Steamboat Today, July 27, 2009

Page 1




JULY 27, 2009

Steamboat Springs, Colorado



Vol. 21, No. 178


C O U N T Y ’ S



Gas prices Cost of a gallon of regular unleaded fuel on Sunday

Fuel Stop ................... $2.55 West Kum & Go ....... $2.56 7-Eleven ................... $2.56 Petro West ............... $2.59 Bob’s Conoco ...................... $2.65 Hilltop Sinclair ..................... $2.59 Anglers Kum & Go .............. $2.56 Ski Haus................................ $2.59 Mount Werner Sinclair........... $2.55 Shell ........................................ $2.65 Shop & Hop ............................. $2.56 State Average ................... ...................$2.44 National Average ...............$2.49


Speakers announced Steamboat Institute reveals lineup for Freedom Conference in late August Page 5



Patti Raehrs, left, explains a few details Sunday to vacationing car enthusiasts Trevor Searle, left, and Ron Searle at the Steamboat Car Club’s annual Motorhead Madness car show on Yampa Street in Steamboat Springs.

Racing returns

Blasts from the past

Motorhead Madness car show attracts enthusiasts of all ages Jack Weinstein

Page 20

■ INDEX Briefs . . . . . . . . .10 Classifieds . . . . .26 Colorado. . . . . . .16 Comics . . . . . . . .24 Crossword . . . . .25 Happenings . . . . .7

Horoscope . . . . .24 The Record. . . . .10 Scoreboard. . . . .23 Sports. . . . . . . . .20 ViewPoints . . . . . .8 Weather . . . . . . .19


Standing next to his mother, 3-year-old Vincent Schierenberg, blond hair sticking out from beneath a light green baseball hat, extended his right arm toward a black 1962 Chevrolet Impala. “That’s cool,” he said. Vincent’s mother, Zoe, said her family was visiting Steamboat




For more


Saturday night’s Cash 5 numbers: 11-17-21-26-27 Drawings are held Monday through Saturday.

For more information about the Steamboat Car Club or to join its mailing list, e-mail Patrick Browning at

Springs from Delta and they happened upon the Motorhead Madness car show Sunday afternoon on Yampa Street on their way to rent tubes to float down the river.


Afternoon storm. High of 79.

Page 19

The show, organized by the Steamboat Car Club, was an opportunity for local car enthusiasts to get together and show their cars, Car Club member Patrick Browning said. He said the 5-year-old group is pretty casual. There are no membership fees or meetings. In addition to showing cars during Steamboat’s 4th of July parade, the Labor Day weekend Wild West Air Fest, and cruising Lincoln

Avenue on the third Thursday of each month, Browning said Motorhead Madness gave them another opportunity to gather and talk about cars. “It’s just for the love of the cars,” said Browning, who was showing his 1969 Rambler American. The club started after Candy Bunn volunteered with Mike See Car show, page 13

■ THERE’S MORE ONLINE For around-the-clock updates, breaking local news and sports scores, videos, photos and an interactive community forum, visit


2 | Monday, July 27, 2009


YVMC pays attention to safety in radiation Christine McKelvie



His own set of wheels

When a child’s safety is on the line, parents look for an exact fit. That is why bike and ski helmets, life vests and car seats come in an array of sizes. This same concept On the ’Net applies to For more diagnostic information imaging at about radiation Yampa Valley exposure and Medical safeguards being Center, where used by medical radiation dosproviders, visit www.imagegently. age is not “one org. size fits all.” YVMC has always paid special attention to its pediatric patients. And now it has joined an international campaign called “Image Gently.” The goal of this program, embraced by more than 2,000 medical providers, is “to ensure that all children receive safe, quality care when they undergo medical imaging examinations.” A key component of Image Gently is to raise awareness about the amount of radiation exposure involved in diagnostic imaging for medical purposes — especially in computed tomography or CT scans. “CT imaging is used more frequently now because it has replaced many invasive diagnostic procedures that were formerly done, including exploratory surgeries,” YVMC radiologist Fred Jones, M.D., said. “Additionally,


Five-year-old Lucas Sebastien Sands rides down the driveway on his skateboard in front of his Steamboat Springs home Saturday evening. Lucas was playing with his friend Ethan Russell, 7.

Anniversary Celebration IN STOCK



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the diagnostic power of the scanning equipment has increased. “Recognizing that CT scanning is the biggest contributor to medical radiation exposure, equipment manufacturers and health care providers are working together to minimize the amount of exposure while maximizing the diagnostic information we receive from exams,” Jones said. YVMC Diagnostic Imaging Director Mary Jo Wiedel said radiation exposure throughout one’s lifetime is a cumulative factor. That is why it is important to limit the amount of radiation exposure received by patients, especially children. “The benefit of the exam should outweigh the risk of radiation exposure,” Wiedel said. “This applies to all patients but is especially important for our younger patients, from infancy through the age of 18.” “Children are not adults. They are more susceptible to the potentially harmful effects of radiation exposure,” Jones added. Jones explained that everyone is exposed to naturally occurring “background radiation” within our environment. Here in Colorado, the level of natural See Monday Medical, page 15

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Monday, July 27, 2009


Horseback riders found Boys & Girls Club Sunday after being lost to host open house Jack Weinstein



A 15-year-old girl and a 25year-old woman were rescued Sunday afternoon near the Sarvis Creek Wilderness Area in South Routt County. They left a property on Routt County Road 16 on a horseback ride early Saturday morning on Missouri Park Trail northeast toward the wilderness area, Search and Rescue Incident Commander Dawn Alperti said. She said they planned to be gone for only an hour or two to make it back for breakfast. Search and Rescue spokeswoman Riley Polumbus said the 15-year-old girl is the babysitter of the 25-year-old’s children. Their names were not released. Alperti said family members began searching for them at about 3 p.m. Saturday and paged Search


Community showcase at 4 p.m. Tuesday Jack Weinstein

For more


and Rescue before 10 p.m.. She said because it was dark when they received the page, crews couldn’t respond until Sunday morning. Search and Rescue was on scene at 8:30 a.m., Alperti said. She said a two-person ATV team headed out on Teepee Creek Trail at 10 a.m. Another four-person team on horseback, that included two volunteers from a nearby ranch, left at about 12:30 p.m., she said. “We couldn’t find the trail on the map,” Alperti said. “Luckily, there were a lot of ranch hands and ranch owners familiar with the area who helped us.” She said a helicopter from Zephyr Helicopter Service, which is operated by a retired member of Search and Rescue who frequently works with crews, joined the effort by 12:40 p.m. A Search and Rescue


The Boys & Girls Club of Steamboat Springs has come a long way since opening its doors June 8. This week, people can see for themselves. The club is holding an open house at 4 p.m. Tuesday at its location in the George P. Sauer Human Services Center on Seventh Street. “It’s just to give the community an idea of what we’re doing,” said Heather Martyn, a Steamboat resident who worked with the Yampa Valley Community Foundation to start the club, a branch of the Boys & Girls Club of Craig. Martyn said the open house, with a carnival theme, will offer


See Rescue, page 14

For more information about the Boys & Girls Club, call Heather Martyn at 846-7710. For more information about the city of Steamboat’s youth activities programs, call the Parks, Open Space and Recreational Services Department at 879-4300, or visit

live music, hamburgers and hot dogs, and games and prizes for children. The response to the club since it opened has been positive, Martyn said. “It’s been better than I could have hoped,” Martyn said. “That’s kind of the icing on the cake. It’s one thing for (the kids) to come to the program and another for them to actually like it.” See Club, page 14


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We’ve got your next job down to a science



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Girl, woman had been missing since Saturday, were spotted by helicopter



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4 | Monday, July 27, 2009



Caterpillars in our gardens O

ne of the favorite speakers at our master gardener classes is the entomologist from Colorado State University, Whitney Cranshaw. He tells us about bugs in our gardens. According to Cranshaw, all bugs have a purpose here on Earth. It’s just that some bugs tend to — well, bug us more than others. One of the bugs we’re finding in our yards and gardens this month is the painted lady/thistle caterpillar. It is a black caterpillar with some light flecks and spiny thorn-like appendages that are harmless. The most common host plant for this caterpillar is the Canada thistle. That’s good because this noxious weed is a real problem in Colorado. However, this caterpillar will inch toward garden plants such as sunflower, hollyhock, basil, artemisia and geraniums if there are no thistles to latch onto. These caterpillars usually produce a little webbing as they feed on the leaves of plants. When this insect metamorphes, it becomes a beautiful orange, black and white spotted painted lady butterfly. Many gardeners in Steamboat also have noted hornworm


Deb Babcock caterpillars in their yards. The whitelined sphinx is the most common. It matures into the hummingbird moth that so many of us are delighted to see in our gardens. These caterpillars are green with light striping and tend to live on aspen, cottonwood, poplar and willow trees. They rarely are found in large enough numbers to cause injury to your trees. Two other species of hornworms found in Routt County vegetable gardens are the tomato hornworm and the tobacco hornworm. These caterpillars can be quite a surprise to come across in your garden with the scary-looking horn on their hind end. The horn apparently has no known function except to scare gardeners, says Cranshaw. You can tell the difference between these two caterpillars by the color of the “horn” they sport. Tomato hornworms have a dark green horn, while that of

the tobacco hornworms are red. These caterpillars tend to tunnel into the flower buds, preventing or limiting the flowering of the plant, tomatoes as well as elm, ash and poplar trees and weeds such as purslane. The alfalfa caterpillar, present in large numbers this year in alfalfa fields or meadows where alfalfa may once have grown, has a green body with a narrow white stripe on each side. Hairs grow out of small dark spots on this insect, which is about 1 1/4 inches long at maturity. Alfalfa caterpillars consume the leaf midrib of foliage. Natural predators are spiders and parasitic wasps. When yellow and white butterflies appear in your fields, it might be a good time to cut your alfalfa before they lay eggs and the larvae begin consuming your crop. So if the caterpillars are not causing too much damage in your garden, enjoy watching them turn into beautiful butterflies later this season.

Deb Babcock is a master gardener through the CSU Extension Routt County. Questions? Call 879-0825 or visit



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Monday, July 27, 2009


Conference lineup revealed Steamboat Institute announces its speakers for event in August STEAMBOAT SPRINGS

The Steamboat Institute has announced its slate of speakers for the inaugural Freedom Conference in August. The speakers will address many current issues at the conference in addition to the founding principles of the U.S., which the Steamboat Institute promotes as its mission, said Rick Akin, vice chairman of the group’s board of directors. Those include limited government, lower taxes, free markets, a strong national defense and individual rights and responsibilities. “We have a lot of people who are interested in these founding principles, who are interested in more education,” Akin said. “And there’s nothing like this (available) in this area.” Mario M. Carrera, George Ray, and Marcelo Gaete, executives at Entravision Communications and Univision Communications — Spanishlanguage media companies in the U.S. — will address Hispanic voting patterns and trends during a panel discussion during the conference Aug. 28 and 29 at the Steamboat Grand Resort Hotel. According to the Steamboat Institute, Colorado’s Hispanic population has grown to more than 20 percent of the state’s population — the eighth largest in the country in terms of

Steamboat Institute’s Freedom Conference For more information, visit To register, click on “Conference Registration” under the “Conference” tab at the top of the page. Then click on the “Register Now” link. Schedule: Sunday, Aug. 23 ■ Pre-Conference Reception for Congressman Mike Pence (Time and Location in Steamboat Springs TBA) Friday, Aug. 28 ■ Noon to 1 p.m. Conference check-in

percent of overall population. Nationwide, Hispanics comprise 15 percent of the population. A reception will be held Aug. 23 for Indiana Congressman Mike Pence, president of the Republican House Caucus. Previously announced keynote speakers are Michael Reagan, conservative talk radio host and son of late President Ronald Reagan, and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. The cost to register for the full conference is $250. The sessions with keynote speakers Reagan and Norquist can be purchased separately for $95, or $25 for attendees younger than 30. Tickets to the dinner and luncheon can be purchased separately for $100 and $75, respectively. Sponsorships also can be purchased. They range in price from $400 to $2,500. More information about August’s conference, including a full list of speakers, can be

at the Steamboat Grand Resort Hotel ■ 1 to 5 p.m. Sessions with speakers ■ 6 to 7 p.m. VIP Reception and Photo Opportunity with Michael Reagan ■ 7 p.m. Dinner with keynote speaker Michael Reagan at Hazie’s restaurant at the top of the gondola


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Saturday, Aug. 29 ■ 9 a.m. to noon. Sessions with speakers ■ Noon. Luncheon with keynote speaker Grover Norquist

found at Registration also can be done online by clicking on “Conference Registration” under the “Conference” tab at the top of the page and then clicking on the “Register Now” link. — To reach Jack Weinstein, call 871-4203 or e-mail

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6 | Monday, July 27, 2009



Scheduled business of the Routt County Board of Commissioners

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Work Session 10:30 to 11 a.m. County Manager/Tom Sullivan ■ Discussion regarding the Energy Efficiency Block Grant with Joani Matranga, Governor’s Energy Office 11 to 11:15 a.m. Administrative and Commissioners’ Reports/ Helena Bond/ Administrative Updates 11:15 to 11:30 a.m. Road & Bridge/Paul Draper ■ Discussion regarding the award and authorization to sole source services to have the D6H Dozer Undercarriage repaired and sign all related documents ■ Discussion regarding the award and authorization to sole source and to sign the service agreement for the PIMS paved road condition evaluations 11:30 a.m. to noon Legal/John Merrill Updates 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Planning/Chad Phillips Pre-hearings 2:30 to 3 p.m. Media Briefing 3 to 3:30 p.m. YVRA/Dave Ruppel Updates 3:30 to 4 p.m. Purchasing/Tim Winter Updates ■ Discussion regarding the request to waive the formal bid process for the purchase of a new mobile command center vehicle for the Communications Department; and to consider and award purchase to LDV, Inc. of Burlington, Wisconsin utilizing the federal government pricing of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)

■ Discussion of Performance Contracting 4 to 5 p.m. Board Of Equalization Lettunich & Vanderbloemen, LLC — representing: Stahl, Brian T. (et al.)

TUESDAY Action Agenda 9:30 to 9:35 a.m. Call To Order ■ Pledge of Allegiance ■ Approval of Minutes for Regular and Special meetings of the Board of County Commissioners ■ Consideration for approval of accounts payable, manual warrants and payroll ■ Items of note from the previous day’s work sessions ■ Consideration for approval of Corrected Assessments and/or Abatements 9:35 to 9:45 a.m. Public comment Public Comments will be heard on any item not on the agenda. County Commissioners will take public comment under consideration but will not make any decision nor take action at this time 9:45 to 9:50 a.m. Purchasing/Tim Winter ■ 1a. Consideration of a request to waive the formal bid process for the purchase of a new mobile command center vehicle for the Communications Department; and to consider and award purchase to LDV, Inc. of Burlington, Wisconsin utilizing the federal government pricing of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) 9:50 to 10 a.m. ■ 2a. Human Services/Vickie Clark Discussion regarding and consideration for approval and signature on the 1451

Collaborative Management MOU renewal between Routt County on behalf of its Department of Human Services and Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, 14th Judicial District Probation Department & Division of Youth Corrections, RE-1 School District, RE-2 School District, RE-3 School District, Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center, West Slope CASA, and Advocates ■ Board of Equalization 10 to 10:15 a.m. Guler, Peter & Kathleen (JT) 10:15 to 10:30 a.m. Guler, Peter & Kathleen (JT) 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Slagle, James & Patricia 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Kokee Kokee LLC 11:15 to 11:30 a.m. Central Park Offices, LLC 11:30 to 11:45 a.m. Steamboat Springs Village Center, LLC 11:45 to noon RP Steamboat Springs, LLC ■ Planning/Chad Phillips 2 to 2:30 p.m. ■ P1a Consideration for signing- Mountain Leisure Subdivision Replat of Lots 10 and 11 and Resolution for Vacation of Utility Easements (PZ2008-007) 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. ■ P2a General Planning Discussion 3:30 to 3:40 p.m. Road & Bridge/Paul Draper ■ 3a. Consideration to approve award and authorization to sole source services to have the D6H Dozer Undercarriage repaired and sign all related documents ■ 3b. Consideration to approve award, authorization to sole source and to sign the service agreement for the PIMS paved road condition evaluations


Memorial services

■ The Kiwanis Club meets at noon in the Alpenglow Room in Willett Hall on the Colorado Mountain College campus.

A celebration of life and memorial for Brian “Tigger” Stothart is from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Little Toots Park in Steamboat Springs. It will be catered by Double Z and Freshie’s restaurants.

■ The Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association offers drop-in hours for pneumonia vaccines for uninsured, low-income adults from noon to 4 p.m. at 940 Central Park Drive, Suite 101. Call 879-1632.

David James Bedell, a lifetime resident of Routt County, passed away at his home in Clark on July 14, 2009. A celebration of his life is at 5 p.m. Saturday at 55005 Routt County Road 62 (Indian Rocks). For more information, call the Yampa Valley Funeral Home at 970-879-1494.

■ The Routt County Council on Aging presents “Pandemic Flu,” with Steve Hilley, R.N., at 12:45 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Call 879-0633 to reserve a noon lunch. ■ The Hayden Congregational Food Bank will distribute food to those in need from 4 to 5:30 p.m., downstairs in the Solandt Medical Building. Call Connie Todd at 276-3459. ■ Steamboat Springs women’s rugby is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Ski Town Fields next to the Tennis Center. No experience is necessary, and all women are invited. Call Anne at 303859-3784. ■ Coed Ultimate Frisbee is at 6:30 p.m. at the field at Seventh and Pine streets. All are welcome. Call Austin at 785-979-4110 for more information. ■ The Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Group plays an ACBL sanctioned duplicate game at 6:30 p.m. in Yampa Valley Electric Association conference room on 10th Street. Reservations are requested. Call Elaine at 879-1994. ■ Integrated Community’s bilingual conversational group, Intercambio, meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the CIIC office at 718 Oak St. All are welcome to the free event that fosters English and Spanish language skills. Call 871-4599. ■ Steamboat’s Recreational Poker league plays at 6:30 p.m. at The Tap House Sports Grill. The tournament is free and open to the public. Players must be 18 or older. Visit www.

TUESDAY ■ The Boys and Girls Club of Steamboat celebrates its grand opening from 4 to 6 p.m. on the field at Eighth and Pine streets. There will be food, music, games and prizes. ■ Venture Crew, a group affiliated with the Boy Scouts, hosts free, coed volleyball, food and activities for people 14 to 21 years old from 4 to 6 p.m. at Howelsen Hill. ■ A bereavement support group

A celebration of Patti Yung’s life is from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the top of the Steamboat Ski Area gondola. The remembrance starts at 6:30 p.m., followed by hors d’oeuvres, music and a cash bar. Take your favorite photo taken by Patti to be displayed at the event. Customer negatives and digital photos available will be available. The gondola ride is free. Call Ann Bennan at 303-378-9903 with questions. A graveside service for longtime Routt County resident Lila Viola Millsap Stonebrink will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Steamboat Springs Cemetery. In case of rain, the service will be held at the United Methodist Church of Steamboat Springs.

meets at 5 p.m. at the VNA office, 940 Central Park Drive, Suite 101. This free meeting is sponsored by Hospice and is open to anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Call Katy Thiel at 871-7628 before attending your first meeting.

WEDNESDAY ■ A mandatory Steamboat Relay For Life team captains’ meeting is at 5:30 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church on Concordia Lane. The meeting includes information about all race details. ■ Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School & Camp presents “The Pirates of Penzance,” by Gilbert & Sullivan, at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for children. Call 970-879-7125 or visit

THURSDAY ■ VNA offers a drop-in clinic from 2 to 4 p.m. at 940 Central Park Drive, Suite 101, for adolescents ages 11 to 18, for any recommended vaccine at up to $14 a shot. Call 879-1632. Parents must be present for children younger than 18 and should take vaccine records. ■ A Steamboat Relay For Life committee meeting, the final meeting before the event, is from 6 to 7:30

p.m. at the Routt County Courthouse Annex, in the Trout Creek conference room, on Sixth Street. Call Susan at 879-8831.

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Monday, July 27, 2009



■ Deep Roots presents “In Cahoots,” a dialogue about ranching and community, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Facilitated by Cindy Dvergsten. The cost is $5 for Deep Roots members and $10 for nonmembers.

FRIDAY ■ The Hayden Farmers Market is from 5 to 8 p.m. in the 100 block of Walnut Street, just south of U.S. Highway 40. Vendor slots are filled on a first-come basis. Anyone interested in selling products or produce can call Suzanne at 970-846-0616.

SATURDAY ■ Men’s Fraternity is at 7 a.m. at Yampa Bible Church. Call 736-8129 or 638-4411. ■ A Mainstreet Farmers Market is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sixth Street between Lincoln Avenue and Oak Street. Items include fresh produce, local meats and cheeses, fresh bread and pastries, local sauces, pasta, Colorado wine, local artisans and handcrafts. For more information, call Tracy Barnett at 970-846-1800.

How to submit your Happenings The best way to submit Happenings items is to e-mail all relevant information to Readers also can visit our interactive Happenings listings at or submit written information at the front desk of Steamboat Pilot & Today, 1901 Curve Plaza. Fax to “Attention Happenings” at 879-2888. Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations. Questions? Call 871-4233.

Happenings Online Happenings is updated daily on



Comment& Commentary

ViewPoints Steamboat Today • Monday, July 27, 2009



Do you have something to say about a story we’ve written?

