December issue, 2015

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Stellar Day Issue 4 | December 2015






stellar day table of con tents

04 Celebrate Being You 06 5 Ways To Avoid Feeling Like A Sucker This Gift Giving Season 08 Cranberry Bliss Bars




10 Choose Rejoicing 12 Cupcake Christmas Tree Garland 14 Celebrate the Journey 16 Red Lips for the Holidays



17 The Holiday Hustle 19 New Blessings 21 A Matter of the Heart 23 Tips From Jay & Jess 24 Celebrate Your Body



stellar day magazine


By Jessica Williams Photos by Jason Williams





against myself a lot this year. I’ve jumped into things with one intention, and a whole lot of other things were assumed by others instead. I’ve tried to voice my opinion about how I feel and why I do things the way I do, and constantly feel misunderstood and not heard. It’s the worst to feel not heard. I’ve had people tell me things I should be doing and how I should be feeling in certain situations and I’ve had to search my heart and honestly decide if that advice was for me. I’ve had to reevaluate my reasoning behind certain actions and stand behind them, and often alone. So often I feel like people just see a girl who likes to “do” too much, instead of a girl who loves adventure. I feel like they see a girl who is “discontent” instead of a girl who loves to try new things. I feel like people see a girl who just desires to be in charge, instead of really




seeing the encouraging and mentoring heart I have. They see a girl who needs to stop trying to do so much instead of a girl who feels like she has a calling on her life and who feels that she is directly hearing from the Lord. The truth is, I am the only one who truly knows ME. I know my strengths, my weaknesses, my flaws, my highlights, and everything inbetween. Do you ever feel like if YOU don’t celebrate you, then no one will? Celebrating YOU is probably one of the greatest things you could ever do for yourself. You’re a BEAUTIFUL mess. A gorgeous, unfiltered, unapologetic mess and a sparkling one at that. You have flaws, you do. We ALL do. But you have glorious, magnificent, wondrous strengths that were given to you so that you can shine. Will your strengths stand in your way sometimes? Maybe. Will you fail and fall and cry? Absolutely. But you should never be afraid to be who you are. Get up and dance. Don’t be afraid. Wear the black tshirt with the brown boots. Don’t let anyone make you feel small. Don’t believe things that you know aren’t true about you. March to the own beat of your drum. Who cares if you get weird looks? There might be pain, but there’s beauty in knowing who you are, living what you believe, and giving no apologies for it. Celebrate you the way you were made. Totally, unfiltered and unapologetically YOU.


this gift-giving season

Retailers – 0, you – 1. Get your game face on and don’t let them smell your Christmas Eve desperation. My name is Julia Hearon, but you will get to know me as the secret weapon you carry in your wallet. I work in finance for a global apparel retailer and am going to share with you five ways to avoid feeling like a sucker this gift-giving season. ALWAYS BE PRICE MATCHING (APM) Retailers won’t always dawn in flashing lights that they price match, but most do, you just need to pull up the proof on your phone at check out. This involves some major research and planning efforts. Wandering around the mall likes it’s mid-summer just won’t cut it ladies! You must be on a mission. Once you have created your list, run it through a few online stores, find the absolute lowest price, and head over to your neighborhood shopping center to close the deal. Feel free to use your savings on wine, you deserve it. I have always preferred to purchase gifts from Nordstrom because they price match all year long and they make it hassle-free for the recipient to exchange sizes or colors if necessary.


TUNE IN Do you consider yourself an effective multitasker? For this next tip, you can be driving carpool AND saving some serious green at the same time! Believe it or not, retailers are still investing in radio spots to spread the word on their biggest holiday sales. Buckle up, get comfortable, and tune in! You might be driving right by the biggest deal of your life! EMBRACE THE JUNK MAIL I know what you’re thinking, isn’t this exactly what we work so hard to ignore? Not in December! Set up a separate email address

for all of your favorite store mailing lists. Run through the overflowing inbox a few times a week to make sure you never miss an email promotion! THROW A "DO-IT-YOURSELF" PARTY Handmade gifts can be the most thoughtful ones to receive and it’s easier than you might think to put something special together. Throw a dinner party with a few of your friends, share your best holiday disaster story (we all have them!), and DIY a polka dot ring cone, jewelry, or homemade granola! Your loved ones and your bank account will really feel the love. BE ONE WITH THE WEEKEND CROWD This might be the most unpleasant of them all, but you need to trust me. Kill a Venti Cold Brew and get out to the stores on the weekends. Battle the crowds. Retailers know that the busiest families are doing major bulk shopping on the weekends and they want a bite of your holiday budget. This means that they can’t just offer the regular “30% off your entire purchase”. Yawn! What else you got stores?? The average shopper has a three-store limit during one shopping trip and they have to earn a spot on the list.


