Practical Investigation into light and shadow_ Production Development_
Social Impact / Consumerism Cultural Comforts An exhibition that investigates how the socialisation of people in contemporary society has effected the human mind and caused people to value goods for what they symbolise rather than their ultimate purposes. The exhibition combines the placement of light, to create shadows, shadows that will expose various products core emotional drivers. (You can see this concept displayed on the next board) The idea behind using such a minimilast colour scheme, is the fact that the audience is receiving the answers in plain‌ black and white, with no other messages shrouding their judgement
Cultural Comforts Exhibition
As the exhibition will be educational and informative, I decided that it would be a good idea to create a web based concept that could be accessed outside of the exhibition. Promoting peoples awareness and also injecting some fun into the educational side of things. The game is based around selecting a core emotional driver that matches that of a certain product, selecting the correct driver, will reveal the message tied to it.
Start Date 18 . Sep . 13
Start Date 18 . Sep . 13
Cultural Comforts Exhibition
Using the Chanel logo acts as a good emblem within my title, portraying what the exhibition and supporting material is really all about. 'Don't be deceived by what you see' Instead of creating every type of deliverable possible for an exhibition, I kept in mind that it would be held in an art gallery, attracting a certain clientele. Therefore I kept the exhibition material to a standard set, creating the staff uniform with accompanying lanyard, ticket and wristband.
The following publication has been produced for the audience to read through, as they pass each product installation. Providing rich sources of information. The information has been produced by myself through various research methods and is both educational, informative and at the same time exciting. I’ve tried to make the publication more dynamic and aesthetically pleasing by altering the front format. The publication will be placed below a white document on pillars in the exhibition (making them accessible to all viewers) The white document is my essay which is tied into the underlying of the exhibition (giving the viewers a very in-depth source of information) while the black publication acts as a guide during the exhibition which can be taken home and enjoyed at later dates.