The losers hang on Thomas L. Friedman THE NEW YORK TIMES


After spending a week traveling the frontline of the “war on terrorism” — from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan in the seas off Iran, to northern Iraq, to Afghanistan and into northwest Pakistan — I can comfortably report the following: The bad guys are losing. Yes, the dominos you see falling in the Muslim world today are the extremist Islamist groups and governments. They Friedman have failed to convince people by their arguments or by their performances in power that their puritanical versions of Islam are the answer. Having lost the argument, though, the radicals still hang on, thanks to gun barrels and oil barrels

— and they can for a while. Because, although the radicals have failed miserably, our allies — the proAmericans, the Muslim modernists, the Arab moderates — have not really filled the void with reform and good government of their own. They are winning by default. More on that later. For now, though, it is obvious that everywhere they have won or seized power, the Islamists — in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Gaza — have overplayed their hands, dragged their societies into useless wars or engaged in nihilistic violence that today is producing a broad backlash from mainstream Muslims. Think of this: In the late-1970s, two leaders made historic trips — President Anwar Sadat flew from Egypt to Israel, and Ayatollah Khomeini flew from Paris to Tehran. For the past 30 years, politics in the Middle East and the Muslim world has, in many ways, been a struggle

between their competing visions. Sadat argued that the future should bury the past and that Arabs and Muslims should build their future based on peace with Israel, integration with the West and embracing modernity. Khomeini argued that the past should bury the future and that Persians and Muslims should build their future on hostility to Israel, isolation from the West and subordinating modernity to a puritanical Islam. In 2009, the struggle between those two trends tipped toward the Sadatists. The fact that Iran’s ruling theocrats had to steal their election to stay in power and forcibly suppress dissent by millions of Iranians — according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Iran has surpassed China as the world’s leading jailer of journalists, with 41 now behind bars — is the most visible sign See Friedman, page 9

Obama’s Henry Gates-gate Clarence Page


I disagree with President Barack Obama. I don’t think the Cambridge, Mass., police officer who arrested Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr., for “disorderly conduct” in his own home acted “stupidly.” Sgt. James M. Crowley’s use of legal force was excessive, in my view, yet well tailored to fit Gates’ real offense in the police sergeant’s eyes: “Contempt of cop.” Page As just about everyone on the planet knows by now, Sgt. Crowley visited Gates in his home to find out whether he really lived there. A female passerby had seen Gates and another man forcing open the stuck front door of his own home and summoned police for a possible burglary.


The sergeant said the scholar repeatedly accused him of racism and made derogatory remarks about his mother, to wit: “Yeah, I’ll speak to your mama when we get outside.” Not nice. But Gates and his lawyer dispute Crowley’s account, calling it exaggerated and partly fabricated. After Gates was released and the charges were dropped, President Obama rekindled the controversy by saying Cambridge police “acted stupidly,” during the encounter. Obama later backpedaled a bit. He called the sergeant “an outstanding police officer,” yet maintained that “it would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed.” Indeed, it would. But that’s not easy when two versions of pride come into conflict. Obama knows Gates as I do, as a jolly 58-year-old scholar and multimedia star who walks with a cane. If he was “loud and tumultuous,” as Crowley claims — and that Gates disputes — I would

not excuse such behavior. Nevertheless, I would argue that he hardly poses a physical threat as long as he does not swing his cane at you. Yet it is not hard for me to believe he might lose at least a little of his cool after arriving home tired and jetlagged from a trip to China, only to find a police officer checking him out to see whether he really lived in that nice neighborhood. So does Paul Butler, a black George Washington University law professor and former Washington, D.C., prosecutor who has seen other minor misunderstandings explode into a blamestorm, especially when they involve possible prejudgment by race. “The police were right to investigate the call,” he said. “The former prosecutor in me says the police have to ask who you are and what you are doing. It is an unpleasant aspect of urban policing. ... See Page, page 9 Bruce Tinsley allows readers to submit comments on stories, to create their own blogs and to participate in our Reader Forum. Each Sunday, a selection of the top comments from are published. Log on to today and submit your comments.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Are you dissatisfied with the state of health care in America today? Log on to

Letters policy Limit letters to 600 words. All letters must include the phone number of the writer so that the authenticity of the letter can be verified. E-mail letters to or send them to Letters at P.O. Box 774827, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. By submitting letters to the editor, you grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today a nonexclusive license to publish, copy and distribute your work, while acknowledging that you are the author of the work. You grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today permission to publish and republish this material without restriction, in all formats and media now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to all electronic rights. Solely by way of example, such rights include the right to convert the material to CD-ROM, DVD and other current and hereafter developed formats, the right to place the article in whole or in part on the Internet and other computer networks, and the right to electronically store and retrieve the work in electronic databases.




P.O. Box 774827 • 1901 Curve Plaza Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 970-879-1502 • 888-499-3999

EDITORIAL BOARD Suzanne Schlicht, general manager Brent Boyer, editor Mike Lawrence, city editor Tom Ross, reporter Grant Fenton, community representative Paul Strong, community representative

WHO TO CALL Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, ext. 224 Brent Boyer, editor, ext. 221 Scott Stanford, sales and marketing director, ext. 202 Steve Balgenorth, circulation director, ext. 232 Meg Boyer, creative services manager, ext. 238 Dan Schuelke, press operations manager, ext. 217 Mike Lawrence, city editor, ext. 233 Allison Miriani, news editor, ext. 207 News line: 871-4233 Classified: 879-1502 Sports line: 871-4209 Distribution: 871-4232 Advertising: 879-1502 Fax line: 879-2888 Steamboat Today is published Monday through Saturday mornings by WorldWest Limited Liability Company, Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, 871-4224. It is available free of charge in Routt County. Limit one copy per reader. No person may, without prior written permission of Steamboat Today, take more than one copy of each issue. Additional copies and back issues are available for $1 at our offices or $2.50 to have a copy mailed. 2008 General Excellence Winner, Colorado Press Association Member of the Colorado Press Association, Newspaper Association of America, Inland Press Association © 2008 Steamboat Today



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Islam should be authentic yet modern alphabet to young boys in a sweltering tent. “They are very cruel. They chopped people’s heads off.” To the extent that the radical Islamists have any energy today, it comes not from the power of their ideas or examples of good governance, but by stoking sectarian feuds. In Afghanistan, the Taliban play on Pashtun nationalist grievances, and in Iraq, the Sunni jihadists draw energy from killing Shiites. The only way to really dry up their support, though, is for the Arab and Muslim modernists to actually implement better ideas by producing less corrupt and more consensual governance, with better schools, more economic opportunities and a vision of Islam that is perceived as authentic yet embracing of modernity. That is where “our” allies in Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan have so consistently failed. Until that happens, the Islamist radicals will be bankrupt but not out of business.

People argue as if they were in Gates’ house Page continued from 8 But I can certainly understand how in your own home you reach a tipping point and you feel as though you have had enough — and I understand how it would make a black man ‘loud and tumultuous.’” Or as the late Lu Palmer, a black political journalist-activist I used to cover in Chicago, used to say, some situations are “enough to make a Negro turn black!” Even the biracial and normally reserved Obama seemed to be speaking from that black cultural memory as he perhaps-too-quickly attached “racial profiling” to this incident before he knew all the facts. Like Obama, Butler is a Harvard Law School graduate and, like Gates, he has been arrested for a crime that, in his case, he did not commit. In his

clever and remarkably evenhanded book, “Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice,” Butler recounts his experiences with admirable evenhanded toward racial profilers and the profiled. It is understandable to take race into account sometimes, he allows, but it never should be the sole reason why you suspect someone. Yet he does not call Gatesgate a classic case of racial profiling. In the world of civilian-police relations, says Butler, it was more of a classic “Who’s the Man?” contest. Racial or not, he told me, the incident stopped being good policing and became a Who’s-the-Man episode after Gates handed over his ID. As Crowley prepared to leave, according to his own arrest report, which has been posted on, Gates kept yelling at him.

That’s the point when the officer should turn around and leave,” Butler said. “You know the man is going to be yelling at you, but you leave.” Maybe so, but, according to Crowley, Gate was yelling at him in front of his fellow police officers. In long-standing police-civilian etiquette, that’s “contempt of cop.” You disrespect the police officer, the officer has ways of showing you that he has a longer billy club. In that sense, Crowley and the other officers probably never expected Gates’ arrest to hold up, and it didn’t. Now people across the country, including me, are arguing about what happened as if we were there in Gates’ house and can read the minds of everyone involved. Based on our own experiences, it is easy to feel as if we were, even when we only fool ourselves.




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of this. The Taliban’s burning down of secular schools that compete with its mosques, and its peddling of heroin to raise cash, also are not exactly signs of intellectual triumph. The same day that President Barack Obama spoke to the Muslim world from Cairo University, Osama bin Laden released a long statement on Islamic Web sites and on AlJazeera. As the Egyptian Middle East expert Mamoun Fandy noted: “Obama beat Osama, hands down. Ask anyone about the content of Obama’s speech, and they will tell you. Ask them what Osama said, and most people will say, ‘Did he give a speech?’” In Iraq’s January elections, nationalist and moderate Muslim parties defeated the sectarian, radical religious parties, while in Lebanon, a pro-Western coalition defeated one led by Hezbollah. Here in Pakistan, the back-

lash against the Taliban has been building among the rising middle class. It started in March when a mobile-phone video of a teenage girl being held down and beaten outside her home by a Taliban commander in Pakistan’s Swat Valley spread virally across this country. In May, the Pakistani army began an offensive against Taliban militants who had taken control of key towns in the North-West Frontier Province, and appeared to be moving toward the capital, Islamabad. I followed Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when he visited a vast, choking-hot and dust-covered refugee tent camp in Jalozai, where about 116,000 refugees have fled the NWFP, as the Pakistani army moved into their hometowns to smash the Taliban in a popular operation. “People are totally against them, but the Taliban don’t care,” a Pakistani teacher, Abdul Jalil, 41, told me while taking a break from teaching the Urdu



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Friedman continued from 8

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10 | Monday, July 27, 2009

News in brief



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Summer Reading Program with prizes to end Friday

Registration is under way for the 2009 Steamboat Triathlon, Aug. 30 at Lake Catamount. Offering a sprint-distance event, the triathlon takes place entirely in Steamboat Springs. The 3/4-mile swim event is on a point-to-point course in Lake Catamount. The 20-mile bike course runs on county roads to a downtown turnaround. The 4-mile run is on paved roads near Lake Catamount. The Steamboat Springs Triathlon is limited to 650 entries and is sanctioned by USA Triathlon, the national governing body of the triathlon. For more information, go to

The South Routt Library District is accepting applications for board members. For more information, visit the Oak Creek Library or Yampa Library, or call Linda Dilley at 638-4270 or Lisa Rangel at 638-4479.

Bud Werner Memorial Library’s youth services department is giving away free prizes to children ages 5 to 10, just for reading. Pick up a Summer Reading Program map at the Kids’ Desk to get started. And don’t forget to answer the daily trivia for your chance to win great prizes, including free tickets to the Alpine Slide, rodeo, Strings Music Festival and more. Children older than 10 also have a chance to win prizes with Teen Trivia and can earn gift certificates for reading any 1,000 pages. The Summer Reading Program ends Friday. Call 879-0240 or visit www.

Horizons seeks volunteers to help mentor individuals Horizons Specialized Services seeks volunteers to mentor individuals with developmental disabilities. Volunteers spend at least three hours a month with Horizons clients. Activities can include hiking, biking, bowling, swimming, fishing, walks and more. Call Rebecca Hanson at 879-4466, ext. 111.




Library district seeks board member applicants


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Registration open for Steamboat Triathlon

SATURDAY, JULY 25 2:57 a.m. Department of Wildlife officers were dispatched to a report of a bear in the 400 block of Dabney Lane. 3:36 a.m. Routt County Sheriff’s Office deputies were dispatched to a car wreck at Routt County Road 33 and C.R. 33B. 8:29 a.m. An animal complaint was reported at N. Fifth Street and Jefferson Avenue in Hayden. 8:45 a.m. Steamboat Springs Police Department officers were dispatched to a report of theft in the 300 block of River Road. 8:51 a.m. A hit-and-run was reported in the 500 block of Anglers Drive. 9:31 a.m. A theft was reported in the 800 block of Yampa Street. 10:34 a.m. A suspicious incident was reported in the 1700 block of Central Park Drive. 12:15 p.m. A car wreck was reported at mile marker 125 on U.S. 40. 1:19 p.m. Property was reported lost in the 800 block of Yampa Street. 1:52 p.m. A suspicious person was reported in the 100 block of N. Sixth

Street in Hayden. 1:56 p.m. A car wreck was reported in the 2000 block of Curve Plaza. 4:39 p.m. A noise complaint was reported at Missouri Avenue and Grand Street. 5:16 p.m. A theft was reported in the 41500 block of Game Trails Court. 5:56 p.m. A drunken driver was reported by another motorist in the 900 block of Weiss Drive. 6:04 p.m. A suspicious person was reported at Third and Oak streets. 6:35 p.m. A theft was reported in the 1300 block of Sparta Plaza. 6:43 p.m. A car wreck was reported on C.R. 14 near Oak Creek. 7:20 p.m. An officer was requested in the 31100 block of Broken Talon Trail in Oak Creek. 7:35 p.m. A noise complaint was reported at Eighth and Pine streets. 7:43 p.m. Harassment was reported in the 800 block of Howelsen Parkway. 8:47 p.m. A vehicle complaint was reported at Colorado Highway 131 and C.R. 14. 9:25 p.m. Oak Creek Fire Rescue and Routt County and Search and Rescue

Thanks Steamboat for helping us recycle over 20,000 corks!

Crime Stoppers If you have information about any unsolved crime, call Routt County Crime Stoppers at 870-6226. You will remain anonymous and could earn a cash reward.

were called to the Missouri Park Trail, for a report of a 15-year-old girl and 25-yearold woman who had not returned from a horseback ride. Search and Rescue crews could not begin searching because it was dark and returned Sunday morning. They located the two Sunday afternoon near the Sarvis Creek Wildnerness Area. The girl and woman were fine. 9:33 p.m. A noise complaint was reported on Steamboat Drive. 10:06 p.m. An officer was requested in the 700 block of Pamela Lane. 10:36 p.m. An officer was requested in the 1200 block of Turning Leaf Court. 11:06 p.m. A noise complaint was reported at Logan Avenue and Larimer Street. 11:13 p.m. A burglary was reported in the 100 block of Moffat Avenue in Oak Creek.

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Unusual instruments offered Bamboo stems, crystal glasses part of Strings this week

Monday, July 27, 2009


Raku Firing & Hand-built Ceramics Class with Julie Anderson

Elissa Greene

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Mondays and Wednesdays July 27th, 29th, Aug. 3rd &5th 6-9pm – ALL LEVELS WELCOME


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Rising blues star Ruthie Foster will bring her soulful voice and energetic guitar to the Strings Music Pavilion stage Friday night.

solo program includes works by Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt. He also is joined by Strings Music Festival performers Emma McGrath, Monique Mead, Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt and Anne Martindale Williams for Schumann’s Piano Quintet in Eflat Major. If you appreciate the blues

— and who doesn’t? — then plan on coming to the Pavilion on Friday night for Ruthie Foster’s return to the Strings stage. Foster was nominated for Traditional Blues Female Artist of the Year in the 2008 Blues Music Awards, and she is one of the acoustic See Strings, page 13



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In addition to the traditional Bach and Brahms, this week’s musical offerings at the Strings Music Pavilion bring brass, gold and crystal, as well as bamboo and blues, to the stage. The Denver Brass5, the premier recital quintet of the Denver Brass, gives two performances Tuesday. Join them as they Green pay tribute to reallife heroes and superheroes. The first concert is nearly sold out, but consider joining us for the special family concert at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday night’s concert features Haochen Zhang, cogold-medalist in the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, arguably the most prestigious piano competition in the world. At 19, Zhang also was the youngest competitor in the June 2009 competition. The last time the Cliburn Competition awarded a tie for the gold medal was in 2001. Zhang’s

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12 | Monday, July 27, 2009


Disability awareness highlights challenges, opportunities Tamera Manzanares



Disability Awareness Week is a time to think about challenges facing people with disabilities or, taking awareness one step further, to pretend to have a disability. Look for something in a dark basement, for example, or tie an arm to your belt. Try to do chores with thick heavy gloves to see how it would feel to have no feeling in your hands or feet, a condition called neuropathy. After all, it’s likely most people will experience a disability some time in their lives. About one in five people live with a disability in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Our chances for acquiring a disability increase as we age: About 45 percent of people 65 to 69 have a disability and nearly 74 percent of those 80 and older have a disability. A disability, in general, is a physical, psychological or emotional condition creating significant barriers to performing activities of every day life. Disabilities can happen as a result of illness, injury, genetics or other causes. Sunday’s start to Disability Awareness Week coincided with the 19th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and defines their rights, including access to public places. The ADA helped facilitate organizations such as the Independent Life Center in Craig, which advocates for individuals with disabilities and provides counseling and referrals to help them live independently. The ILC and other similar programs have highlighted challenges facing people with disabilities as well as how they can learn to cope with those challenges to live active and fulfilling lives.


While resources, such as transportation and affordable therapy services, can be sparse, particularly in rural areas, they do exist. Learning about these resources is one of the first steps toward becoming an active and contributing member of one’s community. That’s where the ILC comes in. The organization, one of 10 certified Centers for Independent Living in Colorado, accesses individuals’ varying needs, such as home adaptation or repair, health services or equipment, employment training and education opportunities — and directs them to local, state or national funding sources or programs designed to help. The ILC’s ultimate goal is to provide people with disabilities the tools to advocate for themselves and succeed in their goals. “That means strengthening them so they have the inner strength and self-confidence to do that,” said Evelyn Tileston, the ILC’s executive director. The ILC, for example, has a computer lab and instruction available, as well as a program helping individuals get a computer to help with education or job skills. The organization also works with programs that help with job training or employment opportunities. Rocky Mountain SER (Service, Employment, Redevelopment) program assists eligible older adults by paying their wages while they learn job skills at a host agency such as the ILC.

■ The Independent Life Center provides advocacy, support and referrals to helpful resources for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. The ILC serves clients in Moffat, Routt, Rio Blanco, Grand and Summit counties. For more information, call the main office in Craig at 826-0833 or 1-888526-0833. ■ The Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation assists eligible individuals with disabilities to become productive members of the work force through a variety of programs. For more information, call offices in Craig at 824-3246 or Steamboat Springs at 871-4853; or visit ■ Rocky Mountain SER (Service, Employment, Redevelopment) provides employment, training and education opportunities to disadvantaged individuals through programs such as the Senior Community Services Employment Program for unemployed people 55 and older. For more information, call 303-480-9394 or visit www. ■ For information and resources related to living with a disability — such as disability laws, housing, health care, employment and education opportunities — visit ■ For more information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, visit or


The likelihood of having a disability increases as we age. Organizations such as the Independent Life Center are using this week to highlight how many people with disabilities are, or can become, active and contributing members of their communities.

“We love to help people, and we are helping these people get skills they can market,” Tileston said. Much of the support the ILC provides older people with disabilities focuses on helping them remain as independent as possible so they do not have to go to nursing homes. This can involve connecting families with local adult day programs, which care for disabled and older adults during the day while caregivers work or attend other needs or finding funds to help pay for therapy services when insurance or Medicare benefits run out. Other ILC programs and partnerships, such as VizAbilities, offer ongoing support to individuals experiencing vision or hearing loss as well as information about assistive devices and technology to help with everyday tasks. In 2005, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a call to action to improve the quality of life of

people with disabilities through better health services and understanding. Increasing awareness that people with disabilities can lead long, healthy and productive lives was one of the action’s goals. Education is a key component of awareness. This week and throughout the year, for example, representatives from the Colorado Workforce Centers are available to make presentations to businesses about employing people with disabilities. ILC staff also is available to make presentations about a variety of topics, including disability etiquette, which emphasizes treating people with disabilities with respect — not making assumptions about their abilities but also not being afraid to ask questions. “There’s nothing wrong with saying, ‘Do you need a little help there?’” Tileston said. It’s important that individuals with disabilities take advantage of opportunities to educate oth-

ers by being positive role models and being open to questions. “Once people feel like they can talk to you, … you’ve created an atmosphere of negotiation and compassion, and you can’t make any progress without that,” Tileston said. Tamera Manzanares writes for the Aging Well program and can be reached at or 871-7606. Aging Well, a division of Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, is a community-based program of healthy aging for adults 50 and older. For more information or to view past articles, visit www.agingwelltoday. com.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Resident: These cars are running, beautiful and timeless Car show continued from 1 Gotchey, a local veterinarian, on ranch calls throughout Routt County. Bunn said she noticed classic cars — stashed away in barns or on properties in the county — that she’d never seen on the road. So she told her husband, Maury, to see whether they could find a way to get them out into the public. “That’s how a lot of classic cars start,” he said. “They’re junkers in a field.” Maury Bunn, who was displaying his 1967 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser Wagon and 1965 Shelby

Cobra replica Sunday, said the car club started with a classified ad in the newspaper. It since has grown to include 250 people on the club’s mailing list. The Motorhead Madness show Sunday also included a contingent from Craig’s car club, Colorado Cruisers. President George Vassek said 13 cars, including his 1957 Chevy Wagon, made their way from Craig to Steamboat for the show. “Steamboat’s just like Craig,” he said. “There are a lot of cars in town, and people don’t get them out. They need them out to show them.”

