The Leader - October 2011

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Issue 10 Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society Something “fishy” for everyone


October 2011 The Le a de r

October 2011 Published for you by The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society

Photos of twelve more handtied flies from around planet Earth are inside for your enjoyment and appreciation

This extraordinary collection of custom-tied flies was graciously shared by Henk van Bork


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Issue 10

October 2011

The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society publishes “The Leader” for SSCS members and other conservationists. The vision for The Leader is to communicate updates of one or more community supported conservation efforts taking place within the historic range of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout. We encourage SSCS members and nonmembers to contribute photos and articles associated with these ongoing SSCS-endorsed conservation e. The October 2011 issue: Dedicated to Dr. Alexandra Morton and members of the ―A-Team” for their extraordinary efforts prior to and during the recently-completed Cohen Commission Inquiry. Inside: Articles and photos associated with ongoing, wild Pacific salmon and steelhead trout conservation efforts On a lighter note, a collection of photos of custom-tied flies from around Planet Earth is featured for your enjoyment. The cover photo is by: Henk van Bork Please send your comments regarding this issue of The Leader to:

The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society logo was designed and produced by Dr. Alan Steeves (SSCS International Conservation Director) with assistance from Richard Mayer (SSCS Senior Marketing and Communication Advisor)

Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society, Inc. The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society was established April 22, 2010 (Earthday) by dedicated conservationists to protect, conserve and restore our natural resources and outdoor heritage. (Scroll down to view content)

Our Legacy: Web of Life Unique to the Pacific Northwest From the mountaintops to the sea; the diversity of natural environments; the mountains, rain forests, high desert, scrublands, prairies, Puget Sound, San Juan Islands and the Columbia River as it weaves it’s way to the coastal areas, supports an incredible array of plants and animals and the bounty of the magnificent anadromous fishes. Wild steelhead and salmon are the icons of the way of life stretching back with the native peoples to the times of their ancestors and reaching into the future of our descendants. Our responsibility is to assure the web of life unique to North America's west coast remains healthy and abundant, for surely our stewardship is the greatest gift we can leave as a Page 2 legacy for future generations


Issue 10

In This Issue:

October 2011

 David Suzuki Foundation: Science must be free from political interference

 Mark your calendar: Living With Western Washington Rivers  What‟s next: After Cohen Commission Inquiry  Word games: Scrabble with Don Staniford (GAAIA) .

 Leadership: Saving salmon requires leadership (Paul Fish)  Photo Galleries: Flies from around Planet Earth, Cohen Inquiry  SSRic CAbbett S-endorsed co nservation pJim roWilcox ject: Vacant Snake River salmon and steelhead restoration THE (NewLEADER York Times) P a g e 3

2011 SSCS Executive October Officers 2011 Issue 10 Able – Committed - Experienced


Ric Abbett

Bruce Treichler

President and CEO


Joe Durham

Don Schluter

Dr. Alan Steeves

Jim Wilcox

Secretary and Treasurer

Terry Turner

SSCS – Conservation Directors

Dr. Alexandra Morton

Richard Mayer

Senior Communications and Marketing Advisor


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Senior Marine Biology Advisor

SSCS 10 Officers, Directors, AdOctober visors, S2011 ponors Issue and Community-based Conservation Projects


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SSCS Facebook Friends (1,400 plus) Community-supported Conservation Efforts and Fishing Around Planet Earth

SSCS Facebook Friends (1,400 plus) October 2011 Issue 10

Follow the Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society’s Community-supported and Science-based Conservation Project Updates Around Planet Earth via: e-mail: Web: Http:// Facebook: Steelhead Salmon Facebook Information Pages:  Steelhead Salmon  Living with Western Washington Rivers  International Farmed Salmon Skype: Steelhead.Salmon Twitter: Steelhead.Salmon


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S SS SC CS S iin nc crre ea assiin ng go ou uttrre ea ac ch ha an nd de ed du uc ca attiio on ne effffe ec cttiivve en ne essss –– O Ovve err 7 7,,0 00 00 0

Issue 10

October 2011

u un niiq qu ue eW We eb bssiitte ep pa ag ge e vviie ew wss a an nd do ovve err 2 2,,3 30 00 0u un niiq qu ue en ne ew wsslle etttte err p pa ag ge e vviie ew wss iin nS Se ep ptte em mb be err ((u up p ffrro om m1 10 0p pa ag ge e vviie ew wss iin nJ Ja an nu ua arryy))..

Sent link to new Facebook friends


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Sponsors 2011 IssueSSCS 10 Valued Business October

101 Multimedia

Alpine Experience

British Columbia Federation of Fly Fishers

Flyfishersâ€&#x; Arte & Publishing

Purchase this linked advertizing space for your business or organization for only $250 usd per year. Includes similar space on (Ad must be pre-approved by SSCS Editorial Board)


Natural Settings – Digital

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Imaging and Design

Issue 10

October 2011

The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society Presents:

““LLiivviinngg w wiitthh W Weesstteerrnn W Waasshhiinnggttoonn RRiivveerrss””!/pages/Living-With-Western-Washington-Rivers-symposium/138343942922110

Friday, November 18, 2011 New 10:00am – 5:00pm Date Veterans‟ Memorial Museum Chehalis Washington (Exit 77) P Pa an ne ell D Diissc cu ussssiio on nss::  W Wa atte errssh he ed dS Se errvviic ce ess  F Fllo oo od dp plla aiin nD De evve ello op pm me en ntt  T Trra an nssp po orrtta attiio on n  F Fo orre esstt P Prra ac cttiic ce ess  W Wa atte errssh he ed dM Ma an na ag ge em me en ntt Admission Fee: $25.00 (Includes symposium admission, museum admission, lunch, parking) Send to: Living with Western Washington Rivers 3322 104th Avenue SW Olympia, Washington 98512 Page 9


Issue 10

October 2011

How safe are species? Posted: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 12:06 am | Updated: 12:15 am, Wed Sep 7, 2011. How safe are species?

