Play by Play

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Play by Play March - June 2016

The Complete Guide to

SportS, activitieS, & eventS in northWeSt coloraDo

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A MESSAGE FroM cncc,

Hello! I would like to take a moment to introduce

myself as the new Director of Community Education and Summer Programs for Colorado Northwestern Community College in Craig! The purpose of Community Education is to provide non-credit courses and programs that deliver learning, fun, and enrichment to all members of our community. This year CNCC Community Education will continue to offer our hallmark courses such as memoir writing and dog training. In addition, we will begin to offer some new and exciting courses. Community members will also began to notice that there are a lot more summer opportunities for our youth in Craig. These opportunities are the result of a partnership between CNCC and the El Pomar Foundation. Our local youth will have the chance to participate in a variety of fun and engaging summer camps. It is my goal to meet the learning and enrichment needs our community members. Therefore, I would be happy to talk to anyone that has an idea for how Community Education could further serve our community!


cncc Director oF coMMunity eDucation

table oF contentS Community Education


Adult Sports


Boys and Girls Club


Youth Sports




Special Interests


Seniors on the Go


Youth Activities




Play by Play information is coded by color: city oF craig 300 West 4th Street, 970.826.2029,

cncc 2801 West 9th Street, 1.800.562.1105,

boyS & girlS club 1324 east highway 40, 970.826.0411,

yaMpa valley golF courSe 2179 highway 394, 970.824.3673,

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COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADULT BASIC EDUCATION geD prep This self-paced course prepares students to take the GED. Prior to enrolling in the course, it is required that students take the Pre-GED test to determine their individual learning needs. Students will continue in the course until they are prepared to take the GED. When: May 16th through July 8th, MonDayS anD WeDneSDayS, 5:00pM to 7:00pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co, gateWay coSt: $25 reaD right The Read Right course teaches students the skills they need to become fluent readers. Furthermore, the students will learn techniques for comprehending text. Section 1: May 16th through July 8th, Monday and Wednesdays, 4:00pm to 5:30pm Section 2: May 16th through July 8th, Tuesdays and Thursdays , 5:00pm to 6:30pm Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co, library coSt: $25

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For information or to register for Adult Basic Education courses contact Melissa Dowd at 970-824-1153 or


cl aSSeS at cncc For details, contact Desiree Moore, 824-1135 or go to

COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY QuickbookS During this course students will obtain an in-depth understanding of the QuickBooks software. In addition, students will learn how they can apply QuickBooks to work and life.

DOG TRAINING canine liFe anD Social SkillS (c.l.a.S.S.) This course is an advanced self-study and testing program developed by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). This three level program requires students to enroll online, download the student manual and take a Training/ Behavior test (online) prior to testing with their dog. The introductory level is called the BA, followed by the MA and the PhD. These tests provide additional training skills for both dog and handler. The Canine Life and Social Skills program was developed to provide better skills for interactions between dogs and humans in social settings. When: april 12th through May 17th, tueSDayS, 6:00pM to 7:30pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, 3rD Floor coSt: $150 Senior ScholarShip: $50 introDuction to k9 noSe Work This one day workshop teaches students the most basic elements of Canine Scent work. The course is a prerequisite to the Beginning Nose Work Course. When: tbD Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, 3rD Floor coSt: $80 With a Dog anD $40 For courSe auDit Without a Dog continuing noSe Work claSS This course is an extension for those that took the Beginning Nose Work course. The course continues to work on the 4 elements of Canine Scent work searches: Container, Interiors, Exteriors and Vehicles. When: april 30th though auguSt 6th, SaturDayS, 11:00aM to 3:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, 3rD Floor coSt: $150

When: June 7th through July 13th, tueSDayS anD thurSDayS, 5:00pM to 7:30pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co coSt: $100 Senior ScholarShip: $30 beginner eXcel claSS During this one day workshop style course, students will learn the very basics of Microsoft Office’s Excel Software. Students will learn to create basic spreadsheets and use basic functions, such as how to sort, within the program. When: June 11th, SaturDay, 9:00aM to 1:00pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co coSt: $25 Senior ScholarShip: $10 interMeDiate to aDvanceD eXcel courSe The one day workshop is designed for those that already have a basic understanding of Microsoft Office’s Excel Software. Students will learn to create complex spreadsheets and use complex functions, such as how to create pivot tables, within the program. When: June 25th, SaturDay, 9:00aM to 1:00pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co coSt: $25 Senior ScholarShip: $10 beginner coMputer courSe This course teaches students the basic ins and outs of Windows 10. Students will learn everything from how to turn on a computer and use a mouse to saving files and retrieving them later. When: June 15th through July 20th, WeDneSDayS, 4:00pM-6:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co coSt: $50 Senior ScholarShip: $40

MaSter noSe Work claSS Master Nose Work is for the experienced nose work teams. Dogs work on all three required odors, White Birch, Anise, and Clove. When: april 28th through auguSt 4th , thurSDayS, 11:00aM to 3:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, 3rD Floor coSt: $150

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COMMUNITY EDUCATION STUDIO ARTS oil painting plein air Plein Air is the French way to say painting on location. Students that participate in this course will have the opportunity to paint a variety of scenic views during the warm summer months. Students are not required to purchase any supplies for this course. When: June 8th through July 13th, WeDneSDayS, 4:00pM to 7:00pM Where: StuDentS Will Meet With their inStructor at cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co prior to Departing to the painting location coSt: $75 Senior ScholarShip: $40 Water color painting In this class, students will learn the basics of water color paint. They will paint using a variety of techniques to help them achieve their artistic vision. When: June 1St through July 6th, WeDneSDayS, 1:30pM to 4:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 202 coSt: $50 Senior ScholarShip: $30 DraWing on the right SiDe oF the brain Students will learn drawing techniques developed by nationally recognized artist and neurologist Betty Edwards. This particular course will teach those that want to draw skillfully, but need the techniques necessary to do so. When: June 7th through July 12th, tueSDayS, 1:00pM to 3:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 202 coSt: $50 Senior ScholarShip: $30 ceraMicS In ceramics, students will be able to use basic clay techniques to create three dimensional works of art. Students will learn to sculpt with clay, throw clay on a wheel, and glaze and fire their creations. When: June 20th through July 27th, MonDay anD WeDneSDay, 4:00pM to 7:00pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co, rooM 165 coSt: $125 Senior ScholarShip: $50 StaineD glaSS Students have the ability to learn the art of creating beautiful pieces of artwork out of stained glass. The students will learn the basics of stained glass as well as have the opportunity to work on more advanced stained glass skills. When: June 6th to July 18th, MonDayS, 6:00pM to 9:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 114 coSt: $60 Senior ScholarShip: $40

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cl aSSeS at cncc For details, contact Desiree Moore, 824-1135 or go to

SEWING unFiniSheD SeWing proJectS (uFo) UFO allows students to work on their sewing projects with the guidance of an expert instructor and seamstress, and use the sewing facility. Students are able to strengthen their sewing and quilting skills by being in a group setting where they can always ask questions.

½ unFiniSheD SeWing proJectS (uFo) ½ UFO follows the same model as the full UFO course. The difference is that students will only be able to attend the course half of the time. The course was designed to accommodate those students that are only able to attend half of the time.

