University Portfolio Year 2

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EDITORIAL Every once in a while we all have doubts about ourselves. About how we are perceived, what others think about us and especially about what is being said when we are not in the room. May it be, because we want people to like us or appreciate our work, we ultimately seek to build relationships, friendships, true bonds. It is not surprising that this is exactly the same for most major companies. Their ultimate aim is to successfully build strong and rewarding relationships with their customers? The brand around a company and their products is not only their knowledge, their outstanding quality or their extraordinary service. It needs all those small components of the puzzle to tell a coherent story to the customers and make a person wish to be connected to the brand. If you tell an intriguing story people call for an experience with you. In this modern - oh so competitive - industry this cannot be left to happen by chance. The strategic approach to build Brand Equity and analytical methods needed to measure the impact is part of my studies at VIA Design. The following pages of my second year Portfolio shall give an insight to my work, process and future prospects. Sina Marleen Petersen

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Retrospect -8-

third semester



Fashion Management Course


3rd semester Exchange Experience Robert Gordon University Fashion Branding Event Management Financial Merchandising

fourth semester


- 30-



Campaign Communication





Business Economics



Registration of Marks


Transcript of Records VIA


Transcrip of Records RGU Future Outlook


The Branding & Marketing Management course at VIA Design University College provides students with a basic understanding of structures and processes within the industry and gives deeper insights into the fashion and lifestyle sector. The Academiy Profession Degree programs spreads over 4 semesters, during which students will be introduced to various disciplines within the field of fashion and lifestyle including Design, Retail and Technology.

RETROSPECTIVE VIA Design University College 1st Semester

I want to start my 2nd year portfolio with the last project that I have completed in my first year at VIA Design. As the deadline for my previous portfolio has been before my last examination I was not able to include it and show how I applied the studied subjects to an existing problem.

Inbound Marketing Inbound Marketing Inbound Marketing

| meaningful earned | linked | engaging | visual | loved | human | meaningful earned | linked | engaging | visual | loved | human

earned | linked |

engaging | visual | loved | human | meaningful

Working in a multidisciplinary group we found that MOSS COPENHAGEN at that time had genuine problems within their business.MOSS COPENHAGEN has so far been a young and successful brand and has just gained foothold on the Danish fashion market. Though being accused for copycatting and having a poor reputation for the product quality. Inspired by the Youth Mode trend ‘Mass Indie’ we have decided to extend their current product line by a seasonal collection. As ‘Mass Indie’ celebrates the differences of each individual we strive to encourage people to be different together and plan to create a community feeling and culture of belonging. Thus the brand required a integrated strategy to differentiate their offer and create positive buzz.

My task was to prepare a communication strategy and establish favourable, strong and unique brand associations. Their consumer’s preference to seek information by peers and social media suggests an inbound marketing strategy. The strategy is designed to engage customers to create a two-way-conversation and provides them with sought content and engagement efforts along the customer lifecycle. MOSS COPENHAGEN has been well equipped for the proposed strategy and does not need to bother with the overload of traditional advertising stimuli. This way of earning their way to the consumers supports their brand image and creates a desirable community.

For my proposal I have been working with products from the new collection and the online platform MOSS COPENHAGEN had in place already. I have updated their website with product pictures from the new collection and suggest to make social media links more visible and accessible. Furthermore social media has been updated and the leads to the online shop have been emphasised. Finally I have designed the blog page (which has not been online at the time of the exam) and extended it by a ‘club’-page to create a sense of community. Working with valuable content that is relevant to their customers engages them with the brand and strengthens their loyalty. This ‘Inbound Marketing’ approach shall secure a strong and resonating brand in the long run.



Inbound Marketing

This project has been a valuable experience in realising how a business problem affects all departments and thus makes a cooperation and continuing internal communication all the more important. In addition to that I have realised how branding can be approached from several perspectives. In this case the marketing perspective proposed in my part include activities that shall benefit the brand in the long run and has a consumer-brand relationship as its aim. Having designed the strategy I then was able to practice the translation into brand design, align it with the brand DNA and communicate central brand values.

earned | linked |



engaging | visual | loved | human | meaningful

GET FOUND Website and Social Media


GET LOVED Club - Community



The Role of Brand Identity

for social enterpri ses

The work experience course has been included into the curriculum to offer the student the opportunity to practice what has been studied in theory. Thus we were given the chance to connect our knowledge to business practices within a chosen company.

