DENVER
Eagle County sheriff’s officials say human remains were discovered in a backcountry area of Vail Pass during a search as part of an FBI investigation. FBI spokeswoman Kathy Wright confirms that agents were in the area Monday. Wright declined to say whether the search was part of its investigation into Scott Lee Kimball, 42, who has connections to four people who disappeared in 2003 and 2004. Kimball is a former cooperating witness for the FBI. In March, he led investigators to the remains of a 24-year-old woman in a remote canyon in eastern Utah. He also claims to know the whereabouts of another woman’s remains in the same area. Scott Kimball has not been charged in any of the disappearances or deaths.
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Jefferson County health officials say the first human West Nile case of the year has been confirmed. The patient has not been identified but is recovering at home. Colorado’s first mosquito with West Nile was confirmed in early June in Fort Collins. Health officials say residents should take normal precautions to reduce mosquito populations.
Do You Have SOMETHING to Say? ������������������������������������������������
20 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Franken ruled Senate winner THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Republican Norm Coleman conceded to Democrat Al Franken in Minnesota’s contested Senate race Tuesday, hours after a unanimous state Supreme Court ruled the former “Saturday Night Live” comedian should be certified the winner. Coleman announced his decision at a news conference in St. Paul, bringing an end to a nearly eight-month recount and court fight about an election decided by only a few hundred votes.
Madoff behind bars, but probe grinds forward NEW YORK
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Bernard Madoff, even as he faces the prospect of dying behind bars for his epic swindle, never has wavered on saying he acted alone. But federal investi-
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dose of the drug to 650 milligrams. The current single dose is 1,000 milligrams, or two tablets. Panelists cited FDA data indicating 60 percent of acetaminophen-related deaths are related to prescription products.
AROUND THE NATION gators don’t believe him. The day after Madoff was given a 150-year term, a person close to the investigation said Tuesday the sentencing marked “the end of the beginning” of a far-reaching investigation expected to answer lingering questions about how the disgraced financier pulled off perhaps the largest financial fraud history — and who helped him.
Big cities see resurgence in population growth WASHINGTON
FDA panel takes aim at Tylenol safety problems ADELPHI, MD.
A Food and Drug Administration panel on Tuesday voted, 21-16, to lower the current maximum daily dose of nonprescription acetaminophen, which is 4 grams, or eight pills of Johnson & Johnson’s Extra Strength Tylenol. The panel also voted, 24-13, to limit the maximum single
Reversing a decade-long trend, many of America’s largest cities are now growing more quickly than the rest of the nation, yet another sign of an economic crisis that is making it harder for people to move. Census data released Wednesday highlight a city resurgence in coastal regions and areas of the Midwest and Northeast because of a housing crunch, recession and higher gas prices that have slowed migration to far-flung suburbs and residential hotspots in the South and West.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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24 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sanford: Mistress is soul mate
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South Carolina governor committed to reconciling with wife Tamara Lush and Evan Berland THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford declared his Argentine mistress his soul mate Tuesday but said he is committed to reconciling with his wife in hopes of saving his family and what is left of his political career. Sanford, who also admitted meeting his lover more times than he previously had claimed, told The Associated Press in
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emotional interviews that he “crossed lines” with few other women during 20 years of marriage. But he said he never went as far as he did with Maria Belen Chapur, the woman at the center of the scandal that has derailed his once-promising political future. Even with the latest revelations, Sanford maintains he is fit to govern and has no plans to resign. And he insisted his relationship with Chapur, whom
he met at an open air dance spot in Uruguay eight years ago, was more than just sex. “This was a whole lot more than a simple affair; this was a love story,” Sanford said. “A forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day.” During more than three hours of interviews in two days at his Statehouse office, Sanford said he is trying to fall back in love with his wife even as he grapples with his deep feelings for Chapur.
House, Senate consider consumer legislation bill Anne Flaherty
President Barack Obama asked Congress on Tuesday to create a new agency to police the fine print on consumer products such as credit cards and mortgages and determine what fees, penalties and interest rates are fair. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency would be in charge of regulating those products in the same way other government agencies regulate the safety of drugs, food and toys. Obama said Americans are demanding it.
“Those ridiculous contracts with pages of fine print that no one can figure out — those things will be a thing of the past,” the president said in a statement accompanying the 152-page draft bill. “And enforcement will be the rule, not the exception.” The CFPA is part of Obama’s broader plan to increase oversight of the financial industry and eliminate regulatory gaps believed to have contributed to the economic crisis. The agency would be dedicated to protecting consumers when buying mortgages, using credit cards and taking out high-rate “payday loans.”
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
| 25
Car bombs kill 33 in Iraq THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Plane crashes off Comoros islands with 153 on board MORONI, COMOROS
A Yemeni jetliner carrying 153 people crashed into the Indian Ocean on Tuesday as it attempted to land amid severe turbulence and howling winds. Officials said a teenage girl was plucked from the sea, the only known survivor. The crash in waters off this island nation came two years after aviation officials reported equipment faults with the plane, an aging Airbus 310 flying the last leg of a Yemenia airlines flight from Paris and Marseille to Comoros, with a stop in Yemen to change planes. Most of the passengers were from Comoros, a former French colony. Sixty-six on board were French nationals.
Honduras’ ousted president wins international support TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS
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Honduras’ ousted president won overwhelming international support Tuesday as he planned a high-profile return to his chaotic country. The politicians who sent soldiers to fly him into exile in his pajamas said he will be arrested for treason if he tries. The showdown was building
Not a single American soldier was in sight. Gone, too, were the American helicopters whose buzz has for years defined Baghdad’s background track. Left alone to protect the capital Tuesday were thousands of Iraqi troops and police manning checkpoints, with army tanks deployed at potential trouble spots and convoys of pickup trucks with machine guns roaming the streets. But it was elsewhere, 180 miles to the north, that militants delivered their first deadly challenge to Iraq’s security forces on a highly symbolic day after the formal withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from cities at midnight. A car bombing devastated a food market in the city of Kirkuk, killing at least 33 people and wounding 90. The early evening attack, which bore the hallmarks of Sunni extremist groups such as al-Qaida in Iraq, was the second in the Kirkuk area since a truck bombing killed 82 people on June 20. The latest blast was a deadly example of the violence many Iraqis fear will increase with the departure of U.S. troops from urban areas, despite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s confidence in Iraq’s nascent security forces.
to a climax as the presidents of Argentina and Ecuador signed on to accompany President Manuel Zelaya and other figures on a flight to Honduras on Thursday. Attorney General Luis Alberto Rubi said Zelaya would be seized “as soon as he sets foot on Honduran soil” and face 20 years in prison on charges that also include abuse of authority. “I’m going back to calm people down. I’m going to try to open a dialogue and put things in order,” Zelaya said at the United Nations.
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26 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Strong quarter ends cautiously as earnings loom NEW YORK
Investors carried Wall Street to a remarkable second-quarter performance even though stocks’ big spring rally stalled weeks ago. The major indexes all managed to end the quarter with double-digit percentage gains. Now, whether the market regains its momentum in the July-September period or hunkers down again will depend on what companies have to say in the next few weeks
— not just about their own prospects, but the economy’s as well. The Dow Jones industrial average increased 11 percent during the quarter, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 index surged 15.2 percent. Both indexes logged their first quarterly gains since the third quarter of 2007. The Dow also had its best quarter since 2003 and the S&P 500 its best since 1998. The S&P 500 index and the Nasdaq composite index are finishing the first half of 2009 in the black. The Nasdaq, heavily populated by tech stocks, increased
20 percent for its first winning quarter in a year and had its best quarter since 2003. The quarter turned out better than most traders might have expected when the major indexes sank to 12-year lows in early March on growing despair about the recession. But the market’s advance wasn’t as impressive as it was in mid-June, when the major indexes hit multi-month highs. Since then, investors’ uncertainty about the strength of an economic recovery has brought the Dow down 4 percent, the S&P 500
down 2.8 percent and the Nasdaq down 1.5 percent. On Tuesday, the last day of the quarter, the Dow declined 82.38, or 1 percent, to 8,447.00; the S&P 500 declined 7.90, or 0.9 percent, to 919.33, and the Nasdaq declined 9.02, or 0.5 percent, to 1,835.04. Investors have gone through a big psychological shift during the past six months. After sending the Dow plunging to a 12-year low in early March amid fears of another Great Depression, they drove it up a staggering 34 per-
cent from mid-March to midJune as the global economy and corporate world showed signs of stabilizing. It was the shortest time frame for a market recovery of that size since the 1930s. And although no one knows whether the United States was coming out of a recession during the just-ended quarter, the market as measured by the S&P 500 acted as if it was. The S&P 500 was up 13.6 percent in the first quarter of 1991 as it came out of a recession, and 16.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 1982.
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Madlen Read
To Report Scores: ■ Call Sports Editor John F. Russell at 871-4209 during the day. ■ Call the News Desk at 871-4246 at night.
Wimbledon Williams sisters advance to semifinals
Page 30
Steamboat Today • Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Nordic team in town for ski camp Luke Graham
Mike Streeter, from left, and his sons Jake and Josh all were standout track and field athletes at Adams State College in Alamosa. Mike, a 1975 Steamboat Springs High School graduate, won state championships in the 180-yard low hurdles and 120 high hurdles in 1974 as a junior in Steamboat.
The mean Streeters Track family with Steamboat roots still displaying abilities Luke Graham
It would be tough to find the best athlete in the Streeter family. But that’s what happens when you have 12 All-American selections and three college national championships. Mike Streeter, a 1975 Steamboat Springs High School graduate, and his two sons, Jake and Josh, each have significant credentials to their name. Mike won state championships in the 180-yard low hurdles and 120 high hurdles in 1974 as a junior in Steamboat. He was also a two-time All-American at Adams State College in Alamosa in the 800-meter run and finished as national runner-up one year in the indoor championships.
Jake was a three time All- like 6-foot-3 and 205 pounds. American at Adams and was We’re all different runners, but part of the national champi- it would have been interesting. onship team that won the dis- I think I’m a little meaner with tance medley at the 2006 indoor more of a competitive temper championships. than they have.” Josh was a seven“We’ve been “It would have been time All-American asked that several a good race between at Adams, won a times,” Josh said. the three of us in the “I guess it depends national champi400. ... We’re all onship in the dison whether we’re tance medley at the different runners, running on cinder 2007 indoor games or a dirt track like but it would have and just concluded my dad did. Or been interesting.” his spring with a if it was at one national champiof the state-ofMike Streeter onship in the outthe-art facilities 1975 SSHS graduate door 400 hurdles. my brother and I So who is the got to run on. I best Streeter athlete? think I’m giving a non-answer “Training was different than on that. I don’t want to make when I ran,” Mike said. “It anyone mad.” would have been a good race Mike was also on the Steambetween the three of us in the boat track team that won a 400. We’re all different. Josh is team state championship in tall and lean. He’s like 6-foot-5 1975, the first title for legendand 175 pounds. Jake and I are ary coach Kelly Meek.
“No doubt about it,” Meek said about Mike Streeter’s drive. “He didn’t like anything to do with second place.” Meek said Mike was an instrumental part of building the track team in Steamboat. He said Mike’s sophomore class helped put the Sailors on the map. “Their junior year, we won league title, and they set the tone for a good track program we had for 12 years,” said Meek, who was familiar with Jake and Josh from attending camps at Adams State. Mike said when he was an athlete at Steamboat Springs, competing in track provided interesting predicaments. Without a track, and having to battle the weather as a hurdler, Mike said he trained inside the school, running down the hallways. See Track, page 28
The U.S. Nordic Combined team has been in Steamboat Springs all week conducting a team camp. Starting Monday and continuing through today, the If you go Nordic team Rocky Mountain has been rollDivision Ski er skiing and Jumping working on Extravaganza the jumps at Friday: 9 a.m. Howelsen. one trial jump and two competiThe camp’s tion jumps (first purpose is competition jump partly for precounts toward the paration for Nordic combined). the 2010 OlySaturday: 9:30 mpic Games a.m. Nordic comin Vancouver, bined roller ski British Columrace on Lincoln Avenue. bia. 11 a.m. target The A and jumping begins at B teams are Howelsen Hill. in town. Among those expected to take part are World Champions Johnny Spillane, Todd Lodwick and Bill Demong. This is the second camp the U.S. Nordic Combined team has held in Steamboat, having already had one in early June for a week. The team usually comes out at this time to have a camp and then participate in the Rocky Mountain Jumping Extravaganza on Friday and Saturday at Howelsen Hill. The Extravaganza opens Friday with a trial round of jumping and then two competition jumps. The first competition jump will be paired with Saturday’s mass start roller ski race to determine a Nordic combined champion. The roller ski race begins just before the parade at 9:30 a.m. Saturday on Lincoln Avenue. There is also a target jump competition Saturday that begins at 11 a.m. with a qualification round. From there, the top 24 will jump at 12:30 p.m. The round then is cut from 12 to six. A winner will be determined from the top six. Today, the team begins jumpSee Nordic, page 28
28 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Legion team bounces back Steamboat Springs boys sweep pair of games from Summit Luke Graham
The Steamboat Springs American Legion baseball team bounced back from recent losses Sunday, sweeping a pair of games from Summit. Steamboat — playing a very green Summit team — won the first game, 11-0, and the second game, 18-0. “They were a very young team,” Steamboat manager Dave Roy said. “But, anyway, you have to play the games.” Led by stellar pitching from Alan Capistron and Ryan Tib-
BASEBALL betts, Steamboat easily cruised to victories in both games. Capistron — a rising junior at Steamboat Springs High School — tossed a complete-game twohitter. He walked six and struck out 12. Tibbetts was equally impressive. The 2009 Soroco High School graduate pitched a complete-game three-hitter, while striking out 10 and walking just one. “We made no errors, and defensively, we were strong,” Roy said. “They didn’t challenge us much. There were a lot
of strikeouts. We made a couple of double plays, and the defense was solid all the way.” Tibbetts also paced Steamboat with the bat. He finished the two games with six hits, a home run and five RBIs. Brandon Clark had four hits and three RBIs, Matt Watwood had three hits with a home run and four RBIs, Capistron had three hits and two RBIs, Justin Ditter had three hits, Michael Yost had two hits and two RBIs, and Ryan Hogrefe had two hits and two RBIs for Steamboat. Steamboat next plays a doubleheader at 4 p.m. Thursday at Battle Mountain.
Steamboat’s Dingle part of trade to Flyers
According to ESPN.com, former Steamboat Springs hockey player Ryan Dingle has been traded from the National Hockey League’s Anaheim Ducks to the Philadelphia Flyers, as part of a move by the Flyers to acquire defenseman Chris Pronger from the Ducks. The Ducks traded Pronger and Dingle, who was playing center for the Iowa Chops in Des Moines, Iowa, in the American Hockey League, for right-winger Joffrey Lupul and defenseman Luca Sbisa.
NHL The Ducks also got first-round picks in 2009 and 2010, and a conditional third-round pick in 2010 or 2011. The move is another step in a hockey odyssey for Dingle. Dingle played hockey in Steamboat Springs in the late 1990s while attending The Lowell Whiteman School for his first two years of high school. He left to play for a club team in Eagle County his junior year, and as a senior in high school he moved to Des
Moines where he played for the Des Moines Buccaneers in the United States Hockey League. He was traded in December of 2002 to the Tri-City Storm in Kearney, Neb., and joined the University of Denver Pioneers during the 2004-05 season. He led the Pioneers that season with 22 goals, nine power-play goals, two short-handed goals and four game-winning goals. He was second in total points with 37. He left Denver after his junior year to sign with the Ducks and play in the club’s minor league system.
