Steamboat Today, Sept. 30, 2009

Page 1




SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

Steamboat Springs, Colorado



Vol. 21, No. 234


C O U N T Y ’ S




Candidates divided City Council hopefuls split about financing issue; field questions at forum Page 3


Big cat sighting Local man encounters mountain lion while biking on Quarry Mountain trail Page 14



Steamboat 700 Principal and Project Manager Danny Mulcahy takes notes while Bill Cousins speaks to Steamboat Springs City Council members during Tuesday night’s public comment period about the proposed development. Cousins, who just moved to Steamboat a week ago from California, said he wanted to comment because he is concerned and interested in the future of Steamboat.

Calls for vote continue

Council worries about proposed Steamboat 700’s housing costs Brandon Gee


Rockies win in 11th Page 27

Briefs . . . . . . . . .10 Classifieds . . . . .33 Colorado. . . . . . .25 Comics . . . . . . . .31 Crossword . . . . .31 Happenings . . . . .7

Several residents who attended Tuesday’s Steamboat Springs City Council meeting renewed calls to put the proposed Steamboat 700 annexation to a vote. Extra chairs had to be brought into Centennial Hall to accommodate the large crowd that turned out for council’s preliminary consideration


■ INDEX Horoscope . . . . .32 La Vecindad . . . .12 Nation. . . . . . . . .26 Sports. . . . . . . . .27 ViewPoints . . . . . .8 Weather . . . . . . .43

Tuesday night’s Cash 5 numbers: 1-13-15-20-30 Drawings are held Monday through Saturday.

of a collection of resolutions Commissioners and ordinancendorse es that would Steamboat 700 annex the 487See page 6 acre project, which proposes 2,000 homes and 380,000 square feet of commercial space on property just west of the current city limits. The first readings of ordinances passed, but Steamboat 700 developers were asked to address a number of issues before returning

For more



Breezy and cooler with storms. High of 58.

Page 43

for final consideration. “This is a major, major thing for the folks in town, and they should have a say in it,” resident Bill Moser said. Resident Ed MacArthur cautioned council against putting the decision to a vote and said the majority of city residents won’t do the research necessary to say whether the complex development is a good idea. MacArthur, who is president of the Yampa Valley Housing Authority, urged council to

support the project. “Nothing in life will ever be perfect, but this is a good plan,” MacArthur said. “We won’t be a community if we don’t have places to go in the future.” Final consideration of the annexation is Oct. 13. If council approves it, petitioners would have to gather enough signatures from city residents — 10 percent of registered voters — to force a referendum election. See Council, page 16

■ THERE’S MORE ONLINE For around-the-clock updates, breaking local news and sports scores, videos, photos and an interactive community forum, visit


2 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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The art of quirky behavior I love odd behavior. I love it so much I keep a running list of strange habits and quirky behavior in a notebook on my desk. On my list are things like, “Wearing a baseball cap to bed,” “Can’t kiss in the bathroom,” and “Sorting M&M candy by color.” Most of the time, I just make a note of something I observe, but occasionally, if it’s a bureaucratic bugaboo, I will challenge it, such as the time I called the intensive care unit of a hospital and the on-hold music played the 1968 Traffic song “Feelin’ Alright.” You know the one, popularly covered by Joe Cocker that goes: “You feelin’ all right? I’m not feelin’ too good myself. … Well, you feelin’ all right? I’m not feelin’ too good myself. ...” I had to respond. “Um, excuse me, but do you know what your on-hold music is?”


Joanne Palmer The nurse sighed. “Yes, we get a lot of complaints about it,” she responded wearily. “Why don’t you change it? Some classical music might be better.” “Well, it’s been all the way up to the CEO of the hospital but nothing seems to happen.” My reservations about this hospital only intensified when, later in the day, I went to visit my friend and passed a sign that read, “On the cutting edge of surgical procedures.” Ouch. Naturally, I flipped open the geeky little notebook I carry with me and jotted it down. One of my many quirky habits

is that I can’t take notes in an expensive notebook. A pricey notebook with gilt edges and a leather cover intimidates me. It seems to command lofty, highly intellectual thoughts — of which I have very few — and so I always buy the cheapest notebook I can find. I love quirky behavior because predictable behavior is, well, too predictable and boring, like knowing the punch line to a joke. Quirky people think outside the box, color outside the lines and are guaranteed to make interesting dinner guests. Because I’ve elevated quirky behavior to an art form, I should be on the guest list to every party in town. Here are a few more oddball things I do: I have to rub my feet together before I go to sleep. See Palmer, page 19

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009



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Candidates divided on financing issue Council hopefuls gather for Rotary forum

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Steamboat Springs City Council candidate Kevin Bennett answers a question during a forum hosted by the Steamboat Springs Rotary Club.



Brandon Gee



Candidates for Steamboat Springs City Council were split on whether major capital projects should go to a vote at a Tuesday forum hosted by the Steamboat Springs Rotary Club. The forum was sometimes reminiscent of two years ago, as Councilwoman Cari Hermacinski focused on some of the same issues from her successful campaign in 2007. Hermacinski currently holds council’s at-large seat and is running for a District 1 seat against former City Council President Kevin Bennett. In 2007, Hermacinski campaigned against the previous council’s purchase of the Iron Horse Inn for affordable housing. On Tuesday, she criticized the Bennett-led council’s use of the same financing mechanism — certificates of participation — to construct Centennial Hall and the Howelsen Ice Arena. Local governments in Colorado can issue general obligation bonds with voter approval, according to the Colorado

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City Council candidate Kyle Pietras answers a question at the Rotary Club’s candidate forum Tuesday.

Department of the Treasury. The use of certificates of participation is a more complex form of financing that does not require voter approval because it is subject to annual appropriations and does not constitute a multi-year financial obligation, according to the department. Although Hermacinski said See Candidates, page 24


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4 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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6 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009



County endorses 700 project


Monger, Stahoviak support proposal; Mitsch Bush votes ‘no’


Jack Weinstein




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$7.99 for 1 dozen

$12.99 lb

See Endorsement, page 18

School district officials said 151 of Steamboat Springs Middle School’s 497 students were called in sick or sent home Tuesday. With 30 percent of students absent, the Steamboat Springs School District reached a threshold it established to discuss closing the school. Superintendent Shalee Cunningham said district officials don’t think the absences at the middle school were a H1N1, or swine flu, outbreak. Like Monday, when 133 students were home sick from the middle school, students missed

classes because of a variety of illnesses Tuesday. Reported illnesses included flu, strep throat, fever, sinus and bronchial infections, and head and chest colds. Principal Tim Bishop said parents called in 85 students sick Tuesday morning. He said by the end of the day, 66 more were sent home. Bishop said the school is being more proactive about sending kids home if they complain of feeling ill or exhibit any symptoms. Cunningham said district officials will meet Friday with the countywide swine flu group that began meeting last fall. That group includes representatives of the Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association,

On the ’Net Go to to see an interview with Steve Hilley, infection prevention and hospital prepardeness coordinator with the Yampa Valley Medical Center, which appeared Tuesday on “Steamboat Today” on TV18.

Yampa Valley Medical Center, Routt County Emergency Management, Colorado Mountain College’s Alpine campus, and the superintendents of Steamboat, Hayden and South Routt school districts. Until Friday’s meeting, Cunningham said, the district would continue to monitor the absentee rate at the middle school. See Absences, page 23


Little Neck Clams Wild Caught Alaskan True Cod Filet

the boundaries of the West of Steamboat Springs Area Plan, which contemplates growth and annexation to help accomplish a number of community goals, principally affordable housing. The Yampa Valley Housing Authority also has endorsed the project. “We have to move forward with this,” Commissioner Doug Monger said. “People who want to live in Steamboat need to

Variety of illnesses to blame; district, health officials to meet Friday


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ing to occur in Steamboat Springs.” The commissioners voted, 21, to send a letter in support of Steamboat 700 to the city. On Tuesday night, the Steamboat Springs City Council gave preliminary consideration to a collection of ordinances and resolutions annexing the 487-acre project that proposes 2,000 dwelling units and 380,000 square feet of commercial space. A final decision is scheduled for Oct. 13. Steamboat 700 is within

151 absent from middle school Tuesday


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In a split vote Tuesday, the Routt County Board of Commissioners threw its weight behind the proposed Steamboat 700 annexation. “There was a reason we created the West Steamboat Springs Area Plan,” County Commissioner Nancy Stahoviak said. “It’s our only hope for affordable and attainable hous-

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Best Sandw ich in Tow es n

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USDA Fresh All Natural, No Anti-biotic or Hormones Vintage Ground Beef

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$5.99 lb

Red Pepper & Mozzerella Ravioli $6.95 lb

with Guido’s Home Made Sauces


Sandwich Special

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Lobster Rolls & Crab Cakes $9.99 each


LUNCH SPECIALS SERVED DAILY OPEN 9-7 • Sunday 11-6 879-3504 • Yampa Ave


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Brandon Gee


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Memorial service

■ Social gardening is from 9 a.m. to noon at Yampa River Botanic Park. Help plant flowers, weed and learn about high country gardening. Take a hat, sunscreen, gloves and water. Meet Gayle at the shed.

Ray L. Chase, 74, of Steamboat Springs, passed away Sept. 24 at home surrounded by his family. A memorial service will be held in Carlsbad, Calif., at a later date. Call Yampa Valley Funeral Home at 879-1494.

■ Bud Werner Memorial Library hosts preschool story-time from 9:30 to 10 a.m. and 10:30 to 11 a.m.

■ Pickup ultimate Frisbee is at 6 p.m. on the soccer field at Colorado Mountain College. All skill levels are welcome. Bring a light shirt and a dark shirt, cleats if you have them and a flying disc. The games will be held Mondays and Wednesdays until it snows. Call Leo at 303-859-7615 or e-mail

■ Aging Well, a program of the Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, holds “Wellness Day” at 11 a.m. at the Haven Community Center in Hayden. The day includes Arthritis Foundation exercise, lunch for $2.50, a guest speaker, a memoirwriting class, wellness checks from a registered nurse and foot care by appointment. Call Aging Well at 970871-7676. ■ Edward Jones financial adviser Chris Puckett and Dan Almutti, financial professionals with Franklin Templeton Funds, present a free seminar about bond fundamentals from noon to 1 p.m. at Steamboat Smokehouse. Lunch will be served. Seating is limited, so call 8791851 to reserve a spot. ■ The Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Group plays an ACBL sanctioned duplicate game at 1 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Reservations are requested. Call Elaine at 879-1994. ■ Integrated Community’s bilingual conversational group, Intercambio, offers resource and referral services from 1 to 6 p.m. at the CIIC office at 718 Oak St. Call 871-4599. ■ The eighth annual Soup Bowl Supper, sponsored by Steamboat Clay Artisans, begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Steamboat Springs Community Center. Second seating is at 7 p.m. Cost is $20 in advance or $25 at door and includes a handmade ceramic bowl created by a local clay artist, soup donated by local restaurants, bread, beverage, dessert and a chance at a door prize. Tickets are on sale at All The Jazz, the Artists’ Gallery of Steamboat and Blue Sky Pottery. Proceeds benefit Reaching Everyone Preventing Suicide. Call Julie Anderson at 846-5156. ■ The Library’s Summer Book Club and Literary Sojourn Author Study will discuss Linda Hogan’s “Dwellings, A Spiritual History of the Living World” at 6 p.m. in Bud Werner Memorial Library’s meeting room. The discussion is open to anyone who wants to attend. ■ The first seminar in a series on the college application process is at 6 p.m. at Colorado Mountain College.

Call 870-4444 to register.

■ Yampa Valley Medical Center presents a free program, “2009 H1N1 (Swine) Flu Pandemic,” at 7 p.m. in Conference Room 1 at the hospital. ■ Steamboat’s Recreational Poker league plays at 7 p.m. at the Snow Bowl. The tournament is free and open to the public. Players must be age 18 or older. Visit ■ A West African dunun dance class with master teacher Moustapha Bangoura, star of les Ballets Africains, is from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Bud Werner Memorial Library. The cost is $15. Visit www.yampavalley. info or call Jennie at 970-846-9695 for details.

THURSDAY ■ The Philanthropic Committee of the Young Professionals Network presents “Tour de Forks” through Saturday. Wristbands are available at the Visitor’s Center or All That Jazz, for $10 per day or $25 for three days, granting special discounts and offers at participating restaurants. Proceeds benefit a Routt County graduating senior scholarship. Visit www. for a list of discounts. Call Meagan at 970-8757003. ■ A presentation of the Routt County Housing Needs Assessment will be made at a meeting of the Yampa Valley Housing Authority, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Commissioners Hearing Room on the third floor of the Routt County Courthouse. E-mail mapageallen@yvha. org or call 870-0167. ■ West African dance and drum

classes with master teacher Moustapha Bangoura, star of les Ballets Africains, are from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Depot Art Center on 13th Street. The cost is $15 per class. Visit or call Jennie at 970-846-9695 for details. ■ Steamboat Springs Youth Hockey Association holds a special meeting of its board of directors at 6:15 p.m. in Howelsen Ice Arena’s meeting room, to vote on a fundraising proposal and an increase in funding for need-based scholarships. Call the SSYHA office at 871-0063 or visit for details.

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■ Off the Beaten Path Bookstore hosts a poetry slam at 7 p.m., with registration at 6:45 p.m. at the store on Ninth Street. Refreshments are served. All are welcome. Call 8796830.

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FRIDAY ■ Aging Well and the town of Hayden sponsor a fall foliage tour for senior citizens from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Space is limited. Call Kathy at 8751887 by Sept. 29 to RSVP. ■ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s yard and treasures sale is from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the church, Ninth and Oak streets. Sale items include donations from more than 300 families. ■ An election forum featuring candidates for Steamboat Springs City Council and Steamboat Springs School Board is from 5 to 8 p.m. at the community center. A candidates meet and greet is from 5 to 6 p.m., with refreshments provided by Rex’s American Grill & Bar. A moderated forum is from 6 to 8 p.m. Call Pilot & Today Editor Brent Boyer at 970-8714221 for more information. ■ Teton Gravity Research screens its latest film, “RE: Session,” at 8 p.m. at the Sheraton Steamboat Resort. Doors open at 7 p.m. General admission is $15.

How to submit your Happenings The best way to submit Happenings items is to e-mail all relevant information to Readers also can visit our interactive Happenings listings at or submit written information at the front desk of Steamboat Pilot & Today, 1901 Curve Plaza. Fax to “Attention Happenings” at 879-2888. Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations. Questions? Call 871-4233.

Happenings Online Happenings is updated daily on




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Wednesday, September 30, 2009



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Comment& Commentary

ViewPoints Steamboat Today • Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Road work worth the headaches


ommuting through downtown Steamboat Springs got a lot more stressful with this week’s commencement of a major Lincoln Avenue resurfacing project. But our short-term pain will net long-term gains for AT ISSUE the city, its residents Lincoln Avenue and its visitors. Work began improvements Monday on a project that, weather permitOUR VIEW ting, will continue U.S. 40 work through the fall, take a hiatus during the winpromises ter, and begin again in significant the spring. If all goes upgrades. according to plan, the work could be done by June 2010. If not, work will be halted at the end of June and continued again in September 2010, once the summer tourism season has come to a close. That might seem like an eternity to those who sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic Tuesday afternoon while heading west through downtown, but it’s a project that simply must be accomplished while the funding is available. The total estimated cost is a little more than $5.6 million, with about $1.6 million coming from the city. The Colorado Department of Transportation awarded the project contract to Scott Contracting out of Henderson.

Among the project’s components: ■ Removing the asphalt road surface from Third to 13th streets and replacing it with concrete, which should last longer and be easier to maintain. ■ Replacing underground utility lines ■ Upgrading the drainage system, including culverts, inlets, gutters and concrete curbs ■ Installing a box culvert at Lincoln Avenue and Seventh Street ■ Adding bulb-outs at signaled intersections. The bulb-outs will reduce the distance pedestrians must walk to cross Lincoln Avenue. ■ Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps ■ Installing colored concrete crosswalks ■ Adding a traffic signal at 11th Street ■ Adding a left-turn arrow for westbound Lincoln Avenue traffic turning onto Fifth Street ■ Adding a left-turn arrow for eastbound Lincoln Avenue traffic turning onto Third Street ■ Installing fiber-optic lines to coordinate downtown traffic signals During construction, traffic often will be reduced to one lane in each direction, as we’ve already experienced this week. The speed limit is reduced to 20 mph through the work zone, and delays of as long as 10 minutes are expected. That wasn’t the case Tuesday, when it

took some folks 40 minutes to make it from downtown to west Steamboat. Construction officials say those delays won’t be the norm. We hope they’re right. “Whenever you start a new project, you’re going to run into unforeseen conflicts, especially when you’re coordinating with different agencies,” project spokeswoman Jody Patten said. “We’re working around the clock so we can come up with a solution so we don’t have unacceptable delays.” We urge Scott Contracting and the Colorado Department of Transportation to get the kinks worked out this week. Multiple days of 40-plusminute delays are not acceptable. Finally, it’s important to remember that not only will the construction test our collective patience — after all, living in Northwest Colorado makes it easy to forget what traffic really is — it has the potential to negatively affect many downtown businesses. We urge residents to keep in mind that those businesses will remain open despite the work going on outside their front doors. And although Lincoln Avenue parking will be limited, that shouldn’t stop us from using side-street parking and continuing to frequent our favorite downtown businesses. We’d hate for an important but inconvenient highway construction project to significantly impact the health of our downtown economy.

We, the residents of West Acres Park, would like to thank the members of the City Council for their personal interest in our concerns about the New Victory Highway. Four of the council members — Loui Antonucci, Cari Hermacinski, Scott Quinn and Walter Magill — took the time to come out to West Acres, seeing for themselves exactly where the road is to be built.


QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Is moving to mail-in ballots a good idea for Routt County? Log on to

Letters policy Limit letters to 600 words. All letters must include the phone number of the writer so that the authenticity of the letter can be verified. E-mail letters to or send them to Letters at P.O. Box 774827, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. By submitting letters to the editor, you grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today a nonexclusive license to publish, copy and distribute your work, while acknowledging that you are the author of the work. You grant the Steamboat Pilot & Today permission to publish and republish this material without restriction, in all formats and media now known or hereafter developed, including but not limited to all electronic rights. Solely by way of example, such rights include the right to convert the material to CD-ROM, DVD and other current and hereafter developed formats, the right to place the article in whole or in part on the Internet and other computer networks, and the right to electronically store and retrieve the work in electronic databases.



LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Two weeks ago, they listened attentively to about a dozen of the residents who individually and collectively are angry about the road being built on land set aside 30 years ago as two greenbelts. These lands were given, not to the owners of the park, but to the tenants for perpetuity. During the years of planning, none of the 92 residents were told about the road. Only one person, the owner of the park and his associates, were allows readers to submit comments on stories, to create their own blogs and to participate in our Reader Forum. Each Sunday, a selection of the top comments from are published. Log on to today and submit your comments.


The opinion of Steamboat Today is expressed only in the space above.

Council listened

Do you have something to say about a story we’ve written?

P.O. Box 774827 • 1901 Curve Plaza Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

informed about the road. Why? Because, as the Steamboat Pilot & Today noted in the Sept. 15 paper, city officials claim West Acres residents “have no legal standing in the matter.” Construction of the road is expected to begin soon. However, City Council felt differently about commencing construction. Its members felt that because See Letters, page 9 Bruce Tinsley

970-879-1502 • 888-499-3999

EDITORIAL BOARD Suzanne Schlicht, general manager Brent Boyer, editor Mike Lawrence, city editor Tom Ross, reporter Grant Fenton, community representative Paul Strong, community representative

WHO TO CALL Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, ext. 224 Brent Boyer, editor, ext. 221 Scott Stanford, sales and marketing director, ext. 202 Steve Balgenorth, circulation director, ext. 232 Meg Boyer, creative services manager, ext. 238 Dan Schuelke, press operations manager, ext. 217 Mike Lawrence, city editor, ext. 233 Allison Miriani, news editor, ext. 207 News line: 871-4233 Classified: 879-1502 Sports line: 871-4209 Distribution: 871-4232 Advertising: 879-1502 Fax line: 879-2888 Steamboat Today is published Monday through Saturday mornings by WorldWest Limited Liability Company, Suzanne Schlicht, general manager, 871-4224. It is available free of charge in Routt County. Limit one copy per reader. No person may, without prior written permission of Steamboat Today, take more than one copy of each issue. Additional copies and back issues are available for $1 at our offices or $2.50 to have a copy mailed. 2006 General Excellence Winner, Colorado Press Association Member of the Colorado Press Association, Newspaper Association of America, Inland Press Association © 2008 Steamboat Today



Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Peering into the future CHARLOTTE, N.C.

A whoop went up in the classroom, and the teenagers became giddy when they realized that the man and woman being escorted to the front of the room were Bill and Melinda Gates. “Ohmigod!” shrieked one girl, her eyes and mouth wide with astonishment. “Are you the Herbert real Bill Gates?” asked another. The Gateses were in the Algebra 1 class at West Charlotte High School (a venerable, mostly black institution that through the decades has reached academic highs and touched ignominious lows) to learn, not teach. They have been traveling the country trying to see for themselves what really works and what has gone haywire in public education in the United States. Visiting classrooms is like peering into the nation’s future. Right now, the view is some-

what frightening. American kids drop out of high school at an average of one every 26 seconds. Only about a third of those who graduate are prepared to move on to a fouryear college. And in the savage economic downturn that has gripped the United States for the better part of the past two years, retrenchment in public schools and colleges is widespread. For a country that once led the world in educating its citizens, we are now moving decidedly in the wrong direction. As Bill Gates points out: “Our performance at every level — primary and secondary school achievement, high school graduation, college entry, college completion — is dropping against the rest of the world.” This has consequences. As Melinda Gates notes: “America’s long history of upward mobility is in danger.” The Gateses are co-chairs of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest philanthropic organization. They are investing billions of dollars and much of their considerable energy in an effort to spark not

just change but a transformation in the way American youngsters are educated. It’s an overwhelming challenge, and not all of their early efforts have borne fruit. Educating children in the U.S. means engaging issues such as poverty and homelessness, racial and ethnic transformations and entrenched, outdated ways of doing things. But the Gateses seem determined to master this issue and do what they can to help reverse the current dismal trends. As they met during two days with students, teachers, administrators and community college executives in Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, the intensity of their focus and concentration was striking. “You can read about all of this stuff,” Bill Gates told me, “but it’s important to come out and see it, to spend time talking with the people involved, and to visit the bad schools as well as the good schools if you really want to understand and make a difference.” The Gateses are committed, but they need so many more to follow their lead.

Good Samaritan deserves a warm ‘thank you’ none of the development projects are approved, it would be inappropriate to begin building a road with city funds. They realized that sandwiching a road between 20 homes and two hills will greatly impact the quality of life for the residents — not to mention that it will take away two greenbelts. Again, we thank you for listening to our concerns and standing up for those who have “no legal standing.”

Tom Williams, on behalf of West Acres Park residents


A kind act Good Samaritans are alive and well. The other day, my daughter crashed her bike on her way to school. It was a pretty bad crash, and her helmet was broken in three places. She is fine — not even a concussion — thanks to the helmet. Shortly after the crash, a woman (I’m sorry I forget your name) called from her deck to see if everything was all right. I asked this voice through the trees to call my wife and have her meet us down the trail with the car to bring my daughter home. This stranger couldn’t reach my wife but took it upon herself, without asking, to come

down with her car and give us a ride home. It was such a simple act and one that most of us would do, but it was a great reminder to me of all the good things that happen every day that go unaccounted for. In a world where bad news sells and the media seem to continually highlight the latest bombing or other violent act, I tend to forget the millions of good and simple acts like this one that truly shape our world. A huge thank you to this Good Samaritan who helped us in a time of need. I hope we can all mirror her example.

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Wednesdays at the Old Town Pub...


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Tim Rowse

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Letters continued from 8

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Call TRY-RIBS (879-7427)

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Bob Herbert


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10 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


News in brief Grant funds available for food, shelter programs


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MONDAY, SEPT. 28 1:11 a.m. Steamboat Springs Police Department officers were called to a report of a bear in a trash bin in the 700 block of South Lincoln Avenue. 6:01 a.m. Routt County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a report of a noninjury, one-car crash near mile marker 124 on U.S. Highway 40, near Routt County Road 44, in which a truck hit an elk. The truck was not drivable, but the driver was able to keep the elk. 7:49 a.m. Police were called to a report of vandalism in the 3100 block of South Lincoln Avenue where two windows of heavy equipment reportedly were broken. 9:22 a.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue emergency responders were called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat Springs for a 71-year-old man who reportedly was ill. Medical crews took the man to Yampa Valley Medical Center. 9:45 a.m. Oak Creek Fire Rescue emergency responders were called to a request for an ambulance in Oak Creek. 9:59 a.m. Hayden Police Department officers and West Routt Fire Protection District emergency responders were called to a request for an ambulance near Hayden. 10:05 a.m. Police were called to assist deputies in a lockdown drill at Strawberry Park Elementary School. 10:27 a.m. Deputies were called to a report of theft in the 35000 block of U.S. 40 where a light fixture reportedly was missing. 10:28 a.m. Police were called to a report of vandalism in the 1900 block of Curve Court where two tires and rims reportedly were stolen off a silver 1997 Chevy Blazer.

Officers took a report. 10:32 a.m. Police were called to a request for a welfare check in the 1300 block of Sparta Plaza. 10:37 a.m. Deputies, North Routt Fire Protection District emergency responders and Colorado State Parks rangers were called to a request for an ambulance near Hayden. 12:57 p.m. Deputies, Hayden Police, North Routt Fire Protection District emergency workers and park rangers were called to a request for a welfare check near Pearl Lake. Medical crews transported one person. 2:22 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat. 2:32 p.m. Deputies were called to a report of vandalism near the 500 block of Routt County Road 65, near Hayden, where a gate reportedly was damaged. Damage was estimated at $100, and deputies took a report. 4:04 p.m. Deputies and Colorado State Patrol troopers were called to a report of a noninjury crash between a car and a dump truck near mile marker 139 on U.S. 40. 4:09 p.m. Routt County Search and Rescue volunteers were called to a request for assist in a rescue near Pyramid Peak in Rio Blanco County where a 30-year-old Oak Creek man reportedly fell 50 feet down a rock face. A private company helicopter crew and paramedics rescued the man, and another helicopter crew transported him to Grand Junction. For more information, see page 14. 4:14 p.m. Police and Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue were called to a request for an ambulance in Steamboat. 4:23 p.m. Police received a report at the



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Come by our facility for a preview of our complete party package. 970-870-0384 Nicolette’s cupcake design package for an additional fee - ask us for details!


