September 2014

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Sasha Colicchio’s Corner Brain Spank Busker Ball

© Copyright Steel Notes Magazine 2014

Table of Contents Features 18 24 54 62 94

What Happened at Woodstock — by Debra Revenge Interview with Laura Holden — by Marlowe B. West Takez Manhattan Local Groove — Mumm Ra — by Calling Karma Motley Crue’s Final Tour — by Alexxis Steele Black in the day at Woodstock — by Guido Colacci

Articles 8 12 30 71 72 78 86

Drawn in the Stars — Pictorial by Guido Colacci Boulevard of Broken Dreams — by The Gypsy Poet Model of the Month — Sasha — by Alexxis Steele Bully Awareness — by Michael “Jacobs”McKenna 8th NYC Busker Ball — by Mia Mind Music Aerosmith Pictorial — Photography by Hrh Princess Diane Casciani Whatever Happened to the Allentown Fair? — by Alexxis Steele

24 62

18 54 94


38 45 48 50

EP Review- Dead Good Thirteen Polaroids EP — by Guido Colacci EP Review -Dave Goddess Group — by Michael “Jacobs’ McKenna Concert Review — The Cult — by Suburban Joe Concert Review — STYX — by Rhonda van Buskirk


6 7 14 17 36 46 74 84 102

Rockin’ Facts — Thomas Richmond Brodian’s Banter — Speaking of which.... Colicchio’s Corner — Something is Missing Barbell Buzz — by Tim Caso Brain Spank — by Michael Douglass The Underground: Boy Band Phenomena — by Stormy Boz Roman’s Rant — Would you play for a ‘Benefit’? Poetry Corner — by Puma Perl List of Advertisers

72 86


Steel Notes Magazine

is a monthly magazine featuring what is happening in the art, music, entertainment, and fashion industry. Copyright is reserved. Re posting is whole or in part on other sites and publication without permission is prohibited. All right to photos belong to their respective owners.



Speaking of which...

Into The Blackness

Hi readers, as you know I usually cover Film, and Theatre. But I just had to write this story.

Something is missing in Times Square.

Beatles Billboard in Times Square

The vibe of this now ghost town street was gone. The music stores were all closed and boarded up, with the exception of Rudy’s Music store on the north side of the street. Rudy’s a beautiful reminder of music’s glory days.

With time still left to kill, I went into Rudy’s. I have bought many guitars there over the years including my first Rickenbacker 360. Vic playing Beatle Bass Rickenbackers

Line waiting to get in the new Guitar Megastore

Musicians playing guitars

Original suits worn by Paul, George and Ringo on the Beatles first US visit

Rack of Fender Guitars

Variations: Time for a change


nce you’ve been working out for a while, this article will become very important as you can refer to it time and again. The main reason people give up working out is that they get bored, or they feel as if they’re not getting any-where: “I’ve been there; done that. Gee, the game’s on. Yawn.” Not so anymore! Variations are where the fun really begins, and where I’ll show you how to extend these basic routines so they’ll last indefinitely. The beauty of this workout philosophy is that only slight variations will make a huge difference in your results even though you are doing essentially the same exercises. A little creativity will propel you to new heights! As you move through your workout cycles, you can begin to make small but significant changes to each exercise. I’ll give you lots of great ideas—all of which I’ve tried so I know they work. Your workouts should literally be fun (no, I’m not losing it here)! Remember, your body is smarter than you are, and it will get very bored (i.e. used to your workout) long before you do. So keep it fresh, and don’t hesitate to make a change. Here goes:


Try shaving the other side of your face first, and you’ll notice how odd that feels. Well, changing around the order in which you do your exercises will have much the same effect on your muscles. They will feel challenged a bit differently and under

constant pressure to adapt. Once your muscles adapt to this change, you can switch your routine back to the way you originally had it, or you can move on to another variation. For example, if you’ve been doing bench presses followed by dumbbell bench presses, try reversing that or-der. Once you’ve done that for six weeks, any change from there will feel like a fresh start for your muscles. Six weeks seems to be the magic number; after six weeks, our bodies figure out what we’ve been up to, and they adjust accordingly.

Rest Period

This variation is simple and easy to implement. With this one, you don’t have to change your exercises, sets, reps, grips, exercise order, or anything else. Your body will feel a new challenge in the form of a shorter or longer rest period. So let’s say that you’ve been waiting four minutes between heavy sets (like I do). Reduce that to three minutes and slowly build back up to your normal max weight (you probably won’t be able to handle your “four-minute-rest” weight right away). You can keep the sets and reps the same. This small change makes the routine a whole new ballgame as far as your muscles are concerned! Try it – it’s tough! For more Training Tips, follow me on Twitter: @timothycaso


First, the facts.



famous hippie quote reads: “If you remember Woodstock 1969, you weren’t there”. While this is the case for many, out of 400,000 people, some remember it all. Originally billed An Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace and Music, what became known as Woodstock 1969 was a series of fateful events, the start aligning to create what became the biggest music event in history. Originally the brainchild of four individuals: Michael Lang, Artie Kornfeld, John Roberts and Joel Rosenman, the Woodstock music festival began after Rosenman and Roberts placed an ad looking for legitimate investment ventures. Concert promoter Michael Lang and Capitol record vice president Artie Kornfeld had developed a strong bond and had hopes of creating a retreat style recording studio in Woodstock, NY. Once Lang and Kornfeld saw the ad, they contacted Roberts and Roseman and began talks about the record studio.