Cranberry Bliss Bars


Need a scrumptious dessert to take to your holiday parties this season? This dessert certainly won't disappoint! Straight from my sister Danielle's kitchen, try this amazing treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth!

Ingredients Cookie Ingredients 1 cup butter, softened 1 1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed 3 eggs 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. ground ginger 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 cup flour 1 cup dried cranberries, divided 6 oz white chocolate chips Cream Cheese Frosting 8 oz cream cheese, softened 3 cups powdered sugar 3 tsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp vanilla Drizzled Icing 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 Tbsp. milk 2 tsp. vegetable oil 8| Stellar Day Magazine

Directions Preheat oven to 350 째 degrees . Beat butter and brown sugar with mixer until smooth . Add eggs , vanilla , ginger , and salt . Beat well . Gradually mix in flour until smooth . Fold in 3 / 4 cups cranberries and white chocolate chips . Pour batter into a well greased 9x13 baking dish . Spread evenly across the pan . Bake on bottom rack of oven for 25 - 30 minutes or until light brown around the edges . When cookie is completely cool , frost the cake with the cream cheese frosting . Sprinkle 1 / 4 cup cranberries ( or as little or as much as you want ) over the top of the frosting . Mix drizzle icing and drizzle over cranberries . Let cake sit for several hours . Slice the cake lengthwise ( the long way ) through the middle . Slice the cake across the width 3 times making a total of 8 rectangle slices . Then slice each of those diagonally creating 16 triangle slices . Enjoy ! STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE



“Life is unpredictable, it changes with the seasons. Even your coldest winter happens for the best of reasons. And though it feels eternal, like all you’ll ever do is freeze, I promise spring is coming; and with it, brand new leaves.” –Ernest Hemingway

CHOOSE REJOICING By Robyn Baldwin Photo by Jay & Jess

I used to say I hated poetry but I think that was before I really understood it. Granted, I suppose I’m still not the biggest fan of overlymetaphorical rhymes; but some words strung together make beautiful sentences, the kind that poetry is made up of. Words, when used the right way, make some of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching, gut-folding, expressions. My words are best said written down. Over the past couple months as I’ve been transitioning back to Phoenix after being gone for nine months, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest (I mean, you can only watch so much Netflix before you’re over it). One of my favorite things to look up is under the quotes section. There are funny quotes, dumb quotes, quotes about friendship, love, Jesus, and quotes from Buddha or Joseph Smith or Gandhi. They’re endless. But I think the ones that make me really ponder life are the ones that really encapsulate struggle and joy together. “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” –Oscar Wilde

My last year has been an absolute struggle. I am on the back-end of processing all that has happened; through illness, depression, loss, travelling, loneliness, friendlessness, transitions, God’s silence, joblessness, empty bank accounts; it has been really easy to look at God and say, “Where were you?!” In fact, I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to figure out where He was in all of those situations and all that hardship. There were times I heard from Him every day. There were times where He would only speak to me once every few weeks. There were two and a half months where He spoke to me directly maybe three times. During the months of November and December of 2014, it was prayed over me several times that I was about to go into a season of trial. I assumed this trial would be as long as my Youth with a Mission (YWAM) outreach in Belize (two months) or shorter (I definitely wanted it to be shorter, I mean, who likes going through trials). I didn’t know that it would last 11 months. I didn’t know how hard it would be. I didn’t know how much I would grow, but before that, how many tears would be shed, how many hours spent wrestling with God would pass and how many times my prayers of release would go unanswered. I remember wrestling with God once, thinking about all I was