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The Northern Rockies jurisdiction has been chosen to receive $50,000 in federal funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in Routt, Eagle, Pitkin, Summit, Grand

and Jackson counties. A national board led by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency selected the jurisdiction. A local board is seeking applications from agencies that: are a private, voluntary, nonprofit group or unit of government; are eligible to receive fed-

eral funds; have an accounting system; practice non-discrimination; and have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs. If the agency is a private voluntary organization, it must have a voluntary board. To request an application, call Pam Graham at 970-870-8804. Applications are due Tuesday.

Crime Stoppers If you have information about any unsolved crime, call Routt County Crime Stoppers at 870-6226. You will remain anonymous and could earn a cash reward.

police station of a hit-and-run crash. The crash happened Sept. 14, and officers took a report for insurance purposes. 5:06 p.m. Police were called to a request for an officer at Steamboat Springs High School. Officers gave a person a courtesy ride. 5:15 p.m. Deputies, Oak Creek Police Department officers and Yampa Fire Protection District emergency responders were called to a report of a two-car crash near mile marker 36 on Colorado Highway 131, near Toponas, where a car and a minivan had a head-on crash. One man was pronounced dead at the scene, and one person was taken to a hospital with injuries. For more information, see page 14. 7:32 p.m. Officers arrested a 23-year-old Boulder man on a warrant for failure to comply in four court cases. 7:32 p.m. Steamboat Springs Fire Rescue was called to a report of a fire alarm in the 2700 block of Eagleridge Drive. 8:20 p.m. Police and Steamboat Mental Health professionals were called to a report of a disturbance in the first block of Logan Avenue. Officers took a person into protective custody. 9:56 p.m. Deputies arrested a 54-yearold Salida man on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, DUI per se and speeding after a traffic stop near mile marker 2 on C.R. 36.



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Wild Horse Gallery owner Richard Galusha photographs one of the pieces that will be included in the gallery’s auction, which starts Friday.

Art auction starts Friday

Wild Horse Gallery accepting bids in-house and online Margaret Hair

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Bronze pieces by Gary Price will be included in the Wild Horse Gallery auction.

Artwalk from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Included in the inventory are paintings, sculpture, drawings, etchings and carvings, with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to more than $35,000. Each item has a minimum price and minimum bid increment relative to that price. See Auction, page 17

Up for auction To see the items up for auction at Wild Horse Gallery, stop by the 802 Lincoln Ave. gallery, or go to www. and click on the big, red “auction” button. Online and in-store bidding opens Friday and closes at midnight Oct. 11. Call the gallery at 879-5515 for more information.

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More than 100 pieces of Western-themed art will be part of an online and silent auction starting Friday at Wild Horse Gallery. Most of the gallery’s 50 or so artists suggested a few pieces to be included in the auction, which includes bidding on www., and on bid sheets next to each work at the gallery. The auction inventory is likely to also include some consignment pieces from private collections, said Wild Horse Gallery co-owner Shirley Stocks. “This year, we’ve had a lot of collectors wanting to sell art, and they’ve come to us with pieces,” she said. The auction goes live online Friday, and bids will be accepted until midnight Oct. 11. A preview of all auction pieces is at the gallery’s Web site, and silent auction bidding will be open during the October First Friday


12 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Altos niveles de radón en Routt

Las pruebas de los niveles de radón en las casas del Condado de Routt son más elevadas de lo que se pensaba y la Oficina Local espera que la clase del día jueves ayude a los residentes a protegerse de este peligro. Radón es un gas radioactivo, sin color y sin olor, que se piensa que es la segunda causa principal de cáncer de pulmón después del cigarrillo. Es un sub producto del uranio que se filtra en el aire desde el suelo y puede llegar a concentrarse en niveles muy peligrosos dentro de las casas. De acuerdo a datos de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado, “se estima que el radón podría estar asociado con alrededor de 21,000 muertes por cáncer del pulmón por año en los Estados Unidos.” Karen Massey, Agente de Extensión de Ciencia del Consumidor del Condado de Routt, dijo que la clase del

jueves se llevará a cabo de 7 a 9 pm, en el Salón de la Corte del Condado de Routt en el centro de Steamboat Springs, esto será posible gracias a un subsidio del Departamento de Salud Pública y de Medio Ambiente de Colorado y proveerá información muy valiosa en forma gratuita. No podría haber una mejor fecha para realizar estas clases. El martes, la Organización Mundial de la Salud invitará a realizar acciones más efectivas en contra del radón en el interior de los domicilios. “Queremos que la gente conozca que eliminar el radón es relativamente fácil y de bajo costo si se hace de manera correcta” dijo Massey el lunes. Doug Kladder, autor de “Protegiendo tu casa de Radón” trasmitirá un programa desde su oficina en el Centro de Investigación y Tecnología de medioambiente de Colorado Springs. Massey y Greg Pohlman, un agente local

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���������������������������������� ����� Todas las Edades (Habrá un intérprete en Español) 1ro de Octubre 2:00 pm-4:00 pm en el VNA de Steamboat

En su nota de prensa del martes, la Organización Mundial de

elación de hogares y el costo de las mismas fluctúa entre $10 y $40. El costo de reducción de niveles de radón en un hogar ya establecido puede variar entre $800 y $2500. Instalar estos sistemas durante la construcción de una nueva casa es muy barato, entre $350 y $500. Un sistema efectivo y popular para reducir los niveles de radón es llamado “descompresión de losas.” Esto involucra colocar debajo de una capa permeable cañerías debajo de una estructura, a través de ella y saliendo por el techo, lo cual hace que el gas radón salga de la casa por una chimenea. Tales sistemas son un componente del Programa del Departamento de Construcción Regional del Condado de Routt llamado Programa de Edificación Verde. Este programa es voluntario en el primer año y podría llegar a ser obligatorio. “Las Edificaciones verdes están designadas para proveer de casas sanas y medio ambientes sanos en los hogares,” dijo Carln Dunham Funcionario de Edificaciones. “Todas las casas deberían tener un sistema de mitigación de radón de una u otra forma.”

Agenda de la comunidad Hispaña PRONTO “Curso Felipe” Para la renovación de la fe católica. La escuela de Evangelización “San Pablo” de Denver vendrá el 10 y 11 de Octubre desde las 8:00 am a la Iglesia Católica “Holy Name” para este retiro espiritual. Para más información llame a Rafael Moreno al 819-3261 o Maria Martin al 819-1328. El Centro de Arte de Steamboat

Springs proyectará el video “Frida”, acerca de la pintora mexicana Frida Kahlo, el 16 de Octubre a las 7:00 pm en el Centro de Artes en la Calle 13.

HOY El octavo festival de “Soup Bowl Supper” (cena de sopas), patrocinado por Steamboat Clay Artisans, comienza a las 5:30 p.m. en el Centro Comunitario de Steamboat Springs. El evento será desde las

7:00 pm. El costo es de $25 e incluye un tazón de cerámica hecho a mano por artistas locales, sopa donada por restaurantes locales, pan, bebidas, postre, y la oportunidad de ganar un premio. Llame a Julie Anderson al 846-5156. El primer seminario acerca del proceso de aplicación a universidades y ayuda financiera será a las 6:00 pm en el Colorado Mountain College. Llame al 870-4444 para registrarse.


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No necesitas cita Solo ven y vacunate

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Chequea con tu aseguranza talvez es un beneficio cubierto

Abierto los 7 Dias De La Semana Horario Clinicade Steamboat


Lunes a Viernes 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sabados 9 a.m. - Noon

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Incremento del riesgo

la salud recomendó a Estados Unidos disminuir la reacción en los umbrales a 2.7 pCi/L, que duplica el número estimado de hogares en los Estados Unidos que necesitan sistemas de control de radón de 8 millones a 15 millones Con excepción del Condado Eagle, el Condado de Routt está rodeado de ciudades que han sido nombradas del EPA por tener altos niveles de radón y Massey piensa que el Condado de Routt podría tener mayor riesgo que el ya estimado. Ella basa su queja en los resultados de exámenes acumulados que se hicieron desde que la oficina anexa comenzó a proveer en forma gratuita kits para hacerse estas pruebas a los residentes del condado. “Durante los últimos años hemos realizado muchos exámenes y hemos encontrado que hay mas radón que lo que se esperaba,” dijo Massey, quien también informó que habían aún más kits de pruebas disponibles en la Oficina auxiliar en el anexo de la Corte del Condado de Routt. “Uno nunca sabe hasta que comienza a realizar los exámenes.” Los kits para estos exámenes también están disponibles en las ferreterías y tiendas de remod-



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certificado en eliminación de radón, también participará en la clínica. “Se sabe que un total de 40% de hogares en Colorado y Escuelas han aumentado sus niveles de radón,” dijo Kladder, quien también informó que su primer mensaje el día jueves durante la visita será “todos los hogares pueden ser curados.” El Condado de Routt ha sido designado como un área de riesgo moderado de radón por la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente, lo cual significa que un hogar normal podría tener niéveles de radón entre 2 y 4 picocuries de radón por litro de aire. El último nivel informado es solamente un inicio por lo cual el EPA recomienda tomar acciones. De acuerdo al EPA, con la exposición de radón a 4 pCI/L durante toda una vida, el riesgo de un no fumador de contraer cáncer al pulmón por exposición de radón es casi lo mismo que morir en un accidente automovilístico. El riesgo se intensifica con los fumadores y para los ex-fumadores cuando están expuestos a altos niveles de radón.


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Clinicade Hayden Martes 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Viernes 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


David M. Williams, M.D. • James R. Dudley, M.D. • Daniel H. Smilkstein, M.D. • Louise A. Thielen, M.D. Kristin B. Wilson, M.D. • Richard J. Rende, MD • David W. Niedermeier, MD.

Cuidando a Nuestro Comunidad Por Mas Que 30 Años! Pine Grove Center Steamboat Springs

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Por Brandon Gee


El final del Mercado de Agricultores Por Shawn McHugh


Por última vez en el año y dos días después de la primera helada de otoño, los agricultores y artesanos locales expusieron sus productos el jueves por la tarde, hubo vegetales, pasteles, joyas entre otros en el parque Alice Pleasant. La tercera temporada del Mercado de Agricultores de la Asociación de Negocios del Centro de la Ciudad está ahora cerrada. Los proveedores dijeron que hubo un crecimiento en las ventas de esta temporada y un alto flujo de consumidores en comparación con años anteriores. “Este año ha habido mucha mas participación de artesanos y también de la gente de la comunidad,” dijo Marilyn Henderson, proveedor por segundo año de joyería, de 30 años de edad y residente del Valle de Yampa.

“Fue mucho mejor que el año pasado” Otros proveedores compartieron iguales comentarios, sin embargo ya estaban listos para cambiar a otras ocupaciones y hobbies propios de la temporada. Lois Yoder, junto con su esposo, Vernon, y su hijo de 10 años ofrecieron en su stand una variedad de panes, pepinillos, granos, mermeladas, galletas, granola y numerosos sabores de pasteles. “Realmente me divertí mucho este verano en el mercado”, dijo ella. “Fue verdaderamente exitoso, sin embargo ya estoy lista para terminar y cambiar el horneado por otro hobbies” Ella espera pasar más tiempo cosiendo y realizando libros de memorias durante los meses de invierno. Otras, como Joanne Petre de la Granja Sunny Breeze, están buscando otras locaciones para vender los productos de

las ovejas de la granja y el suero para alimentar a los puercos ahora que el Mercado de Craig está cerrado por esta época del año. Indico también que la granja envía queso de cabra y jabón de leche de cabra a los restaurantes y tiendas de todo el estado. Aunque esta variedad satisface a los Granjeros del Mercado de Craig con una selección de productos artesanales, comestibles y con personalidad, siempre hay una constante Como Bob Grubb lo indica “hasta que el calentamiento global realmente llegue, a fines de setiembre es una buena época para ser calificada como el final de la temporada de Mercado”. Shawn McHugh puede ser ubicada en el telf. 8751792, o al correo electónico

Estrategias para apelación de Hankins Por Collin Smith


La Oficina de la Defensoría Pública del Estado de Colorado dio el primer paso para la apelación sobre el caso de Terry Hankins en la condena por el delito del 26 de agosto. Hankins fue condenado de asesinato en primer grado, el delito más grave, y por alevosía como Hankins delito menor, en conexión con la muerte de su esposa Cynthia, en junio del 2007. Fue sentenciado a cadena perpetua sin libertad condicional. El Defensor Público de Steamboat Springs, que manejó el caso de Hankins en la Corte de la ciudad del Condado de Moffat, dijo que esta oficina apelaría casi todas

las condenas. Aun no se ha remitido el documento oficial de apelación en la Corte de Apelación de Colorado a favor de Hankins. Sin embargo, el Juez Michael O’ Hará, quien escuchó el caso en agosto, firmó una moción permitiendo a la Oficina de Defensoría Pública fundamentar la apelación de Hankins. La moción también indica que Hankins cree que hay “fundamentos merecedores” para una reconsideración de la pena impuesta, sin embargo, no ha expuesto aún las razones. Hankins no tendrá representación en la apelación por parte de los abogados de la oficina de Steamboat Springs. El Defensor Público de la División de Apelaciones tendrá esta responsabilidad. De acuerdo a las confesiones grabadas de Hankins que se hicieron en cumplimiento

Steamboat Springs


¡HAZNOS SABER LO QUE QUIERES LEER! Envía tus preguntas o sugerencias acerca de la página “La Vecindad” a: Por correo electrónico: Por carta: 940 Central Park Dr. Suite 101, Steamboat Springs CO 80487 Por teléfono: 970-871-7637 (por favor deje un mensaje)

¡HAZNOS SABER LO QUE QUIERES LEER! Envía tus preguntas o sugerencias acerca de la página “La Vecindad” a: Por correo electrónico: Por carta: 745 Russell St, Craig CO 81625 Por teléfono: 970-871-7509 (por favor deje un mensaje)

de la ley, éste golpeó a su esposa en la cabeza con una palanca, la asfixió con una almohada y la dejó en estado inconsciente. Luego la descuartizó y la enterró en los terrenos mineros de su propiedad al norte de la ciudad. En algunas confesiones, de acuerdo a declaraciones oficiales de ley, Hankins manifestó que Cynthia era abusiva y que antes que él la atacara ella lo golpeó con un ventilador eléctrico. Durante el juicio en la corte de la ciudad, sus abogados argumentaron defensa propia, haciendo conocer los reportes policiales habidos en el Departamento de Policía de Craig donde Hankins denunció varios abusos de Cynthia en el transcurso de su matrimonio.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No hubo fallo en Caso de Asalto REPORTAJE DEL PERSONAL

James Lee continua siendo retenido en la Cárcel del Condado de Moffat con una fianza de $50,000 después de una audiencia preliminar el martes entre los abogados del caso y la Juez Sandra Gardner. Lee, 31, fue acusado por la Corte del Condado de Moffat por asalto en primer grado, una felonía de Clase 2; dos cargos de asalta de segundo grado, robo de primer grado y asalto de segundo grado, todos son felonías de Clase 3; y asalto de tercer grado de una persona en riesgo, una felonía de Clase 6. La oficina del 14avo Juzgado del Fiscal del Distrito añadió estos últimos cargos el martes. Lee ha estado bajo custodia de la Cárcel del Condado de



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Su defensor público, Sheryl Uhlman, remitió una petición por una fianza reducida al comienzo de este mes, pero dijo que el martes no quería discutir acerca de esa moción ese día. Ella planea argumentar por una reducción de la fianza durante la audiencia preliminar de Lee el 3 de noviembre a la 1:00 p.m., cuando se espera que el defendido haga su primera aparición en la corte. Lee fue arrestado en la casa de Sharon y David Salman, localizada en la cuadra 400 de la 6ta Calle Oeste. Oficiales del departamento de Policía de Craig fueron a la casa después que Sharon llamara al 911 y dijera que había un hombre en la puerta de su casa demandando que lo hagan entrar.

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14 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Crash victim from Hotchkiss Zach Fridell



The man killed in a head-on crash near Toponas on Monday afternoon has been identified as 48-year-old Todd Moore, of Hotchkiss. Routt County Coroner Rob Ryg said Moore’s family has been notified. The cause of death has not been determined, but Ryg said it appeared Moore died of massive blunt force trauma. Colorado State Patrol Cpl. Brian Bagley, who is in charge of the crash investigation,

The Boathouse ������������

John F. Russell


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Mountain bike rider Dave Dietrich wasn’t sure how he should feel Monday evening after coming across a full-grown mountain lion on Emerald Mountain. “It was one of the neatest encounters of my life — it was also the most interesting and the most frightening,” Dietrich said. Dietrich, who works in sales for Moots Cycles, said he was riding on the new Quarry Mountain Trail when he came across the big cat walking along

the trail, which bypasses the Lane of Pain to the top of the ridge. “I got off my bike, picked it up and held it above my head to look bigger,” Dietrich said. “I started yelling, and I slammed my bike down hoping that the cat would run away, but it was unfazed.” Dietrich even tried throwing a rock, but with no success. The biker and the big cat stood less than 50 yards apart, looking at one another, for two or three minutes. Finally Dietrich, who didn’t want to turn his back on the mountain lion, said he began to

back down the trail while keeping his bike in front of him. He lost sight of the mountain lion, and when he felt he was a safe distance away, Dietrich said, he jumped on his bike and rode back down the trail. “I think he was as surprised to see me as I was to see him,” Dietrich said. “On my way down, I warned other riders that he was up there.” Jim Haskins, area wildlife manager for the Colorado Division of Wildlife, said it’s very unusual to have a face-to-face encounter with a mountain lion. See Mountain lion, page 20

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See Crash, page 20

Man encounters big cat while biking on Quarry Mountain trail PILOT & TODAY STAFF

Open Sat 11:30am • Open Sun 11:00am Happy Hour Daily 3-6pm • Serving Food ‘til 9ish 609 Yampa • On the River • 879-4797

wrote in the initial report that Moore, driving a 2004 Honda Civic south on Colorado Highway 131, crossed into the northbound lane. There he hit a 1995 Ford Aerostar van, driven by a 66-year-old Yampa man, James Goggin. Goggin apparently was not wearing a seatbelt, and medical crews transported him to Yampa Valley Medical Center with serious injuries. Goggin later was transported to a hospital in Denver with serious, but not life-threatening injuries,

Bagley said. Moore was declared dead at the scene. The driver of a 2008 Toyota Cruiser following the van drove off the road to avoid the accident, and nobody in that car was injured, Bagley reported. There were no passengers in either of the cars involved in the crash. Bagley said the crash was 1 to 2 miles north of Toponas near mile marker 36. Moore was wearing a seatbelt and was not ejected from the car, Ryg said.

Local comes across mountain lion


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No new policy for 131 plowing ����� Service on South Routt road to remain same as past 25 years Zach Fridell



The Colorado Department of Transportation will continue to plow Colorado Highway 131 at the same levels as the past 25 years, officials said Tuesday. The only change is a set of new signs announcing the policy. CDOT’s Region 3 Transpor tation Director Weldon Allen said crews will continue to clear Colo. 131 north of Yampa as they have in years past. “Nothing has changed,” he said. “It’s the same policy we’ve had. We’re not reducing service.” Allen said the policy was “clarified” in December to include signs at major intersections announcing the policy. That policy calls for 24-hour snow removal on all highways

with a daily average of 1,000 the area, but with bad weather travelers and 14-hour snow expected soon, crews wanted to removal on all highways with get the signs up as soon as poslower traffic. Fourteen-hour sible. coverage extends from 5 a.m. to The signs are intended to give 7 p.m. travelers who may Allen said the not know the area “Nothing has stretch of Colo. an idea of what to changed. It’s the 131 from Oak expect on the road, same policy we’ve Creek to U.S. 40 he said. has enough traffic “It may be had. We’re not to be covered for smarter or wiser reducing service.” 24-hour coverage, for them to go on and because the to Kremmling and Weldon Allen equipment barn take (Colorado) CDOT’s Region 3 for the region is in Highway 9 instead Transportation director Yampa, crews also of (Colo.) 131,” he plow from Yampa said. to Oak Creek. CDOT officials discussed cut“Most of the local folks … ting nighttime plowing because won’t see any difference because of budget concerns, but that we’re going to maintain that idea was nixed, Allen said. area between Oak Creek and “They said not at this time,” Yampa,” he said. he said. “It’s a service we don’t Allen said his office’s public want to cut. It’s vital to the relations team intended to get economy of this state that we more information to the pub- have good transportation durlic before the signs went up in ing snowstorms.”

| 15


“Independent thinking and optimism for Steamboat’s future” �������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������������������




16 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Council OKs 1st reading of ordinance Council continued from 1

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To petition for a vote ■ Five city voters must file an affidavit with the city clerk stating that they’ll serve as a petitioners’ committee. ■ The group must file its referendum petition within 30 days after the City Council adopts the ordinance being challenged. ■ When a referendum petition is filed with the city clerk, the ordinance sought to be reconsidered shall be suspended. The suspension shall terminate when: 1. There is a final determination of insufficiency of the petition, or 2. The petitioners’ committee withdraws petition, or 3. The council repeals the ordinance, or 4. Certification of a favorable vote of qualified electors of the city on the ordinance. ■ The vote shall be held not less than 30 days and not later than 90 days from the date of the final council vote. If no regular municipal election is to be held within the period prescribed, the council shall provide for a special election. Source: Steamboat Springs’ Municipal Code

given all the cost burdens in the annexation agreement. “Convince me before Oct. 13 if you want my vote,” Hermacinski said. Hermacinski voted against the first reading of the annexation ordinance. Councilman Steve Ivancie and Meg Bentley voted against it also because they preferred to table the ordinance. Antonucci and council members Scott Myller, Jon Quinn and Walter Magill voted in favor of the ordinance. — To reach Brandon Gee, call 367-7507 or e-mail

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approved, 4-3, the first reading of an ordinance annexing Residents who raised con- the property, after debating the cerns about the project most- housing issue. Steamboat 700 ly were worried about traffic Principal and Project Manager impacts and affordable housing. Danny Mulcahy was trying to The crowd also included sev- assure council that the homes in Steamboat 700 eral Steamboat 700 would be modestly supporters. Many “If the people who priced. wore buttons and form the backbone “I told you a stickers stating, “I million times over support Steamboat of this community three years that our 700,” and argued can’t afford to live market is attainfor the project’s there, what did able housing,” said potential to make we create? The Mulcahy, who said Steamboat a more he would try to affordable place to community has address council’s live. expectations, and concerns before “I want to be I think we would the final hearing near my parents,” be remiss if we in two weeks. Catelyn Stokes said, didn’t address those Council mem“and there’s no way bers were strugthey’re leaving.” expectations.” gling to figure out Noreen Moore, how they could of the Routt CounLoui Antonucci be guaranteed of ty Economic DevelSteamboat Springs Mulcahy’s assuropment CooperaCity Council president ances or somehow tive, said housing put it in writing, stock is key to Steamboat’s ability to attract but they were split about wheththe location-neutral business- er to institute additional deed people that are key contributors restrictions, residency requirements or other measures. to the local economy. “In today’s technology world, “If the people who form the housing will be a motivator,” backbone of this community Moore said. “It’s not growth for can’t afford to live there, what growth’s sake.” did we create?” City Council Housing also was on the President Loui Antonucci said. mind of council members, who “The community has expectawere worried about the prices tions, and I think we would be of homes in the development remiss if we didn’t address those beyond the subsidized units expectations.” that will be created as a result Councilwoman Cari Hermaof Steamboat 700’s community cinski said she wanted to see housing plan. numbers proving that SteamAs of press time Tuesday boat 700 could create housing night, council members had just for Steamboat’s middle class



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Donations of pink scarves sought LIVE TRIVIA Donations of pink scarves are appreciated to benefit the Yampa Valley Breast Cancer Coalition, which will sell the scarves at Epilogue Book Co. to raise funds for the annual Bust of Steamboat event. Donations of pink scarves can be dropped off at the bookstore. Scarves will be for sale at the bookstore and then at


the Bust of Steamboat, which is Oct. 30 at Three Peaks Grill. Call Marilyn at 970-870-3262 for details.

New brain injury books and DVDs are available Informational books and DVDs about traumatic brain injury are available at the

public libraries in Steamboat Springs, Oak Creek, Yampa and Craig. The Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs, a program of Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association, is supplying the books to the local libraries. An educational grant through the Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund is providing the books.

Stocks: We’re starting small, hoping it grows Auction continued from 11 “All of the bigger art towns have an art auction, and we just thought it was time for Steamboat. … Since it’s a slow time, we thought we’d just have an auction,” Stocks said. Wild Horse Gallery co-owner Richard Galusha said he and Stocks have considered organizing an auction before. “We’ve been thinking about it for a couple of years, and thought, you know, this is the opportune time to do it, when we’re in the down season. That way we’re not competing against our other seasons,” Galusha said.

An auction gives artists an outlet and potential buyers for their work, and collectors a chance to move pieces or pick up new ones, Galusha said. Stocks sent auction information e-mails to past clients — many of them out-of-town residents — and to every contact she had, she said. Stocks and Galusha plan to see how the first auction goes and said they would consider growing the event to include a larger silent auction with more works by artists around the country and pieces from private collections that are being sold on consignment. “We’re starting small and

hoping it grows into something bigger,” Stocks said. Wild Horse Gallery’s former location at Sheraton Steamboat Resort, near Steamboat Ski Area, closed in April. Much of the inventory from that space is now at the downtown location, which opened at 802 Lincoln Ave. in summer 2008. The gallery’s lease on the base area location was up, and Stocks and Galusha didn’t think it made financial sense to continue operating two locations, Stocks said. — To reach Margaret Hair, call 871-4204 or e-mail

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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18 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Many concerns relate to housing plan Endorsement continued from 6

PO Box 152 • 144 Walnut Street, Hayden, Colo 81639 970—276—2019 Tues—Sat 10-6


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have the opportunity to live in Steamboat.” Commissioner Diane Mitsch Bush, who represents the Steamboat Springs area, voted against sending the letter. She said she felt the letter was drafted too hastily and that there are some things that still need to be addressed in the annexation agreement. A small group of residents who attended the commissioners’ hearing Tuesday felt the same. Jack White, president of the Community Alliance of the Yampa Valley, said the organization “definitely supports Steamboat 700,” but also submitted a letter with a list of concerns. The letter suggests revisions to the annexation agreement and further study of issues including affordable housing, water, transportation and traffic issues, revenue neutrality and sustainability.