Throughout my work experience at beliya GmbH I have acquired knowledge of the identity of the company in general and their specific procedures along the value chain. I had the chance to apply my own qualification and gain more competences through the tasks given to me. Together with the company I was working for, we have designed an action plan that fitted the objectives of my internship report, but also the company’s needs in regards to their team and accumulating tasks and duties.

The internship at beliya has provided me with a profound insight into the German fashion industry as well as understanding for startup businesses. beliya is the first social startup business within the German fashion industry and has been founded in 2012. Through my work at the social enterprise I gained understanding for the supply and value chain and the mission of the business. For the duration of my internship I have been working in a team of interns being responsible for social media communication.Due to the small size of the company I have been granted the opportunity to independently plan and carry out a marketing campaign for the new season's collection. Besides I was assigned to prepare and follow up a brand development workshop as a base for beliya's strategic brand management. Working in a startup and therefore in a small team required me to take responsibilities and work independently which has allowed me to contribute knowledge and ideas. Moreover working closely together with the founders and interns from other departments I gained profound understanding of what needs to be focused on when running a startup and what compromises need to be made in order to gain the most advantage to build a brand as a newly established enterprise.Though due to the small size of the company I couldn’t exclusively focus on my speciality and have been helping with e-commerce and shipping handling as well. Eventually this overview of all company’s and departments has helped to evaluate the business and encouraged me consider all business departments even more.






JULIA 35 Jahre

lässiger Freizeit Look


Persona modische Akzente

- wohnt in Hamburg Lokstedt - Freunde & Familie sind wichtig - verheiratet - keine Kinder - HR Referentin - treibt Sport - ernährt sich gesund - fährt Mini - liest Brigitte - umweltbewusst (z.B. Mülltrennung) - konsumiert bewusst - macht bei kleinen Spendenaktionen mit

JULIA 35 Jahre

- wohnt in Hamburg Lokstedt - Freunde & Familie sind wichtig lässiger Selbst Freizeit „Ich möchte mein ‚modisch, engagiertes‘ sein, Look daher kaufe ich- beliya Handtaschen“ verheiratet - keine Kinder - HR Referentin - treibt Sport - ernährt sich gesund - fährt Mini - liest Brigitte - umweltbewusst (z.B. Mülltrennung) - konsumiert bewusst - macht bei kleinen klassischer Spendenaktionen mit


„Ich möchte mein ‚modisch, engagiertes‘ Selbst sein, daher kaufe ich


modische Akzente

35 Jahre In regards to my report that I have prepared as a result from the work - wohnt in Hamburg Lokstedt experience I have been- struggling to narrow problem statement to an Freunde & Familie sindthe wichtig issue that I Look could tackle- in the time given. Also I wanted my finding to be relässiger Freizeit verheiratet Kinder of developing their brand. Thus I have levant for the startup in- keine the process HR Referentin been striving to combine my research interest with a relevant problem of the - treibt benefit Sport from the work. Style company so that both parties - ernährt sich gesund With the company being - fährt Miniaware of their discrepancies within their brand communication we recognised - liest Brigitte ambiguities within their brand’s identity – the base for a strong brand. Hence I have decided to asses the import- umweltbewusst (z.B. Mülltrennung) ance of a strong brand for business within the startup phase an put special konsumiert bewusst emphasis on their sustainable approach and social cause that beliya is pro- macht bei kleinen moting. Spendenaktionen mit

„Ich möchte mein ‚modisch, engagiertes‘ Selbst sein, daher kaufe ich beliya Handtaschen“