going through and all I heard Him say was, “Robyn, if this gets worse, will you still rejoice?” I was left with that choice; to rejoice always, like I had sung in church when things were going well, or to walk away when I was in the midst of a tough, tough season. Some things did get worse. Other things got better. Almost a year later since that first prophetical verse was spoken and life is still tough, just in new ways. But every time I struggle with trusting Him I hear Him say, “Trust Me.” And it brings me back to a time where the question was asked, “Will you still choose to rejoice in Me?” Some days it’s no, and that’s okay. But today, today I rejoice in Him. And as I look back at this past year and look forward to the next one; I’m excited to see what He does and where we go. I choose to rejoice in Him because He never once left me through all of that. He was in the desert with me; He still is. "He knows we are not nearly as fragile as we think we are, but we will act like who we believe ourselves to be. He knows we have the capacity to be astoundingly extraordinary, and not just in spite of where we've been, but because of it." –Beth Moore




CUPCAKE CHRISTMAS TREE GARLAND By Christine Cram Want a simple and inexpensive way to decorate this year for Christmas? This is just your craft! Here is all you need: Twine Baking cups Hot glue You will need three baking cups per tree. You can choose any colors that you would like. I did a variety of schemes just to have fun. First, take you baking cup and open it up flat. Be careful not to rip it since its paper it can easily rip. Then start with the “bottom” of the tree but folding one of the baking cups a little bit. You can play around with what you like as far as width goes. I folded the bottom cup just a little bit. You will want to glue the flap you folded down so it’s not sticking out. The middle cup you open again to make it flat, and then I folded it half way. Then glue together. Last cup, again open flat then fold all the way, gluing as well. Once all three are folded and glued, overlap each other and glue together to create a tree. Glue on the twine. That’s it. You can add stars to the top if you like. Thanks for reading and learning how to make your very own cupcake Christmas tree garland. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic new year!

Celebrate the Journey Article & Photos by Jennifer Stamps

Life isn't a destination–it's a journey. We all come upon unexpected curves and turning points, mountaintops, and valleys. Everything that happens to us shapes who we are becoming. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

When are you getting married? When are you having kids? When are you going to have another one? Is she crawling yet? Is she standing? Is she talking? Is she sleeping through the night? Or how about… I can’t wait to move out! I can’t until I’m married. I can’t wait to have kids. I can’t wait until she’s crawling. I can’t wait until she’s talking. I can’t wait until she’s more independent. Sound familiar? I get it. People are curious. They’re making conversation. Or you’re just looking forward to the future. I’m guilty of it too from time to time. I imagine we all are to a degree. But while we’re rushing people onto the next stage of life, or worse, rushing ourselves to the next stage of life, life keeps going. And it goes fast. Not only that, but often times you look so forward to the future, that you miss what’s going in the now. I moved to Austin from the Phoenix area in 2007. At the time, it was only supposed to be here for three years. I hated it. HATED Austin. I had a hard time finding a job. Didn’t have any friends. And I focused on the day I got to move back…three years into the future. I lived like this for about a year. It got so bad that I subconsciously refused to see anything positive about that point in my life. As if I just wanted to power through it and get it over with. My life. Three years of my life. STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 14

Then one day the light bulb came on. I’m not sure if I was just fed up of being unhappy. Or if I realized that nothing is guaranteed (like moving back). But I all of a sudden, I decided to look for the good and try to enjoy the city. It became clear that I wasn’t enjoying the journey. I was so focused on what I thought was the end game, that I missed out on countless opportunities for joy. Once I changed my mindset and tried to enjoy the journey, I fell in love. In love with this quirky little town deep in the heart of Texas. So much so, that when the three years


were up, my husband and I decided to stay. Eight years later, we are still enjoying the life we’ve built in Austin. When I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to enjoy the journey. I wasn’t sure that I’d get another chance to experience pregnancy, and even if I did, this was the only one I get with this baby. I’m sure half of the people either hated me or thought I was delusional, but I loved pregnancy. Sure, there was the uncomfortableness, waddling, and sleepless nights, but it was beautiful. The flutters, nudges, kicks, flips, and bladder jumps…all of it. Beautiful. Was I excited to finally hold her? Of course! But I knew that was just one tiny part of being a mom. Just like I’m excited for her to talk and walk and play ball. But I’m choosing to focus on my way-toofast crawling 7 month old in the now. It’s so easy to try to will ourselves to the next stage of life, but then what? What happens next? Do you try to will yourself to the one after that? Life then becomes a cycle of wishing for the next level. Missing life as you wait for the next stage. So, today, wherever you are. Whatever stage of life you’re in. Whatever your goal is. I hope you enjoy the journey. The crazy, challenging, beautiful, wonderful journey you’re in. The path might change a dozen times. And the destination might change. So today, enjoy the journey.

