UNSSC Catalogue

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Sharing Knowledge developing leaders

UNSSC Course Catalogue 2011 Standard Activities



Based in Turin, Italy, the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) is the primary provider of inter-agency training and learning within the UN system. Its main objective has always been to promote and support UN inter-agency collaboration and increased operational effectiveness of the system as a whole.

The core mission of the United Nations System Staff College is to:

The College conducts a variety of learning and training activities, in Turin as well as at the regional and country level. All such programmes are conducted on an inter-agency basis and are effectively a blend of four different elements, combined according to requirements: st

• Leadership for the 21 Century: Strengthening leadership capacity within the UN system is a principal mission of the Staff College. • Collective Processes: Taking the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) policies as its starting point, the College helps managers make effective use of the various instruments and processes at the disposal of UN Country Teams. • Emerging Issues: The College conducts a variety of programmes which explore current or emerging issues, such as climate change, disaster preparedness and conflict prevention. These are enriched by the interdisciplinary approach inherent to inter-agency discussions. • Knowledge Management: The College seeks to harness the power of the internet, through e-learning modules, web-based communities of practice, and other tools to enhance knowledge sharing, team work and overall system performance. It also trains and maintains a cadre of trainers throughout the UN system. In 2010 alone, its services reached more than 13,000 UN staff worldwide through more than 120 face-to-face events and several online activities.

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Strengthen inter-agency collaboration Promote a cohesive management culture across the UN Support continuous learning and staff development Foster strategic leadership within the UN system

OUR OFFER The UNSSC offers a unique range of learning and training opportunities for UN organizations worldwide, including: • • • • • • • •

Residential workshops, seminars and training courses Knowledge Management initiatives E-learning and research in lessons learned and good practice Awareness-raising projects Advisory services Coaching and mentoring services Tailor-made projects and technical support Publications

Its blended learning approach uses a number of different elements to deliver effective learning for the UN system. The backbone of the College’s services consists of learning workshops and events, delivered both face-to-face and at distance. In addition to the standard courses presented in this catalogue, the College organizes tailor-made learning programmes to meet the specific needs of inter-agency groups and bodies.



The UNSSC’s mandate is to provide training and learning opportunities to UN personnel, as such, all courses are intended for staff of the United Nations system only. Specific information on fees and application procedures can be found under each course.

Mr. Jafar Javan, Deputy Director & Head of Programmes j.javan@unssc.org

Guide to registration modes: The pre-requisite to enrol in all UNSSC activities is that you should be a staff member of the United Nations system and hold a valid United Nations email address.

Course is open for online registration. If you see this icon, please visit our website’s home page at www.unssc.org and sign up online.

Entry is by nomination only. If you see this icon, please contact the Programme Administrator to find out the criteria and procedures to be nominated.

Closed event. These courses are reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in this catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.

Ms. Mariama Daramy-Lewis, Programme Head, Learning & Training Services m.daramylewis@unssc.org Mr. Malcolm Goodale, Programme Head, Development Cooperation m.goodale@unssc.org Ms. Svenja Korth, Programme Head, Peace & Security s.korth@unssc.org General enquiries: info@unssc.org.

UN LEADERSHIP Senior Leadership Exchange UN Leaders Programme UNCT Leadership and Coordination Skills Programme Communication Skills for Junior Diplomats Young Professionals Orientation Programme (YPO)

1 2 3 4 5

HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT Human Rights - Based Approach (HRBA) and Results - Based Management (RBM) Skills Workshop Faith and Development Strategic Learning Exchange Human Rights - Based Approach and Results - Based Management in-country workshops Training of Trainers for support to UNDAF roll-out countries on HRBA and RBM

6 7 8 9

UN COHERENCE Evaluation and Impact Assessment (EIA) Translating Policy into Action UNDAF Regional workshops UNDAF Strategic Planning Retreat

10 11 12 13

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Think UN, Act Smart: Leveraging Experience and Good Practice Measurements for Effective Results Based Management Learning Managers Forum Knowledge Fair ONLINE course on Measurements for Effective Results Based management

