Editorial 01 My Papa 02 My Mama 03 Grandma Corner 04 Grandpa Corner 05 Auntie & Uncle Love 06 Extended Family 07 Destinations 08 Fun Times 09 Family Values 10 The Family That Prays Together 11 "The Lord's Prayer" 12 "Tough Love" 13
Black Fam ily M agazine, Januar y 2019, Vol. I, No.1 is published quar ter ly, Š Copyr ight by Lanar e
Publishing 2019. All r ights r eser ved. You m ay not m odify, publish, tr ansm it, par ticipate in the tr ansfer or sale of, cr eate der ivative w or ks fr om , distr ibute, display, r epr oduce or per for m , or in any w ay exploit in any for m at w hatsoever any of Lanar e Publishing's content, in w hole or in par t w ithout pr ior w r itten consent. w ith appropriate credit on social media.
TheQuintessential Publication! Thank you for choosing t he Premiere Issue of Black Family Magazine, your Quint essent ial Guide for news, resources, informat ion, inspirat ion and living! In addit ion t o t hat , we are a Christ ian publicat ion!! I don't t ake t he t ask of producing t his magazine light ly, wit h t hat said, I want t o t hank God for not only allowing me t o be a part of such a revolut ionary and groundbreaking vehicle, but also for t he many Blessings he has best owed upon me including my family - a gift wit hin it self! In t his magazine, we we want you t o find everyt hing family, and Black family at t hat ! Your st ories, your news, your living, your st at ist ics, your healing, your joy, your relevance, your pain, and your rest orat ion. We value you, our readers, and t he abilit y t o present t o you a venue t hat was made just for you. In t his issue, please read our sect ions: "My Papa" and "My Mama", which pays homage t o Black parent s everywhere. Also read our special feat ure: "Family Values", an explorat ion of what values are, which ult imat ely mat t er and t hose t hat are relevant t o us! And finally, we want you t o sit back, relax and enjoy reading t his publicat ion!
StephanieMaxwell- Robles Publisher/Editor- in- Chief
Proud P ublisher of : Black Family Magazine Black Girl Magazine Black Kid's Magazine & Mecca Black Men's Magazine!
Black Kid's M agazin e Debuti ng January, 2019! - " Like" Us On : Facebook - Follow Us On Tw it t er : @black k idsm agaz1 - Like Us On In st agr am : @black k idsm agazin e - View Us On Pin t er est : @Black k idsm agazin e
" M Y PA PA ..."
By St eph an ie M axw ell-Robles Father's matter! Black Fat hers matter!! In fact, the entire Family matters...and they always have!!! What I love about God is that he is a God of #1: "Decency and order" (1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV) and #2: He is a provider of implicit, clear and specific instructions! No single person, place or entity can provide as concise, and painstakingly, right down to the most minute drop directions quite like the Lord! With that said, lets discuss a bit of human, as well as Biblical history. The very first institution established by God was Marriage, hence Adam and Eve. The very second was the Family. If you read and study your Bible, there are many examples all throughout the text that clearly express the importance of family, as well as the expectation and role each member will play. FACT: It is imperative that you have an established relationship with both God, your Creator, and Jesus Christ, your Savior. Nevertheless, it is equally important that you know not only who you are, but again, whose you are. Having a relationship, as well as knowledge of God, Jesus Christ and his Biblical instruction, knowledge and direction for your life is paramount! The Bible describes you, your human existence, and the very essence of your life, being, and soul. And ultimately, it provides for you information on how to fulfill God's purpose for your life and your destiny, as well as that of your family. "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 (KJV) For the record, I'd be kidding myself, as well as you the reader, if I wrote to you in any manner