"Once I changed my mindset and tried to enjoy the journey, I fell in love."





by Taylor Elizabeth A red lip is a classic statement to complete your outfit this season. To have the most longevity when wearing a red lip, follow these tips. 1. LINE. When wearing a red lip, make sure to line your lips first with a red lip liner. Lining your lips first will not only help your lipstick to last longer, it will also keep your lipstick from feathering outside your lip line. 2. APPLY. BLOT. REPEAT. Apply your lipstick, blot with tissue, and reapply. By blotting your lipstick and reapplying, you will create more of a stain on your lips and therefore make your lipstick last longer. One of my favorite reds to wear this season is the 1946 Red Velvet Lipstick by BĂŠsame Cosmetics. This lipstick is enriched with vitamin C and aloe, which make this lipstick highly moisturizing. Good luck!


The Holiday Hustle By Sarah Costa

Freeeeeept” (That’s the sound of a whistle, if you didn’t catch that) Flag on the play! It’s football season, and there is nothing that stops a chaotic sport like the sound of the referee’s whistle. So, I’m calling “time-out!” Putting yourself on the back-burner and running around helter-skelter giving generously to others is generally a common theme, and while it’s generally seen as a good thing that we love to do, it can lead to feeling frazzled, stressed, sluggish, getting sick, and those dreaded few pounds when we aren’t taking time to rest. So, let’s just take a breather. Wouldn’t you rather have energy, clarity, and real joy while going through this season? I know I do! “

Let’s try getting up 10 minutes earlier. I know, this is cutting down on sleep, and I was supposed to help you get more rest. But these few extra minutes allow us to organize our thoughts, prioritize what has to get done, move the extras off the “to-do” list without guilt, and spend a few minutes in prayer asking God to go before us. This way you start STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 17

your day “on top” of it rather than chasing it down. You can also try turning off the radio in your car as a simple way to create space and give your brain a little extra room to breathe and process. By doing this, you allow yourself the time to hear yourself, form logical thoughts, and think through those situations that are causing you extra stress without the noise competing for your attention. How your mind feels, your body often feels. Give it a little room to relax, and you may find your body relaxing a little more, too. Hire someone to help you! One of the biggest themes is giving this season, but do you ever think of all the junior-high or high-school aged kids who want to be able to do the same thing just without the resources? This is a fairly inexpensive way for you to create some extra time for yourself and give them the opportunity to earn some cash in the process. Especially as Christmas approaches, simple things like wrapping presents, doing your

dishes, or frosting all of those cookies can easily be taken handled by a teenager who is on Christmas break. If you procrastinate like me, this might just save the big day! Finally, smile and actually look people in the eye. Failing to enjoy the process depletes our energy just as much as non-stop shopping does. Taking time to value others, including those are the check-out register, gives you time to receive smiles, joy, and friendship back. We need to be pouring those things into ourselves when we consistently give them away. So, take time to be in the moment and share that moment with whoever is there. You may add a little more joy to their season as well.

So, let's just take a breather. Wouldn't you rather have energy, clarity, and real joy while going through this season?


