ANNOUNCEMENT: Living with Western Washington Rivers

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“Living with Western Washington Rivers� November 18, 2011 Veterans’ Memorial Museum - Chehalis Overview: Western Washington rivers, their forested watersheds a n d th e i r fl o o d p l a i n s h a v e b e e n e x te n s i v e l y d e v e l o p e d for flood control, hydropower generation, irrigation, a n d n a v i g a ti o n . In addition western Washington rivers are managed for the restoration and protection of Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed fish and wildlife species municipal supplies, water quality, and recreation, creating a myriad of competing demands. Complex problems require unique solutions built on the mutual understanding of science, economics, social values, policy, and legal constrains integrated across numerous jurisdictional boundaries. Using panel discussions and a poster session, this symposium will present the latest regional efforts from a variety of stakeholders aimed at disseminating land use practices throughout western Washington and sharing lessons learned broadly applicable. For more information visit our Website or call 360-3527988..

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