August 2020 Ocean City Magazine

Page 28

Local Ocean


Crafty At The Little Bungalow we are all about keeping the peace, spreading love and joy and being kind to others. This magic peace sign tapestry wall hanging is a fun project to keep the peace in your little bungalows. What’s so magical about it? It’s made with only a few materials. Batik printing has always intrigued me. Batik is an Indonesian technique of using a wax resisting dying method which leaves you with some beautiful printed fabrics. I used the same concept here but with glue instead of wax. Just follow the simple instructions and start creating your very own peaceful piece… - Caitlin Peck

MATERIALS YOU’LL NEED. Elmer's blue washable glue Fabric (tea cloth, dish cloth, an old sheet, an old tee) Paint Brush Visit @thelittlebungalow for more fun projects to keep you inspired and busy!

Colored Dye & Water Bowl Plastic ( I used a trash bag )



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