Fall in OC is an awesome time to indulge in the small things. To watch the dune grass in bloom bend with the breezes, to sit on a Boardwalk bench and people watch, to collect shells for painting, to ease in and out of the lovely boutiques Downtown. September and October bring beautiful beach days, and the city is jumping with events. These months span the time from tank tops to sweaters, from deep green leaves to crisp yellows and reds. It spans all the small things. And the small things are fabulous.
In this issue, we sat down with the fun peeps at SoBar, a company dedicated to fun nights out without alcohol, we went in the kitchen with Clancy's by the Sea (chicken pot pie, anyone?) and we shopped til we dropped on Asbury to bring you our selection of fall must haves. There's so much more inside waiting for you. Bring this issue to your porch, or stoop, or beach chair and enjoy.