How to Prepare your Business for London 2012 Olympics

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London 2012: Are you prepared?

The London 2012 Olympic Games will be hugely beneficial for London. They will bring fun, culture and economic gain to our city and throughout the country. However, they may also bring disrupBon, delays and frustraBon. Steelhenge ConsulBng is a Crisis Management and Resilience Services company and we are currently advising our clients on how to reduce the impact of the expected disrupBons from the Games on their businesses. This presentaBon aims to provide you with some important informaBon about the Games and presents some ideas of how you can minimise the negaBve effects. Although we appreciate that the Olympics will cause disrupBon across wider areas of the UK, this informaBon pack is largely focused on operaBons that will be affected in the London area.

30 Days 46 Sports 32 Venues 4 billion people watching


19 May 2012

28 July 12 August

16 July Media start arriving in London

25 June Media Centre Opens

15 July Official Opening of the Olympic Village

9 September 2012

30 August 9 September


25 July Olympic Route Network (ORN) begins

13 August Olympic Games Departures

Paralympic Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Torch Relay in London

14 September Olympic Park Closes

29 August

27 July

21 - 26 July


12 August Closing Ceremony

9 - 12 September Paralympic Games Departures

London 2012: The Events

Olympic Games: The Sta@s@cs ü  205 countries are taking part ü  There are 55,000 members of the

Olympic family. This incudes: -­‐ Media -­‐ Athletes -­‐ Officials -­‐ Delivery partners ü  There are 8.8 million Bcketed spectators ü  34 Olympic venues – 25 in London

Paralympic Games: The Sta@s@cs ü  There are 170 countries taking part in

the Paralympic Games ü  There are 10,000 members of the Paralympic family. This incudes: -­‐ Media -­‐ Athletes -­‐ Officials -­‐ Delivery partners ü  There are 2 million Bcketed spectators ü  20 Paralympic venues – 17 in London

Addi@onal Events: The Torch Relay ü  The Olympic torch arrived in the UK on 18 May ü  The torch will arrive in London on 21 July ü  The torch will visit every London borough before

travelling by boat to the Olympic Park

ü  When the torch arrived in Beijing, in 2008,

hundreds of thousands gathered in the streets

ü  The arrival of the torch could result in road and

transport congesBon

ü  On Thursday 26 July, the torch will visit the central

London boroughs. The ORN will be in operaBon on this day

ü  The Paralympic Torch Relay will take place 24 – 29


Addi@onal Events: Live Sites ü  There will be large screens on display for people to

watch the Games at ‘Live Sites’. These are in:

Hyde Park Poaers Fields (besides City Hall) Victoria Park Waltham Forest Woolwich ü  It is predicted that large numbers of people, up to 50,000 people, will visit the Live Sites, resulBng in addiBonal problems for transport congesBon and mobility •  •  •  •  •

ü  The area between Trafalgar Square, Victoria

Embankment, Hyde Park Corner and Marble Arch is expected to be parBcularly busy

ü  There will be a Live Site at Trafalgar Square during

the Paralympics

Addi@onal Events: London 2012 Fes@val ü  The Games is a great opportunity for cultural and arts

displays. The London 2012 FesBval will be taking place at locaBons throughout the UK for nine weeks

ü  A number of events are taking place in London,

including BT River of Music (22 -­‐ 23 July) on the Thames

ü  Some of the naBons taking part in the Games will have

NaBonal Hospitality Houses where they will host cultural events and exhibiBons. DisrupBon may be experienced at these venues.

ü  NaBonal Hospitality House locaBons include: -­‐  French Village at Old Billingsgate Market -­‐  Irish House at The Big Chill in King’s Cross -­‐  The Italian House at The Queen Elizabeth II

Conference Centre in Westminster

ü  For more informaBon on the London 2012 FesBval


Addi@onal Events: Annual Events ü  As well as the Games and the nine week

London FesBval, annual events will also be taking place, including: -­‐  Trooping the Colour (16th June) -­‐  Hampton Court Flower Show (3 -­‐ 8 July) -­‐  World Pride (23 June -­‐ 8 July) Parade on 7 July -­‐  Wimbledon Tennis (25 June -­‐ 8 July) -­‐  No]ng Hill Carnival (26 -­‐ 27 August)

London 2012: The venues

London 2012: Olympic Venues

London 2012: Road Events The road events will be held on public roads within London and Surrey, they will affect large areas of central and southwest London. Further informaBon, including the race routes, can be found on the London 2012 website: Road Event

Date of Compe@@on

Olympic cycling road race (men)

Saturday 28 July

Olympic cycling road race (women)