Brothers track standouts Most of team Track continued from 27
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— To reach Luke Graham, call 871-4229 or e-mail lgraham@steamboatpilot.com
will compete Nordic continued from 27
ing at Howelsen at 8:30 a.m. The team then will have a roller ski race that will run past Steamboat Boulevard and up to the Fish Creek Falls parking lot. “We have these kind of competitions to also provide a yard stick as to where everybody is,” U.S. Nordic Combined coach Dave Jarrett said. “We’re certainly not going to pick the Olympic team in February on results in July. But everything builds on itself.” Most if not all of the national Nordic combined members are expected to compete in the Friday and Saturday events. — To reach Luke Graham, call 871-4229 or e-mail lgraham@steamboatpilot.com
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“I ran 40 yards worth of hurdles and stopped before I ran into the wall,” Mike said. “We ran in tennis shoes. I never had any idea I could win a state championship. We never talked about me being able to win a state championship. All we worked on was technique and training.” In the 120 high hurdles,
Mike just edged a runner from Rangely before winning by a larger margin in the 180 low hurdles. Josh and Jake went to high school in Alamosa and were standouts in track. Jake studied teaching, while Josh studied teaching and theatre at Adams State College.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Rockies shut out Dodgers, 3-0 Jason Marquis pitched a twohitter to become the first 10game winner in the National League, leading the Colorado Rockies past the Los Angeles Dodgers, 3-0, on Tuesday night. Marquis delivered a tworun single at the plate and outpitched Chad Billingsley in a matchup of potential All-Stars. Brad Hawpe homered for the resurgent Rockies, who set a franchise record for wins in a month with 21. Marquis (10-5) tied Kevin Slowey, Zack Greinke, Roy Halladay and Tim Wakefield for the major league lead in wins, facing two batters more than the minimum and throwing just 86 pitches in his third career shutout. The complete game was his
sixth in 214 career starts and second this season. The Rockies’ 30-year-old right-hander did not issue a walk and retired 19 consecutive batters between James Loney’s one-out single in the second and Juan Castro’s two-out single in the eighth. He became the fourth pitcher in club history to win 10 games before the AllStar break, joining Kevin Ritz (1996), Shawn Chacon (2003) and Aaron Cook (2008). It was quite a turnaround for Marquis, who allowed seven earned runs in 3 1/3 innings last Wednesday against the Angels in Anaheim. He is 5-0 with a 1.84 ERA in his past eight starts against the Dodgers going back to Sept. 4, 2004. Billingsley (9-4) gave up three runs and five hits in 7 2/3 innings
Duchene looks to play for Avalanche THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Matt Duchene thinks he is ready to play for the Colorado Avalanche. “I really want to make the team this year, and I think I’m real close,” said Duchene, the third overall pick in last weekend’s NHL Entry Draft and Colorado’s highest selection since the franchise moved to Colorado in 1995. “I think my skill and my development are there right now, and I will be able to handle this level,” he said Tuesday during a tour of the Avalanche facility. “Hopefully, I will be able to grab a spot.”
Avs director of amateur scouting Rick Pracey agreed with Duchene’s self analysis and wouldn’t discount the idea of Duchene gaining a roster spot this season. “I feel he has NHL abilities,” Pracey said. “I would never say never for all our prospects (making the team). It’s whether the timing is right and whether it’s good enough for the team and for Matt as well.” The last time the Avalanche franchise selected a player in the top three was when the Quebec Nordiques chose Eric Lindros No. 1 overall in 1991. That was
their third straight year with the top pick, after Mats Sundin in 1989 and Owen Nolan in 1990. They also selected Curtis Leschyshyn with the third pick in 1988. “This is a player of high character, high skill and a high level of skating ability and speed and has shown a high level to compete,” Pracey said about Duchene. Duchene showed that this year, getting six game-winning goals while directing the Brampton Battalion to the Ontario Hockey League final. He was sixth in the league playoffs with 26 points (14 goals, 12 assists) and tied for first with six power-play goals.
Pistons fire coach Curry after only 1 season David N. Goodman
All or nothing seems to be the formula for coaching the Detroit Pistons. Bring home an NBA championship, or hit the road. First-year coach Michael Curry became the latest Pistons coach to get the ax as president for basketball operations Joe Dumars fired him Tuesday after watching his team stumble to a sub-.500 record and an embarrassing first-round exit from the playoffs. But winning playoff games hasn’t been enough to keep Pistons management happy. Just ask Flip Saunders. Dumars fired Saunders last season after he led the team to the Eastern Conference finals in each of his three seasons. Curry was an assistant under Saunders for one season.
In 2005, the Pistons parted ways with Hall of Fame coach Larry Brown after he helped them win a title and almost repeat during his two years with the team. And Rick Carlisle was fired after two years with the Pistons following a conference finals appearance in 2003 in his second season and NBA Coach of the Year honors in his first. Curry and Dumars shared
playing days together with Detroit. That may have helped Curry land the coaching job last year, but it wasn’t enough to keep him in it. The Pistons went 39-43 in 2008-09 and were swept in the postseason in four lopsided losses to the Cleveland Cavaliers after six straight conference finals appearances. Dumars said after that series that Curry would return but changed his mind by Tuesday.
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and tied a season high with 11 strikeouts — two more than he had in his previous three starts combined. He threw 118 pitches. The right-hander, coming off consecutive no-decisions in which he was staked to a lead of three or more runs both times, matched zeros with Marquis through three innings before Hawpe homered on the first pitch with one out in the fourth. Marquis gave himself a little breathing room in the seventh, stroking a bases-loaded single to left for a 3-0 lead after a two-out walk to Chris Iannetta. Marquis is a .207 career hitter with 46 RBIs and five home runs. Colorado was 14 games behind the NL West-leading Dodgers on May 27 after getting swept in a three-game series at Chavez Ravine and outscored 31-13.
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has joined our Nationally Recognized Fellowship program. Christopher has a Doctorate of Physical Therapy and 12 years experience in treating acute and chronic orthopedic injuries. 20481144
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• Plantation Shutters • Wood & Faux Blinds • Honeycombs, Pleated & Roman Shades • Woven Woods
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30 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Williams sisters in semifinals
Father: Venus and Serena have been playing ‘The Williams Way’ Howard Fendrich
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Her 19th consecutive victory at the All England Club already wrapped up, Venus Williams grabbed a seat and watched younger sister Serena win easily to reach the semifinals, too. Afterward, Venus and Mom, Oracene Price, strolled out of Centre Court arm-in-arm, chatting and laughing. Sure is fun to be a Williams at Wimbledon. Five-time champion Venus beat No. 11-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland, 6-1, 62, before two-time champion
Samuel Petrequin PARIS
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City of Steamboat Springs
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Serena defeated No. 8 Victoria Azarenka of Belarus, 6-2, 6-3, a pair of overwhelming performances Tuesday that moved the siblings closer to another all-inthe-family final at Wimbledon. “They are both playing super well. They’re playing ‘The Williams Way,”’ their father, Richard Williams, said.
Lance Armstrong thinks he can win an eighth Tour de France title, well aware his aging legs are not as strong as they used to be. He also is willing to put such ambitions aside
if it means helping teammate Alberto Contador win. Contador, the 2007 winner, and Armstrong will ride for the Astana team in the three-week race that starts Saturday with a time trial in Monaco. The pairing raises an intriguing question: Can the two Tour de France champions ride together or will
their fierce individual agendas divide them? The 37-year-old Armstrong won the last of his record seven straight Tours in 2005, and his startling comeback has fans worldwide eager to see if he can add to his cycling legend. “Now it’s 2009, not 2004, 2005 or 2001, that’s different,” Armstrong said in an interview Tuesday. “I would love to be eternally young, but I’m not. That’s just the reality.” “It’s not going to be easy to win,” Armstrong added. “In December and January, I thought it would be easier. It ends up being more difficult than I thought. Perhaps because of the crash, of the complicated season or simply because I’m older now.”
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Serena Williams
Lance Armstrong aims for 8th Tour title THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Adults $20, Children (7-15) $10, Children (6 and under) Free
Venus Williams
“And when you’re playing ‘The Williams Way,’ it’s very difficult for anyone to touch you.” Particularly at the grass-court Grand Slam tournament, where a Williams has won seven of the past nine championships. If No. 3 Venus gets by No. 1 Dinara Safina, of Russia, in Thursday’s semifinals, and No. 2 Serena eliminates No. 4 Elena Dementieva, of Russia, the siblings would meet Saturday in their second consecutive final at the All England Club and fourth overall. It also would be the eighth all-Williams Grand Slam championship match; Serena leads 5-2.
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ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE Tuesday, June 30 2009 ADULT SOFTBALL COED “B” LEAGUE Team W L T Points Steamboat Flyfisher 1 3 0 3 Russell’s/Sunshine 2 2 0 6 Smartwool Black Sheep 0 4 0 0 Primo Roofing 3 1 0 9 Straightline/Centerline Plumbing 4 0 0 12 Crown Royals 4 0 0 12 Smokehouse/Pine Grove Dental 2 2 0 6 Wyndham Village People 0 4 0 0 Steamboat Flyfisher 16, Smartwool Black Sheep 9 Smokehouse/Pine Grove Dental 11, Steamboat Flyfisher 1 Crown Royals 9, Russell’s/Sunshine 7 Smokehouse/Pine Grove Dental 20, Russell’s/ Sunshine 10 Primo Roofing 11, Smartwool Black Sheep 1 Primo Roofing 23, Wyndham Village People 5 Straightline/Centerline Plumbing 12, Smokehouse/ Pine Grove Dental 11 Straightline/Centerline Plumbing 20, Wyndham Village People 7 Crown Royals 12, Steamboat Flyfisher 6 2009 ADULT SOFTBALL COED “D” LEAGUE Team W L T Points Sheraton Steamboat Resort 1 3 0 3 Alpine Lumber Misfits 2 2 0 6 Pioneer Pavers 2 2 0 6 King Creek Ranch 1 3 0 3 YVMC 2 2 0 6 Western Petroleum 4 0 0 12 YVMC 10, Sheraton Steamboat Resort 7 Pioneer Pavers 12, Sheraton Steamboat Resort 9 Western Petroleum 11, Alpine Lumber Misfits 4 Alpine Lumber Misfits 13, Pioneer Pavers 8 King Creek Ranch 14, Sheraton Steamboat Resort 3 Western Petroleum 15, King Creek Ranch 13 Pioneer Pavers 12, YVMC 1
MLB The Associated Press All Times MDT AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W Boston 47 New York 44 Tampa Bay 44 Toronto 41 Baltimore 35 Central Division W Detroit 43 Minnesota 40 Chicago 39 Kansas City 33 Cleveland 31 West Division W Los Angeles 42 Texas 41 Seattle 39 Oakland 32
L 30 32 35 38 42
Pct .610 .579 .557 .519 .455
GB — 2 1/2 4 7 12
L 34 39 38 43 48
Pct .558 .506 .506 .434 .392
GB — 4 4 9 1/2 13
L 33 35 37 44
Pct .560 .539 .513 .421
GB — 1 1/2 3 1/2 10 1/2
Monday’s Games Boston 4, Baltimore 0 Chicago White Sox 6, Cleveland 3 Tampa Bay 4, Toronto 1 L.A. Angels 5, Texas 2 Kansas City 4, Minnesota 2 Oakland 7, Detroit 1 Tuesday’s Games Baltimore 11, Boston 10 Chicago White Sox 11, Cleveland 4, 7 innings N.Y. Yankees 8, Seattle 5 Tampa Bay 4, Toronto 1 Texas 9, L.A. Angels 5 Minnesota 2, Kansas City 1 Detroit 5, Oakland 3 Wednesday’s Games Tampa Bay (J.Shields 6-5) at Toronto (R.Romero 5-3), 11:07 a.m. Boston (Beckett 9-3) at Baltimore (Bergesen 5-2), 11:35 a.m. Minnesota (Perkins 3-4) at Kansas City (Meche 4-7), 12:10 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 8-3) at Oakland (Braden 5-7), 1:35 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Contreras 2-7) at Cleveland (Sowers 2-5), 5:05 p.m. Seattle (Washburn 4-5) at N.Y. Yankees (Pettitte 7-3), 5:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Jer.Weaver 8-3) at Texas (Millwood 8-5), 6:05 p.m. Thursday’s Games Seattle at N.Y. Yankees, 5:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Kansas City, 6:10 p.m. Baltimore at L.A. Angels, 8:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct Philadelphia 39 35 .527 Florida 40 39 .506 New York 37 39 .487 Atlanta 36 40 .474 Washington 22 53 .293 Central Division W L Pct Milwaukee 42 35 .545 St. Louis 41 38 .519 Cincinnati 37 38 .493 Chicago 36 38 .486 Houston 36 39 .480 Pittsburgh 36 41 .468 West Division W L Pct Los Angeles 49 29 .628 San Francisco 42 34 .553 Colorado 41 36 .532 San Diego 34 42 .447 Arizona 31 46 .403 ——— Monday’s Games Chicago Cubs 3, Pittsburgh 1 Milwaukee 10, N.Y. Mets 6 Florida 4, Washington 2 San Francisco 10, St. Louis 0 Houston 3, San Diego 1 L.A. Dodgers 4, Colorado 2, 13 innings Tuesday’s Games Pittsburgh 3, Chicago Cubs 0 Arizona 6, Cincinnati 2
GB — 1 1/2 3 4 17 1/2 GB — 2 4 4 1/2 5 6 GB — 6 7 1/2 14 17 1/2
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 4, 10 innings Florida 7, Washington 5, 7 innings Milwaukee 6, N.Y. Mets 3 San Francisco 6, St. Louis 3 San Diego 4, Houston 3 Colorado 3, L.A. Dodgers 0 Wednesday’s Games Washington (Zimmermann 3-3) at Florida (Jo. Johnson 7-1), 10:10 a.m. N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 5-3) at Milwaukee (Gallardo 8-4), 12:05 p.m. Colorado (Hammel 5-3) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 5-5), 1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (R.Wells 2-3) at Pittsburgh (V.Vasquez 1-0), 5:05 p.m. Arizona (Garland 4-7) at Cincinnati (Cueto 7-4), 5:10 p.m. Philadelphia (Hamels 4-4) at Atlanta (Jurrjens 5-6), 5:10 p.m. San Francisco (Cain 9-2) at St. Louis (Wainwright 8-5), 6:15 p.m. Houston (Moehler 4-4) at San Diego (W.Silva 0-1), 8:05 p.m. Thursday’s Games Arizona at Cincinnati, 10:35 a.m. N.Y. Mets at Pittsburgh, 10:35 a.m. Houston at San Diego, 1:35 p.m. Philadelphia at Atlanta, 5:10 p.m. San Francisco at St. Louis, 5:15 p.m. Milwaukee at Chicago Cubs, 6:05 p.m.
WIMBLEDON RESULTS Tuesday At The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club Wimbledon, England Purse: $20.5 million (Grand Slam) Surface: Grass-Outdoor SINGLES Women Quarterfinals Venus Williams (3), United States, def. Agnieszka Radwanska (11), Poland, 6-1, 6-2. Dinara Safina (1), Russia, def. Sabine Lisicki, Germany, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-1. Elena Dementieva (4), Russia, def. Francesca Schiavone, Italy, 6-2, 6-2. Serena Williams (2), United States, def. Victoria Azarenka (8), Belarus, 6-2, 6-3. DOUBLES Men Third Round Simon Aspelin, Sweden, and Paul Hanley, Australia, def. Max Mirnyi, Belarus, and Andy Ram (7), Israel, 6-2, 6-7 (3), 7-6 (5), 6-7 (2), 6-3. Wesley Moodie, South Africa, and Dick Norman (9), Belgium, def. Andrei Pavel and Horia Tecau, Romania, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-7 (6), 14-12. Quarterfinals Daniel Nestor, Canada, and Nenad Zimonjic (2), Serbia, def. Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Oliver Marach (8), Austria, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4. Bob and Mike Bryan (1), United States, def. Bruno Soares, Brazil, and Kevin Ullyett (5), Zimbabwe, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4.