SEATTLE - As the first administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency when it was formed in 1970, William Ruckelshaus oversaw the birth of an agency that has become a fixture in the U.S. political landscape. He was also at the EPA three years later when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act W. Ruckelshaus

By STEVE BROWN Daily Astorian . The EPA and the ESA have had a profound impact on U.S. agriculture. The EPA has taken on an increasingly prominent role as a regulatory force, and the Endangered Species Act, through efforts to protect threatened and endangered salmon, wolves and other species, has touched the lives of many Western farmers and ranchers. Retired from federal service, Ruckelshaus, 79, now lives in Seattle and serves as chairman of the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, a collaborative problem-solving institution of the University of Washington and Washington State University. The center recently helped Washington state's agricultural industry, environmental interests and counties hammer out a framework for cooperation on critical habitat areas that was enacted by the 2011 Legislature. He recently sat down with Steve Brown, reporter for the Capital Press, sister paper to The Daily Astorian, in his downtown Seattle office to discuss the Endangered Species Act and its impact on agriculture. The answers have been edited for length and clarity.



P a g e 10

SOctober cience m ust be 2011

Issue 10

free from political interference

Recently, we've seen more "muzzling" of scientists, funding cuts, and an increasing disregard for science in policy-making and public conversation. (Credit: Chris Willey via Flickr). By David Suzuki with contributions from Kealy Doyle, communications coordinator ―While doing salmon-genetics research at the Pacific Biological Station on Vancouver Island, federal fisheries scientist Kristi Miller discovered that a virus may be killing large numbers of Fraser River sockeye before they reach their spawning grounds. The research was published in the prestigious journal Science, but Miller wasn't allowed to speak to the media about it. The government's Privy Council Office said this was to avoid "influencing" the ongoing federal inquiry into the Fraser sockeye decline. But it's hard to believe the Cohen Commission wouldn't want to encourage discussion about its area of inquiry. And it's in the public interest for the science to be available to a wide audience. This is just one sign that science is playing second fiddle to political concerns in Canada and the U.S. Recently, we've seen more "muzzling" of scientists, funding cuts, and an increasing disregard for science in policy-making and public conversation. The U.S. has seen calls to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency and the rise of climate change deniers in national politics. Last September, the head of the Canadian Science Writers' Association, which represents science journalists, spoke out against the "unacceptable political interference" in how government science is communicated. Now, everything federal scientists say to the media must be approved by political staff. They are not allowed to deviate from approved "media lines". The government has also slashed funding for climate change research, jeopardizing our ability to assess risks to human health, infrastructure, and the environment. And in early August, it announced that more than 700 Environment Canada employees face the axe in the coming months. Fisheries and Oceans Canada and National Research Council staff have also received layoff notices. According to the Hill Times, the affected workers include "100 physical scientists, 19 meteorologists, 45 computer scientists, chemists, biologists and engineers." Fisheries and Oceans Canada and National Research Council staff have also received layoff notices. The cuts seriously jeopardize the ability of government departments to provide effective leadership and public science when it's needed more than ever.‖


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ScOctober ience mu st be 2011 free from political

Issue 10


Continued from previous page: ―Our blinkered approach to science at home is bad enough, but we're also gaining an unenviable reputation abroad. Canada has been criticized in recent years for hindering rather than advancing global efforts to combat climate change. In June, Canada opposed a plan to classify chrysotile asbestos as a hazardous substance at the UN Rotterdam Convention, despite admitting that the science is sound‖ We are, of course, a major exporter of this deadly material. Fifty countries have banned it for domestic use, including Canada. And the government has spent millions removing it from buildings, including Parliament. This scientific antipathy could not come at a worse time. As global ecosystems decline, and with them our air, water, soil and energy, we face many serious decisions about the fuels we use, the food we eat, how we get around — perhaps every aspect of the way we live. But powerful interests from all quarters are making themselves heard. We are told one thing and then another, and in the resulting confusion we sometimes throw up our hands and don't know who or what to believe. We need all the options on the table, and some way of evaluating which ones are credible and will serve us best as a society and as a species. Good science is the best available tool we have to do this. It knows no political allegiance or cultural sympathy. It must withstand rigorous evaluation and testing. It is always being modified or even tossed out because it is constantly tested and replaced when better science emerges. When we combine these strengths with foresight, ingenuity, and reason, we are best prepared for the challenges ahead. Attempts to control or limit public science are not just ideologically suspect, they are often counterproductive and can be hugely destructive. When we're making decisions that may call for compromise and sacrifice, when we're asking people and nations to change their habits, when we're trying to wean ourselves off the dirty, unsustainable energy that fuels our consumer society, we want and need to know our leaders are committed to acting on the best information available. At the very least, that means letting scientists talk about their work. But it also means giving our experts the resources they need to do their jobs. It means a frank and open discussion about problems and solutions. And it means putting the public interest above political concerns.‖

Editor‟s note: This 30 minute video is a “must watch‖


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Issue Atlantic 10 salmon feedlots in: October 2011 British Columbia‟s otherwise pristine marine waters Number of farms: 120 Norwegian –owned farms: 110 (92%) Norwegian corporate ownership – percent of total:  Cermaq/Mainstream: 24%  Marine Harvest: 55%  Grieg: 13% * Percentages provided by Don Staniford (GAAIA)


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Issue 10

More About October 2011 Sea Lice

Sea louse From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search For pruritic dermatitis, see seabather's eruption .

