spring 2012 - comprehensive studio - The University of Kansas
The w om e n ’ s soc c e r st a d i um a n d s t u de n t a t h le t e c e n t e r is de s ig n e d t o e n c o mp a s s wh a t being a student ath l ete mean s. T h e d r a m i t i c e n t r a n c e i n t h e s t r u c t u r e h ig h lig h t s t h e ‘ a t h le t e ’ - wh ic h is wh a t dr a ws people in and sho wcases the Un i v e r si t y. T h e l a r ge sl op i n g s it e lo c a t e d wit h in K U ’ s c a mpu s a llo ws f o r a lo we r walk out level that ho l ds th e ‘stud e n t .’ O n e c a n r e l a t e t o t h e s t u de n t wh ile wa lkin g a lo n g t h e lo we r win do ws in t o t h e classrooms. A pl aza takes o v e r t h e r oof of t h e l ow e r e d s t u de n t a r e a a n d c r e a t e s a u n iq u e s pa c e f o r pe o p le t o gat her before an d after as w e l l a s t h e t yp i c a l sc h ool d a y .
ground floor plan
street level floor plan
O n e of the mai n com ponents o f th e com prehen si ve s t ud io g a i o wa s maki n ng 1/4� ssecti ection on mo del . B uilding d i ng the mo del fro m struc ctu n e detai l s tu re to fi ne h e lp ed m e understand und erstand t h e comp com plexi of lex i ty of h ow bu iildings ld i ngs are put t og ether. e ther.
third level floor plan
media library & community center spring 2011- University of Missouri
process models The media library and community center is located on the edge of downtown Columbia, Missouri. This was the thesis project for my undergrad education at MU. The design was intended to create an inviting space for a library. The ‘open arms’ concept can be seen throughout the design process. The large courtyard can provide a new green space for people downtown to experience. The layout is easy to understand and navigate through.
watercolor of site plan
f ir s t le v e l f lo o r pla n
w a t e r c ol or o f e x t e r io r
rs per i nsg t2 0a urant renovation 10- University of Missouri
Simply is a restaurant renovation located in Columbia, MO with relaxing, yet sophisticated atmosphere. It will serve healthy, locally grown food prepared in a new unique way along with a large selection of wine. The L-shaped arrangement will create the most views towards the outdoors for customers. The interior materials will include used brick (painted), reclaimed wood, recycled glass, etc. Black and beige will be the dominate colors, and soft, diluted colors will be the accent colors. Unique lighting made of recycled wine glasses and wine bottles will add to the atmosphere and theme.
CHICAGO opera house fall 2011- University of Kansas, group project
The new Opera House would be located in Chicago on the Wolf Point site. This project was a group effort to create a design that could be used for nights of the Opera and also throughout the year. Incorporation of the existing river walk was a key concept that created the separation of the main performance hall from the restaurant and event space. The level change from street to river walk was used in the design by creating a grand stair inside and out. Perforated metal panels were used on the main curtain wall to focus views and sunlight. Corten steel perforated panels were used on the circulation towers for contrast between day and night.
street level floor plan
first balcony level floor plan
child development lab fall 2009- University of Missouri
The new Child Development Lab’s Building was designed to fit in with the traditional “white campus” buildings on the University of Missouri’s campus while still appear current. The classrooms are located along the back of the building surrounding the outdoor play area. The goal was to create an exciting place for the children and a strong tie to the outdoors, not only in the classrooms but also in the hallways. The hallway has unique nature-inspired experiences that allow the children to interact with their surroundings.
first level floor plan
second level floor plan
fall 2009- University of Missouri
CREMATORIUM AHMEDABAD, INDIA Movement and water are both considered powerful elements in the cremation process and were incorporated into the design. In Indian culture, the cremation process is significant and allows the soul to be released from the body. The design is based off of the repetitiveness of the water moving through a river and the subtle waves that it produces. I hoped to create equality of the cremated bodies by having the chambers all the same size and facing the same direction. Water features were included throughout the design to allow the family members to reflect on the person's life.