“This is our time now to make this work for the whole community,” White said. “This is going to benefit the community; this whole project is. But this is not the time to be supporting the annexation agreement because there’s too much missing in it. It’s going to affect us all for a very long time.” Many of the concerns expressed by residents and Mitsch Bush related to Steamboat 700’s community housing plan. To satisfy the WSSAP’s requirement that 20 percent of housing be made affordable to residents earning an average of 80 percent of the area median income, Steamboat 700 is being asked to donate 12.5 acres to the city and institute a real estate transfer tax of 0.5 percent. A city analysis predicts that, in one scenario, the transfer tax would generate $8 million throughout 25 years and, when combined with the land dedication, create 409 units housing

On the ’Net Visit this story on www.steamboatpilot. com to view the Routt County Board of Commissioners’ letter in support of Steamboat 700, Commissioner Diane Mitsch Bush’s letter explaining her “no” vote, and a video made at the Sept. 9 Steamboat 700 open house. Visit steamboat700 for a comprehensive guide to Steamboat 700.

1,649 people, with an average AMI of 78 percent. That would satisfy the WSSAP requirement. Resident Catherine Carson, however, said she has concerns with the assumptions underlying the projections and asked that Steamboat 700 increase its land dedication to a minimum of 14 acres. Steamboat 700 Principal and Project Manager Danny Mulcahy said 12.5 acres was an amount negotiated with the city, and he noted the flexibility of the affordable housing plan to meet changing needs throug the years.

Do You Have > SOMETHING < to Say?

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I come by my quirky behavior naturally Palmer continued from 2 If something doesn’t work on my computer, I keep pressing, then pounding the key, thinking that will improve things. It never does. Despite the benefits, I rarely floss my teeth. At a four-way stop sign, I never know when it’s my turn. I zone out. I do not read the instructions first. I like to observe people and their paper napkins. Stressed out people wad up their napkins, angry people surreptitiously tear the napkin into little pieces and stuff it underneath their plate or silverware and neat-niks will fold and smooth their napkins repeatedly.

Asparagus is the only vegior naturally. etable I eat with my fingers. My mother has slept in the I read the newspaper backsame nightshirt for 20 years. ward. I like to check out the I gave it to her one fateful classifieds and read Christmas, and my horoscope first. she hasn’t worn Stressed out people I scoop ice another one wad up their cream out of the since. napkins, angry people container into a She has an surreptitiously tear bowl, and then I expensive nightgown in her happily eat it out the napkin into little closet, covered of the ice cream pieces and stuff it in plastic, in case container. When underneath their plate she needs to look I’m completely or silverware and presentable in a stuffed, I eat what’s in the bowl. Then, neat-niks will fold and hospital bed, but I feel happy, but smooth their napkins I predict she will never wear it. sick. repeatedly. Now I have Frequently, I the perfect only empty one-half excuse, an easy out, for my of the dishwasher. The top rack quirky behavior. From this day is fun. The bottom rack is not. I forward I’ll just say, “It runs in don’t like to sort the silverware. the family.” I come by my quirky behav-

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

| 19





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20 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Injured hiker listed in stable condition

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Crash continued from 14 A toxicology report and autopsy are pending on Moore. On the crash report, Bagley indicated that alcohol or drugs are suspected in the crash.

Helicopter rescues fallen hiker near Pyramid Peak A private survey company


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Oak Creek resident John Dahlin, 30, reportedly was hiking with his wife and one other person about 5 miles up the trail on Pyramid Peak when he fell, Rio Blanco dispatcher and spokesman Mike Cook said. Pyramid Peak is about 14 miles west of Yampa in Rio Blanco County, near the Routt County line, in the Routt National Forest. Search and Rescue teams from Rio Blanco and Routt counties were notified of the

accident, but before they could arrive on scene, a helicopter and paramedic team from Global Geophysical Services, which was in the area doing survey work, rescued Dahlin. The Global Geophysical team transferred Dahlin to a smaller medical helicopter at a lower elevation. The initial reports said Dahlin hurt his leg and was going in and out of consciousness, but Cook said Dahlin was reported in stable condition Tuesday.

Expert: Don’t run if faced with a big cat Mountain lion continued from 14



“From what I hear, the cyclist did just about everything right,” Haskins said. “You don’t want to run away because a mountain lion will see you as prey.” Dietrich, who has a degree in wildlife management and is an avid bow hunter, said he has seen signs of mountain lions on Emerald Mountain in the past, including tracks on the backside of a mountain lion kill. But this was his first encounter with the real deal. Haskins said it would not be

uncommon to see a mountain lion anywhere in the county and that most mountain bike trails and hiking trails lead into areas populated by mountain lions and bears. Haskins said anyone who ventures out on local trails might encounter wildlife. Haskins said bear encounters are more common, because bears come closer to human populations when scavenging for food in trash cans. Mountain lions tend to avoid human contact, he said. Haskins recommends making a little noise when riding

and hiking in the backcountry. People who encounter a mountain lion or bear, Haskins said, should try to look big. If wearing a coat, open it up and stand tall. He said to avoid looking into a mountain lion’s eyes, because the big cat might mistake the look as an act of aggression. Haskins also said people should never turn their back on the animal or try to run. “The cat was beautiful, and I got to see it up close and personal,” Dietrich said. “I just tried not to freak out, and I tried to keep my composure.”

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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22 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

| 23

Only 2 teachers absent Absences continued from 6 “I worry every day, but I don’t think closing schools is the solution for us,” she said, adding that such a measure had little success nationwide last year when the spread of swine flu made news across the country. In his 11 years at the middle school, Bishop said, Tuesday was the highest number of students absent at one time. “I don’t know what it means because the normal flu we get each year, we’ve not even begun to enter that season yet,” he said. “So I’m definitely curious and wary of the winter months to see how this works out.” Bishop added that the school is being more vigilant in its efforts to curb the spread of illness. Staff members are encouraging students to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer frequently, are sanitizing doorknobs and railings and have begun looking at the ventilation system, he said. And with only 11 of the 39

seventh-grade football players at school Tuesday, and the coach home sick, the after school game was canceled, Bishop said. He said the eighth-grade team played with only 12 players. Bishop said the school has been fortunate with only two teachers absent Tuesday. He expects to see the same number today. Cunningham said that while the countywide group initially set the 30 percent threshold for entire districts, not individual schools, members will apply the threshold specifically to Steamboat Springs Middle School given the number of absent students. Until Monday, Cunningham said the middle school’s absentee average was between 4 and 5 percent, typical for this time of year. She said the absentee rate at Soda Creek and Strawberry Park elementary schools and Steamboat Springs High School was slightly elevated, at about 8 percent.

Kinetic Energy Physical Therapy ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ���������� ���������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������������� ������������������ ���������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������




½ Price Drinks for Ladies 9-midnight


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~ Henrik Ibsen Enemy of the State, 1882

Friday & Saturday


879-7070 ��������

Happy Hour 3-5 DAILY $1 Drafts

½ Price Selected Appetizers

Open for Lunch & Dinner Burgers • Steak Pasta • Salad Ski Time Square



24 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Candidates field wide range of questions Candidates continued from 3


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the citizenry about what it’s doing. Reisman’s opponent, Ken Solomon, said certificates of participation are justified. “I don’t have a problem with debt when it is the only way to bring amenities to fruition,” Solomon said.

Final question makes waves

JOHN F. RUSSELL/STAFF Bennett felt unfairly tarCari Hermacinski, at the Rotary forum, geted by the final question at is running for a District 1 seat. Tuesday’s forum, which asked candidates if they had ever been forum that he thought it was convicted of a felony. Bennett fair to question potential pubwas the only one to answer in lic servants about their criminal the affirmative and disclosed history. that he was convicted of a drugRotary leadership, however, related charge in the 1970s. frowned on the question. “I must love this community “I regret that a question to stand here and take this when was asked that clearly tarthis was all kind of a setup,” geted a specific candidate, Bennett told the audience. particularly when candidates Hermacinski also said she felt were informed that this would the question was inappropriate not be the case,” Rotary Club for the forum and that she was President and Steamboat Pilot appalled when it was asked. She & Today Publisher Suzanne said Bennett has paid for his Schlicht said. mistake and that she would preLater Tuesday, Bennett fer that the campaign be based expanded on the details of on the issues. his conviction. He said he was Steve Hitchcock was one of convicted of conspiracy to sell the Rotarians screening ques- hash and that he pleaded guilty. tions, and he said after the Bennett said he was in his mid20s, broke and thought he could make some money when he offered up his truck to transport the hash. He spent five months in prison and paid a $2,500 fine. “I have a good record of �������� community service over the last ������������������������� several decades,” Bennett said. �������������������������������������������� “I made a mistake a few years ������������������������������������������������ ���������������� ��� ago. I have paid for my mistake and moved on.” ��������� ���������������




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Visit election2009 for an in-depth guide to the 2009 Steamboat Springs City Council election including video interviews of candidates, past stories and voter information for this year’s mail-in only election.



certificates of participation violate the spirit of the law requiring voter approval for capital financing, Bennett defended their use to construct amenities desired by the community — but noted that he did not support the city’s purchase of the Iron Horse Inn. In the case of the ice arena, Bennett said a group of residents came to council after raising $500,000 for the facility. “Folks, that’s a lot of bake sales,” Bennett said. Bennett also noted that the city leveraged its use of certificates of participation with various other partners to build Centennial Hall. Asked later whether major capital financing issues should go to a vote of city residents, the other candidates had a chance to weigh in. Former councilman Jim Engelken, a candidate in the at-large race, agreed with Bennett. “There’s nothing wrong with using certificates of participation,” Engelken said. Engelken’s opponent, Kyle Pietras, said he thinks a public vote on such projects would be “a prudent step.” In the District 2 race, Kenny Reisman said the City Council needs to operate efficiently and can’t go to the voters on every decision but that it needs to go to great lengths to educate

On the ’Net


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Governor targets water policy Steven K. Paulson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter says western states must work together on water issues if the region is to continue to grow. Ritter told the Western States Water Council, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the Western Governor’s Association that western states need to work with local communities to ensure water is available before new development projects are approved. Ritter said 19 states and 30 million people rely on water from Colorado and that states need to work together or face serious water shortages during the next few decades. “You have to engage towns, cities and communities to consider how they grow. Water use planning and land use planning

have got to go together,” Ritter told the conference Tuesday. The council is an organization of representatives appointed by the governors of 18 western states. The purposes are to promote cooperation, development and management of water resources. The theme of the meeting is “Water and Land Use Planning for a Sustainable Future.” Roderick Walston, a water attorney from California, said previous water planning focused on quantity and quality, but California has now integrated those plans with land use planning and development. He said the issue is how to enforce it and how much power gets left to local government. “This will be the future of the West,” he told the conference. “Should the courts make the ultimate call, or is it better to do it at the administrative level?” He also said lawmakers have

to decide whether to allow the government to reject projects that don’t comply with water plans. Sandy Fabritz-Whitney, assistant director of water management for the Arizona Department of Water Resources, said the question is whether to regulate water policies from the top down or leave it to local governments. She said western states need to track their water use and determine how much they really need. “We don’t know how much water we’re using,” she said. Brian Walsh, of the Washington state Department of Ecology, said his state has a long history of water planning and regulation, but some areas of the state still balk at water planning.


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Bill Ritter: West must cooperate to ensure resource’s availability

| 25

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������������������ ����������� ������������ WHAT:

Punt, Pass and Kick Competition


Anyone willing to risk pulling a hammy


Gardner Field, Steamboat Springs High School


Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009 -12:30 pm registration -1 pm competition begins


$30 (All proceeds benefit the Steamboat Springs High School Booster Club)


USA Rotary Club



QUESTIONS?: or call Scott at 970-291-9278


26 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Suspect pleads not guilty

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Man charged in alleged terrorism plot held without bail



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As a suspected al-Qaida operative pleaded not guilty Tuesday to plotting a bomb attack in New York, the city’s police commissioner pronounced the threat neutralized and said there is nothing to fear from the defendant’s three alleged accomplices. The terrorism scheme “has been broken up,” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. “I see no danger emanating ... from the people involved in this investigation.” He would not elaborate, and police and federal investigators repeatedly have refused to discuss the whereabouts of the three people who are suspected of helping Afghan immigrant Najibullah Zazi buy beauty supplies for use in brewing up explosives. But former federal prosecutor Harry Sandick said the investigators’ silence might mean the accomplices have left the country or are secretly cooperating. Zazi, 24, is the only suspect publicly identified in what Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Knox called a conspiracy that was “international in scope.” Prosecutors said Zazi received al-Qaida explosives training in Pakistan last year and may have intended to carry out his attack on the anniversary of 9/11. Zazi, heavily bearded and wearing a blue jail smock, never spoke and showed no emotion as his lawyer entered a not guilty plea to conspiracy in a Brooklyn courtroom guarded by a team of deputy marshals. He was ordered held without bail.

Senate committee rejects federal health insurance WASHINGTON

In a long-anticipated showdown, liberal Democrats

AROUND THE NATION twice failed Tuesday to inject a government-run insurance option into sweeping health care legislation taking shape in the Senate, despite bipartisan agreement that private insurers must change their ways. The two votes marked a victory for Montana Democrat Max Baucus, the Senate Finance Committee chairman, who is hoping to push his middle-of-the-road measure through the panel by week’s end. It also kept alive the possibility that at least one Republican may yet swing behind the overhaul, a key goal of Baucus and the White House. The developments occurred as Democrats in the House sought savings to reduce their companion legislation to roughly $900 billion in a decade, the price tag President Barack Obama has suggested.

Hospitals use drive-thrus to treat swine flu patients Fast-food places have them. Banks and pharmacies do, too. Now hospitals are opening drive-thrus and drive-up tent clinics to screen and treat a swelling tide of H1N1 flu patients. The idea behind these efforts is to keep coughing, feverish people out of regular emergency rooms, where they can infect heart attack victims and other very sick patients. The need has soared in recent weeks as flu has spread among schoolchildren before the vaccine is available. In Austin, Texas, Dell Children’s Medical Center had nearly 400 ER visits Sunday alone, mostly kids with swine flu. Dozens were diverted to two tents outside, and there are plans to add a third. In Memphis, Tenn., Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

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has had more than 5,500 kids with flu-like illness seek emergency care since Aug. 1. The hospital set up tents outside its ER on Sept. 11 and already has treated more than 900 cases in them.

Senate’s climate bill is tougher than House bill WASHINGTON

Senate Democrats are pushing for a 20 percent cut in greenhouse gases by 2020 — deeper than what the House has passed and what President Barack Obama wants — according to a long-awaited bill that will test how serious the U.S. is about slowing global warming. The Democratic bill is to be released today by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with a vote by the panel likely in late October. House Democrats could win passage of only a 17 percent emission cut by 2020 and Obama originally had sought only a 14 percent cut. However, aides who worked on the Senate version said it includes measures that will make the Senate’s target easier to achieve and cheaper for consumers. The bill remains subject to change. But the overall carbon reduction requirements are expected to stand. Although there would be an overall emission cap, polluters would be able to purchase emission allowances to limit reductions.

Consumer confidence falls in September, survey finds NEW YORK

Concerns that consumers won’t help drive a speedy and strong economic recovery only escalated Tuesday after an influential barometer of confidence fell unexpectedly in September. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence survey showed worries about job security seem to be offsetting any enthusiasm about rising home values and stocks. “Last year, consumers were shellshocked as they worried about what might happen to the economy,” said Mark Vitner, senior economist at Wells Fargo. “Today, shoppers ... don’t have the means to step up spending.” The Conference Board, a private research group, said its confidence index dipped to 53.1 in September, down from a revised 54.5 in August. Economists surveyed by Thomson Reuters had expected a reading of 57.

To Report Scores: ■ Call Sports Editor John F. Russell at 871-4209 during the day. ■ Call the News Desk at 871-4246 at night.



Steamboat Today • Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Lodwick, Demong cycling in offseason John Meyer


Nordic combined athletes always have been experts at cross-training, given that opportunities to go ski jumping and cross-country skiing are limited most of the year. But an increasing emphasis on road cycling has helped make the U.S. team the best in the world. I’m not suggesting that’s the primary reason Todd Lodwick and Bill Demong are world champions heading into an Olympic year. Both are determined, experienced athletes at the peak of their careers. But like many of us, these two strong Olympic medal contenders have discovered cycling pays tremendous dividends for endurance athletes no matter what their primary sport. They have spent much of their recent summers on road bikes and enjoyed it so much that coach Dave Jarrett scheduled a July training camp in France. There, his skiers got to watch the Tour de France and do some mountain climbs of their own while riding 90 to 110 miles a day. Demong has raced in domestic stage races, such as the Tour of Gila in New Mexico and the Tour of Utah, so he was especially fascinated by what he saw of the tour. “It’s probably the most addicting sport in the world,” Demong said. “You get dropped, you have good days and bad days, and you keep coming back for more. You could do the equivalent of a marathon and much more, and still wake up and do it again the next day. With running marathons, I push myself to the limit, and the next month, I barely walk.” Like Demong, Lodwick calls cycling “addicting.” The Steamboat Springs native See Cycling, page 29


Colorado pinch hitter Chris Iannetta hit a home run in the 11th inning to beat the Brewers, 7-5, on Tuesday. The Rockies hosted the Milwaukee Brewers at Coors Field.

Rockies sink Brewers, 7-5 Colorado blows 3-run lead in 9th but pulls ahead in 11th Arnie Stapleton



Pinch-hitter Chris Iannetta hit a two-run homer off David Weathers in the 11th inning to give the Colorado Rockies a 7-5 victory against the Milwaukee Brewers on Tuesday night. Iannetta sent a 3-2 fastball into the Rockies’ bullpen in right-center for his 16th homer and first career game-ending drive. The Rockies widened their

National League wild-card lead to three games against Atlanta with five games remaining. The crowd of 39,087, pretty big for a Tuesday night in downtown Denver, let loose a loud cheer when the Braves’ 5-4 loss to the Marlins was announced on the scoreboard in the middle of the sixth. And there was a collective groan when light-hitting Jason Kendall hit a three-run homer off closer Huston Street with one out in the ninth to tie it at 5.

Matt Belisle (3-1), the seventh Rockies pitcher, picked up the win with a 1-2-3 11th. Weathers (4-6) walked Brad Hawpe and got pinch-hitter Jason Giambi to pop out before Iannetta connected. Jason Marquis gave up two earned runs and six hits in six innings, and was in line for his career-high 16th win before Street absorbed his second blown save of the season. Kendall, who entered with one homer on the year, drove

a 0-1 slider from Street into the tunnel in left. Street had been perfect in 15 save chances at Coors Field this season. Marquis again struggled to throw his sinker for strikes early in the count, but he got three double plays, twice with the bases loaded. The bullpen got seven straight outs after he left. Matt Daley pitched a perfect seventh, Rafael Betancourt struck out the side in the eighth and Street struck out his first See Rockies, page 29

Boston suffers 5th loss in row Jimmy Golen




Adam Lind hit three of Toronto’s six homers to lead the Blue Jays to an 8-7 victory against the Red Sox and spoil Boston’s hopes of clinching a playoff berth for the second consecutive night. It was the fifth straight loss for the Red Sox, who would

clinch the American League wild-card berth with their next win or the next Texas loss. The Rangers played at the Los Angeles Angels later Tuesday night. The Red Sox scored five times with two outs in the eighth inning to cut a six-run deficit to 8-7, but Jason Frasor got the

last four outs for his 11th save. Jose Bautista hit the first pitch of the game high over the Green Monster, Aaron Hill singled on the second pitch he saw and then Lind hit a 1-2 pitch from Clay Buchholz to center for another homer. Lyle Overbay walked and scored on Travis Snider’s single to give the Blue Jays a 4-0 lead after onehalf inning for the second night in a row.

The Blue Jays led 8-2 when Kevin Youkilis hit an RBI double, David Ortiz hit the wall of the Red Sox bullpen for another run-scoring double and J.D. Drew homered over the bullpen to make it a one-run game. Frason relieved Shawn Camp and got Casey Kotchman to pop up to end the inning. Ricky Romero (13-9) allowed See Red Sox, page 29


28 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mickelson to take on Tiger

All tech Glass services

Woods bested by 3 shots in final round of Tour Championship Doug Ferguson


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Even after eight decades of golf, Arnold Palmer is vulnerable to a few surprises. In this case, both occurred on the same day. He watched the final round of the Tour Championship, where Tiger Woods started two shots out of the lead and didn’t make a birdie until the 15th hole. By then, Phil Mickelson blew past everyone and won by three shots. “I was a little surprised at Tiger,” Palmer said Tuesday at his Bay Hill Club. “If you just watch him like I do — and I’ve watched him since he was a little guy — just the way he walks, the way he holds himself, it amazed me he didn’t win. That was my reaction.” And then came a bigger surprise. Did he ever imagine seeing

COMMENTARY — GOLF two fierce rivals posing on the 18th green while holding their own trophy? Palmer threw his head back and laughed. “No, but that’s good,” he said. “I did think about that. I just didn’t put it that context.” Sunday at East Lake presented a bizarre scene when Mickelson rallied to win the Tour Championship and Woods did enough on the back nine to capture the FedEx Cup. The PGA Tour could not have asked for a better finish to its FedEx Cup. Golf is at its most interesting when Woods and Mickelson are on top of their games. The question is how long this will last. The next time Woods and Mickelson play against each other — assuming they aren’t partners in the Presidents Cup

— is scheduled to be the HSBC Championship in Shanghai the first week of November. The better barometer will be in 2010. The way he won and the player he beat must have made Mickelson wish that next year started next week. He had been hitting the ball well enough to contend just about every week. His driving — higher launch, less spin, straighter than ever — was superb at East Lake. The problem was his putting, which was so bad that Mickelson asked his caddie for suggestions. Jim “Bones” MacKay jumped at the chance. “Bones came up with the idea,” Mickelson said. “I said, ‘Bones, for two years I’ve been kind of floundering here, not having the right direction. I want you to think about it.’ He came back the next day and he said, ’I think you should call Dave Stockton.”’

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Dave Campbell





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ABC was considering postponing the popular “Dancing with the Stars” show Monday to avoid losing too many viewers to partner network ESPN. “Everyone will be watching the Monday night game,” Winfield said. This is NFL-style hype at its highest form. “It will be ridiculous. I love it,” guard Anthony Herrera said, adding: “It’s personal for Brett. It’s personal for us. They’re going to come after him.” Coach Brad Childress often acknowledges his players aren’t living “in a vacuum” when he’s asked about the importance of maintaining focus in the face of adversity or distraction. He’s right: They live — at least during the season — in Minnesota, where during a crowded weekend of notable sporting events there’s no question what game is on every fan’s mind. With Favre’s 16 prolific years throwing passes for the Packers and departure on bad terms last summer, the intrigue has ratch-

eted up. It stretches well beyond the Upper Midwest, too. “It’s a Monday game and obviously people are going to be excited for that,” linebacker Chad Greenway said. “Obviously Brett playing Green Bay is going to be the biggest headline. We’re aware of all those things that go on. We hear about it every day. We’ve just got to maintain a level of consistency as far as the way we practice and prepare. We have a pretty veteran locker room here, and I think that’s going to help us out this week.” Leber was asked whether he anticipated a pep talk from Childress about the importance of maintaining focus. “I don’t really think he needs to,” Leber said. “I think everybody knows what’s at stake, and more importantly we’re on a roll right now. I know that we want to go out and fight for Brett and get a win for him, but at the same time we want to be 4-0. It’s been a huge motivation for us to be 4-0 and just keep this streak going. That’s our main concern.”



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For the Minnesota Vikings, a Monday night matchup against the Green Bay Packers is about as big as a regular season game gets. “All you’ve got to do around here is say Packer week, and everybody gets excited,” cornerback Antoine Winfield said. When they’re playing for first place in the NFC North at the quarter mark on the schedule, well, the intensity will only increase. When Brett Favre happens to be the Vikings’ new quarterback, the public interest in this rivalry is on the verge of explosion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s just a regular game to me,” linebacker Ben Leber said. He kept his straight face for, oh, a few seconds. “This is probably the most anticipated game I think, for a regular season game, that I’ve ever been a part of,” Leber said. Winfield claimed he heard


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

| 29

Helton’s RBI double chases Narveson hitter and looked well on his way to his 35th save in 36 chances. But after getting ahead of Mike Cameron 0-2, he threw four straight balls, then served up a single to J.J. Hardy before Kendall’s homer. Milwaukee left-hander Chris Narveson (2-1) baffled all of the Rockies except Todd Helton, who hit a run-scoring single in the first inning and chased him with an RBI double in the sixth that tied it at 2. Helton’s double into the right-field alley followed Ryan Spilborghs’ double down the

left-field line and prompted Milwaukee manager Ken Macha to lift his rookie, who was charged with three runs and five hits in five-plus innings. Todd Coffey gave up a single to Troy Tulowitzki and a walk to pinch-hitter Ian Stewart before Yorvit Torrealba’s sacrifice fly to center put the Rockies ahead 3-2. Brad Hawpe hit a routine ground ball to second baseman Felipe Lopez, but Stewart avoided the tag, allowing another run to score, and slid safety into second when Lopez overthrew shortstop J.J. Hardy for an error that sent Stewart to third.

Helton also hit into a double play that scored another run to make it 5-2 in the seventh. Marquis struggled with his sinker during his previous seven starts, and with batters laying off his signature pitch, he had to come at them with sliders and fastballs, and they teed off. That’s what happened for three innings against Milwaukee. In the first, Lopez singled and Ryan Braun doubled off the right-field wall. After intentionally walking Prince Fielder, Marquis got Casey McGehee to ground into an inning-ending double play.



Rockies continued from 27

879-7962 •

Jays’ Lind has 1st career 3-homer game hit three at Fenway Park since Thomas did it for the Chicago White Sox in 1996. In his fifth plate appearance, Lind was hit on the right elbow by Jonathan Papelbon. Notes: It was the first threehomer game allowed by the Red Sox since 2004. ... Millar had been 3 for 31 heading into the game. ... Red Sox 3B Mike Lowell, who received a shot for his ailing hip Monday, will take batting practice today and return to the lineup Thursday if all goes well. ... Lind also had two homers Saturday against Seattle. ... Toronto leads the majors with 42 homers in September.