Male and female Lepeophtheirus salmonis The sea louse (plural sea lice) is a copepod within the order Siphonostomatoida , family Caligidae. There are 36 genera within this family which include approximately 42 Lepeophtheirus and 300 Caligus species.[2] Sea lice are marine ectoparasites (external parasites) that feed on the mucus, epidermal tissue, and blood of host marine fish. This article focuses on the genera Lepeophtheirus and Caligus which parasitize marine fish, in particular those species that have been recorded on farmed salmon . Lepeophtheirus salmonis and various Caligus species are adapted to saltwater and are major ectoparasites of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. Several antiparasitic drugs have been developed for control purposes. Since L. salmonis is the major sea louse of concern and has the most known about its biology and interactions with its salmon host, this review will focus on this species. Caligus rogercresseyi has become a major parasite of concern on salmon farms in Chile,[3] and studies are under way to gain a better understanding of the parasite and the host-parasite interactions. Recent evidence is also emerging that L. salmonis in the Atlantic has sufficient genetic differences from L. salmonis from the Pacific, suggesting that Atlantic and Pacific L. salmonis may have independently co-evolved with Atlantic and Pacific salmonids, respectively.[4] Wikipedia Sea Lice Article


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edlots 2011 Issue 10 Atlantic salmon feOctober and their impacts to wild salmon and trout


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1. Far left: Atlantic salmon feedlot locations in western Norway, 2. Upper right and lower right: Louse covered wild sea trout Each returning, adult wild seatrout has up to 1,000 sea lice attached to it (photos courtesy of John Ă˜ystein Berg)

Issue 10

October 2011

Photo by Dr. Alexandra Morton


Alexandra Morton and her lawyer Greg McDade – pictured here during their landmark legal case regarding the regulation of aquaculture in 2009 (Photo and story credit -



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Issue 10

October 2011

Working fishing communities, such as Nanaimo on British Columbia’s Vancouver Island, rely directly on sustainable populations of Pacific salmon in order to maintain their healthy lifestyle and natural resourcesbased economy. "We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees." "When the duty calls, I will surely be fighting in the front lines for it all." ~ Qwatsinas (Chief Edward Moody of the Nuxalk) 

Chief Qwatsinas, Chief of the Nuxalk, was a:  great visionary who strove tirelessly for justice and the protection of nature. He fought with great commitment for the preservation of the forests and the rights of his people. 

driving force behind the international campaign for the protection of the Great Bear Rainforest. His courage and his deep love for his people as well as the beings who can't speak for themselves have changed the world.


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The above photo, Qwatsinas quotes and Qwatsinas history were provided by Elly Edwards (

Declining Issue 10

populations of October wild Pacific 2011 salmon are due in part to America‟s increasing demand for “cheap”, farmraised, Atlantic salmon. (Photo provided by Don Saniford, GAAIA)

Wild salmon deaths linked to sea lice at fish farms Study contradicts earlier findings based on a review of same data By Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist August 23, 2011 Wild coho and pink salmon die when young fish migrate through areas where there are sea lice outbreaks on fish farms, a new study concludes. The paper, whose lead author is Martin Krkosek, a researcher at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the findings directly contradict a previous study that concluded there was no link.

Read more: deaths+linked+lice+fish+farms/5293078/story. html#ixzz1XC0sOL00

The above, otherwise healthy, Pacific salmon smolts were attacked by life-robbing sea lice as they migrated near or through Norwegian-owned, floating, open Atlantic salmon feedlots located in British Columbia marine waters. FFeeaattuurreedd gguueesstt pphhoottooggrraapphh:: S Stteeeellhheeaadd ffiisshhiinngg iinn tthhee C Coow wlliittzz R Riivveerr,, ssoouutthhw weesstt W Waasshhiinnggttoonn ((pphhoottoo:: D Daavvee M MccC Cooyy,, O Ow wnneerr aanndd hheeaadd gguuiiddee,, E Em meerraalldd W Waatteerr A Anngglleerrss,, S Seeaattttllee,, W Waasshhiinnggttoonn


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More from the recently completed Issue 10 October 2011 Cohen Commission Inquiry to determine causes of Fraser River Sockeye salmon pre-spawn mortality (Anissa Reed –


P a g e 19

Scientists and wild salmon advocacy groups October 2011 Issue 10 from around planet Earth reach out and educate regarding health and environmental impacts associated with consumption of Atlantic salmon raised in open feedlots located in British Columbia marine waters and elsewhere. (


P a g e 20

AIssue bunda10 nt Grizzly populationsOctober directly2011 related to sustainable, robust populations of freeswimming Pacific salmon Grizzlies starve as salmon disappear Mark Hume Vancouver— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail First the salmon vanished, now the bears may be gone too. Reports from conservationists, salmon-stream walkers and ecotourism guides all along British Columbia's wild central coast indicate a collapse of salmon runs has triggered widespread death from starvation of black and grizzly bears. Those guides are on the front lines of what they say is an unfolding ecological disaster that is so new that it has not been documented by biologists.  