When: May 15th through auguSt 12th, FriDayS, 9:30aM to 12:30pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 203 coSt: $100 Senior ScholarShip: $60

When: May 15th through auguSt 12th, FriDayS, 9:30aM to 12:30pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 203 coSt: $50 Senior ScholarShip: $25

WRITING poetry Students that participate in this poetry course will learn and employ the basic elements of poetry including, figurative language, alliteration, and sense-based imagery. Students will gain an understanding of the concept of “show, don’t tell.” Furthermore, students will experiment with free verse as well as several traditional poetic forms. When: June 13th through June 29th, MonDayS anD WeDneSDayS, 1:00pM to 2:00pM When: May 15th through auguSt 12th, FriDayS, 9:30aM to 12:30pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 104 coSt: $25 Senior ScholarShip: $10

your liFe reMeMbereD MeMoir Writing Everyone has a story and in the Your Life Remembered Memoir Writing course, students are able to find their voice and tell their story. Throughout the course students will write stories from their own life experiences and share them with the class. The instructor and students will assist the reader in finding ways to improve the way that their story is delivered. SeSSion 1: May 10th through June 14th, Tuesdays, 12:30pm to 2:30pm SeSSion 2: June 21st through July 26th, Tuesdays, 12:30pm to 2:30pm Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 104 coSt: $50 per SeSSion Senior ScholarShip: $40 per SeSSion



Scuba Diving open Water certiFication Students will gain the classroom and underwater instruction necessary to receive a Scuba Diving Open Water Certification. During the course students will receive basic instruction on diving equipment, safety, dive tables, and other pertinent information a student needs for safe scuba diving. After receiving the certification, students will be able to scuba dive on their own in open water. The course will consist of three weeks of classroom instruction (one class will be spent at the city pool) and a two day trip to Homestead in Midway Utah.

1St aiD/cpr SeSSion 1: May 7th SeSSion 2: June 4th SeSSion 3: August 6th Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th, craig, co in ctc210 coSt: $50 per SeSSion Senior ScholarShip: $40 per SeSSion

SeSSion 1: May 17th through June 2nd – Homestead trip will be June 4th & 5th SeSSion 2: June 7th through June 23rd – Homestead trip will be June 25th & 26th Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 201 coSt: $455 Senior ScholarShip: $75

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Colorado Northwestern Community College and the El Pomar Foundation have partnered to offer Reach Your Peak Summer Camps are for children and teens ages 11 to 18. All camps allow students to explore interests, learn something new, and have fun! Transportation to and from the Boys and Girls club may be available for the following camps. raFting eXpeDition anD WilDliFe converSation caMp During this one day summer camp students, will raft the Yampa Valley River while getting a front line view to the beautiful and abundant wildlife that exists in Northwestern Colorado. Campers will leave the camp knowing about the various wildlife and the importance of their conservation and the basics of rafting a river. Campers should bring wear comfortable and durable clothing and bring a water bottle and sunscreen. A sack lunch will be provided. When: June 14th oF June 28th FroM 8:30 a.M. to 3:30 p.M. Where: StuDentS ShoulD arrive at the boyS anD girlS club by 8:15 a.M. a van Will tranSport all StuDentS to the raFting Site. tranSportation Will be proviDeD back to the boyS anD girlS club anD parentS ShoulD be there to pick up their chilDren, iF they are not going to Stay at the boyS anD girlS club, at 3:45 p.M. coSt: $80 auDio proDuction, Singer, anD SongWriter caMp Are you a singer, songwriter or like to produce music? Or perhaps you have never sang or written a song and would like to learn more. If you are interested in any of these areas, then this camp is for you. Over the course of two weeks campers will have the opportunity to engage in audio technology, audio engineering, songwriting, song performance, instrumentation, and marketing with a professional musician and music producer. Campers will work throughout the camp to produce their very own song on a cd and will walk away with the knowledge of how to distribute their music online. Students are encouraged to bring an instrument, but are not required. When: July 11th through July 21St, MonDay through thurSDay, 4:00pM – 7:00pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co coSt: $100

cl aSSeS at cncc For details, contact Desiree Moore, 824-1135 or go to

#FlyWithWorDS perForMance poetry caMp #Flywithwords is slam and performance poetry camp for anyone who has something to say. You have a unique story. Find your voice and send your story out into the world. Campers will examine slam poetry culture, styles, and messages, use writing to find their individual voice, and read their poetry in front of a group. At the end of the camps, campers will have their own polished poetry. Campers will also have the opportunity to post their poetry reading to online poetry communities or social media outlets. When: June 28th through auguSt 2nD, tueSDayS, 9:30aM to 11:30aM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co coSt: $50 lego MinDStorM roboticS caMp During this camp, campers will design, build, and program robots using the LEGO’s MINDSTORMS EV3. Through this process, campers will gain advanced building skills, use a drag and drop software program, and use their robot to compete against other teams. When: tbD Where: Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co coSt: $230 When liFe giveS you leMonS entrepreneurShip caMp Campers will have the opportunity to gain the basic principles of starting a business by developing and running their very own lemonade stand! At the end of the camp, campers will participate in a “Lemonade Day” where students will set up their lemonade stands for the community to purchase their product. When: June 7th through June 24th, tueSDayS anD thurSDayS, 4:00pM to 5:30pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co coSt: $65 graDeS: 5th, 6th, anD 7th think it, Do it, oWn it! entrepreneurShip caMp Campers will team up and learn what it is like to e an entrepreneur through many different projects that will come together in making a large business project. The students will choose their businesses based on their interests and each company has to focus on creating a positive change. This camp speaks about goals, leadership, basic business, and helps to empower students to pursue their passions. When: June 8th through July 8th, WeDneSDayS, 4:00pM to 6:30pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co coSt: $65 graDeS: 8th, 9th, anD 10th

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cl aSSeS at cncc For details, contact Desiree Moore, 824-1135 or go to


CNCC’s College For Kids program is for youth ages 5 to 15, but each class has its own individual age restrictions. The program runs all year long and allows children to gain exposure to a college setting, learn something cool, and do something fun and exciting. The College for Kids program has offers a variety of courses ranging in everything from Junior Pilot School to Pottery. Transportation to and from the Boys and Girls club may be available for the following classes. cartooning Students that participate in this camp will learn the art of drawing cartoons. Furthermore, students will learn to reproduce cartoon characters consistently and create basic plots and storylines. When: June 13th through June 29th, MonDayS anD WeDneSDayS, 10aM to 11aM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 104 age: 6 anD up coSt: $25 StuDio art eXploration Students have the ability to explore multiple mediums of studio art during this two week summer course. The students will create through drawing, painting, ceramics, and 3-D construction. When: July 11th through July 21St, MonDay through thurSDay, 9:00aM t0 12pM Where: coloraDo northWeStern coMMunity college, 2801 W 9th St., craig, co age: 8 anD up coSt: $50 DraWing on the right SiDe oF the brain Students will learn drawing techniques developed by nationally recognized artist and neurologist Betty Edwards. This particular course will teach those that want to draw skillfully, but have not been able to, the techniques and tools necessary to do so. When: June 7th through July 12th, tueSDayS, 1:00pM to 3:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 202 ageS: 6 anD up coSt: $30 Water color painting In this class, students will learn the basics of water color paint. They will paint using a variety of techniques to help them achieve their artistic vision. When: June 1St through July 6th, WeDneSDayS, 1:30pM to 4:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 202 ageS: 6 anD up coSt: $40 ceraMicS In ceramics, students will be able to use basic clay techniques to create three dimensional works of art. Students will learn to sculpt with clay, throw clay on a wheel, and glaze and fire their creations. When: June 20th through July 27th, MonDay anD WeDneSDay, 4:00pM to 7:00pM Where: cncc bell toWer, 50 college Dr., craig, co, rooM 202 ageS: 8 anD up coSt: $50

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What iS the boyS & girlS club? The BGC is a nonprofit, youth development organization serving the Craig community. The Club provides young people with a fun, safe and positive place to go after school, school days off and throughout the summer. The Club offers programs and services designed to build character and strengthen life skills.

When iS the bgc open? 1324 eaSt highWay 40

Afterschool: Monday - Thursday 3 - 7 pm and Friday 2 - 6 pm School Days off: 7:30 am - 6 pm

What are the FeeS For MeMberShip? CONTACT US 970.826.0411 Facebook.coM/bgccraig

The Club has an annual membership fee of $25 per child with a cap of $50 per family regardless of number of children. The after school program is included in membership. The school days off (Play Days) and the summer programs are $1 per hour per child with scholarships available for those who qualify. Clubs keep costs low and do not turn away kids regardless of economic circumstances.