Brian Lemburg Photography

Gary Preis Photography

Vero COncepts

Politick Radio

Ladies and Gentlemen and Children of all ages ... I am your ringleader ... and this is my monthly column in Steel Notes Magazine ... rightfully and righteously entitled ... Marlowe B. West Takez Manhattan ... Today I take great pleasure ... and am highly honored ... to present to you ... to spark off at least five of your senses ... one of the most dazzling and lovely personalities in our Magnificent City of New York ...

Miss Laura Holden ... Laura is Everything ... If that wasn’t the most fitting introduction, Laura, I will ask you to take it away ... Tell us all about your awesome self ???

eclectic and dark parties that are very expressive and interesting, where you will wake up wondering WTF happened without the advantage of any drugs — that is the exciting underbelly of NYC that I moved here for. Not to plug my own party again but I really enjoy Hotel Chantelle on a Thursday, as it truly is the broadest mix of people I have ever seen in Manhattan actually getting along, or maybe staring at each other in disbelief haha. Finally I would have to give props to Dizzyland at the Spectrum in Brooklyn, which is really avante-garde in terms of the types of people who show up from underground Brooklyn scenes. You have avant-gard kids mixing with people walking in from the projects and occasionally random celebrities. Its weird and interesting and sort of feels like there aren’t any rules. MBW: I have seen a lot of far out photos of you on stage with your band ... but I have not yet heard any of your music ... So why don’t you tell us about your group ... What do you do ??? ... Where do you play ??? ... Do you write your own music ??? LH: I play keys for my friends project ZAS (short for Zachery Allan Starkey). It sounds kind of like New Order and PIL had a baby with lots of synthesizers. For this particular project Zach wrote the music and my friend Jo-Anne Hyun and I play backup synths onstage and also kind of improvise. We are part of the Brooklyn Wildlife Festival coming up in the Fall, and we are playing CMJ soon as well. Previously we have played at Pianos, The Paper Box, Cameo Gallery and other places in Brooklyn. Zachery started this project in Columbus, Ohio which is where I originally met him as a teenager and we just sort of get each others musical tastes. We are also best friends. MBW: When I first laid eyes on you I thought ... Silent Films ... and wanted to meet you ... and do photo sessions ... I think it would be fun to play a game with you now ... I will toss you a word or phrase ... and you will go off on it ... okay ???. LH: Sure MBW: To keep things in circumstantial order I shall begin with ... Silent Films ??? LH: Marlene Dietrich. MBW: Kewpie Doll ??? LH: Artificiality.

ever occurred ??? ... Please tell me about it ??? LH: This has never really occurred. In high school, I thought maybe I would move to NYC and become involved in the theatrical world. However, at some point I did end up on Broadway, if you will! If you count living under the JMZ train in Brooklyn, that is. Dreams change. I am content with the theatricality of the everyday, and I believe that identity is really a performance, life is a stage, and we all write our own scripts. MBW: Describe a true friend ??? LH: Loyal and accepting. Doesn’t take life or themselves too seriously. MBW: I think you have a great sense of comedy as well as glamour ... a unique expressionist ... Do you idolize anyone ??? LH: My heroes are really my friends and anyone who is not afraid to be themselves.


Damn Nation You are here. No closer. I keep paying attention to this. I keep pointing it out. There is just enough to keep the women and kids all fired up. Just enough to make us all afraid of things we don’t understand. Things they aren’t about to explain. We can dance to it but we absolutely hate the beat. At least the American impetus is often enough about race exclusively. Spectacularly. Race on the most granular level. Not only its institutionalization but the bones of the implementation. The talking points of bigotry. Calves the size of cantaloupes on drug mules threatening our way of life and diseases like Ebola flooding our borders every minute. Stealing our jobs and all like that. It’s a goddamn political discipline. The indiscriminate killing of young black men because they are young and black and because entire swaths of America have decided that they are a problem before figuring out they are human.

awhile. Hasn’t even been charged. You gotta be kidding me. They need a grand jury. Might take until mid October. That’s some bullshit. Everybody knows who did it and it’s murder. The cop never even filed a report. Think about that. He never filed a real goddamn report. Who’s kidding who here? 5th amendment about to become an eight hundred pound pain in the ass. Everybody knows. The local powers think it’s a secret. Really. They think they are keeping a secret from the world. Kinda like they believe they have superhuman abilities of deception and obfuscation and no one suspects anything at all. It’s like they don’t know that we can see. What kind of bubble are these abominable white men living in? They leak unrelated information, video, toxicology, they invent blunt force trauma injuries nearly two weeks after the fact. What we have here is an entire municipality with lungs that turn oxygen into shit. More than anything else, I’m fascinated by this dance in particular.