No answers in B.C.'s salmon collapse Millions of missing fish signal crisis on the Fraser River

―I've never experienced anything like this. There has been a huge drop in the number of bears we see,‖ said Doug Neasloss, a bear-viewing guide with the Kitasoo-Xaixais tribes in Klemtu, about 180 kilometres south of Kitimat. Mr. Neasloss said in recent weeks that he and other guides have visited 16 rivers where they usually encounter groups of bears feeding on spawning salmon. ―I've been doing this for 11 years and this is the worst I've seen it,‖ he said. ―Last year on the Mussel River, I saw 27 bears. This year it's six. That's an indication of what it's like everywhere.‖ He said on another river last fall, he saw 12 black bears and three spirit bears, rare black bears with white fur. ―This year, there are three black bears and no white bears,‖ he said. Mr. Neasloss said for several years salmon runs have been in decline in the area, but last year was particularly bad. ―I've never seen bears hungry in the fall before, but last year, they were starving,‖ he said. ―I noticed in the spring there weren't as many bears coming out, but I felt it was premature to jump to any conclusions. … but now there just aren't any bears. It's scary,‖ he said. ―I think a lot are dead. I think they died in their dens [last winter],‖ he said. Ian McAllister, Conservation Director of Pacific Wild, a non-profit conservation group on Denny Island, near Bella Bella, said he's heard similar reports. ―I've talked to stream walkers [who monitor salmon runs] who have been out for a month and have yet to see any bears,‖ he said. ―There are just no bears showing up. I hear that from every stream walker on the coast.‖ Mr. McAllister said it used to be easy to visit salmon streams in the Great Bear Rainforest, a large area of protected forest on the central coast, and see 20 to 30 bears a day feasting on salmon. ―Now you go out there and there are zero bears. The reports are coming in from Terrace to Cape Caution … the bears are gone,‖ he said. ―And we haven't seen any cubs with mothers. That's the most alarming part of this,‖ Mr. McAllister said.


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2011 Issue 10 While there are strong runs of pink salmon into rivers on the central October coast, chum, which are much bigger He said the problem is that chum salmon runs in the area have collapsed.

fish that spawn later in the year, are the key food item for bears preparing for hibernation. Without an adequate supply of big salmon late in the year, said Mr. McAllister, bears do not have enough fat to survive the winter in their dens. ―The lack of salmon last fall, coupled with a long, cold winter, is what's at the root of this,‖ he said. ―River systems that in the past had 50,000 to 60,000 chum have now got 10 fish,‖ he said. ―The chum runs have been fished out. We've seen the biological extinction of a [salmon] species, and now we're seeing the impact on bears.‖ Fred Seiler, with Silvertip Ecotours, in Terrace, said the Department of Fisheries and Oceans should not allow salmon to be commercially harvested in areas where stocks are in trouble. ―This should be a huge red flag for DFO … but they continue to manage British Columbia's salmon fishery in a total state of denial,‖ he said. ―Even as we speak, they are still considering more [salmon fishing] openings when not enough fish have returned to the rivers.

Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) A subspecies of the larger coastal brown bear, the grizzly bear gets its name from the grayish, or grizzled, tips of its fur. Photograph by John Eastcott and Yva Momatiuk In a joint statement, Mr. McAllister, Mr. Seiler and Mr. Neasloss called on the government to close all chum-salmon fisheries and cancel the fall grizzly-bear hunt. The worst salmon disaster this year has been on the Fraser River, on the south coast, where 10.6 million sockeye were expected, but only about 1.6 million returned. ―The collapse of the Fraser sockeye and now the north-coast chum salmon runs is leading to ecological collapse of our coast ecosystems,‖ said Mr. McAllister.


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Pop eye the sailor man ate October from a sp2011 inach Issue 10 can – Strong „til the Finish “I yam what I yam” … Popeye the sailor man

Back in the day, before amazing communication tools of today such as the Internet, cell phones, Facebook, Skype, Twitter and a whole host of others, we too had our supeheroes. They included individuals that we all looked up to because they were fighting with all of their might for common good. Among the superheroes in the early days of television and movies, was a corncob pipe-smokin’, rough-and -tumble veteran sailor named Popeye. Popeye was a favorite cartoon character of the young and young-at-heart thanks to the creative team at Paramount Productions, Inc.

Popeye the sailor man, like today’s salmon superheroes, was always on the side of good. He always stood by his friends while protecting his less capable pals. Popeye was always ready for a good fight. He never ever lost, because he was physically and mentally tough and because he understood the superhuman strength he received from one of nature’s basic foods – spinach. With spinach, Popeye was ―Strong to the finish‖. Be sure to watch the first animated Popeye the Sailor cartoon. Yes, it was in the good old days (1950’s) when movies and television programs, like life itself, were enjoyed in black and white. Unlike Popeye, today’s ―Superheroes 4 Salmon‖ are living citizens dedicated to protecting wild salmon and the many significant, ocean-derived benefits they provide to citizens and to wildlife around Planet Earth.

As with animated superheroes like Popeye, Superheroes 4 salmon are mentally and physically tough and are ready to fight wherever and whenever needed to protect free-swimming Pacific salmon and other marine life potentially impacted by open, floating salmon farms. Also, like Popeye, Superheroes 4 Salmon understand the super human strength available to them from yet another of nature’s basic foods – wild


Pacific salmon,

P a g e 23

Issue 10

October 2011

“The only logical thing that can be done to protect our wild salmon from disease and collapse. No Salmon Farms! Get Out of Our Ocean”...Anissa Reed – SalmonAreSaTHE credLEADER .com

P a g e 24

r readers requested a few photos of IssueOu 10 October 2011

hand-crafted flies from around planet Earth (Passion, science, art)

By: Rocky Maley

By Flyfishing Flies

By Stefan McLeod

By Henk van Bork 路

By Bigjim Westberg

By Stephan Gian Dombaj Junior

By Sasa Bencun Roka

By Flies Kenya THE LEADER

By: Casters Fly Shop

By Catching flies limited

By Irish-Flytying Avonmore-Tackle

P a g e 25

By Giacomo Manzoni

200 Salmon Warriors October Gather 2011 Issue 10 During Cohen Commission Inquiry at Vancouver Art Gallery August 30, 2011

(photos courtesy of Gord Hill – Vancouver Media Co-Op)