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Lodwick: Cycling offers ‘great training’ considers it a great component in summer training because it allows skiers to keep a consistently high heart rate for long periods without the trauma long runs inflict on the legs. And it’s fun. “I can travel 55 miles around Steamboat, make a loop and see a ton of stuff,” said Lodwick, 32. “It’s done before you know it, and I’ve logged three and a half hours of great training. It builds unbelievable leg strength. We started doing intervals on the bike, being able to build the lactate to a point where it’s painful, but that’s a good thing.” Demong, 29, thinks bike racing in the offseason can extend the longevity of his ski career. “It gives me an outlet to train hard in the offseason,” Demong said, “without having to go for a run just to go for a run.” In France the team rode the Cormet de Roselend, the Col de la Madeleine, the Col du Petit San Bernard, the Col de Les Saises and the famed Alpe d’Huez. Most of their rides

followed ski jump sessions at Courchevel. Cycling fans who watched tour telecasts may recall seeing a crazy man in an orange John Elway jersey running and cheering alongside Norwegian rider Thor Hushovd near Les Saises. That was Jarrett. Plenty of folks watching back home recognized him. “Next thing you know, phones were ringing, ‘Dude, was that you?’” Lodwick

recalled. “It was pretty funny.” What wasn’t so funny was the crash Lodwick had later that day while riding back to Albertville. When a car slammed on its brakes in front of him, Lodwick swerved and collided head-on with an oncoming car. “I bruised my hip pretty good, but all in all, I don’t know how I came out of that (otherwise) unscathed,” Lodwick said.



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Cycling continued from 27


two runs on seven hits and a walk, striking out three in five innings to beat Boston for the first time in five tries this season. He had been 0-3 with an 8.83 ERA against the Red Sox this year. Buchholz (7-4) allowed seven runs on eight hits — five of them homers — while walking one and striking out four in five innings. He had been 6-0 2.44 ERA in his previous eight starts and had given up just one homer in his previous six starts. Dustin Pedroia snapped a 1for-16 skid with two singles and a double. He hit a line drive to

the center field warning track with one out and one on in the ninth, then Victor Martinez walked before — with policemen lining up in the aisles in case of a celebration — Youkilis was called out on a 3-2 pitch to end the game. Kevin Millar, the clubhouse jester of Boston’s 2004 World Series title, had a homer, double and single for Toronto, and Aaron Hill hit his 36th of the season. Lind also homered in the fifth and seventh innings for the first three-homer game of his career. He is the first Blue Jay to hit three homers in a game since Frank Thomas in 2007, and the first Red Sox opponent to



Red Sox continued from 27


30 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Sports Scoreboard


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The Associated Press All Times MDT AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W y-New York 102 z-Boston 91 Tampa Bay 81 Toronto 74 Baltimore 60 Central Division W Detroit 84 Minnesota 82 Chicago 76 Cleveland 64 Kansas City 64 West Division W y-Los Angeles 93 Texas 85 Seattle 81 Oakland 75

L 56 66 76 84 97

Pct .646 .580 .516 .468 .382

GB — 10 1/2 20 1/2 28 41 1/2

L 73 75 81 92 94

Pct .535 .522 .484 .410 .405

GB — 2 8 19 1/2 20 1/2

L 64 72 76 82

Pct .592 .541 .516 .478

GB — 8 12 18

y-clinched division z-clinched wild card ——— Tuesday’s Games Minnesota 3, Detroit 2, 10 innings, 1st game N.Y. Yankees 4, Kansas City 3 Detroit 6, Minnesota 5, 2nd game Chicago White Sox at Cleveland, ppd., rain Tampa Bay 3, Baltimore 1 Toronto 8, Boston 7 L.A. Angels 5, Texas 2 Seattle 6, Oakland 4 Wednesday’s Games Chicago White Sox (C.Torres 1-1) at Cleveland (Carmona 4-12), 2:05 p.m., 1st game Kansas City (Tejeda 4-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Chamberlain 9-6), 5:05 p.m. Minnesota (Pavano 13-11) at Detroit (Bonine 0-1), 5:05 p.m. Baltimore (Da.Hernandez 4-9) at Tampa Bay (J.Shields 10-12), 5:08 p.m. Toronto (Halladay 16-10) at Boston (Wakefield 11-4), 5:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Buehrle 12-10) at Cleveland (Masterson 4-9), 5:35 p.m., 2nd game Texas (Holland 8-12) at L.A. Angels (Jer.Weaver 15-8), 8:05 p.m. Oakland (Mortensen 2-3) at Seattle (Morrow 1-4), 8:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W Philadelphia 91 Atlanta 86 Florida 84 New York 67 Washington 54 Central Division W y-St. Louis 90 Chicago 82 Milwaukee 77 Cincinnati 75 Houston 73 Pittsburgh 59 West Division W x-Los Angeles 93 Colorado 89 San Francisco 84 San Diego 73 Arizona 68


L 66 71 74 91 103

Pct .580 .548 .532 .424 .344

GB — 5 7 1/2 24 1/2 37

L 67 74 80 82 84 97

Pct .573 .526 .490 .478 .465 .378

GB — 7 1/2 13 15 17 30 1/2

L 65 68 73 85 89

Pct .589 .567 .535 .462 .433

GB — 3 1/2 8 1/2 20 24 1/2

x-clinched playoff berth y-clinched division ——— Tuesday’s Games Philadelphia 7, Houston 4 Washington 4, N.Y. Mets 3 Florida 5, Atlanta 4 Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 2 Chicago Cubs 6, Pittsburgh 0 Colorado 7, Milwaukee 5, 11 innings San Diego 3, L.A. Dodgers 1 San Francisco 8, Arizona 4 Wednesday’s Games Pittsburgh (Morton 4-9) at Chicago Cubs (Lilly 128), 12:05 p.m., 1st game N.Y. Mets (Redding 3-6) at Washington (Lannan 9-13), 2:35 p.m. Houston (Moehler 8-11) at Philadelphia (P.Martinez 5-1), 5:05 p.m. Florida (Nolasco 12-9) at Atlanta (J.Vazquez 15-9), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Smoltz 1-2) at Cincinnati (Arroyo 14-13), 5:10 p.m.

Pittsburgh (Karstens 3-5) at Chicago Cubs (Zambrano 9-6), 6:05 p.m., 2nd game Milwaukee (Suppan 7-11) at Colorado (Hammel 9-8), 6:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Garland 11-12) at San Diego (Cl. Richard 4-2), 8:05 p.m. Arizona (Mulvey 0-2) at San Francisco (Penny 3-1), 8:15 p.m. MAGIC NUMBERS Through Sept. 29 AMERICAN LEAGUE Central Division Detroit NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Philadelphia

4 1

——— NOTE: The magic number is derived by adding one to the number of remaining games and subtracting the number of games ahead in the loss column from the second-place team.

NHL PRESEASON EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L OT New Jersey 4 0 1 N.Y. Rangers 3 3 1 Philadelphia 2 3 2 N.Y. Islanders 2 5 1 Pittsburgh 1 4 1 Northeast Division W L OT Toronto 6 3 0 Boston 5 2 1 Buffalo 4 1 1 Montreal 4 2 1 Ottawa 2 4 0 Southeast Division W L OT Tampa Bay 4 1 2 Washington 4 2 0 Florida 4 3 0 Atlanta 2 3 1 Carolina 2 2 0 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division W L OT St. Louis 4 1 1 Columbus 4 3 1 Nashville 4 2 0 Detroit 3 4 1 Chicago 1 2 1 Northwest Division W L OT Vancouver 7 0 2 Edmonton 4 3 1 Calgary 3 2 2 Colorado 3 3 0 Minnesota 3 4 0 Pacific Division W L OT Anaheim 5 3 0 Los Angeles 4 3 1 Phoenix 3 2 3 San Jose 3 3 1 Dallas 3 4 0

Pts 9 7 6 5 3

GF 13 21 16 20 16

GA 8 19 21 25 24

Pts 12 11 9 9 4

GF 33 20 20 15 13

GA 27 21 17 18 11

Pts 10 8 8 5 4

GF 20 20 16 14 13

GA 17 15 16 22 13

Pts 9 9 8 7 3

GF 21 28 22 21 8

GA 10 24 16 24 15

Pts 16 9 8 6 6

GF 31 24 23 15 16

GA 20 22 24 18 20

Pts 10 9 9 7 6

GF 19 26 23 20 14

GA 26 23 23 20 22

Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss or shootout loss. ——— Monday’s Games Tappara (Finland) 3, Florida 2, SO Chicago 9, HC Davos (Switzerland) 2 Tuesday’s Games St. Louis 6, Linkoping HC (Sweden) 0 ZSC Lions (Switzerland) 2, Chicago 1 New Jersey 4, N.Y. Islanders 2 Minnesota 5, Philadelphia 4, SO Wednesday’s Games Florida vs. Jokerit (Finland) at Helsinki, Finland, 10 a.m. Detroit vs. Farjestad (Sweden) at Karlstad, Sweden, 11 a.m. End Preseason

NFL AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct N.Y. Jets 3 0 0 1.000 New England 2 1 0 .667 Buffalo 1 2 0 .333 Miami 0 3 0 .000 South W L T Pct Indianapolis 3 0 0 1.000

PF 64 60 64 43

PA 33 50 72 69

PF 72

PA 45

Jacksonville Houston Tennessee North Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland West Denver San Diego Oakland Kansas City

1 1 0

2 2 3

0 0 0

.333 .333 .000

60 65 58

69 86 71

W 3 2 1 0

L 0 1 2 3

T Pct PF 0 1.000 103 0 .667 61 0 .333 47 0 .000 29

PA 53 56 50 95

W 3 2 1 0

L 0 1 2 3

T Pct 0 1.000 0 .667 0 .333 0 .000

PA 16 64 57 85

PF 62 73 36 48

NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF N.Y. Giants 3 0 0 1.000 80 Dallas 2 1 0 .667 86 Philadelphia 2 1 0 .667 94 Washington 1 2 0 .333 40 South W L T Pct PF New Orleans 3 0 0 1.000 120 Atlanta 2 1 0 .667 57 Carolina 0 3 0 .000 37 Tampa Bay 0 3 0 .000 41 North W L T Pct PF Minnesota 3 0 0 1.000 88 Green Bay 2 1 0 .667 81 Chicago 2 1 0 .667 57 Detroit 1 2 0 .333 59 West W L T Pct PF San Francisco 2 1 0 .667 67 Seattle 1 2 0 .333 57 Arizona 1 2 0 .333 57 St. Louis 0 3 0 .000 24

PA 48 61 72 49 PA 56 53 87 91 PA 57 63 54 86 PA 53 48 68 73

——— Sunday’s Games Detroit 19, Washington 14 N.Y. Jets 24, Tennessee 17 Green Bay 36, St. Louis 17 Baltimore 34, Cleveland 3 Minnesota 27, San Francisco 24 Jacksonville 31, Houston 24 New England 26, Atlanta 10 N.Y. Giants 24, Tampa Bay 0 Philadelphia 34, Kansas City 14 Chicago 25, Seattle 19 New Orleans 27, Buffalo 7 San Diego 23, Miami 13 Denver 23, Oakland 3 Cincinnati 23, Pittsburgh 20 Indianapolis 31, Arizona 10 Monday’s Game Dallas 21, Carolina 7 Sunday, Oct. 4 Detroit at Chicago, 11 a.m. Oakland at Houston, 11 a.m. Tampa Bay at Washington, 11 a.m. Seattle at Indianapolis, 11 a.m. N.Y. Giants at Kansas City, 11 a.m. Baltimore at New England, 11 a.m. Cincinnati at Cleveland, 11 a.m. Tennessee at Jacksonville, 11 a.m. Buffalo at Miami, 2:05 p.m. N.Y. Jets at New Orleans, 2:05 p.m. Dallas at Denver, 2:15 p.m. St. Louis at San Francisco, 2:15 p.m. San Diego at Pittsburgh, 6:20 p.m. Open: Arizona, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Carolina Monday, Oct. 5 Green Bay at Minnesota, 6:30 p.m.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Top 25 Schedule (Subject to change) Friday, Oct. 2 No. 20 BYU vs. Utah St., 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 No. 3 Alabama at Kentucky, 10:21 a.m. No. 4 LSU at No. 18 Georgia, 1:30 p.m. No. 5 Boise State vs. UC Davis, 7 p.m. No. 6 Virginia Tech at Duke, 10 a.m. No. 7 Southern Cal at No. 24 California, 6 p.m. No. 8 Oklahoma at No. 17 Miami, 6 p.m. No. 9 Ohio State at Indiana, 5 p.m. No. 10 Cincinnati at Miami (Ohio), 11 a.m. No. 11 TCU vs. SMU, 6 p.m. No. 12 Houston at UTEP, 7 p.m. No. 13 Iowa vs. Arkansas State, 10 a.m. No. 15 Penn State at Illinois, 1:30 p.m. No. 16 Oregon vs. Washington State, 7:15 p.m. No. 21 Mississippi at Vanderbilt, 5 p.m. No. 22 Michigan at Michigan State, 10 a.m. No. 25 Georgia Tech at Mississippi State, 5:30 p.m.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

| 31

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32 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

FINANCING /WORKING PEOPLE! $750.00 MINIMUM DOWN PAYMENT. NO CREDIT CHECK. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700. “Working Cars /Working People” -24,000 Mile Warranties! 1983 Pinion Farina Fiat Spyder. Body great, runs well, needs some interior work. $6,500. 970-846-8304

2003 TTR-225 YAMAHA OFF ROAD MOTORBIKE, BARELY USED, LIKE NEW ASKING $1995.00 GREAT BUY! 303-589-6929 1995 KTM 620 RXC Dual Sport. Great Shape! ONLY 6,500 miles, $2100. Call 970-846-8026

1975 Fiat Spider Convertible. Good condition, new engine heads and timing belt. $4900. 970-870-0837.

Attention Hunters! 1975 Winnebago for sale! New tires all around. $1,000 970-903-9161

1988 Suburban 4x4, 120k miles, reliable, $1500 970-879-5145

Travel trailer 29ft. Very good condition. Air conditioner, gas, electric ref. $5250 OBO 970-879-0655

2002 VW Passat, 4 motion AWD, loaded, heated leather seats, sun /moon roof, rain activated wipers, 110K, $7950. Call 970-879-8698

Set of 4, seven bolt Ford, heavy 1/2 ton wheels and caps, make an offer 734-6220 or leave a message. WANTED:Hard Top for 1997 Jeep Wrangler. Call 629-1962 Leave a Message. Set of 265x75x16 Geolander tires, 3/4 tread on 97 and up F150 wheels $500. or make an offer 879-0222 eves, or leave message Cab level, white topper in good condition fits 2004 Ford F250 long bed or similar vehicle $600. 970-276-4446 4 Italian 5 spoke 16” wheels with continental 255/50 winter tires (used). $100 Fits Audi, VW. 4 pics 970-846-4287 18’ flatbed with headache rack. Asking $500. 937-231-3925. Set of 4 studded snow tires, Almost new 2500miles of ware from last winter 245/70/R16 $150 set. Call 970-620-0417

2005 Subaru Outback AWD, 53,000 miles, leather, power everything, fair condition $12,800. Call 970-846-5744 1996 Plymouth Breeze, good sound running car, $800.00 OBO. 970-620-2433 2002 Subaru Outback Limited, new performance motor and clutch, 5speed, tint, very clean $9500 OBO Call 970-291-9474 1995 Toyota Camry, 123k miles! 2001 Dodge Neon, Sharp! 2001 Saturn SC1 90k miles, Terrific! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700. Full Warranties!

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2006 Volkswagon Jetta, 44k miles, leather seats, sunroof, power everything. $11,000 OBO 970-326-8420


2007 Yamaha Venture Lite, 858 miles, 4 stroke fuel injection, used a few times, excellent condition, garage kept. $5900. 970-231-9325

1999 Chevy Tahoe LT, 110k, 4WD, V8, leather, power everything. Tow package, $6,700. 970-393-0980 2008 Weekend Warrior Wide Body. 34’ Toy Hauler. Like new, upgraded interior with 5.5 onan. Fueling station, 150 gallons of fresh water. Sleeps seven, all the EXTRAS! $29,900. 970-824-5337 970-629-5966 1985 36’ RV 454, 2 AC units, generator, 33,000 mi. $3200. OBO No reasonable offer refused. 970-819-7722 1990 Hallmark slide in Camper. 9’, includes bathroom, shower, water heater, stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, stereo. In good condition, $3500 970-629-0321 PRICED REDUCED! Solar Powered Travel Trailer! 19’ Gulfstream Conquest Ultralight. Great Condition. $6,000 Call 970-819-0472

2003 Mountain Cat 900cc 144” track, $2800. 2005 King Cat 900cc 162” track, $4800. $7,000 for both. Call Jessie 970-846-0913.




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2008 Arctic Cat M8, 162”, 374 miles, some extras! $8,500. Call 970-879-7716 or 970-846-4434

1997 Chevy Blazer, 4WD, only 92k, all electric, sunroof, very clean . $4500. 970-870-8711

1982 Allegero motorhome sleeps six, great condtion $4500; Real/lite camper sleeps 3, fair condition $900. Please call 970-276-3401

1993 Audi 90, runs great, 177K miles, $1500 OBO. 970-734-7915

2001 SkiDo Summit 800 and 2 place aluminum tilt trailer $2800. 970-846-6783.

1994 4-RUNNER looks great, runs great. $4,199 OBO. Call 970-870-8993 Morgan

1996 Nissan Sentra front wheel drive, runs great! Dependable winter car! 134k, two Blizzak tires, $1,600. 970-819-6541 Nationwide auto transportation. Moving cars, all 50 states, to anywhere from anywhere, for any reason. Steamboat based company. Cars also moved to and from Denver. 13 years experience. Mountain Express Transport. Call or email 970-846-4503

2008 Polaris Dragon 800, 155” track, only 110 miles. Includes accessories. $8,500 (970)620-2586

2003 Chevy Trailblazer LS, 103K, 4WD, 4.2L, tow package, AC, $5500. 970-824-1008.


08 Tundra RBP 18” 94R rim set, 1 procomp 35” AT Extreme tire all zero miles, 4 stock aluminum 18” rims. 970-620-4586

97 Polaris 340 and 99 Polaris 340 plus enclosed Triton trailer. Excellent condition, low miles. Must sell $2500 OBO. 970-819-1809

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1987 Suzuki Samurai Excellent Shape 2-soft tops. Great Steamboat car! $3000 OBO call 970-819-0137 2000 JEEP Wrangler, black, soft top, cargo rack, lifted, 104k miles, asking $8200 OBO. NO trades. 970-824-9285 (30) Subaru Outbacks, Foresters, and Imprezas, from $1,500 /$15,000! 2002 Jeep Liberty, Great! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700. Great Warranties!

Trailer Sales, Trailer Parts, Trailer Repair, Tire Chains, Truckbed sales & installation, Montana 4WD tractors, knowledgeable staff, Craig dealer 970-824-6544 Hunting season specials, $100.00 off all CM Truckbeds in stock, Weekly ATV & UTV trailer specials, Auto Parts of Craig, 970-824-6544

| 33

20ft heavy duty flat bed trailer with folddown ramps, 12,000lbs GVW, brakes $4200 OBO; Large snow bucket $200 OBO 970-846-9059

Semi Van Trailer for sale. 40’ long, great for storage! $1,000 OBO 970-846-8693

1998 Chevrolet Silverado, 6-cyl., Sharp! 2003 Ford Expedition, Big! 1998 Dodge QuadCab, Super! Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700. Full Warranties!

1994 Toyota, 4X4, V6, manual, new tires, extended cab, camper, 179k miles, $4800. 970-819-9850.

2003 Nissan Frontier extended cab 4x4, Super charged, black, V6, AC, and many more. Call for information. $11,000 OBO 308-360-1213

SNOW PLOWS -$1,895 -Any vehicle. Ford Explorer w/ plow, $5,995, #2485. 2005 Chevrolet Cargo AstroVan, 50k miles. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700.

1988 Bronco II, full camo wrap, 4x4, runs great, good hunting vehicle. $2000 OBO Call 970-846-9973

2002 S-10 CrewCab, 89k miles, Sensational! 1995 F-150, Amazing Condition! 1997 F150 QuadCab, Tough -$4,850 -#2851. Tom Reuter, Dealer, 970-875-0700.

1975 Chevy Pick up. 1/2 ton, 4WD. $1200. 970-826-2857

2001 Ford F-150; 1993 Ford Explorer, 1988 Chevy Pickup; 2-waverunners with trailer; 2-snowmobiles with trailer. Must sell all. 970-846-0511

2 Place covered tilt deck trailer. Comes with inside light and crank winch. $1,500 970-629-8774 FOR SALE: Construction trailer 8’x33’ white, semi doors in the back, side man door $1000. Call 970.879.9133

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2002 Toyota Sienna Mini van. Excellent condition, vehicle stability control, w/ 4 winter tires, $6950. 970-846-5112.

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34 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Like new GE microwave with turn table 19”Wx10”H.Perfect dorm or small apt. $30. 970-879-8441 Washer and dryer, good condition, $150 for set. 719-784-7887. GE Cafe 30” range 18k BTU, barely used, paid $2800, asking $1600. 970-819-4025 Kenmore stackable washer dryer with stand. Apartment size, white, 110V, new still in box. List $1270.00 plus tax. $875.00 846-9374.

AUCTION: Annual Fall Consignment Auction Saturday September 26th at 9 a.m., 2368 South 1500 East in Vernal, Utah. -Equipment of all Kinds, Semi’s, Dump Trucks, Vehicles, Trailers, Campers, Boats, Lumber, New & Used Tools, Pipe, Generators, ATV’s, Snow Mobiles,Guns, Saddles, Tack, Antiques & Collectibles, Household Items, and much more! For more info or to Consign call ZJ Auction Service. 435-789-7424.

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Consignment Auction Sat. Oct. 3rd, 10AM. Kremmling, CO Fairgrounds. Antiques, vehicles, tools, county equip. and much more!! Call 970-210-0995 or visit for more info!

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** BREAKING NEWS * * AUCTION **HOME SITES** AUCTION 42 Individual Fully Developed Lots Bid in Person or Bid Online -5 minutes Steamboat/ Hayden Airport Affordable Adorable Village – CLEAN DEAL - CLEAR TITLES 20% of subdivision has been sold from $75k to $95k You name the price! Come prepared to bid. 2 Families now live in their new homes, you can too! ***FINANCING AVAILABLE*** First National Bank of the Rockies of Hayden or SS Auction Time & Location - Sun Oct 18th-1:30 The Hayden Community Center 302 S. Shelton Lane. Corner of Hwy 40 & Shelton Lane Just 1 mile North of property

Lockhart Auction & Realty LLC of Steamboat. Bart Lockhart Auctions, Associate. Please Call for details: (800)850-3303 or Cookies Cell (303)710-9999 or visit us online:


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Hewlett Packard Color Ink Jet Printer with cartridges. $30.00 970-871-4670

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Warehouse Sale, Monday 11am-7pm. Grand Family Farms Organic Farm Fresh Produce at farm prices. 2464 Downhill Drive, #3. 970-846-6233. Two refurbished Dell laptops. Like new computers! Windows XP, wireless and office ready to go! $325 each. Must sell by Sunday! 970-819-3143.

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Specialized Stumpjumper m4xcpro 3” full suspension. Rides great- $299. Paid $2,300 in ‘01. Maintained nicely. Call 970-871-9837 to inquire.

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Mr. Coffee coffee maker, $25, 970-871-4670

Antique horse collar mirror with tack. $80. 970-879-8441


KTM 300EXC 2002 $2800; Honda CB550F 1976 $1200; Honda “Big Red” 200 1984 $1000; 970-871-0355. Large AC window unit $100 paid $500 Call 970-879-6348 Coleman 5 person hot tub, purchased new in 2003. New spa cover, digital energy savings mode, like new, $2800.00. 870-846-9374.

Tune-ups, Troubleshooting & Repairs. Back up Systems and Data Recovery. All Computer & Laptop Brands New & Used PCs, Laptops & Parts, Virus Removal & Prevention, Wireless Networking, DELL Registered Partner 970-879-8890 PC COMPUTER SERVICES HALF PRICE Residential Computer Repair, located in Steamboat. Microsoft Certified Professional. Tune Ups, Troubleshooting, Repairs and Installations. Cell:(818)426-9095

Wood Burning Fireplace, zero clearance, new, still in box. $500 OBO. Call 720.480.2913 Tools -Dewalt Table saw, stand, Dewalt jigsaw, Bostich Framing Gun, 16 ga Bostich finish gun, 1 50 ft air hose, Small porter Cable Compressor. Seprate or package. Matt 720-988-0390. Serious inquires only please. 2 used 10x8 garage doors. $100 for both. 970-846-0511 SUSTAINABLE CONTRACTOR RECYCLE ALERTCLEAN UP YOUR SITE BEFORE WINTER STOP PAYING STORAGE FEES ORGANIZE YOUR SHOP/ GARAGE HOME RESOURCE IS ACCEPTING YOUR EXTRA LEFTOVER MATERIALS 970-879-6985 TO ARRANGE PICKUP OR DROPOFF AT RESOURCE YARD LOCATED AT MILNER LANDFILL

TUNE-UP FOR BIRD SEASON!!! Sporting Clays 9AM-4PM, Driving range 9AM-6PM. Call for details 970-846-5647 -


Trek Fuel 9.0, 970-819-6256




6 new Jeldwin windows and several pine and alder doors, never installed. Make an offer. 970-819-1809 Locally cut beetle kill lumber. 970-846-8202 Wanted: Culvert. 18” x 20 ft. $200? Please call Jeff @ 970-734-5190. 8in Swedish cope Saddle-notch 9ft Log walls, 20x30, door-window bucks. Ready to set on your floor system. $17,000 970-824-8546, 970-629-2410

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37” Toshiba color TV with remote and instructions. $75 970-819-2016 13” color TV, 808-282-5731

$25. VHS



2 DTL Mitsubishi TV(s) 1080P HD, mint condition. 57” $1700, 65” $1800. 970-846-1465.

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2 wheel tank sprayer, front end loader for tractor. Doug, 970-846-3475

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���������������������������� Weatherby MKV Lazer Mark 300 Magnum, Nikon 3-9x40 scope. $1,800 970-871-0985

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Savage model 502, 22 mag, bolt action pistol, 10” barrel with scope. $300. Also Excel arms semi auto pistol, stainless steel with 2 bull barrels. One barrel 22 mag and one 17 hmr barrel with red dot scope, rare pistol. $650. 970-756-7650.



