1 minute read
Found Poem by Tony Hufton
from Now We Are Five
Found Poem
Pontefract and Castleford Express 15th November 1902
Touching the death of Isaac , a coalminer. An inquest was conducted by Major Arundel, coroner, at the Jubilee
Hotel. On Monday deceased went to work at 1.15 p.m. and was brought home in the ambulance at 4.30 p.m. Wife of deceased identified the body and said deceased was 58 years of age. Dr Finch attended deceased but gave no hope from the first.
Witness was deceased’s “mate”. He was working about nine or ten yards from deceased, heard a fall of roof. He shouted “Isaac, are you all right?” but got no reply. Witness ran to the spot and found deceased covered with coal and stone. Deceased said “Oh Sam, do come here.”
Witness had tested the roof and considered it sound, and that it was a safe working place. It was well timbered. There were three props under the place that fell. Two were standing, and one had been knocked out.
Deceased was a careful, experienced workman. A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.
Tony Hufton