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Vancouver BC Arts Co mmunit2011 y Issue 10 October Supports Removing Salmon Feedlots GalleryGachet - September 2 and 3 P Phhoottooss ccoouurrtteessyy ooff A Anniissssaa R Reeeedd ((S Saallm moonnA ArreeS Saaccrreedd..oorrgg)) aanndd D Doonn S Sttaanniiffoorrdd ((G GA AA AIIA A))


P a g e 27

Issue 10


“SalmonOctober farms ar2011 e gatekeepers to Fraser sockeye survival” by renowned Marine Biologist, Dr. Alexandra Morton Title background by Don Staniford (GAAIA)

Here's why I think salmon farms are gatekeepers to Fraser sockeye survival ―Three days ago, the lawyer for the Province of BC at the Cohen Inquiry refused to allow the fish farm disease databases to be entered as a public exhibit at the Cohen Inquiry. On Sunday night people started sending emails to Premier Christy Clark and at 2 pm on Monday the lawyer for the Province stood up and retracted their opposition and the BC salmon farm disease records became public. Finally, I can tell you why I think salmon farms have become the gatekeeper to Fraser sockeye survival. In 1992, the salmon farms were placed on the Fraser sockeye migration route, and the Fraser sockeye went into steep decline.‖

―But the only sockeye runs that declined were the ones that migrate through water used by salmon farms.‖


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Continued10 from previous page: Issue

October 2011

―The blue line above represents the Harrison sockeye which are never found migrating north along eastern Vancouver Island. The red line is all the other runs, such as Cultus, Weaver, Horsefly, Stuart etc. Looking below while most of the Fraser sockeye stocks declined since the early 1990s (expanding yellow bubbles), the Harrison have increased over the same time period.‖


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Issue 10 Continued from previous page.

October 2011

―Exactly one sockeye salmon generation after the salmon farms were sited on their migration route, they began dying in the river in increasing numbers just before spawning and all their eggs died with them.‖

Cohen Commission Inquiry: Day 7 by Dr. Alexandra Morton (SSCS Senior Marine Biology Advisor) ―We heard that when salmon farms were sited no one even considered the migration route of the Fraser sockeye. When the salmon farm licenses were rolled over to federal jurisdiction the First Nations were not consulted and the question was asked, has a salmon farm ever been revoked or denied. The answer was no.‖ Read Dr. Morton’s entire Day 7 blog


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Issue 10previous page. Continued from

October 2011

Cohen Exhibit #72 ―So many sockeye were dying that DFO tasked their scientist, Dr. Kristi Miller, to figure out how to predict how many were going to die before they opened any fisheries. Miller ran genomic profiles on the sockeye as they approached the coast and was completely surprised when her data indicated the majority of Fraser sockeye are fighting a virus weakening their immune system.‖

―I have come to the conclusion that the winding path I've traveled for so long is the goal. The reason I have stayed so long on this path has not been to attain any purpose in my life, but only to take delight in its perfection and the friendships I have made along the way. My life has then ceased to be a chore and has become more beautiful, simple, and real. The biggest surprise along the winding path has been . . . I found me.‖ ~ Joe McDonald – Poems, Writings and Rants / One Man’s Search for Perfect Moments ~


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Continued from previous page. Issue 10

October 2011

―Genomic profiling is a powerful and new field of science that reads the switches turned on/off in cells in response to stress, disease, food, starvation, algal blooms and much more. When Miller read the information stored in the cells of sockeye only one virus fit – Salmon Leukemia Virus. One of its characteristics is brain tumors, which Miller also found in the sockeye, pictured above. While Dr. Michael Kent was Director of the Pacific Biological Station he studied the salmon leukemia epidemic in salmon farms in the Discovery Islands. In 1990, Kent sent one of the tumours to the Smithsonian Registry of tumours (Kent and Dawe 1990). His research indicated the cause was a virus, in fact he named it Plasmacytoid Leukemia. The salmon farmers opted for a shorter name and called it marine anemia. Kent published on this disease in Cancer Journals:‖


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Continued from Issue 10previous page.

October 2011

―But on the stand at the Cohen Inquiry Aug 22-23 Dr. Kent backed away from his published works, denied the tumors existed and said it is now his opinion it is not a virus. He should consider contacting these journals and inform them this work needs correcting. Most important to us Kent found it could spread to sockeye. And DFO did nothing. The salmon farms remained on the Fraser sockeye migration route:‖

―Dr. Miller's research suggested the majority of Fraser sockeye were dying of something remarkably similar to whatever Kent found. I suspect an apparent infectious disease that causes brain tumors, similar to what was identified in salmon farms was too much for DFO. DFO has a split mandate to promote salmon farms, as well as protect wild salmon. I don't think DFO knew quite what to do. Suddenly Miller was not allowed to attend meetings. Next, the highest level of government, the Privy Council, would not allow her to speak to the press. When she attended the Cohen Inquiry she was flanked by large men in dark suites with ear pieces and still not allowed to speak to press.‖


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Continued from previous page. Issue 10

October 2011

“In an email released at the Inquiry we saw that Miller wrote to the Provincial vet who examines the farm fish saying you don't "believe" marine anemia exists. (see entries below) The DFO Fish Health Department did not want her to test farm salmon (see entries below) But despite months of enormous pressure not to speak, once on the stand she told us what she knows. Her funding to work on sockeye has been cut.”

―What Miller did not know came out today and this is why I think salmon farms are killing the Fraser sockeye. Four times a year the Province of BC goes out to the salmon farms, picks up approximately five dead farm salmon and does autopsies on them. There are approximately 600,000 farm salmon/farm so this is a very small sample. While the BCMAL vet apparently does not "believe" in marine anemia, he frequently records the symptoms of this disease in the provincial farm salmon disease database he even notes: "In Chinook salmon, this lesion is often associated with the clinical diagnosis of "Marine anemia". I am guessing only a handful of people have ever read this database (Exhibit #1549, 217). Miller's data suggests this disease is killing the Fraser sockeye and it is occurring frequently in farm salmon in fact according to the provincial data, it peaked at exactly when the 2009 Fraser sockeye were going to sea as smolts.‖



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Continued from Issue 10previous page.