Spring break highlightS open all Day: April 4-8, 7:30am-6:00pm Join us for a fun filled week of exciting field trips and fun Club activities. activitieS incluDe: picnic in the park: Come with us to the park for lunch, kite flying, sand volleyball and lots of park games. SplatZ: Canvas painting instruction and you get to keep your masterpiece. Service learning proJectS: We will work throughout the community to give back because we are so thankful for your support. healthy liFeStyleS viDeo proJect: Make a video with your friends about how to live a healthy, drug free life and win a trip to the Movie Theatre.

aFterSchool activitieS at the bgc

caMpFire kiDS: The Code of the West comes alive in this hands-on set of ethics activities designed for kids. Spark in the gyM: Our gym programs focus on providing a fun and enjoyable physical fitness experience for all boys and girls. hoMeWork help: Club members receive tutoring support, help with homework completion and other educational enrichment opportunities from staff and volunteers. netSMartZ: This program offers Club members information on identity theft, cyber bullying, netiquette and how to stay safe online.

the club For teenS

the club offers Craig middle schoolers a safe and dynamic place to learn, grow, meet new friends and contribute to their community. Through a wide range of activities, positive adult role models and nationally-recognized programming, the CLUB inspires and enables young people to realize their full potential. We provide experiences the build character, confidence and the life skills necessary to be successful adults.

check out theSe teen only prograMS

r ruleS: Together with the United Way Community Impact Project, Teens will identify and build resources to help them Get Ahead. career launch: This program encourages Club members to assess their skills and interests, explore careers, make sound educational decisions and prepare to join our nation’s work force. hoMeWork help: Homework Help is available every day, but Tuesdays is focused on planning and goal setting for the week. healthy habitS: Learn about healthy living with an emphasis on good nutrition and regular physical activity including a healthy snack. torch club: Torch Club members learn about leadership and community responsibility through fun, interactives games and activities. Service learning: Teens can do good in our community while learning the value of helping others in fun service learning activities. check out our WebSite For a Full calenDar:

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Summer Fun!

SuMMer iS Fun at the bgc! coMe check it out! SuMMer caMp beginS June 6th poSitive ~ SaFe ~ aFForDable ~ SuMMer ~ Fun! Are you looking for an adventure this summer? Come to the Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp. There will be field trips to the wave pool, bowling, arts & crafts, bike rides, tennis, gym programs, hiking, teen only program and much more. Summer camp themes include: Around the World, Gold Rush, Party IN the USA, Survivor Challenge and more. FielD tripS MonDay Bike Riding (Ages 6-9) Wave Pool

10am-11:15am 12:45pm-3:15pm

Free $3.50

tueSDay Totally Tennis Service Learning

10am-11:15am 1pm-3pm

Free Free

WeDneSDay Bike Riding (10 and up) Wave Pool

10am-11:15am 12:45pm-3:15pm

Free $3.50

thurSDay Fabulous Fitness Bowling

10am-11:15am TBA

Free TBA

FriDay Scavenger Hunt Craig Style Wave Pool

10am-11:15am 12:45pm-3:15pm

Free $3.50

Daily prograMMing SuMMer brain gain: Fun, engaging and critical summer learning opportunities in math, science, and reading. character & leaDerShip: Giving youth opportunities for decision making, leadership, character building, and more. health & liFe SkillS: Helping youth achieve and maintain healthy, active lifestyles. SportS, FitneSS & recreation: Helping members develop fitness, a positive use of leisure time, reduction of stress, and social skills. the artS: Enhance youths self-expression and creativity

olyMpic Day

June 15 FroM 8:30aM-3:00pM at the club Olympic Day is an international effort to promote fitness in addition to the Olympic ideals of fair play, perseverance, respect and sportsmanship.

eDucation iMagination

Journey oF hope

• Splatz, canvas painting • Rockets • Jr. Chef Academy • Water Games

Journey of Hope is a cross-country bicycle trek beginning in San Francisco and ending in Washington, D.C. The event raises funds and awareness for people with disabilities. The bicycle riders will stop at the Craig Club to play games and educate members about people with disabilities.

Watch for more information on Education Imagination Days, coming soon!

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INFORMATION Walk-in regiStration

Registration for all programs begins upon receipt of the “Play by Play Summer Brochure.” Payment is required at time of registration. Every effort will be made to accommodate participants with special needs. you can noW regiSter online at or Stop by our oFFice at 300 WeSt 4th Street, WeekDayS FroM 8 aM to 5 pM. Our offices are located downstairs in City Hall. We accept Mastercard and Visa. We DO NOT accept phone-in registrations. By participating in the City of Craig programs, participants may be photographed for future publicity or recognition of events. By signing up for programs you automatically sign a waiver that grants Craig Parks and Recreation Department permission to use your photograph to promote our programs. Pictures taken in specific programs may be used for up to 10 years.

regiStration DeaDline

Deadlines are stated in the event descriptions and are set to ensure sufficient class size. Registrations received after the stated deadlines will be placed on a waiting list with no guarantee of placement in an event or on a team. If late registration is accepted a $10 late fee will be charged.

Financial aSSiStance ScholarShip FunDS

The educational and recreational programs offered by the City of Craig Parks and Recreation Department are supported by user fees. Participants are required to pay user fees for each program in which they register. However, Craig residents with low incomes may qualify for assistance in obtaining a program scholarship. Funds are also available for pool punch cards. If you feel you may be eligible for financial assistance, call the Parks and Recreation office at 826-2029.

MiniMuM anD MaXiMuM

All class fees are calculated on minimum and maximum number of participants. Class sizes are established by the Recreation Department to ensure a proper learning environment and to enhance participant enjoyment. We reserve the right to cancel any classes that do not reach the minimum number of participants. Refunds for cancelled classes will be made available to those who registered.

reFunD policy

A full refund will be issued for any program that is cancelled by Parks and Recreation or if requested 24 hours prior to the start of the program or class. If an unusual medical or personal situation arises during the course, a prorated refund will be issued based upon the number of classes attended, provided notification occurs prior to the end of the course. Please come to the Parks and Recreation office to complete a refund request.

SatiSFaction guaranteeD

Our policy entitles participants to a refund if they become dissatisfied with any department sponsored program. If you are dissatisfied, let us know!

gaMe cancellationS

If you have questions about game cancellations or pool closures due to weather conditions, call our information number at 826-2009.

youth ScholarShip FunD

What is more wonderful than to watch a kids face light up when they hit the ball for the first time, scores their first goal or execute a perfect front dive. Studies have shown that kids, who participate in Parks and Recreation activities do better in school, develop self- confidence, optimism and initiative. These programs help get kids off to a positive start in life. Unfortunately not all the children in our community can afford to participate in these programs. Why not donate to the Parks and Recreation Scholarship Fund? One hundred percent of your donation will go towards giving a child the opportunity to participate in one of the many programs we offer.

rental oF parkS

Craig’s parks and athletic facilities are available, free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to reserve a picnic shelter, baseball field, or other city-owned facility, please stop by the Parks and Recreation office. Some paperwork and a minimal reservation fee is required.

MiSSion StateMent

Our mission is to provide a variety of safe, modern and affordable parks and recreation facilities and activities that will enhance the quality of life by promoting good health and well-being for all citizens and visitors in the city of Craig.