Peach /Cherry Hardwood. Reasonable prices on the best firewood you can buy. $170 /Facecord $220 /Half-Cord $400 /Cord. Includes delivery. Stacking costs $20 /hr. Call David at 970-201-6839 GONZALES FIREWOOD Cut, split, seasoned stacked & delivered! (970)723-8604 (970)846-6206 Firewood:Cox Bros Sawmill Split 4cents lb. (approx. $80.00 cord) Long Slab Bundles available 970-824-3919, 970-824-4071 leave message Fri. 9-5 Sat 9-12 Foxfire, Fuelwood, 970-736-2745. Juniper, pinyon, aspen, pine. Boiler Wood, Custom length. Properly processed, aged, and measured. Sort yard or delivery.

Solid light oak dining table, 42X57 extends to 73”, four off white upholstered chairs two captain, two straight excellent condition. $350.00. 970-879-6650 Thomasville all 970-291-9372




Elegant green sofa, chair $800, Coffee, corner, sofa tables $250. Roll top desk $750. Gold metal Queen bed, frame (no mattress) $250. Queen bed, frame Wooden, very large, elegant (no mattress) $1,000. Marble top bedside tables (2)$175 each. Pine dresser, mirror (needs work) $100. Janna 970-846-9330 STEAMBOAT’S MATTRESS HEADQUARTERS Mountain Mattress and furniture, Queen sets from $299. All natural, memory foam, 22 models on floor (970)879-8116


FREE: Leather & Oak chair & table tops, you haul. At Noodles & More Free moving boxes at 1103 Lincoln, back of building. Entrance faces 11th Street. 970-870-6087 Free to nurturing home -Male Maine Coon Cat. Neutered, declawed 7 year old male. Needs home without cats and dogs. Comes with covered cat box, toys, cat bed. 970-870-9326.


Free Towing of unwanted or abandoned vehicles and equipment. Call 970-879-1179 King Size Mattress, no box springs or frame, Simmons, decent shape, medium firmness. Call 970-819-7454 Go Green, Reuse! Free refrigerator and dishwasher. 320 Huckleberry Lane. You haul. FREE: Over a cord of wood, in sections but not split, you haul. 970-819-2016

Insured & Dependable. When we say we’ll be there, we’ll be there. No excuses! Third generation in Routt County Soliciting winter contracts 09/10 Call Brandon @ 970-406-8439

BUYING GOLD, SILVER AND PLATINUM BULLION AND COINS. Call (970)-824-5807 or Cell (970)-326-8170. Craftsman 6” combo belt- Disc Sander $95.00; Royobi 6” Compound Mire box saw on stand $95.00; New pump jacks $20.00 each; roll away tool box $25.00; Electric Home use tile vutter $25.00, more. Call Dan 970-367-6700 Yarn-Yarn-Yarn! Lets start your fall-winter projects. Brown Sheep yarns, Plymouth acrylic-wool, Fancy and fun yarns, supplies etc. K & K Wools 208 Moffat Yampa Mon., Tue., Wed. 2-6pm 970-638-9752


CANOE, made by Alagash. Light weight. Needs fiberglass repair work. If you want to fix it, you can have it! Matt 970 291-9502


Oriental Rug, green floral with rose and beige. 5x7’ $50.00 970-819-9066

CUSTOM LOG CHRISTMAS SALE! 25% off King or Queen bedroom sets ordered before October 15. Layaway til Christmas. 970-756-LOGS(5647) Executive office furniture, solid walnut, traditional design. Large table desk, two large credenzas, one with keyhole desk between hanging file drawers. 970-871-4849 Toddler bed, Pottery Barn, white, $150. 970-846-3253 BRAND NEW AFFORDABLE FURNITURE! Beds, dressers, recliners, bunk beds, book shelves, couches... Accepting quality consignment. RUMMAGERS 11th St. South, downtown 970-870-6087 Extra long solid dresser $400, King 4poster $300, Queen 4poster $250, tall dresser $75, softtub hot tub, needs pump $250 970-879-6613 Hickory table with hidden leaf, 4 chairs and bench. $350 OBO. 970-819-1982. 2 end tables. $50 each or $75 for both. 970-819-1982

Woodstock Woodstove $1,495 24” Snowblower $495. Call evenings only. 970-723-3711 Elevated double air mattress, only used once. Great condition, pump included. Inflates to full mattress size. $50.00 970-819-9066 27 year old male, seeking ranch work. Very strong work ethic. Experience including ranching maintenance, heavy equipment operation, cattle, wrangling. Strong references available. 208-413-3485, Mike.

IntExt LLC We do it all!

Construction, Remodeling, Renovations. Your satisfaction is our highest priority! Licensed & Insured. 970-819-4991 Rocky Mtn Wood Pellets -Hunting Supplies -Certified Hay, Straw & English Western Tack. Yampa Valley Feeds at the Historic Hayden Grain Elevator, VISA /MC accepted. 970-276-4250 or

FREE: Large Childs pool. Pick up at 2597 Val d’ isere. Free pick up of unwanted snow fencing. 970-846-2949 HP 4 in 1 printer -works great! Needs parallel port to connect to computer. 970-879-4515.

De Vries Farm Market has relocated!! You can now find us at Centennial Mall parking lot between Village Inn and Checkers Auto Supply. Open through 10/31! Lopi Spirit-B gas heating stove. 40,000 BTU high efficiency. Solid brass door & legs, blower, piping. Like new. $2300 970-846-9374

| 35

Play Station 3 Rock Band with guitar and drum. $95.00 970-871-4670

10 yr old Roan Gelding, good on trails, carries a pack well, recommended experienced rider. $1500. 303-898-4895 or 970-871-0118.

Need a TUTOR? Friendly, effective tutor available for your child or teen, in my home or yours. Most subjects available. Please call 846.0613 if interested.

Circle D 16ft Gooseneck stock - combo trailer. New paint, tires and acceceries. Great condition, MUST SEE! $4200 OBO 970-819-3043

Mermaid in the Mountains -available for hireserious endeavors only. Intelligent & Talented. Email: 2 Bridgestone tires, M & S, 245 75 R16, $100. 2 White vinyl windows, $35 and $50. 970-879-4875. Miller bobcat 250MT portable welder with leads, 850 hours, $1250. Snowplow for pickup /Jeep, $150. 970-734-5081

Biggest Loser

25 People needed to lose weight for weight loss competition. Biggest Losers earn CASH prizes! Starts October 1st, call to pre-register. 970-871-0866 Individual and Group Health Insurance PPO, ALL-PROVIDER. Emergency room, RX. Rates guaranteed. Annuities Term Life Insurance. (970)879-1101 Craig Apothecary Providing a variety of Medical Marijuana Products at the best prices for licensed patients. By Appointment Only 970-824-5580 D and C Medical Marijuana, LLC and Therapeutic Massage by appointment only Call Daryl 970-870-2941

Caregiver seeking position, experienced, references, nonsmoker, call 970-824-7403 Large campsite, 26’ TEEPEE, fire-pit horseshoe-pit, bathroom, shower, fresh water, archery target, 10Mi. West of Steamboat on Trout Creek. 970-879-3699. Tresspass hunt for upcoming seasons. Area 3, 301. Antelope and deer. 500 plus acres. 661-480-8005. FOR SALE: Head Mounts; Caribou- 2 Whitetail2 Blacktail $250-$500. Call 970-846-0287, 970-879-1790

Small bales of grass hay in covered stacks, 2 miles North of Craig $3.50 a bale 970-824-1070 or 254-625-0922 09’ Grass / Alfalfa Mix. Small bales $3.60 per bale, Large rounds $110 per ton. Delivery available. 970-629-3791


FREE WOOD PALLETS AT THE STEAMBOAT PILOT BUILDING ON CURVE PLAZA. YOU HAUL AWAY AS MANY AS YOU LIKE. Premium Irrigated Grass Hay, Small Squares. 970-846-3475 20 700lb. round horse hay bales, Timothy Brome mix, $35 each, garage kept, no rain we load you haul, 970-871-7863 Certified Alfalfa Grass Hay This years, covered. Square Bales $7.50 per bale. 970-326-6473

Lost at Emerald Park btwn 1-4pm Thurs. Blue soccer backpack containing team uniform #20 and cleats. Reward 970-819-1096 FOUND: GM set of keys behind book store on ood of car. Call 970-819-2496 City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 - 760 Critter Court. 9/28-Found at 431 Pine St.: medium hair black white cat-black mustache. Please look at the shelter if you are missing a cat! Found Saturday: Mountain bike helmet in Ski Times Square. Call to identify. 970-879-2103 Lost: Susie, a chubby grey cat, at end of Missouri Street, near Staley Park. Call 970-736-8451.

1 Conn (director) Trumpet $250. 1 Selmer Bach TB300 Trombone $250. All newly reconditioned at Roper Music. Call 970-824-8013

CHILDCARE: Mother has openings for full-time and part-time available for children of all ages. Great Rates! Call 970-826-9779.

FREE Mattresses, Help your self, 2005 13 St 970-879-8116 White Baby Changing Table with 2 shelves (melamine with metal frame.) GRACO Porta Crib solid purple, pink, green. 970-870-1809.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Seeking private land in units 14, 214 or adjoinging units to hunt deer and elk. WIll pay trespassing fee. Call Russ 775-293-0340

Fresh roasted green chillies- The Chile Divas are at ACE at curve on Friday’s and Saturday’s

Snapper Lawn mower, easy start Briggs & Stratton 700 Series two-cycle engine, self propelled, mulcher, $350.00 OBO Telephone: 970-871-8813

8x8 lodgepole pine beams, random lenths. $4-6 per foot. 970-819-5376

Free towing of unwanted & abandoned vehicles. American Towing. 970-879-1065

Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth. Downtown Books, 543 Yampa Ave. Craig 970-824-5343

Horse boarding, indoor, outdoor arenas, riding lessons, horse training, horses for sale. See 970-871-1324

Purebred Black Lab puppies! Championship bloodlines, AKC registered, 1st shots, 7 females, 4 males. Ready September 20th. Asking $500 970-846-5264


Wood burning heater, cast iron, pipe cap, $300; Brush Guard for Dakota - Durango $175. Call 970-879-9259

Titan 2007 3 horse trailer, tack room, saddle racks and rubber mats. $7,000 OBO. 970-734-8571 or 970-879-9570

Please help us Sale! Tropical Rockies is struggling, we need your help. Huge deals on everything in store. 970-879-1909

Horse pasture available, fenced, water, easy access, great feed. 10 miles West of Steamboat, behind Saddle Mountain. 970-879-3699

K-9 Gentle Dental will be at Mt. Werner Veterinary Hospital for the August Hygiene Clinic. October 1st, 3rd & 29th. No anesthesia required. Call Angel for appointment 619-370-5956.

Free Towing of unwanted or abandoned vehicles and equipment. Call 970-879-6168 or 970-846-7800

LEGAL HAPPY HOUR Free legal advice

Call to sign up. Randall Salky, Attorney at Law McGill Professional Law 970-879-6200 ext. 13 2002 Jeep Wrangler Sport-Interior tan carpet, Great Condition. Call 970-846-1153 FREE Towing of unwanted or abandoned cars, trucks and equipment, Smith’s Towing & Recovery. 970-879-1998 Free denim sofa bed. Downtown, must pick up. 970-871-6701


Looking for driveways to plow on CR 44 and surrounding areas. Fast and reliable service. Kevin Sherrod 970-846-6123 ALL STEEL PORTABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS. Strong, secure, weather & rodent proof. Great for business, home, ranch, oil field & more. 8x8x20ft in stock. 8x8x40ft. available. 970-824-3256.

Daycare Now Open in Craig! Taking Applications for All Day Childcare. 2 - 5 years old. Great rates! Please call Colleen at 970-819-2449 TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! TOP SOIL! Kimco 879-6898 Used Super hot cast iron Boiler 299 BTU almost new. $500 Aaron 970-846-4287

Mobile Welding, Fabricating and Mechanic. 20 years experience. Call Mark at 970-276-4906

For sale, queen bed complete, telescope, competition Foosball table, 40” HDTV, lots more, call for info. 819-4060.

Stay at home mom in Hayden has openings for your little ones. All ages. Flexible schedule. Low rate. Amanda, 970-276-8154

Two Cerwin Vega Home Stereo Speakers, and Technics stereo amplifier, together or apart. Make an offer, 734-6220 or leave message.

Grass fat steers for sale. Organic, no shots or antibiotics. 65 cents per pound live weight. Call 970-326-7721 or 970-824-7882 Light winter, full service year round horse boarding west of Craig. Includes premium Hay, Pasture & Water. Volume discounts call 970-629-9299 160 bred heifers available for $1100 each. Will consider buying calves back and will buy back any that do not breed back next fall at above market prices. Call John @367-6184 or email for details. Top Quality butcher lambs. 970-629-0080

City of Steamboat Springs Animal Shelter Phone: 879-0621 Dogs for Adoption: Bo-10 month old McNab Border Collie Mix. Hank-1 yr. old Anatolian. Blossom-6-month old Jack Russel/Heeler mix. Vaccinated, healthy kittens are ready now! Great adult cats too: $30! Malamute Puppies!! Only two left, one male, one female. 1st shots, wormed, ready Sept 1st. $500 Call 970-819-9096 FOR SALE Jack Russell Puppies 8 wks old. Call 970-824-6991 leave message if no answer.


Mini Schnauzers, ears and tails cropped. Registered, vaccinated, wormed, microshipped and a hairdo. Baker Drive Pets 970-824-3933

STEAMBOAT:Sunny downtown studio apartment, with great views of Howelsen Hill and nd the Ski area, garage $850/mo. 970-846-8026, 970-846-1063 STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 1BA Sunny, clean. Old Town. $1200 Furnished $950 unfurnished. Available 10/01. Includes WD, trash, water. NS, NP 970-846-9914

AKC Lab Pups, Chocolate and black, champion blood line, first shots and dew claws, $500, taking deposits now. 970-824-9615

STEAMBOAT: 2 New downtown apartments include internet, cable, water, parking and Locker at The Gondola Ski Club. 1A is $1,350 and 1B is $1,050. Must live and work in Routt County. Call Jon W. Sanders at Ski Town Lifestyle Properties, 970-871-0002

Black beauties! AKC labs, OFA, CERF, champion blood lines, $500. Ready 10/1. Call 970-824-4621

STEAMBOAT:Studio 750 sqft. New, clean. Extra 750 sqft open space for business. $1,000. $500 dep. 12 month lease. 10/15. 970-846-6076.

Wall Hangers: Men’s & Children’s old wood skis, bindings, poles. $165. 970-392-2513. In Greeley. Will deliver, can consider trade for lodging.

K2 Public Enemy with G3 bindings 170cm. $100. 808-282-5731

Friday only 8am-2pm, baby sale, boys, girls 0-24 month clothes, push toys, bouncer, pack and play, car seat and more, snow blower, electric stove, fireplace, boat parts. 21540 4th Ave Phippsburg

LTD 155cm, great shape, mountain graphics. $100. 808-282-5731.

STEAMBOAT:Very private, wonderful wooded setting. 1bd apartment with carport. DW, WD, cable. $800 monthly. First, Last, Deposit. Available 10/1. Dog considered. Call Linda 970-871-7406 OAK CREEK:Apartments $575 and $700 including utilities. NP, NS. Deposits. OCTOBER RENT FREE! 970-819-2849 CRAIG:DOWNTOWN Large 2 to 3 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished, parking, laundry facilities. All electric kitchens including DW, disposals. Small pets ok. Call 970-824-7120 STEAMBOAT: Basement apartment on 100 acre property. $700, basic utilities included! Includes hunting rights! (970) 846-8202

Ariens 1236 snowblower. Residential only, 12HP- 36” auger, electric start, includes chains, ramps. New 1336 $3100.00 plus tax. $2200.00, 970-846-9374

CRAIG:Remodeled 2BA, 1BA apartments with Travertine, slate, oak, and alder finishes, Economy apartments, or 2BD, 2BA Townhomes that allow pets. 970-824-9251 STEAMBOAT: 2BR basement apartment with private entrance 3.5 miles to town on CR 33. $675 month 970-846-7170 or 970-846-6289

BRONCO TICKETS Set of 2 $77 each, set of 4 $58 each. Chiefs and Raiders. 970-846-3253.

STEAMBOAT:1BR, 1BA BRAND NEW in Fairview 10/1. Full kitchen, WD, NS, NP, 1 car parking. $950 includes utilities, internet. 970-846-1475.

CRAIG:Remodeled 2BA, 1BA apartments with Travertine, slate, oak, and alder finishes, Economy apartments, or 2BD, 2BA Townhomes that allow pets. 970-824-9251 STEAMBOAT:Quaint, wooded location 2bedroom 1bath, furnished off Fish Creek Falls. NS, WD, dog negotiable. $1,200 includes utilities. 970-846-1052 (broker owned) STEAMBOAT:Furnished 2bd, 1ba in quiet house, downtown. Kitchenette, livingroom. Patio. NP, NS. Cable, WiFi. $1,000 month +electric. $1,100 deposit. 970-879-8793.

Parenting Tweens ‘n Teens without Tearing Out Your Hair! Oct 8, 15 & 22 6-8 PM $75 before 9/29, $95 after. Christina Haxton, MA Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Therapist Contact 970-871-4567 or email to register

OAK CREEK: AFFORDABLE 1 & 2 BEDROOM Hardwood floors, high ceilings, Dish TV, good location. Quiet building. Must See! 970-879-4784 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village 1BD, 1BA, unfurnished. NP. Available now. $825 monthly, negotiable. Deposit and last negotiable. Call 970-819-6304 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village Apartment 1BD, 1BA, very nice, clean, bus route, WD, furnished or unfurnished. $900 monthly. Water, cable included. 970-846-6423

STEAMBOAT:$1250: Whistler, 2 story, 2 bdrm, wd, fireplace, updated, large patio, corner unit! np. Available Now! $1400: Powder Ridge, 3 bdrm, FULLY furnished, Most included, Available 9/1. $1175: 2 bdrm, 1 bath Condo on mountain, available furnished or not, all but electric included. Call Robyn at 970-846-8247. See photos online at OR let me know what you are looking for!

STEAMBOAT:Studio apartment in luxury home available in town. $950 monthly includes utilities. 970-846-3190

STAGECOACH: 2BD, 1BA. Partially furnished, bottom floor, corner unit. WD. NS, no dogs. $950 negotiable, some utilities included. 970-846-4355 day

STEAMBOAT:Great location, 1BD, 1BA in Fish Creek area. Furnished or Unfurnished, NS, NP $850 monthly includes utilities and cable. 970-819-1500

OAK CREEK:Great Views! 2BD, 1BA, recently updated, flooring, paint and windows. $600 monthly plus utilities. 1st, last, deposit. 970-736-2383

Semi-Retired Carpenter /Craftsman with Many Years of Supervisory and Management Experiene. Skilled Professional, Small job expert. 970-870-0514 YOU NEED ME!

STEAMBOAT:Beautiful, 2bd, 1ba on 35 acres. Vaulted ceilings, Maplewood kitchen. Need 4x4. $950, 1/4 utilities. Absolutely NS! Pet negotiable. 970-879-0395

OAK CREEK:2BD, 1BA apartment, freshly painted, your own WD, NS, pets negotiable, 1st, security. $850 includes all utilities. Joe 846-3542

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA Basement apartment with bonus room. Views of Mt. Werner. Knotty Pine and slate finishes. WD, utilities included. 970-291-9009

STEAMBOAT:Quiet country living, 2Bed, 1Bath, on 15 acres 5 miles from town. 1200 sqft, storage, pets considered $850 970-846-6943

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, Old Town, NS, NP, W/D on site, gas, water, sewer, garbage included $1100. First, last, security deposit. 435-260-1715

STEAMBOAT:WALK TO DOWNTOWN - 2BD, 1BA overlooking downtown, $1200 month pets possible, utilities & internet included, year lease preferred. 970-734-4644

STEAMBOAT:Downtown Proper 2BD, 1BA, great location, NS, NP, all amenities. $1050 month, deposit negotiable. For more information, Carol 970-846-0199


STEAMBOAT:Furnished apartment on ranch, 2bd, 1ba. WD, balcony with lake view, 10 min from ski mountain. NP, NS. $850. 970-393-0906

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA, hardwood floors, new carpet, FP, breath taking views, quiet complex, low utilities. Available immediately. $750, NS, NP. First, Last, Security. 970-846-2120.

STEAMBOAT:Studio in Dream Island, $550, includes utilities. 970-879-0261

STEAMBOAT:Ski Times Square 2bd, 2ba, furnished, parking garage, bus route, includes gas, cable, internet. NS, NP, year lease. $1350. 303-957-8887.

STEAMBOAT:Walton Village 1BD, 1BA, WD, balcony, pool, tennis court, on bus route, NP, Avail Oct. $825. Call Central Park Management 879-3294.


STEAMBOAT:Shadow Run 2bdrm, 2ba Furnished, WD FP, hot tub, bus stop. $1,100 NS, NP Call Candice 970-870-0497 or Scott 970-846-5898 STEAMBOAT:Fully furnished & super nice 1BD, 1BA top floor condo, WD, pool, hot tub. Oct 1st. $950 month. 970-846-7496 STEAMBOAT:1 mile from Gondola, fantastic deck & views. Unfurnished. 2BD, 1BA lower duplex. WD, NP, NS. $1200 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES! 3314 Apres Ski Way. 970-371-2366 STEAMBOAT:Shadow Run, 2BD, 2BTH, 2nd floor, remodeled, new carpet and appliances, bus route & WD. References. $1150 month. NP. 970-879-1965 STEAMBOAT:Villas, 2bedroom, 2bath, 1 car garage, bus stop, includes heat, cable, HT, NS, NP, 1 year lease. $1185. Freshly painted, Cindy 970-846-3243 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA +office, 1-car garage plus shed, Downtown, NS, WD, pets considered, gas heat plus wood stove, $1800 plus utilities. first, last, security. 970-846-2445

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36 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

STEAMBOAT:1BD Walton Village. WD, ski storage. New carpet, paint. Pool, HT, NP. $750, first, last and security. Call Brad 508-332-0588. HAYDEN:BRAND NEW. 1600 sqft 4BD, 2BA apt. Stainless appliances. Very nice with upgraded finishes. $1500 month 970-846-7488 STEAMBOAT:Ski in, Ski out furnished 1BR with fireplace, club amenities. Includes internet, cable. NS, NP. $1250. 10/1. 970-879-3527. STEAMBOAT:Ski in Creekside loft, with covered parking, perfect for couple, available 10/15. Preferred year lease. $950+$500 deposit. 970-846-0524, 970-819-0518

STEAMBOAT:3BD 3BA, next to ski mountain, fully furnished, shuttle bus, NP, NS, WD, $2100 month, Call 970-819-1540

STEAMBOAT:2bd, 2.5ba. Incredible views. Available now. Spa, laundry, workout room on same floor. NS, NP. $1000 mo +dep. 970-846-7195

STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA Walton Village condo, fully furnished, beautiful unit, NS, NP. Available now. 1st, last, deposit. $1,100 monthly. 970-819-7505

STEAMBOAT:MAKE OFFER ***3br, 2ba, walk to the slopes and the Tugboat!! Underground parking. Fully furnished. ***3br, 2.5ba, garage, deck, bus. Fully Furnished. 970-846-5101

STEAMBOAT:Walton Creek Condo, 3bdrms, 3baths, walk to new gondola, bus route, tennis court, swimming pool, WD. $2,250. NS, NP. 970-846-1485

STAGECOACH:Wonderful Wagon Wheel 2 bedroom 1 bath condo. Fireplace, wd in complex. No smoking, no pets. $750.00. 720-244-5514

STEAMBOAT:Newly painted, furnished, North Star Studio condo, on mt, on bus route, cable, HT, Sauna, trash, WD, NS, NP, $800 +utilities, 719-459-1121, 719-535-0484 STEAMBOAT:1bd, 1ba furnished Walton Pond Cond. On bus route, NP, NS, water, cable, garbage & snowplowing included. $800 month +sec. dep. Available now and ASK ABOUT RENT TO OWN. 970-846-4220 STEAMBOAT:Shadow run, 2BD, 2BA furnished, Pool, hottubs, deck, cable, gas, internet, shuttle. WD, NS, NP. $1250. 440-666-6008. STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 1BA near Gondola, Bus. Remodeled, unfurnished. Flexible lease. $1,050 NP, NS! 970.547.4662

STEAMBOAT:Villas at Walton Creek Condo 2BD, 2BA with garage, deck, views, second floor, end unit, gas FP, DW, WD, NS, NP. Most utilities, available now. Lease. 1st, last, security. $1,400 monthly 970-846-5517 STEAMBOAT:2BR, 2BA Walton Creek, Lease length Negotiable, Pool, Hot Tub, partially furnished, storage. Available 10/5 $1,100 NS, NP, WD. 303-345-4771 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village units available. 7 months - 1 year lease. Furnished and Unfurnished. $800 - 850. NS, NP, WD. 970-879-8171 STAGECOACH:First Month Rent FREE! 2BD, 1BA Wagon Wheel condo. New paint, FP, NS, NP $850 month +utilities. Brian 619-218-9394

Great Location!


STEAMBOAT:Literal two minute walk to the slopes! Fully furnished, $1,188. Available 11/01. Call John NOW! 970-846-4308 STEAMBOAT:3bd +loft, 2ba condo in Mt. Werner Lodge. Excellent location right at the ski area base. Fully furnished, turn-key. Flexible Lease. NS, NP. Avail Sept 1st. $2000 utilities incl. 970.846.0833 STEAMBOAT:Great landlord seeking great tenants! Five exceptional properties available for long term rental. 3 mountian condos, 2 sf homes. 970-846-3353 STEAMBOAT:SKI IN /SKI OUT! FURNISHED. 2BD, 2BA located on ski mountain. Deck, Hot Tub, NP. Available October 1. $1595. 970-846-5310

STEAMBOAT:NEW Fully Furnished 2BD, 2BA condo. Walk to shopping, grocery, restaurants. WD, gas fireplace, one car garage. On bus route. Available 10/1. $1450 monthly Peggy 970-846-8804 STEAMBOAT:Furnished 1BD. 1BA Walton Village. NS, NP, WD, on bus route, hottub. $825 monthly plus deposit. Some utilities included. 970-879-4857 STEAMBOAT: DEERCREEK, Quiet 1BD, 1BA. Heated GARAGE. Unfurnished, FP, Hardwood floors, WD, NS, NP, some utilities, Bus, views. Ownership options. 1st, last, deposit, lease. $1050. 970-846-7275

STEAMBOAT: Move in now, 1BD, 1BA, Partially Furnished, walk to downtown, bus route, WD, Fireplace, NP. $950 includes cable. 970-819-1100.



