Stephanie King portfolio

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Pages 01 - 02

02 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc. Pages 03 - 18


Summer & Fall 2012 - Lawrence Group Pages 19 - 22

04 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2011 - 2013 - University of Kansas Masters of Architecture Pages 23 - 38

05 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007 - 2011 - University of Missouri BS HES Architectural Studies Pages 39 - 50


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01 S T E P H A N I E K I N G


3 1 4 .6 0 9 .2 9 2 7 | sa b hc d@gmai l .com 4 0 0 La u rel Dr. Co lu mb ia, M O 65203

PROFILE Associate AIA Architect with three years of industry experience in an architecture firm following gradua on from the Masters of Architecture program at the University of Kansas in 2013. I am a hard working and crea ve team player who is self mo vated to excel in the field of architecture. I am reloca ng to St. Louis in June, 2016. LICENSURE • •

Currently working towards comple on of the NCARB Intern Development Program (IDP) Completed 5 of 7 Architectural Registra on Exams (4.0) in the jurisdic on of Missouri

SKILLS • • •

Teamwork skills in assis ng on projects; has independently overseen and managed small projects Able to take projects from ini al Schema c Design phase through Construc on Documents and Administra on under guidance from firm’s principals Exper se in computer so ware including: Revit, Auto CAD / X-References, SketchUp, AutoDesk 3ds Max Design, Adobe Crea ve Suite, Microso Office

WORK EXPERIENCE PWArchitects, Inc. Intern Architect

Columbia, MO November 2013 - current Gained professional design experience working on educa onal, public, civic, healthcare and mixed use buildings through out Mid-Missouri and the Midwest. Assumed project responsibili es for design presenta ons, computer modeling, project detailing, construc on documents and project coordina on.

The Architects Alliance Intern Architect

Jefferson City, MO July 2013 - November 2013 The majority of my five months spent working at The Architects Alliance were spent on field verifica on, schema c design and construc on documents. Most projects were small, low budget, tenant infill or renova ons to buildings in Jefferson City.

The Lawrence Group Student Intern

St. Louis, MO June 2012 - December 2012 Internship focused on healthcare and commercial architecture & interior design projects. Du es included assis ng with schema c design, construc on documents, mee ng a endance and minutes, field measuring and correspondence with consultants.


EDUCATION Master of Architecture

University of Kansas July 2011 - May 2013 ConcentraƟon: Health and Wellness

ASSOCIATIONS, LEADERSHIP & HONORS: • Member of the American Ins tute of Architects • Published in the Healthcare Design Magazine; Received Honorable Men on in 2012 Nurture Collegiate Healthcare Design Compe on; awarded free registra on to the 2012 Healthcare Design Conference • Dean’s List for Academic Excellence; Honor Roll throughout school a endance • Studio work was consistently chosen to be put on display in campus buildings at MU & KU; chosen with one other student to present our studio projects at the architecture firm Populous during our office tour BS HES Architectural Studies University of Missouri-Columbia August 2007 - May 2011 Major: Interior Design | Minor: Art ASSOCIATIONS, LEADERSHIP & HONORS: • Member of Kappa Omicron Nu (Honors Society for Human and Environmental Sciences College) • Member of SEDA (Student Environmental Design Associa on); Students United 2007-2008; Social Commi ee for Respect Hall Fall 2008-2009 • Scholarships: Bright Flight Scholarship; Excellence Award Scholarship; Friedrich Rose scholarship 2010-2011 (chosen by professors for best Interior Design project) • Dean’s List for Academic Excellence; Honor Roll throughout school a endance ACTIVITIES AND INTEREST • • • • •

Par cipated in CANstruc on and was team leader for PWArchitects in 2015 winning both People’s Choice & Best in Show Awards Did mission work in Tijuana, Mexico building small homes and rela onships with na ves Volunteered at the Central Missouri Humane Society, and Lenoir Nursing Home Volunteered at Chesterfield Presbyterian Church, Friendship Class Enjoy spending free me with my husband and two small dogs



0 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.


second floor first floor

COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR TRITTENBACH DEVELOPMENT 05 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.

Rendering by others A development project located in downtown Bowling Green, Kentucky was a new building that I worked on in summer of 2014. It is a mixed use building with a rooftop patio and pool, as well as future commercial tenant spaces. My duties for this project included 100% of the Construction Documents, coordination with the consultants and clients and review of select shop drawings.