Other youngsters who attended the event with their families had similar responses to that of Vincent Schierenberg. Wynn Gwozdz, a 5-year-old visiting Steamboat with his family from Boulder, marveled at some of the other 30 or so cars on display. He said his favorite was a black 1932 Ford because, “It’s cool.” His sister, 8-year-old Ella, had a little more to say about the Ford, which also was her favorite car at the show. “The new cars, they all kind of look the same,” she said. “The old cars are all different.” For Steamboat resident Tony

Cacioppo, car shows such as Motorhead Madness take him back to a time when cars were of better quality and designed with unique styling — what made American-made manufacturing the best in the world. “With such a great tradition of American cars, I wonder how we got into the mess we’re in today with American car manufacturers,” said Cacioppo, who owns a 1977 Porsche 911S and a 1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. “These cars are still running, beautiful and timeless. Maybe we should return to the old tradition of car manufacturing.”

Jazz musicians Steve Boynton, Tim Cunningham play Thursday Strings continued from 11 music world’s brightest new stars. There also is a special fundraising concert on Thursday night featuring Ruthie Foster at the Larsons’ gorgeous new barn in the heart of the Yampa Valley. Also on Thursday is the weekly Music on the Green at Yampa River Botanic Park, featuring local jazz musicians Steve Boynton and Tim Cunningham. On Saturday night, Strings

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will bring a couple of unusual instruments to the stage. In addition to performing a solo flute piece, flute master Alberto Almarza will join Strings Music Director Monique Mead for a lullaby by Iranian composer Reza Vali. Mead will play crystal glasses and Almarza will play the Shakuhachi flute, a traditional Japanese instrument made from the root end of bamboo stem. The instrument can be used to play a wide repertoire of original

Zen music, ensemble music with other Japanese instruments, folk music, jazz and other modern pieces. During the 1980s, it was shipped as a “preset” instrument on synthesizers and keyboards, and it can be heard on music by such pop artists as Peter Gabriel, Sade and Michael Bolton. The concert also will include pieces by Moszkowski, Bach and Brahms. Elissa Greene is education and

information technology director, and advertising coordinator, for the Strings Music Festival. Contact her at 970-879-5056, ext. 100, or

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Oh Boy! We’re going to Paws ‘N Claws! I’d give you a “thumbs-up” but the opposable thumb thing is a bit of an issue.

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Anniversary Celebration


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Support Our Relay For Life Team

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14 | Monday, July 27, 2009

Club averages about 75 children a day

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The club, which provides activities for children ages 6 to 18, has grown considerably since opening its doors about six weeks ago. On its first day, 37 children showed up. Now, the club boasts 362 members and averages about 75 children a day, Martyn said. Boys & Girls Club activities include sports and recreation, arts and crafts, and educational programming. Leadership training, health and life skills instruction and teen programming also are available. Children can earn “Club Bucks,” which then can be used to purchase prizes. Pizza parties, for example, cost 500 Club Bucks. By comparison, the city’s summer program, for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, has served 207 children, about 87 a day, said Jennifer Travis, youth program coordinator for the Steamboat’s Parks, Open Space & Recreational

Services Department. The city’s summer enrollment is down from 110 children a day last year and 116 a day in 2007, Travis said. Travis said she didn’t know whether the Boys & Girls Club had affected enrollment in the city’s program, which has been offered for about 20 years. But she said feedback the city has received from parents indicated the lower enrollment was a product of the economy. “People are losing their jobs or having their hours cut back,” Travis said. “Parents are able to stay home more with their kids, which is fantastic.” Like the city, which offers an after-school program from 3 to 5:45 p.m. at a cost of $10 per day, Martyn said the Boys & Girls club also will be available in the fall. She said they’re planning the after-school program, which will be available from 3 to 7 p.m. Martyn said it likely would be similar to the summer program,

with a variety of activities for children in addition to homework help. She said the cost for the fall program hasn’t yet been determined. Martyn said many parents who have taken their children to the Boys & Girls Club this summer have expressed excitement for the after-school program in the fall. Until the school year starts in August, the Boys & Girls Club will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. It costs $1 per hour or $10 per day. The city’s summer program is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. and costs $32 per day. For more information about the Boys & Girls Club, call Martyn at 846-7710. For more information about the city of Steamboat’s youth activities programs, call the Parks, Open Space and Recreational Services Department at 8794300, or visit

Riders received food, water


Rescue continued from 3



member from the helicopter spotted the 15-year-old girl and 25-year-old woman about 20 minutes later, Alperti said. “Physically, they were completely exhausted and dehydrated, having left in the morning to return by breakfast,” she said. “They basically had not had anything to eat for 40 hours, not since dinner the night before.


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“They were going to survive, but they could not have gone any further. They could not have ridden out.” Alperti said the two were given food and water and were checked out by medical personnel, who determined they were fine and didn’t need to go to the hospital. — To reach Jack Weinstein, call 871-4203 or e-mail

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Monday, July 27, 2009

| 15

Wiedel: Safe care a priority Monday Medical continued from 2 radiation is considerably higher than at sea level. A CT scan can be equivalent to one to two years of background radiation exposure. The majority of CT scans performed on children are to care for emergency conditions such as trauma or appendicitis, Jones said. For emergent scenarios such as these, a CT scan can be the best diagnostic tool available. “There is a considerable amount of restraint among the medical community here in ordering CT scans only when they are necessary,” Jones said. “The potential risk of radiation exposure is weighed against the risk of not getting an accurate diagnosis.” Ed Havel, radiologic technologist and lead CT tech at YVMC, explained that radiographers apply the technique called ALARA. This means using a radiation dosage that is “as low as reasonably achievable.” Havel said YVMC adopted national pediatric protocols for CT scanning soon after they were introduced eight years ago. After a physician orders a scan for a pediatric patient, a radiologist at YVMC reviews the order. Then the radiographer sets the imaging equipment parameters based on the child’s weight so the correct dosage of radiation will be used. YVMC’s radiology equipment is calibrated by a physicist annually to ensure that it is within the manufacturer’s specifications and national standards. Image Gently recommends that parents become aware of the amount of radiation exposure their children are receiving. “We encourage parents to keep an imaging log for their children, much like an immunization record,” Wiedel said. “This can help prevent repetitive imaging, especially when more than one physician or hospital is involved in a child’s medical care.” YVMC has created cards on which parents can note the dates and types of imaging exams their child has received. Information sheets also explain medical radiation and how it is measured. “Providing safe care is our mission at YVMC,” Wiedel said. “Our Diagnostic Imaging care team has always been knowledgeable about this issue. Now we want to get the message out there to parents.” Christine McKelvie is public relations director at Yampa Valley Medical Center. She can be reached at christine.

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16 | Monday, July 27, 2009


Montrose officer killed


Domestic violence call ends in police death Saturday night




Police said a Montrose police officer was shot and killed and two of his colleagues were wounded while responding to a domestic violence call. Montrose police Chief Tom Chinn said a man who barricaded himself in a garage behind a home shot the police officers Saturday night. Police said the suspect also was killed, but it’s unclear whether authorities

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AROUND COLORADO shot him or he shot himself. His name was not released. The fallen officer is Sgt. David Kinterknecht, a 10-year veteran of the department. Officers Larry Witte and Rodney Ragsdale remained hospitalized Sunday morning. Chinn said they are both doing well. It wasn’t immediately known what prompted the domestic violence call.

Lawmaker aims to prevent the hiring of private firms DENVER

A state lawmaker said he plans to introduce a bill next year to prohibit Colorado officials from hiring private legal counsel after Gov. Bill Ritter hired his former law firm to analyze stimulus money spending. Republican Sen. Ted Harvey said the bill would require state officials to use the Colorado attorney general’s legal team except in emergencies or when there is a conflict. Harvey said Ritter, a Democrat, should not have hired his former law firm, Washingtonbased Hogan & Hartson, because “it’s inappropriate and sends a bad message.” Hogan & Hartson was hired in April in a no-bid contract. The firm has been paid $40,000 through June. Ritter’s office staff said hiring the firm was proper and approved by Attorney General John Suthers.

Unclear whether mental health moves at base work COLORADO SPRINGS

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A commander of the Army base where a single unit had 10 infantrymen accused of murder, attempted murder or manslaughter after returning to the United States instituted measures to stop the violence. But it’s far from clear whether they’re working. The Colorado Springs Gazette reports Maj. Gen. Mark Graham added mental health counselors at Fort Carson, ordered mandatory mental health screenings for all soldier doctor visits and had officers trained to spot returning soldiers in trouble. But it’s unclear whether the measures, some of them nearly two years old, are working. In May, police arrested a former Fort Carson soldier in the shooting death of a 19-year-old woman. Another soldier shot himself in the head this year. A third awaits trial for wounding a pregnant woman.

Woman represented by phony lawyer appeals case DENVER

A woman convicted of trying to hire someone to kill her son’s father is appealing her case because the man who represented her has been found guilty of impersonating a lawyer. Gwen Bergman was convicted in May of two federal murderfor-hire felonies. Her attorney is asking the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver to set aside her conviction or return the case to district court so her sentence can be reduced. Bergman has been in jail since 2004 and is serving a nine-year sentence. Federal prosecutors said Bergman received proper representation because a licensed attorney aided the attorney she hired, Howard Kieffer. Kieffer faces 25 years in prison when sentenced next month. He was convicted in April in U.S. District Court in Bismarck, N.D., of mail fraud and making false statements connected to his posing as an attorney there.

Boulder DA wants the possibility of 3rd term BOULDER

Boulder County’s District Attorney wants voters to decide whether he and future prosecutors elected to his office can run for an additional four-year term. Stan Garnett said he wants the county commissioners to put the question on the ballot for voters this fall to let them choose whether Boulder’s district attorneys can have three terms instead of two. The commissioners are expected to decide Aug. 4 whether to grant Garnett’s request. Garnett took office in January after being elected in November. He said an additional term would give the office continuity. Garnett said he doesn’t know yet whether he would run for a third time if given the opportunity.

School of Mines has a record fundraising year GOLDEN

Colorado School of Mines officials said the university has posted a record for fundraising this year with more than $30 million in gifts and commitments. Officials said research volume at the school also is at an all-time high with more than $50 million in awards. Officials said both figures are for the 2009 fiscal year that ended June 30. Officials said the school’s endowment is estimated at $147 million.



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Tue. Hi Lo W 76 44 t 75 53 t 74 54 t 78 49 t 75 53 t 87 52 t 79 50 t 76 54 t 91 62 t 85 51 t 65 37 t


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RF: 86



Clouds and sun with a thunderstorm


RF: 79

A t-storm possible in the afternoon



RF: 77



A t-storm possible in the afternoon


RF: 78



RF: 79

REGIONAL CITIES City Meeker Montrose Pueblo Rifle Vail Salt Lake City Vernal Casper Cheyenne Jackson Rock Springs

Today Hi Lo W 87 52 t 89 57 t 95 61 t 90 57 t 73 40 t 92 64 pc 90 57 t 84 53 t 81 50 t 74 45 t 81 51 t

Tue. Hi Lo W 82 48 t 88 57 pc 83 57 pc 86 53 t 68 39 t 88 63 s 85 56 t 74 50 t 71 50 t 72 44 t 76 50 t


Today Today City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Albuquerque 92 70 t Miami 91 79 t Atlanta 85 69 t Minneapolis 86 63 t Boston 84 69 t New York City 87 73 t Chicago 85 68 pc Oklahoma City 92 70 pc Dallas 90 74 t Philadelphia 88 72 t Detroit 85 66 t Phoenix 111 89 s Houston 92 76 t Reno 98 65 s Kansas City 92 70 pc San Francisco 73 56 pc Las Vegas 109 83 s Seattle 94 63 s Los Angeles 86 66 s Washington, D.C. 88 73 t Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.




Salt Lake City 92/64

Moab 98/68

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

Casper 84/53

Steamboat Springs 79/47

Grand Junction 94/65 Durango 88/55

Cheyenne 81/50

Denver 90/55 Colorado Springs 88/55


80 52 88 35


24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday Month to date Year to date


0.00" 1.05" 14.94"


Sun and Moon:


Today: Periods of sun with a t-storm in the afternoon. Highs 75 to 79. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0" Tonight: A t-storm in spots early; otherwise, mainly cloudy. Lows 44 to 48. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0" Tomorrow: Clouds and sun with a thunderstorm. Highs 69 to 73. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0"


High Low Month-to-date high Month-to-date low

Variably cloudy, a t-storm possible



Steamboat through 5 p.m. yesterday


RF: The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, cloudiness, sunshine intenisty, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body. Shown is the highest temperature for each day

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Today City Hi Lo W Aspen 80 45 t Boulder 88 55 t Colorado Spgs 88 55 t Craig 84 51 t Denver 90 55 t Durango 88 55 t Eagle 82 51 t Fort Collins 85 54 t Grand Junction 94 65 t Glenwood Spgs 90 56 t Leadville 71 40 t

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A p.m. shower or thunderstorm


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Monday, July 27, 2009

(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today

6:00 a.m. 8:27 p.m. 12:42 p.m. 11:21 p.m.



July 28

Aug 5



Aug 13

Aug 20


Higher index numbers indicate greater eye and skin exposure to ultraviolet rays.


0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme

Area Flow Level Boulder Creek ..............54 ..........dead Clear Ck/Golden .........254 ..........dead S. Platte/Bailey ............192 ..........dead Lower Poudre ..............342 ............low



Area Flow Level Brown's Canyon ..........775 ............low Gore Canyon..............1230 Yampa R./Steamboat ..169 ..........dead Green R./Green R......3370 ..........low


Q: What percent of t-storms in the U.S. spawn tornadoes?

Pueblo 95/61 A: Only 1 percent.


To Report Scores: ■ Call Sports Editor John F. Russell at 871-4209 during the day. ■ Call the News Desk at 871-4246 at night.


MLB Rockies win puts them up by 2 in wild-card race

Page 22

Steamboat Today • Monday, July 27, 2009



Average guys with awesome abilities


here’s a lot to like about action sports. The once second-tiered sports world of the X Games, Dew Tour — and anything else that involves a little bit of lunacy — has come a long way in the past 15 to 20 years. Action sports have pushed their way to the edge of the mainstream. Certainly they don’t compete with football, baseball or basketball on a national level, but they’ve certainly found a niche. It’s not hard to see why. Who doesn’t want to see Travis Pastrana do a double back flip? And talks about a triple back flip or back flip-360 have been thrown around this year. It’s that lunacy that people love. It’s seeing something and thinking, “I’d never do that.” But looking around, there is a better reason why action sports are growing: the athletes. There is a huge difference between professional athletes who play football, baseball or basketball and the ones who do flips on skis, bikes, motorcycles, snowmobiles or anything else. The extreme athletes seem more like everyday guys. NBA, NFL and MLB stars don’t want their lives in the public. They won’t tell their story, for the most part. At times, you can’t blame them. If they say something a little off the cuff or do something a little weird, they’re torn apart in the media. Extreme sports stars are different. We embrace them as crazy, off-the-cuff guys. Take three-time Winter X Games bronze medalist Colby James West, who was training at Bald Eagle Lake all week. By most accounts, West is your average guy. He sports a Mohawk, always smiles and can tell a joke. See Graham, page 22


Mike Diesburg tries to get control of his dirt bike as he hammers the throttle while pulling away from the starting line in Sunday’s Greenridge Enduro race near Phippsburg. The race sent riders on as many as five laps around the 13-mile course, testing their endurance, focus and technical riding ability.

300 riders, clouds of dust

Enduro racing returns to Routt County on Sunday near Phippsburg Joel Reichenberger PILOT & TODAY STAFF


Racers made three, four or five laps on the 13-mile course in the Greenridge Enduro race, but it didn’t take Steamboat Springs daredevil Kerry Lofy very long to figure out why it’s called enduro racing. Lofy, who last winter became one of only a few people to have

hucked Hells Wall, took a different kind of flying leap Sunday on the Phippsburg-area course. This time, he went hurtling over the handle bars of his dirt bike midway through his first lap. In that vault, he realized how the sport got its name. “I was done right there,” he said. “I had to sit for five minutes before I could even get back on my bike.” The trail, carved into the sage

and through the forests between Oak Creek and Phippsburg, tested the endurance of all 300 riders who showed up for the first-time event. Often forcing riders to stick to the saddle for most of four or five hours, it physically drained them. Daunting uphill and steep downhill sections — interspersed with suck-it-in stretches where a trail just 32 inches wide ran between thick tree trunks — took a toll

on both man and machine. Everpresent dust often reduced racers’ visibility, clouding goggles and pushing an already worn out rider’s frayed nerves ever closer to the edge. “They don’t have races like this on the Front Range,” said Denver rider Ian Blythe, who won last year’s Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit. See Enduro, page 21

Tennis tournament records largest field Joel Reichenberger PILOT & TODAY STAFF


Generations of all sorts took to the courts, and that was the best part of the weekend’s Steamboat Tennis Association Championships, Jim Swiggart said Sunday after the final matches had ended. “We had 20 future high

school players playing in the Results from junior divisions, the STA tourney 11 current high See page 23 school players and six past high school players all playing in the adult divisions,” said Swiggart, director of the Tennis Center at Steamboat Springs. “It just turned out great.” The tournament was a fund-

For more

raiser for local high school tennis teams and junior programs. The three-day event featured the largest field in its 17-year history, Swiggart said. “Probably half the field was adults who have children who no longer play for the team,” he said. “But they enjoy the event so much and enjoy supporting the program so much, they continue coming back out each year.”

Individual champions at this year’s event included Coyt Majure in the men’s 3.0-3.5 singles division, Steve Harrison in men’s 4.0 singles, Keegan Burger in 4.5 singles, Louis Nijsten in men’s 5.0 singles, Mary Weiss in women’s 3.5 singles, Christina Allevato in women’s 4.0 singles and Molly Weiss in women’s 4.5 singles. See Tennis, page 21



Monday, July 27, 2009

| 21

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Coming Soon!



Event back in Routt County after 15 years Enduro continued from 20 The race sent bikers away from the starting line in teams, one each from four different competitive classes. The highest class, A, ran five laps while the beginner class logged three. The idea was for racers to tear through the course at an average of 36 miles an hour, an almost impossible standard to uphold. They checked in at tents scattered across the course and lost points based on how far they had slipped from the ideal time. The event marked enduro racing’s return to Routt County after a 15-year absence. The sport first came to the area with a 1972 race in Little Red Park in northern Routt County. Organizers pulled the plug on the then-annual event in 1994. “We wanted to start it back up to give them a chance to race in the mountains,” race director Delbert Bostock said. “We’re very happy. We haven’t had any major injuries. And, for a firstyear event, we weren’t expecting

300 to show up. That’s great.” The Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit includes races in Colorado, Wyoming, Texas and Nebraska. Sunday’s racers came from across the country. Plenty of locals took the chance to get in on the action, too. Lofy said he’s been riding dirt bikes for years, but Sunday’s was his first race. “I’ll definitely do it again,” he said. “I’ll probably train more next year.” Richard Strait is a regular at local motocross events with his sons, Soroco High School students David and Ben. The massive event seemingly in his backyard was too much for his crew to pass up. “I’m a little cramped up,” he said, wincing only moments after finishing the race. “It’s so tiring, and once you get tired, it’s hard to keep riding the way you need to ride.” As Lofy rubbed an injured shoulder and Strait made peace with the aches in his body, Vail resident Jordan Harrill was pre-

paring for the last of his four laps. “There’s nothing like this,” he said, grinning as he waited to start. “But it’s tough. The trail out here changes every lap. There are different bumps, and you have to take different lines. The sand gets loose, and it’s hard to turn. “You have to keep focused. I guess that’s why they call it enduro racing.” Results from Sunday’s Greenridge Enduro were not available at press time.


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Kimberly VanDuyn leaves her opponents in the dust as she speeds away from the starting line of the Greenridge Enduro race Sunday near Phippsburg. The race attracted about 300 riders from across the country.





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C.J. Burger a doubles winner Tennis continued from 20 Doubles champions included Bert Halberstadt and William McGinnis in the men’s 3.0 division, David Oakley and Nick Sharp in the men’s 3.5 division, John Reif and Glynn Sisson in the men’s 4.0 division, William Krueger and Jeff Lampas in the men’s 4.5 division, Kim Haggarty and Jennifer Holdeman in the women’s 3.0 division, Karen O’Connor and Lisa Smalley in

the women’s 3.5 division, Faye Milne and Vicki Sharp in the women’s 4.0 division, Amanda Thieleman and Molly Weiss in the women’s 4.5 division, Dusica Sunila and Thomas Sunila in 3.0-3.5 mixed doubles, and Carol Bender and C.J. Burger in 4.0 mixed doubles. Teague Burger won the junior singles red classification, Madeline Labor won the junior blue class, and Gabriele Erspamer won the junior gold class.

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22 | Monday, July 27, 2009

Rockies up 2 in wild card

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Pat Graham






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When traffic filled the bases, Aaron Cook’s sinker was superb as the pitch dipped and dropped to bail him out of trouble. Cook relied heavily on his trademark pitch to win his seventh straight decision Sunday, leading the Colorado Rockies to a 4-2 victory against the San Francisco Giants. Cook gave up nine hits in seven innings, yet always seemed to wiggle off the hook as he allowed just two runs.


Rockies 4 Giants 2

“It’s not the end of the world if somebody’s on,” Cook said with a shrug. “I really don’t worry about guys on base. Once they’re on, what am I

going to do?” Let his defense go to work. The Giants rolled into 16 groundouts, including a double play in the fourth that thwarted a potential rally.