HAYDEN:Brand new end unit @ Creek View. 2BD, 2BA. Includes all kitchen appliances, next to supermarket and post office, NS. $1045 m o n t h 9 7 0 - 8 1 9 - 5 5 8 7 STEAMBOAT:3bdrm 3bath. WD, DW, HT, FP, tennis, storage, parking, bus route, walk to gondy. NS. NP. $1895 some utilities. 720-280-9876 OAK CREEK: New 2BD, 2BA carport & garage, deck, wood stove, views, WD. $750 month +elec. NS, NP. 406-490-2855 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA on mountain, beautiful views, very quiet environment!, covered parking! Fully furnished, cable, gas, water, and trash included. NO dogs $1100. Drew 970-291-9101

STEAMBOAT:Pristine, newly renovated, Whistler Village, 2Bd, 1BA, WD, Cable, unfurnished, pool, on bus route. NS, NP. $1250. Available 10/1. 970-879-7893. STEAMBOAT:2BD 2BA Creekside condo, mature only, garage, storage, partially furnished, bus route, NS, NP, $1200 yr, $1300 6 mo, 970-846-8256. STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, Fully Furnished, Full size WD, on mountian, bus route, cable, internet included, NS, NP. Ready NOW! $1250. 970-819-2804 STEAMBOAT:Recently Remodeled Cozy Shadow Run 1BD, furnished, New WD, gas fireplace, cable, bus, NS, NP. $950 Available 9/20. 970-879-7499, 970-846-2973 STEAMBOAT:2BR 1BA, Fully Furnished. 6 mo or 1 yr lease. $1100 month +electric. Call 970-846-3208 or view property online STEAMBOAT:1BD 1BA fully furnished at mountain, utilities include: cable, internet, electric $1100 month 970-819-1540

STEAMBOAT:Rarely Available. Quail Run 2bd, 2ba, Mountain View. Vaulted Ceilings, Gas FP, WD, 1 Car Heated Garage, includes heating, hot water, Cable, Internet, Hot Tub, NS, NP, Snow, Trash Removal, Bus Route. Available 10/1 $1,400.00 pm, First, Last, Deposit. 970-819-2144 STEAMBOAT:Fish Creek Falls Condo, 2BD, 2BA with loft, beautiful views, WD, balcony, nice neighborhood close to downtown. NP. Avail Oct. $1,095. Call Central Park Management 879-3294

STEAMBOAT: Fully furnished 2-3BD condos, all utilities included, no lease, month to month. Available from August to December. NS, NP, great monthly rates! 970-879-5351 0r 1-800-820-1886

STEAMBOAT:Stylish downtown condo, 8th and Yampa, Available 10/1. 2BD, 1BA, WD, DW, cable. $1200 +Electric. NS, NP. 970-846-5135. STEAMBOAT:Pines, 1BD, 1BA unfurnished, 1st floor, Mountain views, bus, FP, walk to City market, HT, $975, NS, NP. 10/15. 970-879-5011

STEAMBOAT:Sunray Meadows 1BD, 1BA, heated garage $1200 negotiable, furnished, gas FP, HTB, WD, Cable, Net, trash, NS, NP all except electric. Call 970-879-8726 or 970-846-1407

STEAMBOAT:3bed, 2bath furnished, WD, garage, cable, bus, NS, NP, 3 month min., Sunray nice views $1600 +electric +deposit 970-846-3208

STEAMBOAT:1Bd, 1Ba, Walton Village, Upper Unit, Unfur, Gas FP Insert, NS, NP, HT, Pool, Tennis Courts.$830/ $800Month 970-879-1982

STEAMBOAT:Villas. 2BR 2BA 1 car garage. Top floor. Southern views in quiet corner. Furnished. Most utilities included. $1400. 10/1. 970-231-7668.

STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 2BA Shadow Run, furnished, FP, WD, on bus route, pool, hot tub. NP. Avail Oct. $1,095. Call Central Park Management 879-3294.


STEAMBOAT:Ski Times Square Condos, furnished 2BD, 2BA, parking garage, bus route. Includes gas, cable & internet. NS, NP, year lease. $1390 month. Call Lori 970-846-8975 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2BA, fully furnished, great views, cable, internet, gas fireplace, hottub, parking, NS, NP lease $1300 negotiable Available Now. 917-292-7286 STEAMBOAT:Furnished 1Bd, 2Bth Walton Village WD, NS, NP, Gas Fireplace, HotTub, Cable. Quiet Building. First, Last, Deposit. $800 +utilities. 970-879-6189 STEAMBOAT:First month FREE! Alpine Ridge, 2bd 2ba, HUGE GARAGE W/ EXTRA STORAGE, furnished, bus route, WD, NS, NP, $1300 970-846-1708

STEAMBOAT:Yampa View Mountain Condo, 2BD, 2BA, new upgrades, partially furnished, includes cable, internet. NS, NP. $1100, responsible tenant. 970-846-3766, 970-846-2157 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA Recently rennovated. Corner unit Whistler Village. Partially furnished, NS, NP, WD, cable, fireplace. $1000 +electric and deposit. 970-879-0040 STEAMBOAT:Walton Creek 3BD, 2BA, corner unit, pool & hot tub, on bus route. NP. Avail Oct. $1295. Call Central Park Management 879-3294. STEAMBOAT:FIRST MONTH FREE! Mountain View, Clean, 2BD, 2BA, 1 Car Garage. Includes Heat, Cable, Internet, WD. No Pets, $1275 970-879-4529


STEAMBOAT:Old Town Fully furnished 3 bedroom 3.5bath, garage, $2,695 per month, discounted 1st month rent, Scott 970-846-5898 Candice 970-870-0497 STEAMBOAT:Rabbit Ears Timbers condo, 1bd, 1ba, unfurnished or furnished. Pets negotiable, $800, available 10/1, first, last. Contact PJ 970-871-6003

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA Lower unit duplex. Completely remodeled, new appliances, floor, paint, cabinets. Great location on Val D’Isere. Flexible lease terms. Trash and plowing included. $1200 month. NS, pet considered 303-859-2616 STEAMBOAT: In Town, Nice 3BD, 2BA, large deck, yard, unfurnished, woodstove, WD, dog negotiable. year lease, NS, WD, $1400+deposit. 970-734-5565 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, 2 car garage in West End Village. Pets negotiable, NS possible lease /purchase. $1575 +deposit. Available 10/1. 970-846-9591 STEAMBOAT:Incredible views On mountain 2blocks to Gondola, remodeled & furnished, 2BD, 1BA new appliances, woodstove, WD, NS, NP. $1150 970-481-7640

STEAMBOAT:New 3bdm, 2.5ba; Between town and Mountain, 2 car garage, Great Views of Emerald, Mt Werner AND down valley, NS, Pets negotiable. $1,950 970-819-1890

STEAMBOAT:New 3BD, 2.5BA, 2-car heated garage, lg master suite, gas fp, woodfloors, radiant heat, lawn mowing, snow removal included, WD, NS, Pet Negotiable. 594 Park View Dr, year lease, $2,100 month +utilities. Can email photos. (970)819-0558 OAK CREEK:New Custom 3BD, 2.5BA home. 3 Car garage, lots of storage space. $1,400 monthly +utilities & $1,000 deposit, NS, NP. (970) 819-3128

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, Great Location Downtown. Newly remodeled, ideal for couple or roomates. $1,400 furnished, all utilities included. NS, NP 970-846-8364 STEAMBOAT: 2bd, 1ba, middle unit, furnished, utilities included. On the mountain, bus route, NP, NS. $1,000 monthly. Call Bill 970-879-2854. STEAMBOAT:Mountain Beautiful furnished 1BD, 1BA, views, Gourmet kitchen, Fireplace, garage, WD, cable, internet, dog considered $1000 utilities included NS,. 970-879-1776 STEAMBOAT:2BD 1BA cozy, quiet, downtown. Great yard. WD, NP, NS. Lease, references First, Last, Security $1100 month + utilities. 970-879-9038

OAK CREEK: 4BD, 2BA, 2 car garage, walk to town and schools. $1200 month Call 970-276-3638

STEAMBOAT:STORE ALL YOUR STUFF! New, in-town, 2BD 1BA, oversized 2-car garage. Low utilities, views, high ceilings, Emerald trailhead, cul-de-sac, WD, NS, 11/1, $1600, 970-879-7736 STEAMBOAT:Winter Rental! Beautiful 3bd, 2.5ba, Fully furnished, garage, hot tub, fenced yard, in town, references. $1500mo +utilites, NP, NS. 970-846-6420

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, STEAMBOATII, $1500 +UTILITIES. 1ST, LAST, SECURITY, NEW APL, WD, WS, GARAGE, NS, PET NEG. LARGE QUIET LOT,11/1. 970-846-6216 STEAMBOAT:Large home, Base of Mountain, 3bd, 3ba, Unfurnished, WD, HT, 2 car Garage, Pets Negotiable. $2,450 / $2350 monthly. 970-879-1982

PHIPPSBURG:Remodeled 3BD, 2BA, WD, new woodstove, fenced yard, large shop, 2 car, NS, no large dogs. $1350; house only $1,150. 970-871-1085, 970-819-2809. STAGECOACH: Custom log home 3BD + loft, 3BA, woodstove, NS, Pets ok, Quiet deadend st. $1650 month. 970-879-6293 or 846-7852 STEAMBOAT: 1Bed, 2bath carriage house Downtown. Avail. Now $1,100 month +Utils Pets? 970.871.0002 OAK CREEK: Unfurnished 2BD, small yard, pets okay, 12 month lease. $750 monthly, $750 security. 970-736-2295

STEAMBOAT:READY NOW, unfurnished 3BD, 2BA. Painted, new carpet, tile, appliances. GREAT VIEWS, yard, garages, WD, woodstove, pet considered. $1600 970-734-4919 CRAIG:Great location in town partially furnished, oversized garage, large fenced yard. 2BD, 1BA, WD. Available Immediately. $1200, +$1000 deposit. 970-824-5607. STEAMBOAT:Incredible deal with garage downtown unfurnished 3 bedroom 2bath, fenced yard, W/D, NS, pet considered. $1500 Axis West Realty 970-879-8171 or STEAMBOAT:6Bed 5Bath 4Level (hottub in masterbath) 2Person shower/ sauna. Large Gameroom 2Car HeatedGarage Nice Yard Low Utilities WD, Gas Fireplace Furnished! duplex $2800 monthly. 903-456-0164

STEAMBOAT:Quiet neighborhood on culdesac, Fish Creek area, large .37 acres yard, 3-4BD, 2BA, 2 car garage, $2300, first, last, deposit, 8-12 month lease, lease purchase available, 970-846-1751, 970-819-6358

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, garage, mountain area, $1800 NS, NP, Also 3BD, 2BA huge garage in Milner, pet ok. $1350 month 970-846-3048

STEAMBOAT:3BR, 2.5Bath, large living and family room, near high school. Large yard, pets ok. NS, $1900 +utilities. 970-870-0930 evenings

HAYDEN:Ranch House, 2 miles E Hayden, 3BD, 1BA Pet possible, NS, long term lease. $1200 month. Call 970-629-1977

PINNACLE:2 furnished rural homes, very scenic, near flat tops. Small log bunkhouse $550 monthly. 2 story 1BD, log home $700 monthly. NS, NP, need 4WD, 970-736-2406

STEAMBOAT:Newer 3BD, 2.5BA. Nice neighborhood with community center & guest rooms. Near mountain, bus, 1-car garage, WD, NS, NP. References required. $1,500 + Utilities. 970-819-4905.

YAMPA:2BD, remodeled bath & kitchen, dining room, FP, sunny enclosed porch. Garage, 2 out buildngs, near school, NS. $975+ utilities. 970-846-0287, 970-879-1790

STEAMBOAT:Downtown, next to Ice Rink, Howelson Hill nordic track. 3BD, 2BA. Fenced yard, deck, storage shed. 10/15 $1700. +deposit. 970-291-9149.

STEAMBOAT: 1BD, 1BA, WD, office, Historical log cabin in Strawberry Park (was Portia Mansfield’s). $1,000 month all inclusive. 970-879-7838.

STEAMBOAT:Old Town! 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, WD, NS, pet neg. $2000 +util. 1st, second, deposit. 1 yr. 303-522-0596

STEAMBOAT:Old Town Location: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, unfurnished. Gas fireplace. WD. Large yard. Pets negotiable. $1,450 /$1,350 per month. 970-879-1982.

STEAMBOAT: Great Location, 2BD, 1BA, fenced yard, dog ok. Garbage & water included. $1400 +utilities. Call 970-846-1126

STEAMBOAT:Convenient to downtown, New 4Bdrm, 2.5Bth, 2car garage, unfinished basement for storage, NS, NP. $2200 month plus utilities. 970-846-3353

STEAMBOAT:Rent to Own option. Downtown next to Butcherknife Park. Just remodeled with wood floors, new appliances, painted cabinets, glass, tile backslash in kitchen. Furnished 3BD, 1BA, HUGE Yard, short or long term, pet negotiable, NS, WD, FREE snow plowing! $1800 +utilities. 970-846-4220

YAMPA:Beautifully remodeled 2BR, 1BA. WD, DW, woodstove, fenced yard, garage with electric and stove. Good dog with references welcome. $900 month, with first /last, $500 deposit. Contact or 847-740-9437. Avail Sep 1st.

STEAMBOAT:Beautiful home on 49 acres. 3BD 3.5BA, 3 car garage, +large 2+BD caretaker. 14 miles to downtown. NS. $2200. 970-879-1544

STEAMBOAT:Single family. 2-3BD, 1BA, 2 car garage, FP, WD, new carpet, paint, range. $1600 month. Valerie Lish, RE/MAX Steamboat 970-846-1082.

PHIPPSBURG: Duplex, 3BD, 2BA, large single car garage, large yard, radiant heat, newer, efficient. $950 +utilities, NS, dogs considered. (970)819-4422

STEAMBOAT:Old Town remodel, new everything, low utilities, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, WD, yard, $2250 month; or lease /purchase option; 970-846-2573

STEAMBOAT:Luxury home 5BD 6BA on Fish Creek and Sanctuary. Antique furnishings. $6500 per month. Call 970-846-3190.

STEAMBOAT:2BR, 1B, Riverside Duplex Large fenced yard, water & trash included, pet ok, NS. Available 10/01, $1000 970-846-5904


STAGECOACH:5BD, 2BA, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings. Oversized 2 Car Garage, Pets okay! Available 10/15, FIRST MONTH FREE $1,850 month. 970-736-8374

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, office, 2 car garage, steps from DT and Emerald, WD, pets negotiable, $2000 month. 970-846-0218

YAMPA: Home for lease / purchase, 4BD, 3BA $1100 per month Call 866-545-6882 for application and info.

STEAMBOAT: 2BD, 1BA, 3357 Apres Ski Way, WD. Walking distance to Gondola, NP, $900 monthly + deposit & utilities. 970-846-9589

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STEAMBOAT: Available Now! 3bd, 2ba, 2 car garage, very clean, 1 yr lease, pets considered, $1525 month, 970-846-0743

STEAMBOAT:Clean, sunny, bright! GREAT LOCATION, YARD, VIEWS! 3BD 2BA with 2 extra rooms +bath in garage. Pet friendly. $1650. 970-734-4919

STEAMBOAT:On Mountain, 4BR 3BA, pet OK, large yard, $2000 negotiable, 303-378-9903. HAYDEN:2BD Duplex, $650 monthly +utilities +deposit, NP, gas heat, deck, quiet neighborhood, Available Now. 970-879-1200

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

STEAMBOAT:Great property in downtown with views. 1BD, 1BA newly remodeled with garage and basement. WD, NS, NP. $1150 +utilities. 970-846-5020 YAMPA:2 bedroom, 1 bath house on lg 1/4 acre lot, $875 plus utilities, pets okay. 970-445-7664 STEAMBOAT:4Bd, 3.5BA 3,000 sqft, with views. 2 car garage, fenced yard, NS, pets neg. unfurnished. $2600 month +utilities. Call 970-819-7750 STEAMBOAT:House and Horse property for rent. 35 acres with pond, 3BD, 2BA, 3 car garage. 8 miles west of town on RCR44B. $1,900 monthly. 1st, Last, Deposit. 970-819-6358

MILNER: 3BD, 1BA, large lot, pets negotiable. $1,500 monthly. Contact Rich at 970-618-2698 YAMPA: 2 bedroom Log home $850.00 month. First, Last, Damage year lease. Available October 1st. (970) 638-4455 STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, by Old Town. Hardwood floors, mountain views, single car garage. Pets negotiable. Lease through April. $1150 +utilities. 707-499-3141. HAHNS PEAK:3BD 3BA remodeled log home, superb views. Propane, electric heat, WD, NS, NP. $1475, sec +utilities. Oct1. 650-776-1215. STEAMBOAT:3BD, 2BA, garage, fenced yard, WD, dogs OK. Includes trash & plowing. $1,500 first, last, security. 970-367-5026 leave message. OAK CREEK:Charming remodeled 1BR home. Large fenced yard, WD, NS, Pets OK. First, last, security. $775 +utilities. 970-846-5667


STEAMBOAT:FURNISHED NICE 1BR, 1BA WD, includes utilities, TV, 20 minutes to town. One person. NS, NP, $895. 970-870-6423 HAYDEN:Really cute 2+ Bedroom,2 Bath home with fenced yard and garage. Pets negotiable. $1,100 per month, call 970-846-4372 CRAIG:5BD 31/2 BA home with rec room. Nice neighborhood, great location. NP. $1800 +utilities. 970-824-7266



STEAMBOAT:3bd 2ba, 2 car attached garage on mountain and bike path, large deck, quiet neighborhood, pets negotiable, WD, NS $1850. 970-879-7746 or 970-846-3036

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1Ba, Whistler Village, Unfurnished, Gas FP, large deck, HT, Pool, NP, View of Emerald Mountain. $1200 /$1150. 970-879-1982

STEAMBOAT:2 /3BD 2.5Bath, Woodbridge, bus route, furnished, garage, cable /internet included. NS, Rent negotiable depending on rooms. 970-846-3331

STEAMBOAT:Room in great house on mountain, 5 minute walk to gondola. Furnished, garage, WD, deck. $550 monthly plus deposit. 970-846-6910

STEAMBOAT:Beautiful 3+BR, 3BA. 18 minutes from downtown. 8 acres, incredible Sunsets, 2 Car Garage, WD, NS, Pets Negotiable! $1500 970-291-1017

STEAMBOAT:Saddle Creek 2BD, 2BA +loft, quiet, furnished, bus route, WD, garage. $1595 month +gas & electric. NS, NP 970-879-9113

STEAMBOAT:4bd, 2bath, wood burning stove, in Stagecoach State Park, unlimited outdoor activities, relaxed environment. Available 10/1. $1650. 1st, deposit. 970-393-3922

STEAMBOAT:Sunny room, private bath. Quiet, private! Garage, WD, dishwasher, fireplace, decks, NS, NP. $600, includes cable, phone, hi-speed internet. 970-846-2294

STEAMBOAT:LARGE OLD TOWN EXECUTIVE HOME. 4BD, 3.5BA, 2 CAR HEATED GARAGE. WALK TO SCHOOLS AND TOWN. GORGEOUS. NS, NP. AVAIL 11/1. $2,500. 970-819-4477 STEAMBOAT:Charming log home, great views, deck. 3 bdrm, loft, 2.5 bath, steam shower, gas fireplace, 2 living areas. Available November $2,500 - $2,800. 970-879-8171 or 970-879-8171 STEAMBOAT:Hillside Drive, 3-4BD house, fenced yard, great views, bus route, WD, $2400 or $600 per room, Pets friendly, 720-810-0870 STEAMBOAT:5BD, 3BA, bus route, On Golf Course, WD, NS, 2-car garage, pets considered. $1,950 +utilities. Great home. Call 970-846-5551 OAK CREEK:3BD, 2BA $1000 month + utilities, NS, Pets ok. 1st , last & $500 deposit. Call Don 720-203-7916 OAK CREEK:2BR, 1BA house for rent. New remodel and sunny. $1,000 month includes water, sewer, trash and electric. Call 970-846-3824 STEAMBOAT:Mountain View Estates log home, 4 bd, 4ba, 3600 sqft unfurnished, fabulous views, long term lease, option to buy. $3500. 713-254-1983 STEAMBOAT:Secluded, lovely 2BD, 1BA furnished log cabin on 55 acres, 20 minutes from downtown, NS, dogs considered $1100 month. 970-453-2992

STEAMBOAT:New luxury 4BD, 4BA large 2 car garage on bus route. NS, NP, $2500 unfurnished or $2800 furnished per month. Chuck 879-2871 STEAMBOAT:Available immediately; 2BR 1BA, Whistler end unit. Pool, hot tubs, WD, water, trash, cable. 1st, last, deposit; $1,050 +G&E; NS, NP. 970-846-8760


STEAMBOAT:Super Convenient! Whistler 2BD, 1BA furnished, Oct -May. $1200 includes some utilities. Hottub, pool, NP, NS, 1st, last, deposit. 970-846-4037 HAYDEN:Brand new 3bd, 2.5 ba, @ Creek View. Includes kitchen appliances, garage, FP, deck, patio. NS, child and pet friendly, $1350 mo. RENT-TO-BUY optional! 970-819-5587

STEAMBOAT:Whistler 2BD, 1.5BA many upgrades, unfurnished, flexible terms, on mountain. NS, NP, Pool, hot-tub, bus-route. WD, $1200. MUST SEE! 800-600-9411.

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2BA Mustang Run, High-end, well maintained, no stairs, nicely furnished, W/D, hot tub, garage, FP. NP. $1,695 includes most utilities. Call Central Park Management 879-3294. HAYDEN:Beautiful 3Bd 2ba. 2 car heated garage. Fireplace, gas heat, wd hook-ups $1200 month 970-756-6298 Avail Oct 1.

STEAMBOAT:3BD, 1.5BA townhome on bike path & Pond, Fully furnished. $1700 month, pets ok. 970-846-6453

HAYDEN:Very Nice 3bdrm, 2ba, 2 car garage, hot tub, fenced yard, shed, $1,550 per month + deposit, Call 970-846-3954 STEAMBOAT:OLD TOWN, Best location, Walk everywhere -1bd,1ba aval. 12/1 WD, quiet dog ok, great yard $900.00 -2bd, 2ba aval. 11/15 WD, quiet dog ok, great yard, close to park & walk to schools $1300.00 970-819-0833

STEAMBOAT:Partially furnished 2BR, 1BA on private property. 1 or 2 persons, NS, NP. Available 10/1 $750 +Dep +utilities. 970-879-0344 evenings OAK CREEK: 3BD, 2BA, pets okay, WD, fenced yard, $850 plus utilities. Option to purchase! 970-736-8166 STEAMBOAT: 1bd, 1ba, private yard, downtown, NS, NP. $500 + some utilities. Call 970-879-4315 before 8pm STEAMBOAT:2BD mobile home with storage in Dream Island lot #41, nice condition $900 month plus utilities. Chuck 970-846-5633

STEAMBOAT:Deluxe 3BD, 3BA Townhouse. Fully furnished on mountain with garage. Sorry no pets, no smoking, VERY REASONABLE! Lease Required. 970-871-6762

STAGECOACH:3BD, 2BA, end unit with pellet stove, $950, $1000 deposit. 970-734-8277.

HAYDEN:Nice, newly remodeled 3bd, 2ba overlooking town. Large 2 car garage. $1100 monthly, includes water, plowing, trash. NS. 970-870-0525.

STEAMBOAT:Country Home in Strawberry Park 3BD, 2BA $2000+. Garage, Horse, dog OK. Snowmobile & Trailer Storage. Paul 970-879-1086, 970-846-9783

OAK CREEK:3BD, 2BA, WD, storage, NS, lease and pets negotiable. Water, sewer, trash included $1100. 1st, last, $500 deposit. 970-736-8229

STEAMBOAT:4BD, 4BA, Family Floor Plan, 1852Sqft, 2Decks, Garage, Bus Route. $1800. Some Utilities Included. 1st, last, damage, NS, NP 970-846-8533

STEAMBOAT:Whistler 2BD, 1BA, Furnished end unit. Views, new appliances, insulation, NS available mid-October. $1,150 per month. 1st, Last, Deposit. 310-968-4507

HAYDEN:MOVE IN INCENTIVES! Call today! Work-Live Valleyview, Large 1150sqft 2BD, 2BA+1150sqft storage, overhead door. Views! New construction. $1500. 819-1788, 870-0169

MILNER: Small mobile home on ranch located on Trout Creek, ten minutes West of Steamboat. NP, NS, $700 monthly. 970-879-3699

STEAMBOAT:Very nice furnished Mtn Vista 2bdrm, 2bath, loft, wd, fp, cable, trash, water, bus, 1car gar., ns, np. $1350.00 +deposit. 540-554-8278

STEAMBOAT: Whistler 2BD, 1BA upgraded, full size WD, gas FP, cable, pool, bus, NS, NP. Reference, security. $1065 month. 970-879-4346

STEAMBOAT:Downtown Living! 620 Oak St 3BD, 2BA Available immediately. New carpet new paint, some new appliances. $1500 monthly 970-734-5532

CLARK:4bdrm, 3ba home, 2 car garage. Deck with Zirkel views. 2 living areas +loft. HT. NS, Pets Negotiable $1700, 970-846-1603

STEAMBOAT:Luxury Duplex, incredible views, 3BD, 2.5BA, leasing now with flexible terms, high end furnishings included, $2,500 monthly, 2car garage, NS (303)904-2377

STEAMBOAT:Cheery 2BD, 1BA, Whistler, some utilities included, $1150. 970-846-4472 STEAMBOAT:Walton Village 2BR, 2.5BA Furnished, near bus, bike, WD, Some utilities, Hot tub, Pool, Tennis NS, NP. $1300 +deposit 970-736-2829

CRAIG:1 Room in 2BD, 2BA Apartment /Townhouse. WD, Cable, DSL, Phone. Full privileges. Utilities included. 1st, Last, $470.00. Available 10/9. STEAMBOAT:Master bedroom with private bath in large new home, $550 split utilities, no lease, NP, NS, call for details 970-367-5509 OAK CREEK:2 ROOMS IN 3BD, 2BA. $440 +UTILITIES. RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN, SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. LEASE, REFERENCES NS, NP. AVAIL 10/01 REBECCA@970-846-5559 STEAMBOAT:COZY CARETAKERS APARTMENT. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, FULLY FURNISHED, MOUNTAIN, BUS. 1BD, WD, DECK, LARGE YARD, PETS POSSIBLE. $575. AVAILABLE 10/4-12/9. 313-534-0222

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STEAMBOAT:Furnished room in 3BD 3BA house, private bath, $600 includes, utilities, cable, WD, deposit, no lease, West End Village 970-846-6429.