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Sports Scoreboard
32 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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| 33
��������������������������������������������������� ACROSS 1 Not hilly 5 Sign outside of a hit show 8 Graceful bird 12 Volcano’s emission 13 1 of Columbus’ ships 16 Prefix for gram or dynamics 17 “So be it!” 18 Line memorizer 19 New York team 20 Dinner roll type 23 Opener 24 Gentleman 25 Particle in the atomic nucleus 27 Churning pool 30 Actress Long 32 Entangling 35 Viewers 38 Wiser 39 Forehead 40 Actor Richard’s family 43 Bangkok resident 44 Looked at flirtatiously 46 Sweet liqueur 48 See 29 Down 51 Letters before pitch or mo 52 Nun’s title, in Mexico 53 Walk 55 Koch & Bradley 57 PC alternative 59 Getting rid of 64 Not up yet 66 “__ Go Gently Into That Good Night” 67 Fragrance 68 Declare untrue 69 Ring-shaped island 70 Corn bread 71 Ending for Ann or Paul 72 Compensate 73 Murdered DOWN 1 Part of a book jacket
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
2 Tibetan monk 3 State positively 4 Military combat vehicles 5 Shadowboxing 6 Wealthy 7 “__ of Old Smoky” 8 Uncle to millions 9 When to see Katie Couric 10 “Laugh-In” regular 11 Snooping 14 Trips 15 Illegal burning 21 German article 22 Greek letters 26 Preach 27 Wooden shoe 28 Cleanse 29 Youthful 31 King topper 33 “Groovy,” in an earlier decade 34 Former football great Rosey 36 “__ to the animal fair...”
Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved
(c) 2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
37 41 42 45 47 49 50 54 56
Generation Nav. rank Without noise Challenge Fountain order Ms. Meir George or T. S. K-Q connectors Defensive plays
57 Created 58 Help a thief 60 City in Kansas 61 False deity 62 Diddly-squat 63 Expanded 65 Henna or indigo
34 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New 22’ G3 Pontoon, deluxe interior, standup dressing room, Garmin 90HP, 4 - stroke, Yamaha, Bimini, Huge Discount, dealer 824-6544 1998 Malibu Response LX Ski Boat, Great condition! Low hours, excellent maintenance, great sound system. Well below market $14,750. 291-1093. 2000 Clakacraft River boat 15ft, low profile, tunnel hull, excellent condition, lots of storage. $4300 obo, Todd 970-404-1451 12Ft Alumacraft & trailer, 4.5 Johnson. $750 Firm. Call 970-846-2164
1999 Jetta, new body, 125k, well maintained, excellent shape, Good 1st car. Blue book $6500. Asking $5000 OBO Call 970-878-5986
95 Polaris 300, with snow plow, 4x4, $2,000, 2000 Polaris 250 4x4, $1,800, both in excellent condition, always garaged, 819-4422 For Sale: 1991 Polaris 4 Wheeler, 4x4 Looks and runs good. $1700 Call 846-0810
BD Diesel Towloc. Fits 94-03 Dodge. $360 OBO. Call 970-629-3087 Toyota Tacoma Topper, older, black, very good shape short box, high back door, $400 819-4422.
AMF Sunfish Sailboat, Great condition $750.00 Yamaha / Kawasaki old style high performance Jet Skis/ trailer $1,500! Tom Reuter, Dealer 875-0700 1989 Mastercraft with Tower, 351 Ford, very clean, $10,000 obo 970-734-8879 or lm 970-879-3435 1977 Fiber Form Enclosed cabin and sleeper. Low Hours, good condition. $4,000 OBO 970-326-6473 leave a message. New, Safe, Reliable, clean, quiet, “G3” V170 fishing boat. 60HP 4 - stroke FI Yamaha, Big discount, dealer 824-6544
2005 Harley Davidson XLC Sportster 1200 Custom; Hard Bags, Engine Guard, Forward Controls, Windshield, 12” Handlebars, 2119 Miles, Custom Exhaust Pipes, Excellent condition, $9500 OBO Call 970-826-0686
2003 BMW F650CS - GREAT COMMUTER BIKE, 3150 MILES, ABS, HEATED GRIPS, GARAGE KEPT, SUPER CLEAN, TANK BAG, DEALER SERVICED (RECORDS ON FILE), PICTURES EMAILED UPON REQUEST, $5650, CALL 846-8808 1985 Yamaha Virago 1000, Great condition!, 14K, $2,200 obo, 1971 750cc Moto Guzzi, Engine restoration 800 miles ago, $5,800 obo, 736-8478
2004 Honda Civic EX, 68k, Super clean, Great MPG, very good condition, $8000 OBO 846-9974
YZ250F for Sale, 02, $2,000, obo. Runs Great! 871-9873
1977 Dodge Charger 360 Mopar, Auto. $1000 970-846-0467
2005 Suzuki DRZ 400, Dual Sport, 283 miles, garage kept, great shape, $4000 obo, 879-1509
2003 Jaguar X-Type 55k, AWD, like new. $9500 Call 846-1250
1993 Harley Davidson Electraglide, EVO, 44,375 miles, Excellent condition, new battery & tires. $9000 Call 219-241-9736
2004 CRF-250X Honda; 2006 Yamaha TTR-250, low miles, like new. Dirt, street ready. See at Extreme Power Sports 970-879-9175, 970-276-4821
2005 Mini Cooper Convertable Yellow, Black Top, Manual, Stored Oct - April, 27 - 35 MPG, ONLY 4,500 miles. $19,000 970-870-8043
FOR SALE: 2006 Harley Davidson Fat Boy with extras, 700 miles, Mint condition. 970-276-3677
2006 Ford Focus, 46k/miles! 2001 Alero, 62k/miles, Fantastic! 1998 Pontiac GrandAm, Sweet! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. www.checkpointautosales.com 60 vehicles available!
2004 Yamaha Vmax-1200 cc motorcycle, 1100 original miles like new! $6100.00 OBO call 824-7029 for more info.
22’ 1995 Dutchmen Bumper Pull Camper: used very little; Kept in Covered Storage: 824-8551 & leave a message. $6300
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2001 Ford Escape, 4WD, good condition, 94k miles. Includes Blizzaks Asking $6000 Call 970-871-6735
1980 Suzuki TS 185, runs, clean title. $650 Call 970-846-2164
2007 Chevrolet Suburban LS 1500 4x4 (new design) Silver with black cloth interior, towing package, running boards, front row bench seat=9 passengers, 45k miles, excellent condition! $27,500 is priced below KBB value. Call 819-5161.
1997 Lance Squire 3000 8’6” Overhead camper, excellent condition. $8500 Call 970-878-4500
For Sale 1987 Jeep Wrangler new sml, blk Chevy frt and rr lockers new canvas top upgraded drivetrain must see! $6500.00 OBO (970)629-0155
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2008 Weekend Warrior Wide Body. 34’ Toy Hauler. Like new, upgraded interior with 5.5 onan. Fueling station, 150 gallons of fresh water. Sleeps seven, all the EXTRAS! Blue Book $50,000, asking $33,500. 970-824-5337 970-629-5966
1979 Honda CB750K Motorcycle, 10th Anniversary Edition, 6715 miles, Windjammer Fairing, $2500 Call 970-824-3344 or 303-807-2035
M & M Auto will buy your junker. If your junk car is complete, we’ll haul it away and give you $$$. Call 970-879-8178.
1995 Nissan Maxima, manual, 122k, good condition with power windows & doors, heated seats, leather interior, and Bose stereo system. $3,200 call 970-734-8118
You Have< SOMETHING to Say?
1992 Honda Goldwing, Great shape! 824-5072
Must Sell: 2000 HD Road King. Low miles, stage one, chipped, hard bags. Below market $9,400, to sell quickly. 291-1093
1994 Ford Escort Wagon, 1976 J10. Both run, both need some work. $500 each. 846-0553
2003 SUZUKI DR2400S, edelbrock carburetor, 2240 miles, $3000, 879-5755
1998 Chevy Prizm, $3500 OBO, Great mileage, Runs great, clean, new tires, brakes, 629-0743
FINANCING / WORKING PEOPLE! $750.00 MINIMUM DOWNPAYMENT. NO CREDITCHECK. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. “Working Cars / Working People - 24,000 Mile Warranties! www.checkpointautosales.com
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1973 LAND ROVER Defender III, 88”, Rare right hand drive, runs perfectly, strong motor, shifts nicely, $6,000, 970-723-3277 (30) Subaru Outbacks, Foresters, and Imprezas, from $1,500 / $15,000! 2000 “Jimmy’ Sport, Great! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. www.checkpointautosales.com. Great Warranties! 4X4, 2004, Jeep Liberty Renegade with sport package, manuel, clean, low miles, under warranty, clear bra, $9800 obo 819-9325
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Love That Boy by Walter Dean Myers Downtown Books 643 Yampa Craig 970-824-5343
2004 Jeep Wrangler Sport 23,600 miles, extras, Hardtop, Softtop, Original Owner, no off-road use, 5speed, Extraordinary Condition $15,750.00 970-819-2074
Driving range 9AM-6PM. Sporting Clays 9AM-4PM, Call for details 970-846-5647 - www.3qc.net.
MENSWEAR: Tall Sizes. High Quality items from my Closet Sale. Pants (34” waist), Sweaters (LG) and Outerwear, good stuff! 970-846-3124
Small antique wood stove (great for cabin). 970-879-1627
FIREWOOD: Round $90 or Split $125 per cord, We load. Call 970-778-2439 or 879-3475 Pearl Lake
Free towing of unwanted & abandoned vehicles. 879-1065
GE Cafe Spacemaker over the range microwave-brand new, did not fit remodeled space. $500 OBO. 970-819-0308.
Kelty Single collapsible joggerstroller $75, Burley CUB $125, Dreamer Design “Ditto” Double collapsible lightweight stroller $145. All like New. 846-0427
Tune-ups, Troubleshooting & Repairs All Computer & Laptop Brands New & Used PCs, Laptops & Parts, Virus Removal & Prevention, Wireless Networking, DELL Registered Partner 970-879-8890 DaveGlantz@ComputerCures.biz PC COMPUTER SERVICES HALF PRICE Residential Computer Repair, located in Steamboat. Microsoft Certified Professional. Tune Ups, Troubleshooting, Repairs and Installations. Cell:(818)426-9095 chill333@live.com.
TRI-MATIC PAINT SPRAY BOOTH + MAKE-UP AIR UNIT, 8’x12’ working area, 9’ height, Very Clean, Fluorescent Lighting, Fire Suppression, Fire Dept. Approved, 2 ½ Gallon, Dual Regulated, HVLP Spray Gun, Well Maintained, Extra Clean, Low Hours, $32,000 New - SALE PRICE $20,000, 970.736.8244 Dovetail Designs
DONT TOSS IT ! DONATE IT AND SAVE ! HOME RESOURCE AT MILNER LANDFILL ACCEPTING USED AND LEFTOVER BUILDING MATERIALS AND APPLPIANCES 9-3 TUES THRU SAT. FREE Horse Manure for your gardens 879-5811 Free gas grill without tank, works well, you haul. 970-879-5144 Need to get rid of logs? Mingle Wood Timbers Inc. will pick them up for free. (970)871-9238 FREE: Torso Track Ab Workout Machine, 879-7968
4x8 Slate Pool Table, $975, 629-3809 Jeans a little tight? Try something that works. Take it off keep it off. Get ready for Spring! 970-824-9284
IntExt LLC
Call us for all your remodeling needs! Licensed & Insured. 970-819-4991 Water Damage Specialist Now accepting antique consignments. Hayden Artisans’ Marketplace. Call 276-2019. Open Tues-Sat, 10a-6p Need Top Soil? Call 970-879-0655 BUYING GOLD, SILVER AND PLATINUM BULLION AND COINS. Call (970)-824-5807 or Cell (970)-326-8170. I LOVE THAT PLACE ! HOME RESOURCE AT THE MILNER LANDFILL TUES - SAT 9-3 EVERYTHING AND THE KITCHEN SINK.
Trees, Shrubs, Perennianals Annuals, Mulches, Soil & Ammendments. Metal edging & plenty of free advise all at 3046 Elk River Road. Open 7 days a week. 970-879-4769
LEGAL HAPPY HOUR Free legal advice
TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! Kimco 879-6898
2 sofa sleepers, 60’s bedroom set, leather chair- automan, Antique 4 poster bed, Antique dining table, side tables, double and queen mattress sets, and much more! 846-7787
��������������� ���������������
Yampa Valley Feeds SALE on annuals - veggies and flowers, 2 for 1, FRIDAY, July 3rd ONLY—come shop for your plants then visit the Hayden Farmers Market on Walnut Street 5-8pm Friday night. Be local & buy local. Visit www.yampavalleyfeeds.com or 970-276-4250.
Fresh local lamb ready Aug-Sept. Price includes processing and delivery. $330 whole or $200 1/2. Call 970-218-7613.
FREE: Lump coal in Hayden, you pick up. Call 970-819-2810
Structural Pipe for Sale. Most sizes available. Great for fencing, coral’s, arenas, etc. Truckload discounts. Please call (970) 352-4330.
| 35
3’ wide solid core exterior door with frame. Old, Antique bench, 8’ long, needs repair. Pick up at bottom of driveway, 2830 Alpenglow Way. Top off Walton Creek, right on Apres ski way, 1st left is alpenglow. 2830 is uphill on right.
Call to sign up. Randall Salky, Attorney at Law McGill Professional Law 970-879-6200 ext. 13
Simmons firm Beautyrest King size mattress and box springs, no frame $150, 879-9827
SABIN - 4035 ESP Multi function Copier: COPY, FAX, PRINT, SCAN, 35 ppm, serviced and ready to go, low copies. $3,000 obo 879-2977 GrandKids Child Care Center Has rare openings in preschool for children 31/2 to 5 years for summer and fall. Quality early education including intergenerational activities with seniors at Doak Walker Care Center, hot lunches, nutritious snacks. Where fun, loving and learning go hand in hand. Minimum 2 days a week. 870-1140. THE CLEAN UP COMMITTEE- Parking Lot maintenance, Seal Coating, Chuckhole Patching, Stripping, Vacuuming, Crack Filling, Pace ice melt, Propellant 49, Environmental Hot Water Pressure Washer, (Zero Water Run Off), George May, Owner 970-824-2131 NEED TUTORING SERVICES? Friendly, effective tutor available for your child or teen, in my home or yours. Most subjects available. Please call 846.0613 if interested.
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DEERFOOT AUCTION SERVICE is now scheduling estate farm and ranch and business auctions, contact Mike to schedule your sale today! 970-629-0321
(12) Trucks from $500 Down! 1989 Ranger Pickup, $2,250. #2479 (3) Toyota Tacomas, WoW! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. www.checkpointautosales.com. Warranties!
1966 Chevrolet, 1/2T, Long bed, Runs Good. 970-846-5599
Pinon Firewood, one time cord $300 Steamboat, $250 Craig, $275 Hayden, Exotic Juniper woodwork, will email pictures, 970-675-2819
Free Frig and other stuff 879-4924
91’ Toyota Pickup, new engine, runs great! Good Valley Truck, 4wd, $1,500, 879-7729
2000 F-350 Dually, 4x4, V10, 8x12 flat bed with 48” solid rails. Only 11,300 miles. $12,900 OBO. 303-324-7700 (cell)
5 sizes of 4WD Montana Compact & utility Tractors in stock ready to work, Implement packages & Factory Discounts. Dealer, 824-6544
STEAMBOAT:Underground parking center of downtown. $80-$100 a month. Call Jon Sanders 970-870-0552
1980 Jeep CJ7 Green with black hardtop, V6, 5 speed. $3850 OBO Call 803-730-4176
2003 Chevy Silverado. Extended cab, 1500. 4x4, Z71, auto everything, matching topper, 140,000 mi. Mechanically sound. $7,000. OBO. (970) 819-8687
JD post hole auger, 500 gal. fuel tank, hay sled runners, hay wagon running gear, grain auger. 970-846-1191 day, 970-879-3624 evening Great Haying Tractor, new 72HP Montana Limited 4WD Tractor, with loader, Easy start class 2 Pto, Great Price, dealer 824-6544
3 New Truckloads Sale! PJ gooseneck & bumper Trailers, CM Truckbeds, Montana 4WD Tractors, Big Discounts, dealer 824-6544
1990 Ford F-150, 2wd, Maroon with matching topper, dual tanks, engine runs excellent, 96K, $1,000 or make an offer!, 970-846-4685
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
2-8’’ lodgepole fence rails, logs, stays for sale. Call 970-846-9308 Discounted Steel Buildings, Big & Small Get the Deal of Deals!, Placement to Site www.scg-grp.com Source#1CD, Phone: 970-778-3191
Steel building frame - 50’x75’ with (3) 50’ I-beams and all uprights. Brand new, never used. Paid $12,000. Will take best offer 846-5264
Go Green! Buy Blue!
