rights catalog

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RIGHTS CATALOGUE 2012 Bang Ediciones is a Spanish publishing house based in Barcelona. We publish contemporary graphic novels and comics. Our projects reflect the hunches we have for artists, often young, but not always. The most important thing is that their talent touches our sensitivity and soul. Once we start working on a book, we strive for creating a book worth the author’s work, with a careful and exquisite production. In 2008, we started a new collection for children which we distribute in France, Canada, Spain and Latin America at the same time. Books are published in three different languages: Catalan, Spanish and French. Many modern artists support our initiative in finding new ways to express themselves, pushing the language of comics beyond its limits.

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title Los caballos Author Miguel B. Nuñez Genre Drama Format 64 pages - color 16,5 x 23 cm Hardcover Release date September 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author Rey Huevo (mamut 9+)

Fine artist Miguel B. Núñez presents a story about family acceptance and redemption. “The horses” is a mystic road movie placed in the far west. All the horses in town have disappeared and it’s up to a strange guide with a very strange past that villagers can recover them.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title Los cortejos / Parades nuptiales



Author Aurélie Pollet Genre humor Format 64 pages - color 16,5 x 23 cm Hardcover Release date May 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author First work with Bang

A very funny book which will teach us the different courtship that animals use and show us that we, humans, are not that far from them. Léon Lanimal has a very quiet life when one day is stroke by a revelation! It’s time for love! He doesn’t know anything about love, but that’s not a problem. He’s the guard at the Natural Science Museum, he’ll do what the animals do. If it works for them, why not for him?

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title Mr PUNCH Author Arnie’s Love Genre Action, humor Format 180 pages - color 21 x 21 cm Hardcover Release date March 2012 Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author First work with Bang

An ambitious book with several different levels of comprehension Dandysme vs. Brutalisme Dandismo vs. Brutalismo

This is the first work of a young and promising artist, Arnie’s Love. In this book, not only he presents a funny story and a most impressive fine art work, but also a study about the American pop culture during the 70s and 80s, and a witty study about virility and the roles of both men and women in the mass media.

Le film idéal pour définir l'homme des années 80 serait Le Contrat ou Commando. Il y est patriote, testostéroné, vindicatif, y défend les valeurs familiales et finit qui plus est vainqueur. Rétrograde et à la fois surhomme nietzschéen, il cadre parfaitement avec le conservatisme politique de l'époque. Personnellement, l'intérêt de ce modèle d'homme réside dans son exagération, si extrême qu'elle en devient comique, et c'est pourquoi ce modèle a été le moteur de la naissance de "Mr.Punch" et de tous

On note particulièrement ce changement des rôles mas-

ses atours.

culins dans la saga Bond, la charge sexuelle et virile de Sean Connery laisse place à la sexualité plus passive de

Pour s'adapter à ce modèle de surhomme, le dandy des années 70 masculinise son trait le plus carac-

Roger Moore et son haut degré de dandysme. La scène

téristique, la moustache (Tom Selleck serait l'incarnation de cette métamorphose), et (parfois) se pare

du lit entre elle et lui ne laisse pas de doute concernant

d'une boucle d'oreille et laisse pousser une fabuleuse "moquette" pour souligner son côté "macho". On

qui d’entre eux est l’homme.

obtient là l'homme des années 80 de deuxième génération.

Je me suis également fortement intéressé au couple Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, qui pour moi est le point de non

La película perfecta para definir al hombre de los 80 puede ser “Ejecutor” o “Commando”: patriota,

retour entre le dandysme des années 70 et la nouvelle

testosterónico, vengativo, amante de los valores familiares y que acaba triunfando. Un retrógrada, un superhombre nietzscheano que encaja perfectamente con el conservadurismo político de la época.

virilité masculine de l’ère Reagan.