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STEAMBOAT:1BD, 1BA in a 2BD, 2BA Rocky’s Condo to share. $650.00 month, +deposit, half electric. 970-879-0045, 970-846-5270

CRAIG:Great Retail /Office in the heart of downtown. Approximately 1,000sqft. $995 monthly plus utilities. First month free! Available 10/1/09. 970-824-4768

STEAMBOAT:Pets OK, furnished, single-family home, Close to Old Town, 2 rooms available, $600 per month + utilities. $1200 deposit. 303-459-1106 STEAMBOAT:1 room in 3bd townhome. Available now. On the mountain, bus route. Fun, nice place. $600 +1/3 utilities. 970-846-5632 STEAMBOAT:Great mountain location, 2400 sqft house, big yard, 2 decks, 2 car garage, on bus route. Chris 970-846-2701.


38 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

STEAMBOAT:Office space 405 S Lincoln. Reception ares, 3 offices, coffee room with sink, 1100sqft+/- utilites, trash included. $1100 plus small single office $225 month. 970-819-3546, 970-879-0682 STEAMBOAT:First Month Free! 2 Copper Ridge Warehouses /Offices. One at 900 sqft, one at 1300 sqft. Can be combined. 800-540-5063

STEAMBOAT:Bedroom on mountain, cable, wireless, WD, bus route, bike path. NS, NP, $550 monthly includes utilities. First, last, deposit. 846-7230 STEAMBOAT:Large furnished room with bath in spacious townhouse on mountain with nice amenities. Must see! NP, NS, $675 monthly. 970-819-4962 STEAMBOAT:2BR w/ seperate living space, 1BA, Kitchen, Living-Room in large log home. WiFi, NS, NP, WD. $575each, includes utilities. 970-879-3473 STEAMBOAT:Responsible Roommate wanted to share 3BD, 2BA, +garage in old town, Fully furnished, remodeled, close to schools, trails, WD, NS, dog ok, $600 +utilities. 970-355-9403 OAK CREEK:1 person to share 3BD house in Oak Creek. Spacious bedroom, private bath. $550.00. Utilities included 970-390-6162. STEAMBOAT:Roommate to share 2BD, 1BA House in Fairview. Great spot, yard, WD. Available Now. $500 month + utilities, Deposit. 970-846-4980 STAGECOACH:1BD, 1BA in Beautiful 2BA, 2BA house $600 all included, WiFi, WD, heated tile, 3 blocks from Stagecoach lake. 970-300-8133

STEAMBOAT: RETAIL: Center of Downtown 1,200-3,500sqft Boutique Retail, Food Service Restaurant? Flexible Terms. OFFICE: Prestigious location center of Downtown 700-1400sqft, Tenant finish allowance, Call Jon W. Sanders, Ski Town Lifestyle Properties 970.870.0552 STEAMBOAT: Office space singles to 5 room suites. Historic building 737 Lincoln and Mountain location. Private parking both locations. 970-870-3473 STEAMBOAT:High visibility, showroom warehouse, 6,000sf on HWY 40, fenced storage yard. Call Ron Wendler, Todd Asbury 970-870-8800 Colorado Group Realty STEAMBOAT:1855 Shield Drive AKA Sears building, walk to courthouse, good visibility, 1,000 - 9,500 sqft, great parking, retail with warehouse; Office. 970-871-7934 STEAMBOAT:RIVERSIDE PLACE AGGRESSIVELY PRICED STARTING AT $10 FT. Several square foot age options available for retail, office, restaurant space. Jim Hansen (970)846-4109 Thaine Mahanna (970)846-5336 Old Town Realty

STAGECOACH:Beautiful furnished, 3bd, 2bth, great views of lake, mountains. Wood burning stove all appliances. $950.00, +utilites, 1st, last +$600.00 deposit. 10/1. 970-217-5071

STEAMBOAT:Furnished 1BD with private bath avail. 10/1 in 3BD, 3BA townhome. NS, NP, $700 +dep. Utililities, cable, internet included. 970-879-2127

STEAMBOAT:Beautiful Newer: 2Masters, 2.5bath, decks, garage, fireplace, WD. Family neighborhood, rec area. River access, bus route. NS, NP. $1350. 970.846.5537

STEAMBOAT:2 rooms in huge, gorgeous 3BD house, +garage. Near mountain. One roommate there one night/ week at most. NS, NP, $675. SEPTEMBER FREE. 970-846-5813

STEAMBOAT:2BD, 2.5 BA on bus route. WD, Cable, NS, NP, $1200 month. 1st and security. Lease. 970-871-9360

STEAMBOAT:Master bedroom with private bath in large new home, $550 split utilities, no lease, NP, NS, Available October 1st. 970-367-5509

STEAMBOAT: 3BD, 2.5BA, 2car heated garage, gas fireplace, mountian views, very clean. $1800 month 1st & security. 970-871-4847

STEAMBOAT:2 Rooms Available in New Furnished Townhome Overlooking Valley. Private Bath, WD, DW, WiFi. $600-750 monthly includes utilities. Available Now! 970-846-0440

STEAMBOAT:2BD live & work, Copper Ridge. Approx 900 sqft living +deck, 1000 sqft work area. Quiet surroundings. $1800 month. 909-816-1753

STEAMBOAT: Beautiful 4BD, 3.5BA, 1 car garage, between mountain and town,. Great Mountain Views! Bus, WD, NS, NP. $1850. 970-846-6423.

STEAMBOAT:Furnished 1BR, 1BA in large Townhome 10 minutes from town $550 + 1/3 utilities. Available Immediately, lease negotiable. 970-846-9200

HAYDEN: Brand new office /retail spaces @ Creek View Plaza! Various floorplans available! Great location on HW40. Terms negotiable. Louis Nijsten 970-819-5587

STEAMBOAT:Logger’s Lane Commercial Center, 2480sf Finished Retail, Showroom space, overhead door, Central AC & Heat. $2750 970-846-5099

STEAMBOAT:FAMILY FRIENDLY: 4BR 4BA, sunny, recently remodeled end unit. WD, FP, garage, on bus route. NP. Responsible renters only. $2100 +utilities. 301-437-4927.

STEAMBOAT:1BD with private bathroom. Between town and mtn. On bus route. NS, pets nego. $600 month includes utilities. 970-846-1609.

STEAMBOAT:30% Discount. Low CAM. Parking. Great office setting in a central location with views. Office and Storefront. 255SF to 6000SF. 970.879.

STEAMBOAT: Downtown on Lincoln Ave, 325 SF office located at the Lorenz Building, space can be divided, storage, parking, signage. Avail NOW! $600/ month all inclusive, Month to Month or Long-Term. Call Central Park Management 970-879-3294

STEAMBOAT:2bd 1.5b, WD, FP, Bus route, Most utilities incl. $1,450, NS, Dogs OK! 1st, last, sec. 720-785-4864 STEAMBOAT:INCREDIBLE DEAL! October rent only $800. 3bdrm, 2.5ba, furnished, 1 car garage. On bus, views, mountian, WD. $1650, +deposit. 970-846-2298 STAGECOACH:Great Lake location, hike/bike trails, Mt. Werner 15 minutes, skiing. 3bd, 3ba, kid, pet friendly, WD, gas heat. $1400 Available 10/1. 970-736-8354.

STEAMBOAT:Dog ok, $450 per month, includes utilities, snow plowing, internet. private bath in large space, bedroom, sitting area/ studio? 1/2 hour from Steamboat. 4 wheel drive required in the winter. 970-879-1556, 970-870-1636.

STEAMBOAT:Furnished Room Private Bath Heated Floors, Mauna Kea NS, NP, Oct 1st, $600 includeds utilities, wireless use of WD/kitchen. 970-879-2673

STEAMBOAT:Fantastic New Lease Rates in Curve Plaza. $14sqf and NNN. Least expensive AAA retail space in town. 3 spaces available: 1000sqf, 1920sqf & 850sqf. 1-5 year deals. Call Dave Barnes, 970-819-5169. Will pay 1st years CAMS for qualified tenant.

STEAMBOAT:Pentagon West Office spaces available starting at $375 month + cam. Garage Bay. $500 month + cam. 970-846-4267 STEAMBOAT: West Steamboat HWY 40; 1200sqft shop / storage with overhead door or; combine with retail, high traffic 2460sqft. 970-879-4237 STEAMBOAT:1,500SF shop with large, well appointed office. Knotty pine built-in cabinets and workstations. 10’x10’ garage door, 14’ ceilings. $1,580 month NNN 970.879.9133

STEAMBOAT: BEAR RIVER CENTERBeautiful 2nd floor space available immediately! Located on Yampa Ave in the heart of downtown. Perfect for salon, spa, gallery, or office space 400-960SF. Central Park Management today for more information. 970-879-3294

High Visibility on Highway 40

STEAMBOAT:First month free. Professional suites and individual offices available at 1205 Hilltop Pkwy from $600. Lofted ceilings, AC, security, plenty of parking, great views from every office. Call Jules 879-5242 STEAMBOAT:Industrial, commercial, warehouse space, 1200+ sq. ft., large overhead door. Located at Riverfront Park, long-term lease available, $1650 with some utilities included. Call 970-319-2886 to view.


STEAMBOAT:Affordable retail or office space downtown Steamboat. Small units can combine into larger space. Industrial or commercial lots in Craig. Terms negotiable. 879-1521. HAYDEN:New 1600 sqft Workshop, Storage facility, Two 12’ overhead garage doors. Ready for tenant finish. $1200 First, last, deposit. 970-846-7488 STEAMBOAT:Executive Office Suites Available at the Historic Old Pilot Building Great downtown location with full amenities: Phone System, Wireless Internet, Cable TV, Conference Room, and Kitchen. Contact Rhianna at (970)875-0999 STEAMBOAT:SUNDANCE @ FISHCREEK, 1st Floor, Prime Retail Space, Large Windows, 2nd Floor, Office Space, Recently Remodeled. Lots of Natural Light, Bob Larson: 871-4992 or 846-6899

Do you have a propery that you are unable to rent or sell because it is in need of remodelling or repair? We are looking for a mutually beneficial agreement between tenant and owner. Experienced contractor will complete all phases of remodel/ repair in exchange for a reduced monthly rental payment. References, Experienced, 970-319-1512

STEAMBOAT:Secure, dry storage, 4 units available. 9x10x9. $80. 1/2 mile from Steamboat II on HWY 40, 970-819-2987. MILNER: Outside Storage for RV’s, Boats, Cars etc.. 970-879-1065 STEAMBOAT: Need more office space?? Hilltop Document Storage is the perfect solution for storing sensitive and confidential documents. Call (970)879-5242

THE JUICE PALACE IS FOR SALE!!! Great opportunity to own a unique & growing business next to Sweet Pea Market. 970-457-7125

AVAILABLE NOW DOWNTOWN AT THE VICTORIA. Custom finished office space, sized to meet individual needs, 200sqft /up. Sale /lease. 970-846-1186. Prepare for Winter! Offered at $234,500 & $239,500 #s 126155 & 126157 With winter approaching, isn’t it time to consider your warehouse/industrial needs? These two Copper Ridge Industrial Park units are priced to sell! Take a look at the best deals in Copper Ridge today! Call Anne Mayberry at 970-846-1425 or Pam Vanatta at 970-291-8100 Prudentail Steamboat Realty A great time to discover the financial benefits of owning your space. Fox Creek Park office and storefront 845sf to 6000SF. 970.879.9133 Office /Warehouse Copper Ridge Business Park 1500+ sqaure feet ready for finish. West facing, high ceilings, great location. 970-846-1465 Commercial Retail in Downtown Steamboat Offered at $859,000 #125768 Owner financing available! Excellent commercial retail building in the center of downtown. Extensively remodeled exterior and interior. Used as art gallery for over 10 years. High traffic area would make a great showroom or retail. Call Marc Small at 970-846-8815 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

HAYDEN:Hayden Airport Garages. Large RV unit $500 month, 1 car unit $200 month. Heated, secure, clubhouse and shuttle. Mitch 846-3149

STEAMBOAT:THE VICTORIA 10th & Lincoln. Flexible square-footage. Retail and Office spaces, sale or lease. 970-875-2413 Hal Unruh, Prudential Steamboat Realty

STEAMBOAT:X-mas rental in Old Town 3BD, 2BA, Views, & very nice. NS, Available for Dec. 15th -Jan 15th. $2400 970-879-4947

Live, work. 2BD, 2BA. 2200 sqft. High end finishes, hardwood floors, stainless steel kitchen, views, deck, oversized doors. $535,000. 970-879-6667

Remodeled 2 Bed Close to Skiing Offered at $229,000 #125356 The best unit at Shadow Run and one of the lowest priced 2 bedrooms in the mountain area! 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom with mountain views and pride of ownership shines throughout. Beautifully updated with new cabinets, countertops and tile backsplash in the kitchen, new laminate wood flooring, new carpet, and new paint throughout. Cozy gas fireplace with slate tile surround. Covered deck, full size washer and dryer, and owners can have pets. Outdoor hot tubs, outdoor pool, and convenient location close to the slopes and on the free city bus route. Great for investors or 1st time homeowners. May be sold furnished. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 or Steph Fairchild at 970-819-1131 or Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Pottery Barn Home & Perfect! Offered at $185,000! #126397 2br/2b Sierra View Condo with garage and car- port. Meticulously maintained top floor unit w/views of mountains and Oak Creek. Solid wood doors, upgraded lighting and trim. Large Kitchen with views. Washer/Dryer included. Originally priced at $260,000. Perfect fit for first time home buyers – need to purchase by Dec 1st to receive $8,000 tax credit. Lots of interest, so get it before its gone. Call Michelle Diehl at 970-846-1086 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Best Location in Walton Village! Offered at $189,000 #126448 This top floor condominium has been completely gutted and remodeled. Finishes include hardwood floors throughout, slate entry way, slate fireplace and new carpet. The kitchen is a chef’s dream with new stainless steel appliances, concrete counter tops, butcher block counter top, extra cabinet space, a double sink and pendant and track lighting. Call Cheryl Foote at 970-846-6444 Prudential Steamboat Realty Superb Ski in, Ski Out Condominium Offered at $849,000 #125753 Price Reduced! Don’t miss this opportunity to own at one of Steamboat’s finest ski-in/ski-out properties! This fabulous 2 bedroom unit with den (used as 3rd master suite) has amazing views of Ski Mountain. This condominium is beautifully furnished, sleeps eight, and has a large open floor plan with newer upgrades. Excellent management company and amenities. Call Cheryl Foote at ( 9 7 0 ) 8 4 6 - 6 4 4 4 Prudentail Steamboat Realty PRICED $129,000 BELOW 2008 SALES! Offered at $329,000 #124800 Villas 2 bedroom, 2 bath w/1car garage. Two patios great for pets, Direct access from garage, Nicely painted and partially furnished. Move in today. Now only $329,000. DON’T MISS OUT ON $8000 TAX CREDIT. Call Lisa Olson/Beth Bishop for details. Visit for virtual tours. (970)875-0555 Prudentail Steamboat Realty


Quality Quail Run unit, only $369,000. 2BD, 2BA, garage, perfect condition. Rentable, Vacant, easy to show. Roy Powell, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661 ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ���������

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HOTEL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Ready to go site for 37 room hotel on US40 inside HAYDEN limits. Call Stef: 970-819-5514 Great location, one of the first businesses coming into Craig from East end of town. Great spot for restaurant, Hamburger and Fry’s, BBQ’s or whatever! Mom & Pop at Mom & Pops Coffee and Malt Shop want to take a rest from business for a while. Come and see us for details and price. Can get in business for small investment. Call 970-826-9793



Unique opportunity-.77 acre with office building between town and the mountain. $995,000 Act now! Call Roy Powell RE/MAX STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661


3.08 Acre Manufacturing facility in the City. House, Shop, 26 units, Self-Storage. Super Location, future developement potential. 970-879-5036

FSBO Mountain area - Shadow Run 1BD, 1BA, garden level, fully furnished on bus route. $193,500. Agents welcome Ken 970-846-1688 Slopeside Luxury at Storm Meadows Offered at $1,295,000 #126398 Gorgeous townhome style rare offering. Ski-in ski-out is on a ski access trail only steps from this unit. Private hot tub for unit in addition to the full amenities offered of tennis, year round pool, hot tub, sauna, athletic club. Great view, oversized one car private garage. Luxury at an excellent price in this market. Compare to other listings and see the real value. Great for any family or partnership to enjoy. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at 970-846-8418 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Storm Meadows Condo Offered at $440,000 #125408 Play on the mountain right from the building. Slopeside corner unit with views of the ski mountain and valley. Ski-in/out access, seasonal shuttle, year-round pool and hot tub. Never been rented, in good condition. Pets OK for owners. First rate amenities, easy to show. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at 970-846-8418 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pocket Sized - But Practical! Offered at $123,000 #125819 Revamped with new wood flooring, appliances and electronics. Complete turn-key unit with steady rental income through VRBO. Convenient access, low HOA fee’s, on site laundry. Sunset views. Priced to move quickly! Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or Fred Hughes at 970-846-1880 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Only Walton Creek 2BD, 2BA. No Banks required, owner financing, low down $! NOW ONLY $234,000 Roy Powell 970-846-1661, RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT

JUST REDUCED! $259,000! MUST SEEE REMODELED SPACIOUS, QUIET DEERCREEK 1BD, PRIVATE ENTRANCE AND HEATED GARAGE! Hardwood Floors, New Carpet, Custom Closets, Large SPA-Bath, Fireplace, Full WD, Walk To Ski, Bus, Pets. LOW HOA. $8,000 Tax Credit. Motivated FSBO! 970-846-7275

Paonia Living - Come to Harvest Fest in Paoina September 26th - 27th - Experience the lifestyle- Overlook Drive Oasis Offered at $1,995,000 #125774 This 4 bedroom / 4 ½ bath home has panoramic views from the valley to downtown. The house overlooks the Rollingstone Golf Course and comes with a transferable golf membership. Easy living with a main floor master and his/her walk-in closets. Eat-in country kitchen has a sitting area and fireplace. 3 bedrooms on the lower level have access to a covered deck and large family room with wet bar. Great storage, 1000+ square feet of unfinished space, water features, and a spacious office with a private bath complete this special home. Call Marc Small at 970-879-8100 or 970-846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty Charming Captain’s Recreational Retreat! Offered at $639,000 #125509 Fun Included! Fully furnished 3 bed, 3 bath home. 2.75 acres with Mill Creek running through. Includes numerous toys for water/snow activities. Trails abundant with direct access to Routt National Forest and Steamboat Lake Park. Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or Fred Hughes at 970-846-1880 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Rental income for affordable 4BD 4BA country home plus accessory apartment, $499,900. Great Price per SQFT Roy Powell REMAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661 Compact, Efficient, Affordable Offered at $198,500 #126513 A big surprise!! Cute cabin-like home with large trees shading the lot. All new interior plus a new addition with wood stove, office area, laundry, full bath and bedroom with large deck. Brand new appliances in the kitchen. Large dry garage-like shed with concrete floor for storage or workshop. Furnishings negotiable. Lot next to home is available for purchase. Call Cindy MacGray at 970-875-2442 or 970-846-0342 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Walk to Downtown Steamboat Offered at $129,900 #126348 Only $129,900 for this 4 BD/ 2 BA w/ 2 Car garage, Private yard at end of cul-de-sac. Wood floors, natural light, sprinkler system, and great views. Down payment assistance may be available. DON’T MISS OUT ON $8000 TAX CREDIT. Call Lisa Olson/Beth Bishop for details. Visit for virtual tours. (970)875-0555 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Log Home on Five Acres

4BD, 1.75BA, 2300sf, new appliances, new carpet, horse corral, Hay shed, good water, great views! Mid $200’s. See web site for full description: or call 970-629-5397

| 39

Cabin in wilderness ranch. Why buy the cow, just buy the milk. 1/4 share of cabin for sale. 3 other owners out of state and only use 2-3 weeks a year. Water, septic, generator, furnished, TV, Dish, etc. $30,000. Email or 262-363-6480. Steamboat Ski Home Offered at $609,000 #126557 4br/3b single family Bi-level home across from Whistler Park/Mountain area. Corner lot on Whistler and Meadow with ski area views from master and kitchen. True Great Room with living, dining, kitchen and breakfast bar under cathedral ceilings. Large lot with fenced area - perfect for pets. Supersized two car garage with shelving. Lower level family room with projection unit & screen. Ski & school bus stops right out front. Call Michelle Diehl at 970-846-1086 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Immaculate Home in Milner Offered at $385,000 #126441 Immaculate ranch-style home on a quiet street in Milner with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fabulous kitchen/dining room with new stainless appliances, hard wood floors, quartz countertops and renovated cabinets. Other features include: travertine tile in bathrooms, large laundry/mud room, deck, lush landscaping, oversized and heated 1-car garage & shop area, carport and shed. Must-see home at a must-have price! Call Colleen de Jong at 970-846-5569 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Log Home Nestled in the Aspens Offered at $368,000 #125960 2 Plus BD/ 2 BA w/1 Car Garage Log home nestled in the aspen trees. Expansive loft and 2nd family room. Enjoy privacy steps to recreation. An amazing price at $368,000 DON’T MISS OUT ON $8000 TAX CREDIT. Call Lisa Olson/Beth Bishop for details. Visit for virtual tours. (970)875-0555 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Luxury Home in the Sanctuary Offered at $3,595,000 #125699 This home overlooks the Rollingstone Ranch Golf Course with amazing views of the mountain and valley. This 5 bedroom/ 6 bath home backs up to 38 acres of green space. In addition, a 1 bedroom/ 1 bath caretakers unit completes this estate. The master suite has a private deck, fireplace and oversized his and her closets. A gourmet kitchen, covered deck and media room top off this amazing home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at 970-879-8100 or 970-846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty


Move-in Ready, 3BD, 2BA, 1-car home located within walking distance of downtown Steamboat. Master bath with Whirpool tub and double sink vanity, gas-fireplace 2-decks, extra parking, corner lot, mature landscaping, sprinkler system, on bus-route, bike-path, great views! No HOA, no lot rent. Pioneer Village $385,000 Directions: HWY-40, 1/2 mile west of 13th St, Across from new Community Center, Rt on Conestoga Circle top of hill, brown house on left, 1467 (970)871-4880 (970)819-0347

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LOG HOME - Only one package available for $43,900.00; Save $5,000. 1207sqft, 2 level d e s i g n . w w w. h i g h c o u n t r y l o g h o m e s . n e t 719-686-0404.



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Under contract before October 19th or loose your $8,000 tax credit. No cash needed to purchase this local’s charming remodeled house on great double lot. Fenced, washer/dryer, No dues. Priced below foreclosure sale value. Only available until rented, last opportunity before the market goes up! $129,900! Details:

Bruce Tormey, Realtor Ski Town Realty, 970.846.8867

For the Discriminating Buyer Offered at $1,890,000 #125994 Wow! Brand New Construction at its finest. This 5 bedroom, 5 bath and two half bath duplex offers breathtaking views that will make it easy to call this home. There are five bedrooms, all suites, each having its own bathroom. The kitchen and dining area offers plenty of room for family, eating and entertaining. The kitchen is a chef’s dream with its Wolf range, Subzero refrigerator, dual dishwashers, double ovens and prep sink. The family room offers plenty of space to watch TV or play games. Call Cheryl Foote at 970-846-6444 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Last Chance! Offered at $175,000 #124122 The $8,000 tax credit is expiring. Take a look at this affordable cottage just minutes from town. Great yard with large outbuilding that could be converted to a rental unit. Only $175,000. Act now. Call Dave Moloney today at 970-846-5050 Prudential Steamboat Realty


House on Private 5 acres Minutes From Town Offered at $675,000 #124331 Great location near Steamboat. On paved county road, easy access, 5 wooded acres, remodeled 3 + bed and 3 bath, extra large 24x48 plumbed outbuilding for garage for the toys, work area, storage, or barn, place for your RV . Large deck off kitchen, open floor plan with free standing gas stove in living room, electric dog fence plus acres to roam. Incredible drinking water, flower garden area, large mature Blue Spruce and Lodge pole pines, wild life, and undeveloped acres adjacent. Call Cindy MacGray at 970-875-2442 or 970-846-0342 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Top of the Line! Offered at $430,000 #126482 Wonderful home with quality finishes in quiet neighborhood. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, great layout with easy access from garage to living room, dining and kitchen. Radiant heat, central vac, beautiful custom locally crafted hickory cabinets, maple floors, tiled bathrooms, great light fixtures, extra deep garage, fenced back yard with shed and many more unique extras. Call Cindy MacGray at 970-875-2442 or 970-846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty

Open House, Saturday, Sunday. 11-3. 4+bedroom, 3.5bathrooms, 4,250S.F., 3-bay garage, 27822 Silver Spur, $819,000, Laura Frey, Old Town Realty, 970-734-4831.

Best priced home in SilverSpur Estates! 4600sqft with 4BD, 3.5BA. Priced for quick sale at $710,000 Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661.

Views! Views! Views! Offered at $679,950 #125437 Price Reduced! Enjoy top of the world views from this 3 plus bedroom home in Silver Spur. This home sits high in the subdivision with tall windows to take in the beautiful scenery. The master is on the main floor with a large great room. The kitchen includes Rustic hickory cabinets and granite countertops. The yard has been fully landscaped including a sprinkler system that you can enjoy from your wrap around deck. Call Cheryl Foote at (970)846-6444 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

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Like New Home in Hayden Offered at $385,000 #125319 Very nice home in like-new condition, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, covered porch and large open trex deck. Views of the Hayden valley. Beautiful kitchen cabinets and lot of counter space, spacious open living room and dining room, direct access from garage to kitchen, storage space over garage and in crawl space under home, solid wood doors, high efficiency water system, close to neighborhood park and school bus pick-up nearby. Call Cindy MacGray at 970-875-2442 or 970-846-0342 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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100% Financing Available! Offered at $140,000 #126423 A wonderful investment property with great rental return. Recent upgrades include new carpet, paint, tile, and kitchen items. Enjoy a 2-car garage with alley access and oversized family and dining rooms. Purchased for $184,000 in 2007, one of the best deals in the county! Call Darrin Fryer at 970-846-5551 Prudential Steamboat Realty

MOTIVATED SELLER Newer 4bd, 3ba house on 2.75 acres 8mi. to town. Great neighborhood, amazing 360 views. $589k, make an offer! 970-819-0833

Best priced home in SilverSpur Estates! 4600sqft with 4BD, 3.5BA. Priced for quick sale at $710,000 Roy Powell RE/MAX/STEAMBOAT 970-846-1661.


