Healthy Eating

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St Edward's College, Edmund Rice Academy Trust

Quick Search Active Kids Get Cooking Details Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Summary Website

This is a healthy schools initiative throughout the UK and provides information about food education, healthy eating and cooking for primary and secondary schools. There is an annual cookery competition focusing on locally produced produce.

Unknown - 1 Website - 1

Amir Khan

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Details Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

This work provides simple, motivational biographies of well known sporting stars, looking at their careers, as well as their upbringing and early involvement in sports.The high-interest narrative style draws the reader in and promotes literacy. Each title includes health, nutrition and training tips promoting healthy eating and exercise. It fosters knowledge, skills and understanding for the PE and PSHE curricula.

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This work provides simple, motivational biographies of well known sporting stars, looking at their careers, as well as their upbringing and early involvement in sports.The high-interest narrative style draws the reader in and promotes literacy. Each title includes health, nutrition and training tips promoting healthy eating and exercise. It fosters knowledge, skills and understanding for the PE and PSHE curricula.

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Printed: Jan 5, 2012 10:21:48

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Summary Townsend, John Sport Files 796.342 KS3 Biographies - 1 Hardback - 1

Big fat problem Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Summary Townsend, John Sport Files 796.83 KS3 Biographies - 1 Hardback - 1

Andy Murray Author: Series: Class: Level: Location: Media:

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Summary Web Links

This BBC website offers a guide to healthy eating and getting fit. Highlights include gut-wrenching facts, healthy hints, expert advice, real-life successes. The website has interactive activities and printout resources and quizzes.

Unknown - 1 Website - 1

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