Some of the biggest challenges with this project were detailing the roof top pavers, planters & shallow wading pool as well as the client altering the design multiple times during the end of the documentation process. Paying specific attention to unfamiliar details, consulting with my superiors and working overtime were ways that I overcame these obstacles.


A large set of projects that I worked on at PWArchitects was the Boone County Fire Protection District’s additions to nine existing fire stations and two new fire stations located throughout MidMissouri. I assisted the Project Architect by completing almost all of the Construction Documents and coordinating with the consultants and client.

One of the unique elements in this project are the sleeping lofts that the residents requested in their bedrooms. Additionally, detailing the FEMA-rated storm shelter which also serves as a fitness room, educated me on common storm shelter design standards. The first phase of additions have begun construction this spring 2016.

BOONE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 07 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.

building section G1/A302

building section A6/A301

typical parapet detail at storm shelter


HEARING & BALANCE CLINIC 09 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.

procedure room casework plan A tenant infill project designed for the Hearing and Balance Clinic of University of Missouri Hospitals allowed me to use my education emphasis of Heath and Wellness that I received from the University of Kansas. Knowing the common design needs of medical clinics allowed me to be a major asset. I attended all design meetings with the client and assisted the project architect during the construction document phase.

procedure room interior elevation

exam room casework plan One of the biggest challenges was the specific casework layout that the physician requested in all the patient & procedure rooms. The countertop is designed so the physician can face the patient while taking notes during the exam. A countertop that was at a slight angle with a rounded edge allows the doctor to take notes while facing the patient, but not protrude so much that it would impede the space needed during procedures.

exam room interior elevation


A project that I was recently involved with was the newly designed pressbox and athletic stadium for Rockbridge High School in Columbia, MO. My responsibilities included schematic design, design development of the facade and 3D modeling completed with SketchUp. The new design included cast stone, metal panels and brick to tie in with the existing high school.

ROCKBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM & PRESSBOX 11 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.



“Mongolian Grill”

Dessert & Beverage

MISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGE & FRESH IDEAS - DINING HALL 13 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.

A project that is currently in the construction document phase is an interior renovation of the main dining hall on the campus of Missouri Valley College located in Marshall, MO. I was involved in all phases which included 3D modeling of existing building, designing the new interior, coordinating with food service consultants and clients and 100% of Construction Documents.

The client wanted to eliminate the existing ACT ceiling, 70’s brick walls and colors, and bring a fresher look to the space. The ceiling design was a main design focus which will expose the existing structural concrete tee’s and add ceiling clouds of varying heights and sizes.


Construction Photos

Rendering by Architects Design Group

BOONE COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 15 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.

One of the largest scale projects I worked on at PWArchitects was the new Emergency Communications Center located in Columbia, MO. PWArchitects teamed with Architects Design Group out of Winter Park, FL as the local design firm in charge of interiors, select construction document details and construction administration. Architects Design Group specializes in public safety, civic and government facilities and brought their expertise to the Boone County 911 Center. My duties included assisting with construction documents, coordination with consultants and the client, design meetings, site visits, construction administration and review of select shop drawings. This building is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in summer 2016. For security purposes, Boone County does not want the building floor plan to be made public. For that reason, I’ve only included images and plan details of the precast concrete walls.

plan detail

plan detail


A fun, simple project that I was involved with was redesigning the facade of future apartment buildings. A residential developer in Columbia came to PWA seeking permit drawings for future apartments and aesthetic help on the current facade. My goal was to come up with multiple options for the apartment buildings without altering the foot print. I used AutoCAD and Sketch-Up to render three unique designs for the client.


FACADE DESIGNS - Apartments in Columbia, MO 17 P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


2013 - 2016 - PWArchitects, Inc.



Residential architecture and aesthetics is something I have always enjoyed. This house lacked a sense of curb appeal with the awkward front porch addition. I created multiple design variations but concluded on adding two additional dormers and lowering and extending porch. Since I was a student at the time, I created a set of design development drawings for a licensed architect in St. Louis to work from and create a signed and sealed construction set.






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Summer & Fall 2012 - Lawrence Group


The project that I got most involved with during my internship at The Lawrence Group was Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Renovation of their Intensive Care Units inside their large patient tower. This project was broken into two parts - the 4400 Sick Intensive Care Unit and the 8400 - Medical Intensive Care Unit. Barnes was relocating their S.I.C.U. from the 8th floor to the lower 4th floor of the building. After they were finished moving, the construction for the 8400 unit was to begin on the now vacant 8th floor.

