Delusionality A zine compiled by Stephanie Lane Gage
Contributors. Anne Burnett Nicholas Kinsella Logan Ladd Grace Mitchell Linda Moncada Saige Rowe Michelle Sharp Brett Suemnicht
delusionality (n.) 1. a combination of the words ‘delusion’ and ‘reality’, representing a feeling or experience of both ideas simultaneously, such as that of a dream.
Tender Surrender, Logan Ladd..................................................................2 Untitled, Saige Rowe...................................................................................3 First Rain of the Year’s Dream, Grace Mitchell.........................................4 Reoccurring Research, Michelle Sharp.....................................................5 Strips, Grace Mitchell..................................................................................6 Singularity 2, Brett Suemnicht...................................................................7 Study Four, Linda Moncada........................................................................8 Series of 5, Nicholas Kinsella.....................................................................9 Windows, Anne Burnett..............................................................................10 Cover: N.G. #84 Contents: N.G. #35, Stephanie Lane Gage
Tender Surrender by Logan Ladd
Have you known to groan defeat, with the loves you’ve yet to meet? Yellow hearts and purple hands, purple water and yellow sands greet me.
Untitled, Saige Rowe
First Rain of the Year’s Dream by Grace Mitchell
Stuck in a suffocating yellow raincoat, transparent enough to see a blue and white striped polo through the stretched seams. Bloated stomach from bottled spring water feels wheezy to him. The souls of his shoes are wet. He sits on a square seat in the city bus, driving through a puddle. Hair damp with thoughts and heavy with the tides that he is soaked in.
Reoccurring Research by Michelle Sharp The bearded lab coats give the sign, go I watch my navyprene flippered self fall into aquamarine fubbles and splash Then a change in personalspective: look through the plastic window into a colormotion, childhoodimation world I swim the warm, charted waters and make my own particiservations No fish, bubbles tickle, sandy floor, green weeds, big blue empty empty empty Except for the house. Little white with green roof clean but empty empty empty I don’t check but I know the door is locked I swim to the window and through its Saran-bubble surface, so easy to enter, like Alice through the glass Another change in personalspective: I watch myself climb through the membranedow without my scuba gear And then spy mode: I know orange fur claws fangs scary scary scary Is just around the corner. And he is. He is the only thing in this huge, empty house at the bottom of the ocean. I silent chameleon and cat to the walls, but they’re Rubik’s cube squares and fun house panels that move faster faster faster Running, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup to wall, too late! Nose to whiskers with a tiger Trapped mouse inside this maze that shifts and moves, WHERE IS THAT WINDOW? Finally, in front of me, I leap through the frame, this time filled with glass Back into navyprene and flippers, back into warm liquid atmosphere, escape to the woodnet microscope haven But behind scary scary scary Wet fur dragon breathing bubbles down my fins with talons ready, ready, ready But then I’m sitting on my point of origin, the lab beards telling me good thanks Panting tired in my water wear, my nose chin hair drip drip drip Last personalspective change: where did the catfish go?
Strips, Grace Mitchell
Singularity 2, Brett Suemnicht
Study Four, Linda Moncada
Windows, Anne Burnett
A r t i s t / W r i t e r Information
Anne Burnett: Stephanie Gage: Nicholas Kinsella: L o g a n L a d d : y e l l o w l i m p s . t u m b l r. c o m Grace Mitchell: Linda Moncada: S a i g e R o w e : s a i g e r o w e . t u m b l r. c o m Michelle Sharp: B r ett S uem ni c ht : b r et t s uem ni cht .com
Printed in March, 2013