14 15 16 17 18

PEACE AND SECURITY Conflict Analysis for Prevention and Peacebuilding Land, natural resources, extractable industries and conflict prevention Decentralized Governance and Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding UN Unified Rule of Law Training Safe and Secure Approach to Field Environment (SSAFE) - Training of Trainers Integrated Mission Planning Process Inter-agency Strategic Planners Workshop Conflict Analysis for Peacebuilding Programming Conflict Prevention & Analysis for Action (CPAA) Training of Trainers & Support to UNCTs in Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding 2011 Dialogue Series ONLINE course on Conflict Analysis for Prevention and Peacebuilding

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


SENIOR LEADERSHIP EXCHANGE The Senior Leadership Exchange is a strategic learning exchange for Assistant Secretaries-General (ASGs). It is designed to impart a strong sense of the overall UN mission and focuses on ASG’s leadership for the improvement of the conditions of the world. It will provide participants with an opportunity to review and calibrate their leadership approach in light of their responsibilities, and to place their own activity within the wider context of UN history, its complex structure, and the global issues the UN is asked to address. Participants will be exposed to ideas and experiences from within and outside of the UN system, explore the perception of the UN by the world, and will gain insights and vision into the possibilities of their own leadership for UN mandate fulfillment, especially in regard to strategic collective leadership.


UN LEADERS PROGRAMME The UN Leaders Programme is specifically designed for senior UN staff to highlight strategic leadership theory, skills and practice. In collaboration with leaders in fields as wide as industry, music and haute cuisine, we offer a distinctive practical programme in which collective UN leadership is reflected, discussed, tested and applied in a safe learning environment. Moreover, the course contents include leadership and interagency collaboration, problem solving in crisis situations, inspiring direct reports and developing and honing each participant’s unique leadership style - while deepening their knowledge on global priorities such as Climate Change, Human Rights, Ethics & Accountability, Peace and Security.

TARGET AUDIENCE Assistant Secretaries-General (ASGs)

TARGET AUDIENCE Director level (D1 and above)

DURATION 2.5 days


ENROLMENT METHOD Please contact the email address below for further information.

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUE & DATES (subject to change): TBD CONTACT DETAILS Email: unleaders@unssc.org

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 21-25 March 2011 Theme: Peace and Security Turin, 18-22 July 2011 Theme: Ethics and Accountability Turin, 3-7 October 2011 Theme: Culture and Development CONTACT DETAILS Email: unleaders@unssc.org


UNCT LEADERSHIP AND COORDINATION SKILLS PROGRAMME This course seeks to create a common learning, leadership and management culture among senior managers within the UN system at the country and regional levels. UN Country Team (UNCT) leaders face many global and country-level challenges in their support to governments in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The UNCT Leadership and Coordination Skills Programme helps strengthen leadership skills of senior UN leaders through an eight-day workshop (offered four times each year), where participants share and learn from each other, and reflect on their own leadership.


COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR JUNIOR DIPLOMATS This programme addresses a number of interlinked aspects of diplomatic communication including professional presentations, negotiation and drafting reports.


TARGET AUDIENCE Junior Diplomats


DURATION 3,5 days

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online.

ENROLMENT METHOD This course is reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 1-11 March 2011 Turin, 14-23 June 2011 Turin, 13-22 September 2011 Turin, 8-18 November 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: rcs@unssc.org


YOUNG PROFESSIONALS ORIENTATION PROGRAMME (YPO) This annual two-week face-to-face workshop is delivered by UNSSC in cooperation with UNDESA. This programme provides Ministries of Foreign Affairs of donor countries a cost effective way to support their nationals in building successful international careers in the United Nations and other international organizations.