The S.I.C.U. was under construction during my internship so I was able to attend many construction meetings and also go on site and final walk throughs. We were able to use the 4th floor patient room layout and core design to build off of and recreate the needed layout for the M.I.C.U. I was able to design the staff lounge and pharmacy layout of the new M.I.C.U.

staff lounge elevations

BARNES JEWISH HOSPITAL - M.I.C.U. & S.I.C.U. 21 I n t e r n s h i p E x p e r i e n c e


summer & fall 2012 - The Lawrence Group



0 4 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2011 - 2013 - University of Kansas





25 s p r i n g 2 0 1 2 - c o m p r e h e n s i v e s t u d i o - T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f K a n s a s

T h e w om e n ’ s soc c e r s t a diu m a n d s t u de n t a t h le t e c e n t e r is de s ig n e d t o e n c om p a ss w h a t b e i n g a s t u de n t a t h le t e me a n s . T h e dr a ma t ic e n t r a n c e i n t h e st r uc t ur e h i g h l i gh t s t h e ‘ a t h le t e ’ - wh ic h is wh a t dr a ws pe o p le in a n d sh ow c a se s t h e Un i v e r si t y. T he la r g e s lo p in g s it e lo c a t e d wit h in K U ’ s c a mp u s a l l ow s f or a l ow e r w a l k out le v e l t h a t h o lds t h e ‘ s t u de n t . ’ O n e c a n r e la t e t o t h e st ud e n t w h i l e w a l k i n g alo n g t h e lo we r win do ws in t o t h e c la s s r o o ms . A p l a za t a k e s ov e r t h e r oof of t h e lo we r e d s t u de n t a r e a a n d c r e a t e s a u n iq u e sp a c e f or p e op l e t o ga t h e r be f o r e a n d a f t e r a t h le t ic e v e n t s , a s we ll a s t h e t yp i c a l sc h ool d a y.


ground floor plan


street level floor plan

On e of the mai n co mponents o f the co mprehensi ve s t u d io wa s maki ng a 1/ 4 � s ection mo del . Bu ild ing the mo del fro m s t ru ctu re to fi n e detai l s h e l p ed m e un derstand t h e com plexi ty o f h o w bu ild ings are put t o g e ther.

third level floor plan




CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE Educational Experience



Fall 2011 - University of Kansas, Group Project

Th e n ew Oper a H ouse w oul d b e l oc a t e d i n Ch ic a g o on the Wo l f Po i nt si te . T h i s p r oj e c t w a s a gr oup e f f o r t t o crea te a desi gn that c oul d b e use d f or n i gh t s of t h e O p e r a a nd a ls o thro ugh o ut th e ye a r . One o f my bi g ge st c on t r i b ut i on s t o t h e g r o u p wa s the concept o f i n cor p or a t i n g t h e e xi st i n g r i v e r wa lk b y sepa ra ti ng th e mai n p e r f or m a n c e h a l l f r om t h e r e s t a u r a n t a nd even t space. Th e l e v e l c h a n ge f r om st r e e t t o r iv e r wa lk

wa s u s e d in t h e de s ig n b y c r e a t in g a g r and st air inside a n d o u t s ide . P e r f o r a t e d me t a l p a n e ls we re used on t he ma in c u r t a in wa ll t o f o c u s v ie ws a n d s u n lig ht. Corten steel pe r f o r a t e d pa n e ls we r e u s e d o n t h e c ir c u lation towers f or t h e c o n t r a s t o f da y a n d n ig h t . R e n de r in g t h e ima g e s wa s a ls o a large part of my g r o u p e f f o r t . W o r kin g a s a g r o u p was overall very e n jo y a b le .


street l evel fl oor p l a n


fi rst bal co ny l ev e l f l oor p l a n


shifting gears in healthcare


spring 2012 - Nuture by Steelcase 2012 Collegiate Healthcare Design Competition

35 s p r i n g 2 0 1 2 - N u t u r e b y S t e e l c a s e 2 0 1 2 C o l l e g i a t e H e a l t h c a r e D e s i g n C o m p e t i t i o n

Proposed Floorplan Changes

Huddle Spaces

Enclosed Space for Shift Change

Enclosed Area in Nurse Station

T h i s d oc um e n t w a s a de s ig n c o mpe t it io n f o r N u t u r e b y S t e e lc a s e ’ s 2 0 1 2 C ol l e g i a t e H e a l t h c a r e D e s ig n Co mpe t it io n . M y g r o u p ’ s s u bmis s io n w a s se l e c t e d out of t h e e n t r ie s a s ‘ H o n o r a b le M e n t io n ’ a n d pu blis h e d in H e a l t h c a r e D e si gn Ma ga zi n e .