less than befitting of not only what my and your heavenly Father would expect me to do, but also in a manner that waters down and negates from the real world's truth's, facts, and issues as we know it. God created you, the father/husband, to be the head of your household and family. "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Savior of the body" Ephesians 5:23 (KJV). Fathers/husbands, you have been given a great responsibility! A great charge! A great leadership role, one comparable to Christ's appointment over the church! You have been given the task to do tremendous, dynamic, awesome and amazing things not only in life, but also through and with, your wife and family! Despite all of life's ups and downs, challenges, trials and tribulations, it is you, the father, who protects, provides, loves, and nurtures. It is you, the father, who possess the long, strong arms to wrap around and keep his family structured, safe, warm, and away from hurt, danger or harm. As the head of your family, you will set the prime example for what is a good father, and good husband and a good leader. And remember, a role that is equatable to Christ's governing over the church means that you conduct yourself in a manner that also reflects that fact! Meaning, Christ would not abuse, leave, hurt, harm , overpower, misrepresent or destroy his church or family. Now, I must 16also take this opportunity to get to the real root of the matter. According to
scripture, if you are a father, you should also be a Husband, and be that husband first! Yes, that's right, God designed the family in a way for a father to be a husband, first! Here are a few scripture references that cooborate this Godly expectation and commandment: 1. "Flee fornication" 1 Corinthians 6:18 (KJV) 2. "But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints" Ephesians 5:3 (KJV) 3. "Marriage ishonorable in all, and the bed undefiled. Hebrews 13:4 (KJV) 4. "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto hiswife and they shall be one flesh" Genesis 2:24 5. "Wherefore, they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder" Matthew 19: 16 (KJV) 6. "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb ishisreward" Psalms 127:3 (KJV) The first step towards becoming a good father is getting married! Marriage is a holy union and ordained by God and was set forth first, before the children and family came. We will continue this discussion in the next issue.
" M Y M A M A " ...
By St eph an ie M axw ell-Robles Nothing like a Black mother's love! From a United States point of view, and throughout the world, we have been the steady and consistent "backbone" of our families! Like our male counterpart's, we have had to love, and at times, take care of everyone else before we could take care of ourselves. We have a unique story in this country as we were and still are the only group of people who were taken, raped, robbed, and pillaged and forced to do manual labor to feed the insatiable monetary appetite for those who established America's capitalistic system. It was money or economics that drove the former slave masters to do the things in which they did. Black women however have always upheld a standard, even in the midst of the battle. God would always praise them, and cover them. They have broken strongholds and torn down generational curses. They have accomplished the unaccomplishable in a world who has constantly tried to remind them, and the Black man, of a myth or belief of them being inferior because of the color of our skin which was, and still is, a lie. Black mother's have been given the ability to hold on in the darkest of hours with a belief in Jesus Christ to rebuke it all, including the enemy. They have chosen the high road, one less traveled, and have tried to continue the legacy that which God have established for them. It was God who sustained them in the shallowest of times. Our women have suffered. but yet through it all, we have come
out on top and victorious through Christ Jesus. He, our Savior, is the only one who can right the wrongs of American society and redeem the harsh reality we have had to endure through life. "No weapon that is formed against thee shall proper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me" Isaiah 54:17 (KJV). You are a "Champion among Champion's!" It does not get any better than you. You, just like the Black man, have been vilified, demonized, and criticized yet all of your natural attributes - the world desires. Your speed, intellect, endurance, natural beauty, swag, lips, hair, butt and yes skin color!
Only those who are whole-heartedly practicing these principals are truly successful in the natural and the spiritual realm and in this magazine, yes, we will say the Biblical and Godly truth of all matters. Just as with the Black father, God ordained Marriage for you too mama. Not only was it the first institution established by God, but also serves as a gateway to motherhood. Yes life happens, but you were never created to do the job of parenthood alone.