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.


ageS 5-6 Coed teams will be made up of 5-6 year olds. Emphasis will be on having FUN and learning fundamentals of the game; catching, throwing, running the bases and batting off a tee. Practice will begin the week of May 3. Games will be held on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings at 5:45 pm at Woodbury Sports Complex. Participants must be 5 years old by August 31, 2016. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, april 6 Fee: $40.00

coach pitch

ageS 7-8 The coach pitch program is designed to assist in the success as participants develop their skills and abilities graduating from t-ball. This is the next level of baseball offered after t- ball. Coaches will pitch to their team. Boys receive overhand throws, while girls receive underhand pitches. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:45 pm, at Woodbury Sports Complex. Practice will begin the week of May 3. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, april 6 Fee: $40.00

girlS SloWpitch SoFtball

ageS 8-18 Time to put away the winter gear and grab your bats and mits for some summer softball FUN! Participants will be divided into two separate age divisions; a younger and older age division. Practices will begin the week of May 3. Games will be played at Loudy Simpson on Tuesday and Thursday. A tournament will be held at the end of June. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, april 6 Fee: $40.00


Spartan baSeball clinic — april 17

ageS 8-12 We are welcoming in the spring with a one of a kind baseball clinic with the Colorado Northwestern Community College Spartan baseball team. The CNCC baseball athletes and coaches will be instructing participants ages 8-12 years old Sunday, April 17 from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Woodbury Sports Complex. This clinic will have a series of stations where participants will be divided into similar age groups to work on baseball skills (batting, base running and catching) in one of the greatest classrooms, the baseball field! Participants will receive lunch and a t-shirt. Late registrations will not be guaranteed a shirt. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, april 6 Fee: $15.00

craig youth baSeball

ageS 8 - 15 Included in your fee is a hat, shirt and post season tournament (depending on field availability). Night league teams are available for the following age groups; 8-10, 11-12 and 13-15. Age groups are based on date of birth as of August 31, 2016. Parents please be aware that the baseball and the soccer season may overlap by a few days. Every effort will be taken to minimize conflicts in the schedule. Parents be advised that some travel to other towns may be required during this program. A 13-15’s league organizational meeting will take place in mid-April. At this time it will be determined what teams the 13-15s will play this season. Before the season starts, a parent/players meeting will be held to discuss travel dates, team make-up, and coaching philosophy. Practice for 8-12’s begins in late April or early May, weather permitting and games begin the week of May 23. Games will be played on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Parent volunteers are needed for this program to succeed. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, april 13th Fee: $50

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.

coeD youth Soccer

ageS 5-16 This popular sport will keep your kids feet moving all summer long! Participants will learn the fundamentals of soccer in a fun positive environment, but also acquiring skills or skill sets particular to that age group. They will learn about teamwork and develop a love of the game! Practice will begin the week of June 20. Games will be played at Woodbury Sports Complex on Tuesday and Thursday evening’s beginning at 5:45 pm. Participants must be 5 years old by August 31, 2016. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, May 11 Fee: $40.00


craig parkS anD recreation Soccer caMp — May 21

partnering With MoFFat county high School bullDog Soccer ageS 5 anD up Craig Parks and Recreation is partnering with the Moffat County High School Bulldog Soccer Team to host a youth soccer camp for ages 5 and up. This camp is designed to work on soccer fundamentals in a fun positive environment. City of Craig Parks and Recreation athletes will be paired together in similar age group for optimum learning. MCHS soccer athletes and coaches will lead various age groups through the soccer clinic and also move through a series of stations designed to work and enhance their soccer skills. Participants will receive a t-shirt and lunch will be provided. Players need to bring plenty of water and soccer attire. This camp will be held at Woodbury Sports Complex from 9 am until 2 pm Saturday, May 21. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, May 11 Fee: $25.00 incluDeS t-Shirt anD lunch

britiSh Soccer caMp – June 27th - July 1St

ageS 3 - 16 SponSoreD by craig parkS anD recreation The City of Craig is bringing the nation’s number one all British Soccer Camp program to your community this coming summer. Challenger British Soccer Camps are a huge nationwide organization that will coach 150,000 players around the US this summer in its camps. Here is your chance to experience the unique program thanks to the efforts of the City of Craig. The camp will be held at Woodbury Sports Complex located off of Mack Lane from June 27 to July 1. There is a late fee of $10 for registrations received after June 17. Sign up online at by May 13 and receive a FREE British Soccer replica T-shirt. For More inForMation pleaSe call 970.826.2004. regiSter at WWW.challengerSportS.coM. FIRST KICKS age 3 9 - 10 aM $90 MINI SOCCER ageS 4 to 5 10:30 aM - 12 pM $107 HALF DAY ageS 6 to 16 9 aM - 12 pM $135 *GOLDEN GOAL CAMP ageS 8 to 16 1 - 3 pM $52 *pleaSe note that thiS SeSSion iS a Special “aDD on” SeSSion that runS MonDay - thurSDay anD iS only open to kiDS Who regiSter For the 9 aM - noon SeSSion. DeaDline to regiSter: June 17 May 13 to receive Free Shirt can regiSter Day oF event but there iS a $10 late Fee. pre-regiStration iS SuggeSteD.

14 | Play by



to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.


turF anD tree care preSentation

craig parkS anD recreation & MoFFat county eXtenSion agency Spring is just right around the corner and it’s time once again to start thinking about all your lawn care needs for the upcoming year. This informative class will include discussions on basic turf and tree care of Northwestern Colorado. Extension agents from Moffat and Routt counties along with an ISA certified arborist will cover various topics of basic horticulture and arboriculture practices for Northwestern Colorado. This class is open to the community. The workshop will be held on March 30, 2016 at the Moffat County Extension office located at 539 Barclay Street, from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm. For more information on this event call Ryan at 826-2004 or J.D. at 824-9180, or to register for this event, stop by the Parks and Recreation Office at City Hall. DeaDline to regiSter: March 23, 2016 Fee: Free

30th annual Where the hell’S Maybell? bicycle riDe

This 30 mile bicycle ride begins in Craig and ends in Maybell Colorado. While riding, take in the natural beauty and landscape that Northwest Colorado has to offer along with crisp spring air. Everyone is welcome to ride, all you need is a bike and a can do attitude! This bike ride will provide a great opportunity for exercise and vast adventure! Bear River Young Life will be cooking a wonderful breakfast as you cross the finish line in Maybell. Transportation is available to those who wish not to ride back to Craig. riDe: May 14 Departure tiMeS: 7:00 aM FroM northWeSt Storage 7:30 aM FroM WeStern knollS DeaDline to regiSter: May 14 For riDe april 20 For ShirtS Fee: Free bike riDe $5 tranSportation $6 breakFaSt $18 aDult ShirtS (long Sleeve) $15 youth ShirtS (Short Sleeve)

0 3 Maybell Bicycle Ride

Movie in the park

Looking for something to do during the dog days of summer? Bring your friends and family for some FREE cinematic summer fun at Movie in the Park. Here are the scheduled dates for Movies in the Park; June 23, July 7 and August 18. Movies will be shown at City Park and begin at dusk. Thank you to the following sponsors of Movie in the Park: Boys and Girls Club of Craig, Bear River Young Life, The Memorial Hospital and Grand Futures Prevention Coalition. Want to See What eventS are happening at craig parkS anD recreation, go to our Facebook page @ craig parkS anD rec or

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.

youth tenniS ageS 8-12

Classes will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at Lincoln Street courts. This class will start June 1 through June 23. All you need is a racquet and nonmarking tennis shoes. SeSSion i SeSSion ii

ageS 10-12 ageS 8-9

9-10 aM 10-11aM

DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, May 18 Fee: $40

2016 cMS volleyball caMp

Want to learn more about volleyball and fine tune your volleyball skills while having FUN? Craig Parks and Recreation is offering a volleyball camp designed to do all that. This camp is for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. It is structured towards teaching basic fundamentals to beginning volleyball and intermediate players such as; passing, setting, serving, hitting, blocking and defensive skills. Participants will need to bring gym shoes, knee pads, and water bottle. This four day camp will be held at Craig Middle School, August 15-18 from 3:30 pm until 6:00 pm. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, July 27 Fee: $30.00

craig youth baSketball

3rD-6th graDe Participants will learn a variety of fundamental basketball skills; dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding while having FUN learning the game of basketball! Players will be divided up into teams according to grade. The season will get underway with practices in late October and will run until winter break. ManDatory baSketball SkillS Day tiMe Date 3:45-4:15 pM SepteMber 19 3:45-4:15 pM SepteMber 20 3:45-4:15 pM SepteMber 21 4:00-4:30 pM SepteMber 22

location SunSet School SunSet School SunSet School SunSet School

DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, SepteMber 14 Fee: $40

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3rD 4th 5th 6th

graDe graDe boyS anD graDe boyS anD graDe boyS anD graDe boyS anD

girlS girlS girlS girlS


to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.