Personalmente, a mi este modelo de hombre me resulta atractivo en el sentido que es una exageración

Durant le mandat de Reagan la situation politique et

tan grande que la encuentro cómica, y es por esto que ha sido el motor impulsor del nacimiento de “Mr.

sociale a besoin d’un nouveau modèle d’homme, ultra-

Punch” y de toda su parafernalia.

masculin, mais pur, chaste, hyperviolent, peu intelligent mais touchant aux yeux du public de l’époque. La quintessence de ce modèle de l’homme se verra incarné par Sylvester Stallone et surtout Arnold Schwarzenegger, qui avec des films comme Rocky, Rambo, Cobra et Conan

Para encajar en este modelo de superhombre, el dandi setentero se hormona y recorre a su elemento más característico: el bigote (Tom Selleck será la encarnación de esta metamorfosis), y a veces, se pone

Ci-dessus: Moore et Jones dans “Dangeureusement votre”. Dessus ou dessous? Arriba: Moore y Jones en “Panorama para matar”. ¿Encima o debajo?

un pendiente y se deja crecer un fabuloso “mullet”, para remarcar su espíritu de “duro”. Es aquí donde tenemos al hombre de los 80 de segunda generación.

le Barbare, Commando ou Le Contrat respectivement, les convertirent en Coca-Cola et Pepsi des club vidéos à travers le monde. En bas : galerie d’hommes des années 80 de deuxième génération.

En la saga Bond queda muy clara esta diferenciación de los roles masculinos, la carga sexual y viril de Sean Con-

Debajo: Galería de obres de los 80 de segunda generación.

nery es sustituida por un Roger Moore con una sexuali-

À Droite: Le Contrat, chef-d’œuvre de l’humoriste autrichien Arnold Schwarzenegger ... les nazis ont dû passer par votre pays pour réussir ce visage de haine. Der.: “Ejecutor”, obra maestra del humorista austríaco Arnold Swarzenneger… los nazis tienen que haber pasado por tu país para poder poner esta cara de odio.

dad más pasiva y un grado más alto de dandismo. A destacar la escena de cama entre Moore y la pantera negra Grace Jones, pareja en la que no es fácil imaginar quien “haría” de hombre y quien de mujer. También me interesa especialmente la pareja Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, ya que para mi son el punto de no retorno entre el dandismo de los 70 y la nueva ola Reagan de virilidad. Durante el mandato de Reagan, la situación política y

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

Tom Selleck

Rick Martel

Jesse Ventura

Rick Rude

“Fabulous” Fabio

David Hasslehoff

social demanda un nuevo modelo de hombre, hipermasculino, pero puro, casto, hiperviolento, con pocas luces pero entrañable a los ojos de la época. La quintaesencia de este modelo de hombre la encarnarían Silvester Stallone y sobre todo, Arnold Swarzenneger, que con películas como Rocky, Rambo o Cobra, y Cónan el bárbaro, Commando o Ejecutor, respectivamente, se convirtieron en la Coca Cola y la Pepsi de los vídeoclubs de todo

Ci-dessus: Arnold Swarzenneger dans “Le Contrat”. Stallone dans “Cobra”. Le Pepsi et le Cocacola du cinéma d’action des années 80. Encima: Arnold Swarzenneger en “Ejecutor”. Stallone en “Cobra”. La Pepsi y la Coca Cola del cine de acción en los 80.

el mundo.


Eddie Murphy

Billy Dee Williams

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title AVENTURAS DE UN OFICINISTA JAPONÉS Author JOSÉ DOMINGO Genre humor Format 120 pages - full color 24 x 33 cm Hardcover Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author First work with Bang

An incredibly fun and impressive work from the talented rising artist José Domingo. In this book we’ll witness, astonished, how returning home after a hard working day can get ridiculously complicated for a simple, ordinary Japanese office worker. A mute story in constant evolution from frame to frame, filled with small, little jokes and pranks. Each reading is like reading it for the first time, there’s always something new to discover.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title EL LIBRO DE LOS ENGENDROS Author ALBERTO HERNÁNDEZ Genre Drama Format 192 pages - bicolor 13 x 19 cm Hardcover Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author El libro de los engendros 2, coming soon

