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I’ve news for you by Mike Spilberg

I’ve news for you

I’ve news for you and little of it cheers you’ll feel as someone drop-kicked in the scrotum there’s someone out there thinking your ideas.

It’s the spectral dread that every writer fears, his thoughts purloined before the chance to wrote ’em. If it’s news to you then little of it cheers.

Your aperçus, your insights, your mind’s dears already coined by others ere you float ’em. There’s someone out there using your ideas.

The world rates you then derivative, and jeers at your titles, themes, and words ad infinotum bad news for you, so little of it cheers.

The grinning face in the penumbra leers; pre-doppelgangers stalk - oh god rot’em! Those people out there swiping your ideas.

For those who feel unique, it’s what brings tears, the thought of others dancing round your totem. It’s news for you and nothing of it cheers: there’s someone there gazumping your ideas.

Mike Spilberg


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