Doak Walker tackle Football league

This program is open to GIRLS AND BOYS third through sixth grade. Practices and games will be held three times a week. Equal participation, skill development and FUN are stressed. A coaches meeting to hand out schedules, review rules, etc., will be held at 5 pm on Wednesday, August 3, at City Hall. Officials and coaches are needed for both leagues. Games will end in October before basketball practice begins. ManDatory Football SkillS Day tiMe Date location graDe 4:00 - 5:30 pM July 20 high School 3rD & 4th graDeS 5:30 - 6:30 pM July 20 high School 5th & 6th graDeS *iMMeDiately FolloWing SkillS evaluation, Weigh in anD eQuipMent Will be checkeD out at city hall. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, July 20 Fee: $60

SuMMer cheer caMp 1St -6th graDe girlS

Participants will learn choreographed dance routines along with learning a number of cheers. Participants will cheer at Doak Walker football games . Practice will start the week of July 18. DeaDline to regiSter: WeDneSDay, July 13 Fee: $60

Play by Play | 17


to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2004, For More inForMation.

une 27 8 & 19 uly 25


coeD aDult Fall kickball

What better way to kick off the fall season than a game of KICKBALL! Gather friends, family and fellow co-workers to make an adult coed kickball team! Participants must be 15 years and older. A great way for some exercise, laughs and memories! This adult coed league will be comprised of a minimum of seven players on a team and a mix of male and female participants. Games will be played at Loudy Simpson softball fields on Monday evening starting mid August and conclude in September. DeaDline to regiSter: MonDay, auguSt 1 Fee: $100.00 teaM Fee/$20.00 player Fee

Fall coeD volleyball

The coed volleyball league is offered to adults 15 years and older. There will be TWO leagues offered competitive and semi-competitive. Competitive teams will play on Monday evenings and semi-competitive will play on Tuesday or Thursday evenings at Craig Middle School. The season will kickoff September 12th and conclude the first part of November, when teams will participate in a season finale tournament. regiStration DeaDline: FriDay, SepteMber 2 Fee: $200.00 teaM Fee/$20.00 player Fee

YAMPA VALLEY GOLF COURSE 2179 highWay 394, 970.824.3673, WWW.yaMpavalleygolF.coM

2016 tournaMent ScheDule

All tournament dates are subject to change. Dirt hog ScraMble May 14 Men’S DoubleS June 4 MeMorial hoSpital June 10 cottonWooD claSSic June 24-26 laDieS’ Silver bullet July 16-17 tri State July 23 coloWyo July 30 young liFe auguSt 6 pike auguSt 20 no DoWn coupleS SepteMber 3-4 the yahoo SepteMber 10 club chaMpionShip SepteMber 17-18 yaMpa cup SepteMber 24 Daily FeeS 18 holes 9 holes Resident $28 $19 Non-Resident $35 $26 Resident Senior $22 $16 Senior Fees available only Monday - Friday. Students/Juniors: Weekdays only; Weekends after 2pm 12 & Under $10 $6 13-17 Years of Age $15 $10 SeaSon paSSeS (april - october) Resident $550 M-F or $600 every day Resident Senior $500 M-F or $550 every day Student $100 12 & Under; $150 13-17; $200 18-21

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iF you are intereSteD in earning SoMe eXtra caSh parkS anD recreation iS alWayS looking For gyM SuperviSorS anD oFFicialS. it’S a great Way to Stay connecteD to the Sport you enJoy anD be a poSitive role MoDel For our coMMunity’S youth.

AQUATICS POOL INFORMATION The pool is located at 605 Washington Street in City Park. The complex includes a bathhouse with showers and changing facilities, wave pool, and a 25-meter by 25-yard “L” shaped pool with a diving well. Opening day will be Wednesday, June 1. The phone number at the pool is 824-3015. pool FeeS Adult: 18 & over Student: 12 - 17 years Children: 4 - 11 years Weekdays: 5 - 7 pm

Daily $4.50 $3.75 $3.50 $3.00

Family: 4 (immediate) members* Each additional family member Citizens 55 & over Pre-school 0 - 3 years (when accompanied by paid adult)

Season $90.00 $75.00 $70.00 $225.00 $25.00 FREE FREE

pool hourS Monday through Friday Saturday and Sunday Family Time*

1 - 7 pm 1 - 6 pm 5 - 7 pm (weekdays)

*During “Family Time,” children under 12 must be accompanied by a paid adult.

Children 7 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult. *Family passes are for immediate family members only. This includes parents and their legally dependent children. neeD a great giFt? How about giving that special young person a gift of a trip to the pool? You can purchase a pack of 1 day passes that they can use for themselves or to invite a few friends for a fun filled day of swimming. Passes are only good for student and children admission. Pack of 5 day passes Pack of 10 day passes

$15 $30

Weather policy It must be at least 65 degrees and there must be at least 10 people in line before the facility opens. Patrons will be cleared from the pools, decks and grass area upon the first sound of thunder or sighting of lightning. Re-opening will occur a minimum of 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or sighting of lightning. Pools may also be cleared for heavy rain or excessive wind. REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. raFt rentalS Available to all persons. Only rental rafts are allowed in the facility. The pool staff reserves the right to limit the number of rafts rented at one time. Raft rental is $2.00 (return deposit $0.25). Flotation DeviceS Flotation devices (other than rental tubes) are not allowed at our facility. Non-swimmers should stay where they can touch (no more than chest deep).

SWiM teSt We reserve the right to ask guests to do a swim test. Based on their skill assessment, non-swimmers and weak swimmers will be assigned to a designated swimming area. Non-swimming children may be allowed to accompany swimming adults to deeper water. The adult must have physical contact with the child at all times. MULTIPLE-USE SWIM DIAPERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DIAPER DEPENDENT TODDLERS. SWIM DIAPERS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE FRONT COUNTER .

pool rental inForMation

For pool reservation information call 826-2017, until June 1. After June 1, call the pool at 824-3015. Fees are for a two-hour block, choice of wave pool or lap pool. Rental includes required staff, tubes and use of facility. For a large group using both pools, fees will be determined on a request basis. Small Group Medium Group Large Group

1-20 people 21-40 people 41-100 people

$100 $150 $250

hourS available For rental Weekends 10 am - 12 pm 6:30 - 8:30 pm Weekdays 7 pm - 9 pm Beginning June 6 Weekdays 10 am - 12 pm Beginning August 8 Great for team celebrations, youth groups, scouts, family reunions, and birthday parties, just to name a few.

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2029, For More inForMation.


Water walking is a great way to cool off while gaining overall health benefits. Water provides 12 times more resistance than air, yet is easier on your joints.


Improve your heart health and lung capacity by swimming laps. This program is open to everyone, although persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult and must be able to swim 100 meters continuously without assistance. lap SWiM Water Walking both activitieS

Sunday - Saturday Sunday - Saturday Monday - Friday

June 1 - August 28 June 1 - August 28 June 1 - August 26

12 - 1 pm 12 - 1 pm 5:30 - 7 pm

$3.00 or season pass $3.00 or season pass $3.00 or season pass

WATER AEROBICS Water aerobics is an effective form of exercise for anyone wanting to burn fat and calories, and tone muscle. Not only does it help improve circulation, water aids in reducing blood sugar levels and lowering blood pressure as well. Deep Water aerobicS performed with the use of a flotation belt in deep water, is designed to burn maximum calories while remaining no-impact, which is beneficial for those with joint and arthritis problems. This class has a maximum of 25 participants due to equipment availability and space. Both shallow and deep water classes can be enjoyed by swimmers and non-swimmers alike. No swimming skills required, just the ability to have fun. These 9 week classes can be enjoyed together or separately. No classes the week of July 4-8 or July 28. A minimum of 10 preregistered participants are needed in order for classes to run. Drop-in fee for all of these classes is $4, if sufficient registration has been met by Wednesday, June 1. ShalloW Water Deep Water both claSSeS

Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Monday - Thursday

June 6 - August 10 June 7 - August 11 June 6 - August 11

12 - 1 pm OR 6 - 7 pm 12 - 1 pm OR 6 - 7 pm 12 - 1 pm OR 6 - 7 pm

$45.00 $45.00 $80.00

Senior Water aerobicS This program is designed for the young at heart. Water’s natural buoyancy and resistance make it an ideal exercise medium for seniors. Health ailments such as diabetes, arthritis, menopause, heart problems and osteoarthritis, to name a few, can benefit from water aerobics. The senior class is free to participants 55 and older. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday from 11 am to noon, beginning June 2. No classes the week of July 4-8 or July 28.