TARGET AUDIENCE Young Professional Officers DURATION 10 days ENROLMENT METHOD This course is reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 5-16 September 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: lts@unssc.org


HUMAN RIGHTS - BASED APPROACH (HRBA) AND RESULTS - BASED MANAGEMENT (RBM) SKILLS WORKSHOP This workshop is designed for UN programme staff who seek to advance their skills to effectively apply HRBA and RBM tools and principles to their daily work, especially for the UN Common Country Programming Process. The course uses exercises drawn directly from UN programming processes in various countries, and offers opportunities for participants to learn and internalise these two critical and complementary programming principles.

TARGET AUDIENCE UN Programme Staff DURATION 4,5 days ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website home page www.unssc.org and sign up online. FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 6-10 June 2011 TBD, October 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: skills@unssc.org

The course objectives are to: - Increase understanding of the UN system-wide theories and practice on HRBA and RBM, particularly for the UN programming processes; - Provide opportunities for UN programme staff in different duty stations to discuss opportunities and challenges in applying HRBA & RBA tools and principles to the UN programming process and learn from each other.


FAITH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC LEARNING EXCHANGE In this second Strategic Learning Exchange on Faith and Development, participants will further explore the following questions, through knowledge-sharing, discussions and case studies: - What is the faith and development nexus and why are we impacted? - How do faith and development interact? - What do we need to better our partnerships with faith-based communities to enhance our development work?


HUMAN RIGHTS - BASED APPROACH AND RESULTS - BASED MANAGEMENT IN-COUNTRY WORKSHOPS Human Rights-Based Approach to development cooperation and Results-Based Management (HRBA-RBM) in-country workshops are designed for the UN Country Teams in preparation for the development of the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). Participants will benefit from this workshop at any point in the UNDAF process. It is most relevant during the Road Map and Country Analysis phases. For maximum effectiveness, participants should be UN staff serving on thematic groups that will engage in country analysis exercises and UNDAF preparation.




DURATION 2,5 days

ENROLMENT METHOD Please contact the email address below for further information.

ENROLMENT METHOD This course is reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUE & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 27-29 September CONTACT DETAILS Email: info@unssc.org


TRAINING OF TRAINERS FOR SUPPORT TO UNDAF ROLL-OUT COUNTRIES ON HUMAN RIGHTS - BASED APPROACH (HRBA) AND RESULTS - BASED MANAGEMENT (RBM) The UNSSC in cooperation with the UN Development Group/Human Rights Mainstreaming Mechanism (UNDG/HRM) is organizing a Training of Trainers workshop on HRBA and RBM aimed at further expanding the pool of UN trained resource persons who will be able to integrate training teams for HRBA/RBM workshops, particularly in support to the UNDAF roll-out countries.

TARGET AUDIENCE UN Programme Staff DURATION 5 days ENROLMENT METHOD This course is reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.

This Training-of-Trainers will be run in 3 languages - English, Spanish and French - to respond to the growing training capacity needs in languages other than English, enabling the UNDG-HRM and the UNSSC to better support UNDAF roll-out countries in the different regions in the form of in-country HRBA/RBM workshops.





This course is designed to build evaluation capacity in the UN system through the development and delivery of various evaluation and measurement programmes. In collaboration with the ROI Institute (USA), the UNSSC develops and delivers the Evaluation & Impact Assessment of Learning & Training (EIA) Course and Clinic.

The course will introduce participants to tools that minimize the gap between intended policies and implemented programmes. It will proceed from specifying a policy to developing a model for monitoring the implemented programmes and making needed adjustments. The course is designed to reflect on an analysis of the current situation of UN policy making and implementation by drawing on case studies, and by illustrating lessons and good practices. The training is intended to contribute to on-going efforts to encourage the UN system to align policy implementation with UN Reform and with system coherence to further leverage the UN’s institutional strength.


TARGET AUDIENCE Professional Staff


DURATION 4.5 days

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online

ENROLMENT METHOD Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 28 March - 1 April 2011 New York, 14-18 November 2011

VENUE & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 4-8 July, 2011

CONTACT DETAILS Email: eiacourse@unssc.org

CONTACT DETAILS Email: info@unssc.org





UNSSC regularly provides learning support to UN Country Teams and Operations Management Teams delegation of UNDAF roll-out countries to help them to kick start UNDAF process in their respective countries.