October 2011

"Marine anemia" while now considered a mystery disease with distinctive symptoms, is known to weaken the immune system of salmon. As it swept through the salmon farming industry in the 1990s it sometimes killed most of the farm, and sometimes it had very little affect at all. It all depended on whether a secondary stressor appeared. We know that the sockeye that went to sea in 2007 had a tough life, meeting adverse ocean conditions. Miller's work suggests they were infected with a virus called marine anemia known to weaken salmon, Kent found sockeye were susceptible and we know they were exposed to marine anemia in the narrowest portion of their migration route because a second database released today reports the Conville Bay salmon farm was diagnosed with marine anemia in 2005 (Exhibit #1549, 206) and a third database assembled by one of today's witnesses, Josh Korman says the Conville Bay farm Chinook salmon remained in the water until July 2007, just after the Fraser sockeye had passed through its effluent. So why did we get a huge run of Fraser sockeye in 2010, and why were there enough sockeye for several commercial fisheries in 2011? Marine anemia is a disease in farm Chinook salmon. While Kent's work demonstrated it infects Atlantic salmon, Atlantics appear less susceptible. With the rising murmur within DFO that Dr. Kristi Miller's work pointed strongly towards marine anemia infecting the majority of Fraser sockeye, the salmon farming industry closed all its Chinook salmon farms on the Fraser sockeye migration route.‖ (emphasis added by editor)


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Continued from previous page. Issue 10

October 2011

―And the sockeye decline reversed itself. None of this is my work - this is simply what I found reading through the 500,000 documents submitted to the Cohen Inquiry. Now just in case this makes you think the only problem is Chinook farms, look at this. Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv) is an influenza virus appearing in Atlantic salmon farms worldwide. (emphasis added by editor) While the province of BC, the salmon farming industry, the Minister of Fisheries, MPs etc., have all been saying infectious salmon anemia is not here the province of BC has recorded the symptoms of this disease over 1,100 times in their database which only a very few people have ever seen. Disturbingly, ISAv symptoms are spiking just after marine anemia symptoms in three different years. Marine anemia is an immune suppressor. This graph looks only data from salmon farms on the Fraser sockeye migration route. The dates 2009, 2010, 2011 refer to the dates those sockeye returns went to sea. For example the sockeye that crashed in 2009, went to sea in the spring of 2007.‖


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Continued from Issue 10previous page.

October 2011

“We have heard people on the stand say when the Provincial vet reports the "Classic signs of Infectious Salmon Anemia" it really isn't ISAv, however the two symptoms he reports as classic ISAv-type lesions (SSC and HEM) are rising and falling together:�


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Continued from previous page. Issue 10

October 2011

―I don't know how much more evidence we need. The way I see it no one wants to deal with this. I can't disregard all this evidence. Salmon farms are dangerous to wild salmon because they create a place where viruses, bacteria and parasites breed. (emphasis added by editor) Tomorrow people are gathering at the Vancouver Art Gallery between 12:30 and 2 (events from 10-4) to carry the message fish farms have to get out of the ocean. You can make an online submission to the Cohen Inquiry You can help with the bills and donate online at Premier Christy Clark could remove salmon farms from the Fraser sockeye migration route, because the Province of BC is the landlord to this industry renting them the seafloor. email Clark It is a huge weight off my conscience to finally be free to communicate this material. Doing something about this is up to you.‖

Editorial Comment: Many had hoped and prayed that the recent, $25 million, Cohen Commission Inquiry would have helped to avoid the ―train wreck‖ that will likely impact British Columbia’s wild Pacific salmon and steelhead trout.


Judge Cohen’s important findings are expected June, 2012

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Issue 10

October 2011

Atlantic salmon – Grown, harvested and sold by Marine Harvest (Norway)


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Issue 10

October 2011

This page is reserved for invited articles and photographs submitted by salmon farm industry representatives (more space available if needed)


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Issue 10

October 2011


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C hehal10 is River Basin Flood AOctober uthority 2011 Update Issue By Bruce Treichler Vice president, Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society, Inc.

Editor’s note: Bruce Treichler (SSCS Life Member) willingly serves as the Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society’s ―ambassador‖ in an ongoing effort to work with elected and appointed officials (local, state, federal and international) to collaborate in efforts to develop and implement community supported, basinwide strategies to protect human lives, safety, health and property while also protecting our publically-owned assets. Mr. Trencher’s extraordinary, and sometimes challenging, efforts on many related fronts led to his recognition in 2011 as the ―SSCS Conservationist of the Year‖.

Bruce Treichler The Washington State Legislature, in its 2011 Capital Budget, gave new life to the Flood Authority (FA). They gave the FA some new dollars and rolled over unallocated dollars from the 2010-2011 fiscal year so that it could complete its work. However, they also made new demands on the FA. These are beyond the work they were to have completed by June 2011. Those were as follows;  Study, develop, construct, maintain, operate, and fund flood control measures (in) the basin;  Complete a study of the effect of retention structures on fish in the basin; and,  Complete a hydraulic model of the Chehalis River. The legislature added a requirement that the Office of Financial Management was to a report, which would identify flood hazard mitigation projects in the basin. The Governor’s office has, in turn, requested that the FA complete this report. It is to be completed and delivered to the Governor and legislature by June 2012. The report is to include the following elements;  The potential for flood mitigation through upstream water retention facilities;  Determine the effectiveness of the proposed levee project in Centralia and Chehalis in protecting the communities and determine any downstream and upstream impacts of the levees;  Evaluate projects that could protect I-5 as well as the airport and medical facilities;  Discuss other means to provide flood relief such as the replacement of bridges, conservation easements on farmlands, small-scale water diversion (off-channel storage), and riparian habitat restoration projects. All of this is to be completed in the next 10 months. All of this comes at a time where there is considerable tension among some members of the FA. The chair of the FA was voted out in June and a new one elected. The new chair is Vicki Raines who is the mayor of Cosomopolis. Among the reasons cited for the change was the lack of trust between members as well as between members and the previous chair. The new chair has made some changes. For example, the FA now has a work plan, a very ambitious plan that will require far more effort on the part of its members than what had been expected in the past. Meeting agendas have become far more substantive and include reports from various contractors; something that was not happening previously. In addition, the new chair intends to have reports sent to key legislators to keep them up to date on the FA’s activities.