EXCHANGE SMESTER Robert Gordon University 3rd Semester


I have joined TEKO/ VIA Design in autumn of 2014 as an international student in Branding & Marketing Management. The reasons at the time have been to a great extend the same as the reasons for choosing to apply for an exchange semester. Having lived and studied abroad, worked within an international environment and completed my first year has been one challenge, though having achieved the objectives I have set for my time at the school, the exchange opportunity has opened up a whole new set of challenges I inspired to tackle. With a bit of an obsession for Britain and the aspiration to not only study in an English environment but also live in an English speaking country I have decided that Robert Gordon University and their Fashion Management course offers the best opportunity for my goal to acquire a more comprehensive understanding for the Business of Fashion. Moreover I personally find Scotland to be an underrated nation and was thrilled to explore it myself. In the course of my application and the correspondence with the international coordinator at the University, that is raked the highest for graduate employment, I decided to take the 5th semester courses for my exchange taking place during my 3rd semester. I believed the before mentioned objectives was best met by not only continuing my studies within Fashion Branding, but also broaden my horizon in regards to ‘Event Management’, ‘Financial Merchandising’ and ‘Ethics and the Consumer’.

During my stay at Robert Gordon University I have experienced a university system that I have not been expecting. Not only the international counselling department has been outstanding in regards to looking after incoming student, guiding them throughout their stay and organising events, also departments responsible for the body of students has proven great work. Departments such as ‘study skills’ have been particularly useful during the beginning of my studies at RGU as I had to learn report and essay structures that are not used nor taught at VIA Design. But also referencing regulations specific to RGU examinations have offered and taught in weekly workshops. Additionally the ‘study skills’ department offered counselling sessions free of charge to help with paper structures and writing skills. Another department I was particularly surprised about, was the service offered to make an entry into employment. Special meetings scheduled throughout the semester provided our course group with information about the upcoming internship, advice and help on out CV and the opportunity to be provided with a work placement. These examples were only few parts of the overall successful and very enjoyable experience studying at another institution. Concluding I have benefitted not only from the experience of living and studying abroad, but also from the work ethos at the institution and the prospect of further opportunities.




FA S H I O N MANAGEMENT Bachelor (Hons)

Robert Gordon University



The BA (Hons) Fashion Management Course at Robert Gordon University offers a degree within management and successfully builds the bridge to the global fashion industry. Based on academic theories the students are provided with practical task such as the creation of a fashion magazine and the organisation of a fashion in cooperation with Fashion Designers from Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen. With incoming guest speakers from leading fashion business from across the UK I believe that the course provides a sound education and training for a career in the fashion industry.

FA S H I O N B R A N D I N G Nichola Strahan Grade A

The Course

The module of Fashion Branding has been taught with a one-hour lecture and a two-hour tutorial per week and provided a sound combination of key academic theories and practical assignments as well as discussions of case studies throughout the semester. Besides covering the main authors within the field of Branding such as Kevin Lane Keller and David Aaker we have been studying a comprehensive array of branding theories and perspectives. Besides discussing the definition of a brand, its form, functions and dimensions, the module covered issues like counterfeiting, brand protection and special cases of Luxury Brands. The module was finalised by a written 2hour examination including a case study of the brand Jack Wills.

My Experience

Coming from a course that solely focuses on Branding in the Fashion Industry I was surprised how many theorists we haven’t talked about in class at all. Even though I was familiar with the lecture content that was covered throughout the first half of the semester I actually learned a lot more from considering a variety of authors. With the discussions on case studies, we have been working with in weekly tutorials,


Fashion Branding BRAND REPORT

The following work has been presented in a Fashion Branding tutorial at Robert Gordon University in the fourth week of the semester. The purpose of the assignment was to who our ability to analyse the various dimensions of a brand and explain their impact on the overall image and their meaning. tens is a brand from Scotland that has started up their business only a few years ago. I have deliberately chosen a brand that is just starting out. Hereby I was able to show that brand‘s do not necessarily strengthen their identity over time, but can create a strong identity through a cohesive story from the beginning.

We all love a good Instagram filter. It makes our world look a bit more sunny, warm and enjoyable – exactly what we tend to miss in our everyday life. Knowing of the success and influence of the photo startup it has gained since 2010, a group of four creative from Scotland imagined having the same enjoyable effect without having to be dependent on technology. They imagined tens sunglasses durig a road trip through the grey-skied Highlands and developed through detailed research and extensive testing the perfect sense-heightening lens tint - a real life photo filter.