Cook (10-3) has now forced 17 double play this season, which ranks among the National League leaders. “He’s got one of the best (sinkers) in the game and good command of it,” Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. “When you’re facing a guy like Cook, you know you have your work cut out.” For a series in July, this almost had a playoff vibe to it. And by taking two of three, the Rockies increased their NL wild-card lead to two games past the Giants.

New Broncos boss moving past drama Arnie Stapleton







The Denver Broncos’ offseason of change and chagrin is about to give way to the team’s first training camp without Mike Shanahan in 15 years. New quarterback Kyle Orton and recalcitrant wide receiver Brandon Marshall are due at Dove Valley with the rookies and rehabbers today, three days before the rest of the squad reports for

new coach Josh McDaniels’ first training camp. Shanahan’s Dec. 30 firing set off a stormy offseason that has divided the Broncos’ faithful into two camps: ■ Those who welcome Shanahan’s two rookie replacements, McDaniels and general manager Brian Xanders, as they try to restore the lost luster to a franchise that has just one playoff win in the past decade.

■ And those who view McDaniels and Xanders as smug thirtysomethings who are in over their heads and hold out little hope for a quick fix. McDaniels, 33, who tutored Tom Brady and Matt Cassel in New England, has never been a head coach at any level. He got off to a rocky start in Denver when he alienated Pro Bowl quarterback Jay Cutler and eventually traded him to Chicago for Orton and a bevy of draft picks.

Action sports continue to be endearing



Graham continued from 20 He signed autographs for freestyle skiers and had backand-forths with numerous athletes, talking to everyone. People busted his chops, would razz him a little, and West would just laugh and offer a

counter jab. Could you imagine any athlete in mainstream sports doing that? Just last week, LeBron James and Nike had video confiscated when Xavier’s Jordan Crawford dunked on him. My guess is, if there is a video of someone dunking on West, he probably is doing the commentary for it. He also was open to sharing his life story — one that tells a lot about what skiing means to him. He quit college and moved everything he had to Breckenridge to pursue a skiing career. The dude slept in his car for almost two years. Starting your car in the morning in the middle of winter is one thing.

Waking up in it more than 400 times is something totally different. It’s crazy, wild and, most importantly, telling. Just a guess, but a guy who braves sub-zero temperatures while sleeping in his car for almost two years must love his sport, must be driven and probably doesn’t have the word “can’t” in his vocabulary. He’s also one of the reasons why action sports have become — and will continue to become — endearing to the American public. — To reach Luke Graham, call 871-4229 or e-mail

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High Tech Audio Video

37. Randy Leeder, 1:40:08 38. James Booth, 1:42:05 39. Roger Rybicka, 1:47:28 40. Robert Hamburger, 1:48:20 41. Don Platt, 1:51:10 42. Dean Pascuall, 1:52:49 43. John Crowther, 1:58:45 44. Ken Paul, 2:00:54 WOMEN 1. Sarah Pizzo, 1:14:34 2. Jamie Williams, 1:25:04 3. Steph Scholl, 1:25:40 4. Candy Underhill, 1:27:32 5. Anne Mudgett, 1:28:04 6. Mary Shuette, 1:28:43 7. Heather Bartlett, 1:30:45 8. Hannah Williams, 1:30:51 9. Genevieve Dice, 1:31:11 10. Gayle Zorrilla, 1:31:41 11. Lucy Hackman, 1:32:10 12. Kristin Snowden, 1:32:20 13. Helen Shine, 1:32:28 14. Kristin Hagar, 1:32:58 15. Bri Schupp, 1:33:31 16. Megan Gregg, 1:34:16 17. Christine Shook, 1:34:50 18. Stephanie Brightwell, 1:36:31 19. Kimberley VanAuken, 1:36:34 20. Amy Walsh, 1:37:48 21. Tatiana Cone, 1:37:55 22. Karen Walters, 1:38:52 23. Natalie Dice, 1:39:52 24. Pam Iyer, 1:40:48 25. Sarah Kostin, 1:42:28 26. Deb Freeman, 1:42:35 27. Joan Allsberry, 1:44:10 28. Christine Hartman, 1:44:22 29. Jenna Ireton, 1:44:34 30. Elizabeth Ireton, 1:44:34 31. Robin Jankowski, 1:45:20 32. Jennifer Ells, 1:46:17 33. Erika Walters, 1:47:30 34. Cammy Ravenscroft, 1:48:15 35. Jojo Yui, 1:50:02 36. Katie Smith, 1:51:02 37. Adelaida Leptich, 1:58:13 38. Leslie Wright, 1:58:44 39. Melissa Whitelle-Rogers, 2:04:17 40. Debra Blazzard, 2:08:07 41. Stephanie Hosie, 2:10:43 42. Julie Kirkland, 2:12:49 43. Brooke Boynton ,2:17:20 44. Kelly Holtzinger, 2:28:28

SPRING CREEK MEMORIAL 9-MILE RACE RESULTS Saturday MEN 1. Paquito Lopez, 1:05:40 2. Luke Crespin, 1:05:47 3. Josh Smullen, 1:06:55 4. Harry Niedl, 1:08:27 5. Scott Hosie, 1:09:05 6. Steve Moxley, 1:10:34 7. Greg Abrahamsom, 1:11:35 8. Andy Picking, 1:12:05 9. Scott Kempers, 1:12:22 10. Shawn Scholl, 1:14:05 11. Scott Blair, 1:14:28 12. Walter Magill, 1:18:35 13. Bart Kounovsky, 1:19:20 14. Edward Altshuler, 1:19:45 15. Jay Kinghorn, 1:20:10 16. Seth Townsend, 1:20:13 17. Gus Kyles, 1:20:27 18. Doug Brandemeier, 1:20:34 19. John Wright, 1:21:32 20. Zach Ruppel, 1:22:40 21. Stuart Hassel, 1:23:35 22. Dave Terranova, 1:23:53 23. Ken Rogers, 1:25:05 24. Avrom Feinburg, 1:27:52 25. Tom Nelson, 1:28:05 26. Darrell Bruder, 1:28:09 27. Chris Voeller, 1:28:15 28. James Morton, 1:31:41 29. Mark Townsend, 1:35:06 30. Todd Butler, 1:36:10 31. Ruben Zorrilla, 1:36:30 32. John Nyen, 1:38:00 33. Chris Lind, 1:38:20 34. Justin Prochnow, 1:39:08 35. Andy Pittman, 1:39:39 36. Robert McAndrews, 1:39:39

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TENNIS STEAMBOAT TENNIS ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Sunday Men’s 3.0-3.5 Singles (Round Robin) Majure, Coyt def. Pietig, Jack 6-1; 6-1 Weston, Patrick def. Weston, Michael 7-5; 6-4 Men’s 4.0 Singles (Final Round) Harrison, Steve def. Globe, Mitch (2) 6-4; 6-3 Men’s 4.5 Singles (Final Round) Burger, Keegan def. Schaller, David (1) 6-1; 6-3 Men’s 5.0 Singles (Round Robin) Swiggart, James def. Burger, Keegan 6-4; 6-0 Nijsten, Louis def. Hooker, Grice 6-2; 6-2 Women’s 3.5 Singles (Round Robin) Weiss, Mary def. Bearss, Colleen 7-6(4); 7-6(6) Women’s 4.0 Singles (Final Round) Allevato, Christina (1) def. Swiggart, Kylee 6-0; 6-1 Women’s 4.5 Singles (Round Robin) Weiss, Molly def. Valicenti, Christi 6-0; 6-4 Men’s 3.0 Doubles (Final Round) Halberstadt, Bert / William, McGinnis (1) def. Owen, Erik / Weston, Patrick 6-4; 6-2 Men’s 3.5 Doubles (Final Round) Oakley, David / Sharp, Nick (2) def. Antonucci, Santino / Worthen, John (1) 6-1; 7-6(5)) Men’s 4.0 Doubles (Round Robin) Ramsey, Matt / Mike, Ramsey def. Chase, Vladan / Tsypin, Lev 4-6; 6-4; 6-2 Reif, John/Sisson, Glynn Men’s 4.5 Doubles (Final Round) Krueger, William / Lampas, Jeff def. Schaller, David / Speare-Schaller, Jesse (1) 3-6; 6-4; 7-5 Women’s 3.0 Doubles (Round Robin) Haggarty, Kim / Jennifer, Holdeman def. Hanrahan, Meghan / Knoebel, Nikki 6-1; 6-1 Women’s 3.5 Doubles (Final Round) O’Connor, Karen / Lisa, Smalley def. Leslie, Sheryl / Weiss, Mary 6-2; 6-2 Women’s 4.0 Doubles (Final Round) Milne, Faye / Sharp, Vicki (2) def. Lamb, Rebecca / Speare, Elizabeth (1) 7-5; 7-5 Women’s 4.5 Doubles (Round Robin) Thieleman, Amanda / Molly, Weiss def. Flynn, Yvette / Skytta, Kathi 6-4; 7-5 Lamb, Rebecca / Tully, Meg def. Antonucci, Jeannie / Oakley, Susan 6-1; 6-1 Mixed 3.0-3.5 Doubles (Final Round) Sunila, Dusica / Sunila, Thomas def. Bearss, Sara / Owen, Erik 6-4; 6-4 Mixed 4.0 Doubles (Final Round) Bender, Carol / Burger, C.J. (3) def. Allevato,

Christina / Reif, John (1) 6-3; 6-1 Junior Singles Red (Round Robin) Burger, Teague def. Davie, Patricia 8-1 Haggarty, Hanna def. Majure, William 8-4 Junior Singles Blue (Round Robin) Labor, Madeline def. Katthain, Tamara 8-1 Cooper, Paula def. Burger, Tatum 8-4 Junior Singles Gold (Round Robin) Erspamer, Gabriele def. Cooper, Kate 8-5 Ross, Katie def. Jenkins, Shealie 8-4 Diehl, Corbin def. Spencer, Katie 8-1

| 23



Monday, July 27, 2009




24 | Monday, July 27, 2009


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| 25

��������������������������������������������������� ACROSS 1 Family doctors, usually: abbr. 4 Felines 8 Bad __; uneasy feeling 13 Ring, as a bell 14 October gem 15 Dazzling effect 16 Additionally 17 Rescuer 18 Valerie Harper TV role 19 Help mom with dinner 22 Concorde, for one: abbr. 23 Interestsparking ad 24 Kernels 26 Bird’s home 29 Vidalias and shallots 32 Carousels and Ferris wheels 36 Actor Rex __ 38 Leave out 39 Matured 40 Celebrations 41 Sandwich shop 42 Pie a la __ 43 Sign; portent 44 Passover meal 45 Child’s reader 47 Grate 49 Rock homes 51 Pad of paper 56 As blind __ bat 58 Modifications 61 Destined 63 Outscore 64 __ mater; brain membrane 65 Way too heavy 66 Tardy 67 Designer Christian __ 68 Takes a nap 69 Historical periods 70 Monogram for designer Yves DOWN 1 Aspic 2 Noodles 3 Las Vegas machines



Monday, July 27, 2009

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 21 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 40 44

Stick together In __; miffed Skater Lipinski Messy folks Actor and dancer Ben I, in Germany Flowered Actor George ER “Now!” Bygone Egg layers Spinks & Uris Device with two electrodes Close noisily Roof installer Longest river Mix in a bowl Freeway exit __ Stravinsky Sets aside for a special purpose Water-retention ailment Grandma’s nickname Punctured Argument

Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

(c) 2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

46 48 50 52

Sidesteps Iowa and Idaho Dark brown Newly hatched chick 53 St. __, MO 54 Register 55 Old Russian leader’s title

56 __ apple, B for boy... 57 “Kemo __”; Tonto’s line 59 Bosc, Bartlett or Anjou 60 Casual farewell 62 Suffix for old, cold or bold

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1999 Subaru Outback Wagon, Manual transmission, Power everything, heated seats and mirrors. GPS, 111k, Good condition. $4500 Call 970-870-0872 1996 Ford Aerostar XLT Van AWD Good Condition, clean, 166k, Great family vehicle. $1,500 OBO 970-846-4918 1999 SAAB 9-5 Fully Loaded, Turbo. 144k miles runs great. Thule rack. $3,999 call kyle (603)969-3050. FINANCING / WORKING PEOPLE! $750.00 MINIMUM DOWNPAYMENT. NO CREDITCHECK. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. “Working Cars / Working People - 24,000 Mile Warranties!

Demolition Derby Contestants DESPERATELY NEEDED! 3 Classes Mini, Cars & Pickups. Routt, Moffat County Fairs. Don Hayes 970-276-4174 Lewis Moon 970-824-9568

Honda Shadow 2003, low miles, mint condition, saddle bags. $4500 OBO. Call 846-4013 2003 BMW F650CS - GREAT COMMUTER BIKE, 3150 MILES, ABS, HEATED GRIPS, GARAGE KEPT, SUPER CLEAN, TANK BAG, DEALER SERVICED (RECORDS ON FILE), PICTURES EMAILED UPON REQUEST, $5650, CALL 846-8808

2000 11’ Bigfoot truck camper, generator, microwave, electric jacks, thermopane, -40, separate shower, sleeps 4, loaded. $12,500.00, excellent condition 970-846-9374. 2008 Harley Ultra Classic, loaded. 1057 miles. $21,000 Firm. 2003 Bass Tracker Fishing Pontoon Boat with 2004 115 HP motor. $14,000 OBO. 2006 Subaru Baja 4 cyl, 5 speed, 44,000 miles, $14,500 OBO 970-326-7100 or 970-824-3415 ask for Bob

1995 Subaru Wagon, AWD, 5 speed, AC, 160k, runs good. $1800 MUST GO! Ryan 970-846-8397

2006 KYMCO Super 9 50cc Scooter, two stroke. Goes 48 miles per hour with two people on. Color grey, excellent condition, only 2100km, $2,300. 970-669-4035

Vespa Scooter. Brand new, top end LX 50 model. Only 45 miles. Perfect condition. $3100. No license, registration req. 970-846-6751.

2007 Yamaha V Star 1100, under 2k miles, black, $7,500 obo, 819-3654

2000 Yamaha 90TTR, Good Condition! $800.00 includes Boots & Chest Protector. Great first bike for starters. 736-0520

1994 StarCraft Popup camper, sleeps 6, king bed in front and queen in rear., dining table fold down to bed as well. Ice box, gas stove, sink with fresh water storage. Solar shower unit with Porta. toilet. 12V battery and normal RV hook ups. 2 new tires, new awning. Camper is in perfect condition. Plenty of storage inside and out. High clearance camper, no dragging. Asking $3900 (937)231-3925 Craig.


2006 KTM 250 XCW, 2 stroke, 100 miles, vintage white with graphics, $4000, 846-5877

98 Jeep Grand Cherokee, needs work, moving and must get rid of, $1000 obo. (941)321-3145 1972 Jeep CJ5-Renegade, 304 V-8, Soft & Bikini tops, 2 pc doors, CB radio, 2 Cargo racks, lock out frt. hubs, orig. paint, 56000 orig.miles. $4000 970-879-8018 1999 Lexus ES300, Pearl white with gold trim, 126K miles, excellent condition, $6,000. Call 824-8841 2004 Ford F-350 FX Offroad crew-cab long bed. Has topper, bedslide, ladder rack. Loaded. Clean. Sharp! 53K. $30,000 OBO. 819-0745

2002 VW Cabrio Convertable, Black with Tan interior, upgraded CD player, power windows, good condition, 78,250 miles, $6995 Call 879-1833

2005 KTM 525 MXC, new tires, headlight, hand guards, aftermarket plastic and seat, large tank, electric start, ramps and some gear included, great track and trail bike, can be made street legal, $3700 o.b.o. 970-629-1639

2007 Yamaha R6 Street bike, $6,500. 2005 Arctic Cat 900 Kingcat $4,500 OBO, (970)846-5629

1992 Toyota Camry sedan, good condition, $2,000. (970) 824-0114, (970) 216-5837.

2001 VW EUROVAN MV - 81K, Good Cond. 2 sets of tires, 18” wheels, Bilstein shocks, trailer hitch, XM, Yakima rack, PIAA lights. $12,500. 846-4391 FOR SALE:2006 Harley Davidson Fat Boy with extras, 700 miles, 2001 Harley Duece lots of extras, both mint condition. 970-276-3677 2007 Honda CRS 100 4 stroke dirt bike, mint condition, only used 10 times, $1,500 846-4870 2003 YZ 125 NEVER RACED New Rear Tire Custom Exhaust Includes gear $1850 OBO, 2002 TTR 250 Low Hours $2000 both original buyer (970)-819-6033




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1972 FJ40 Whole, for parts. 6 cylinder 3 speed. Runs, block leaks water. Solid drive train, rusty body, $600, 846-4163

1997 Porsche C4S, 6 speed, black-black, AEROKIT ($6370.00+installation), OEM winter wheels ($4500.00), widebody, AWD, loaded, unmolested. 59,200 miles, $45,000, 970-846-9374.

2005 Honda CBR 600 RR, fast bike, 4500 miles, new back tire and battery, $3700 due to scratches, Hayden, 801-913-5274

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So many books, so little time. Downtown Books, 543 Yampa Ave. 824-5343. New, curious, collectible. Buy, sell, trade.

2008 Weekend Warrior Wide Body. 34’ Toy Hauler. Like new, upgraded interior with 5.5 onan. Fueling station, 150 gallons of fresh water. Sleeps seven, all the EXTRAS! Blue Book $50,000, asking $33,500. 970-824-5337 Very Nice 79 Camper trailer, full bath, good condition, 25’, sleeps 8, seen in Craig @ 995 Rose St., 824-6025

1996 GMC Suburban 135,700 miles, good condition, power everything, runs good. $3,900. 826-0792.

Torker boardwalk beach cruiser. Black with flames, fenders ,light, speedometer. Great condition, very low miles. $200.00. 846-1372.

‘95 GMC Surburban 1500 SLE Starcraft, 7 pass., 4WD Very clean Condition - all options PS, PB, PW, PL, AC, Heated Seats, Alarm Sys. Custom Wood Interior, TV/VCR. Lighted Pushbar & Trailer Hitch, Running Boards $5000 879-5556

TREK 2120ZX full Carbon Fiber frame. FRAME ONLY $200.00 970-393-2047

2008 Haulmark, 24 Ft, Car Hauler, black, IN GREAT CONDITION, dual 5K axels, asking $8,500 call 970-846-5618

Computer Stimulus Package! Offering discount-pricing Windows rebuild special. Costs fraction new-equip. Extends life 2-3yrs. 15yrs experience. Ref-Avail. Bill Eakins, 846-8256

2005 Toyota Tacoma, 4 Door Long Bed, CD player, Towing Pkg, Snow Tires, Topper Shell. 55,000 miles $20,500 OBO. 736-8369 evenings

Antique Cherry Wood rocker, carved with the North Wind, rolled arms. Antique couch, excellent condition. Call 824-3467

Tune-ups, Troubleshooting & Repairs All Computer & Laptop Brands New & Used PCs, Laptops & Parts, Virus Removal & Prevention, Wireless Networking, DELL Registered Partner 970-879-8890

FREE: Older Mare rides nicely, free to good home. Call 970-871-1324 2 free twin wooden headboards 871-1799 Free Dryer, works, uhaul. 304 Lilac ct in Hayden 2 32”x72” dual glazed glass panels, 870-1681, 819-2929 FREE: Need outside pest control? Two rocky mountain garter snakes ready to relocate to your back yard. These guys must be either bankers or students because they crawl out of bed about 10 for work and return promptly at 4:30. Offered on the catch and release program. 871-4509

TRI-MATIC PAINT SPRAY BOOTH + MAKE-UP AIR UNIT, 8’x12’ working area, 9’ height, Very Clean, Fluorescent Lighting, Fire Suppression, Fire Dept. Approved, 2 ½ Gallon, Dual Regulated, HVLP Spray Gun, Well Maintained, Extra Clean, Low Hours, $32,000 New - SALE PRICE $20,000, 970.736.8244 Dovetail Designs

Free moving boxes at 1103 Lincoln, back of building entrance faces 11th Street. 970-870-6087

Bunk Beds-Solid Wood with support in great condition! Natural wood color with mattresses and bedding $300 Call 970-219-2598

New in box, 6mos old, Kenmore front loader washer - gas dryer. White, pedestals. Retail $1650 sell for $1200 obo 879-8495, 846-6067

Retirement Sale! Ongoing, Everything is 25%. NEOLITHICS, 565 Yampa Downtown Craig. Get your gift shopping done now! Fast refurbished dell laptop with clean windows xp, anti-virus, office and wireless! Must sell today! $275 819-3143

THE GREATEST FUN ON EARTH!! Sporting Clays 9AM-4PM, Driving range 9AM-6PM. Call for details 970-846-5647 -

Steel building FRAME - 50’x75’ with (3) 50’ I-beams and all uprights. Brand new, never used. Paid $12,000. Will take best offer 846-5264 GRANITE SLAB COUNTERTOPS WITH EXCLUSIVE 15 YEAR WARRANTY!!! Please call for details. 846-5264 16 trusses 28.5’ span 4-12 pitch. Assorted large windows. 2 sliding glass doors, light fixtures, furniture. Call 846-8236 for details Selling lodgepole fence rails, logs, and stays of any size. Call 970-846-9308 with questions.