Alberto Hernández presents his brand new work. A compilation of weird and uneasy tales, beautifully illustrated. This is a strange world we live in. Alberto Hernandez describes the other side of the world, the common weird we live in and we don’t usually see. With Alberto’s work, you’ll see that Kafka’s story about Gregor Samsa was not that unusual.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title RATOON Author JANO Genre humor Format 64 pages - full color 16,5 x 23 cm Hardcover Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author El operario, coming soon

A brilliant and cynical glance on the human race from a young and promising author. What can a rat teach us? Ratoon comes out of the sewers of the city and offers us a vision loaded with common sense on the species which we belong. Deprived of prejudices, simply carried by an immense curiosity, the rat examines us, estimates us, judges us. And his conclusions are surprising. Ratoon can show us a part of ourselves that we don’t know: a new perspective that nobody else could deliver us. After all, we all have among our close relations somebody who understands us less than Ratoon or who understands us less indeed. Maybe our brain is too much sophisticated to understand the homo sapiens. Probably, having known Ratoon, the opinion we may have of ourselves will change forever. It is sometimes necessary that someone laughs at us. There is no more effective way to know oneself better.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue Title LOSER, (floating with lead feet) Author ED + DANTE BERTINI Genre Autobiography / Slice of life Format 112 pages- B&W + CD audio 21 x 27,5 cm Soft Cover Release date Published Number of volumes one shot

JUNCEDA PRIZE to the best comic book 2 0 0 7

When a writer meets a drawer, both uprooted, the result can not be another.

Territories available All except France From the same author Author winner of the JUNCEDA Vencedores Convencidos CONTEST 2006 & 2007 Manu en la playa (mamut 3+) Manu 2, va a la montaña, coming soon

Martin is woken from a terrifying nightmare when he hears three loud knocks on the door of his infamous yet decadent city apartment. It’s the substitute postman bringing him an extremely important message that he would never read. It’s not only that he doesn’t understand very well the language in which it is written but those bangs on the panels of the door had echoed in the very depths of his unconsciousness, awakening dark memories of a miserable childhood in that small South African town from which he thought he wouldn’t escape forever. The memories blend with his present, and Martin “Loser” King finds it difficult to distinguish between the two clearly. With only the company of “Capriccio”, his laptop and a handful of objects of little value that he had brought from his upsetting past, Martin had arrived in Barcelona’s old gothic quarter in search of a place where to write his music that would convert his cruel nickname, “Loser” given to him by the villagers into a brand, that would be recognised the world over. He would come across centenary buildings and a cosmopolitan community amongst these winding streets, encountering an array of marginal characters, from the exotic to the extravagant. In the background numerous unusual and worrying accounts, from ”Weather Report”, the most popular TV channel on the planet, which seemed to point to the arrival of any number of apocalyptic disasters. Martin will have to decide whether to escape his dopey adolescence or let his current situation get the better of him.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com






Author NACHO CASANOVA Genre Slice of life Format 128 pages -B&W 16,5 x 22 cm Soft Cover




2012 RIGHTS catalogue

Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All



From the same author First work with Bang

Nacho Casanova reveals his day to day life and finds the way to make it gripping. Unauthorized autobiography transmits tranquility. The sensation is like when one of your neighbours opens the door, as if you knew about his whole life. He invites you to enter into his world, his space, his friends... Everything flows. We find ourselves in a series of short histories where prominent figures enter and go out situations that sometimes seem to be bulging directly of our daily. And when it’s not like that, our curiosity wins. We sail between the empathy and the narcissism, as a reality show, but without advertisings. And as Daisy Fontana says it with so much understanding: “Reading it will not make you more intelligent, but at least, you will know why“.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 12 11