THE BRAND natural aspirational out-going authentic inspiring creative

As tens has only just started their business and have not yet established a strong foothold in the industry it is very important that they continuously build their brand. Especially looking at the brand as a person (referring to Aaker’s brand identity planning model) tens can create the friendly relationship that the founders narrate in their brand story. It creates a self-expressive benefit, that customers expect from sunglasses anyway, and can take a friendly role as a ‘travel and explorer buddy’. Going deeper into a personality analysis targeting Generation Y characterized by social belonging enhances the importance of enjoying life wherever you are.






Even though the brand strives to disconnect from technology they are a young business with a tech savvy target group and therefore of course appear on social media. As their product is closely connected to a visual sense the brand shows their strength through their visual identity and that especially on Instagram. With the aspiration to be internationally successful I think the young enterprise has created a strong brand.







The BA (Hons) Fashion Management course at Robert Gordon University include the Event Management module in order to provide the students with the ability to evaluate the complexities of event management. This I especially important within the fashion industry as fashion promotion is increasingly supported by events and brand experiences. Covering core operations management and service quality theories, the module focuses on pre-, real-time and post event management and provides students with a sound understanding of the process and significant impacts of events.

With previous work experiences at Mercedes Benz Fashion Berlin I know of the promotional value of events within the fashion industry. Having been provided with relevant theories and methods to approach the management of events now enables me to include events into a promotional offer as I am able to appraise the benefits and legacies. Unfortunately the Event Management module has not been linked to the fashion industry, not with case studies in lectures nor in discussion during tutorials. I can only attempt to apply the studied theories and methods to my work and the fashion & lifestyle industry. Prospectively I would like to consider the gained knowledge in brand strategy assignments and determine the meaning of events Rachael Ironside | Grade A




Elliot Pirie | Grade B


The Course

The Financial Merchandising for Fashion module that is included in the BA (Hons) Fashion Management course shall enable students to operate the financial merchandising, stock and forecasting system. This will allows and thorough analysis and reporting at a senior management level in multiple retailer organisation. The module has been divided into two parts throughout the semester and covered two major aspects of financial merchandising: sale forecasting incl. WSSI and a Retail Simulation Game. Lectures have been structured according to the coursework assignment and have provided and sound combination of theories and group work. While the sale forecast had to be completed and justifies individually, the Retail Simulation Game was run in groups. Here the decision making had to be based and previous sales period, the analysis of the competition and knowledge about the market and the customer.

My Experience

For me personally this module has posed the most difficulties. While fellow students have learned about retail theories, purchasing and assortment planning in previous semesters, I had to catch up with the required knowledge throughout the module. Though I believe that I will benefit form this understanding of all department of a fashion business. Considering my speciality in Branding I was able to contribute insights into brand theories to the group work and the decision-making concerning the Retail Simulation Game. Having made crucial decision in regards to our retail brand has helped draw our decisions upon. The set vision and brand idea has provide a guideline for the assortment planning and has contributed to the success of our multi-store retail chain within the game. Over the course of 3 years and quarterly planning adjustments we were able to generate profit at the beginning of the second year and have been growing to be most successful chain amongst our competition within the Retail Simulation Game. This task has given me an idea of the role of a merchandiser of a retail brand and how internal brand values influence the decision-making just as well as external factors such as competition and trends.




In the course of my Financial Merchandising module at Robert Gordon University my team and I have created a vision and brand idea for our retail chain in order to have a base for our decision-making. With my personal interest in brand building and the process of branding I have decided to express our vision and visualise our ideas in a brandbook. The following pages show exerpts of the brand book I have created.











FOURTH SMESTER VIA Design University College 4th Semester




Course overview AP Degree in Design, Technology and Business – Branding & Marketing Management

Marketing Management


Brand Strategy & Analysis



Concept Development


Design Diving – what was?


Business Economics 1


Ideation – what if?


