Drug Abuse Resources

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St Edward's College, Edmund Rice Academy Trust

Quick Search Amphetamines

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Details Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

Summary Connolly, Sean Need to Know 362.299 General Non-Fiction - 1 Hardback - 1

This volume seeks to provide thorough factual information about amphetamines and is specifically aimed at teenagers. It includes: a range of real-life case studies; information on the effects of drug-taking on the individual and society; and details of organizations who can provide support.

Briefing papers for students Details Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Unknown - 1 Website - 1

Based on the UN Millennium Report, the following issues are presented: AIDS, biodiversity, child labour, child soldiers, childrens' rights, climate change, disarmament, drug abuse, education, girl child, globalisation, governance, human rights, international law, preventing conflicts, peace-keeping, poverty, refugees and renewing the UN. Each issue has an overview, progress, focus, the next steps, student activities and resources.

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Printed: Jan 5, 2012 18:51:02

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Summary Connolly, Sean Need to Know 362.298 General Non-Fiction - 1 Hardback - 1

This volume seeks to provide thorough factual information about cocaine and is specifically aimed at teenagers. It includes: a range of real-life case studies; information on the effects of drug-taking on the individual and society; and details of organizations who can provide support.

Drug Abuse In Sport Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Summary Web Links

Cocaine Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Summary Donnellan, Craig Issues 362.29 General Non-Fiction - 1 Paperback - 1

'Drug Abuse in Sport' is the 26th volume in the series 'Issues'. The aim of this series is to offer up-to-date information about important issues in our world. Cases of drug abuse in sport continue to hit the headlines. This book explores this issue from all angles.

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