Title POR VER EL BICHO VOLAR Author LOREN Genre Humor / Slice of life

escrito y dibujado por Loren

Format 48 pages - 2 colors 15 x 21 cm Lo que usted tiene entre sus manos es un cuento. Special soft cover En él hallará dibujadas algunas de las innumerables historias que ha contado o que podría haber contado cualquiera de los muchos cuenteros que,

fortuna, hay en cada casa. Release por date Gracias a estos cuenteros, cuentistas... como usted Publishedquiera llamarlos, las historias no se han perdido en

el olvido. Es más, dado el carácter embustero y exagerado de quien las narra, han ganado en matices, adornos, humor... Cada uno pone de su parte para que continúen existiendo y sigan entreteniéndonos porque, por más veces que las escuchemos, nunca nos aburren, cada vez son distintas.

Number of volumes one shot

Por Ver el Bicho Volar es simplemente otro granito de arena, el mismo cuento de siempre. Pero al mismo tiempo es diferente, es nuevo y, probablemente, es mentira.

Territories available Disfrútelo y cuénteselo a quien quiera y como le dé All la gana. De eso se trata.

From the same author 9 788493 703158

First work with Bang

The young Loren rewrites the village’s stories we have heared all our life. What you have in your hands is a tale. In it, you will find drawn some of the innumerable stories that you have heard or could have heard from any of the many storytellers who, fortunately, are in each home. Thanks to these storytellers, the stories have not been forgotten. What’s more, given the excessive character of whom narrates them, they have won in shades, adornments, humour... Each one makes an effort in order that they still exist and amuse ourselves because, every time we listen to them, they never bore us, they are always different. POR VER EL BICHO VOLAR is just another bit, the same story as always. But at the same time is different, new and probably a lie. Enjoy it and pass it on as whoever you want. That’s the point.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

331 mm

316 mm

301 mm

296 mm

281 mm

145 mm

2012 RIGHTS catalogue 141mm

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue


Title CULPABLE Author ESTEBAN HERNÁNDEZ Genre Humor / Slice of life Format 64 pages - B&W 16,5 x 21 cm Release date Published

bang. ediciones

Number of volumes one shot Territories available All From the same author First work with Bang

Esteban Hernández won the 3rd edition of the Fnac/Sinsentido Graphic Novel Contest Culpable (Guilty) is a dramatic comedy with a dash of suspense. Esteban Hernández has the ability to create bizarre situations from characters with strong personalities. He builds short but very powerful stories.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com


mamut Mamut is a comic book collection designed especially for kids, from 3 years old up to whatever age, because they are incredibly fun!! What we are looking forward in this collection is introducing the kid into de world of reading through comics. In order to achieve this objective, we’ve divided the collection into three specific age sectors: 3+: Kids who doesn’t know to read yet 6+: First readers 9+: Consolidated readers

mamut child collection

We believe comics are a good tool for teachers and parents to encourage kids into reading and helping them, step by step. That’s the reason of the segmented collection, to help the kid with their specific needs, according to his or her age. This way, they can develop their independence in reading, becoming more autonomous in their reading exercise.


mamut 3+ From 3 years old. At this age, the kid doesn’t know to read, but has a well developed language. They won’t be able to read words, but they can read images and follow the story from frame to frame. Stories in 3+ are “built” with few, big, colorful frames, with small stories very near to the kid’s day to day life. Small stories for small people. The kids read the story with the images which are no simple images but a real drawn story, with its own drawn grammar, specially thought for this age.