Visual Business Model – what works?

Macro Economics 1


Discovery – what is?


Team Dynamics – who is?


Strategic Design Practice what innovates?

Design: design processes and 4 design communication 5 Business: economics, management, supply chain management, retail, branding Technology: material and product knowledge Strategic & Personal Networking

4th Semester 30 ECTS

3rd Semester 30 ECTS

2nd Semester 30 ECTS

1st Semester 30 ECTS

Work placement 9 weeks Work placement exam


Global Marketing & Branding



Culture & International Marketing


Study Skills


Electives – 4 weeks


Electives – 4 weeks






Macro Economics 2


Management & Leadership






Business Economics 2


Final exam


1st year exam – oral part



1st year exam – written part Basic subjects and common core projects

Speciality projects & work experience

120 ECTS – appear in the right hand side under subjects/projects Subjects and projects will be adjusted on a continuous basis.

Electives 01.08.2014


S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y Passed

The interdisciplinary project oft he 4th semester has been specially meaningful to me as I have done extensive research on sustainability within the fashion industry in the course of my 3rd semester work placement report the previous year. This project and the lectures that were put in place to support the development of sustainable business solution as the aim of the 3-week-project have been giving insights into issues that are relating to sustainability and the environmental impact especially within the fashion industry. Having studied general theories within Ethics during my semester at Robert Gordon University, I was now able to apply the general knowledge to ethical dilemmas within the fashion industry and sustainable approaches proposed. With knowledge of sustainable materials, manufacturing and trade processes as well as legal issues such as labelling the studentry was given the means to analyse existing business model concerning their approaches and develop concept in order to establish sustainability. Within a group of 5 students from specialities covering Design, Purchasing, Branding & Marketing and Retail Management we set out to determine an existing problem of a business in order and apply our understanding and skills to introduce sustainability approaches as a possible solution. Having conducted research concerning questionable behaviour in regards to sustainability within the fashion industry we have decided to the theories acquired to Victoria’s Secret’s Business and prepare a strategic Brand Extension to introduce sustainably produced garments to their target group in order to set the scene and raise awareness for future sustainable approaches.



As a result I have not only prepared a market analysis to be able to plan the market entry for the new collection, but in addition I can provide a Brandbook for internal use. The information given in the book shall enable all business departments to communicate a mindset of sustainability for Victoria’s Secret, build the base for brand communications throughout and provide knowledge to inform consumers about the cause.


The interdisciplinary project oft he 4th semester has been specially meaningful to me as I have done extensive research on sustainability within the fashion industry in the course of my 3rd semester work placement report the previous year. This project and the lectures that were put in place to support the development of sustainable business solution as the aim of the 3-week-project have been giving insights into issues that are relating to sustainability and the environmental impact especially within the fashion industry. Having studied general theories within Ethics during my semester at Robert Gordon University, I was now able to apply the general knowledge to ethical dilemmas within the fashion industry and sustainable approaches proposed. With knowledge of sustainable materials, manufacturing and trade processes as well as legal issues such as labelling the studentry was given the means to analyse existing business model concerning their approaches and develop concept in order to establish sustainability. Within a group of 5 students from specialities covering Design, Purchasing, Branding & Marketing and Retail Management we set out to determine an existing problem of a business in order and apply our understanding and skills to introduce sustainability approaches as a possible solution. Having conducted research concerning questionable behaviour in regards to sustainability within the fashion industry we have decided to the theories acquired to Victoria’s Secret’s Business and prepare a strategic Brand Extension to introduce sustainably produced garments to their target group in order to set the scene and raise awareness for future sustainable approaches. As a result I have not only prepared a market analysis to be able to plan the market entry for the new collection, but in addition I can provide a Brandbook for internal use. The information given in the book shall enable all business departments to communicate a mindset of sustainability for Victoria’s Secret, build the base for brand communications throughout and provide knowledge to inform consumers about the cause.