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2029, For More inForMation.


The Red Cross Learn to Swim Program is a nationally recognized program that emphasizes teaching people to be safe in, on and around the water. The program includes courses for all ages and abilities. Craig Parks and Recreation Department will be offering four sessions of swimming lessons. Sessions run Monday through Thursday for two weeks. With the eXception oF the laSt SeSSion Which Will be MonDay through WeDneSDay the FirSt Week anD MonDay through FriDay the SeconD Week in orDer to accoMMoDate the SeaSonal State SWiM Meet. If the class you are interested in is full please place your child on the waiting list. We want every child to have the opportunity to learn to swim and will try to create additional classes as needed. If you have questions about which level to register your child for please call the Parks Recreation office at 826-2029, Or attend test day on Thursday, May 19, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm at the City Pool. To register your child for test day, call 826-2017. All participants should come dressed to swim. Please do not bring personal flotation devices to swimming lessons.



parent reQuireD in the Water

preSchool 1a

3 yearS


preSchool 1b

4 yearS


preSchool 2

5 yearS


preSchool 3

6 yearS


level 1 - 6

any age


toDDler a

6 - 18 MonthS


toDDler b

19 - 36 MonthS



liFeguarD training claSS

craig 1 June 6 - 16

craig 2 June 20 - 30

craig 3 July 11 - 21

craig 4 July 25 - aug 5

preSchool 1a preSchool 1a

11:15 - 11:45 5:15 - 5:45





preSchool 1b preSchool 1b

11:15 - 11:45 5:15 - 5:45





preSchool 2 preSchool 2

11:15 - 11:45 5:45 - 6:15





preSchool 3 preSchool 3

11:15 - 11:45 5:45 - 6:15





level 1 level 1

9:00 - 9:35 9:45 - 10:20



level 2 level 2

9:00 - 9:35 9:45 - 10:20



level 3 level 3 level 3

9:00 - 9:35 9:45 - 10:20 10:30 - 11:05





level 4 level 4

8:50 - 9:35 10:30 - 11:10





level 5

8:50 - 9:35





level 6

8:50 - 9:35




toDDler a toDDler b

10:30 - 11:05 10:30 - 11:05

DeaDline to regiSter: Fee:


Monday prior to session or when class becomes full $40



Are you interested in a great job where you can really make a difference? Participants learn a variety of rescue skills including CPR and first aid. If you are interested in becoming an American Red Cross certified lifeguard the City of Craig Parks and Recreation Department is offering a lifeguard course. Participants must be at least 15 years old by the last scheduled day of class and pass a pre course swim test. The classes meet from 8 am to 5 pm each day. The course fee is $125.00. Deadline to register is the day of the pre course test. pre courSe teSt July 19, 7 pm Swimming Pool courSe DateS August 8 - 11 City Pool

ADULT SWIM LESSONS If you’ve always wanted to learn to swim or would just like to brush up on your skills, this is the class for you! Classes will begin on June 20 and run until June 30, Monday through Thursday, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, at the City Pool. DeaDline to regiSter: MonDay, June 13 or When claSS becoMeS Full Fee: $40

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to regiSter For theSe eventS, Stop by the parkS anD recreation oFFice at city hall 300 W 4th Street or regiSter online at or call 826-2029, For More inForMation.


Craig Seasharks is a USA Swimming affiliated Summer Club promoting competitive swimming to area youth, ages 5 to 18 years of age. Seashark swimmers receive coaching in the four competitive swim strokes: freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke, while attending morning swim practices and weekend swim meets. Participants must be able to swim the length of the pool without assistance. Watch for our April registration date on our website: or our Facebook page “Craig Sea Sharks” or published in the Craig Daily Press Community Calendar or for the Sea Shark flier distributed through Moffat County Schools. For questions regarding registration for the team, please contact Melany Neton at 970-826-4113 or 970-629-5781 or Becky Fritz at 970-620-3056. Craig Seasharks hosts the annual Craig ABC Swim Meet, June 18-19, and this year will host the CSI Seasonal State Championship Meet, July 29-31. Come join us and experience the excitement of competitive swimming! The wave pool will be open to the general public during these swim meets. Please see the schedule below for information on availability. GO SEA SHARKS

SWIM MEET INFORMATION 2016 ScheDule For the Wave pool During the abc SWiM Meet anD the SeaSonal State chaMpionShip SWiM Meet SaturDay, June 18 anD SunDay, June19 both DayS one SeSSion 1:00 pM to 4:00 pM FriDay, July 29 SeSSion #1

1:00 pM to 4:00 pM

SeSSion #2

5:00 pM to 8:00 pM

SaturDay, July 30 SeSSion #1 1:00 pM to 4:00 pM

SeSSion #2

5:00 pM to 8:00 pM

SunDay, July 31 SeSSion #1

1:00 pM to 4:00 pM


What could be more fun than watching a movie while floating in a warm pool? The movie (TBD) will start at dark in the lap pool. Brought to you in part by Moffat County Grand Futures. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. thurSDay, July 21, $3. Movie Will begin at DuSk.


If you like to move and groove to music, why not try it in the water under the light of the moon! We will do a variety of exercises in both the shallow and the deep water (with flotation). This workout is designed to burn some calories and have fun at the same time. Fee is $4. tueSDay, auguSt 16, 7:30 pM, craig SWiMMing coMpleX


A fun, family activity for the end of summer. There is nothing like swimming after dark in a glowing pool of light. In the past this experience has been limited to a few select groups. We would like to invite you to enjoy this experience with us on Tuesday, August 23 in the lap pool. We will stay open until 9:00 pm. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. General admission applies.

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Craig Wave Pool & Swimming Complex

Beat the Heat This Summer at the Wave Pool!

2 FOR 1

ADMISSION Must present coupon. One free admission per coupon. Must be equal or lesser value. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Expires 8/26/16


Too old to play all day? Not old enough to get a job? Join the Parks and Recreation team and become a “V YP” (Volunteer Youth Program) participant! The Parks and Recreation Department will be accepting applications from students currently in the seventh and eighth grades. Eight students (two boys and two girls) from each grade will be interviewed and selected to become Parks and Recreation “V YP’s.” These volunteers will help with a variety of activities at the pool complex. This position is not without perks! Not only will the students receive valuable interviewing and job experience, but they will also receive P.A.R.T.Y (Parks And Recreation Training Youth) bucks for their volunteer hours. These bucks can be redeemed for free admittance to the pool, free raft rental and more. Applications are due by FRIDAY, MAY 20 and can be picked up at City Hall.

17th Annual

WHITTLE the WOOD r e n D e Z vo u S

June 15th – June 18th brings WTW back for another fun filled four days of carving, arts and crafts and music to Loudy Simpson Park. Competitive carving will begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday and continues through Saturday. Please drop by several times throughout the event and marvel at the transformation of wooden stumps into exceptional works of art. As usual the festival boasts a finale on Saturday that is always a big time in Craig! Events on Saturday include; an arts and crafts fair, several unique food booths, a silent auction featuring many one of a kind carvings, a quick carve competition, a beer garden and of course live music! Music starts at 3:00 and continues throughout the afternoon. This year we are pleased to present The Subdudes taking the stage at 5:30 PM. We encourage you to invite family and friends to a fun filled day in beautiful Loudy Simpson Park. For food vendor or arts and craft booth information please call Craig Parks & Recreation at 826-2029. The residents have voted WTW “Best Special Event” and “Best Tourist Attraction” for the past several years. the SubDuDeS are an aMerican rootS rock group FroM neW orleanS. their MuSic iS a blenDing oF aMerican Folk, SWaMp pop, neW orleanS rhythM anD blueS, louiSiana blueS, country, caJun/ ZyDeco, Funk, Soul anD goSpel With harMonic vocalS. although the SubDuDeS call neW orleanS their hoMe they have alWayS been a coloraDo Favorite. With 11 albuMS unDer their beltS anD hunDreDS oF live ShoWS the SubDuDeS Will bring their original MuSic to louDy SiMpSon park For the 17th annual WtW renDeZvouS.