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title BARBOSA EL PIRATA Author JORGE GONZÁLEZ Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date April 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes 1 Territories available All except France From the same author First work with Bang

Astounding artist Jorge Gonzalez draws his first comic for kids. Barbosa the pirate cleaves calmly through the sea along with his crew, when suddenly, something crashes against their ship and makes them modify their direction, towards a not very distant island but yet very curious. Together they’ll have to find something very important for Barbosa: his most precious treasure…

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title FEDERICO Author MAXI LUCHINI Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date May 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes 3 Territories available All except France From the same author Federico 1

Federico and his friends are back for more drawing, more playing and more fun!! Girls are not as fun as boys, and if those girls are your best friend’s sister, that’s even worse! But an adventure is about to start, and King Ice needs us!!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title TI-JACK Author ESTELLE BILLON SPAGNOL Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date February 2012 Number of volumes 3 Territories available All except France, China From the same author Ti-Jack 2, coming soon

Raising artist Estelle Billon Spagnol presents her new creation: Ti-Jack. A poor cat that always gets involved in incredible and unexpected adventures! Ti-Jack arrives to an apparently desert island. Actually, it’s inhabited by millions of birds, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Oh, yes, Ti-Jack is a cat… Get ready for action!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title POÏPOÏ Y TITO Author MATHILDE DOMECQ Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France, China From the same author First work with Bang

Mathilde Domecq, nominated in Angoulême 2011 fair, recovers in this album one of the first characters that made her famous. Poipoi and Tito are friends. They do everything together. They sleep together, eat together, play together and sometimes they desagree. Once, Tito and Poipoi quarrel and separate. Poipoi feels good at the beginning but soon gets bored, worried and starts searching his friend. Will Poipoi find Tito?

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title EL ZOO DE ANTÓN

el zoo de



CÓMIC años

Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges

juan berrio

el zoo de Antón


Release date Published Number of volumes one shot

mi primer cómic


Territories available All except France, China Juan berrio

From the same author First work with Bang

The clean style of Juan Berrio will make grow our kids: poetry, maths and magical drawings… Let’s go! Antón loves drawing. One day, while drawing a butterfly, something magical happens: it starts to fly and becomes real! The butterfly plays with Alex and makes him discover a whole world of fantasy. When imagination comes true, anything can happen!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title DINO Y PABLO Author BAPTISTE AMSALLEM & LOIC DAUVILLIER Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes not defined Territories available All except France, China From the same author First work with Bang

A surrealist and humoristic comic from the talented Loic Dauvillier and rising Baptiste Amsallem, specialists in stories for kids. Pablo loves slides. He is used to play with the back of his friend Dino. But Dino is a huge green dinosaur ... What Pablo does not know is that large dinosaurs keeps some surprises, but he will discover them very soon.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title RAFA Y ZOE Author CRISTIAN TURDERA & SERGIO KERN Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France, China From the same author First work with Bang

Art book for children thanks to the talent of Christian Turdera and Sergio Kern. The park is the ideal place to make friends. Rafa and Zoe discover that it is better playing together despite their differences. Sharing is not always easy, but with this book kids will learn that is always worth it.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title MANU EN LA PLAYA Author ED Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 3 Territories available All except France, China

A graphic novel for kids led by the awarded ED reflecting a special day in the life of a small kid.





Author winner From the same author of the JUNCEDA CONTEST 2006 Vencedores con vencidos & 2007 Loser Manu 2, va a la montaña, coming soon

Manu discovers on holiday with his parents the beach for the first time. New things to do, new environment and new animals... What is this thing that has Manu found in the sand?

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 8

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title FEDERICO Author MAXI LUCHINI Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 3 Territories available All except France, China





From the same author Federico 2

A moving, enthusiastic, and colourfull story from the experienced artist Maxi Luchini. On saturdays, Federico loves to draw, play with friends and so on... But this Saturday will be a very special one when someone knocks on the door…

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title LA CACA MÁGICA Author SERGIO MORA Genre 3 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes one shot





Territories available All except France, China From the same author First work with Bang

Just amazing: Sergio Mora for kids! Let’s discover his world! A boy dressed as a bunny takes a nap under a tree until a little bird awakens and transforms his life into a nightmare... unless is he in a dream? Sergio Mora shows kids his incredibly rich and fascinatig universe, which has taken him to the most renowned art galleries all over the world.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 8


mamut 6+ From 6 years old The kids have already entered into the world of written words, but they have to improve their skills, yet. In this collection we add words, simple sentences and plain dialogues to our books, but we keep the few, big and colorful frames. Stories are simple enough for the kids to follow them but filled with fantasy, adventures and tons of humor. The universe build in the 6+ collection is still very familiar to the kids, because the stories are based in their world and environment: family and friends.


