Centennial Key Club News: December Edition

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Hope you enjoyed your winter break, Centennial Key Clubbers! Before the year ended, we had a chance to vote for our next lieutenant Governor of Division 66 at our divisions December DCM. Lets give a big round of applause for Bailey Chen and Patrick Lê for giving such amazing speeches. Although both did amazingly, there could only be one winner, so please give a warm welcome to our next Lieutenant Governor of Division 66, Bailey Chen! Centennial Key Club wishes you luck on your term, Bailey. DCON registrations and money are due on Thursday, January 8th, so please make it on the deadline. I really hope you can join the club, Division 66, and the PNW District this March at DCON in Seattle, Washington. Thursday, January 8th is also our first meeting of the year, so I hope to see you there! With the new year already started, your Centennial 2014-15 officers terms are drawing to a close. Officer elections will be held on February 26th. I advise that if you want to run, even the slightest bit, do it! It’s always better to try than not at all. By doing it, you may discover traits about yourself that you’ve never noticed until now. In the next month, our prime focus is DCON, but with whatever time we can fit in our schedules, we are planning on bringing as many service projects as we can to fulfill your service-full hearts. Along with this, we will be aiming to raise money to help out our club and the ELIMINATE project to help save babies from MNT (Maternal Neonatal Tetanus) as much as we can. As we are transitioning and potentially starting to study for finals, it marks our halfway point of the school year. It’s crazy how quickly 2014 flew by. *Insert cliché new years joke here.* My goal for 2015 is to get my license and a job! What’s yours?

Wishing you all a great 2015,

Darlene Xiong CHS Club Vice President



Vice President


Tommy Nguyen

Darlene Xiong

Kalhia Yang




Helen Nguyen

Stephanie Hout

Faculty Advisor

Kiwanis Advisor

Mrs. Haverkamp

Mrs. Parsons

LTG. Of D66

2015-2016 LTG. OF D66

Brian Le

Bailey Chen




On December 3rd, Centennial Key Clubbers attended an event at Anthem Church. The event was called Winter White Out where white apparel was required. At the event, Key Clubbers helped serve cereal as well as cleaning up after the event. The night was full of good laughs, Christmas vibes, and a fun gathering with friends.

A varsity basketball game occurred at Centennial High School on December 9th. During this day, Centennial Key Club took over the concession stand. Members split jobs and worked together maintaining several tasks such as the popcorn machine, pretzels, nachos, hotdogs, and more. It was a very productive 2 hours during the game. Centennial Key Club managed to raise over $400! With this amount, the money will be contributed to DCON and other necessary efforts.

On December 14th, 26th, and 30th, Centennial Key Clubbers volunteered at the Grotto which was located in northeast Portland. There, the Christmas Festival of Lights was held. Members helped out at a gift shop, greeted people, handled tickets, and watched over a petting zoo. Temperatures were freezing but with occasional breaks and free food, it was a wonderful opportunity for members to get their volunteer hours in while viewing beautiful Christmas lights with friends.

On December 21st, the December DCM was held at Midland Library. It was an important day for Division 66 to elect its next Lieutenant Governor. Two key clubbers from Clackamas High School, Bailey Chen and Patrick Le, stepped up on that day to run for the spot. Both displayed outstanding speeches and answered considerable questions based on Key Club and what they would offer as the next Ltg. It was then time for the delegates to vote. In the end, Bailey Chen was elected to run as the next Lieutenant Governor! Pc: Brian Le

D66 LTG. of 2015-2016: Bailey Chen

Every year, key clubbers from all over the Pacific Northwest gather for 3 days and 2 nights to share their passion for service. This year will mark the 66th Annual District Convention. From March 13th to March 15th, DCON will take place in Seattle, WA.

Click on the video below to learn more about what is going to happen at DCON!

For the month of November, Minh Le was recognized as Key Club Member of the Month for being an active member. Minh attended every volunteer opportunities that were given throughout November. Not only did he display awesome commitment into giving back to the community, he as well showed his glowing personality. Minh’s personality affected and welcomed those around him thus giving a warm atmosphere. Congratulations, Minh le!










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