Local Blue Stain Pine. Check us out each week at the Farmer’s Market in Downtown Steamboat Springs, every Saturday! (970) 756-LOGS (5647).
Natural Pine Log Dining Table
75”x41”, five matching leather chairs and one matching armed chair. $950, 970-870-8627 970-846-8041 STEAMBOAT’S MATTRESS HEADQUARTERS Mountain Mattress and furniture, Queen sets from $299. All natural, memory foam, 22 models on floor (970)879-8116 King Tempur-Pedic Bed with adjustable sides, great for reading, being pregnant, or bad backs. $2,000 970-871-6165
DAYCARE: Full time openings available starting in July. M- F, 7:30am - 5:30pm only. Call to reserve your spot. 970-824-6571
STILL DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR BILLS! NEED HELP, BUT DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START? 1-888-355-2542 AN AGENT IS WAITING TO HELP YOU. Seeking nanny position, 5 years experience. Live in, full time. Infant to 5 years. references available. 402-340-1564 please leave message. HIRE ME! Bookkeeping and Errand Services 970-819-1118 Payroll Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Monthly and Quarterly Taxes, Miscellaneous Office Needs, Errands.
36 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Reclaimed Barnwood for Sale
10 Corrientte Long Horn X, $400 a calf. AI pairs $850. Never been roped. Call 878-5986
ALL STEEL PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS. Strong, secure, weather & rodent proof. Great for business, home, ranch, oil field & more. 8x8x20ft in stock. 8x8x40ft. available. 970-824-3256.
Good Grass Hay for Sale. Small square bales. Local Steamboat Hay. Weed Free. Please contact: 303-493-1852
Individual and Group Health Insurance PPO, ALL-PROVIDER. Emergency room, RX. Rates guaranteed. Replace expensive COBRA Plans. www.LoneEagleInsurance.com (970)879-1101
Excellent Horse Grass Hay, $6.00 per 65 lb bale. Wiley 970-778-2439
52 Army dumptruck (runs) make offer. 970-879-1627
Dryland Grass Hay. Square bales. In the field, not stacked. Delivery Available 879-1663 or 846-6120
Pine, Oak, and Walnut. 1x, 2x, and timbers of multiple dimensions, call 819-1265
6 Ton National Boom Truck, 60’ reach, Ford 800 with flat bed & carrying rack. $12,000 846-6823
2 quality SuffolkXHamp buck lambs for sale. Call 970-218-7613
John P. Armstrong. Reliable, professional, horse shoeing for balance and performance. Gentle handling of your horse, 9 years experience, Hot-Cold and corrective shoeing. Hayden, CO, 435-640-0201 Standing at stud AQHA Capitol Class -Black Bay. Hollywoods Shining -Red Dun. Get ‘em Dun -Palomino. APHA Tuff N Tru -Bay Homozygous Tobiano. Foundation breeding, great dispositions, versatile. Call 970-824-4145 or 970-629-0190
Riding Lessons @ Perry-Mansfield
Free for the taking! Hay grass on 30 Acres. Ready to cut, bale and haul. Two miles from Steamboat. 970-879-4700
BEST DEALS! Buy Direct Eliminate Middleman order next Winter’s hay. Grass, Alfalfa, Mix, Small Square, Large Rounds. Delivery options. 970-879-2391
Attorney seeking part-time, experienced legal assistant. Organized, motivated, computer savvy and personable. Flexible schedule. 15-20 hours per week. PDF resumes to psachs@paulsachspc.com Busy medical practice looking for Medical Assistant - CNA, must have computer skills and phlebotomy helpful. Competitive wages and benefits. Bring resume to 595 Russell Street, Craig.
Found a fishing net in the Sarbis Creek area on the Yampa. 846-9296
Seeking person to provide admin assistance to office in Steamboat. 40 hrs week, $14.63 hour. Email resumes to: cwbennett@ultimaservices.com
City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court, 6/29/2009-Found: Oak Creek area: male all white young puppy. Found: 11th, Yampa St. in Steamboat: Siamese cat and her 4 kittens. Found: Heritage Park: Large grey shorthair neutered male cat.
FOUND: Loose something off your bike Sunday on Red Dirt Trail? Call to identify. 871-7358
Landlords, no energy to clean the mess tenants left behind? Former cleaning company pros specializing in Move - in / Out cleaning for fast turnover. Reasonable, flat rate, free phone estimates. Call 970-846-4330
FOUND: Grey kitten on main street in Yampa, I buried him with love. FOUND- KAYAK, call to identify 846-2487 Found: Sunglasses on Fish Creek Bridge on Steamboat Blvd. 541-520-2690
English and Western
Private $45-Semi Private $35 Call for Details - Ashley 846-7175 Horse pasture for rent. 970-824-2051 Alpacas For Sale. Fiber, pet males. Halter trained. $500 pair includes gelding. Experienced, award-winning breeder. Visitors welcome! NeverSummer Alpacas. 736-1129 Just in time for 4th of July Parade, 2 ponies plus cart $1,950. Flashy paint mare, needs experienced rider to give her a job. $1,800 Call 846-3397 Must Sell or Trade 3 American Saddlebred Mares, 4 yrs to 17 yrs old. Broken & Unbroken. 970-824-7330
LOST: SET OF KEYS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREABlue Carabiner, I need them for my truck and work! Please call 846-6308 FOUND: set of keys, corner of Riverqueen and Clubhouse Dr. Boot on key chain. Left at front desk @ the Ranch 879-3000 x115.
YVRA Heavy Equipment Mechanic / Operator: Salary Range $2,881 to $3,082. Details: http://www.co.routt.co.us. Click on Employment. Deadline: 5:00 pm July 2, 2009. Routt County Human Resources, PO Box 773598, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. Equal Opportunity Employer.
AKC Corgi also Yorkie mini Dachshund, Shihtzu & Shihpoo all from Top USDA Licensed Breeders. Baker Drive Pets 970-824-3933
FOUND: Sunglasses on spring creek. Call identify 846-3900
LOST: Green GT Mountain Bike on Yampa Core Trail, near Chinook Ln. Sat June 27 (AM). Please Call 970-846-2006
Integrated Community seeks a PT, ESL instructor in Craig. BA-AA in Education + 1-2 years related experience. Call 871-4599. EOE.
City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 www.petfinder.com DATE: 6-29-09 Dogs for Adoption: Star-3 year old female Black Lab-Great with everyone! Cash-6 month old Border Collie/Pit Bull-Temperament tested excellent! Rowdee-Adult Pit Bull-great with other dogs! Roman-Huge male Doberman! Cats for Adoption: Cats from 1 to 14 years old! Barn Cats too-$30 each! Lots of kittens!
Schedule early for CUSTOM HAYING! Small square bales. Call 970-629-9299, leave message.
Found: Fetcher’s Pond, kid water bottle with blue all star, 879-9002
There are funds available for uninsured and underinsured local women to pay for annual wellness exams, mammograms and breast cancer treatment costs. Don’t compromise your health we can help! Call the Yampa Valley Breast Cancer Awareness Project to learn how to apply for funds. 846-4554.
CONCRETE FORM SETTER & FINISHER Precision Excavating, Inc. has an immediate opening for an experienced Concrete Form Setter & Finisher. Please apply in person at 1545 West Jefferson Ave. in Hayden. EOE
Seeking qualified applicant for the position of Automotive Technology Adjunct Instructor for fall semester. ASE certified preferred. Years of experience in occupation considered. Must have or be qualified for Colorado Vocational instructor credentials. Morning position 8:00 - 10:00, four days per week for intro level students. To apply or for more information call 970-824-6108 or 970-824-1111.
Free confidential pregnancy tests & ultrasound. Pregnancy Resource Center. 544 Oak Street (Good Shepherd House) Walk-ins welcome Tuesdays 9-5PM, Wednesdays 4-7PM, Thursdays 9-2PM. Call for an appointment any time. 871-1307 www.steamboatpregnancy.com
Dog Boarding Specials! Peaceful, Quiet and Fun! Getaway from Fireworks! Your Dog will Thank you! 879-DOGS (3647)
K-9 Gentle Dental will be at Mt. Werner Veterinary Hospital for the July Hygiene Clinic. July 9th, 11th, 23rd. No anesthesia required. Call Angel for appointment 619-370-5956.
Steamboat Springs School District Teachers 2009-2010. Elementary: Music, PT Reading, High: ELL, Charter: 6-8 All Subjects, PE Teacher / Outdoor Ed (Part-time). CO Teacher License with appropriate endorsement required. Salary: $32,910-$52,636 DOQ for FT positions. Please complete district application at https://apps.winocular.com/steamboat/apply/ Questions: 970-871-3199. EOE
Is looking for a Personable, energetic applicant who adds strength & value to an innovative, established company Plumbing & Heating Service Technician. Excellent wages, benefits & training! GrandLakePlumbing.com 970-879.1504 x206 The Pet Resort in Yampa is taking applications for: FT / PT Shift Supervisor / Kennel worker. Good work ethic and respect for animals a must. Call for an appointment 638-0242. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC / TECHNICIAN. Full/Part-time mechanic for Steamboat dealership. Experience required. Flexible hours. Tom Reuter, 875-0700. Possible housing available. Steamboat Lake Outfitters is now hiring for front desk agents and cashiers, call 879-4404 or apply online www.steamboatoutfitters.com
Total Service PHD specializes in Plumbing, Heating, Sewer & Drain service work only. Very very busy in these tough economic times. Applicant must have substantial plumbing & heating experience. Must live within 25 minutes of Steamboat. Long hours good pay & benefits for the right person. E-mail resume or 1 page letter describing qualifications to: info@totalservicephd.com CLEANER needed for part to full time day employment. Reliable transportation required. Must speak English, up to $15 hour based on experience. Call Jennifer 970-736-2577 Summer Caretaker position. Wanted: Person or couple to stay on our ranch 30 miles South of Steamboat Springs. Housing or hookup for trailer or motorhome available. Horse OK. Duties to include general maintenance, fence building, wood cutting, 10 hours a week. Some knowledge of horses a plus. Call 970-879-2266
PS Homecare, a leading national respiratory company seeks Healthcare specialist. Responsibilities: Disease management programs, clinical evaluations, equipment set-up (including ventilators) and education. Be the Dr.’s eyes in the home setting. RN, LPN, RRT, CRT licensed as applicable. Pediatric experience preferred. Great personality with strong work ethic needed. Competitive salary, benefits and career paths. Drug free workplace. EOE.
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Professional, flexible PT / FT benefited position for front desk assistant; ability to multi-task & pleasant phone etiquette essential! Medical office experience and Spanish speaking preferred. Fax cover letter and resume 870-6441
Giovanni’s currently seeking one experienced line cook. Apply in person between 2-5 pm, Wednesday - Saturday, 127 11th Street.
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Steamboat Lake Outfitters is now hiring for Sous Chef, Kitchen Management, Waitstaff, Pizza & line cooks. 970-879-4404, apply www.steamboatlakeoutfitters.com
Continental breakfast attendant needed for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. Apply in person at Comfort Inn.
Housekeeper needed - experienced, detail oriented, with references only, pay based on performance. Part to Full time, Apply in person @ 1036 Lincoln Avenue.
Now hiring retail associate, weekends and part time. Sales experience helpful but not necessary. Apply in person! Zing, 345 Lincoln Avenue.
Landscape Maintenance, 5 days a week possible. Odd jobs and errands. References please. $15 per hour. Call 879-5720 or 734-7069
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STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 1BA includes ALL utilizes, cable, internet. Parking for 1 car, partially furnished. 1st, last, deposit. $1300 month 970-879-5936
STEAMBOAT:Studio apartment in luxury home available. $1200 monthly includes utilities. (970)879-8089
STEAMBOAT:Cabin for rent, 1BD + loft at River Bend. Pet ok, low utilities. Available now. $875 monthly 970-846-9340 STEAMBOAT: Clean and New studio apartment available. utilities, cable, and internet included. NP, WD, First, last, security. References required. $725 monthly. (970)871-9918 or (970)819-3135
STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2.5BA, partially furnished, 1 garage, 1 out door space, WD, hardwood floors, premium appliances, close to down town, responsible couples and families preferred. $1,700 month + partial utilities. Or 2BD apartment $1,100 monthy plus utilities. Call Russ 203-253-6509
Now Hiring Shift Managers, We are seeking career minded motivated individuals to help manage Quick Service Restaurants. We offer: -Competitive Pay -Benefits -Paid Training -401K -Paid Vacation -Unlimited Opportunities for Growth and Personal Development Based on Performance. We offer more opportunities for people to find the challenges they want and the recognition they deserve. If you’re ready to match challenge with opportunity, come join our team. Preferred candidates will have previous management experience and demonstrated growth in personal and professional development. Please email resume to ApplyingForPosition@Hotmail.com or fax 719-573-9404
STEAMBOAT: Heart of Downtown Steamboat, 1BD, 1BA. Unfuirnished apartment. NS, NP, $850 per month plus utilities. Call 970-453-2992
Seeking Kitchen manager, full time with competitive salary adn benefits. Please email resume to carmen@riograndemexican.com and nick@riograndemexican.com. We are accepting applications for PM line cooks. Some Spanish a plus. Please apply within.
STEAMBOAT:Advocates Building Peaceful Communities’ caretaker unit: 2BD, 1BA, WD, NS. Reduced rent in exchange for services. Must have interest in victim advocacy. 879-2034. CRAIG:Large 2 bedroom basement apartment, NP, NS, utilities included, Background check required $700 plus deposit, 699 Russell St, Craig 276-4144 STEAMBOAT:Caretakers apartment in luxury home available. $950 monthly includes utilities. (970)879-8089
STEAMBOAT: Efficiency Apartment, 131 12 miles south, NS, PP, Includes Electric, Head, WD, Dish, year, references, Last, Deposit $490, 736-8247
OAK CREEK:$350 JULY MOVE IN SPECIAL! Nice studio apartment, NS, NP, $650 mo includes utilities, direct TV, first deposit, 970.819.2849 CRAIG:1 BD and 2 BD, available in August, WD in apartment, NP, background check. Pick up application at 615 Riford Rd #5G, 824-2772
We are accepting applications for line cooks servers and hosts. Please apply in person Tuesday through Saturday at 2165 Pine Grove Road at the back door between 2-6pm.