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Chehalis Update Issue 10 River Basin Flood Authority October 2011 (continued) While this was going on Thurston County, Grays Harbor County, and the Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation established as the Chehalis Watershed Cooperative. The purpose of the Cooperative is to ―reduce flood damage within the Chehalis watershed boundaries.‖ Other members of the FA were invited to join, but none have chosen, at this point, to do so. At least some of the reluctance is due to the increased tension the formation of the Cooperative has caused. The Cooperative is discussing projects such as replacing bridges and other non-structural means of flood risk management.

Upper Chehalis River – Proposed hydropower dam site Life giving conditions for citizens as well as for public-owned natural resources

Mid-stem Chehalis River (Centralia, Chehalis) Life threatening conditions for citizens and public-owned natural resources


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Issue 10

October 2011

Several Washington state highways are undergoing costly construction projects to install culverts in order to enhance u p s t re a m a n d d o w n s t re a m f i s h pas s ag e


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Issue 10

October 2011


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“Livin10 g with Western WashiOctober ngton Riv ers” 2011 Issue Hosted by: Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society Chaired by: Jim Wilcox

Purpose: Provide a forum for presentation of emerging policy and management goals, objectives, and information needs rel to ―Living with Western Washington Rivers‖ now and into the foreseeable future. Admission: $25.00 Agenda: 10:00: Welcome: New Date 10:15: Meeting: purpose, goals, Introductions 10:30: Panel 1: Watershed Services 11:30: Lunch 1:00: Panel 2: Floodplain Development 2:00: Panel 3: Transportation 3:00: Break 3:15: Panel 4: Forest Practices 4:00: Panel 5: Watershed management (forestlands, wetlands, floodplains) for foreseeable future 5:00: Adjourn

November 18

Sponsorship Levels: Event Sponsor ($5,000) Lunch Sponsor ($2,500) State and Federal Agencies ($1,000) Community sponsors: ($500) Poster displays: ($250 for non-sponsors)

Mark your calendars - “Living with Western Washington Rivers” The Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society, along with event sponsors, will present the November 18, 2011 ―Living with Western Washington Rivers‖ symposium at the Veterans’ Memorial Museum in Chehalis, Washington. The purpose of this important forum is to provide a forum for presentation of emerging policy and management goals, objectives, and information needs related to ―Living with Western Washington Rivers‖ now and into the foreseeable future. Panel discussions will address: Watershed Services, Floodplain Development, Forest Practices, Transportation and Watershed Management. Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has been invited to serve as the event’s keynote speaker during lunch. Please send your individual registration fees and event sponsorships to: Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society, 3322 104th Ave SW. Olympia, WA, 98512.


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The Leader 10 – September Issue Issue 

Thanks – great stuff! ><((((º> D. Staniford, British Columbia Very impressive F. Urabeck, Washington state

All comments from those who read our monthly

October 2011

publication, “The Leader” are valued. Comments





publication in “The Leader” are published as submitted, unless determined by the Editor to be vulgar or offensive. “The Leader” and our websites are published with the intent of being family-friendly.

Scrabble while waiting for the completion of the Cohen Commission Inquiry, anyone? D Do on nS Stta an niiffo orrd d G Gllo ob ba all C Co oo orrd diin na atto orr G Gllo ob ba all A Alllliia an nc ce eA Ag ga aiin nsstt IIn nd du ussttrriia all A Aq qu ua ac cu ullttu urre e


P a g e 47

Issue 10

2011 The Steelhead aOctober nd Salmon Conservation Society Proudly Hosts:

2012 International Farmed Salmon Symposium May 29 – 31, 2012 University of British Columbia Vancouver Please send your sponsor and vendor inquiries to:

Symposium Details Published as they Develop:  The Leader  FaceBook: Steelhead Salmon  Web: Http:// Reduced Prices for On-campus Student Housing During Symposium S Sp po on nsso orr E En nq qu uiirriie ess E En nc co ou urra ag ge ed d e e--m ma aiill tto o:: W Wiillc co ox xjj@ @k ka atte ew ww wd db b..c co om m


P a g e 48

Snake10 River (Washington stOctober ate and 2011 Idaho): Issue Pacific Ocean salmon and steelhead trout restoration and protection Last week, for the third time in nearly a decade, Judge James Redden of the United States District Court T Th he eN Ne ew wY Yo orrk kT Tiim me ess in Portland, Ore., rejected as inadequate a federal plan claiming to save imperiled salmon species in the Columbia River basin. These fish have been listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act since the early 1990s, their once-remarkable annual runs reduced to a trickle by habitat destruction and by the hydroelectric dams that impede their passage to the sea. Three different administrations have offered survival plans. All three have been found wanting. Judge Redden, who has shown a great deal of patience and sagacity on this issue, tossed out a Clinton administration plan as too vague and a plan from the administration of George W. Bush as essentially illegal. The law requires the recovery of a species; the Bush plan promised little more than allowing the fish to go extinct at a slower rate.