Mother's, you have a very special role indeed as it is to support, uplift, and take care of your children, your household, and your husband and not necessarily in that order. Marriage is honorable among men and women and it is what You have loved your children and God requires to engage in sexual others, so much so that it is built intercourse; the very act that in your DNA. You are forever a produces children . mom and the caretaker. You have faced insurmountable odds. In recent times, just as with Black If you are not married and you are father's, due to racism, sexism, having children, you are wrong! and societal injustice and woes. Mistakes will happen, maybe As a result, there has been a build once or even twice, but God up and one that has people ready expects for you to be married, no exceptions! There is a certain completely implode! maturity that comes along with being married. In the union, God But my God, and your's, says not develops your character, your today. We salute you today Black wisdom, your morals, your values, mama, and this section is for you. and further prepares as a lifetime Just as with the Black father, mate, and to become a mother. everyone, not only in your family, but Christ's family, has a role. As a people, and especially as It develops who you are as a Christian's, there is a cultural person and allows God to work uniform, as well as Biblical on those things necessary in your mandate to teach, love, uphold, life to continue to make you a uplift and support one another. good wife and good mother. See: Mat t hew 22:39, Tit us 2:3-5, Proverbs 27:17, and 1 Pet er 18 We will continue this discussion 5:1-5 in the next issue. In the meantime, Read Proverbs 31.
GRANDM A CORNER By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles Grandmother's provide a unique perspective on life. Since the beginning of time, they have been the voice, ears, and eyes of a nation...
Grandmot her's are a rare jewel in deed! Be t hey Mat ernal (your mot her's mot her), Pat ernal (your fat hers mot her), Adopt ed (no act ual relat ion), or Spirit ual (Godly t ie), t hey all have been divinely placed, and wit hout hesit at ion nurt ure and care for everyone in t he family, and beyond! Grandmot hers are such a great asset s. Their et ernal wisdom and broadly-ranging knowledge are of great value and have great impact on our lives in such a glorious and marvelous way. In fact , grandmot hers maint ain a very specific role not only in t he family, but also as indicat ed in t he Bible. Here is what Script ure says about her: "The elderswhich are among you I exhort, whom also an elder and a witnessof the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which isamong you, taking oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind. Neither as being Lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." 1 Peter 5:1-4 Grandmot her's render prot ect ion, love, warmt h, great st ories and t hey are t he keepers of t he family hist ory! Black grandmot hers have been t hrough and seen a lot , and have wit hst ood t he t est of t ime. A grandmot her's love is like a fine wine, it never goes bad, in fact , it just get s bet t er wit h t ime.
A grandmot hers solidarit y and post ure always reassures us t hat even in t he worst of t imes "t his t oo shall pass", and soon all "will get bet t er". She is resilient , one-of-a-kind, unique and has a plet hora of wisdom. A grandmot hers heart is so big and wide and t hat she even t akes care of children t hat are not her own. A grandmot hers divine knowledge, wisdom and inst ruct ion can, and does, uniquely alt er ones course on life. She's always making a profound impact ! She is a scholar, a lover, a believer, and rejoicer in t he t rut h. A grandmot her is kind, willing t o help and always uses her life experience t o guide and direct her children, grandchildren and family. She is a driver of pat ience, wholesomeness, humilit y, and can cause even t he hardest of heart s t o melt . Her wisdom allows for everyone she comes in cont act wit h t o be blessed. She is happy, loving, well-informed, non-worrying, t rust 's and believes in t he Lord, and is diligent . Black grandmot hers at t imes can be t ough, and she doesn't t ake any st uff! She want s t he best for you and expect s you t o want t he best for yourself also. Grandmot hers rule over all, along wit h grandpa. They are t he t wo divinely, elderly appoint ed heads and t he mat riarchs/pat riarchs of t he family. W het her you have a MaDear, Big Mama, Nana or Paw-Paw honor and respect t hem for t heir wisdom and t he unique cont ribut ions t hey make t owards your life, exist ence, and t he overall family. Respect , Love, and Prot ect a Black Grandmot her t oday!
" Th at 's Gr an dm a's Baby..."