Barnes Jewish Hospital- M.I.C.U. & S.I.C.U.
The project that I got most involved with during my internship at The Lawrence Group was Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Renovation of their Intensive Care Units inside their large patient tower. This project was broken into two parts - the 4400 Sick Intensive Care Unit and the 8400 - Medical Intensive Care Unit. Barnes was relocating their S.I.C.U. from the 8th floor to the lower 4th floor of the building. After they were finished moving, the construction for the 8400 unit was to begin on the now vacant 8th floor. The S.I.C.U. was under construction during my internship so I was able to attend many construction meetings and also go on site and final walk throughs. We were able to use the 4th floor patient room layout and core design to build off of and recreate the needed layout for the M.I.C.U. I was able to design the staff lounge and pharmacy layout of the new M.I.C.U.
staff lounge elevations
internship work
summer & fall 2012 - Health & Wellness - The University of Kansas
shifting gears in healthcare
spring 2012 - Nuture by Steelcase 2012 Collegiate Healthcare Design Competition
Proposed Floorplan Changes
Huddle Spaces Enclosed Area in Nurse Station
Enclosed Space for Shift Change
product design and model making fall 2009-fall 2010 University of Missouri
cornerstone display case, MU
toddler’s chair and table
a. table, designed and constructed b. bowl, designed and constructed c. box, design and constructed d. model built of Firestone Baars Chapel by Eero Saarinen a.
e. model of thesis project at the University
charcoal still life
oil painting
self portrait
oil painting still life
s t e p h a n i e b o y d sab0788@ku.edu | 314.609.2927 5 Country Life Acres, St. Louis, MO 63131 EDUCATION: 2011-present, University of Kansas, Lawrence Masters of Architecture, expected May 2013 Concentration: Health and Wellness 2007-2011, University of Missouri, Columbia BS HES Architectural Studies Major: Interior Design | Minor: Art PROFILE: • Career goal to be a registered Architect • Expertise in computer software including: Revit, Auto CAD (X-Refs), Google SketchUp, AutoDesk 3ds Max Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office • Very driven, hard working; team player; self motivated; artistic; creative thinker WORK EXPERIENCE: The Lawrence Group, Intern June 2012-December 2012 St. Louis, MO • Working with teams on healthcare & commercial architecture & interior design projects • Duties include help with schematic design, construction documents, meeting attendance & minutes, field measuring, & correspondence with consultants Kampai Sushi Bar and Restaurant, Waitress May 2010-June 2011 Columbia, MO • Worked as a team with other wait staff to ensure the best possible service Town & Country Head and Neck Surgery, Secretary/Assistant May 2006-June 2010 St. Louis, MO • Scheduled patient appointments for 3 doctors; Updated the online patient filing system ASSOCIATIONS AND LEADERSHIP: • Member of Kappa Omicron Nu (Honors Society for Human and Environmental Sciences College) • Member of SEDA (Student Environmental Design Association); Students United 2007-2008; Social Committee for Respect Hall Fall 2008-2009 HONORS: • Received Honorable Mention in 2012 Nurture Collegiate Healthcare Design Competition; awarded free registration to the 2012 Healthcare Design Conference; published in Healthcare Design Magazine • Scholarships: Bright Flight Scholarship; Excellence Award Scholarship; Friedrich Rose Scholarship 2010-2011(chosen by professors for best Interior Design project) • Dean’s List for Academic Excellence; Honor Roll • Studio work consenstantly chosen to be put on display in campus buildings at MU & KU ACTIVITIES AND INTEREST: • Did mission work in Tijuana, Mexico building small homes and relationships with natives • Volunteered at the Central Missouri Humane Society, and Lenoir Nursing Home • Volunteered at Chesterfield Presbyterian Church, Friendship Class
s t e p h a n i e b o y d M . A r c h Ca n ida t e 2 0 1 3 | U . o f K a n s a s s a b 0 7 8 8 @ ku . e du | 3 1 4 . 6 0 9 . 2 9 2 7