Report on AIAS workshop November 2011, Wroclaw
Line, space and movement Hares and Hounds City Remix
workshop n°
Line, space and movement tutor:
Adam Abel
The workshop number 4, “Line, space and movement” was very interesting. We worked with clay on a special mobile support and we combined our creations with our movements in the space and the movements of the supports, like a little theatrical stage. We worked in groups of two people, and each of us had a special task. One person had to create some animation with clay and the other person had to be careful to watch the position of oneself and of his teammate on the screen and the various movements of other groups. There were also other people drawing on the wall and the floor, like a play of white and black, of lights and shadows. We modelled the space, the room, with our body and our movements combined in a line scheme. The movements must have been very slow and it went step by step because everything had to be photographed by a photomachine where the setup of the time was very long. For this reason when the photomachine took the picture we had to keep still in the same position and then took another position. The little movie was created with a special software with the stop motion technique. We took positions for 150 steps/frames and these were added to other 75fps created by another group before our performance.
workshop n°
Hares and Hounds tutors:
Magda Grzybowska, Mariusz Gorzelak
In the workshop number 7, “Hares and Hounds” we were divided in two groups and we went around the city really like hares and hounds. Each group had to leave some significant traces on their way, like arrows, drawings, to cover trees or stairs with paper and plastic, and other things. At the end of the wandering we changed the way and we followed the traces that the other group left, in a sort of treasure hunt. It was curious how each group expressed themselves around the city. One group focused more on the plastic way to create something to mix with the streets. The other group was concentrated on the message to give to the street reader. It was a very nice experience also if in the end a security man came to clean our traces and we ran away.
workshop n°
City Remix tutors:
Marek Grzyb, Pawel Lisek
Also workshop number 8, “City Remix”, was very interesting. It concerned the way to mix sound, video, drawing, text, photo about Wroclaw and its emotions, to create a live performance in the main square of the city. Before the live performance we prepared our short videos and in the evening we projected the same videos mixed with other ones. We drew, wrote and sang, and everything was showed on the library wall in Rynek. At the beginning we found some problems about how to learn and to understand the software to elaborate our videos and sketches but eventually we were able to do it in an easy way.
Stefania Larzeni Erasmus Student Department: Graphic Design
Report on AIAS workshop November 2011, Wroclaw
Line, space and movement Hares and Hounds City Remix