Sunday 29 July

Road Cycling Time Trail (men and women)

Wednesday 1 August

Triathlon (women)

Saturday 4 August

Race Walk 20km (men)

Saturday 4 August

Marathon (women)

Saturday 5 August

Triathlon (men)

Tuesday 7 August

Race Walk 50km (men)

Saturday 11 August

Race Walk 20km (women)

Saturday 11 August

Marathon (men)

Sunday 12 August

Paralympic Marathon (men and women)

Sunday 9 September

Impacts of the Olympics: Transport

Transport: An overview ü  Over 17 billion pounds has been spent on improving London’s transport system ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü

ahead of the Games, however disrup@ons and delays are inevitable There are currently 3.5 million journeys per day on the Underground There will be an esBmated addiBonal 20 million journeys during the Games On the busiest day there will be an addiBonal 3 million journeys Transport will be busier than usual anyway as it will be peak season Not all areas of London will be affected, however the most affected parts have been idenBfied as ‘travel hotspots’ Londoners should account for 6 weeks of severe travel disrupBons School holidays will end during the Games period, heightening traffic at peak hours The Road Events will lead to road closures across London

Transport: The Olympic & Paralympic Route Networks (ORN/ PRN) ü  Drivers will experience changes to driving and parking regulaBons i.e. restricted turnings, ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü  ü

one-­‐way roads (see next slide) Clearly marked Games Lanes will be in operaBon on about 1/3 of the ORN/PRN – these will not be open to general traffic Parts of the road network will also be closed as the Olympic Torch Relay travels through the city between 21-­‐26 July The ORN and PRN measures will be in place for a couple of days before and ajer both the Olympic and Paralympic Games Road signs will be installed to help commuters understand the revised regulaBons Vehicles that stop or park illegally on the ORN/ PRN will be fined and potenBally impounded Some bus stops, pedestrians crossings, loading and parking bays will be suspended More informaBon on the ORN/ PRN can be found on the TfL website

Transport: Tube, DLR & Overground ü  It is expected that 80% of spectators aaending the Games will arrive into London at ü  ü  ü  ü  ü

NaBonal Rail staBons Tube services will be running for longer (approximately 21 hours) and more services will be operaBng, however there will be a longer peak period The Jubilee line will be the busiest of all the Underground lines, the Northern line is also expected to be excepBonally busy StaBons, such as Bank and London Bridge, which act as popular interchanges, will also be very busy and, if possible, should be avoided Some staBons may be exit or entrance only, for instance Marble Arch will be exit only for the enBrety of the Games For more informaBon regarding travel during the Olympic visit the Transport for London website: hap://

Transport: Buses & Boats ü  Some bus routes will change during the Games period ü  There will be an addiBonal 200 buses in operaBon running a 24 hour service ü  Some buses will be running more frequently to help with demand ü  Routes are expected to be busier than usual, parBcularly those along or near

the ORN and PRN ü  The Thames services will also be affected as they offer a direct route to Olympic venues

Transport: Cyclists & Pedestrians ü  Some walking and cycling routes may be closed, parBcularly in the Central London Zone and ü  ü  ü  ü  ü

near the Olympic Venues In some places the flow of pedestrians will be managed by stewards and/or barriers Cyclists will be able to use the ORN and PRN; however, they will be prohibited from using Games Lanes 95% of the Games Lanes use the outside, ‘fast’ lane and will be busy with Games Family traffic, and therefore they are unlikely to be suited to cyclists Roads will be excepBonally busy during the Games and this will impact cyclists. For safety Bps visit the TfL website: hap:// A smartphone app has been created that allows you to collect points every Bme you choose to walk or cycle allowing you to redeem vouchers for haircuts and shopping amongst other things: hap://­‐route/id513926106?mt=8

Impacts of the Olympics: Absenteeism

Absenteeism ü  Absenteeism is one of the biggest concerns among the factors affecBng businesses during

the Olympic Games ü  Staffing will be affected by:

-­‐  Rou@ne absenteeism (illness/ childcare issues etc.) -­‐  Peak summer holiday period -­‐  Staff volunteering at the Games -­‐  Staff wan@ng to watch the Games and get involved with celebra@ons ü  Employers should also consider the level of producBvity they will receive from their staff

during this period

Impacts of the Olympics: Deliveries & Collections

Deliveries & Collec@ons ü  It is predicted that approximately 70% of road traffic in Greater London will be

unaffected ü  However, in the areas that will be affected deliveries and collecBons (including waste collecBon) will be more challenging, so you must have a plan in place to deal with this and understand the repercussions it may have on your business ü  There will be no stopping, loading or unloading on the ORN from 6am unBl midnight during the Games ü  The temporary road changes could affect: -­‐  The loca@on of your delivery/ collec@on points -­‐  The @mes deliveries/ collec@ons can be done -­‐  How long the delivery/ collec@on vehicles take to get to you