Remember that coolers are welcome but please leave your alcohol, pets and BBQ grills at home. To help offset increasing costs for this event there will be a $5.00 admission fee all day Saturday, children under 12 are free.


Play by Play | 23


regiStration: Parks and Recreation is producing two Play by Play brochures in 2016. Your first opportunity to register will be on Thursday, April 7th, at 9 am. Come and enjoy coffee and donuts in the council chambers located in City Hall. Registration is on a firstcome, first-served basis. You can also mail your form and payment to: Craig Parks and Recreation, 300 W. 4th Street or sign up online at cancellation policy: Our cancellation policy for an overnight stay or ticketed event requires that you cancel three weeks prior to departure to get a full refund. If you cancel less than three weeks prior to the event you will NOT receive a refund. We understand emergencies may arise and these will be considered privately on a case by case basis. payMentS: Payment is due when you sign up for a trip. You can leave a credit card on file with Parks and Recreation to be charged three weeks before each trip.

24 | Play by


health anD phySical conSiDerationS: Due to the strenuous nature of traveling and touring, please be realistic about your health and physical abilities. Many trips involve walking, uneven terrain, long periods of standing or sitting, climbing stairs and getting into and off the van multiple times. Staff and assistants are not available to help with any of these physical activities. Please pack lightly on overnight trips. Travelers must be able to carry their own belongings and luggage. You may register a family member, friend or caregiver for a trip to assist you; supervisor approval required. itinerarieS: Detailed itineraries will be mailed out approximately one week before each trip. Departure time is non-negotiable. Participants arriving late for departure will be left and should not expect a refund. Please remember that arrival times listed in the itineraries are approximate.

#1, #8, #15, #22 BLACKHAWK

You will have several chances to WIN IT BIG IN BLACKHAWK! Plan on leaving early in the morning so you have plenty of time to fill those pockets! Date: Saturday, April 9th Saturday, June 25th Saturday, August 27th Saturday, Nov 5th Fee: $20 (includes transportation) Deadline to register: 7 days prior to each trip

#2, #4, #6, #18 ROCKIES BASEBALL

You will have four opportunities to watch the Colorado Rockies this year. Let’s put on some purple, load the van and go support our team. GO ROCKIES!!! Date: Sunday, April 24th - Dodgers Sunday, May 15th - Mets Sunday, June 12th – Padres Wednesday, September 21st – Cardinals Fee: $30/each game (Incl. Ticket and transportation) Deadline to register: One week before each game.


Attention all you gamblers! If you want to get away and enjoy a beautiful sunny weekend gambling this is the trip for you. We will be staying at the Casablanca Resort for 2 nights. Here you can enjoy a day lying by the pool or indulging in their world class spa while you spend your evening playing slots, table games, keno and bingo all night long. Date: Wednesday, May 4th – Friday May 6th Fee: $218 (meals not included) Deadline to register: Friday, April 22nd


Parks and Recreation invites you to a FREE BBQ at LoudySimpson Park. We’ll provide the whole meal, you just need to bring your appetite! We’ll eat at noon.


Beautiful Bear Lake is often referred to as the “Caribbean of the Rockies” for its turquoise blue water. The lake is 20 miles long and is shared by Idaho and Utah. We will stay at the Lodge Motel located close to the lake. We will spend the day checking out the sights and in the evening we will go to the Pickleville Playhouse and enjoy a dinner and show. Date: Friday, July 8th & Saturday, July 9th Fee: $126 (motel, dinner & show, transportation) Deadline to register: Friday, June 24th


Let’s go enjoy a beautiful day in Rifle Falls State Parks. You bring your sunblock, lawn chair, mosquito spray & hat and I will bring the rest! Date: Friday, July 15th Fee: $18 (includes lunch and transportation) Deadline to register: Friday, July 8th


The Carole King Musical tells the inspiring true story of King’s remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Goffin, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Featuring a stunning array of beloved songs written by Gerry Goffin/Carole King and Barry Mann/Cynthia Weil, including “I Feel The Earth Move,” “One Fine Day,” “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,” “You’ve Got A Friend”. Date: Saturday, July 23rd Fee: $145 (includes ticket and transportation) Deadline to register: Friday, July 1st

Date: Wednesday, June 8th Fee: FREE Deadline to register: Friday, June 3rd


Summer wouldn’t be summer without floating down the Yampa River. Enjoy your ride down the river until you reach the Golf Course where we will unload and then head to the Clarion Inn for lunch. The date could change depending on the flow of the river. Date: Wednesday, June 22th Fee: $18 (includes lunch) Deadline to register: Wednesday, June 15th

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On this trip we will visit the State Capital and take a 45 minute historical tour. The tour will include early Colorado history, construction and architecture, the original Supreme Court Chamber and Senate and House of Representatives Chamber and more. We will also visit the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame at Sports Authority Field. We’ll eat at one of your favorite restaurants and spend the night. On the way home we will stop and visit the Railroad Museum.

Santa Fe has long been a center for arts and culture and ranks as the country’s third largest art market. There are nearly 300 galleries and dealers to explore. It is also the 3rd largest State Museum system in the country featuring culture, history and traditions of this region and the world. We will visit he Santa Fe Railyard which is the hub of entertainment, shopping, dining and events. We will also visit the Artists Markets at Cathedral Park and dine on some wonderful southwestern cuisine. This will be a fun packed 3 day trip you won’t want to miss!

Date: WeDneSDay, auguSt 10th & thurSDay, auguSt 11th Fee: $115(MealS not incluDeD) DeaDline to regiSter: MonDay, auguSt 1St

Date: FriDay, SepteMber 9th – SunDay, SepteMber 11th Fee: $185.00 (incluDeS MotelS anD tranSportation) DeaDline to regiSter: auguSt 22nD



This will be a special treat. We will be riding the gondola up to Thunderhead (mid-mountain) where we will indulge in an amazing brunch. This brunch will include a carving table, lots of salads and side dishes, a dessert table with a chocolate fountain and much much more!! Each guest will also receive a glass of champagne. Date: SunDay, auguSt 14th Fee: $55(gonDola riDe, brunch anD tranSportation) DeaDline to regiSter: MonDay, auguSt 1St


When Ren and his mother move from Chicago to a small farming town, Ren is prepared for the inevitable adjustment period at his new high school. What he isn’t prepared for are the rigorous local edicts, including a ban on dancing instituted by the local preacher, determined to exercise the control over the town’s youth that he cannot command in his own home. ‘When the reverend’s rebellious daughter sets her sights on Ren, her roughneck boyfriend tries to sabotage Ren’s reputation, with many of the locals eager to believe the worst about the new kid. The heartfelt story that emerges is of a father longing for the son he lost and of a young man aching for the father who walked out on him. To the rockin’ rhythm of its Oscar and Tony-nominated top 40 score (the soundtrack album reached number one on the Billboard charts and has sold over 15 million copies!) and augmented with dynamic new songs for the stage musical, Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people, guiding them with a warm heart and an open mind. Date: SunDay, auguSt 21 Fee: $75.00 (lunch incluDeD) DeaDline to regiSter: auguSt 1St

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Let’s go help celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Colorado Mountain Winefest. This is the state’s largest and oldest win festival featuring dozens of Colorado wineries, live music, a grape stomp chef demonstrations and arts and crafts. You can sign up for the trip to include unlimited wine tasting or without wine tasting. Unlimited wine tasting tickets includes a commemorative wine glass and wine tote. Date: SaturDay, SepteMber 17th FeeS: $41(non-Wine taSting) $66 (incluDeS unliMiteD Wine taSting) DeaDline to regiSter: auguSt 15th