He was gunned down in the street for no good reason. He wasn’t armed with anything. We actually White cop shoots unarmed black kid to death from know who did it. And the dance is awesome. Damn like twenty feet away. Unarmed. With extreme prej- near overwhelming. Everyone with a microphone udice. At least six times. Twenty feet away. Broad keeps playing along. Everyone in front of a camera daylight. Almost two weeks ago. Eyewitnesses. No sways to one version or another. To keep the tazer. No backup. Walked around the body for peace. To preserve some semblance of order. You know, the fundamentals.

: Digital Services

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So let me go song by song. :

Review Section



The Underground by Stormy Boz

1| beneath Earth’s surface 2| covert 3| contrary to prevailing culture

Boy Band Phenomena

New Kids on the Block was probably the first “true” boy band: I fell in love with their music

CNEU Radio Rock Army

Pride Make Up by JMZ

Playboy Energy Drinks


Big Paw Graphics

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The guys rocked that stage literally from one end to the other. They never missed a beat, and put on a magnificent show. This awesome concert gave me a flash back to the days of rocking to their cassette my 75 Camaro with friends!

13. Come Sail Away Encore: 14. Rockin’ the Paradise 15. Renegade

James JY Young, Todd Sucherman, Lawrence Gowan, Ricky Phillips

Tommy Shaw, Todd Sucherman

Tommy Shaw, Todd Sucherman

Tommy Shaw

James JY Young

Ricky Phillips


Lisa Koza Productions

CLICK Attractions Hair Salon & Modeling Agency

FINAL TOUR by Alexxis Steele

Motley Crue Final Tour with Alice Cooper Allentown Fairgrounds, By Alexxis Steele Photos by Alexxis Steele, JR Muffley & Jr Peterson


otley Crue performed at The Allentown Fairgrounds for a sold out show for their “ All bad things must come to an end” final tour on Wednesday August 27th, with Alice Cooper as their opening act. Although I very much like and have performed Motley Crue's material in various bands I have been in, their final tour appearance at The Allentown Fairgrounds happened to be the first time that I ever got the chance to see the band play live. The band performed two sold out shows the previous year at The Sand’s Event Center, in Bethlehem, Pa, and I was looking forward to watching Tommy Lee play on his upside down roller coaster. Since I had not seen the band previously I had nothing to base this show on for a comparison, and had to go off what I experienced at this particular show. I have been to many Alice Cooper shows since the 70’s, so I already knew what to expect. Alice Cooper, being the opener is a tough act to follow, since he is normally the headliner, and is the

consummate showman. Opening the show with the huge backdrop of his eyes, fireworks streaming down, and theatrics such as The guillotine, The monster in Feed My Frankenstein, his straight jacket for The Ballad Of Dwight Fry, to name a few, gave a taste of what it is like at one of his shows. Add to that lasers, fog, pyros, bubbles, his machete with paper money flung into the audience, and huge bouncing balls for the crowd to play with which is enough to excite any audience! I spoke to some people who had never seen him perform, who were surprised and thought he was awesome and wound

Alice Cooper with Bubbles and Pyrotechnics

Motley Crue Vice and Dancer

Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx

: Alice Cooper, Ryan Roxie, Chuck Garric

Alice Evil

Motley Crue Nikki Sixx

Motley Crue Nick Mars

Alice Cooper, Ryan, Nita

Alice Cooper, Ryan, Roxie

Motley Crue’s Fire

Alice Cooper

Motley Crue Vince Neil

JR Chris and Ryan Roxie

JR Peterson, Ryan Roxie

Motley Crue Vince Neil


8th NYC Busker Ball by Stevie B, Mia Mind Music

You Have the Right NOT to Remain Silent NYC Busker Ball 8 Takes on Police Crackdown on Street Performers October 16th

Finally I had no days off, was playing outside during summer heatwaves constantly, and ended up in a hospital myself. I needed a benefit! :

State Farm Agent Joe Brady

Aerosmith Pictorial

Photography by Hrh Princess Diane Casciani

Another Summer




Riding the Wonder Wheel

American Indian Dolls

Empty Farmers Market

Fair Games

Afair Ride

Allentown Fair Ferris Wheel

Stuffed Animals

Dreamcatchers and Tee Shirts

Crowd Rides

: Even more gifts

Sword Swallower

Guy with Ball Python

Fun House Ride

Another Ride

Swing Ride

Black In The Day At Woodstock, Memories of Harold C. Black. Interview by Guido Colacci


Natasha NYC Fashion Designer

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