McNary Dam, Columbia River (Run-of-the-river)

The Obama administration added improvements, including lofty promises to restore spawning streams and estuaries. Not enough, Judge Redden said, noting that the plans did not extend beyond 2013 and, in any case, depended on Congressional appropriations that may or may not occur. He told the government to return with a more plausible and aggressive scheme in three years. Significantly, he left all recovery options on the table, including breaching four dams on the lower Snake River, an idea we have long supported. It’s time now for the stakeholders in this dispute to sit down at the same table, something they have never done. They include the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Bonneville Power Administration, two federal agencies that have offered only incremental steps toward fish recovery. They also include environmental groups, fishing and farming interests, Indian tribes and two state governments with differing views, Oregon favoring more aggressive actions than Washington. Jane Lubchenco, the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which oversees the fisheries service, should convene such a group, with White House backing, to reconcile differences and devise an acceptable plan. Otherwise, it’s back to the legal wars, which benefit no one, least of all the fish.


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SIssue teelhe10 ad and Salmon ConseOctober rvation S2011 ociety Bylaws Adopted January 31, 2011 I.The name of the organization shall be the; Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society II. Board of Directors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Board of Directors shall serve without pay and consist of Conservation Director members. Eligibility is dependent on Executive Committee approval of 2/3. Board members shall serve two year terms. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board, with the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Board members may be dismissed from the Board with Executive Committee approval.

III. Officers 1. The officers of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President/Chief Executive Officer as Chair, Vice-President as Vice Chair and the Secretary/Treasurer nominated by the Board. 2. Elected officers will serve a term of two years. 3. (a)The Chair shall preside at all Board meetings, appoint committee members, and perform other duties as associated with the office. (b)The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in case of the Chair’s absence. (c)The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the Board, keep all approved minutes in an archive, and send out copies of minutes to all. (d) The Treasurer shall keep record of the organization’s budget and prepare financial reports as needed. (e)The Executive Committee shall make recommendations for staffing as needed including contracts. (f)The Executive Committee shall prepare budgets, direct fundraising and membership activities and assure compliance with all existing permits, licenses, regulations, rules and laws of the State of Washington and the United States of America. IV. Committees 1. The Executive Committee Chair shall appoint volunteers to standing and ad hoc committees as needed. 2. Standing Committees; (a) Ways and Means, Organizational Development (b) Policy Development (c) Communication (d) Corporate Affairs V. Meetings 1. Regular meetings shall be held on Earth Day annually. 2. Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by the Chair or a majority of Executive Committee members. 3. Agendas shall be provided at least 7 days in advance. 4. All meetings shall adhere to Roberts Rules of Order. 5. The Chair shall serve as Sergeant of Arms or appoint one.


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S teelh10 ead and Salmon ConsOctober ervation 2011 Society Issue Bylaws (Continued) VI. Voting 1.

For Board Meetings; (a) A majority of board members constitutes a quorum. (b) In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.


For Executive Committee Meetings; (a) A majority of board members constitutes a quorum. (b) In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.


Passage of a motion requires a simple majority (ie, one more than half the members present).

VII. Conflict of Interest 1. Any member of the board who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the Board to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his seat and refrain from discussion and voting on said item. VIII. Fiscal Policies 1.

The fiscal year of the board shall be from October 1 thru September 31.

IX. Amendments 1. These by-laws may be amended by a two-third vote of Board members present at any meeting, provided a quorum is present and provide a copy of the proposed amendment(s) are provided to each Board member at least one week prior to said meeting. Honorably submitted this date, January 31, 2011, Ric Abbett President/CEO Northwest Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society


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Society October 2011 Issue 10Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Membership Application

Washington State not for profit corporation – UBI: 603009859 Please return your completed membership application and check to: SSCS Membership 3322 104th Avenue SW Olympia, WA, 98512 Your joining the Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society is truly appreciated. Your completed application for a membership will be evaluated by the SSCS Membership Chairman. You’ll be notified via an e-mail message regarding your SSCS membership status. Thank you for your interest in protecting and restoring the unique Pacific Northwest outdoors and our way of life.

Sponsored By: __________________________________________ Date Approved by SSCS: _________________________________ Your name: (print) __________________________________________________ Your address: (street)____________________________(city)________________ (state)__________(country) ________(postal code)____________ Your e-mail address:_________________________________________________ Your phone number:_________________________________________________ Is it time for your SSCS membership renewal?

Membership Fee Structure – please select one: O Life: $1,000

Annual membership level: O Chinook: $500 O Steelhead: $100 O River Steward: $50 O Undergraduate: $35 O Student (12 – 18): $20 O Senior (62+): $20 O Commercial sponsor: $250

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What personal or professional skills will you contribute as a member of the Steelhead and Salmon Conservation Society? O O O O O O O O

Process Restoration: forestland, floodplain, wetland Science: Fisheries, Wildlife, Soils, Hydrology, Geology. Economy Legal TThhee S Stteeeellhheeaadd aanndd S Saallm moonn C Coonnsseerrvvaattiioonn Membership development S Soocciieettyy ddooeess nnoott ddiissccrriim miinnaattee oonn tthhee bbaassiiss ooff Communication rraaccee,, rreelliiggiioonn,, ccrreeeedd,, nnaattiioonnaall oorriiggiinn,, ddiissaabbiilliittyy,, Marketing hhaannddiiccaapp,, aaggee,, sseexxuuaall oorriieennttaattiioonn,, m maarriittaall Project Management ssttaattuuss,, vveetteerraann ssttaattuuss oorr aannyy ootthheerr bbaassiiss Other _____________________ pprroohhiibbiitteedd bbyy llaaw w..


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