The Victoria‘s Secret‘s sportswear department offers a great opportunity to introduce sustainable approaches to our business and to pave the way for integrating an overall sustainable mindset to the brand. Pairing sustainably produced products with the conscious mindset of the yoga sport we hope to raise awareness of a sustainable lifestyle. We want go the path together with our customers and introduce anyone interested in the versatility of our brand to join us. Prospectively we strive to expand onto other departments and implement the sustainable approach to lingerie, sleepwear and cosmetic collection.


C A M PA I G N C O M M U N I C AT I O N Pia Hansen | Passed

The Campaign Class at VIA Design University College has provided me with the background information, theories and methods that we so far have been trying to cooperate into our brand communication strategies, yet have never been able to define and voice. I can see that I can refer previous work of mine to theories that I study now. With this knowledge I can see flaws in my previous work and was able to evaluate on errors I have made due to the lack of knowledge. Even though I find storytelling and the theory of disruption difficult to grasp and implement when reading it from a book, I believe that being aware of such methods I am able to analyse campaigns more thoroughly and thus be able to get a feel for using it myself. The given assignment to create a campaign for a Danish newcomer band has been difficult in terms of gaining information. Not being able to interview the band about their vision & goals and the lack of English sources about their background has made it quite difficult to design a creative brief. Additionally the ambition of our team to meet the bands wants and create a meaningful campaign has been a challenge. Though working with a newcomer band has offered us to freely ideate and create a hopefully convention-challenging campaign.


V i s u al S t r a te g y



This is the first part of the campaign strategy and describes our visual idea for the new campaign in relation to the core brand idea. Further we have worked out the brand’s core story in order to create a coherent story line for the campaign. While we have decided to keep their logotype consisting of geometrical and script font, the band’s colour scheme shall solely focus on a modern idea of ‘disco’ depicted in the colour card provided. Furthermore textures like metallic and glitter will support the idea while a subtle fashion style in bright/white colours shall allow the audience to focus on the band’s performance. The core story consists of the journey Jens and Christian have decided to take while they invite their audience to join them. The use of English shall be extended beyond the lyrics into social media and other communication channels in order to enable the band to internationalize. Overall the band shows a genuine and humble culture and a down to earth attitude.


E - S T R AT E G Y Keld Kristoffersen

The E-Strategy class at VIA Design University College shall provide students within Branding & Marketing Management with the ability to analyse and create a digital marketing strategy while considering an Integrated Marketing approach. With an focus on the global network and digitalisation of markets the class is designed to teach students about the digital environment and relevant data for internal and external use of business. Moreover student shall be able to refer to measurements of ROI and the use of methods like KPI’s when designing and adjusting digital marketing strategies.


Unfortunately I was not able to attend the first half of the E-Strategy classes in my 4th semester, because my exchange program and examinations at Robert Gordon University overlapped with the beginning of my 4th semester at VIA Design University College. Hence I have not been attending the first half of classes and have only been catching up by reviewing recommended literature. I have resumed the university routine at the end of January and thus was able to attend classes working on SEO, Search Advertising, Affiliate Marketing and the like. Though in class we have mostly been revising the chapters that we were asked to prepare in advance and I have not been given assignments to practice the theory or prove my skills. Therefore the E-strategy class unfortunately has not provided any added value to the literature recommended. Additionally the book used in class has been out-dated and independent research has provided me with the latest development in the fast pace are of E-Strategy.


The following work includes a Social Media Strategy has been the result of case study we have discussed in class. This assignment was one of the few chances to practices the theories and models from lectures, yet has been a comprehensive case to practice deisgning a social media strategy for an existing company and their target audience.

Illustration: Sina Marleen Petersen | March 2016 | E-Strategy | VIA Design



The Macroeconomics class at VIA Design University College is a continuation of Macroeconomics in the 2nd semester. The class builds upon the basic knowledge of economics policies that are relevant for business and socio-economic development on a national as well as an international scale. Theoretical approaches such as an in-depth PEST analysis, the market structure and the Game Theory provide the students with approaches to analyse effects of current events and conclude on its effects and impacts on the wider economy. Within the framework the class covers aspects such as exchange rates, trade regulations and the development of consumption as a results of the whole. The Macroeconomics class was scheduled to provide students with a deeper understanding and insights into macroeconomic issues of relevance to the economy of an individual country as well as the global economy.