NEW BLESSINGS By Andrea Leslie Photos by Gabriela Lim Photography This year as the holidays approach, I find myself celebrating my tight clothes and never ending hunger. I am elated to raise a glass of sparkling cider, rather than my usual choice of champagne. And I will happily skip the soft cheeses to make sure this little baby is happy and healthy. In case you hadn’t figured it out, my husband and I are officially expecting our first child in May, and we are thrilled. We have spent the last few months celebrating quietly with our parents and siblings, and now we are ready to shout it from the roof tops. WE GET TO BE PARENTS!!!! In August, we celebrated our five year anniversary, and we chose to do an anniversary photo session in September to mark the exciting milestone in our marriage. The session had been rescheduled once, and the timing of our session the second time around was perfect. I had taken the pregnancy test the day before, and kept the secret from my husband for a whole 38 hours. For those that know me, I am the worst liar and have the hardest time keeping secrets, especially from him, so this was not an easy task. At the end of our session, our photographer asked about any other shots we might like. That was my cue to hand Craig his “late” anniversary present. Inside the box was our positive test along with a journal I kept of special things I want our future kids to experience. My nerves grew when he untied the grey ribbon. Would he be as excited as I was? Would the moment be as exciting as I imagined? The box opened and his reaction was….PRICELESS!!! His mouth dropped open and his eyes lit up like a child meeting Santa for the very first time. It was absolutely perfect! In the weeks following our anniversary session, we have charted the growth of our baby using fruit comparisons on our app. We have read chapter after chapter about the weeks to come and what to expect when you are expecting. We have entered the maze of Buy Buy Baby and were left speechless by the towering walls of strollers and baby gear. We have started thinking through names and what our future looks like as a family of three (plus a puggle). There is so much to digest as we enter this new chapter, and we could not be more excited to navigate through the ups and downs together and with our incredible support system around us. I end each day in prayer, thanking God for the incredible gift we have been given. I am so thankful he chose my husband and I to raise this child and give them the best life we can. We were not sure if this opportunity would be one that He had planned for us, and we feel incredibly fortunate that we will get to join all the proud parents out there who beam with excitement when they talk about their kids. The journey of becoming parents looks so different for everyone, and I am humbled by the joy and support we have felt so far. I am really looking forward to all the joy ahead in the New Year!




A Matter byKate Williams of The Heart

resources God has given to us. There are so many places to give and so many projects and passions that each of us can get behind. Can I challenge you to find one that speaks to your heart this year? A non profit who’s work touches you or your families heart? A place where your entire family can come together, serve together, and give together. When we give, we find joy and pursue a life of purpose that the Lord has called us to.

Celebrating together with family and friends, connecting with those that you have not seen in a while, drinking way too many red cups and eating candy canes, and remembering the birth of our Savior. This season really is the best and I love everything about it! But, it is also very easy to get wrapped up in the material side of the holidays. How many presents to buy this person, how much money to spend on that person. Can I challenge each of us to take a step back and look at the attitudes of our hearts this December? Our attitude towards material things is a window into the condition of our hearts. What are we pursuing? What really matters? As we read the Scriptures, we know that Jesus was concerned about our heart. Our hearts will naturally attach to things where moth and rust destroy. But, Jesus urges us to store up treasures in Heaven. He wants us to think differently. To attach our hearts to things that will last forever. We can’t take material things with us, but we can send eternal treasures ahead of us! If we invest our lives in things that are eternal instead of material and financial, then treasures will be waiting for us when we get to Heaven. This is personal and permanent. So, where is our treasure? Where is our heart and what do we value? Are we waiting for the next best thing to arrive under the tree? Or, are we pouring our lives and resources into others? That is where the real treasure is and a giving heart is a result. December 1 this year is known around the world as “Giving Tuesday.” What an incredible time, in the midst of this busy season, to stop and think of how we can give. #GivingTuesday has become a powerful social tool over the last four years that provides amazing, endless opportunities for each of us to find a place where our hearts can pour out into the lives of others thru the STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 21

Stewardship means that as believers we are each assigned different amounts of material things to manage for God. It really is not about how much we have to give. It could be $1 or $1000. That is not what it is about. It is a matter of the heart and where our treasure is. Giving money is just one aspect of a giving heart. You could give with your time, talents, and any other resource that God has given to you. Be creative, have fun, and let your generosity be a complete lifestyle, attitude, and ministry to those around you. It will change the way you view the holiday season and you can celebrate together the amazing things that God is doing and how He allows each of us to be involved. It changes our hearts, changes our neighborhoods, and changes the world. May we all be a light this season with our giving hearts so that the world sees Christ and cannot help but want to know Him. #GivingTuesday doesn’t need to be just one day. Non profits are trying to finish out the year strong and meet their goals by year end so we still have all of December to give! Give where your heart is or if you need ideas of where to give, feel free to contact Kate any time for a list of non profits we know and love to support.