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DRESSERS, COUCHES, CABINETS, TABLES AND MUCH MORE. PRICED TO MOVE. COME IN AND CHECK OUT OUR GREAT DEALS AT FAVORITE THINGS, 584 YAMPA AVE. CRAIG Meeting chairs, hutch, kitchen table, folding chairs, Queen Comforter set. 819-9348 or 819-9346 Full Sealy Posturepedic Mattress, $175; Solid wood Queen headboard, footboard, $325. nightstand $100. All like new, rarely used. 871-1120 Sofa bed, chair with ottoman, uhaul $175 870-9156

Solid Wood Fireplace Surround and Mantle for gas or electric. Beautiful faux finish, crown molding, never been installed, minor dings from storage make this a steal at $175.00 For pics or info please call 970-393-9227

STEAMBOAT’S MATTRESS HEADQUARTERS Mountain Mattress and furniture, Queen sets from $299. All natural, memory foam, 22 models on floor (970)879-8116

2 Used Propane Fireplaces - needs repair or use for parts, call Joe for details 879-0342

Beetle kill pine flooring. Kiln dried, quality milled T and G $2.35 / sf Granby Co. 970-887-2644 DeLonghi 2009 Portable room air conditioner. NEW inbox $650 value. Cools living room or bedroom efficiently, 12,000 BTU’s $500 970-846-7386

1994 Nissan Pathfinder 2WD, 120k, Automatic, 2 sets of tires, power everything. $1800 970-846-1836 or 970-402-0581

2 Water closets with seats, in good shape, 879-4631

Need to get rid of logs? Mingle Wood Timbers Inc. will pick them up for free. (970)871-9238

Having trouble getting the computer help you need? Ask a local where they go for help... We have been helping Steamboat use computers since 1985! Whether it’s your home or business, we are the locals choice for anything computer related. Andy, Marcus, and Royce. 970-870-7984 2130 Resort Drive, Suite 100

2005 Hummer H2 44K, Back Tire Rack, Great Condition! $27,500, 846-3350

(30) Subaru Outbacks, Foresters, and Imprezas, from $1,500 / $15,000! 2002 Jeep Liberty, Great! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700. Great Warranties!


Refrigerator - Tappan 21 Cu. Ft. in good working condition. You have to move it on July 28 or 29. In Steamboat. 871-4295

2005 Chevy Colorado Ext Cab, 4x4, 5 speed manual 4 cyl, 95,000 miles, looks & runs great, $8,000 OBO 824-1958

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Free 2 Queen Waterbed frames, 1 -4 poster Oak with Pedestal 1 -Pine wood with headboard and pedestal with drawers. No mattresses. 276-1892

*LIKE NEW* ‘07 ENCLSD 5x8 CARGO TRAILER Used twice. $1,450. 970-819-9659

2004 Dodge Durango, Sweet! 2000 “Jimmy” and Explorer Sports, Fantastic! (2) Jeep Grand Cherokees, Nice! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 875-0700.

2003 DODGE DURANGO, Leather, Power Everything, 82K Miles, $7500 OBO: 2008 SUBARU OUTBACK, Power Everything, 5speed, 10,000K Miles, $18,500 OBO 970-824-5337

Call to sign up. Randall Salky, Attorney at Law McGill Professional Law 970-879-6200 ext. 13

Free towing of unwanted & abandoned vehicles. 879-1065

1995 Suburban 197k, New transmission and rear-end. Very clean, runs and looks GREAT. 2 sets wheels / tires. $4500 879-4326

‘97 Chevrolet Blazer LT 4-door leather 125,000 mi new tires Runs great no dents or rust. $3,600 870-9229day 879-5879 eve

LEGAL HAPPY HOUR Free legal advice


2003 Polaris Wide track, only 400 Miles, $3,500, 970-846-1939

1988 Jeep Wrangler - Hardtop, steel doors, 3” body lift, winch, manual transmission. $4,500 OBO. Call for more info. 970-846-4259

FREE Windows, metal clad 46x69” and 32x56”. Free roof shingles 970-879-7746

| 27

FREE: Tub portion from Hot tub NO HOLES (never drilled). Great for a water tank! You Haul 970-879-5569

16’ Flatbed Dual axle 10,000 GVW, brakes, spring assist ramps. $2300 Call 846-8415

1987 Spryte five passenger snowcat. Very good condition. 45 inch “J” tracks. Blade hydraulics $14,000 possible free delivery. 970-653-3030

Monday, July 27, 2009

Need Top Soil? Call 970-879-0655


SERVICE PLUMBING- Need a Service Plumber? Call 928-240-0252. ‘05 Suzuki 125L, 33” snowblower, 46” Concrete troweling machine. 970-638-0100 Seeking nanny position, 5 years experience. Live in, full time. Infant to 5 years. references available. 402-340-1564 please leave message. BUYING GOLD, SILVER AND PLATINUM BULLION AND COINS. Call (970)-824-5807 or Cell (970)-326-8170.

IntExt LLC We do it all!

FIREWOOD: Round $90 or Split $125 per cord, We load. Call 970-778-2439 or 879-3475 Pearl Lake

Good old country boys, good old fashioned work! Call us for all your remodeling needs! Licensed & Insured. Also offering tree removal! 970-819-4991

Please help the Hot Springs get rid of Beetle Kill, great firewood! call Joe for details, 879-0342

TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! Kimco 879-6898

28 | Monday, July 27, 2009

Reclaimed Barnwood for Sale Pine, Oak, and Walnut. 1x, 2x, and timbers of multiple dimensions, call 819-1265 ALL STEEL PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS. Strong, secure, weather & rodent proof. Great for business, home, ranch, oil field & more. 8x8x20ft in stock. 8x8x40ft. available. 970-824-3256. Campbell Hausfeld airless paint sprayer. 7/8 hp, 50 gpm, 50’hose. Spare tip / filters. Less than 20 hrs. $300.00 970-846-9374. WANTED: Satellite dish wanted for Art project. 32” - 42” diameter. Please call 879-3111 Ace Asphalt is Colorado’s #1 choice for asphalt maintenance. Call today for your free estimate at 970-356-1630 or visit

Individual and Group Health Insurance PPO, ALL-PROVIDER. Emergency room, RX. Rates guaranteed. Replace expensive COBRA Plans. (970)879-1101

Angora Goats, kids Yearlings, Wethers Does and Buck. Do Not Challenge Fences. Call 846-3998 19Y.O. Appendix Gelding $1500; 7Y.O. Warmblood Mare $2500. Also English & Western Tack for sale. 970-846-1149


John P. Armstrong. Reliable, professional, horse shoeing for balance and performance. Gentle handling of your horse, 9 years experience, Hot-Cold and corrective shoeing. Hayden, CO, 435-640-0201 Meadowbrook Horse Cart for sale. Includes all tack and harness; plus sleigh runners. $1,800. Call 879 6043.

HAY FOR SALE! Alfalfa, Alfalfa Mix & Grass. Delivery Available. Please call 970-824-5219 or 970-620-3449 Small Square bales of grass hay. Very good quality. Near Craig. $6.00 per bale in stack, $5.00 per bale in field. 970-629-1760 Premium irrigated alfalfa mix hay, small square $5.50 per bale, $160 per ton. Large round also, $160 per ton. 970-824-1050 Hay for sale, alfalfa mix and grass hay. Call for pricing 970-824-3430 and leave message. Alfalfa Seed, Corn Seed, Grasses. Call us before you buy. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY!. We deliver anywhere. Ray Odermott, 208-465-5280, 800-910-4101 2009 First Cutting small bales. Meadow Mix & Alfalfa. $5 per bale cash. 846-4424

Far-infared sauna. Size: 85” X 63”x 75.75”, Hypoallergic Basswood, 240V, 2800W, 11.5amp. Takes a 15amp outlet. Comes in 6 sections, easy to assemble. NEW, has user manual with assembly instructions. 970-824-7742, 824-7776 Retail $7290.00 Asking $5000.00

STAGECOACH:1 Bd, 1Bth with office in Stagecoach. WD, $900 per month including utilities. Pets OK, NS, 970-736-2539

FOUND: prescription glasses in Wal Mart parking lot 423-802-3131

STEAMBOAT:2 BD, 2 BTH, 1200sqft, separate entrance, Dishwasher, WD, pets considered, NS. Great views $1200 mo plus utilities. 846-9213

Teacup Chihuahua, Dachsund, Papillion, Shih Tzu, Westies, Yorkies, All from top USDA licensed Top Breeders. Baker Drive Pets 970-824-3933

STEAMBOAT:One room efficiency apartment, full bath, full kitchen, pets possible. Fireplace. NS. $1000 includes utilities. 846-4420 CRAIG:2BD, 1BA Vacant apartments, covered parking, laundry facilities. $705 + 1 month deposit. Alpine Apartments 4th & Tucker. Jesse 970-824-3636

Happy Fish Pet Emporium, now carrying birds, reptiles, furries, fish! Expanded to meet your needs, 80 E 4th, Craig, 824-3772

STEAMBOAT:Caretaker studio in Whitewood, 20 minutes from downtown. Furnished, private entrance and patio. NS, NP, lease required. $725 monthly. 970-846-6767

Great Pyrenees Pups! AKC, 6 males, Gentle Giants. Ready Sept 1st. Taking deposits. Call 846-3998

CRAIG: DOWNTOWN Large 2 to 3 Bedroom Apartments.Furnished, parking, laundry facilities. All electric kitchens including DW, disposals. Small pets ok. Call (970)824-7120

“LUCKY” Six Toed Scottish Fold kittens. Different colors. Call 824-3467

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There are funds available for uninsured and underinsured local women to pay for annual wellness exams, mammograms and breast cancer treatment costs. Don’t compromise your health we can help! Call the Yampa Valley Breast Cancer Awareness Project to learn how to apply for funds. 846-4554.

690B John Deere track hoe, 38,000 lbs. Strong, rebuilt motor. Good tracks and pins. Good Shape! $12,000. 970-629-1014 or 970-276-3245 6 Ton National Boom Truck, 60’ reach, Ford 800 with flat bed & carrying rack. $12,000 846-6823

WANTED:Private land for 1 responsible elk hunter (no horses or ATV’s) in GMU 3, 4, 5, or 301 for first season (Oct 12-16). Will pay a trespass fee up to $100 a day.

Downtown apartment


STEAMBOAT:This place feels like Home! 2 OR 3 bdrm, 1ba, unfurnished, NS, NP, $1,400 , 1st, and last mo, super location, on Oak St, off street parking, newly remodeled, WD hookups, call Moser & Assoc. 970-879-2839

Dryland, Irrigated Grass Hay. Small Square bales & Big Square, Round Bales. Pre - Order, Delivery Available 879-1663 or 846-6120 Middlepark Grass Hay Small Squares $5 and up Hot Sulphur Springs 970-725-0389

CRAIG:1 BD and 2 BD, available in August, WD in apartment, NP, background check. Pick up application at 615 Riford Rd #5G, 824-2772

Grass - alfalfa hay & Grass. Small square bales and 950lb net wrapped round bales. 846-8207.

STEAMBOAT:Great Location, Downtown 1BD, Available now! $800 month + First, Last, Security. NP, NS. 1-Year Lease. (970)870-8168, Leave Message.

HAY FOR SALE - 500 tons of Alfalfa hay in 1800lb round bales. Nice, solid bales priced at $75-$85 per ton. Call the Frentress Ranch at 970-276-3602. Hay for sale! Alfalfa 3x3x8 square bales, or small square bales. Pre-order round bales. 970-276-3381

Found: Cash near fish creek trail around July1. Call to identify amount and identifiable item found with money. 846-0586

STEAMBOAT:Sweet mountain home private garden Apt, quiet, sunny 2bd deck WD, DW, NS, NP $1100-Utilities, wireless Inc 1st Dep 846-0261

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Butcher lambs and goats, ready now! Free delivery to processor. 970-826-4468 Alpacas For Sale. Fiber, pet males. Halter trained. $500 for two, includes gelding. Experienced, award-winning breeder. Visitors welcome! NeverSummer Alpacas. 736-1129


FREE WOOD PALLETS AT THE STEAMBOAT PILOT BUILDING. YOU HAUL AWAY AS MANY AS YOU LIKE Sorrel gelding for sale. Well broke. Good with kids. $1000 Call 824-8492

FOUND 7/22/09: Camera on park bench at 5th and Yampa River Rd. Call 720-236-9916 to identify FOUND: Burgess Creek RD bike lock with assorted keys. Call 970-846-4696 Rock climbing gear found on The Needle route at Hole in the Wall. Call to identify. Sean 846-6257 Found RX glasses on Skyline Trail. 879-8412 City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court 7-14-09-Missing from Shelter-Friendly female tan striped cat with collar. 7-17-09-Found-at a campsite outside of Yampa-Tan female Chihuahua


Pure bred Yellow Lab puppies. (Champion Black Forest Kennel). Pointing lines. First shots & dew claws removed. $250. 435-781-0803, 435-790-2054.

Pure bread chocolate labs for sale. Dew clawed, first Shots. Great bloodlines. Will be ready Aug. 2nd. $500 each. Call 970-824-4641 and leave a message for Chris.

AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies ready around August 10th. Tails and dewclaws are done, first set of shots. 620-5886


STEAMBOAT:Large 2BD, 1BA. Including Laundry facilities, storage. Completely remodeled! NS, NP $1050 month 928-486-2070

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��������������������������� Trampoline 7’x14’ great condition. $300 OBO you haul, 970-879-6704

STEAMBOAT:Walton Village Apartment 1BD, 1BA, very nice, clean, on bus route, WD, NP, NS, $900 monthly. Water, cable included. 970-846-6423

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STEAMBOAT:New studio apartment for rent, close to town, $875 monthly includes utilities. 6 month or 1 year option. (970) 846-1751




Seeking private land in UNITS 3 & 301 for 2-4 hunters to hunt antelope. Will pay trespassing fee. Steve 970-376-1536

City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court, 7-18-09 Found in Silver Spur: Young short hair blackwhite cat. 7-18-09-Found in Silver Spur: Young short hair black- white cat. 7-20-09-Found in Walton Creek area: Long hair neutered male tan- black striped cat.

CRAIG:Remodeled 2BA, 1BA apartments with Travertine, slate, oak, and alder finishes, Economy apartments, or 2BD, 2BA Townhomes that allow pets. 970-824-9251

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2.5BA, partially furnished, 1 garage, 1 out door space, WD, hardwood floors, premium appliances, close to down town, responsible couples and families preferred. $1,700 month + partial utilities. Or 2BD apartment $1,100 monthy plus utilities. Call Russ 203-253-6509

FOUND: Camera near court house 07/21. Please call to identify 970-326-7566 Found: Shimano rod and reel, 970-734-4269

STEAMBOAT: Downtown, 8/1/09, Unfurnished, clean, cozy, 2BR 1BA. New carpet, paint, tile. No pets. $975.00 Year Lease 970-734-4919 3405

STEAMBOAT: 1 bd, 1 bath, $750 per month-all utilities included. NS, Available July 15th. Call Jimmy at 970-846-7256

Grass Hay, Big Rounds Net Wrapped, $115 per ton. Call 871-1850 580 SuperK Backhoe 4,500 hours. Excellent condition, full maintenance records. $29,000.00 970-879-9133

STEAMBOAT: 1 bedroom 1bath, Apartment for rent in Dream Island. $1000. $1000 Security Deposit Call 879-0261

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Now Taking Applications for All Day Childcare. Infants - 5 years old. If interested please call Colleen at 970-819-2449


STEAMBOAT:Great Views from private sunny deck, quiet, second floor Apt, upper Copper Ridge Business Park. 1000sqft 2BD, 2BA WD, NS, NP. $1500 month. Better than living on the mountain. 970-879-5815


Monday, July 27, 2009

STEAMBOAT: Shadow Run, 1bd, new bathroom, furnished, clean, $950 or owner lease option to buy, 970-819-2233

Now Renting

STEAMBOAT:All Inclusive PackagesMonthly Leases Includes: Wireless Internet, Local Phone, Basic Cable and Utilities. Fully Furnished, Dog Friendly 2Bedroom, 2Bath From $1,200; 1Bedroom, 1Bath From $800; (970) 871-5140 or 877-264-2628 STAGECOACH: 2BD, 1BA. Partially furnished, bottom floor, corner unit. WD. NS, no dogs. $950, some utilities included. 846-4355 day

STEAMBOAT:Villas 2BD, 1BA, 1 car garage, WD, hot tub. Utilities include; heat, cable, gas, water, trash. Bus, NP. $1250. 846-3811 STEAMBOAT:Quail Run, 2bd, 2ba, top floor corner furnished WD, FP, garage, 2 decks, NS, NP, turnkey. 210-426-7000 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA, WD, Pool, HT, Tennis, Bus, bike route. Lease, NS, NP. $875 Cable, included. 1st, security, Available 08/01 970-879-2127 STEAMBOAT: Single, couple or college student? 1BD, 1BA, bus route. Pool, hot tub, tennis, volleyball. $850 + utilities. Kelly 970.846.6072

STEAMBOAT: DOWNTOWN Historic Squire Building 9th & Lincoln Avenue, 5 rooms, NS, NP. $1000 month includes utilities. 970-870-8737

STEAMBOAT:2bd + loft on mountain, particially funished, cable, deck, views, gas fireplace, on bus route, $1,050, available now! 970-870-0497,

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA Caretaker unit, Private Home on Mountain, Separate Entrance, WD, Near Bus. References, 1st, Deposit. Available September 1, $900 846-3366

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, garage, top floor, Mountain Views, near slopes. $1400 includes all utilities, NS, NP. Valerie Lish RE/MAX Steamboat 970-846-1082

STEAMBOAT:Studio apartment in luxury home available. $950 monthly includes utilities. (970)879-8089

STEAMBOAT:Sunny corner unit, 2bd, 2bath, Available NOW, walkout patio to pool, tennis. 1st, last, NS, partially furnished $1200. 970-879-6528

STAGECOACH:16miles from Steamboat, huge 2 room efficiency, gorgeous views, wood stove. Pets, horses possible. $1,000 month. First, Last, Deposit 970-736-2629 STEAMBOAT:Quiet country studio, unfurnished, 4WD needed. 20 minutes town. NS, NP, Year lease. $650 includes utilities. 1st, last, security. 879-5819 STEAMBOAT:Cabin for rent, 1BD + loft at River Bend. Pet ok, low utilities. Available now. $875 monthly 970-846-9340 OAK CREEK: AFFORDABLE 1 & 2 BEDROOM hardwood floors, high ceilings, Dish TV, good location. Quiet building. Must See! 970-879-4784 OAK CREEK:3BD, 1BA. $785 monthly includes heat, water and sewer. Pets OK, WD. Available 07/24. First plus deposit. Ann (970)846-6218

STEAMBOAT:Sunray Meadows 1BD, 1BA, heated garage $1300; Shadow Run Newly Remodeled 2BD, 2BA pool $1400; Both furnished, FP, HTB, WD, Cable, Net, trash, NS, NP all except electric. Call 879-8726 or 846-1407

STEAMBOAT:REMAINING RENT FOR JULY FREE! 2BD, 1BA. NS, NP, $950+ utility. Bus route, on site laundry facility. Susan Ross 970-819-2300 STEAMBOAT: Old Town Fully furnished 3bdrm 3.5ba, garage, $2,695 per month, discounted 1st month rent, Scott 970-846-5898 Candice 970-870-049 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village 1BD, 1BTH, available 8/1, NS, NP. First, Last, Deposit. $950 month. 846-1601 STEAMBOAT:Promontory 3BD, 2BA, Furnished, NEW Paint & Carpet. Mountain, WD, NP, NS, Balcony, Great Views! Pool, Fireplace, Lease. $2,100 602-738-1274


STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA, new carpet, new stove, new paint. Year lease, Deposit. $850 970-819-0528 STEAMBOAT:Newer, nicely furnished,3bd, 2ba, downtown near river- walk to shops, restaurants, on bus route,$1700 including utilities. Ns, Np.846-9378 Available September 1st. Two bedroom fully furnished condo on the mountain. NS, NP on bus line. $1200 Call Cheryl Foote at 970-846-6444 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Condo, Fully furnished, WD, on bus route, NS, NP $1,250 plus utilities, First, Last, Security (719)338-4763 HAYDEN:Brand new corner unit, large 1bd, 1ba, @ Creek View. Great location! Low utilities, NS, Child and pet friendly! $895mo. 970-819-5587 STEAMBOAT:3 - 2ba & 2 -2ba, garage NS, NP, bus, gas FP, most utilities included; 1st, last, security. Call 970-846-0310 STAGECOACH: Wagon Wheel Condos 2BD, 1BA Spacious, FP, WD, quiet, NP, NS. Avaialbe August 1st. $850. Rory 970-736-1031, Karla 720-244-5514

STEAMBOAT:1BD, beautifully remodeled Timbers Condo. New floors, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, great views, MUST SEE! $900, Available now! 802-310-1135

STEAMBOAT:Ski Time Sq. - Very spacious 1bd, 2ba multi-level condo. Great View and short walk to Torian Plum merchants or Gondola Square. Mostly furnished (minus bed). DW. Ski Locker. Private underground parking. Hot tub, Sauna, & Coin-Op W/D on-site. NS NP. $1,100/mo on annual lease; Gas FP, Cable, Water, Trash, included. 970.846.3442. Available Sept. 1. STEAMBOAT:Nicely Remodeled 2BD, 1BA, mountain, bus, WD, NP, lease negotiable.$1200 month negotiable. All utilities included except gas & electric. 970-846-1446 STEAMBOAT:Villas- 2 BD, 2 BA condo, furn. Fireplace, W/D, garage, NS, NP. $1375 monthly includes utilities. Call 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:1700sqft 3bd, 3ba Willett Heights Condo on Tamarack, two-floor end unit, lots of windows, WD, fireplace, ns, np, $1,450 monthly, available August 1, 970-879-0496 STEAMBOAT:Nearly new 2bdrm, 2bath with 1 car garage. Lease negotiable. Rent includes most utilities. NS, NP Lisa at 970-879-5100.