Having discussed latest issues and the impacts on the wider economy nationally and internationally I have gained a comprehensive impression on economic processes and development. Through the use of the theory concerning the monetary cycle we have been taking examples onto a more theoretical level and were able to understand decencies and standards. Though cases that were prepared and given to the class in advance have not been covered in class. Personally I believe that I have benefited from the discussions in class. Though I would have preferred the classes to be more structured to be able to prepare for the topic. Additionally I believe that an individual task and following feedback on my level of understanding would have helped to improve.


The Business Economics class at VIA Design University College is a continuation of Business Economics in the 2nd semester. The class builds upon the basic knowledge of accounting and business finance that are relevant for business operations. The class this semester covers different forms of financial statements, how to make them and what can be drawn from analysing them. Further the Business Economics 2 class focuses on Investment and Investment decisions. Therefore a variety of methods are covered in class and analysed in regards to their usage and advantages. Apart from the first class of covering and practicing different types of financial statement the following session were intended to cover the issue of investment.

I am now able to compare projects in regards to the investment made and can determine which investment opportunity is more profitable than another. On a basis of Payback Periods, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return I can now argue for investment decision. However I have been missing to grasp the meaning of the approach that it gives to a business venture. Without having learned about the general concept of investment I believe I haven’t been able to gain a profound understanding of the concept and rather only learned how to apply a theory without being able to make viable business decision. Forward-looking I believe to need more practice given theory with business-related issues.


FORMALITIES Sina Marleen Petersen




Registration of Marks – Branding and Marketing Management AP

Sina Marleen Petersen Student Name: _________________________ According to the Danish Ministerial Order on Academy Profession Degree Programmes and Professional Bachelor’s Degree Programmes, the student is required to participate in the course programme scheduled by the educational institution. TEKO expects all students to commit themselves fully to their studies and take an active role in projects as well as all other programme activities. Students must take responsibility for the development of their own professional and personal skills by participating in learning activities and teamwork with other students. Portfolio Requirements 1. The subjects and projects listed below must be passed to register for the exam at the Branding and Marketing Management specialty (AP Degree). 2. Common core subjects and electives must be passed. Specialty subjects must be included in the working portfolio which must be passed. Included in the Working Portfolio- reflection and assignments from: 1. Registration of Marks – this is the form to include and you must fill in the marks. If the subject has not yet been concluded, leave it blank. 2. Include 2 reflections and work from: 1st semester projects or subjects or 1 from 1st semester and your elective subject in 2nd semester 3. Include reflection and an assignment from: all 2nd semester specialty subjects that are marked with an * ( asterisk) Legend C = common core subjects, E = electives, S = specialty subjects * = included in the working portfolio Registration for the oral part of the First Year Exam: 1st semester subjects/projects: Discovery Team dynamics Strategic design practice Design diving Ideation Visual business model Design Business:economics,management, supply chain mgmt.,retail, branding Technology Strategic & Personal Networking

Subjects Date C C C C C C C C C C


7 passed passed passed 10 4 12

Other comments

Design Portfolio Grade

passed passed passed

Registration for the 3rd semester Work Experience Exam 2nd semester subjects/projects: Working portfolio, end 2nd semester Entrepreneurship *Marketing Management *Macroeconomics 1

Subjects Date C C S S


passed passed 10 10

Other comments

Test Grade

12 12 12 7 passed passed

10 / / / passed pending pending pending pending pending

Exchange Semester Exchange Semester Exchange Semester



Aberdeen Business School (ABS) Faculty of Health and Social Care (FOSHC) RGU:SPORT Gray’s School of Art The Scott Sutherland School (SSB) Riverside East (N) Most of your classes will be timetabled in the Aberdeen Business School (ABS); the Health and Social Care building (FOHSC) or the Sir Ian Wood Building (Riverside East) (N). If the classroom listed on your timetable has ‘H’ in front of it, it will be located in the Health & Social Care building, ‘N’ in Riverside East building, and if there is no letter in front, it will be in the ABS building. Grading scheme - The University uses a six point grading scale A – F, where A is the highest grade and F is the lowest. There is also a NS (non submission) grade for students who do not submit the required work by the submission date and/or do not attend an examination. Individual components of assessments will be marked in percentages, although the overall module grade will be presented as a letter grade.