Join Us


Tips From

Jay & Jess

FINDING YOUR NICHE People ask us all the time what advice we would give to someone who is starting their own business. My first quick response is to find your niche. Once Jason and I really sat down and figured out what it is that we wanted our focus to be in our photography business, we began to watch doors open left and right for us. Now, when people inquire with us, we are able to quickly decide if said inquiry fits within our niche. If it doesn't we refer it out. But no matter what, we know what it is that we want to photograph and what we want to focus on. We know who our ideal client is and get really excited when it's obvious we are going to fit great with a couple. Finding your niche can help you celebrate who you are inside your business, making it possible for the best you to shine through. When you're working in your ideal field, with like minded people who get what you do, it allows the creative juices to flow. When your best work comes out, you can be overall inspired and rejuvenated which only leads to a happier work life. Being true to who you are as you work leaves room for longevity, honesty with yourself, and it's way more fun! So think about it! Find your niche, stick to it, and cheers to creating your best work!





Thank you body, for being with me all these years. For being a woman, a mother, my home, and allowing my soul to live in this world. Thank you skin, though soft and gentle, you shield and protect. Thank you for allowing me to feel warm embraces, cool drops of rain, and sweet kisses. Thank you eyes that I may see, ears that I may hear, mouth that I may speak. You allow me to interact with the world, to exchange love and truth. Thank you for sunsets, for baby giggles, for whispered I love you’s and songs sung at the top of my lungs. Thank you arms, for your strength. The way you pull my babies close and hold them tight, letting them know they are safe and secure. Thank you for carrying them through the days and swaying them to sleep at night. Thank you hands, you are one of my greatest tools and assets. You write, paint and draw. You drive and clean and feed. You can open (almost) any jar or give the tickle monster her name. Thank you for holding the littlest stickiest palms, for wiping away tears, for folding together in prayer and for so much more. Thank you chest, stomach, womb, breasts. You hold my heart, and theirs. You allow me to grow life, and sustain it; to feed my children before and after birth. You grow and shrink as needed, to nurture and nourish. Thank you for this special gift of womanhood and motherhood.

Celebrate Your Body Thank you legs and feet, for carrying me through each day. For keeping me moving when I feel like I no longer can. Thank you for being the first out of bed in the middle of the night when children need soothed, and for your ability to run and jump and play all day with the most energetic toddlers. Thank you for dancing, for hiking, for sitting cross legged on the floor to play. Thank you for kneeling; that at the end of the day, I can lift it all up in thanksgiving to the one who gave me this body, because it is a gift, and I am so thankful for it. *This is an excerpt from a blog post that Rennai Hoefer wrote in November on Stellar Day Blog. To see the full post with photos, please click here.

Thank You.

You Rock!

Editor in Chief Jessica Williams

Associate Editor Jennifer Stamps Contributors Brianna VanderWeide Christine Cram Esther Gallagher Jennifer Stamps Kate Williams Rennai Hoefer Robyn Baldwin Sarah Costa Sarah Trapp Columnists Andrea Leslie Christine Cram Danielle Nesper Jennifer Stamps Jessica Williams Julia Hearon Kate Williams Rennai Hoefer Robyn Baldwin Sarah Costa Taylor Halvorson Special Thanks Nine Retreat Jay & Jess Photography Katey Karp/ Hairstylist for cover photos The Drip Drop Shop Purposed Life Simply Sweet Pops EDITORIAL OFFICES Located in sunny Scottsdale, AZ SPONSORSHIPS EMAIL Stellar Day Magazine is published by Issuu and created in Canva.

Stellar Day



Jessica Williams EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

There aren't enough words that I could use to express my gratitude for all the amazing feedback and love I received for November's Issue. This new journey of managing Stellar Day Magazine has been a dream come true that I didn't know I had. I've always loved to write. Taking photos is my passion. People and their stories are my heart. So falling into this new adventure that is so perfectly built for me is humbling, exciting and overwhelming. I'm beyond excited for the future of this publication, I'm praying every day that the Lord will bring the right people to help with future issues, and I am blown away by the feedback and interest I've received already. Many, many thank you's to ALL of you. Readers, writers, listeners and believers. I am thankful for you ALL. You inspire and encourage me to keep going. Stellar Day Magazine wouldn't be what it is, if it weren't for all of you. And for that, I will be forever grateful. Cheers to the season and the future of Stellar Day! Bring on 2016!


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