STEAMBOAT:2 OR 3 bdrm, 1ba, unfurnished, NS, NP, $1,400 per month, 1st, and last mo, super location, on Oak St, off street parking, newly remodeled, WD hookups, call Moser & Assoc 970-879-2839
STEAMBOAT:1BD + Office, 1BA. Newly remodeled, WD, pets OK. Quiet loaction, furnishings available. $1,000 month includes utilities, and internet. 970-846-4267
STEAMBOAT: Sunny, Quiet, studio Apt Downtown with garage. Excellent location, Available 07/01. NS $1000 month + elec. 871-1681 or 846-8026
STEAMBOAT:APT FOR RENT, West End Village, 603-275-6832, dog ok, all util., WD and internet 1 bdrm- 1st, last, $850 month
Three Peaks Grill
STEAMBOAT:New 1 Bedroom on Mountain near bike path and bus. Furnished. Utilities, Wi-Fi, Satellite included. WD, NS, NP $900. 970.734.7933 STEAMBOAT:1bd, 1 ba upper mountain privacy , views, pet OK $890 pay- gas only 846-8145
Town of Oak Creek Colorado is currently seeking a certified plant operator for its water and wastewater treatment plants. The applicant must have at least a class “B” wastewater certification and a class “C” water certification. If interested please send resume and cover letter to Town Clerk, P.O. Box 128, Oak Creek CO 80467 or fax to (970) 736-8225.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
STEAMBOAT:Large 2BD, 1BA apartment, Laundry facilities. NS, NP, Completely remodeled! New carpet, paint, cabinets and appliances, $1,200 monthly. 928-486-2070
| 37
STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA partially Furnished, Internet, Cable Included, bus-route, WD, Hot-Tub, mountain. NS, NP $1100 1st, Last, Security. 970-871-7921 STEAMBOAT:Shadow Run 2BD, 2BA, furnished, hot tub, pool, July 1, $1100 negotiable monthly rent (610) 945-7281 STEAMBOAT:1BD, beautifully remodeled Timbers Condo. New floors, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, great views, MUST SEE! $950, Available now! 802-310-1135 STEAMBOAT:2BR, 2BA top floor ski-in, ski out unit, walk right out on trails! Furnished, vaulted ceilings, unobstructed views, wood floors-beautiful hi end unit. $1000 mo NP, NS Negotiable term, mo to mo. Complex has pool, gym, hottubs, elevator. (970) 846-7547
CRAIG: DOWNTOWN Large 2 to 3 Bedroom Apartments.Furnished, parking, laundry facilities. All electric kitchens including DW, disposals. Small pets ok. Call (970)824-7120 CRAIG:Remodeled 2BA, 1BA apartments with Travertine, slate, oak, and alder finishes, Economy apartments, or 2BD, 2BA Townhomes that allow pets. 970-824-9251 STEAMBOAT:1bd, 1 ba upper mountain privacy , views, pet OK $890 pay- gas only 846-8145 STEAMBOAT: 3bd, 1.5 bath, Fenced Yard, walk to town. Gas fireplace, DOGS WELCOME. $1,500. First, last, deposit. July 1st. 970-846-3859 STEAMBOAT:Private home garden Apt, quiet, sunny 2bd walk-out WD, DW, NS, NP $1150-Utilities, wireless Inc 1st Dep 846-0261 OAK CREEK: 2BD, 1BA apartment, all appliances, NS, pets negotiable, 1st & security. $850 per month includes all utilities. Joe 846-3542
STEAMBOAT: Views! 2 BD 1BA nicely furnished Villas @ Walton Creek, garage FP WD deck NS NP $1,250mo lesliefiji@frii.com 970-879-0080
STEAMBOAT:Creekside Condo. 2 bed, 2 bath, garage, WD. New Alder, slate, granite, hardwood. $1200 + util. Rent negotiable! NP. 846-3855 STEAMBOAT:Mustang Run. Spacious & immaculate 3 bdrm., 2ba. on bus route. Garage, furnished, all utilities (including cable) $2,100 mo., 1 year. NP, NS. 1st, last, security deposit. 303-987-2287 or RickGowins@qwest.net STEAMBOAT:New, Beautifully Furnished Sunray Condo. Centrally located, 2BD 2BA, WD, FP, Garage, Utilities, Cable included, $1,500 monthly. NS, NP, 970-879-2149
STEAMBOAT: 2 and 3 bedroom condo’s. Fully furnished on mountain with garages. Sorry no pets, no smoking, VERY REASONABLE! (970)871-6762 STEAMBOAT:DOWNTOWN WATERSIDE CONDOS Beautiful 1bd, 1ba, wd, gfp, parking space, NS, NP. 1st, last, dep. $1100 + util. Avail 7/1. 879-8127
STEAMBOAT Shadow Run, 1bd, new bathroom, furnished, clean, $975, or owner lease option to buy, 970-819-2233
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Order: 10185641 ���������������� Cust: -YVMC - HUMAN RESOURCES art#: 20487101 ������������������ Class: General Employment Size: 2.00 X 4.00
Now Renting
STEAMBOAT:All Inclusive PackagesMonthly Leases Includes: Wireless Internet, Local Phone, Basic Cable and Utilities. Fully Furnished, Pet Friendly 2Bedroom, 2Bath From $1,200; 1Bedroom, 1Bath From $800; housing@steamboat.com (970) 871-5140 or 877-264-2628 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 2BA, Top corner, GFP, WD, Pool, HT, Updated, Creek views. NP NS References required. $950. 1st, last, deposits 879-3788 STEAMBOAT:Sundance Creek 2BD + Den, includeds trash, snow plow, gas, water, sewer & most heat $1395 NP, NS. Call 846-5551 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Condo, Fully furnished, WD, on bus route, NS, NP $1,250 plus utilities, First, Last, Security (719)338-4763
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STEAMBOAT:2BR, 2BA Walton Creek, Lease length Negotiable, Pool, Hot Tub, partially furnished, storage. Available 08/01 $1,150 NS, NP, WD. 970-846-7587
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�� ������������ �� ����������������������� STEAMBOAT:Newly furnished Ridgecrest! 2BD, 2BA, bus, ski, mountain views, deck, hottubs, WD, NS, NP, utilities, internet, garage, storage, $1,395. 719-648-5789
38 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, WD, cable, internet included, NS, NP, fully furnished, on mountain. Pool, hot tub, bus route. First, security. $1,250. 819-2804 STEAMBOAT: 1 and 2 bedrooms condos. Furnished, On Mountain and Bus. Available immediately. Lease. No Pets. $750 to $1,400. 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:3bd, 2ba with garage NS, NP, bus route, gas FP, most utilities included; 1st, last, security. Call 970-846-0310 STEAMBOAT:Need 1 person to share 3bdrm, 2ba condo - 2 clean, laid-back people. NS, NP; $520, first & dep. 970-846-6391 STEAMBOAT:Completely remodeled 2BD, 1BA. NS, NP, $1,000 + utility. Close to bus route, on site laundry facility. Susan Ross 970-819-2300 STEAMBOAT:4BD, 2BA 2 Story End unit on mtn. WD, Gas Fireplace, balcony, cable, views, awesome location. NP, NS $1875, negotiable. 8/1. 819-6675 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA furnished Rockies 1st floor. Views! Pool, hot tubs out your door! Mountain, bus route, NS, NP $1200. 304-552-3607 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, beautiful views, very quiet environment!, covered parking! Fully furnished, cable, gas, water, and trash included. $1,100 per month. Call Drew 970-291-9101 STEAMBOAT:1bd, 1.5ba, Walton Village. Furnished, WD, NS, NP, $950 month, $950 damage. Available August 1st. Year lease. (303)588-9449 or (303)517-2227 STEAMBOAT:Available NOW! Downtown 2Bd, 1Ba with wd, np, $1250 call 846-8247, long term rental, view online www.steamboatliving.com STEAMBOAT:SKI IN SKI OUT, 2BD, 2BA Storm Meadows, $1750 +Electric, NS, NP, Yr lease negotiable. 846-8284. STEAMBOAT: Scandinavian Lodge 2BD, 1.5BA, Ski - In Ski - Out, furnished, including utilities, WD, FP, Pool, NP. $1450 846-8907 STEAMBOAT:Quail Run 2bd, 2ba, top floor corner furnished WD, FP, garage, 2 decks. 210-426-7000
STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA Shadow Run, bus-route. Available July 1st. WD, storage. Utilities included. NS, NP. $1200, 819-4301
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, mountain, 1600 sqft, WD, NS, Pets okay. Available 07/01. $1,300 + utilities & deposit, lease negot i a b l e . 9 7 0 - 3 9 3 - 0 9 8 0 http://www.condosnaps.com/duplex
STEAMBOAT:*ONE MONTH FREE!* Clean 2 bd, mountain views, unfurnished, WD, cable, utilities, garage, NP, Lease, FP, $1,395 (317)695-3426
STEAMBOAT:Riverside Duplex 2BD, 1BA, 1 car garage, clean, No big dogs, NS, low utilities. Available Now. 1st, Deposit $900 970-824-8935
STEAMBOAT:Clean 2bd, 2ba, 1 Car Attached Garage. Includes Heat, Cable, Internet. WD in Unit. Available Now; $1375 Mth 879-4529 STEAMBOAT:2bd, 2ba with garage NS, NP, bus route, gas FP, most utilities included; 1st, last, security. Call 970-846-0310 STEAMBOAT:Spring Meadows Condo 2BD, 1BA, unfurnished, close to mountain. $900 monthly plus S.D. NS, NP. (970)879-2373
STEAMBOAT:3 bd, 2.5 ba, furnished, garage, hot tub, fenced yard, $2000 mo, +utilites, NP, NS, Available 8/1, 846-6420
STEAMBOAT:Storm Meadow Club C Rare opportunity to rent furnished 1BD, 1BA, upscale amenities, flexible terms.. Valerie Lish RE/MAX Steamboat 970-846-1082.
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Furnished, garage, WD, views, fenced yard, pets negotiable, NS. $1500+utilities, First, last, security. Long term. 846-3111. Details www.westworks.us/rental
STEAMBOAT:Almost new 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage. NP, NS. $1400 month plus electric. Lisa Ruffino 970-879-5100 ext 30
STEAMBOAT:Spacious! 3BD, 3BA, Fish Creek Falls Neighborhood. Bus, 2 car garage, Great room + Den. NS, Available August $2000 (970)846-6332
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Fully Furnished, Mountain, Screened deck, Heated Garage, Fireplace, NS, NP, WD, Flexible Term, $1400 Karen 970-819-9051. STEAMBOAT: Meadows 2 BD / 1 BA, Nicely Furnished, Hardwood Floors, New Carpet, HUGE GARAGE, Top Floor, Quiet, On Bus Route, Walk to Gondola, Cable, WD, NP, $1195. Central Park Management - 970-879-3294, 303-929-8443 STEAMBOAT:On the River 2BD, 2BA, Brand new, furnished WD, NS, NP, Mountain Views. Monthly, seasonal, yearly.$1650 (970)871-6016 846-7400 STEAMBOAT:Sunny corner unit, 2bd, 2bath, Available NOW, walkout patio to pool, tennis. 1st, last, NS, partially furnished $1200. 970-879-6528
STEAMBOAT:Sunray 2BD, 2BA, on bus, vaulted ceiling, WD, 1 car heated garage, included heat water & cable. Call Mike 846-8692
STEAMBOAT:2bd, loft, 1ba, furnished or unfurnished, utilities included. On the mountain, bus, $1200 month. NP, NS. Call Bill at 879-2854.
STEAMBOAT:Remodeled, very clean, 1BD, at Storm Meadows. Furnished, NS, NP, Nice location $875 mo, utilitIes included. 846-1002
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, 3357 Apres Ski Way, WD. Walking distance to Gondola. WD, NP, $1100 monthly + deposit & utilities. 970-846-9589
STEAMBOAT:Large 2bd, 1ba duplex on mountain. NS, Pet considered, WD, one year lease, $1325 month, including all utilities. Available 8/1. (760)473-3907
STEAMBOAT:Sunny, Spacious, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, bus route, walk to town. Laundry & mud room, heated garage, low utilities. (970)871-0961
STEAMBOAT:3 Bed, 3ba, Clocktower Sq. $2000 incl util. Fully furnished, hot tub, BBQ, WD. 6 month lease. Jen 415-350-7726
STEAMBOAT:Spacious 3bd, 2.5 ba, 1,800 sq ft, quiet neighborhood on mountain, near shopping, bus, and skiing, WD, NS, $1,700 970-871-1711
STEAMBOAT:Newly painted, furnished, North Star Effeciency condo, on mt, on bus route, cable, HT, Sauna, trash, WD, NS, NP, $850 + utilities, 719-459-1121, 719-535-0484
STEAMBOAT:1BD, garage, WD, FP. Remodeled, new carpet, storage, parking, ski mountain views, bus. Cable, trash, water included. NS, NP, Reference, Lease, Deposit. $1095 970-846-7275
STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA, NS, NP, Downtown, partially furnished, $900 utilities included, 846-5698.
STEAMBOAT:Duplex, 3 BD, 2BA, mountain, fireplace, deck, spa, view, quiet, walk to the lifts, bus, DW, WD, NS, pets negotiable. July 1st, $1,450 mo. 1st, Lst, Sec. 402-817-9471
OAK CREEK:Brand New 1/2 Duplex for Rent 3BD, 2BA, 2 car garage, all appliances included, central vacuum. NS, Pet negotiable. Sierra View, $1495 monthly + utilities. Call Joe 846-3542 STEAMBOAT:Duplex, 3BD, 2BA, fenced yard, new carpet - paint. DW, WD, NS, NP, bus. Available now. $1,250 mo. 1st, Last, Security. References. Possible Sale or Rent2Own. 402-817-9471
STEAMBOAT:2BD 1BA cozy, quiet, downtown. Great yard. WD, NP, NS. Lease, references First, Last, Security $1200 month + utilities. 970-879-9038 STEAMBOAT:LARGE 2BR, 2BA on mountain, WD, DW, pet ok, large yard, $1400, 303-378-9903 STEAMBOAT:2BR, 1B, Riverside Duplex fenced yard, water ,trash included, pet possible, Year lease, 1st, deposit, Available 08/01, $1100 846-5904 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1BA Utilities paid, furnished, in town, not on bus, private, clean, 1700sq.ft., 2-vehicle maximum, full laundry $1800 (970)879-6702 STEAMBOAT:2BR, 1BA duplex on mountain. Large deck opens to fenced backyard...great for dogs! Available 7/1/09. $1200 mo + utilities. 970-846-9069
STEAMBOAT:Great Landlords seeking Great Tenants! Newer 3BD Downton home with garage. 4BD Mountain home with garage and awesome views! 846.3353
STEAMBOAT: Old Town Location, 3bd, 1ba, unfurnished, gas fireplace insert, WD, large yard, Pets negotiable $1350.00 879-1982
STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA $1800 monthly, new carpet new paint, some new appliances. “Face Lift”. 620 Oak, Available July 1st 879-3301
STEAMBOAT:Strawberry Park 3BD, 2BA $2250 + deposit. 5BD, 3BA (includes 1BD APT) $3000 + deposit, acreage, pets? Paul 970-879-1086, 970-846-9783 STEAMBOAT:AVAILABLE NOW, $1,200 Monthly, 2 bedroom plus loft, 1 bath home, pets, close to bus, skiing. Large deck, views. 970-819-6930 HAYDEN:Spectacular home in Hayden for rent. 4BDR 3BATH, 3000 sq ft with att dbl gar. Open floor plan, in-flr heat, 500 sq ft custom log deck, two laundries, oversized kitchen with dbl ovens, custom closets, undgr sprinkler. We are looking for neat, clean, responsible renters ONLY! Lease and deposit required. $2000 mo. Call Amy 846-7044. AVAILABLE NOW!
STEAMBOAT:FURNISHED, GARAGE, PARKING SPOT, GAMEROOM, FIREPLACE, ENTRAN HEATING, WD. Near Yampa River! Prefer lease, NS, NP, $1950, month+utilities, 1st, Security. 714-475-8210 STEAMBOAT:Beautifully furnished 3BD, 2BA, 3795 Whistler RD, Long term rental available, Hot Tub, NS, NP. $1699 month + utilities. 405-301-0411 STEAMBOAT: Incredible views above Strawberry Park on 7 acres, 10 minutes to town on paved roads. 3bedroom, den, 3.5bath home. New carpets, hardwoods. 2 fireplaces. South facing. Fabulous decking. Hike, snowshoe, xx-ski from house to National Forest. Available July 15. Lease - Security required. $2200 mo. Call 401-486-1644 or 401-465-4130. See details at http://sodacreekhouse.blogspot.com/.