Impacts of the Olympics: Security

Security: Threats ü  In no parBcular order, the key risks threaBng the Olympics are as follows: -­‐  A coordinated terrorist aeack i.e. 7/7 bombings -­‐  Small aeacks i.e. from lesser known extremist groups, such as al-­‐Shabaab -­‐  ‘Lone-­‐Wolf’ aeack i.e. Anders Breivik aaack in Norway -­‐  Dissident Aeack i.e. Northern Ireland republicans -­‐  Cyber Crime i.e. against Olympic sponsors/ tourists -­‐  Ac@vism and/ or public disorder i.e. London riots in 2011 -­‐  Physical infrastructure damage and/ or theg i.e. cable thej impacBng transport -­‐  System/ network failure i.e. Overload of local telephones exchanges ü  A number of exercises or ‘run-­‐throughs’ are being conducted in the lead up to the Games to

ensure UK security is as resilient as possible ü  See the Steelhenge Olympic risk arBcle for further informaBon on this topic

Impacts to your Business: Are you prepared?

How will you be affected? The games are likely to have an impact on four main areas relaBng to your business. They are: -­‐

Travel to and from work for you and your staff


Travel for your customers and other visitors


Deliveries/ collec@ons and other suppliers


Business travel

Other factors, such as absenteeism and security, may also affect your business. To establish whether you need to take acBon to protect your business, see the next slide. If you answer yes to any of the quesBons you need to consider appropriate measures to ensure you can conBnue operaBng as effecBvely as possible.

Do you need to take ac@on? Key Ques@on Are you based near a sporBng venue, Live Site, road event route or near the ORN/ PRN? Are you located in Central or East London? Do you rely on deliveries or collecBons? Do your staff, customers, visitors or supplies travel by road to and from your premises? Do your staff, customers, visitors travel by public transport? Would you be affected if staff were unable to get into work on Bme? Would you be affected if there were an internet or mobile network failure? Would you be affected by alteraBons to on-­‐street parking, loading restricBons etc.? Would your organisaBon be affected by a sudden surge of people in the vicinity of the business? Would your company be affected if cash, produce or merchandise could not be collected? Are you located near a venue that could be under threat, i.e. a NaBonal House occupied by a country with poliBcal issues?

Yes/ No

Impacts on your Business: Issues & Solutions

Impacts on your Business: Issues, Solu@ons, Ac@ons The following secBon aims to idenBfy the many issues that may affect your business operaBons during the course of the Olympic Games. The informaBon has been collaborated from conferences, webinars and advice workshops aaended by Steelhenge, in addiBon to public online informaBon and internal knowledge. Each issue idenBfied is accompanied by potenBal soluBons and acBons for your consideraBon and is presented in the format below: Issue

1. PotenBal soluBon 2. PotenBal soluBon

1. Follow on acBons required

Whilst some of these issues may not directly impact your organisaBon, it is vital that

you are aware of them as they may effect your suppliers, and therefore produce a knock-­‐on negaBve effect on your business’ performance. The soluBons and acBons presented are centred around the ODA’s Reduce, re-­‐@me, re-­‐mode and re-­‐route strategy.

I don’t know how the Games will affect my business

My working loca@on is in an area that will be affected by the Games

1. Did you answer yes to any of the quesBons in the ‘Do you need to take acBon table?’ If so, you need to develop an Olympic plan SOLUTION



1. Can you work from home? 2. Can you work from an alternaBve locaBon that is not affected by the Games? 3. Can you change your core operaBng hours to ease the strain of staff gemng in during the busiest Bmes?


1. Download the free advice tool kit from the Get Ahead of the Games website 2. Aaend free workshops and webinars informing you of the impacts of the Olympics 3. Assign a member of staff to be in charge of the Olympic planning 4. Download the ODA Olympic AcBon Plan template 1. Check your home working capability and that increased demand is supported by your IT 2. Hold an Olympic trial week to see how your organisaBon copes with different working hours/ shij paaerns/ travel to work/ working locaBons etc. 3. Produce an ac@on plan and communicate it with staff, suppliers and stakeholders 4. Test these arrangements ahead of the games to ensure they work 5. The Greater London Authority (GLA) are offering an online ‘Get Games Ready’ training package. (see weblinks slide)

The transport that my staff and I use to get to work is going to be affected


1. Do you NEED to travel? 2. Can you travel at less busy Bmes? 3. Can you take a different routes to work that may be less busy? 4. Can you use a different method of transport i.e. cycle/ walk? 5. Could your staff work from home? 6. Could you change your key hours of operaBon? 7. Could you stagger staff start and finish Bmes and operate a shij paaern? 9. Can your employees purchase tax-­‐free bicycles through the cycle-­‐to-­‐work scheme?