UNSSC regularly provides learning and facilitation support to UN Country Teams and partners in planning & designing UN strategic interventions through the UN Development Assistance Framework.




DURATION 2 to 3 days

ENROLMENT METHOD These courses are reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.

ENROLMENT METHOD These courses are reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.





The UNSSC partners with UN agencies at country level to organize knowledge management (KM) courses for managers, as well as coordination and programme specialists, on identifying lessons and good practice and discussing means to transfer knowledge with a country/region focus.

The workshop aims to build competencies in designing, monitoring and evaluating projects and programmes. It complements existing UNSSC initiatives on RBM and evaluation, by providing a more in-depth, technical and skills-building learning event on one of the key elements of RBM strategies: performance measurement.





ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online.

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Bangkok, 21-25 March 2011 South Africa, 27 June- 1 July 2011 Latin America 10-14 October 2011

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): South Africa, 4-8 July 2011 Latin America , 17-21 October 2011

CONTACT DETAILS Email: kmcourses@unssc.org

CONTACT DETAILS Email: measurements@unssc.org


KNOWLEDGE FAIR In support of the UN Reform process, the UNSSC organize a Knowledge Fair on Increased Coherence at Country Level to draw attention to best practices and recognize achievements. The event will create opportunities to showcase experiences through exhibition boards, discussion groups, videos, informal corners, etc.


LEARNING MANAGERS FORUM Annual meeting for Chiefs and Managers of learning, training and staff development. A medium for information sharing on UN initiatives, capacity building, networking and reporting on joint collaborative proposals/activities produced.





ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information.

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 8-10 November 2011

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

CONTACT DETAILS Email: kmcourses@unssc.org

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 22 - 24 June 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: lmf@unssc.org


ONLINE COURSE ON MEASUREMENTS FOR EFFECTIVE RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT This online course aims to provide distance learning opportunity to UN staff who are unable to participate in the face-to-face course edition. The course aims to build competencies in designing, monitoring and evaluating projects and programmes. It complements existing UNSSC initiatives on RBM and evaluation, by providing a more in-depth, technical and skills-building learning event on one of the key elements of RBM strategies: performance measurement.

TARGET AUDIENCE P3 and above DURATION Days tbd ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online. FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): This course is currently under development and should be available from August 2011. CONTACT DETAILS Email: measurements@unssc.org





The course provides practical skills to use conflict analysis in contexts of armed conflict, political crisis and other threats to peace. The course suggests a solid framework to apply in volatile political situations where a conflict prevention lens is required and in post-conflict settings where the consolidation of peace is the priority.

The course aims to improve the understanding of the relationship between natural resources and conflict, with particular reference to the impact of natural resources on the political, social and economic spheres. The course is designed to develop skill sets to formulate and implement conflict prevention measures in relation to land and natural resource management.



DURATION 4,5 days

DURATION 4,5 days

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online.

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 8-11 March 2011 Turin, 4-7 October 2011

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 12-16 September 2011

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org


DECENTRALIZED GOVERNANCE AND CONFLICT PREVENTION AND PEACEBUILDING The course aims to provide participants with insights on the concept of decentralized governance and its relationship with conflict. The objective of the course is to ensure that participants gain sound grounding in the theoretical concepts and to provide participants with the tools to enable them to analyse the complexity of decentralization processes and their effects in volatile and post-conflict contexts. Contributions come from experts and practitioners from the UN and academia working in the field of decentralization and local governance, and with wide-ranging experience in various parts of the world.


UN UNIFIED RULE OF LAW TRAINING The UN is highly committed to strengthen coherence, quality and coordination of rule of law policy and guidance within the UN system. The aim of this training is to enable UN international and national field and headquarters professional-level personnel working in rule of law including those working in areas of police, criminal justice, prisons/corrections, law reform, gender justice, economic and social justice - to better apply a UN system-wide approach to rule of law assistance in key substantive areas.


TARGET AUDIENCE Rule of Law Specialists

DURATION 4,5 days


ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information.

FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information.

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 11 - 15 July 2011

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): TBD

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

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SAFE AND SECURE APPROACH TO FIELD ENVIRONMENT (SSAFE) - TRAINING OF TRAINERS This six-day theoretical and practical Training of Trainers programme, aims to create a pool of SSAFE trainers who can adapt and replicate the standard safety and security learning curriculum jointly developed by UNSSC and UNDSS in their respective duty station.

INTEGRATED MISSION PLANNING PROCESS INTER-AGENCY STRATEGIC PLANNERS WORKSHOP This workshop is suitable for strategic planning officers in Resident Coordinators Offices, peacekeeping and special political missions, and selected agency and Headquarters Departments. Its main objective is to raise participants’ awareness of the latest planning and coordination tools and Headquarters’ initiatives, including inter-agency and inter-departmental processes related to UN system coordination in post-crisis transition, covering emerging lessons learned on aspects of strategic planning and Integrated Mission Planning Process (IMPP), including the development and implementation of Integrated Strategic Frameworks (ISFs)

TARGET AUDIENCE Security Officers




ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information.

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information.

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 11-15 April Central America, 9-13 May 2011 Turin, 24-28 October West Africa, November 2011

VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 24-27 January 2011

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org


CONFLICT ANALYSIS FOR PEACEBUILDING PROGRAMMING The course suggests tools to understand conflict dynamics and provides practical conflict analysis skills to be used in the context of armed conflict, political crisis and post-conflict settings. The course looks at peacebuilding challenges and dilemmas emerging in post-crisis regions, with particular focus on the process of prioritisation and sequencing for programming.


CONFLICT PREVENTION & ANALYSIS FOR ACTION (CPAA) TRAINING OF TRAINERS TO SUPPORT UNCTS IN CONFLICT PREVENTION & PEACEBUILDING The Training of Trainers aims at enlarging the current pool of CPAA trainers deployable to support UNCT requests in the area of conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The project provides customised support and skill building in the area of conflict analysis and mainstreaming conflict prevention into UN planning and programming processes, especially in UNDAF roll-out countries.

TARGET AUDIENCE All levels DURATION 5 days TARGET AUDIENCE All levels DURATION 3 days ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): New York, 15-17 February 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is by nomination only. Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): Turin, 13-17 June 2011 CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org


2011 DIALOGUE SERIES The Dialogue Series is a joint UNSSC-ZIF annual knowledge-sharing event which aims at exposing DSRSG to expert knowledge from within and outside the UN System related to pertinent challenging issues or questions which are not addressed elsewhere. Themes discussed in the past series include "Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development (2009)"; and "The role of post conflcit-elections" (2010). The event provides an opportunity for DSRSGs to exchange experiences, share leadership challenges with their peers and learn from others in a closed learning environment.

TARGET AUDIENCE Deputy Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) DURATION 2,5 days ENROLMENT METHOD these courses are reserved for a pre-determined group of participants. While the event is announced in the catalogue for information purposes, no registrations or nominations are possible.


ONLINE COURSE ON CONFLICT ANALYSIS FOR PREVENTION AND PEACEBUILDING This online course aims to provide distance learning opportunity to UN staff that is unable to participate in face-to-face course. The course aims to provide practical skills to use conflict analysis in contexts of deteriorating human security, armed conflict, political crisis and other threats to peace. It provides a solid framework to engage with both volatile political situations where a conflict prevention lens is required and post-conflict settings where the consolidation of peace is the priority.

TARGET AUDIENCE All levels DURATION 5 - 7 weeks ENROLMENT METHOD Enrolment to this course is open. Please visit our website www.unssc.org and sign up online FEE-BASED COURSE Please contact the email address below for further information. VENUES & DATES (subject to change): This course is currently under development and should be available from September 2011. CONTACT DETAILS Email: peacesecurity@unssc.org

UN System Staff College - Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 - 10127 Torino - Italy - Tel. +39 011 6535911 - Fax +39 011 6535901 - www.unssc.org

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