0 5 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007 - 2013 - University of Missouri





spring 2011 - University of Missouri

pr o ces s mo de l s

T h e me dia libr a r y a n d c o mmu n it y c e n t e r is lo c a t e d o n t he edge of d ow n t ow n Co lu mbia , M is s o u r i. T h is wa s t h e t h e s is pr o je c t f o r my u n dergraduat e e d uc a t i on at M U . T h e de s ig n wa s in t e n de d t o c r e a t e a n in v it in g space f or a l i b r a r y. T h e ‘ o pe n a r ms ’ c o n c e p t c a n be s e e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e de s ig n process. T h e l a r ge c o u r t y a r d c a n pr o v ide a n e w g r e e n s p a c e f o r pe o p le do wntown to e xp e r i e n c e. T h e la y o u t is e f f ic ie n t a n d e a s y t o n a v ig a t e t h r o u g h .


w aterco l o r o f si te


wa t e r c olor of e xt erio r


CHILD DEVELOPMENT LAB 45 E d u c a t i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e


Fall 2009 - University of Missouri

T h e n e w C h i l d D e v e lo pme n t La b’ s B u ildin g wa s de s ig n e d t o f it in wit h t h e t r a d i t i on a l “ w h i t e c a m p u s ” b u ildin g s o n t h e U n iv e r s it y o f M is s o u r i’ s c a mp u s , w h i l e st i l l a p p e a r c ur r e n t . T h e c la s s r o o ms a r e lo c a t e d a lo n g t h e p e r ime t e r of t h e out d oor p l a y a r e a t o f o c u s o n t h e o u t do o r s . T h e g o a l wa s t o c r e a t e a n e xc i t i n g p l a c e f or t h e c hildr e n , n o t o n ly in t h e c la s s r o o ms b u t a ls o in t h e h a l l w a ys. T h e h a l l w a y h a s u n iqu e n a t u r e - in s pir e d e x p e r ie n c e s t h a t a llo w t h e c h i l d r e n t o i n t e r a c t w i t h t h eir s u r r o u n din g s .


fi rst l evel fl o o r p l a n


fro n t el evati o n

seco nd l evel f l oor p l a n

back el evati o n w i t h p l a y a r e a


RESTAURANT RENOVATION 49 s p r i n g 2 0 1 0 - U n i v e r s i t y o f M i s s o u r i

T h e r e s t a u r a n t ‘S i m p l y ’ was my s o lu t io n t o a de s ig n challenge to r e n o v a t e a n e x is t in g b u ilding rest aurant lo c a t e d in Co lu mb ia , M O. The design p o s s e s s e s a r e la x in g , y e t sophist icat ed a t mo s p h e r e . T h e e n v isioned menu wo u ld s e r v e ‘ N e w A merican’ cuisine wit h lo c a lly g r o wn p r o duce prepared in a n e w u n iqu e wa y along with a la r g e s e le c t io n o f win e . The L- shaped a r r a n g e me n t will c r e a t e t he most views t o wa r ds t h e o u t do o r s f o r cust omers. T h e in t e r io r ma t erials included u s e d br ic k ( pa in t e d) , r e claimed wood, r e c y c le d g la s s , e t c . B lack and beige will b e t h e do min a t e c o lors, and soft, dilu t e d c o lo r s will be t h e accent colors. U n iq u e lig h t in g ma de o f recycled wine g la s s e s a n d win e bo t t le s will add to t he a t mo s p h e r e a n d t h e me .






a. CANst ruction Mid-Missour i I designed the “angel fish” for PWArchitects team in the CANstruction competition. The cann ed fo o d i s l a t e r d on a t e d t o t h e local Food Pantry. This fun ‘design build’ effort is something I appreciated getting inv o l ved wi th at m y a r c h i t e c t ur e f i r m . b. t able , d es igned and c onstr ucted c . bo x , designed and constr ucted Wood-working and furniture design I find intriguing and would love to do more as a ho bby i n the futu r e . d. se lf po rtrait e . o il pain ting f. c h arc o a l s till lif e g. o il pain ting still lif e Painting and drawing are things I enjoy and was involved with during my time at MU. I want to start watercolor painting in my spare time agai n .






d. e.


S t e p h a n i e K i n g

A ssoc ia t e A I A sa b h c d@ g ma il. c o m | 3 1 4 . 6 0 9 . 2 9 2 7

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