2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title ASTRO RATÓN Y BOMBILLITA 2 Author FERMÍN SOLÍS Genre 6 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date April 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes 2 Territories available All except France From the same author Astro-ratón 1, parece que chispea

Fermín Solís strikes back with a new adventure of our most beloved intergalactical mouse!! Cosmo-Mouse lives a nice and quite life in his spaceship. Until Cosmo Chicken arrives and ruins it all!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title CITY KID

¡recordad que hay un exámen la próxima semana!

muy bien, clase...

Author ALEX FITO Genre 6 years old Format 40 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date february 2012

repasad los capítulos tres y cuatro...

y contestad las preguntas de las páginas ventic...

RIIIIIINNNG ¡salvados por la campana!

¡y tanto!

¡os veo el lunes!

no lo sé. preguntémosle a juan. ¡juan! ¿qué quieres hacer?

hoy es viernes, ¿qué quieres hacer?

Number of volumes One shot Territories available All except France


4 ¡tenemos todo el fin de semana por delante!

¿quieres ir a pescar?

5 mmm... no, mi padre después nos haría limpiar el establo.

¿por qué no vamos a montar a caballo?

From the same author First work with Bang

Alex Fito explains in a simple and easy way the modern population movements.

¿otra vez? pero si eso es lo que hacemos todos los fines de semana.

¡ya sé, vamos a mi casa a jugar a la play!

¡pero si ya jugamos cada día, qué aburrimiento!

bueno, ¡pues juguemos a fútbol!

A kid and his whole family have to move from their village to the big city for work. Even though he’s bored of his life in his small village, he’s very scared of this new change in his life. What about the other kids? And the new school?

nooo, eres demasiado bueno.

...es aburrido, ¡siempre nos ganas!

¡juan, ya vengo, espérame ahí!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6



2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title SUPER PATATA Author Artur Laperla Genre 6 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes not defined Territories available All except France





From the same author Superpatata 2, coming soon

Action! Nonsense! And a lot of fun thanks to the fine work of renowned Artur Laperla! Dr. Evil has transformed Supermax, our best looking and with the best hairstyle ever, into a potato, and is planning to do the same with anyone who doesn’t agree with him! What Dr. Evil doesn’t know is that even as a potato, Supermax is not an ordinary tuber. He is Superpotato.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 4

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title OLAF VA DE PICNIC






añ os

Genre 6 years old

pep brocal

Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes not defined

mi primer cómic


Territories available All except France Pep Brocal





From the same author Little Olaf (mamut 3+), coming soon

A mute and funny story for the 6 years old drawn by Pep Brocal, an experienced child catalan artist. Olaf, a rabbit, and three friends of him go on a picnic in the forest. But a terrible and ruthless hunter takes three of them to eat. Lonely, sad and helpless, Olaf doesn’t know what to do. Suddenly, an object falls from the sky on fire and everything takes an unexpected turn: an adventure full of surprises, spaceships, robots, lasers, floods, punches and potato tortillas!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS



giotto la oruga





añ os

Genre 6 years old

marco paschetta & Luca blengino

Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published

Territories available All except France

mi primer cómic


Number of volumes one shot

marco paschetta & Luca Blengino


From the same author Grot, coming soon

First book from Marco Paschetta & Luca Blengino to understand the importance of healthy eating and sport. Giotto is a butterfly. Well, actually it is still a caterpillar, but it’s just a matter of time. It just has to build its own cocoon, but... it’s too fat! How will Giotto do to stop eating and build its cocoon? Will it do it in time?