For those of you who missed this trip last year, we are offering it again! In Moab we will enjoy a Dinner Cruise through the canyon. In a span of 3 hours, we will experience both an excellent cowboy-style dinner and a cruise through beautiful Canyonlands National Park and the surrounding area. On our way home to we will stop and visit the Arches National Park. This Park contains the world’s largest concentration of natural sandstone arches. There are over 2,000 arches located within the park’s 76,518 acres. We’ll drive the paved scenic path that will take us to many of the major viewpoints within the park. Date: FriDay, SepteMber 23rD & SaturDay, SepteMber 24th Fee: $170.00 (luncheS not incluDeD) DeaDline to regiSter: auguSt 29th


Sometimes one day is just not enough time to win it BIG. So this time we will try for two days. Pack you bag and Good Luck! Date: Wednesday, October 5th & Thursday, October 6th Fees: $85 (meals not included) Deadline to register: Tuesday, September 20th


This will be a wonderful time of year to take a drive over the mountains and look at all the fall colors. We will take a trip to Saratoga and have lunch at the famous Wolf Hotel. The Hotel Wolf was built for $6,000 in 1893 by German immigrant Frederick G. Wolf. In the early 1970’s the Hotel Wolf became listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Since then, the rooms have been remodeled to honor their original charm. The Georgia pine in the saloon has been completely stripped and refinished to its original state as well. After painstaking restoration, Hotel Wolf appears much as it did on its opening day. The restaurant is known for their superb food. Date: Thursday, October 20th Fee: $8 (lunch not included) Deadline to register: Thursday, Oct 13th


This was a hit last year and everyone wanted to do it again! What could be better than enjoying a great lunch and then soaking our tired muscles in the Ol’ Town Hot Springs! Grab your suit and towel and let’s load the bus.


Pack some warm clothes because we are headed to Grand Junctions for their Winter Festival! This will be a fun filled day with lots of activities and things to see. In the evening we will get to see what Grand Junction calls their centerpiece of the holidays; The Parade of Lights. There will be over 100 floats that light up the night on seven blocks of the Main Street. We’ll stay at the downtown Hampton Inn and head home on Sunday. Date: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th Fee: $72 (includes motel and transportation) Deadline to register: November 18th


This is one of the best ways to wrap up our activities for the year! Come and enjoy a holiday lunch at the Clarion Inn. Door prized will be given out and don’t forget to bring your ideas for next years’ trips. Date: Thursday, December 8th Fees: $12 Deadline to register: Thursday, December 1st


Start rehearsing your Christmas tunes because we’ll be doing some singing as we cruise around Craig and look at all the beautiful places decorated for the holidays. We will pick up everyone in the McDonald’s parking lot and have a hot beverage or maybe something sweet when we return. Date: Wednesday, December 14th Fee: FREE Deadline to register: Wednesday, December 7th

Date: Thursday, November 17 Fee: $17 (lunch not included) Deadline to register: Friday, November 11th

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SENIORS ON THE GO r e g i S t r at i o n F o r M

Fill out the form below. Place a checkmark in front of each program you would like to attend, and return this page with your payment to: Craig Parks & Recreation, 300 W. 4th St., Craig, CO 81625. PARTICIPATION IS LIMITED! SIGN UP IS ON A FIRST COME, FIRST-SERVE BASIS. TRIP OR ACTIVITY


FEE $20



Saturday, april 9


rockies baseball

Sunday, april 24 - Dodgers



Mesquite, nv overnight

Wednesday, May 4 - Friday, May 6



rockies baseball

Sunday, May 15 - Mets



Summer bbQ

Wednesday, June 8



rockies baseball

Sunday, June 12 - padres



yampa river Float trip

Wednesday, June 22




Saturday, June 25



bear lake, iD / garden city, ut

Friday, July 8 - Saturday, July 9



picnic in rifle Falls

Friday, July 15



beautiful: the carole king Musical at the buell theatre

Saturday, July 23



Denver capital tour / colorado hall of Fame tour / railroad Museum

Wednesday, august 10 - thursday, august 11



korbel brunch on Mount Werner in Steamboat

Sunday, august 14



boulder Dinner theatre Featuring “Footloose”

Sunday, august 21




Saturday, august 27



Santa Fe, new Mexico

Friday, September 9 - Sunday, September 11



colorado Winefest in palisade

Saturday, September 17


rockies baseball

Wednesday, September 21 - cardinals



Moab Dinner cruise / arches national park

Friday, September 23 - Saturday, September 24



blackhawk / central city overnight

Wednesday, october 5 - thursday, october 6



Saratoga, Wy - lunch at the Wolf hotel

thursday, octover 20




Saturday, nov. 5



ol’ town hot Springs and lunch in Steamboat Springs

thursday, november 17



grand Junction Winter Festival & parade of lights

Saturday, December 3 - Sunday, December 4



annual christmas party

thursday, December 8



christmas light tour

Wednesday, December 14



$41 / $66


naMe ________________________________________________________hoMe phone __________________cell phone ____________________

Mailing aDDreSS _______________________________________________ city________________________ State_________Zip______________

eMergency contact________________________________________ eMergency phone____________________________________________ overnight-preFerreD rooMMate choiceS 1 .


I expressly understand and agree that the City of Craig, CO, a municipal corporation, nor any of its officers, agents, volunteers, assistants or employees shall be held responsible or made the subject of any claim seeking to assess damages or liability for or arising from personal injury or property damage or loss of any other sort to myself or the person on whose behalf this form is now signed as a result of actual or proposed participation in the above named program and I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the City of Craig, its officers, agents, volunteers assistants, or employees harmless on account of any such claim. I also hereby give permission to the City of Craig to use my name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes, and forfeit all compensation for use.

____________________________________________________________________________ Signature

28 | Play by


______________________________ Date

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I don’t know how many of you have had the opportunity to meet Ryan Dennison, our new Recreation Supervisor. We are very pleased to have him on board and welcome the new programs he is introducing. Keep your eyes open for several sports clinics including a Baseball/Softball Clinic put on by CNCC and a Soccer Clinic put on by Moffat County High School Soccer. In addition he introduced a successful Dodgeball league last winter and has a Kickball League coming soon.

riDgevieW trail

By the time you receive this brochure in the mail we will have awarded a contract to pave approximately 2000 ft. of the Ridgeview Trail that is located on the Memorial Hospital Property. Eighty percent of this project is being funded through a grant from CDOT.

breeZe park

Craig Parks & Recreation was fortunate enough to receive a grant in the amount of $145,000 from the Division of Local Affairs to begin the Breeze Park Development Project. Some of you may have noticed a new playground system was installed late last fall. Hopefully this summer you will see a new parking lot and a restroom facility.

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Want to See What eventS are happening at craig parkS anD recreation, go to our Facebook page @ craig parkS anD rec or


The Center of Craig is available to rent for your next birthday party, wedding, reunion, dance, baby shower or meeting. It is located at 601 Yampa Avenue. The building was built in 1903 as the Christian Church. In 2000 the City of Craig had the building restored and is now a public community center. There are two different rooms available for rent. The Auditorium (located upstairs) is 2390 square feet and holds up to 340 people and the Chapel which is located on the main floor holds up to 175 people. Both of these areas are available to rent at $60 for a four-hour block or $100 for a full day for each area. Kitchen facilities are included with the rental of either room. The whole facility (both areas) can be rented for $100 a half day or $175 for a full day. There are different rental fees for weddings or if you plan on having alcohol at your event.

For more information or to book your event call 970.826.2029.

city of craig staff directory Main Office


Rain Out Hotline


David Pike (Parks & Recreation Director)


Pennie Bricker (Senior Supervisor/Office Manager)


Sylvia Griffiths (Aquatics Manager)


Ryan Dennison (Recreation Supervisor)


Jeremy Sanders (Parks Foreman)


Lee Fagan (Crew Supervisor)


Play by Play | 31

city oF craig parkS & recreation 300 WeSt 4th Street craig, co 81625 reSiDential cuStoMer



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