1. Look at the informaBon available on the Get Ahead of the Games website, parBcularly the predicted impacts on the Underground (see weblinks slide) 2. Help your staff with planning their routes to work i.e. could they get off one stop earlier and walk to avoid travel hotspots 3. Encourage staff to use alternaBve modes of transport, parBcularly ‘acBve travel’ i.e. walking/ cycling 4. Communicate the impacts of the Games on travel to staff


5. Ensure there is a secure locaBon for staff to store bicycles. Contact for free cycle stands 6. Provide staff with supporBng materials such as maps, cycle and walking routes etc. These can be found on the TfL website 7. Sign up for TfL travel alerts to ensure you do not get unnecessarily delayed due to travel incidents that could be avoided 8. Download the Travel Advice for Business Handbook (see weblinks slide) 9. If cycling safety is a concern, London borough councils offer free or heavily subsidised cycle training. Contact your local borough for more informaBon

I’m worried about staff absenteeism


1. Can your staff work remotely? 2. Could you supply them with Wi-­‐ Fi enabled phones to connect remotely? 3. Have staff been informed of the opBons available to them? 4. Have staff been given the opBon of taking leave? 5. Will you be giving staff the opBon of flexi working? 6. Will you be allowing staff to watch the Games whilst they work? 7. Could staff work at offices/ stores closet to where they live? 8. Could staff to work compressed weeks, for example, work four longer days as opposed to five ‘normal’ days? 9. Can you work shij paaerns to allow staff to travel at quieter Bmes? 10. Can you change your core operaBng hours to ensure your staff are in on Bme? 11. If you are short of staff, can you use agency staff?

1. Check your home working capability 2. Hold an Olympic trial week to see the different ways in which your staff can travel to work 3. Discuss the working opBons available to staff i.e. coming in early and leaving early 4. Define necessary staffing levels required to conBnue all business operaBons


5. IdenBfy which staff from which department are taking leave 6. Consider allowing staff certain Bmes of day to watch the Games 7. Look into having screens put up in the office/ staff room 8. If necessary, engage with a staffing agency and book staff early

I’m worried about staff security during the Games


1. Do you have robust business conBnuity and resilience plans in place? 2. If necessary, have you increased the level of security to deal with the increase of people? 3. Due to the number of people that will be in London, is it worth changing your emergency procedures e.g. if an incident occurs staff must go straight home and report in? Is your evacuaBon point sBll accessible? 4. Have you undertaken a risk assessment? 5. Do you have a good understanding of your company threat profile? 6. Have you recently changed your office/ building access codes? 7. Have your security personnel received Olympic-­‐based training?


1. Revise your evacuaBon plans and ensure you will sBll have access to evacuaBon points? 2. Communicate your emergency procedures with staff ahead of the Games 3. Conduct a company exercise using a viable scenario that you think may impact you during the Games – this will inform your staff of procedures and may inform you of potenBal risks you could miBgate 4. Use the Vulnerability Self Assessment Tool (VSAT) offered by the NaBonal Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) 5. Ensure you have secure employment screening processes in place, parBcularly if you are employing temping staff 6. Ensure that your staff have had adequate training ahead of the Games, for instance, they are aware of the procedures to follow if they find a suspicious package on site 7. Check your local police website for informaBon on local crime updates 8. Ensure you have resilient IT protecBon sojware installed on all company computers

What if we can’t make/ receive deliveries and collec@ons during the Games


1. Can your deliveries/ collecBons be made at quieter Bmes i.e. in the evening? 2. Can you collaborate with other local businesses and share deliveries/ collecBons? 3. Can you use local suppliers? 4. Can you stockpile non-­‐ perishable goods, such as printer paper/ loo paper? 5. Can your staff to have deliveries sent to their home address rather than work to reduce the amount of traffic? 6. Can different collecBon/ delivery points be used, which may reduce congesBon? 7. Can other outlets/ offices make deliveries on your behalf? 8. Can office equipment requiring maintenance be serviced before the Games period starts?