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6


2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title MARCOPOLA Author JACOBO FERNÁNDEZ Genre 6 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 2 Territories available All except France From the same author Marcopola 2, coming soon






An energic and mysterious story from awarded Jacobo Fernández Serrano. Marcopola, a small isolated island in the middle of the ocean, was bored until she discovered a strange object... Then, the adventure begins discovering a plane, butterflies, a book, a monster, stars, a small boat, giants, a cactus, a flower... and lots of friends!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6


2012 RIGHTS catalogue




Author FERMÍN SOLÍS Genre 6 years old

parece que chispea

Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 2

mi primer cómic


Territories available All except France Fermín solís





From the same author Astro-ratón 2, pollo a la vista

The most intergalactic album written by Fermín Solís. Cosmo-mouse is lost in a very special place: space! Fortunately, he can count on the help from his friend, Light Bulb, and other characters to find their way back home. A space odissey filled with fun adventures and hilarious stories

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 4


mamut 9+ From 9 years old From this age on, things get more complicated, with more complex stories and dialogues. Also, the page structure is more complex and the artists have a huge variety of colors to play with, which we simplified in the previous collections.Â

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title LA MIGRACIÓN Recherches

La migración

Author WASSIM BOUTALEB Genre 9 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date September 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author First work with Bang

Young artist Wassim Boutaleb spreads its surprisingly fresh art. Migration it’s always been a tricky affair. Leave your home and friends for another one? But, what if I don’t want to go?

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title CECILIACecilia VAN HELSING Van


Author JULIO A. SERRANO Genre 9 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date February 2012 Number of volumes not defined


Territories available All except France From the same author Cecilia Van Helsing 2, coming soon

Julio A. Serrano presents a revision of the horror classics for children, filled with monsters, fun and a very stupid dog. The Van Helsing is a renowned family name in all Europe. They freed us from vampires, werewolves and many other monsters. But they always get in trouble, it comes with their genes.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com



2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS


mira, James: el secreto está en los detalles.



el retorno

mi paDRe es Un aGenTe sUpeR Top-secReTo


Buenas noches, Lola.

Las noches son apaciBLes en ViLLamaBLe…


coRTa coRTa coRTa


a Lam o meol retorn

Genre 9 years old

¿no es un poco llamativo?

¡no, así mola más!


Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges

¡atención! ¡La superpandilla va a llegar, que se preparen!

¿estás segura?


Tengo el salvavidas y el botiquín de primeros auxilios por si hay algún problema.



¡super-Lola en tutú!

Release date Published, 2nd edition!

¡nos vamos!

¡super-James en calzoncillos!


¿Vienes, salchicha?

Number of volumes not defined Territories available All except France

Y ya está, se acabó su crisis de crecimiento.

¡Volved! se lo voy a decir a papá… ¡miau miaU!

no nos pueden oír. Tenemos que abrir los ojos, abrir las orejas. el peligro está…

Lulu is a girl like any other, except for one detail: his father, Robert Châtainclair is James Blonde, a top-secret agent. So top top-secret that he doesn’t even know. Or that’s what he says. And as every superagent, he must have a nemesis. The ignoble Max Simome and his doggies Zero + Zero have kidnapped Lulu’s parents, so she has to change into Superlulu to save them. Accompanied by her dinosaur, super James and her cat Sausage, will she be able to accomplish her very first mission? An album where, finally, with little bits of nothing, children look after their parents... in a world where everyone can become a superhero.



From the same author La super pandilla 2, coming soon

Christine Beigel and Pierre Fouillet, both specialists in books for children, find in the character of Lulu a perfect way to express their respective talents.

¿pero a dónde vais así?

¡ppff! no me lo puedo creer.

Lo prefiero así, el tanga es exagerado.


¡shht James! Tenemos que pasar desapercibidos.