������������������������������ ��������������������� Turn-key ready! 3BD, 2BA Professionally Furnished. Stone Fireplace, Hardwood Floors, Granite, All Appliances, Garage, On Rollingstone Golf Course. $779,000 970-879-5011

$100,000 Price Reduction Custom Log Home in Silver Spur Estates. Panoramic views of Ski Area. 3+ bedrooms, 3.5bathrooms, many upgrades. FSBO $795,000. Brokers Welcome 970-879-1336 Sensational Setting Nestled in the Aspens Offered at $1,199,000 #125387 View the night lights of Steamboat while unwinding in your hot tub. This 4 bedroom/5.5 bath home has gorgeous finishes and generous natural light. Private location with expansive remodel! The location is magic! Adjacent 5.75 acre lot available for $375,000. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at 970-846-8418 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

2BD mobile home with storage in Dream Island lot #41, nice condition $19,000 OBO. Chuck 970-846-5633 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 2003 16’x72’ 2 BD, 2 BA. New carpet, new exterior paint, very clean, on private lot, fenced yard. 970-629-9051


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Views, Views, Views! Offered at $3,395,000 #125698 Possibly the best views of the mountain can be seen from this 5 bedroom/ 7 bath home. The master suite is on the main level with its own office and walk out to a private hot tub. A large family room, wine cellar, great storage and incredible craftsmanship can be found in this new luxury home. Call for an appointment. Call Marc Small at 970-879-8100 or 970-846-8815 Prudential Steamboat Realty

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Fish Creek 2BD, 2BA, Nicely remodeled, big deck, nice yard, extra storage, new pipes. Great location! Great looking! $68,000 970-846-1836 Beautiful Double wide 3BD, 2BA, FP, new roof, big fenced-in yard & shed. Pine wood walls $45,000 (970)457-7125 STEAMBOAT:2BD, 1BA, Yard. On bus route. Furnished. $15,000 OBO 970-879-1192 HAYDEN:3BD, 1BA, Fixer upper, on large lot. Owner financing possible. 970-276-4444 after 5. MUST SEE INSIDE! Huge fenced backyard on 3-lots Remodeled Spacious 3BD, Craig. Lots of shade, deck, shed. $29,000 970-734-4595, 970-879-9050 Older 3BD, 1BA mobile home on rented lot, furnished, appliances, deck, storage shed, hot tub included. $20,000 OBO. 970-824-3331, 970-620-4189 FSBO- Remodeled 1 bedroom, 1 bath newer addition, recent upgrades. Low bills, priced to sell offers accepted, Brokers Welcome 970-870-1029

HAYDEN: Brand new Town Homes @ Creek View. Includes kitchen appliances, garage, FP, deck, patio, and great alder finishes! Located next to supermarket and post office! Different sizes available. Starting @ $275,000. Seller financing and RENT-TO-BUY options available. Louis Nijsten 970-819-5587

Old Fish Creek Falls Townhome Offered at $419,000 #126060 3 bed, 2 bath + loft. Original developers unit, only 1 with 4 parking spaces. 300 sqft trex deck with garden area, new updates, dog friendly. Views, sunsets, fireworks, river and downtown! Low HOA’s. Call Karen Hughes at 970-846-4841 or Fred Hughes at 970-846-1880 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Golden Opportunity Offered at $420,000 #126489 Former Olympian and World Cup Medalist is offering this terrific three bedroom two bath townhome for sale. Convenient location between downtown and the mountain. Panoramic mountain views from the large deck. Quality finishes including Brazilian hardwood floors. Call Dave Moloney today for a showing. 970-846-5050. Prudential Steamboat Realty Refined Enclave Elegance Offered at $625,000 #126585 This 3 bedroom, end unit Enclave Townhome is surrounded by lush trees and other landscaping. Just up the road from the Steamboat Ski Area, this property has a kitchen as large as it gets for a townhome of this size. You’ll enjoy quality accents such as granite tile countertops, river rock fireplace, hard wood flooring, slate tile entry, lofted ceilings and an oversized master bath tub. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudentail Steamboat Realty STEAMBOAT:PRICE REDUCED! Own A Home, Federal Tax Credit $8,000 2BD, 1.5BA, Whistler $244,000. Bill Pyle, Old Town Realty 970-846-7953


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Small 3BD, 1BA. Large lot in Milner. Contact Rich at 970-618-2698 $350,000.

Gorgeous Modern Log Home Offered at $839,000 #125016 Price Reduced! This fantastic 3+ bedroom home in Silver Spur offers the luxury of travertine tiled floors, granite countertops and knotty alder trim & doors encompassed within modern log home construction. The master “retreat” features lofted ceilings, stunning log beams, Jacuzzi jetted tub and steam shower. A gate from the fenced backyard gives direct access to a maintained nature trail and protected green belt. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

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ONLY $184/SF Offered at $510,000 #126545 5 BD/ 2.5 BA w/2 Car Oversized Garage. Immaculate log home in Steamboat with storage for all your toys. Wood floors, gas fireplace, new concrete patio and fenced yard w/mature landscaping. Priced at only $510,000. DON’T MISS OUT ON $8000 TAX CREDIT. Call Lisa Olson/Beth Bishop for details. Visit for virtual tours. (970)875-0555 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

2BD 2BA, Fenced yard, whirlpool, completely winterized, covered patio, covered sidewalk in front, 2 storage units, $135,000. 970-824-2710.


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Price Reduced! New home, 2BA, 3BD, 2 Car garage on large lot! Gain instant equity! 980 E 9th, Craig. 970-629-5427

ELK RIVER VALLEY RANCH Priced at $1,150,000 CHECK THIS VIRTUAL TOUR! 35 acre, 6BD Home 3340sqft, 1/4 mile of creek, 20 minute drive, Desirable and Beautiful Location. Call Dana Carl at 970-879-7061 or 970-734-5867 www.ELKRIVERVALLEYRANCH.Com MLS# 126486 on



40 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SALE BY OWNER: Treed .86 acre Stagecoach lot on cul-de-sac opens on 48 acre common area. $29,000. Owner carry at 6%. 303-756-3232


Three wooded lots in Stagecoach. .66 Acres for $18,000 or 2.03 Acres for $49,900. Joyce Hartless 970-291-9289. Colorado Group Realty. 35 buildable acres treed, Elk & Deer. By owner 14mi S Steamboat on RCR 179 $175,000. Owner Financing. 970-879-0868 Development potential, approximately 195 acres, North of Craig in city sphere of influence, $10,000 per acre, owner financing, 254-625-0922. Prime Country Estate Building Site. Live Water, Excellent, Geo-Thermal /Solar Capabilities. Strawberry Park, 5+ acres, Exceptional Views! 970-846-1465 Beautiful North Routt County, majestic views and serenity, lots and acreages starting at $98,000 - $219,000. REMAX/STEAMBOAT Roy Powell 970-846-1661 35 buildable acres by owner. Views, trees, Elk & Deer. 12mi S Steamboat on RCR 131 $185,000 Owner Financing. 970-879-0868 CRAIG:Country living, yet minutes from town, on 40 acres, ready to build includes 64x40 pole barn, older motorhome, electricity, septic, water, phone. Owner Financed. $190,000. $20,000 down. $1,930 month. 970-640-8723. Hunting property, 40 acres up to 220 acres. Surrounded by BLM, 24 miles NW of Craig. $2000 an acre. Owner financing. 254-625-0922. 17.14 Acres. Developed well, views of Zirkels, Hahn’s Peak, Sand Mountain, Steamboat Lake! $449,000. Joyce Hartless 970-291-9289. Colorado Group Realty. 38 acres 6 miles NE of Craig. Views, Wildlife $100,700 OWC $5000 down 7% (970)629-9843 week days; (970)826-4721 evenings, weekends. Rare Development Opportunity Offered at $800,000 #126600 Nearly half a City Block near downtown Steamboat Springs. Residential Old Town Zoning allows for up to 9 single family homes with caretaker units. Amazing views of The Steamboat ski area and surrounding mountains. Walking distance to Yampa River, Howelson Hill, and Downtown. Call Dave Moloney for the details. 970-846-5050 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Exclusive Sidney Peak Ranch Reduced to $699,000 #125488 Major Price Reduction! Located 10 minutes from downtown Steamboat but a world away, Sidney Peak Ranch offers only 32 lots ranging from 40-50 acres. The stocked fish pond, 32-stall barn Equestrian center, 1200 acre conservation easement plus miles riding, and hiking trails make this the place you want to call home. Ranch 5 is 40.15 acres and offers a beautiful 6 acre flat building site. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at 970-846-8418 Prudentail Steamboat Realty Rare Ranchland in South Valley Offered at $999,000 #118981 Rare parcel near Lake Catamount. Extensive panoramic views of the ski area, divide, Sarvis wilderness area, Blacktail Mountain, Stagecoach, and Thorpe Mountain. Wonderful pond dug in the late 1950’s is a wildlife watcher’s delight. Homesite has 30+ year old trees and the best views in the South Valley. Sellers have owned and farmed this land since 1954. Call Kathy or Erik Steinberg at 970-846-8418 Prudential Steamboat Realty


2 lots with permit ready plans for unique 4000sqft homes. Existing 3BD, 2BA house $995,000. Owner 619-977-6606

** BREAKING NEWS * * AUCTION **HOME SITES** AUCTION 42 Individual Fully Developed Lots Bid in Person or Bid Online -5 minutes Steamboat/ Hayden Airport Affordable Adorable Village – CLEAN DEAL - CLEAR TITLES 20% of subdivision has been sold from $75k to $95k You name the price! Come prepared to bid. 2 Families now live in their new homes, you can too! ***FINANCING AVAILABLE*** First National Bank of the Rockies of Hayden or SS Auction Time & Location - Sun Oct 18th-1:30 The Hayden Community Center 302 S. Shelton Lane. Corner of Hwy 40 & Shelton Lane Just 1 mile North of property

City of Steamboat Springs. $20 /hr DOQ. Performs street maintenance, snow moving, plowing, sanding, and sweeping, using medium to heavy equipment and trucks. Requires Commercial Drivers License and drug screen prior to employment. Shifts available are: (6:00AM-2:30PM); (2:00PM-10:30PM) (10:00PM- 6:30AM) Designate preferred shift. Submit application or resume to City of Steamboat Springs, (Plow Driver) to POB 775088, 137 10th Street, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. Application and Information at: Open until filled. EOE

Bart Lockhart Auctions, Associate. Please Call for details: (800)850-3303 or Cookies Cell (303)710-9999 or visit us online:

Top of the World Offered at $259,000 #126468 Nowhere else in Steamboat will you find 360-degree views quite like this. Situated just 15 miles from town within Canyon Valley Ranch, this 35 acre property overlooks the Yampa River Valley, jaw-dropping stone cliffs and awe-inspiring butte’s in the distance. A timber-framed cabin with solar power, wood burning stove and loft area provides a bunkhouse to oversee the construction of your dream home. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 or Steph Fairchild at 970-819-1131, Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Terrific Starter Ranchette! Offered at $325,000 #125483 Three bedroom, two bath home on 37 acres. Large shop/garage. Fenced and cross fenced. Good water. Excellent hay production. Setup for horses with good outbuildings. Call Dave Moloney today at 970-846-5050 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

STEAMBOAT:FSBO -All offers, trades considered. Builders, hedge now, contract to close anytime in 3 years. You will get a deal! In town, 1/2 acre view lot. 7/1/09 appraisal $545k. 970-819-8563.

STAGECOACH:Water, sewer taps paid. Lake view lot. No assessments. Phone and electric to the lot line. Soils test. $150,000. 970-638-4496

STEAMBOAT:House and Horse property for rent. 35 acres with pond, 3BD, 2BA, 3 car garage. 8 miles west of town on RCR44B. $1,900 monthly. 1st, Last, Deposit. 970-819-6358

FSBO: 4BR, 2BA, Large Garage / Shop, 58 fenced Acres, Three Springs, One Pond. $525,000. South Routt. Call Arlan 970-846-3681

Motivated Buyer

Wants to buy home in Steamboat in exchange for beautiful five acre lot near town and /or Condo on mountain. 303-868-7908

| 41


Lockhart Auction & Realty LLC of Steamboat.

Solitude on Buffalo Pass Offered at $995,000 #123359 Just 4 miles from downtown Steamboat you’ll find this 10-acre lot with drop dead views of the Flat Tops, South Valley and Strawberry Park. This hidden treasure borders hundreds of acres of National Forest. From here you’re within hiking distance to nearby recreation with deeded access to the Old Spring Creek Trail. This lot offers incredible privacy while living incredibly close to town. Call Cam Boyd at 970-879-8100 ext. 416 or 970-846-8100 Prudentail Steamboat Realty

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Office Coordinator: Be the first voice of SmartWool through our main switchboard and to office visitors; assist with general office and clerical administration and order entry. Qualifications: 3+ yrs applicable job experience; exceptional interpersonal, written/ verbal communication skills; strong MS Word, Excel; Outlook, PowerPoint skills. Post resume on line at Equal Employment Opportunity

Immediate opening for Excavator and Heavy Equipment operator for local fall project. Future opportunities depending on performance. Required experience in irrigation and river work. Drug screen and pre-employment physical required. Submit resume, experience and rate of pay requirement to: PAINTERS: 5 YRS experience in commercial painting. Work in Steamboat Springs. Drug test. EOE, Ins., 401k Contact Walter (888)947-2559 Licensed Journeyman Plumber needed to start ASAP. Call Aaron 970-846-4287

Hayden Community Center Coordinator

CNCC is looking for a dynamic individual who would like to work on a part time basis, 16 hours per week as a Center Coordinator in Hayden. This position will work with the community as a representative of CNCC to provide and deliver a variety of course offerings. Visit the CNCC website at (click on employment opportunities) for a complete job announcement. Questions? Contact Human Resources at 970-675-3353. EOE.


We have a part-time opening in our Mailroom/Distribution Center for a highly motivated individual with good work ethics. No experience necessary; will train. This is an excellent position for those interested in having their days free! HOURS: Wed. -1:30am-5:30am Fri. -1:30am-5:30am Sat. -1:00am-6:30am Sun. -2:00am-6:30am For information or schedule an interview call Juli Schons @ 970-871-4252 or Steve Balgenorth @ 970-871-4232 or complete an employment application at:1901 Curve Plaza, corner of Elk River Road and US 40, Steamboat Springs. EOE

Craig is now hiring for Director of Sales: Must be able to lead the sales department. Marketing and Sales experience a plus. For more information call Kaci at 970.824.4000 X 202.

Good earning potential! Wrecker Driver. Good driving record. Experienced. Benefits. Sunshine Mountain Auto 879-1210.

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42 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Galaxy Aviation, at YVRA in Hayden, is hiring line & customer service professional, experience helpful. Requirements: *High school diploma, *Clean background check & drivers license, *Excellent Communication skills, *Strong Math & computer skills, *Line work all seasons (outside) and able to lift 75lbs, *Willing to work holidays, weekends, DRUG, ALCOHOL & SMOKE FREE Workplace. Excellent benefits. Contact Don: 970-276-3743


40 HOUR WEEK, M-F, benefited position. Altering weekends OC. Successful candidate will be self-starter with strong leadership, training, organizational and management skills. Experience must encompass electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting, appliance repair, irrigation systems maintenance, pool maintenance, locksmith, and small engine repair. Excellent wages DOE, EOE, Background check. Mail resume with references to: Supervisor Position, PO BOX 1723 Hayden, CO 81639.

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Steamboat Schools District *Half Time Custodian - HSC - *Speech Coach (or Co-coaches), *Girls Lacrosse Coach, SSHS. Please complete district classified application at Questions: 970-871-3199. EOE

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Our Associates also enjoy competitive wages and generous benefits — including discounted hotel rates worldwide and complimentary golf! To apply for these full time positions, you must apply online at: Questions? Call Human Resources: 970-879-2232 EOE/ AA/ M/ F/ D/ V

Advocates’ supervised visitation Program Coordinator. BA required, 2 years experience in domestic violence or counseling preferred. 15 hrs/ week.





Colorado CASA is seeking a Program Coordinator in Craig area to recruit/supervise volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children. Contact Craig Workforce Development Center (970-824-3246) for info. Closes 10/6/09 Police Officer The Town of Oak Creek, CO, approx. 950 pop., is accepting applications for the position of Police Officer. Applications and resumes accepted thru close of business October 5, 2009. Please submit to Town of Oak Creek, P.O. Box 128, Oak Creek, CO. 80467. The position will perform patrol, investigative, service and enforcement of municipal, state and federal laws. Great benefit package; salary range $55,000.00 to $ 58,000.00 DOQ. Call Karen Halterman, Town Clerk, (970) 736-2422 for additional information.


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*Reservations Manager *Housekeeping Manager


ARBORISTS, HORTICULTURISTS: Great opportunity for experienced field person. Grow into your career by servicing upscale properties. 970-819.6416

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Certified Nurse Aide / LPN / RN & Physical Therapist (Craig). Per diem positions available in Steamboat Springs and Craig. Positions will work in Home Health and Hospice. Must be licensed within the State of Colorado and be able to provide direct patient care in the home setting. Some travel required, computer skills and excellent communication skills required. Please direct inquiries and letters of intent to EOE


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Be part of the Sheraton Steamboat Resort team! Imagine working at a beautiful resort, loving what you do and having fun along the way. Come join our amazing team.

Local family needs home HEALTH worker 2-4 days per week. Flexible daytime hours. Must be willing to work around smoker. 970-846-2324 days

Comb Goddess has an opening for PT manicurist. Also seeking PT hair stylist -booth rental with clientele. 970-871-0606

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Seeking Lead Front Desk Clerk. Previous hotel experience required. Part time maintenance. Must have valid driver’s license. Apply in person at Comfort Inn.

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Pioneer Ridge seeks motivated manager to oversee all aspects of housekeeping and homecare for our premier properties. Prior supervisory experience required. Bi-lingual English/ Spanish a plus. Apply on-line & more info: Or, apply at 675 Snapdragon Way.



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

| 43

La Montana is accepting applications for winter employment. Please apply in person at 2500 Village Dr. Wednesday - Saturday 3pm-6pm.

Is Now Hiring:

FRONT DESK FT (days and evenings)


Apply at 2340 Apres Ski Way or fax resume to 879-9321 Attn: Katy

filler Maintenance Manager

Exciting opportunity with Wyndham Vacation Ownership. Department Head position. Minimum five years Resort experience. Please apply in person at 900 Pine Grove Circle (across from the tennis bubble), The Village at Steamboat. Full Time Employee, (Benefits include: Health, Dental, Vision, PTO, 401k, Potential Tuition Reimbursement, Discounted hotel room rates at Wyndham core properties. EOE, VETERANS, DV, M, F

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Steamboat Lake Outfitters is now hiring Experienced Cooks and Kitchen Supervisor. Call Dan 846-7642 or Apply online



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Cloudy; t-storms, breezy and cooler


RF: 50



Colder with intermittent snow, 1-2"


RF: 38

Warmer with a full day of sunshine



RF: 58



Considerable clouds


RF: 57



RF: 49



||||| City Aspen Boulder Colorado Spgs Craig Denver Durango Eagle Fort Collins Grand Junction Glenwood Spgs Leadville


Today Hi Lo W 59 29 t 71 38 t 78 40 t 58 30 t 73 38 t 68 33 c 59 38 t 70 42 t 63 39 t 61 34 t 53 27 t

Hi 43 54 61 52 54 57 46 61 58 55 41

Thu. Lo W 24 sn 33 sh 33 s 24 sf 33 sh 22 s 25 sn 32 sh 34 s 28 sh 20 sf

REGIONAL CITIES City Meeker Montrose Pueblo Rifle Vail Salt Lake City Vernal Casper Cheyenne Jackson Rock Springs

Today Hi Lo W 59 34 t 63 36 t 80 45 pc 62 34 t 54 28 t 56 35 sh 52 33 r 59 40 sh 70 39 t 40 27 sn 42 28 r

Hi 52 56 66 55 42 54 56 48 50 44 41

Thu. Lo W 26 sf 31 s 33 s 28 pc 21 sf 38 s 28 s 31 r 32 r 22 c 27 sn


Today Today City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Albuquerque 84 52 pc Miami 88 74 t Atlanta 74 53 s Minneapolis 65 47 s Boston 62 46 pc New York City 62 52 pc Chicago 60 41 s Oklahoma City 85 68 pc Dallas 86 74 pc Philadelphia 65 48 pc Detroit 61 39 pc Phoenix 98 68 s Houston 87 73 pc Reno 60 33 pc Kansas City 76 62 s San Francisco 69 51 s Las Vegas 80 56 s Seattle 60 50 c Los Angeles 78 58 pc Washington, D.C. 70 49 pc Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.



Salt Lake City 56/35

Moab 67/39

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

Casper 59/40

Steamboat Springs 58/27

Grand Junction 63/39 Durango 68/33

Cheyenne 70/39

Denver 73/38 Colorado Springs 78/40

77 33 83 24


24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday Month to date Year to date

0.00" 0.56" 16.37"




High Low Month-to-date high Month-to-date low

Sun and Moon:

RF: The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, cloudiness, sunshine intenisty, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body. Shown is the highest temperature for each day

Today: Cloudy, breezy and cooler with thunderstorms. Highs 51 to 57. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 0" Tonight: Colder with rain mixing with snow. Lows 23 to 29. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 2" Tomorrow: Colder with intermittent snow. Highs 35 to 43. New Snow: (5,000 ft to 7,000 ft) 1"



Partly sunny and breezy



Steamboat through 5 p.m. yesterday

(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


(7,000 ft to 9,000 ft)


Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today

7:03 a.m. 6:51 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 3:26 a.m.



Oct 3

Oct 11



Oct 17

Oct 25


Higher index numbers indicate greater eye and skin exposure to ultraviolet rays.


0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme

Area Flow Level Boulder Creek ..............29 ..........dead Clear Ck/Golden ..........78 ..........dead S. Platte/Bailey ............187 ..........dead Lower Poudre ...............53 ..........dead



Area Flow Level Brown's Canyon ..........293 ..........dead Gore Canyon..............1070 Yampa R./Steamboat ...89 ..........dead Green R./Green R......2780 ..........low


Q: When does the Atlantic hurricane season officially end?

Pueblo 80/45 A: Nov. 30

SUBWAY/TCBY is now hiring all positions. Apply in person at 1420 West Victory Way in Craig.

44 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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Your commitment and dedication is an asset of the Chamber, but more importantly produces benefits to the Steamboat Business Community. Thank You! Mark Halvorson, Snow Country Construction

This past year as I have worked closely with several members of the Chamber staff I have been blown away by their work ethic, creativity and professionalism. They get the connection between a vibrant local economy and the well being and happiness of all the members of our community. Well done! Bob Larson, Property Manager Nordic Spirit, Inc. / AlpenGlow Ventures the rocking Sincere gratitude and appreciation for r staff. The summer performance by the dedicated Chambe w how you do it! events were simply awesome, don’t kno the Thanks for your miracles! Hugs from n & Scott Marr inso Rob ara Barb . Steamboat Holiday Inn

complish are able to ac u yo h c u m w elves in o that you hide amaze me at h ed to c e in s nv ea o c c r ve incredI am You ne r all of your mighty team. fo t u bu yo l k al an m h s T r warm with you the Chamber. summer, your at f e o er s th nd r ke ve ee o w ses. the closets through the d our busines even straight an , rs rk o o it w s d vi ar r h u o at PostNet ibly ays caring for d Your Friends w an al s r ke fo to d S an y smiles ry & Kath t thanks - Ter Our sinceres

Great job this summ er!! Your creativity and talents make Stea mboat a better place to live and work! Th ank you, -Jon Wade, Colorado Group Realty, LLC

s our like to expres ld u o w t es u hard ResortQ for all your am te The team at er b am h is summer! ude to the C l marketing th utmost gratit u rf te as m d on Service ity an at the Spurs th work, creativ l al f o es liness, g exampl genuine friend g in at You are shinin u et rp have esents, pe summer, you is h T program repr n. w to d bolstered d pride in our new events an hospitality an al er ev s ed d our h y launc t only rewarde no e av successfull h ts en they . These ev summer, but d ke ac existing ones -p m ja guests. d ensured a Steamboat’s community an fy is at s d an e do! tic r all that you also helped en fo h c u m ry ve amboat Thank you so ortQuest Ste es R n, ti ar M Katy

THANKS TO THE CHAMBER .. STAFF FOR A GREAT SUMMER. ble ora You helped us provide mem experiences for guests ic and residents alike. The econom was s ort eff impact from your significant and is appreciated by the entire community. Chris Diamond, SSRC

Thank yo dedicat u for your in ion, tir eless e credible less ho ffo u you br rs, and the a rt, countmazing ing to e ene ver We are very lu ything you do rgy c outsta . ky to h nd a boat. - ing team repr ve such an es J Steamb oan Morrison ent Steam, Shera oat Re sort & ton Villas

AM CK! I O R YOU L Y’AL HAVE ! O T D PROU NG FOR ME I K WOR ice, r Rex B at bo Steam ant Group r Restau

No on e than t deserves a b he Ch amber igger applau Jeff S se s teinke , Stea taff. mboat Motor s


Thank you for an amazing effort in a difficult year! Grant Fenton, Steamboat Investment Advisors

Great job Chamber te am Thanks for all your enthusiasm and supp ort Thanks, Liz Wahl


na Broyles (Mar keting Director), (Special Events an Kara Givnish d Sponsorship Dire ctor), Molly Killi (Media and Public en Relations Manager ), Meagan Coate (Community Deve s lopment Manager), Eric Friese (Mem bership Sales Man ager), Kyleigh D eMicco (Visitor Ce ter Manager), Mar nion Ayer (Finan ce and HR Director Alli Brook (Adm ), inistrative Assistan t) and our sum mer Visitor Cen ter Staff: Alexis , Julie, Cindy, Rebecca, Angie and Kelsey.

We are tireless truly appreciat ive of th ef e staff pu forts that the ts forth Chambe r seeming ly endles to orchestrate s summ a events. er of sp Th ecia has neve e dedication of r the staf l f summer been more appa rent tha with th n e events – this addition all whil e dealing of two new budget. with a r Congrat ula ed for mak ing it th tions to all of uced rough t you Sincerel he sum y, Larry mer. , MRI

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