70% +

Module Grade A









0– 34%


Description Excellent – Outstanding performance. Outstanding performance and achievement overall. The work of the student has much exceeded the threshold standard. Commendable/Very good – Meritorious performance. A very high standard of performance and achievement overall. The work of the student is well above the threshold standard. Good – Highly Competent Performance. A highly competent performance and achievement overall. The work of the student has exceeded the threshold standard. Satisfactory – Competent Performance. A satisfactory performance overall. The work of the student overall is at the threshold standard. Borderline FAIL. A standard of performance which marginally fails to achieve competence. The work of the student overall is just below the threshold standard. Unsatisfactory FAIL The standard of performance demonstrated by the student overall is well below the threshold standard. Non and late submission = F - FAIL

Pass Grade: The pass grade for each assessment is Grade D overall (40%). Where there are two components of assessment students will normally also be required to achieve a minimum of 35% in each component, as well as 40% on aggregate based on the weighting of each component. Pass with Distinction: A student will be awarded a Pass with Distinction if the following minimum criteria are met at the first attempt: at least 50% of the SCQF credits represented



Transcript of Record Sina Marleen Petersen Trøstrupsgade 2 B,1 7400 Herning

Civil registration number


Expected graduation

30 Jun. 2016

Curriculum: 3276 DI09 AP Graduate in Design, Technology and Business Re s u l t s : Fo r m

FirstYearEx.Wri FirstYearEx.Ora Discovery Team Dynamics Design diving Ideation Visual module Innov. Project Brand Strategy Marketing Man. Business Eco. 1 Concept Develop Study Skills Sustainability

First Year Exam - Written First Year Exam - Oral Discovery Team Dynamics Design diving Ideation Visual Business Module Innovation Project Brand Strategy and Analysis Marketing Management Business Economics 1 Concept Development Study Skills Sustainability

Assessm ent

A A C Passed Passed B D Passed A B A A

Ora Ora

Ora Ora


C Credit transfer

Su m o f ECT S I nter nationalization St a r t d a t e

En d d a t e

15 Sep. 2015

25 Jan. 2016

I nstitution

Printed on 24 Feb. 2016

Th is is n o t a d ip lo m a .


Co u n t r y


By authority

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Retrospectively the past and second year of my studies have offered me a great amount of opportunities to learn outside of university. Having left VIA Design in June 2015 I straight away started my Internship at beliya GmbH in Hamburg. Working in a start-up company has not only required me to contribute my knowledge in building their brand, but also allowed me to venture into related fields, such as Fashion Photography, E-commerce and Public Relationship. Besides the research that I have done for my internship report on brand identify I thus have gained experience in working within the German fashion industry. From there I took my third semester abroad and attend Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland. Taking the BA(Hons) Fashion Management course I did not only venture into related fields within the fashion industry, but also learned to adopt an academic work approach. With research in fields like Ethics and Event Management I am now able to draw upon background knowledge that is useful for my studied within Branding and Marketing Management. In addition to the academic aspects of my exchange I have once more had the opportunity to experience and work with a different market and got to know crucial characteristics of the British Fashion industry.

Being back at VIA Design to finish my second year of my Branding & Marketing Management degree the experiences I have made throughout the year have proven to be extremely valuable. Apart from being able to integrate and adapt to multidisciplinary teams I was able to contribute valuable insight from my business and international experience and share my know-how. For the next stage of my education I have decided to further specialise within Branding & Marketing Management as well as improve my skills of brand design and story telling. With the increasing importance of branding in today’s highly competitive market place I want to acquire more in-depth knowledge and skills and be able to create strong and unique brands.


VIA Design Working Portfolio 2nd Year Sina Marleen Petersen Branding & Marketing Management „Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood.“ - Fabienne Barral © Sina Marleen Petersen 2016

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