…por todas partes. pero nosotros no tenemos miedo. por algo soy la hija de un…

…agente secreto. Damos una vuelta de reconocimiento y volvemos.

ViLLamaBLe seRía Un pUeBLo sUpeRapaciBLe, con monTones De GenTe sUpeRamaBLe, si no hUBieRa maLVaDos qUe secUesTRaRan a Los sUpeRpaDRes, poR eJempLo.


¡mis padres ensalchichados, qué mala pata! ¿pero qué le pasa a este?

Vamos, cero + cero… ¡al coche!

está bien, ¡volvemos!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6

¡no hay peligro!


eso es lo que tú dices.


¡Je je! Todos se acordarán de mí, max simo, como el hombre que descubrió la verdadera identidad del agente James Bombón.


2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title EL REY HUEVO Author MIGUEL B. NUÑEZ Genre 9 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes one shot Territories available All except France From the same author Los caballos (bang)

Surreal and touching story for older children, Miguel B. Nuñez follows the clear line with talent but with his own personal touch. King egg is born from an egg, and soon finds himself king of some little beings he barley know. In this strange world, anything can happen!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS


Title MIGA

miga I - bajo las nubes





añ os

Genre 9 years old

alex fuentes & santi navarro

Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 2

mi primer cómic


8 Territories available All except France

Alex fuentes & Santi navarro





From the same author Miga 2, coming soon

Courage, fraternity and friendship are the key elements of this exciting adventure presented by Alex Fuentes and Santi Navarro. Miga is a very young girl with supernatural powers, but she ignores that as well as her past. But soon, everything will change... Lost, she must find again her two brothers through a long, initiatic path full of surprises and meetings.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 10

2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title PUCK Author DANI CRUZ & STYGRYT

el beso de la sirena

Genre 9 years old Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Soft cover - rounded edges Release date Published Number of volumes 1 Territories available All except France





From the same author First work with Bang

Suspense, gnomes, robots and mythical animals, all mixed up by Dani Cruz and Stygryt. In the darkness of the sewers of the city, right under your feet, survives a mystery, almost forgotten... This is a story that must be told, full of adventures and pranks unveiled until today. Follow our little but brave guide Puck, without fear. The adventure starts right now!

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 6


mamut Great classic comics for kids, from all times. A trip to the childhood of the grown-ups, and an opportunity for the small one to discover them.

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS


Title EL MUNDO ES REDONDO Author OSCAR GRILLO + GRAHAM MARKS Genre Classic comics for kids


Format 56 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date March 2012 Number of volumes one shot 6

Territories available All except France




2012 RIGHTS catalogue



From the same author First work with Bang


We are proud to bring to the new generations this English classic comic from the 80s. Oscar Grillo and Graham Marks are both living legends of the English literary world. Published for the first time in 1983, El mundo es Redondo (The World is Round) had a great success in Great Britain. This beautiful story, impressively drawn by awarded Grillo, shows the kids that beauty and happiness are in the differences between people.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com 8



2012 RIGHTS catalogue

2012 RIGHTS catalogue KIDS Title LA GORDA DE LAS GALAXIAS Author NICOLAS Genre Classic comics for kids Format 120 pages - Full color 19 x 26 cm Hard cover - rounded edges Release date March 2012

Provisional art cover

Number of volumes 2 Territories available All From the same author First work with Bang

From the renowned comics Spanish publishing house, Bruguera, we recover this classic masterpiece. “La gorda de las galaxias” is a delirious comic, filled with bright and shiny colours. Published in the Bruguera magazine in the ‘80s, it reveals the typical Movida spirit. The incredible stories of this astronaut will stick to your mind and eyes and never leave you again.

Bang. ediciones, SL • calle París 140 SA 2 B • 08036 Barcelona • Spain. Phone +34 679 849 105 contacto@bangediciones.com www.bangediciones.com www.mamutcomics.com

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