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, fully furnished, great views, cable, internet, gas fireplace, hottub, parking, NS, NP lease $1400 negotiable Available 8-1. 917-292-7286 STEAMBOAT:Upgraded 2bed 2bath villas. Granite counter tops, hardwood floors, Jacuzzi tub, surround sound. Heated garage. Cable and gas included. $1450 pm. Sept 1st. 305 433 2394 STAGECOACH: 2 Bed, 1 Bath condo in Wagon Wheel. Available August 1st. NS, NP $850 month. Brian 619-218-9394 STEAMBOAT:Rockies 1 BD, 1 BA condo, furn. Fireplace, NS, NP. $900 monthly plus elec. Phone & internet included. Call 970-879-8161

STEAMBOAT: Mountain, 3br, 2ba, furnished, garage, fp, wd, cable, internet, water, heat included, bus route, hot tub, playground, $1800, 954-770-6263. STEAMBOAT:Villas, 2 BD, 1BA fully furnished, garage, FP, WD, deck, hot tub, utitlties include heat, water, cable and trash, near bus, NS, NP, top corner, $1,250mo 970-879-0080

STEAMBOAT:Fully furnished 2bd, 2bath on the mtn with hot tubs, pool, and tennis court. NP, NS $1450 month. High Mountain Sotheby’s International Realty, Ted Hoffman 970-846-1031 STEAMBOAT:1BD, 2BA, Top corner, GFP, WD, Pool, HT, Updated, Creek views. NP NS References required. $950. 1st, last, deposits 879-3788

STEAMBOAT:Incredible views, 5 acres. Water, sewer, storage. 3BD, 1BA (sauna) WD, fireplace. NS, NP. Low rent for responsible person. 970-879-0321 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Furnished, garage, WD, views, fenced yard, pets negotiable, NS. $1500+utilities, First, last, security. Long term. 846-3111. Details OAK CREEK:Very nice Duplex 2BR, 1BA, 1 car garage, patio. Sewer, Water, Trash included. 1st, last +deposit $850 month 970-736-8565 STEAMBOAT:UPPER DUPLEX ON MOUNTAIN, Great Views, deck, 2bd, 1ba, Study, WD, Available 8/1, NS, pet considered. $1200 includes utilities; References Required. 870-6434.

STEAMBOAT:Mountain 1bd, 1ba remodeled, furnished, views, pool, hot tubs, free bus. NS, NP. 1st, last + deposit. August 1st, $975. 970-846-5425

STEAMBOAT:8-1 Unfurnished, clean, sunny, bright LARGE 4BR 3BA office, family room, mud room, woodstove, garage, yard, great views, LOW UTILITIES. $2100 970-734-4919 80104

STEAMBOAT:Available NOW! Downtown 2Bd, 1Ba with wd, np, $1150 call 846-8247, long term rental, view online

STEAMBOAT:2 Bedroom, 1BA Duplex on lower mountain. $1300 + electric. Lease. WD. Garage. Yard. Views. Nice Neighborhood. Pet considered. 970-870-9815

STEAMBOAT: Comfortable condo on Apres Ski Way. Suits single, couple, available immediately, $750, NS, NP, 970-846-6453

STEAMBOAT:New 3bdm, 2.5ba; Between town and Mountain, 2 car garage, Great Views of Emerald, Mt Werner AND down valley, NS, Pets negotiable. $2,200 970-819-1890

STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA partially Furnished, Internet, Cable Included, bus-route, WD, Hot-Tub, mountain. NS, NP $1100, negotiable, 1st, Last, Security. 970-871-7921 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village. 1bd, 1bath corner unit. Partially furnished, clean. Enjoy pool and Tennis. Lease negotiable. $800 monthly. Lisa at 970-879-5100 STEAMBOAT:Newly painted, furnished, North Star Effeciency condo, on mt, on bus route, cable, HT, Sauna, trash, WD, NS, NP, $850 + utilities, 719-459-1121, 719-535-0484

STEAMBOAT:2bd, 2ba, on mountain, fully furnished, views, WD, NS, NP, cable, gas, water, trash included, available now. $1175-$1275, 819-0720

STEAMBOAT:Pool, tennis, hot tub, 1BD. 1BA Walton Village. NS, NP, WD, furnished. $825 monthly plus deposit. Some utilities included. 970-879-4857 STEAMBOAT:Mountain View, Clean, Quiet 2bd, 2ba, 1 Car Garage. Includes Heat, Cable, Internet, WD. Available Now; $1375 Mth 970-879-4529

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, WD, cable, internet included, NS, NP, fully furnished, mountain. Pool, hot tub, bus route. First, security. $1,250. 819-2804

STEAMBOAT:2 units On mountain with Incredible views, walk to Gondola. Just remodeled furnished 2BR, 1BA. NS, NP, lease. Upper Unit $1550, Lower $1450+ utilities. 970-481-7640. STEAMBOAT: 2bd, loft, 1ba, furnished or unfurnished, utilities included. On the mountain, bus route, NP, NS. Call Bill at 879-2854.

| 29

MILNER: Brand new 2BD, 2.5BA home, beautiful views, large deck, WD, 1 floor, ample parking. $1400 month includes utilities. 970-846-5730 OAK CREEK:Small 2BD, 1BA unfurnished, small yard, year lease. WD, $750 month, $750 security, Available August 1 970-736-2295 Steamboat:Strawberry Park. Enjoy wilderness, solitude, stunning views, awesome decks, 3/4 bd, 3.5 bth, 2 fp, 7 acres, 10 minutes to town, hike private trails to national forest. h t t p : / / s o d a c r e e k h o u s e . b l o g s p o t . c o m /. 401-465-4130. OAK CREEK:3BD, 2BA $1300 month + utilities, NS, Pets ok. 1st , last & $500 deposit. Call Don 720-203-7916 HAYDEN:3bedroom, 2bathroom house, large 2 car garage. $1325 month. No Smoking. Pets negotiable. Lease. Available Aug. 1. 846-3060 MILNER:2BD, 2BA, 4 plus garage, or workshop, 1st, last, and security, $1000, pets o.k. 970-620-0655 STEAMBOAT:PETS OK! Beautifully restored cottage, 9th & Oak Street, downtown. 1BD, 1BA, WD, NS. First, last, security. Available Now. 970-879-1453. STEAMBOAT:Strawberry Park 3BD, 2BA $2000 + deposit. 5BD, 3BA (includes 1BD APT) $2650 + deposit, acreage, Horse. Paul 970-879-1086, 970-846-9783 STEAMBOAT:Cute Old Town home. 3BD, 1 BA. Hardwood floors, gas stove, WD. Pets considered. $1500 mo plus utilities. Sign a lease by July 31 and get $200 credit. 846-5200. STEAMBOAT:5BD, 3BA, bus route, On Golf Course, WD, NS, 2-car garage, pets considered. $2,150 + utilities. Great home. Call 970-846-5551 STEAMBOAT:1 Bdrm + office, 1ba House in Downtown, 19 Logan Ave, WD, NP, NS, $1100, 1yr lease, 1st, last, deposit STEAMBOAT:Old Town! 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, WD, NS, pet neg. Built in 2000, 1500 sf finished up, 900 sf unfin garden level. Great landlords (I promise). $2100 + util. 1st + sec dep. 1 yr term. Avail. 7/1 Contact STEAMBOAT:2WKS FREE RENT 5bdrm 3bath lrg shop 8 miles from town Horses OK Pets Neg 3fncd acrs. TRASH PD INTERNETpd SPLIT GAS. discount for caretaking 879-5149

STEAMBOAT:Spacious 3bd, 2.5ba, large rooms, well maintained, vaulted ceilings, gorgeous fireplace, between Town & Mountain. WD, NS, $1,500 970-871-1711

STEAMBOAT:3bdrm, 3bath house $1650 mo. 1st & security deposit. Pets negotiable. Avail.8/20. Perfect for family. Steamboat II. Call 208-255-1425(h), 208-304-4350(c)

STEAMBOAT:2BR, 1BA duplex on mountain. Large deck opens to fenced backyard...great for dogs! Available now! $999 mo + utilities. 970-846-9069 STEAMBOAT:Spacious 2br, 2.5ba, carport, garage. WD, sauna, very quiet, on creek. Perfect for sm. family. All appliances, some utilities inc. NS, NP. 1st, last+dep. $1175, 1yr. Dan 719-491-6231days, 719-495-8304eve. STEAMBOAT:Yampa View 2BD + loft, 3BA, complete remodel, Spectacular Views! Short term lease up to 6 months. Call Mike 846-8692 STEAMBOAT:Sunray - 2 BD, 2 BA condo, unfurn. Fireplace, WD, garage, NS, NP. $1300 monthly plus electric. Call 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:Great location by City Market, 2 bedroom, 2 bath semi-furnished condo, Gas fireplace, low utilities, Lease, ns,np $1,400 month, 970-879-8171 or 970-846-1052

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, beautiful views, very quiet environment!, covered parking! Fully furnished, cable, gas, water, and trash included. $1,300 per month. Call Drew 970-291-9101

STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 1BA Riverside Duplex. Quiet, corner lot, close to river, close to bus route, backyard. Dog Ok. $950 month. Available Now! Call Central Park Management at 879-3294. STEAMBOAT:Spectacular! 3BD, 3BA, Fish Creek Falls Neighborhood. Bus, 2 car garage, Great room + Den. NS, Available August $1900 (970)846-6332 STEAMBOAT:2BD 1BA cozy, quiet, downtown. Great yard. WD, NP, NS. Lease, references First, Last, Security $1100 month + utilities. 970-879-9038

STEAMBOAT:4BD, 3.5BA, 2 car, Family rental on mountain, deck, fireplace, nice yard, bus, NS, NP. $1900 1st, last, deposit. 970-846-3366

OAK CREEK:Great new home, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage. Granite countertops, central vacuum, fire place, slate floors. NS, pets negotiable. $1800.00 monthly + utilities Lease option available. Sierra View Oak Creek 970-846-3542

Welcome Home!

STEAMBOAT: New, fully furnished 3BD, 2.5BA home by the river. Garage, Gameroom, Community Center, Fireplace, Entran Heating, WD, Bus-Route. NS, NP. $1950 monthly +utilities. 714-475-8210 HAYDEN:3BD, 1BA Ranch House, 2 miles E Hayden, Pet possible, NS, long term lease. $1350 month. Call 970-629-1977 STEAMBOAT: Beautiful home on 49 acres. 3BD + caretaker. 20 minutes from downtown. NS. $2400 month. 970-879-8814 STEAMBOAT:Newer 3BD, 2.5BA. Nice neighborhood with community center & guest rooms. Near mountain, bus, 1-car garage, WD, NS, NP. References required. $1800 + Utilities. 970-819-4905.

30 | Monday, July 27, 2009


YAMPA:Cute 2Bed, 1Bath home, Huge yard, beautifully remodeled kitchen, NP, NS, WD. $1000 month. First, last, security. 970-846-6891 or 970-846-3763 STEAMBOAT:528 Laurel in Old Town, 2 BR, 2 BA, rock fireplace, WD, garage, garden, dogrun, available August, $1,500 month.785-766-5434 STEAMBOAT:Country living right across from the Haymaker golf course on HYY131. Three bedroom one bath home on 42 acres. Will consider a pet. Call Kathy 879-7090. NS STEAMBOAT:Family home, 3BD, 3BA between town & mountain, views, large family room, granite, stainless steel, 2-car, NS, NP, $2,100. First, last, deposit (970) 846-9496 YAMPA: 2 bedroom Log home $850.00 month. First, Last, Damage year lease. NP Available June 1st. (970) 638-4455 CLARK:Newly Constructed Log Home in Willow Creek Pass, 5BD, 3BA, 2 car garage, NS, NP, $2500 + utilities. 1st, Last, Deposit. Available 08/15. 970-870-1494

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Stagecoach:Beautiful log sided home in the aspens, deck with lake views, 4bd, 3bth, 2 living areas, open floor plan, garage, Possible lease/ purchase, $1,800 mo. 970-531-4512, visit IDX #: 125315 CRAIG:Newer, 3BD, 2BA, 20 acres, 2 and 1 car garages. Pole barn, cross fenced. Available 8/15/09. $1,700 monthly 970-824-3956, 303-589-4646 STEAMBOAT:Fish Creek Falls, 5bedr 5ba, 5,000 sq ft. 2 year old family home in great neighborhood. Awesome views of Ski Mtn. Big yard. $4, 970-846-6186 OAK CREEK: 2BD, 1BA furnished home, Large fenced yard, dogs ok, $1500 month, available Sept 1st. Call 970-736-2408 or 919-815-3404 CLARK:Charming Cabins Fully furnished. 1BD’s start at $700 monthly, 2BD’s $1,100 plus utilities. NS, NP. Horse boarding available. 1st, Last, Security. 970-879-6220. STEAMBOAT:3bed, 2ba, home with garage & incredible views on 35 acres, 11 miles to town. On 20 Mile Rd, Horses, pets ok. $1500 obo month. 846-5190 STEAMBOAT:Family home 4Bdrm 3.5bath, 2 car garage, WD, Deck with awesome views 12-18mo lease, $2,700 mo Candice 970-870-0497 Scott 970-846-5898 STEAMBOAT:Downtown next to Butcherknife Park. 1 Month FREE Rent. Furnished 3BD, 1BA, HUGE Yard, short or long term, pet negotiable, NS, WD, $1800 plus utilities. 970-846-4220 Ask about Rent to own. OAK CREEK:2BR, 1BA house for rent. New remodel and sunny. $1,000 month includes water, sewer, trash and electric. Call 970-846-3824 HAYDEN:Spectacular home in Hayden for rent. 4BDR 3BATH, 3000 sq ft with att dbl gar. Open floor plan, in-flr heat, 500 sq ft custom log deck, two laundries, oversized kitchen with dbl ovens, custom closets, undgr sprinkler. We are looking for neat, clean, responsible renters ONLY! Lease and deposit required. $2000 mo. Call Amy 846-7044. AVAILABLE NOW! STEAMBOAT:WOOF! WOOF! MEOW! MEOW! DOWNTOWN 2BR home with yard AND across from a park, Wood floors, Fresh Paint. Socialized pets welcome! $1550 970.846.9772 STEAMBOAT:AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING, 3bd, 2ba, White Cotton Area, on two acres, garage, storage, quiet setting, pets negot, $2200 mo, 970-376-5442

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STEAMBOAT:New Sunray, 2BD, 2BA, $1400 deck, views. Attached heated garage. Gas FP, tile, wood finishes, designer lighting. Heat, H20, Cable, WD, included. NS, NP. Bus route, near gondola. 720-341-7726 OAK CREEK: 3BD, 2BA, Hardwood floors, garage, hot tub, NS, WD, pets negotiable. $1200 + utilities + security deposit. 970-871-9892 HAYDEN: 376 South 2nd, 2 BD, 1BA, WST Included, NP. $575 month + secutiry deposit. Avaliable July 16. 970-276-4728 STAGECOACH:4BD, 3BA, LAKE VIEW! Hot tub, NS, WD, pet negotiable. No Move in FEES. Rent negotiable for RIGHT tenant. 736-0031 STEAMBOAT:3Bdrm, 3.5Ba 2,900 sq.ft. Downtown, New. Luxurious open floor plan, garage, decks, family room, office, storage, WD, NS, pets, lease, $2,200. 970.846.3868 STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2BA in town, garage, fenced yard, WD, NS, pet negotiable. Walk to town, HS $1,800 monthly, first, last, security. 970-367-5026

GORGEOUS LOG HOME Fantastic location between the ski area and downtown. Exquisite views from this 3550 sq ft 3bed, 3bath home with oversized two car heated garage with wd. $2100 mo available August 1st. Contact Sean @305-942-9362 STEAMBOAT:Mountain area, 3BD, 1BA, fireplaces, WD, nice yard, two car garage, pets okay. NS, $1800 +utilities. Valerie Lish RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1082 STEAMBOAT:Old Town Home, 3BD, 2BA, Gas fireplace, WD, NS, Pets OK, 1st and security. $1600 month, 846-4705

STEAMBOAT:Clean 3BD, on bus route $1100 Room also available on bus route, $400 + UTL Quiet neighborhood. Call 970-871-0867 HAYDEN:Available 8/1, 2BD, 1BA, fenced yard, pets okay. Lot rent included for $950 plus matching security deposit. Call Kristy at Lucky Stars Property Managemment, (970)846-3805. OAK CREEK:RENT TO OWN! Willow Hill MH Park, Remodeled 1400 sq.ft., 4 Bedroom doublewide $950 month. 875-0700. Beautiful fenced yard!

STEAMBOAT: WHISTLER. BEST DEAL Mountain. 2BR, 1 Bath. Gas fireplace, WD, Cable, pool, hot tub, bus route. NS NP. $1050 mo Available immediately. 846-1477, 871-1348.

STEAMBOAT:New luxury 4BD, 4BA large 2 car garage on bus route. NS, NP, $2500 unfurnished or $2800 furnished per month. Chuck 879-2871 STEAMBOAT:Whistler Townhome, Furnished, End unit, mountain views. 2BD, 1.5BA, new windows, NS, NP, bus-route, bike-route, pool. $1100, security deposit. 805-720-0772 STEAMBOAT:Quail Run Townhome- 3BD, 3.5BA, furnished, fireplace, WD, garage, NS, NP. $1975 monthly plus electric. Internet included Call 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:Newer Townhouse-$1,750, 2 Masters, 2.5 bath, decks, garage, fireplace, WD. Family neighborhood with common house. Near river, mountain, on bus route. NS, NP 714-843-5726 STEAMBOAT:Easy Living. Nicely furnished Indian Meadows 3 BD 1.5BA, pine-oak woodwork, mtn views, Core Trail, creek -pond, bus stop, & quiet neighbors HIGHLIGHT this location. $1500 mo 1st, Sec incl. water, snow removal, cable gas FP, WD, DW, NS, NP. Avail. August, 6-12 mo. lease. #970.819.3469 STEAMBOAT:Luxury Duplex, incredible views, 3 BD, 2.5 BA, leasing now with flexible terms, high end furnishings included, $2,700 month, 2 car garage, no smoking (303)904-2377 STEAMBOAT:Chinook Townhome- 2 BD, 2 BA condo, unfurnished. WD, NS, NP. $1275 monthly plus electric & gas. Call 970-879-8161 STEAMBOAT:Newly remodeled Woodbridge townhome, 3 bdr 2.5 bth, 2 decks and a garage. WD, fully furnished, NS, NP, on bus route. available Augusy 1st. $1,600+ utilities, call 970-846-7695

STEAMBOAT:Mountain Vista 1 bedroom + loft + garage, partially furnished. 1st months + security. $1150 (916-612-5200) HAYDEN:2br,Townhome, unfurnished, $600 mo. Call 970-846-3594 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA on mountain, pool, hot tub. bus route, WD, cable, water. $1,075 monthly plus Security. 702-806-4555 STEAMBOAT:IMMACULATE, 2bd, 1ba, Remodeled Whistler Townhome, end unit, great view, oversized bathroom vanity area, stackable high efficiency WD, NS, NP, $1,150, 879-5141, 846-4240 STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 3.5BA furnished, NS, new construction, 2 blocks from gondola, 2 car garage, $2,300 monthly. 970-819-1540 STEAMBOAT:Woodbridge: Sunny, convenient 3BD, 2½BA, new tile countertops and stone floor in kitchen, 2 decks, heated garage, gas fireplace, bus route. WD, DW, NS, NP. $1,350 mo. 879-6200, Ext. 16.

HAYDEN:Brand new 3bd, 2.5 ba, @ Creek View. Includes kitchen appliances, garage, FP, deck, patio. NS, child and pet friendly, $1495 mo 970-819-5587 STEAMBOAT:Hilltop Pkwy Condo, 2BD, 2BA, WD, NS, Lease. 1st, last, deposit. $1300.00 month + Utilities. Call (970) 846-4951. STEAMBOAT:Like new 4bdrm, 4bath, two car garage, high-end finishes, great location, close to mtn and bike trail. $2500 month. High Mountain Sotheby’s International Realty, Ted Hoffman 970-846-1031

STEAMBOAT:Room in large log home, half mile from town. WiFi, NS, NP, WD. $600 month, including utilities. 970-879-3473, leave message.

STEAMBOAT:Silver Spur, no lease, NP, NS, ND, Available 8/1, call for details $650 mo 970-367-5509

STEAMBOAT:Private room with bath in a Walton Creek Condo, bus route, WD, NS, NP, available immediately, 846-7587

STEAMBOAT:Duplex, lower level, off Fish Creek Falls, near schools. 2bd, 3ba, Fully furnished, WD, 1car garage, NP, NS, cable, wifi, internet. $550 per person utilities included. Owners visit occasionally, upstairs unit. 970-819-7764

STEAMBOAT:Deluxe 3BD, 3BA Townhouse. Fully furnished on mountain with garage. Sorry no pets, no smoking, VERY REASONABLE! Lease Required. (970)871-6762

STEAMBOAT: 1 bedroom for rent in brand new Ranch house on 15 acres, WD. $700 monthly. 970-331-4576

STEAMBOAT:Partially furnished bedroom with bath. On bus route, fishcreek area. Must like children. $450 incl. util 819-0153, 871-1318 avail now.