PHIPPSBURG:3BD, 2BA, Home, Attached 2 car garage, large yard, hot tub, decks, park across the street, quiet, dogs considered, $1,300, call 819-4422
STEAMBOAT:House to share 3BD, 2BA, + garage in old town, Fully furnished, remodeled, close to schools & trails, WD, dog ok, $1000 utilities included, single or couple only. Available August 1st 970-355-9403
STEAMBOAT:FURNISHED-NICE 1BR, 1 BA ON RANCH, WD, includes utilites, TV, 20 minutes to town. One person. NS, NP, $895. 870-6423
STEAMBOAT:$1200 PER MONTH LETS YOU ENJOY UNBELIEVABLE SUNSETS 3BD, 2BA home in quite neighborhood wd first, last, security No smoking, drugs. Sunrises also come with this home. 879-0655
STEAMBOAT:Old Town Home, 3BD, 2BA, Gas fireplace, WD, NS, Pets OK, 1st and security. $1600 month, 846-4705
STEAMBOAT:Old Town! 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, WD, NS, pet neg. Built in 2000, 1500 sf finished up, 900 sf unfin garden level. Great landlords (I promise). $2100 + util. 1st + sec dep. 1 yr term. Avail. 7/1 Contact 520-8th-st@comcast.net.
STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA mountain location. Attached 2 car garage, deck, fenced backyard, enclosed parking for RV, views! $1950 mth. 846 9529. HAYDEN:3BD, 1BA, Fenced yard, separate garage, workspace, extra parking. WD, Snowblower. Pets welcome. Available NOW $1,200 month 970-846-8077 STEAMBOAT:New 3BD, 2.5BA, 1 car garage for Rent, Lease to Own or Sale! Potential Owner Finance. Call Marc at 970-846-6480 STEAMBOAT:Downtown by High School. Great views. Unfurnished, 3bedroom, + Den, 2bath, 2 car garage. 1,726 sq. ft., pet considered, available July, lease, ns. $1,800-2,000 monthly. Axis West Realty 970879.8171or www.AxisWestRealty.com
YAMPA:4bed 2bath, large kitchen, plenty storage, NS, pets negotiable, $1,200, 846-9803
STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA newer-home. 2 car garage, spacious kitchen, FP, WD. Mountain, bus route, landscaped, Jacuzzi tub. $2150 month. 970-846-5004, 870-6410 STEAMBOAT:1 BD COTTAGE, 502 1/2 Pine Street, includes water and trash, $750 mo. Available now. NP, NS, 719-576-9930
PHIPPSBURG: Duplex, 3BD, 2BA, large single car garage, large yard, radiant heat, newer, efficient. $950 monthly + utilities, NS, dogs considered. (970)819-4422 STEAMBOAT:New 3bdm, 2.5ba; Between town and Mountain, 2 car garage, Great Views of Emerald, Mt Werner AND down valley, NS, Pets negotiable. $2,200 970-819-1890
Newly remodeled 5Bed, 3Bath, familyroom, 2 woodstoves, 800 sqft.shop, 3-acres, 8-miles from town, horses OK, Pets neg. LEASE TO OWN, $2100 Mo, 720-733-7803
STEAMBOAT:Live & Work Downtown, 1,200 sqft apartment, new bathroom, 1,000 sqft garage, 10ft door. $1,500 mo 846-9753 STEAMBOAT:County, 12 miles on 20-Mile Rd. Large 2+ bd, 1 ba, WD. On school bus route. Pets Neg. NS. $1250 + Dep. 879-2868. STAGECOACH: Home in Friendly neighborhood with Cul-de-sac, 5BD, 3BA, 2-Car Garage, For Rent, For Sale - Lease Option. $2,300 970-736-0031
MAYBELL: 3BR, 2BA. Fenced back yard. Pets negoitable. NS. $900 monthly + security deposit. Available now. Call Lisa 970-824-7000 STEAMBOAT:Beautifully restored cottage, 9th & Oak Street, downtown. 1BD, 1BA, WD, NS. First, last, security utilities. Available 07/01 $1250. 879-1453.
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STEAMBOAT:Family home, 3BD, 3BA between town & mountain, views, large family room, granite, stainless steel, 2-car, NS, NP, $2,100. First, last, deposit (970) 846-9496 STEAMBOAT:4 + bedroom old town home, big fenced yard, pets okay. Furnished, $3,000 includes utilities. Flexible terms, call for appointment. (970)871-6898
OAK CREEK:RENT TO OWN! Willow Hill MH Park, Remodeled 1400 sq.ft., 4 Bedroom doublewide $950 month. 875-0700. Beautiful fenced yard! STEAMBOAT: Unfurnished 1 bedroom 1 bath Mobile Home located in Dream Island MHC, $875 monthly, $900 deposit, Call (970) 879-0261
STEAMBOAT: Beautiful 4BD, 3.5BA, 1 car garage, between mountain and town, bus route, WD, NS, NP. $1950 monthly. 970-846-6423. STEAMBOAT:Blacktail, 3bd, 2ba, WD, heated garage, CLOSE to town, 10 acres, NS, dogs negotiable, $1,650 month. 415-868-9675 or 415-860-9663 STEAMBOAT:Cute Old Town home. 3BD, 1BA Hardwood floors, gas stove, WD, Pets considered. $1700 month plus utilities. Available immediately. 970-870-2866 STEAMBOAT:Log Home Blacktail Estates 3BD, 2.5BA, 2 car garage, 5 acres, office & family room. $1,500 - $2,000 Depending 805-748-7258 STEAMBOAT:5BD, 3BA, bus route, On Golf Course, WD, NS, 2-car garage, pets considered. $2,225 + utilities. Great home. Call 970-846-5551 CRAIG:Newer, 3BD, 2BA, 20 acres, 2 and 1 car garages. Pole barn, cross fenced. Available 8/15/09. $1,700 monthly 970-824-3956, 303-589-4646
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, Indian Meadows. Remodeled, 2 story, gas FP, cable, water, snow removal, hardwood floors, WD, NS, pets considered. $1150 1st, Security. 970-846-7435 STEAMBOAT:Quail Run Townhome, 3 Bedroom. Furnished, on Mountain, and Bus. Available immediately. Lease. No Pets, includes most utilities. $2,100. 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:Newly remodeled Woodbridge townhome, 3 bdr 2.5 bth, 2 decks and a garage. WD, fully furnished, NS, NP, on bus route. available July 1st. $1,800+ utilities, call 970-846-7695 STEAMBOAT:Clubhouse Drive 2Bed, 3Bath, 1600 sqft gas FP, hot tub on private deck off master BDRM. 2 car garage, furnished. $1,500 month + utilities. First, Last, Deposit, 602-768-3497 STEAMBOAT:JUNE FREE!! 2bd 1ba Whistler Unit. Recent partial renovation. Last, deposit only. Includes several utilities and amenities. $1300 month (970)596-9884
STEAMBOAT: Huge 1BD above garage. 2BD -5BD negotiable house. Both spectacular views, decks, NS. $1200$2000. Call 970-879-0514 or 970-879-9168 YAMPA:Cute 2Bed, 1Bath home, Huge yard, beautifully remodeled kitchen, NP, NS, WD. $1000 month. First, last, security. 970-846-6891 or 970-846-3763 STEAMBOAT: Beautiful home on 49 acres. 3BD + caretaker. 20 minutes from downtown. NS. $2400 month. 970-879-8814 STAGECOACH:Available July 1st, newer 3bd, 2ba, 2-car garage in South Shore overlooking Reservoir. Year lease, NS, pets negotiable. $1550 month + deposit. 846.9591. STEAMBOAT:3Bdrm, 3.5Ba 2,900 sq.ft. Downtown, New. Luxurious open floor plan, garage, decks, family room, office, storage, WD, NS, pets, lease, $2,200. 970.846.3868
STEAMBOAT:2bd 2ba, deck, hot tub, pool, bus route, wd, utilities included, furniture available, flexible lease, $1075 mo., 1st, security only! 819-2593 STEAMBOAT:JUNE RENT FREE! Bright, Sunny, & Clean 2BD, 1BA corner unit available immediately, fully furnished, mountain, bus route, recently update, pool, hot tub, NS, NP, 1st, last security. $1200 some utilities included. 970-846-4965 STEAMBOAT:Woodbridge Sunny, convenient 3BD, 2½ BA, tile countertops, 2 decks, heated garage, gas fireplace, bus route. WD, DW, NS, NP. $1,500 mo. 879-6200, Ext. 16. STEAMBOAT:3 bd, 2 ba, Mountain Vista Townhome, garage, WD, $1,650. 970-871-1839 HAYDEN:Valleyview Work OR Live. Large 1150 sqft 2BD, 2BA + 1150 sqft heated storage with overhead door. Great views! New construction. $1500 month. 819-1788 or 870-0169
STEAMBOAT:Beautiful! 3 bd, 3ba+ loft, office and gameroom. Approx 2100 sqft completely remodeled Kitchen, baths, carpet, new appliances. NS, Pets considered, $1,800 Mo Includes Heat, cable, water. You only pay elec. Swim in our Pool this summer! (970) 819-8777
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, bus route. WD, DW, pet negotiable, NS. $1,250 month. First, Last, Deposit, June FREE. Tim 846-1605
STEAMBOAT:2000sf, 4bd 4ba, between town and mountain. WD. Furnished. Free internet & cable. Mountain view from upper deck. $1,800 monthly 879-5433
STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1.5BA Whistler Townhome. WD, deck, pool, hot tub, NS, NP. $1100 month includes most utilities. 1st, last, security. 846-2451.
STEAMBOAT:Furnished Herbage Townhome, 3bd, 3ba. On mountain on bus route. $1,800 monthly includes heat, water, cable. NS, NP. Available 6-1. 303-525-9102
HAYDEN:2BD Townhome, $775 monthly + utilities, NS, NP: 2BD Duplex, $700 monthly + utilities, NS, NP, Both Available 07/01. 970-879-1200
STEAMBOAT:NEWER TOWNHOME, 2br, 2ba 1152 sqft Westend Village, great location, quiet neighborhood with open space, sunny end unit. $1500,846-2141 RENT TO OWN OPTION.
STEAMBOAT:Luxury Duplex, incredible views, 3 BD, 2.5 BA, leasing now with flexible terms, high end furnishings included, $2,700 month, 2 car garage, no smoking (303)904-2377 HAYDEN:2BD, 1.5BA, FREE rent until June 30th, fireplace, heated garage, beautiful views from atop hospital hill, WD, NS, NP, $1100 month, 1st & Security. (970) 756-6298
STEAMBOAT:Never-lived-in, brand new home, 5 minutes from downtown. 4bd, 3.5ba, views, decks, school bus route, nice yard, private. NP, NS. $3,500 month + utilities. Corey 970-846-3782 Email: bryna@organic-marketing.com.
STEAMBOAT:Recently renovated Whistler 2bd, 1ba, sunny end unit, beautiful views. New tile, carpet, paint throughout, maple cabinets, granite counters! Deck, WD, pool, hot tub, bus line. NS, NP, no partiers! Available 07/01. $1200, year lease. (970)879-5141, 846-4240.
MILNER:Quirky 2bd, 1ba house on great 1/2 acre lot. Dogs welcome. Must allow showings. $850 1st, last, security. biffs97722@mypacks.net 541-497-3572
STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1.5BA, 1/2 OFF JULY RENT. Cable, Water, WD, Gas Stove, Pet? FREE SONY 32” TV, $1500. First, Deposit. 970-846-4633
STEAMBOAT:EARN FREE RENT 1 SEQUOIA, 2 bed corner unit, lots of light, just remodeled brand new floors & walls, updated appliances, pool, hottub, $1050 negotiable 970-846-6943 STEAMBOAT:Chinook Lane, 2BD, 2BA on bus route. Furnished, WD, NS, lease. 1st, last, deposit $1300 month + utilities. Call 970-222-0913
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
STEAMBOAT:1BD in 3BD trailer in Dream Island $400 monthly, short term ok. Call 970-846-6429 STEAMBOAT:1 bedroom in new house for rent. All utilities included. WD, Direct TV. $575 Call in the evenings. 870-2944 STEAMBOAT:1BR available, downtown starting 08/05. Walk to town. Clean, Laid back, responsible person wanted, NS, NP. $450 plus utilities. 970-291-9593 STEAMBOAT:Great Room Overlooking Valley! Private Bath, Furnished Townhome, WD, DW, WiFi. $750 includes utilities. Available Now! Lease or Monthly. 970-846-0440 STEAMBOAT:1 bedroom with private bath for rent in Fairview Addition. $500.00 per month plus utilities. Available 8/1. Call 819-0501 STEAMBOAT:Sunny room, private bath, Stylish, clean, townhome, Quiet, private! Garage, WD, dishwasher, Fireplace, decks, NS, NP, $650 month includes cable, hi-speed internet, 846-2294
STEAMBOAT: 1 bedroom for rent in brand new Ranch house on 15 acres, WD. $700 monthly. 970-331-4576 STEAMBOAT:Roommate wanted to share nice home. Close to bus route and bike path, great views. NP, NS. $500.00 a month plus utilities. Available 7/1. Call 970-819-6128. STEAMBOAT:WESTEND, Mature, responsible, adult to share 2 bd condo, NS, ND, WD, Balcony, $575 month + utilities. Avail. now. 871-6763 STEAMBOAT:Roommate wanted to share 3 bd 2 bath house. wd, no pets. $600 month + utilities. 970-846-7110 STEAMBOAT:House to share 3BD, 2BA, + garage in old town, Fully furnished, remodeled, close to schools & trails, WD, dog ok, $1000 utilities included, single or couple only. Available August 1st 970-355-9403 STEAMBOAT:Furnished room available. On bus route, WD, internet, cable. $675 includes utilities. No lease or deposits required. Laura 871-7638, 870-1430. STEAMBOAT:1BD 1BA in 2BD 2BA Quail Run Condo, $600 includes utilities WD, NS, NP, hot tub, bus route, 846-9527
HAYDEN:Rooms available in Hayden. Long-term rentals $400 per month plus utilities, NS, NP. 970-276-4545 or 970-276-2079 STEAMBOAT:2 rooms in 3bd, 2bth on mountain. dogs ok! $500 month + 1/3 utilities. Call Brett 720-373-0013
STEAMBOAT:AVAILABLE NOW! New Riverfront commercial unit, Below Market Rent. 1400sf with two large internet ready offices with windows, warehse, garage, storage, receiving bay, good signage, parking, kitchen, bathroom, riverside patio, near bikepath. 970-846-3289 kath@evodesign.biz STEAMBOAT:1107 Lincoln Avenue. Three-room suite. Discrete private parking, all utilities, DSL, conference room, kitchen. Ideal for insurance, real estate, professional, or construction offices. 970-879-6200, Ext. 16.