1. Contact your suppliers/ contractors and find out what their plans are during the Games and whether and when they will be making deliveries 2. Research the delivery restricBons during the Games 3. Stockpile non-­‐perishable goods 4. Communicate with other businesses in your building/ local area and see if sharing supplies is a possibility 5. Keep a diary of all your deliveries and collecBons so you are aware of what a typical day/ week looks like 6. Visit the TfL website for informaBon on the TfL’s deliveries Code of PracBce, which aims to reduce disrupBon to residents from out-­‐of-­‐hours deliveries 7. Review ORN/ PRN maps to understand how your business may be affected 8. Try and aaend one of the free Freight Advice Workshops being delivered by TfL unBl 26 June 9. Advise your delivery drivers to upload the updated versions of Satellite NavigaBon sojware, which will include the ORN and PRN road restricBons 10. Ensure your delivery staff are aware of out-­‐of-­‐hours and overnight delivery restricBons

I’m concerned about the impact the Games will have on telecoms and the internet

1. Do you have resilience in place to protect your company against cyber aaacks? 2. Can you provide staff with mobile phones and landlines if you don’t already?


3. Can staff be given internal projects that do not rely on phone calls/ the internet in the event the telecoms network fails? 4. Is it worth upgrading your network to a larger bandwidth to cope with the demand?

1. Contact your providers and ascertain what the predicted impacts on the networks 2. Contact your provider and confirm that your contract will remain the same


3. Find out what the predicted length of Bme is for your providers to respond to technical problems in the event of an incident 4. Ensure your IT Disaster Recovery plans are up-­‐to-­‐date and relevant 5. Advise your staff about the importance of cyber security and urge them to change their passwords 6. Consider installing television screens in the office/ staff room

5. Can you provide televisions to allow staff to watch the Games as video streaming will greatly reduce your internal network's capacity? 6. Do you have resilient computer protecBon sojware installed on company computers?

I’m going to struggle to hold essen@al mee@ngs


1. Can you conduct the meeBng before or ajer the Games? 2. Can your meeBng be held in a less busy locaBon? 3. Can you hold the meeBng at a less busy Bme of day to make transport easier? 4. Can you use an online facility, such as Skype or GoToMeeBng to conduct the meeBng?


1. Look at alternaBve meeBng locaBons, i.e. at a hotel in a quieter part of London 2. Test online faciliBes as an opBon to conduct meeBngs 3. If your meeBngs require you to travel outside London or the UK, ensure you book travel and accommodaBon well in advance

What Next? ü  Create an ac@on plan ü  In developing your acBon plan, you should:

-­‐  Iden@fy if you are going to be affected by the Games -­‐  Determine how you will be affected -­‐  Define suitable arrangements to allow your business to operate effec@vely ü  Use the ODA’s AcBon Plan Template to help with your planning:


ü  Use online training tools, such as the GLA’s ‘Get Games Ready’ training package:


ü  Visit for our Top Ten Tips on Olympics planning or contact us at for informaBon about our business conBnuity services

Useful Weblinks Informa@on

Web Link

General Olympic Informa@on Olympic Events Timetable­‐and-­‐results

Get Ahead of the Games

-­‐ Impact on the London Underground

hap:// london-­‐public-­‐transport.html#

GLA Online training package


London Prepared

Get Ahead of the Games Twiaer (provides up-­‐to-­‐ date informaBon about Olympic planning and travel

haps://!/GAOTG @GAOTG

Useful Weblinks Informa@on

Web Link

Travel Informa@on ORN & PRN informaBon organised by borough


ORN informaBon

hap://­‐you-­‐should-­‐know/ changes-­‐roads.html

Cycle-­‐to-­‐work scheme

InformaBon on walking in London

InformaBon on cycling in London

Travel Advice for Business Handbook

hap:// Travel_Advice_for_Business_handbook.pdf

Cycling and Walking informaBon & Advice

hap:// Walking_and_cycling_during_the_Games.pdf

Travel advice for Business video

hap://­‐advice-­‐for-­‐business/ film.html

Accessible travel for people with a disability

hap://­‐you-­‐should-­‐know/ changes-­‐roads.html

Useful Weblinks Informa@on

Web Link

Business Informa@on Managing deliveries advice

hap:// Managing_deliveries_during_the_Games.pdf

Freight informaBon

Freight workshops


Flexible working informaBon & advice

hap:// Flexible_working_during_the_Games.pdf

Addi@onal Informa@on London 2012 FesBval informaBon

hap://­‐in/whats-­‐on/#f_ProgrammeName %5B%5D=Cultural+Olympiad&f_ProgrammeName%5B%5D=Cultural +Olympiad&pageNumber=1

Hospitality Houses

hap://­‐hospitality-­‐ houses-­‐for-­‐london-­‐2012

Contact us for more information Telephone: 0845 094 2117 Website: Email:

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