STEAMBOAT: Beautiful 4BD, 3.5BA, 1 car garage, between mountain and town, bus route, WD, NS, NP. $1950 monthly. 970-846-6423.

STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA, Clean and bright Chinook THMS. Hardwoods & tile, on bus route. Available 8/1, WD $1,200. 970-846-6435

STAGECOACH:Hogar Para Compartir en Stagecoach, Oak Creek, Bello Ecenario en el campo #4 dormitorios #2 Banos todo includio, podemos compartir viajes para el pueblo o trabajo. $500 per mez, Llame a Roger (970) 736-8405

STEAMBOAT:Downtown, One person. $200 month. Requires housekeeping, maintenance, yard, snow removal. Minimum 20 hours week. Hot tub. NS, NP, References. 879-1592.

STEAMBOAT:Mature, Responsible Roommate wanted, Furnished, Large family home, Absolutely, NS, NP (pet, kid friendly) $575 Includes utilities, no lease. 970-846-2730

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1.5BA Whistler Townhome. WD, deck, pool, hot tub, NS, NP. $1100 month includes most utilities. 1st, last, security. 846-2451.

STEAMBOAT:Two rooms available in quiet owner-occupied home. On bus route. $575-$625 includes utilities. WD, hi speed internet. 871-7638, 870-1430

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 3BA, DOWNTOWN! New Carpet, Huge Loft, Near Free Bus, WD, Carport, Amazing Sleeping Giant and Downtown Views Off Deck. NP. $1,895. Call Central Park Management 970-879-3294 or 303-929-8443

STEAMBOAT:JULY FREE!! 2bd 1ba Whistler Unit. Recent partial renovation. Last, deposit only. Includes several utilities and amenities. $1300 month (970)596-9884

STEAMBOAT:Saddle Creek 2BD, 2BA, Beautiful, furnished townhome with garage and hot tub. Quiet. Close to ski area and bus route. W/D. NP. $1,395. Call Central Park Management 970-879-3294.

STEAMBOAT:1BR available, downtown starting 08/01. Walk to town. Clean, Laid back, responsible person wanted, NS, NP. $450 plus utilities. 970-291-9593

STEAMBOAT:2bd, shared bath, nice townhome. hot tub, NP, NS, $550 each, Flexible lease. (970)846-4312 STEAMBOAT:1 ROOM IN 3BD TOWNHOME, $650 mo including utilities, NS, NP, 846-2469 STAGECOACH:Townhome Master Bedrm couple ok, Bdrm deck, utilities included, Hot tub, dish, Pets ok. No lease $450, $400 736-2200, 620-3120 STEAMBOAT:1BD, shared BA, nice neighborhood, on bus route, in town. $600 includes utilities, NS, No Drugs. 970-734-7374 STEAMBOAT:Furnished Townhome, Room Overlooking Valley, Private Bath, WD, DW, WiFi. $750 includes utilities. Available Now! Lease or Monthly. 970-846-0440 STEAMBOAT:Furnished room available, on mountain, includes heated garage parking, bike path, bus, NP, NS. $700 month. 819-9463 STEAMBOAT:Sunny room, private bath, Stylish, clean, townhome, Quiet, private! Garage, WD, dishwasher, Fireplace, decks, NS, NP, $650 month includes cable, hi-speed internet, 846-2294

STEAMBOAT:1BD 1BA in 2BD 2BA Quail Run Condo, $600 includes utilities WD, NS, NP, hot tub, bus route, 846-9527

STEAMBOAT:Need 1 person to share 3bdrm, 2ba condo, with 2 clean, laid-back people. NS, NP; $520, first & dep. 970-846-6391 STEAMBOAT:WESTEND, Mature, responsible, adult to share 2 bd condo, NS, ND, WD, Balcony, $575 month + utilities. Avail. now. 871-6763 STEAMBOAT:Room for rent walk to mountain, clean, furnished, WD, NP, NS, great deck. Near hospital. Some utilities $600+ deposit. 970-846-0323

STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473 STEAMBOAT:1048SF road frontage shop. 10’x10’ garage door, 14’ ceilings. 2200SF shop, dock height $8.60SF NNN. 879.9133 STEAMBOAT: Historic Lorenz Building located on Lincoln Ave, 2 offices spaces w/ 325 SF each, private entrance, storage, parking, signage. Avail Now. Starting at $600 mo ALL INCLUSIVE! Call Central Park Management at 970-879-3294 STEAMBOAT:1107 Lincoln Avenue. Three room suite and single office. Ample, discrete, private parking, all utilities, DSL, conference room, kitchen. Ideal for insurance, real estate, professional, or construction offices. 879-6200, Ext. 16. STEAMBOAT:First month free. Professional suites and individual offices available at 1205 Hilltop Pkwy from $600. Lofted ceilings, AC, security, plenty of parking, great views from every office. Call Jules 879-5242


STEAMBOAT:Office Suites Available for Immediate Occupancy. Conference room accessible. Long/short term available. Starting at $400 per month. All inclusive Call Bruce 846-0262

STEAMBOAT:Furnished Herbage Townhome, 3bd, 3ba. On mountain on bus route. $1,800 monthly includes heat, water, cable. NS, NP. Available 8/1. 303-525-9102 STEAMBOAT:Clubhouse Drive 2Bed, 3Bath, 1600 sqft gas FP, hot tub on private deck off master BDRM. 2 car garage, furnished. $1,500 month + utilities. First, Last, Deposit, 602-768-3497

STEAMBOAT:Rooms for rent in beautiful 4BD Townhome, NS, NP. $650 monthly per room includes all utilities & internet, on bus route, between downtown and mountain. (970)846-6423

STAGECOACH:$1200 mo. End unit new remodel new appliances 3BD+, 2BA, WD. Beautiful deck, large stove, large storage, 846-3083 970-282-9568

STEAMBOAT:1 bedroom in new house for rent. All utilities included. WD, Direct TV. $575 Call in the evenings. 870-2944

STEAMBOAT:Prime retail 2400’ building with parking. 800 block Lincoln Ave. Sale or lease. Steve Hitchcock 846 5739 Prudential Steamboat Realty

STEAMBOAT:Hwy 40 Frontage, Logger’s Lane Commercial Center, 2480sf Finished retail, industrial space, overhead garage door, Central AC & Heat. 970-846-5099


Monday, July 27, 2009

STEAMBOAT:Fox Creek Park. 1,140 square foot office space with three brand new built in Knoll workstations, also a private office, and a conference room with flat screen T.V. and high-end electronics, has kitchen and bathroom with shower, and ample parking. $2,565 per month. Call Emily at 970.871.1556.

STEAMBOAT: BEAR RIVER CENTER- Beautiful 2nd floor space available immediately! Perfect for salon, spa, gallery, or office space 960SF. Call Central Park Management today for more information. 970-879-3294

STEAMBOAT:SUNDANCE @ FISHCREEK, 1st Floor, Prime Retail Space, Large Windows, 2nd Floor, Office Space, Recently Remodeled. Lots of Natural Light, Bob Larson: 871-4992 or 846-6899 Downtown flexible office space at 5th and Yampa. Ample parking and great signage. Call Jon W. Sanders, Ski Town Lifestyle Properties 970.870.0552

STEAMBOAT:Warehouse: Live or Work 2,000 sq.ft. 3 phase power, fire alarm, sprinkler, large swing and overhead doors, internet, passive solar. Tenant finish, built to suite. This is an excellent property with great neighbors. 970-879-6667

STEAMBOAT:Brand new Oak St prime location. 2350 main floor sq. footage available now for tenant finish. $25sq. ft. NNN 879-1756 STEAMBOAT: Professional Office space between town and mountain. 18’x10’ with windows. Shared conference room, kitchen, bathroom and reception. WIFI included. 819-5161. STEAMBOAT:Woodbridge: Sunny, convenient 3BD, 2½BA, new tile countertops and stone floor in kitchen, 2 decks, heated garage, gas fireplace, bus route. WD, DW, NS, NP. $1,350 mo. 879-6200, Ext. 16. STEAMBOAT: Office to share. Nice downtown Architectural office has Space to share. Call Matt @ 970-846-6115. STEAMBOAT:Centrally located office space available with top quality finishes, shared kitchen and bathroom. 146-6,000SF starting at $375. 879.9133 STEAMBOAT: Copper Ridge Office / Storefront with storage for rent. Approx 2200 sqft or can be divided 303-350-9436 STEAMBOAT:Fox Creek Park 1169 Hilltop Parkway New space. Approximately 250sq ft. Internet, voicemail included. 1yr lease $425.00 month Please contact: 970-879-0734x306 STEAMBOAT:1107 Lincoln Avenue. Three-room suite and single office. Ample, discrete, private parking, all utilities, DSL, conference room, kitchen. Ideal for insurance, real estate, professional, or construction offices. 879-6200, Ext. 16. STEAMBOAT:Pentagon West Office spaces available starting at $375 month + cam. Garage Bay with office. $600 month + cam. 970-846-4267 STEAMBOAT:Successful Oak St. location for lease, Fall ‘09. 1476 sq. ft. plus storage. Good parking. $22/sq. ft. NNN. 879-1756

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STEAMBOAT: RETAIL: Center of Downtown 1,200-3,500sqft Boutique Retail, Food Service Restaurant? Flexible Terms. OFFICE: Prestigious location center of Downtown 700-1400sqft, Tenant finish allowance, Call Jon Sanders 970.870.0552 STEAMBOAT:Live / Work in Upper Copper Ridge Business Park: Available Now 2BD, 2BA, end unit, second floor, with Master suite, south facing views, and decks, Warehouse includes 3/4BA, 3 phase power; $3000 month includes CAM, taxes. Possible split rental $1500 floor. Nicest units in Copper Ridge. Limited availability! 970-879-5815 or 970-846-2123 STEAMBOAT:Quaint, 306 Oak St, office space, available immediately, main floor approx 1000 sq ft, $22 per sq ft, NNN, 970-879-4219 STEAMBOAT:Executive Office Suites Available at the Historic Old Pilot Building Great downtown location with full amenities: Phone System, Wireless Internet, Cable TV, Conference Room, and Kitchen. Contact Rhianna at (970)875-0999


2 Businesses + land. 3 acres Industrial, Private, Future Development Potential, Residence and Office, Shop, Existing Self Storage. Possible Owner Financing. 970-879-5036

HAYDEN:Large heated storage space available for rent at Hayden airport. Great for a car and motorcycle or just plain storage. Call Kathy 970-879-7090 STEAMBOAT: Need more office space?? Hilltop Document Storage is the perfect solution for storing sensitive and confidential documents. Call (970)879-5242 STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT! 10x10 $50 month, 10x15 $75 month and 10x20 $100 month. 970-879-1065 HAYDEN/STEAMBOAT: Airport Garages, Spring Special! Own a heated 12’ x 22’ storage unit for cars, home or business. $39,900 now $24,900 on a limited # of units. On site shuttle/clubhouse and manager. Rentals also available. (970)879-4440

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Waterfront Living Offered at $385,000 #125999 Walk out your back door to enjoy the Yampa River. Fishing, floating, swimming. Located on the bike path for a quick, green commute to downtown. Choose either the upper level 2/2 residential or the lower level for commercial use. Please call for more information. Call Peggy Wolfe 970-846-8804 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Downtown Office or Retail with a huge yard on the river next to SunPies at Eighth and Yampa. Call Jon W. Sanders, Ski Town Lifestyle Properties.970.870.0552

STEAMBOAT:RIVERSIDE PLACE AGGRESSIVELY PRICED STARTING AT $10 FT. Several square foot age options available for retail, office, restaurant space. Jim Hansen (970)846-4109 Thaine Mahanna (970)846-5336 Old Town Realty

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Looking for an owner/operator to start a proven restaurant concept in downtown Steamboat. Call Jon W. Sanders 970.870.0552 STLP

STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473

STEAMBOAT: Single office rentals, $400 mo. inclusive, A+ Professional Office Building. Features: Reception, conference, windows & kitchen, MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839

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STEAMBOAT: Newly renovated office space, Great location, 200 SF, $265/mo includes utilities. Avail Now. Call Central Park Management at 970-879-3294.

POSSIBLY THE BEST: 2660 s.f. A+ building. Lots of light and parking. Rent possible. For price: MOSER & ASSOC. 970-879-2839


STEAMBOAT: Prime Downtown Location in Historic Professional Office Building! 1,050 sf first class finished space including 3 offices and 5 work stations located at 141 9th Street. Call Ryan at 970-819-2742

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Best retail spot on mountain! Set-up for cafe / foodservice operation. Beautiful high-end finish out, large kitchen, equipment purchased new. 1746 sq.ft. $1,125,000. Serious inquiries call 970-819-1491. Confidential. Only one unit left with road frontage visibility at a central location and plenty of parking. 1800SF. Financing Available. 879.9133 Prime retail 2400’ building with parking. 800 block Lincoln Ave. Sale or lease. Steve Hitchcock 846 5739 Prudential Steamboat Realty

STEAMBOAT: Fully furnished 1-5BD condos, all utilities included, no lease, month to month. Available from July to December. NS, NP, great monthly rates! 970-879-5351 0r 1-800-820-1886

DEER CREEK 1 BEDROOM with GARAGE - Newly remodeled & Move In Ready! Priced to sell! Now BELOW Assessor estimates. NEW: Hardwood Floors, Karastan Carpet, Bathroom Tile, Sliding Glass Doors, ETC., ETC. Ski Mountain Views, 2 Decks, Renovated Bathroom, Fireplace, Basement, Walk- in Closet, Washer + NEW Dryer, Near bus route, Pets ok. LOW HOA! Real Value at Only $295,000. Great First Home with $8,000 IRS Tax Credit. Motivated Seller. Call 970-846-7275

Better Than A Condo! $129,900

4BD, 2BA home with garage. Downtown. Large yard, decks. Land NOT included. No dogs. 970-879-4862.

1bd, 1ba, Pines Condo, Garden Level, Gas FP, WD, low HOA dues, great investment or starter unit, current rental income could pay more than half your mortgage, $299,000, MLS# 125948, Michelle Barnes, Steamboat Agents, 970-846-4220

STEAMBOAT: THE VICTORIA 10th & Lincoln RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE OR LEASE Hal Unruh - Prudential Steamboat Realty 970-875-2413 Commercial Retail in Downtown Steamboat Offered at $899,000 #125768 Excellent commercial retail building in the center of downtown. Extensively remodeled exterior and interior. Used as art gallery for over 10 years. High traffic area would make a great showroom. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Quality Quail Run, only $369,000. 2BD, 2BA, garage, perfect condition. Excellent location within the complex. Roy Powell, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661


STEAMBOAT:4Bdrm, large 3.5bath, north of Steamboat on Elk River, Sleeps 10-12, damage deposit, cleaning fee, pets o.k. with deposit, 303-673-0727

STEAMBOAT:Mini-home like, by Gondola, large 1BD, 1.5BA luxury condo inside Sheraton. Western museum like art and decor. Pent house style with cathedral ceilings both levels, recent remodel with new furniture and carpet. Sleeps 6-7. Ideal family with kids set up. New King and Queen sleeper bed plus bunkbeds with ottoman bed. (970)870-9768

Custom Live / Work, High - End Finishes, 2170SqFt, 3 Phase Power, Stainless Steel Appliances, Custom Cabinets, Pre - wire for Sat / TV, Internet & Phone. Owner Builder, Brokers Welcome. $569,750 Call for Appointment 970-819-5480

Pocket Sized - But Practical! Offered at $123,000 #125819 Revamped with new wood flooring, appliances and electronics. Complete turn-key unit with steady rental income through VRBO. Convenient access, low HOA fee’s, on site laundry. Sunset views. Priced to move quickly! Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or 970-879-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Luxury ski-in - ski-out, 4Bed, 4Bath condo in the Antler’s. Furnished, stainless, granite, awesome amenities. Appraised over $2 mil., Strong nightly rental income in ski season. Looking for Real Estate around $1 mil. Licensed owner Doug Sigg Real Estate of the Rockies 303-579-3674

Affordable Walton Creek 2BD, 2BA. No Banks required, owner will finance, low down $! $249,000 Roy Powell 970-846-1661, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT

32 | Monday, July 27, 2009


Affordable Walton Creek 2BD, 2BA. No Banks required, owner will finance, low down $! $249,000 Roy Powell 970-846-1661, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT

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SALE PENDING - LOCAL STARTER OR INVESTOR CONDO MLS#124806 One Bedroom, dogs allowed. Low dues. WD. Tour:

Ski Town Realty, Bruce Tormey, Realtor (970)846-8867



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Back on the Market with a $20,000 price reduction! Offered at $759,000 #125547 Immaculate Single Family Home offering the ultimate location close to Whistler Park, minutes from the Ski Area, and easy access to the Core Trail. Interior offers a great open floor plan with vaulted T&G wood ceilings. Home is warm and charming with luxury appointments that include new appliances, hickory cabinetry, slate flooring, slate shower surrounds, and beautifully landscaped yard. Filled with brand new mountain furnishings and accessories. Offered turn-key. Truly a MUST SEE residence. Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Log Home on Five Acres


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Fish Creek Falls Beauty Offered at $1,195,000 #122419 Close to Fish Creek Falls, this 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home has a large yard and classic barn. Set on almost an acre, you’ll feel like you’re in the country. Enjoy modern appliances and gorgeous views of the Flat Tops. A main floor master suite has private ambiance and great morning sun. A multi-level outdoor deck and wooded side yard make it easy to feel secluded. The barn works great for extra storage, parking, workshop or home office. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

4BD, 1.75BA, 2300sf, new appliances, new carpet, horse corral, Hay shed, good water, great views! Mid $200’s. See web site for full description: or call 970-629-5397

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Move-in Ready, 3BD, 2BA, 1-car home located within walking distance of downtown Steamboat. Master bath with Whirpool tub and double sink vanity, gas-fireplace 2-decks, extra parking, corner lot, mature landscaping, sprinkler system, on bus-route, bike-path, great views! No HOA, no lot rent. Pioneer Village $430,000 Directions: HWY-40, 1/2 mile west of 13th St, Across from new Community Center, Rt on Conestoga Circle top of hill, brown house on left, 1467 (970)871-4880 (970)819-0347

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Shadow Run, 1BD, second floor, clean, 2 blocks from Gondola. $215,000 Call 970-819-2233

Looking for an Affordable Condo? There are many condos to choose from! Whether you are looking for a one, two or three bedroom unit, something with a garage or views to take your breath away, give me a call. Something available in all price ranges. Let me show them to you today. Great financing available for qualified buyers. Call Cheryl Foote at 970-846-6444 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Walk to Starbucks Offered at $382,000 #125995 Admire wildflowers as you cross the pedestrian bridge to Safeway for fresh pastries. Head back to your condo stopping at Starbucks along the way. Grab a newspaper, kick back on your patio and enjoy the morning. Professionally decorated one bedroom+den/2 bath with walk in closet, gas fireplace, garage and low HOA. Convenient to shopping, restaurants, beauty salon, fitness and gourmet food/wine store. Call Peggy Wolfe 970-846-8804 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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Luxury Ski-in/Ski-out Offered at $2,300,000 #125786 Luxury slopeside residence in Premier location within the Antler @ Christie Base community. Highly desirable top floor unit commanding breathtaking unobstructed views of the ski area. This 4 bedroom, 4 bath residence is beautifully appointed and offers all the conveniences one needs to enjoy the ultimate family retreat. Tastefully furnished, turn-key and ready for your occupancy or high-end nightly rental. Call Kim Kreissig at 970-870-7872 or 970-846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty


The Best Bargain @ Ski Time Square Condos Offered at $275,000 #124919 Delightful! The best bargain at Ski Time Square Condos. Charming, 1+ bedroom, 1+ bath condo, currently “beach-front” on ground floor. Walk-out access to the ski mountain with private underground parking. Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or 970-879-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Saddle Mountain Standout Offered at $539,000 #125940 Sitting on over 5 acres and with panoramic views of Saddle Mountain and Trout Creek below, this quaint ranchette sits on the cusp of old-world charm and contemporary delight. Enjoy 2 bedrooms, tongue & groove walls and ceiling, hardwood floors, new carpet, a spacious outdoor deck, greenhouse and a glorious “cabin” feel. Just 15 minutes from town. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

BUILD TO SUIT for under $500,000, IN STEAMBOAT, 1.89 acres, Trees, Water, room for additional garage-shop, Ron CGR 875-2914


3bd, 2.75 bath, great home with ski views in quiet neighborhood. For pix and details go to and view listing ID 22143329 or call 734 5020.