STEAMBOAT:Rooms for rent in beautiful 4BD Townhome, NS, NP. $650 monthly per room includes all utilities & internet, on bus route, between downtown and mountain. (970)846-6423
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STEAMBOAT:Executive Office Suites Available at the Historic Old Pilot Building Great downtown location with full amenities: Phone System, Wireless Internet, Cable TV, Conference Room, and Kitchen. Contact Rhianna at (970)875-0999
STEAMBOAT: RETAIL: Center of Downtown 1,200-3,500sqft Boutique Retail, Food Service Restaurant? Flexible Terms. OFFICE: Prestigious location center of Downtown 700-1400sqft, Tenant finish allowance, Call Jon Sanders 970.870.0552 STEAMBOAT:Entrepreneurs seeking office space for new - growing business check out Bogue Enterprise Center at CMC. Great rates, one year leases, copy center, meeting rooms, SCORE counseling available. Call 870-4491 STEAMBOAT: Prime Downtown Location in Historic Professional Office Building! 1,050 sf first class finished space including 3 offices and 5 work stations located at 141 9th Street. Call Ryan at 970-819-2742 STEAMBOAT: BEAR RIVER CENTER- Beautiful 2nd floor space available immediately! Perfect for salon, spa, gallery, or office space 960SF. Call Central Park Management today for more information. 970-879-3294 STEAMBOAT:Centrally located office space available with top quality finishes, shared kitchen and bathroom. 146-6,000SF starting at $375. 879.9133 STEAMBOAT:Next to Yacht Club, 8th and Yampa on the river. Huge yard, Parking, flexible terms, price negotiable. Jon Sanders 970-870-0552 STEAMBOAT:1,500SF shop with well appointed office. Knotty pine built-in cabinets, workstations. 10’x10’ garage door. 2200SF shop with dock height. 846.4733 STEAMBOAT:RIVERSIDE PLACE AGGRESSIVELY PRICED STARTING AT $10 FT. Several square foot age options available for retail, office, restaurant space. Jim Hansen (970)846-4109 Thaine Mahanna (970)846-5336 Old Town Realty STEAMBOAT:Warehouse: Live or Work 2,000 sq.ft. 3 phase power, fire alarm, sprinkler, large swing and overhead doors, internet, passive solar. Tenant finish, built to suite. This is an excellent property with great neighbors. 970-879-6667
STEAMBOAT:Office Suites Available for Immediate Occupancy. Conference room accessible. Long/short term available. Starting at $400 per month. All inclusive Call Bruce 846-0262 STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473 STEAMBOAT: Rent all or Part of A+ Professional Office Building. Features: Reception, conference, windows & kitchen. MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839
STEAMBOAT:Pentagon West Office spaces available starting at $375 month + cam. Garage Bay with office. $600 month + cam. 970-846-4267
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STEAMBOAT: Office or Retail 5th and Yampa. 750-1700sqft. Terms negotiable, Month to Month? Ample parking, great signage. Jon Sanders (970)870-0552 STEAMBOAT: Hwy 40 Frontage, Logger’s Lane Commercial Center, 2480sf Finished retail, industrial space, overhead garage door, Central AC & Heat Call 970-846-5099 STEAMBOAT:700 sqft Warehouse with 250 sqft loft, #11, Yampa Valley Business Park, 2464 Downhill Drive, $725 per month total. 879-1708 STEAMBOAT:First month free. Professional suites and individual offices available at 1205 Hilltop Pkwy from $600. Lofted ceilings, AC, security, plenty of parking, great views from every office. Call Jules 879-5242 CRAIG:Approx 1000 sq ft. shop with bathroom and water $700 month, call REMAX 824-7000
STEAMBOAT: THE VICTORIA 10th & Lincoln RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE OR LEASE Hal Unruh - Prudential Steamboat Realty 970-875-2413
RIVERFRONT, Live work, lower level warehouse with office, kitchen, full bath, patio. 3 bd, 2 ba, condo up. $534,000, 846-5761
Commercial Retail in Downtown Steamboat Offered at $899,000 #125768 Excellent commercial retail building in the center of downtown. Extensively remodeled exterior and interior. Used as art gallery for over 10 years. High traffic area would make a great showroom. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 www.ForSaleSteamboat.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
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MILNER:3360 sqft warehouse, 12x14, and 12x12 doors +man doors, 14’5” ceiling, concrete floor, gas heat, bathroom, electricity. $2,400 month 970-846-0423
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HAYDEN: 3100 sq ft warehouse with office and full bath/shower – 2 12X14 foot truck doors and man doors on either side. Could divide. New, landscaped and ready to lease @ $10.80 per foot ($2800mo) negotiable. Valley View Industrial Park, a great midpoint location between Craig and Steamboat. Call Dutch (970) 846-1676.
CONSIDER: 2660 s.f. A+ building. Lots of light and parking. Rent possible. For price: MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839
Warehouse for sale. Very clean, Wescoin Ridge Unit A#2. 1015 sqft, bathroom, office, 160 sqft storage above. $297,000 Call: 970-879-8202
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Quality Quail Run, only $369,000. 2BD, 2BA, garage, like new condition. Vacant, easy to show. Roy Powell, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661
HAYDEN/STEAMBOAT: Airport Garages, Spring Special! Own a heated 12’ x 22’ storage unit for cars, home or business. $39,900 now $24,900 on a limited # of units. On site shuttle/clubhouse and manager. Rentals also available. AirportGarages.com (970)879-4440
STEAMBOAT: Need more office space?? Hilltop Document Storage is the perfect solution for storing sensitive and confidential documents. Call (970)879-5242
STEAMBOAT:Summer rental in new custom timber frame home near Whistler Park & open space. Top quality finishes, 3BR, 2BA, Garage, huge patio & views. Pics at www.vrbo.com listing #249226. $1,495 wk $3,250 mo. Nelson 970-846-8338
STEAMBOAT:Beautiful full turn key 1BD condo at the Sheraton. Sleeps 6, Available 4th of July week. Cancellation Special! vrbo.com/1866 (970)870-9768
2 Businesses + land. 3 acres Industrial, Private, Future Developement Potential, Residence and Office, Shop, Exhisting Self Storage. Possible Owner Financing. 970-879-5036
Make your money work for you. Consider a commercial lease with option in professional office space from 800 to 6000SF. 846.4733
Move-in Ready Offered at $935,000 #124912 This is a turn-key property (fully furnished) known as the Moose Lodge. It has been owned by one family and kept in great shape with little usage the last couple of years. Property is being sold as is; seller will entertain all reasonable offers to sell. Very motivated! Call Bob Bomeisl at (970)846-3046 Prudential Steamboat Realty
The Aspens at Walton Creek Offered at $265,000 #125142 Brand new subdivision near the base of the Ski Area on the free bus route. This 1 BD/1 BA upstairs unit has views of the Ski Area and Emerald Mtn. Custom tile work, hardwood floors, stainless package, thick granite counter tops, and even a ceiling fan. Owners may have a pet. Call Tim Boehm at (970)846-7873 Prudential Steamboat Realty
Live, Vacation, Rent this Beautiful 1BD 800SqFt DeerCreek Property. GARAGE, and Spectacular Ski Mountain Views! Recently updated with all NEW Hardwood floors, Karastan Carpet, Bathroom tile & Sliding Glass Doors. LOW HOA! Covered Breezeway Entrance, Assigned parking, Basement Storage, Mossrock Fireplace, Walk - In closet, WD, 2 Decks, Bus, Pets. Priced BELOW Assessed Value! Brokers Welcome! $295,000 Call 970-846-7275
Shadow Run 2BD, 2BA $300,000. Owner will Finance. 440-666-6008
Fish Creek Falls Condo Offered at $210,000 #125769 Enjoy incredible views from your balcony of Sleeping Giant and Emerald Mountain. This large, oversized one bedroom condominium has had many new upgrades including being professionally painted, new carpet throughout, new electric stove, new countertops and fantastic new lighting. All of these upgrades and the price hasn’t changed! Fish Creek Falls is located on the bus line, has very low HOA dues and allows dogs. Seller will include a brand new stackable washer and dryer with an accepted offer. Call Cheryl Foote at (970)846-6444 www.SteamboatMountainProperties.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
PENDING- LOCAL STARTER OR INVESTOR CONDO MLS#124806 One Bedroom, dogs allowed. Low dues. Washer, dryer. Tour: www.PropertyPanorama.com/57622
Ski Town Realty, Bruce Tormey, Realtor BruceT34@yahoo.com (970)846-8867
Pines at Ore House Offered at $320,000 #125114 A Quiet 1 BD/1 BA with a private garden level patio. Walking distance to shopping, restaurants, Starbucks, the Yampa River Core Trail, and its on the bus route. Conveniently located between town and mountain with a hot tub, low assoc. dues, no stairs, and owners may have a pet. Call Tim Boehm at (970)846-7873 Prudential Steamboat Realty
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STEAMBOAT: Great Commercial Space for your Business! HWY 40 Frontage, with parking and excellent exposure, on the creek with ski mountain views, Chuck Armbruster 970-846-5655 Steamboat Village Brokers, Easy to Preview!
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STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473
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STEAMBOAT: 427 Oak St. Available Immediately, 1850 Sq Ft. For further info Call Janet 879-0642 or 846-6962
������������������������ �������������������������������� Ranch Condo Offered at $450,000 #124088 Spectacular views and setting. Recently updated 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath condo with over 1300 sq ft and 1-car attached garage. Extensive amenities - pool, hot tubs, convention area, shuttle, sauna & more. Quiet location but minutes to it all. Call Caroline Wellford at (970)875-2414 or (970)846-6668 Prudential Steamboat Realty
Affordable Walton Creek 2BD, 2BA. No Banks required, owner will finance, low down $! $249,000 Roy Powell 970-846-1661, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT
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Mountain Townhome $389,000
3 BR on Walton Creek, trees, views, 2.75 bath, quartz counters, on-demand water heater. FSBO. $579,000. Please, no brokers. 734 5020
Walk to the Slopes! Offered at $1,190,000 #123431. Excellent location and ski area views from this single-family home in desirable Landings neighborhood located just two blocks from the Gondola. Gorgeously decorated five bedroom, four bath home featuring vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, wood-burning fireplace and 2 spacious decks with outstanding views. The HOA takes care of the exterior maintenance so you can enjoy life! Call Colleen de Jong at (970)846-5569 Colleen @ PrudentialSteamboatRealty.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
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Fabulous FSBO 1900sqft 3BD, 2.5BA + family room / 4th BD, 1/2 duplex on mountain, 1 car garage, Completely remodeled. For more info log on to www.steamboatduplex.com or call 879-5833. Asking $609,900
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Log Home on Five Acres
4BD, 1.75BA, 2300sf, new appliances, new carpet, horse corral, Hay shed, good water, great views! Mid $200’s. See web site for full description: http://ricks-place-online.net or call 970-629-5397
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Motivated Seller!
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Exquisite Home in Mountain View Estates Offered at $2,750,000 #123772 Luxurious residence perfectly situated between downtown and mountain. Excellent craftsmanship and rich interior details in this warm and inviting 5,343 sq ft estate with 5 bdrms, 3-car garage, spacious great room, main level master, family room, office and caretaker suite. This home is exquisitely landscaped and backs to Fish Creek. Call Colleen de Jong at (970)846-5569 Colleen@PrudentialSteamboatRealty.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Economical, wonderful, in town; beautiful mature grounds; minute’s walk to river, downtown. 2bd, 2ba home plus detached guesthouse. MLS 124942.www.steamboathomeforsale.com. 970-734-7113. Priced For a Quick Sale! Offered at $298,000 #125646 Just remodeled in 2009, a 3BD+/2BA home with large detached garage on 3.9 acres covered with mature Aspens, no beetle kill here. A great location in the subdivision with panoramic views. This would be a perfect multi-family recreational retreat or snowmobiler’s dream home, 25 minutes away from Steamboat and only 5 miles to one of the top snowmobiling destinations in Colorado. New carpet, wood floors, tile, wood doors, base & case installed with no need to haul water (great well). Call Tim Boehm at (970)846-7873 Prudential Steamboat Realty
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Home for Sale in Steamboat II, In a great neighborhood, 3bd, 2ba, 2 car garage, wood stove, hot tub, storage sheds, FSBO, $420,000, 879-6579
SilverSpur Masterpiece, custom finishes and extras gallore. 4BD, 3.5BA, easy show any time, unbeatable price! Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970) 846-1661.
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Price Reduced! New home, 2BA, 3BD, 2 Car garage on large lot! Gain instant equity! 980 E 9th, Craig. 970-629-5427
Steamboat - approx 2100 Sq feet, 3 bd, 3ba+ loft office and gameroom. Completely remodeled Kitchen, baths, carpet, new appliances. Great porch, steps away from the pool. Motivated Seller FSBO (970) 819-8777
LOWEST PRICED HOME IN BLACKTAIL ESTATES, Priced under recent appraisel, FSBO, 2bd, 2ba, on 5 acres with 2.5 acres in haymeadow, horse friendly neighborhood, remodeled with new windows and red wood decks, slate entry, travertine master bath and much more! 360 degree views, passive solar design, NO HOA’s! 970-819-5632, $589, 995.
Luxury Home in the Sanctuary Offered at $3,979,000 #125699 This home overlooks the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Course with amazing views of the mountain and valley. This 5 bedroom/ 6 bath home backs up to 38 acres of green space. In addition, a 1 bedroom/ 1 bath caretakers unit completes this estate. The master suite has a private deck, fireplace and oversized his and her closets. A gourmet kitchen, covered deck and media room top off this amazing home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 www.ForSaleSteamboat.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
OLD TOWN GEM 157 Hill Street
Absolutely Charming 1930’s home. 3BD, 2BA. Only 4 block walk to town. Large master suite. Butcher Knife Creek steps from your door. FSBO $789,000. 970-871-0709 or 970-846-3690 BrokerDirectCo.com/#111581 HOMES BELOW $300,000 Built on your lot, Stagecoach-Steamboat, PDC Construction. 736-0890 or 846-1525 Stagecoach 3BD, 2.5BA, garage, 2300 sqft, stream in back, beautiful Views. $419,000. Room to expand, lease option! Call 970-846-1525 LOG HOME & CABIN PACKAGE - 1757sqft $60,900.00; 615sqft - $31,900. Many other models available. 719-686-0404 or visit www.highcountryloghomes.NET Million Dollar Views! Offered at $419,000 Enjoy spectacular views of the Zirkels from this 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home in North Routt. This home has had extensive upgrades throughout including a brand new kitchen with Hickory cabinets, a dual fuel oven, all stainless steel appliances and a new roof. The two car garage has plenty of room for all of your toys. Very easy to show and priced to sell. Call Cheryl Foote at (970)846-6444 www.SteamboatMountainProperties.com Prudential Steamboat Realty Views, Views, Views! Offered at $3,595,000 #125698 Possibly the best views of the mountain can be seen from this 5 bedroom/ 7 bath home. The master suite is on the main level with its own office and walk out to a private hot tub. A large family room, wine cellar, great storage and incredible craftsmanship can be found in this new luxury home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 www.ForSaleSteamboat.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Chateau at Bear Creek Back on the Market! WOW! Was $1,100,000 NOW $899,000! #125702 Beautifully remodeled 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath townhome located on a pond and a short distance to the base of the ski area. Enjoy exceptional views of Mount Werner from your large wrap around deck. Like new with high-end finishes throughout including granite slab counters, stainless steel appliances, natural stone and travertine bathrooms, wet bar with wine fridge and copper sink... New carpet, paint... the works!! Southern exposure provides excellent light throughout the home. Beautifully landscaped yard with mature garden. Priced to sell!! Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty STEAMBOAT:New custom home near Whistler Park & open space. Top quality finishes, 3BR, 2BA, garage, huge patio, views & fully furnished. Pics at www.vrbo.com listing #249226. $3,250 mo. Available now through Sept. 30. 970-846-8338
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4 + bedroom old town home, big fenced yard, & furnished. $790,000 Call for appointment. (970)871-6898 Gorgeous Game Trails Offered at $1,495,000 #125657 Breathtaking and panoramic views are what you will enjoy every day from this beautiful mountain contemporary home. 4000 sq ft with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, plus loft, office/library, family room and bonus room. Impeccable quality on 35 acres only 4 miles from town. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at (970)846-8418 steiny@cmn.net Prudential Steamboat Realty Sensational Setting Nestled in the Aspens Offered at $1,349,000 #125387 View the night lights of Steamboat while unwinding in your hot tub. This home has gorgeous finishes and generous natural light. Private location generous with expansive remodel! This Colorado dream home can be yours for a realistic price of only $1,349,000. The location is magic! Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at (970)846-8418 steiny@cmn.net Prudential Steamboat Realty
Hayden Home Offered at $350,000 #124970 Gorgeously remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Hayden located in excellent family neighborhood. Remodeled in 2008 with bamboo floors, granite countertops, new flooring, cabinets and trim throughout. Fenced yard and large deck with sweeping valley views. Call Colleen de Jong at (970)846-5569 Colleen@PrudentialSteamboatRealty.com Prudential Steamboat Realty Back on the Market with a $20,000 price reduction! Offered at $759,000 #125547 Immaculate Single Family Home offering the ultimate location close to Whistler Park, minutes from the Ski Area, and easy access to the Core Trail. Interior offers a great open floor plan with vaulted T&G wood ceilings. Home is warm and charming with luxury appointments that include new appliances, hickory cabinetry, slate flooring, slate shower surrounds, and beautifully landscaped yard. Filled with brand new mountain furnishings and accessories. Offered turn-key. Truly a MUST SEE residence. Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty Beautiful South Valley Home on 35+ Acres Offered at $1,599,995 #124719 Just remodeled 5 bedroom, 3 bath home on over 35 acres in the beautiful South Valley. Enjoy the expansive views as you sit in your hot tub, or entertain in the brand new kitchen and family area, recording studio, 12-car garage. Large outbuilding for all of the toys. Only 15 minutes from downtown Steamboat. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at (970)846-8418 steiny@cmn.net Prudential Steamboat Realty 3,000+ square foot home, only $540,000, lovely setting on 1.73 acres, lots of extras! Roy Powell REMAX/STEAMBOAT 846-1661 Brand new, 3BD 2 BA Home in Craig, buyer tax credit with purchase, owner financing available, seller willing to negotiate. Ken 846.4472 Stately Sanctuary Residence Offered at $4,795,000 #124689 With stone siding, cedar wood accents and 8,600 square feet, this home encompasses luxurious mountain living at its finest. This lodge-inspired masterpiece sits along the 16th fairway of the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Club with 7 bedrooms, a designated office and 6.5 bathrooms, including a fully equipped two-bedroom guest apartment that adjoins the main house. An outdoor grilling station and heated stone patio create an idyllic backyard setting. Call Cam Boyd at (970)846-8100 or Pam Vanatta at (970)291-8100 www.SteamboatAgent.com or www.SteamboatEstates.com Prudential Steamboat Realty Big Valley Ranch Home Offered at $2,250,000 #123162 A spectacular 35-acre site in Big Valley Ranch with panoramic views and over 5,700 square feet of living space. 4+ bedrooms including a main level master, a grand living room with picture windows and a kitchen fit for a chef. Features include extensive custom woodwork and a 3-car garage. Paved roads and a 1,500 acre common area with a pond and trails throughout make this property a complete escape. Call Cam Boyd at (970)879-8100 ext. 416 or (970)846-8100 www.SteamboatAgent.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
$465,500 MOVE IN READY! MLS#125821 Newly remodeled bathrooms and kitchen. Open and modern, privacy, views, 1/3 acre, master suite, three car garage. Tour: www.PropertyPanorama.com/67633
Ski Town Realty, Bruce Tormey, Realtor BruceT34@yahoo.com (970)846-8867
Overlook Drive Oasis Offered at $2,175,000 #125774 This 4 bedroom / 4 ½ bath home has panoramic views from the valley to downtown. The house overlooks the Rollingstone Golf Course and comes with a transferable golf membership. Easy living with a main floor master and his/her walk-in closets. Eat-in country kitchen has a sitting area and fireplace. 3 bedrooms on the lower level have access to a covered deck and large family room with wet bar. Great storage, 1000+ square feet of unfinished space, water features, and a spacious office with a private bath complete this special home. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 www.ForSaleSteamboat.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Move-in Ready, 3BD, 2BA, 1-car home located within walking distance of downtown Steamboat. Master bath with Whirpool tub and double sink vanity, gas-fireplace 2-decks, extra parking, corner lot, mature landscaping, sprinkler system, on bus-route, bike-path, great views! No HOA, no lot rent. Pioneer Village $430,000 Directions: HWY-40, 1/2 mile west of 13th St, Across from new Community Center, Rt on Conestoga Circle top of hill, brown house on left, 1467 (970)871-4880 (970)819-0347 20+ Acre Architectural Masterpiece Offered at $5,950,000 #125618 Custom built home on 20+ acres! This property has 360-degree panoramic views of the Steamboat Ski Area and the Yampa River Valley. Only a short 2 miles from town, quality accents include trussed wood ceilings, alder trim & doors and a mix of granite, marble and onyx stonework in the kitchen and bathrooms. With 350 ft of Yampa River frontage, this is a truly unique home situated on an irreplaceable piece of land. Call Cam Boyd at (970)879-8100 ext. 416 or (970)846-8100 www.SteamboatAgent.com Prudential Steamboat Realty $10,000 Finders Fee offered! See those details on www.coloradomtnhome.homestead.com. 4 + B, 3BTH lake view home. 970-819-1562 to schedule showing.