Chateau at Bear Creek Back on the Market! WOW! Was $1,100,000 NOW $899,000! #125702 Beautifully remodeled 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath townhome located on a pond and a short distance to the base of the ski area. Enjoy exceptional views of Mount Werner from your large wrap around deck. Like new with high-end finishes throughout including granite slab counters, stainless steel appliances, natural stone and travertine bathrooms, wet bar with wine fridge and copper sink... New carpet, paint... the works!! Southern exposure provides excellent light throughout the home. Beautifully landscaped yard with mature garden. Priced to sell!! Call Kim Kreissig at (970)870-7872 or (970)846-4250 Prudential Steamboat Realty Oldtown Charmer, Price Reduced! Beautiful, perfectly-kept 2BR, 1BA house with 2 car garage. Nice updates to kitchen & bath. Gas fp, wd, dw. $529,000 Motivated Seller. Easy to see. MLS #125735 Norbert Turek, Elk River Realty 970-846-1610

Finally, a property priced realistically in today’s market, value well beyond other comparable properties. You’ll see the difference immediately, huge lot and completely remodeled charming house. Perfect location in Oak Creek. Incredible value for the savvy buyer at $154,900. Tour:

Bruce Tormey, Realtor Ski Town Realty, 970.846.8867

FSBO Single Family, Longview Highlands, Built 2001, 3-Bed, 2.5-Bath, Views, Stainless, Fireplace, 3,000 Square Feet for $750,000. (970) 846-0093


Location, turn key, beautiful 4BD, 3BA home near Botanic park and Emerald park. 2 car heated garage, sprinkler, fenced back yard, professionally landscaped, views. $550,000 970-846-7018

FSBO, exceptionally nice, updated home, 1860 sq ft, 4 BD, 2 BA. All new windows, new kitchen, family room, A/C, 2 car garage, Large, fenced yard, sprinkler system, two storage sheds. Spacious decks. 1281 Crest Drive, Craig. $244,900 Brokers welcome = 3% 970-824-6804, 970-629-8739 Brand New Home in Hayden Offered at $259,900 #125085 HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! Brand New! Three bedroom, two bath home in the new Sagewood subdivision. This home has Hickory wood floors, stainless steel appliances, a nice large master bedroom and an attached oversized one car garage. Call Cheryl Foote at ( 9 7 0 ) 8 4 6 - 6 4 4 4 Prudential Steamboat Realty Economical, wonderful, in town; beautiful mature grounds; minute’s walk to river, downtown. 2bd, 2ba home plus detached guesthouse. MLS 970-734-7113. Luxury Home in the Sanctuary Offered at $3,979,000 #125699 This home overlooks the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Course with amazing views of the mountain and valley. This 5 bedroom/ 6 bath home backs up to 38 acres of green space. In addition, a 1 bedroom/ 1 bath caretakers unit completes this estate. The master suite has a private deck, fireplace and oversized his and her closets. A gourmet kitchen, covered deck and media room top off this amazing home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty Stagecoach Home w/Extras Galore Offered at $499,000 #125954 Wonderful family home in Stagecoach with views of the reservoir. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with fabulous outdoor space. Extras galore: large deck with gorgeous garden area, office area with deck, large partially-finished basement, 3rd garage bay for your outdoor toys plus extra parking area. Great house, Great value. Call Colleen de Jong at 970-846-5569 Prudential Steamboat Realty 3 BED 2 BATH, LARGE 2 CAR GARAGE! ONLY $399,500 - STEAMBOAT II, LARGE FENCED YARD, TREE’S, LANDSCAPED. DWIGHT 970-846-9970 HELP-U-SELL WWW.HUSALPINEPROPERTIES.COM


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Saddle Mountain Beauty Offered at $765,000 #124453 Sitting on over 7 acres and only 10 miles from town, this custom log home has 3 bedrooms and almost 2,900 feet of living space. The finishing touches include large logs and posts, stone tiled flooring, river rock breakfast bar and tongue & groove lofted ceilings to accent the strength of the home. This great horse property has direct views from Sleeping Giant to Mount Zirkel and Saddle Mountain. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty


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A Great Place to Horse Around Offered at $349,900 #125483 Looking for a home ready for your family and horses? Check out this ranch style three bedroom, two bath home north of Hayden. The home sits on 37+ acres and features great mountain views. Fenced and cross fenced with good pasture and alfalfa crop. Loafing sheds and a large shop/garage complete the picture. Low down payment financing available. Call Today! Prudential Steamboat Realty SilverSpur, custom finishes and extras gallore. 4BD, 3.5BA, easy show any time, unbeatable price! $745,000 Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970)846-1661.


Monday, July 27, 2009

LOG HOME & CABIN PACKAGE - 1757sqft $60,900.00; 615sqft - $31,900. Many other models available. 719-686-0404 or visit www.highcountryloghomes.NET. For the Discriminating Buyer Offered at $1,890,000 #125994 Wow! Brand New Construction at its finest. This 5 bedroom, 5 bath and two half bath duplex offers breathtaking views that will make it easy to call this home. There are five bedrooms, all suites, each having its own bathroom. The kitchen and dining area offers plenty of room for family, eating and entertaining. The kitchen is a chef’s dream with its Wolf range, Subzero refrigerator, dual dishwashers, double ovens and prep sink. The family room offers plenty of space to watch TV or play games. Call Cheryl Foote at 970-846-6444 Prudential Steamboat Realty


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Nicest 150 acres in the area, mountain top, wooded & private yet close to town, 2BD, 2BA log home, Ponds, Trail System & Wildlife. REDUCED over $700,000 can be split. Call Scoot Colorado Group Realty 970-846-3881

SilverSpur, custom finishes and extras gallore. 4BD, 3.5BA, easy show any time, unbeatable price! $745,000 Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT (970)846-1661.

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������������ STAGECOACH. Beautiful 2740SqFt Home 4 5BD, 3BA. Large rec room. Vaulted ceilings and Great room. Slab Granite. Custom cabinets. 2 decks. Big Lake Views. Lots of mature trees. Established neighborhood. Less than 20 minutes to Steamboat. See pics & more info on 970-819-1562 MUST SEE! Instant Equity! $489,000

Views, Views, Views! Offered at $3,595,000 #125698 Possibly the best views of the mountain can be seen from this 5 bedroom/ 7 bath home. The master suite is on the main level with its own office and walk out to a private hot tub. A large family room, wine cellar, great storage and incredible craftsmanship can be found in this new luxury home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty


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LOWEST PRICED HOME IN BLACKTAIL ESTATES, Priced under recent appraisel, FSBO, 2bd, 2ba, on 5 acres with 2.5 acres in haymeadow, horse friendly neighborhood, remodeled with new windows and red wood decks, slate entry, travertine master bath and much more! 360 degree views, passive solar design, NO HOA’s! 970-819-5632, $589, 995.

MILNER:2BR offers affordable living with large kitchen, log accents, wood stove & storage space. $40,000. Joyce Hartless (970) 291-9289 Colorado Group Realty.

OLD TOWN GEM 157 Hill Street

Absolutely Charming 1930’s home. 2BD+Den 2BA. Only 4 block walk to town. Large master suite. Butcher Knife Creek steps from your door. FSBO $789,000. 970-871-0709 /970-846-3690

Price Reduced! New home, 2BA, 3BD, 2 Car garage on large lot! Gain instant equity! 980 E 9th, Craig. 970-629-5427

Live Downtown Steamboat

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North Routt CharmOffered at $489,000 #122993 This 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in Clark sits on over 1 acre. Remodeled in 2006, this home has new paint, new doors, new blinds and a new roof. Enjoy stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, radiant floor heat and tiled floors. The master suite incorporates a double sink vanity in the bathroom and double closets. Relax outdoors on 1,000 square feet of covered deck, a fenced garden and private Elk River fishing access. The property has an attached 2-car garage and two additional sheds. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Large family home plus accessory apartment, only $540,000. Lovely setting on 1.73 acres, lots of extras! Roy Powell REMAX/STEAMBOAT 846-1661

3bd, 1ba, home next to Butcherknife park, creeks, trails, nicely furnished, 1287 sq ft, huge sunny yard, walk, bike, to several schools, restaurants, shopping, $549,000. Take advantage of 1st time home buyers credit soon! MLS #123860 Michelle Barnes Steamboat Agents 970-846-4220

Motivated Seller! PRICE REDUCED!

Home for Sale in Steamboat II, In a great neighborhood, 3bd, 2ba, 2 car garage, wood stove, hot tub, storage sheds, FSBO, WAS $420,000, NOW $405,000 970-879-6579

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Cutest Trailer in Dream Island #24, on river with deck. Beautifully landscaped, privacy fence, well insolated. Many extras $35,000. 879-6303

STEAMBOAT:2bdrm mobile home, on river! New roof, interior. Bike path, bus route, by park. Pets allowed! WD, $21,000, OBO 970-819-1239

3BD, 2BA $54,5000 Owner Finance with Down Payment. New floors, new kitchen. 970-819-4581 Leave message.

2002 MH, move-in condition 3-bedroom, 2-bath, spacious open floorplan with storage shed. Quiet location at the back of Willow Hill Park with mountain views. Possible owner carry! $35,000. Town & Country Properties. 846.9591, 736.1000

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Brand new, 3BD 2 BA Home in Craig, buyer tax credit with purchase, owner financing available, seller willing to negotiate. Ken 846.4472

Walk to the Slopes! Offered at $1,090,000 #123431 Excellent location and ski area views from this single-family home in desirable Landings neighborhood located just two blocks from the Gondola. Gorgeously decorated five bedroom, four bath home featuring vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, wood-burning fireplace and 2 spacious decks with outstanding views. The HOA takes care of the exterior maintenance so you can enjoy life! Call Colleen de Jong at 970-846-5569 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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1bd, 1ba, in Steamboat, Turn Key and ready for you to move in, on bus route, lowest HOA dues available, lofted bedroom with tons of sunshine, great views of ski mountain, outdoor grill area, and Yampa River is in back yard. Easy to show and priced to sell! $169,500 MLS# 125512, Michelle Barnes, Steamboat Agents, 970-846-4220

STEAMBOAT:Affordable Whistler, Own A Home, Take Advantage of $8,000 Tax Credit. 2BD, 1.5BA, $249,900. Bill Pyle, Old Town Realty 970-846-7953


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Overlook Drive Oasis Offered at $2,175,000 #125774 This 4 bedroom / 4 ½ bath home has panoramic views from the valley to downtown. The house overlooks the Rollingstone Golf Course and comes with a transferable golf membership. Easy living with a main floor master and his/her walk-in closets. Eat-in country kitchen has a sitting area and fireplace. 3 bedrooms on the lower level have access to a covered deck and large family room with wet bar. Great storage, 1000+ square feet of unfinished space, water features, and a spacious office with a private bath complete this special home. Call Marc Small at (970)879-8100 or (970)846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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Charming Captain’s Recreational Retreat! Offered at $649,000 #125509 Fun Included! Fully furnished 3 bed, 3 bath home. 2.75 acres with Mill Creek running through. Includes numerous toys for water/snow activities. Trails abundant with direct access to Routt National Forest and Steamboat Lake Park. Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or 970-879-8100 Prudential Steamboat Realty



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34 | Monday, July 27, 2009



3 Old Town Lots in Steamboat Springs, Howelsen and Emerald mountains in your back yard. $300,000 970-826-0307 YAMPA LOT waiting for your modular or custom. Paid water, electric and sewer taps. $100,000. (970)638-4496

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STAGECOACH:Ready to build, no assessments, W-S taps paid, soils test, utilities. $150,000. Call 638-4496

FSBO 4BD, 4.5BA, 2900sqft Townhome with 900sqft lock off apartment. Great views, $599,999 (970)846-8327 (303)877-4897.

Large single family home in silver Spur, 5 bdrm, 3 ba, theatre room, incredible views! Great family neighborhood, big yard! $665,000 Sunday 12-3, Call Robert 970-846-7685 Coldwell Banker, Silver Oak

40 ACRES, 20 minutes rom Craig, Meadow-Water County Rd access, $94,000, OWC, Call Troy 846-2356 or Penny 846-4429, Colorado Group Realty 35 ACRES, County Road Frontage, Ridgetop, Big Views. Only $79,900, OWC, Call Troy 846-2356 or Penny 846-4429, Colorado Group Realty 160 ACRES, 15 miles from Craig Views, quiet water EA access, $379,000, OWC, call Troy 846-2356 or Penny 846-4429, Colorado Group Realty


2 lots with permit ready plans for unique 4000sqft homes. Existing 3BD, 2BA house $995,000. Owner 619-977-6606 Expansive Ski Area Views Offered at $650,000 #125398 Fantastic price for premier lot with jaw-dropping views of the Steamboat Ski Area and Flat Tops. Upscale neighborhood, expansive views and a flat building site with aspens and scrub oak. Build your luxury dream home on this perfect and private .68 acre lot. Best lot on the market at this price. Call Colleen de Jong at 970-846-5569 Prudential Steamboat Realty

35 Acres Steamboat Lake North, waterfront, $800,000, 727-443-2679

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Ridgeline, single-family lot. Spectacular views, great neighborhood. $190,000. Owner will develop plans/estimates and would consider owner-carry. Norbert Turek, Elk River Realty. 970-846-1610 MLS# 124199


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FSBO: 4BR, 2BA, Large Garage / Shop, 58 fenced Acres, Three Springs, One Pond. $525,000 with incentives. Call Arlan 970-846-3681

3BD New House. Steamboat $399k; Trailer and Land. Downtown $215k; Strawberry Park Ranch $2.5M; 6 Stagecoach Lots. Paul Hands 970-846-9783

��������������� ���������������� CABIN in Routt National Forest, near Freeman Resevoir, furnished, 800 sq ft, 1 acre lot, MLS # 126085, $124,900,, Amy J. Williams at Colorado Group Realty, 970-846-8601

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-8 Stagecoach lots $65-155,000 -Meadowlark 2bd + loft, top floor corner unit, masterfully remodeled, granite, travertine, hardwood floors, new appliances, mounted HDTV, Bargain price- $295,000 -Indian Meadows Town Home 3bd, 2ba corner unit on private fishing pond. Value at $310,000 -South Shore lake home, 3bd, 2ba with garage. Yards from Stagecoach south dock. Solar, stainless appliances, granite, travertine, and incredible finishes. A steal at $389,000 -Brooklyn neighborhood charmer! Cozy 2bd, 1ba home in the heart of Steamboat. $459,000 -Luxury 1/2 Duplex 4bd, 4 1/2ba on mountain. Sold as turn key rental home earning $60K+ or incredible family home. Great location, impeccable home! $1,495,000 -Elk River Guest Ranch with business or as private ranch for sale. $2,200,000. 4 surrounding lots also offered between $375-495,000. -Call Kevin Dyche (970)846-5632 or Lindsey Miller-Dyche (970)846-6796 for details.

NOW HIRING SPA EMPLOYEES. Accepting resumes for Nail Techs, Esthetician and Massage Therapists for new Steamboat Spa. Flexible hours. Must be certified and registered with the state. Email resume or letter of interest to YVRA Heavy Equipment Mechanic / Operator: Salary Range $2,881 to $3,082. Details: Click on Employment. Deadline: 5:00 pm July 14, 2009. Routt County Human Resources, PO Box 773598, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. Equal Opportunity Employer. Steamboat Lake Outfitters is now hiring for front desk agents, cashiers, admin assistant, call 879-4404 or apply online

Adjunct Clinical Nursing Instructor

Colorado Northwestern Community College Craig Campus is seeking an adjunct Clinical Nursing Instructor to supervise first and or second year students. The ideal candidate must be a Registered Nurse with a Master of Science Degree, and have a minimum of 2 years clinical experience. Please contact Marilyn Hehr at (970) 824-1120 or (970) 824-1104 for additional information. CNCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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Cheapest lot in SS city limits, 1.89 acres, Zoned Residential, Subdivision Potential. JV-Subordinate-TradePrice Reduced $30,000. NOW $159,000, Ron Wendler CGR 875-2914


Very Rare 160 Acres Offered at $2,200,000 #125619 Very rare opportunity to own 160 acres surrounded by national forest and nestled in the forest next to the Flat Tops wilderness area, with Tout Creek running through it. Call the Elkins Team at 970-846-5376 or 970-846-6668 Prudential Steamboat Realty


Drivers with 3 years of safe delivery of petroleum products. Airbrake, tanker and Hazmat Medical Card, Clean MVR required. Craig base, max 4 overnights per month, Top pay. Contact:

Ready to build owner finance 40 acres E.N. Craig, 64x40 pole barn. Older motorhome, electricity, septic, water, phone, $190,000. $20,000 down, approx. $1,930 per month, 970-640-8723 Owner Says “Sell!” Very Special Property. 7.31 Acres. Power to Property. Great Light & Privacy. Trees have been cleared. $199,000. Call Ivy Baker, Broker Associate at 970-846-7707 Prudential Steamboat Realty.

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Colorado Northwestern Community College Rangely Campus is seeking an adjunct Horsemanship Instructor to teach Equine Evaluation during the 2009 fall semester. The ideal candidate must have a Bachelor of Science Degree, and have a minimum of 3 years judging experience. Please contact Brandon Velie (970) 675-3351 or for additional information. CNCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Alpine Campus of Colorado Mountain College is seeking part-time instructors for the following courses for fall semester, August 24-December 11: * Engineering – Thermodynamics * Geography – World Geography * Minimum of Master’s Degree (or 15 graduate credit hours) in discipline or related field required. * Automotive Service Instructor * Must be ASE level Three certified. Part-time instructor pay is commensurate with earned degree. Applications may be obtained from the Alpine Campus or on-line at Please send application, resume, transcript, and/or direct inquiries to Kevin Cooper, Instructional Chair, Colorado Mountain College, 1330 Bob Adams Drive, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487. Application deadline is August 10th. CMC is an Equal Opportunity Employer dedicated to diversifying its workforce.

Year round work, early day shift, for detail oriented cleaner /janitor, for commercial cleaning service. Will train!! 276-3040

Horizons is looking for an individual with a degree in SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Colorado Type E Special Services Certification (CDE Licensure), and experience with children birth to three with developmental delays. This position is one member of a team that works with children (in their homes), families, BOCES, and other agency professionals. Some travel is required. Send resume or letter of interest to Susan Mizen at: EOE. For questions, call 879-2065 X 112. Choose your hours, your income and your rewards. Choose AVON. $10 to start. Call 824-5631, Avon Independent Sales Representative.

ASST. TO FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR, Speech Coach (or Co-coaches) SSHS. Media Paraprofessional SSMS. Special Ed. Paraprofessional SPE. Please complete district classified application at Questions: 970-871-3199. EOE

Auto Glass Installer

STEAMBOAT: WANTED:3BR Duplex, TH or SF Downtown or on mtn to trade for 2BR, 2B Lodge unit, beautifully updated including heated tile floors. Short walk or shuttle to base, nicest pool on the mtn! Onsite mgt and great rental income. 970-222-3095

Position available for August 2009. Pre-school Teacher IN CRAIG: 12:00-6:30 Monday through Friday. Must be group leader qualified. 970-824-9400

Mobile Installer for local shop. Experience necessary, NGA Certification preferred. Must be detail oriented, reliable, good communicator. Looking for part time, possibly more. Call 970-846-8434, fax resume to 970-797-1395

Monday, July 27, 2009

City Market is accepting applications for the following positions: OVERNIGHT STOCKER: $10.29 per hour. CASHIER: $10.29 per hour. UTILITY CLERK: $10.25 per hour. Must be able to work a flexible schedule including evenings and weekends. Overnight stocker is a graveyard shift. Come by the store and fill out an application on our in-store kiosk. We are located at 1825 Central Park Plaza, or on-line at and put in an 80477 zip code.

NEW Downtown! Looking for a Professional and Experienced, Esthetician, Hair Stylist and Manicurist with cliental. Booth rental. Julie Buccino 871-0202

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Electronics Assembler $10-14 Hour

Ski Pass - Flex Hours - Retirement Plan Indoors Work. Rapidly growing electronic manufacturing company has f/t and p/t openings for individuals to solder and assemble small parts. Experience preferred, will train. Must have solid work ethic, be a team player and want out of the cold. FAX:(970) 879-9700 Phone: 879-9900x303


Are you an energetic, people-oriented person looking for a quality environment to work in? Are you interested in personal growth and a long term career opportunity? If so, we are willing to train you and would welcome your application to join our excellent dental practice team. This is a full time, benefited position, with an average of 14 working days per month. Please send a cover letter, resume and 3 professional references to POB 770161, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 or to:

Multi-Million Dollar Debt Free 12 year old company seeking professionals that would like to own their own business. Call Mike 303-229-3211.

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Come live, work and play with Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation in the following exciting benefited openings: Human Resources Administrative Assistant (August-April) Housing Administrative Assistant (August-April) Central Reservations Sales Agent (Year round) These positions offer an excellent compensation and benefit package including access to health, dental and vision insurance, vacation, 401(k), season pass and more! We are also seeking candidates for: The Ponds Resident Manager (Year round, Part time) *Compensation includes housing* View current opportunities and apply on line at or in person at the HR office on the third floor of the gondola building. PH. 970-871-5132. Employment for some positions is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check. EOE M/F



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New family restaurant opening in Baggs, WY! All staff needed: line cooks, waitresses, dishwasher, etc... Send inquiries and resume to


Busy medical practice looking for Medical Assistant - CNA, must have computer skills and phlebotomy helpful. Competitive wages and benefits. Bring resume to 595 Russell Street, Craig.

Full time Market and Deli help. Must work weekends, apply in person at 1030 Yampa.

PS Homecare, a leading national respiratory company seeks Healthcare specialist. Responsibilities: Disease management programs, clinical evaluations, equipment set-up (including ventilators) and education. Be the Dr.’s eyes in the home setting. RN, LPN, RRT, CRT licensed as applicable. Pediatric experience preferred. Great personality with strong work ethic needed. Competitive salary, benefits and career paths. Drug free workplace. EOE. 970-879-4212

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Classified Advertising Representative

The Classified Adevrtising Department of the Steamboat Pilot and Today is looking for an enthusiastic, motivated self-starter who is able to multi-task with efficiency and provide the highest level of Customer Service. The ideal candidate should posess sales / customer service experience, be computer literate and be able to work well in a demanding, and fast paced environment. Excellent growth opportunity and benefits. Please email cover sheet and resume with referrences to:

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| 35

NEED A CARETAKER? You’re looking for me. 25+ years in the valley, experienced, reliable, and absolutely trustworthy. References available. 970-879-6324

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36 | Monday, July 27, 2009


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