42 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009
2003 Mobil Home for sale. 3bd 2ba on big lot. New carpet inside, new deck and concret parking area. $115,000. (970)629-2380 to inquire. West Acres - 2bd, 1ba, Very Clean, updated! New furnace, wood stove, sheds, large deck, fenced yard, dogs o.k. Brokers welcome. $35,000, 819-4377
Townhome with 2 Separate Living Areas Offered at $465,000 #125204 A large 3 bedroom/3bath townhome with two separate living areas on a private drive. The views include the Yampa River, Emerald Mtn., Sleeping Giant, Buffalo Pass, the Rodeo, Ski Jump and all of Downtowm. The interior was thoroughly remodeled in the Fall 07. Ride, walk, stroll or roll to restaurants, shops the Yampa River Core, or just enjoy the Hot Springs at the end of the street. Call Tim Boehm at (970)846-7873 Prudential Steamboat Realty FSBO: Old Fish Creek, Downtown views, 1850sf, 3Bdrm, 2Bath, with Loft and unfinished Bsmnt. New roof ‘08, 3+ parking spaces, 300sf deck. $435,000, 846-4799
Creek Ranch! Starting at $275,000 #124506, 124746, 125183 & #116434 Creek Ranch is a land preservation subdivision. Owners have access to 2,400 acres for horseback riding, hiking, skiing, hunting and fishing. More than 3 miles of Trout Creek meander through the valley and 4 ponds are scattered throughout. Ranch headquarters include an authentic main ranch house, a barn, large arena and ample horse pasture all for owner use. Call Cam Boyd at (970)846-8100 or Pam Vanatta at (970)291-8100 www.SteamboatAgent.com or www.SteamboatEstates.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Cheapest lot in SS city limits, 1.89 acres, Zoned Residential, Subdivision Potential. JV-Subordinate-TradePrice Reduced $20,000. NOW $169,000, Ron Wendler CGR 875-2914
Nice Building Site! By Owner, All Utilities with fees paid. Mountain views, Oak Creek, $56,500 870-0266, petnum@hotmail.com To Request photos.
3 Old Town Lots in Steamboat Springs, Howelsen and Emerald mountains in your back yard. $300,000 970-826-0307
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2 lots with permit ready plans for unique 4000sqft homes. $995,000 Owner 619-977-6606
Dignified Mountain Abode Offered at $1,675,000 #124176 Newly built and exquisite in every manner, this Cimarron townhome gives you 5 bedrooms on three levels. Upgrades include shower & bath enclosures, security system, ceiling fans throughout, custom fireplace stonework and a quaint entry hall cubby. The finishing touches include Giallo Venizianno granite and knotty alder cabinetry, trim and doors. Within walking distance to the slopes, you’ll enjoy every minute that this 3,000+ sq ft villa has to offer. Call Cam Boyd at (970)879-8100 ext. 416 or (970)846-8100 www.SteamboatAgent.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Beautiful 1 acre duplex lot, Timbers Village Subdivision two miles up Rabbit Ears, W-S Taps paid,electric. gary.osteen@gmail.com $349,000
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Spectacular View Lot Under 400K Offered at $395,000 #125368 Fabulous treed lot with views to Buff Pass and Mt. Werner. Lots of pine, aspen and oak on property at the top of the subdivision. Very private spectacular lot 10 minutes from everything. Call Bob Bomeisl at (970)846-3046 Prudential Steamboat Realty
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The Perfect Lot Offered at $925,000 #123513 Beautiful, private lot in Mountain View Estates. Flat building site with panoramic views from the Ski Area to Emerald Mountain. One of the few lots remaining in this highly desirable neighborhood located between town and the ski area. This larger lot is .91 acres. Call Colleen de Jong at (970)846-5569 Colleen@PrudentialSteamboatRealty.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
It’s Here - The Perfect Building Lot Offered at $450,000 #125650 Ready to build on complete with a well and roughed in driveway. This perfect country lot has a flat building site, gorgeous trees and sweet views. Privacy in a peaceful aspen grove setting. Enjoy lots of elbow room to romp. Horses allowed. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at (970)846-8418 steiny@cmn.net Prudential Steamboat Realty
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Steamboat, approx 2100 Sq feet, 3 bd, 3ba+ loft office and gameroom. Completely remodeled Kitchen, baths, carpet, new appliances. Great porch, steps away from the pool. Won’t last long at this price! FSBO (970)819-8777
Exclusive Sidney Peak Ranch Offered at $750,000 #125488 Located 10 minutes from downtown Steamboat but a world away, Sidney Peak Ranch offers only 32 lots ranging from 40-50 acres. The stocked fish pond, 32-stall barn Equestrian center, 1200 acre conservation easement plus miles riding, and hiking trails make this the place you want to call home. Ranch 5 is 40.15 acres and offers a beautiful 6 acre flat building site. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at (970)846-8418 steiny@cmn.net Prudential Steamboat Realty
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Chateau at Bear Creek Back on the Market! WOW! Was $1,100,000 NOW $899,000! #125702 Beautifully remodeled 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath townhome located on a pond and a short distance to the base of the ski area. Enjoy exceptional views of Mount Werner from your large wrap around deck. Like new with high-end finishes throughout including granite slab counters, stainless steel appliances, natural stone and travertine bathrooms, wet bar with wine fridge and copper sink... New carpet, paint... the works!! Southern exposure provides excellent light throughout the home. Beautifully landscaped yard with mature garden. Priced to sell!! Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty
40 Acres by Elk Springs in Western Moffat County, CR access, tower close by, excellent hunting area, $40,000, Tom Tucker Realty 970-878-4596
HAYDEN: Large Family Home with 2,492 Sqft, 3BD, 2BA, Interior remodeled. Includes: woodstove, deck, hot tub, and oversize Garage. $349,500 Bear River Realty 276-3392
3BD, 2.5BA, corner unit with garage in Riverplace. Core trail and River access. Clubhouse, close to ski mountain, low dues, lease possible. All serious offers considered. FSBO 970-846-0864
Walk to Town, Trails, and School – 2,606 SF Offered at $775,000 #125655 3 BR’s plus exercise room & 3.5 bath. Listen to Spring Creek from your deck. Walk to Springs Creek Trail. Kids, walk to all three schools. Mature landscaping makes for private nights watching wildlife. Open cathedral tongue and groove ceiling in family room is warm and romantic. Granite counters in kitchen and media/bar room. The master is huge. RV storage, 2 car heated garage with workbench and NO COVENANTS. This home is a Steamboat dream comes true. Call Michelle Diehl at (970)846-1086 www.SteamboatDream.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Larger for Less! 2,636 SF Offered at $656,000 #125529 4 br-4.5 bath Waterford townhome with 2 car garage just blocks from the Steamboat Springs Ski Area. Pool outside your back deck. Completely remodeled and looks, feels, smells brand new. Pets allowed. Perfect second home for two families it is so large. Stainless appliances, granite, slate, tongue and grove ceilings, rocked fireplace, trawled walls, neutral Berber carpet, and more…. See virtual tour at: http://www.tourfactory.com/517262 Are you ready for the mountains? Call Michelle Diehl at (970)846-1086 www.SteamboatDream.com Prudential Steamboat Realty
Ready to build, 5.3 acre LPS lot. Surrounded by 190 acres of preserved land. Bordering Flying Diamond Ranch, Ag Status, water, good hay. Just off expanded HWY 131, elevated, private setting. Stunning views of ski area. Flat building site, no envelope. FSBO $235,000. 970-819-5353 40 ACRES East North CRAIG $100,000, Owner finance 6.5% with $5000 down, $673.95 mo, elec and roads, 970-640-8723 Ready to build owner finance 40 acres E.N. Craig, 64x40 pole barn. Older motorhome, electricity, septic, water, phone, $190,000. $20,000 down, approx. $1,930 per month, 970-640-8723
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WANTED:3BR Duplex, TH or SF Downtown or on mtn to trade for 2BR, 2B Lodge unit, beautifully updated including heated tile floors. Short walk or shuttle to base, nicest pool on the mtn! Onsite mgt and great rental income. 970-222-3095
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Country Family Home- 2,400 sq.ft., 3 bdrms/2 full baths, kitchen/dining/living room & laundry room. 20 acres or 60 acres. 970-824-7330
FSBO: 4BR, 2BA, Large Garage / Shop, 58 fenced Acres, Three Springs, One Pond. $525,000 with incentives. Call Arlan 970-846-3681
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MOUNTAIN TOP HOME 35 ACRES 360 Degree views, LOWEST PRICE IN STEAMBOAT! 3000SqFt, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, Custom Woodwork, Bamboo floors, Granite counters, 3 car garage, 1800sqft of Patio’s. Don Kotowski Rocky Mountain Real Estate 846-8081 or 879-1212
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An afternoon and evening t-storm
47 RF: 82
Partly sunny, a t-storm in the p.m.
An afternoon thunderstorm or two
RF: 83
RF: 79
Chance for an afternoon t-storm
53 RF: 83
High Low Month-to-date high Month-to-date low
24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday Month to date Year to date
RF: 84
Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today
Today Hi Lo W 78 45 t 88 56 t 86 56 t 82 50 t 88 56 t 88 55 t 82 52 t 88 56 t 93 63 pc 88 55 t 71 40 t
Hi 72 78 77 79 78 85 78 81 84 84 65
Thu. Lo W 46 t 56 t 55 t 50 t 56 t 55 t 50 t 57 t 62 pc 53 t 38 t
City Meeker Montrose Pueblo Rifle Vail Salt Lake City Vernal Casper Cheyenne Jackson Rock Springs
Today Hi Lo W 83 49 pc 90 59 pc 94 60 t 88 56 pc 73 40 t 88 66 t 88 57 pc 81 50 t 82 54 t 77 40 t 79 53 t
Hi 79 80 85 83 66 91 86 85 76 79 82
Thu. Lo W 49 t 56 t 59 t 55 t 39 t 68 t 57 pc 53 t 55 t 42 s 54 t
Today Today City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Albuquerque 92 68 t Miami 88 78 t Atlanta 90 66 s Minneapolis 76 59 s Boston 70 62 t New York City 78 66 t Chicago 66 54 pc Oklahoma City 98 72 s Dallas 96 76 s Philadelphia 82 66 t Detroit 68 53 sh Phoenix 106 86 t Houston 99 76 t Reno 94 63 pc Kansas City 86 66 s San Francisco 73 56 pc Las Vegas 101 78 pc Seattle 80 53 s Los Angeles 80 64 pc Washington, D.C. 82 66 t Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)
(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)
(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)
Salt Lake City 88/66
Moab 95/68
Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
Casper 81/50
Steamboat Springs 78/47
Grand Junction 93/63 Durango 88/55
Cheyenne 82/54
Denver 88/56 Colorado Springs 86/56 Pueblo 94/60
5:41 a.m. 8:42 p.m. 3:59 p.m. 1:19 a.m.
July 7
July 15
July 21
July 28
Higher index numbers indicate greater eye and skin exposure to ultraviolet rays.
0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme
Area Flow Level Boulder Creek .............282 ............low Clear Ck/Golden .........807 ..........med. S. Platte/Bailey ............243 ............low Lower Poudre .............1300 ........med.
Area Flow Level Brown's Canyon .........2750..........high Gore Canyon..............4360..........high Yampa R./Steamboat ..678 ............low Green R./Green R.....10900 ........high
Can you get a sunburn on an overcast day?
A: Yes, ultraviolet rays penetrate clouds.
City Aspen Boulder Colorado Spgs Craig Denver Durango Eagle Fort Collins Grand Junction Glenwood Spgs Leadville
0.00" 1.92" 13.89"
Source: SteamboatWeather.com
Sun and Moon:
Today: Clouds and sun, a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Highs 68 to 78. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0" Tonight: A t-storm in the evening; otherwise, partly cloudy. Lows 44 to 48. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0" Tomorrow: Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Highs 68 to 75. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0"
82 42 84 32
An afternoon thunderstorm possible
Steamboat through 5 p.m. yesterday
RF: The patented AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, cloudiness, sunshine intenisty, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body. Shown is the highest temperature for each day
| 43
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
44 | Wednesday, July 1, 2009