GRANDPA CORNER By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles "Paw-paw", Dad, Pop, Baba Karimi...we love our grandfat hers! Grandfat her's, just like grandmot her's have a unique perspect ive! They oft en share wit h us t he realness of life, and at t imes, humorously and non-sugarcoat ed! Their unique t ake on life and how t o arrive at family solut ions has been inst rument al. They have been t he gat ekeepers and t hat solidifying component in t he rearing of children/grandchildren, as well as t he voice t o "get st raight " any male presence want ing t o co-exist or ent er in wit h t he family, be it boyfriend, fiancĂŠe, or even current husband. Grandpa's are fun! They are prot ect ors and nurt urer's t oo, and by t he t ime t he grandchildren have come, like grandma's, due t o living life, and t hen living just a lit t le bit more, t hey oft en become t hat which everyone needs and at t he right t ime. Grandfat her's somet imes can be t he family Pat riarch ruling t heir "dynast y" it seems like wit h an iron-clad fist , but t he t rut h of t he mat t er is t hat we need, like grandmot hers, t heir st rengt h, guidance, humilit y, wisdom, and know-how. Was your grandfat her a "jack of all t rades", liked t o "t inker" or could fix or build anyt hing? Was your answer yes t o t hat quest ion?...We love our grandpa's! Most grandfat hers are known t o pass out
candy, give you a lit t le spending change or make sure you have your favorit e t hings or food t o eat . Black grandfat her's, just like Black grandmot her's have weat hered t he st orm. They have had t o wit ness and go t hrough t hings t hat no human being should ever eart hly have t o wit ness. However, because of t he fact t hat we are a Christ ian publicat ion, we are able t o put t he many t ragic occurrences t hat African-Americans have gone t hrough in proper perspect ive. Meaning, if God brought you t o it , he had a meaning and purpose for it all. And what God brings you t o, he will cert ainly bring you t hrough. Thank God t his publicat ion also knows t he power of prayer, and t hat God hears and answers our prayers. Grandfat her's have had t o endure and suffer much. If it wasn't for t he Lord, where would t hey be? If I had a grandfat her alive, I would ask him t o t ell me how many t imes, living during t he harsh sit uat ions in which t hey did, did God save t hem and t hey knew it ? I would ask how did God help you navigat e t he racist wat ers of t he Unit ed St at es and st ill survive it ? We have t o solut e our grandfat her's for being t he t ough guys t hat t hey were, and in a t ime when everyt hing was scrut inized and wat ched and t hey had t o wat ch t heir sons die in t he st reet s and t heir women being
"I love my Paw-Paw..." raped by whit e men. And don't t hink t hey just sat back and t ook it . They st ood up, t hey fought back, went t o war, and at t imes were even forced t o fight for t he same count ry who killed t hem, and denied t hem equal right s, equal access, and equal opport unit ies. They endured a t ough and crucial t ime in t his count ry and it 's t ime t hat t he Devil give it back, all t hat he st ole! "For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possessthe double; everlasting joy shall be unto them." Isaiah 61:7 (KJV) Love, support , honor, cherish and respect your Black grandfat her t oday!
Bl ack Fam i l y M agazi n e
By St eph an
They are the BOMB! Auntie's and Uncles are the BEST! They make you laugh, cry and testify. They are your go -to mom's and dad's when the real one's aren't on top of their game or simply unavailable. And even if the real one's are available, they don't honor, respect, support, and "get you" like your aunt or uncle do, right??? At least in our mind. And then some of them are your mom's and dad's go to PEEPS!! Either way, a cool aunt or a cool uncle can be and are, so fulfilling to a child's life. They impart in you the "necessary", the "viva la dolce", or that "sweet life" that ultimately will give you an edge you never could have received just kicking it with mom and or dad.
Now, this is not to throw shade at your mom or dad. In fact, we each have the parents we have in our lives for a specific reason, if not just for conception purposes only. However, nevertheless, they are still our parents for
the better or for the worse. And God is so good that even they will at some point, impart into you something that you also will need at some point in your life. God allowed you to have the parents that you had so that at the appointed or right time, you would be able to take and use from them what you needed to learn or what what they genetically transferred over to you. This "inheritance" from your parents becomes either a recognized or unrecognized trait that uniquely belongs to them, and now you. However, the shaping, molding, imparting, and learning that comes from an aunt or uncle is in a unique class by itself. In actuality, you could have super bomb
n ie L. M axw ell-Robles
E & U N C LE O VE ...
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply." Genesis 1:28 (KJV)
parents, and super bomb relatives too. The apple clearly does not fall far from the tree! However, in reality, the fact of the matter is that auntie's and uncle's are usually the extended "fun parent" who allow you to somewhat let your hair down and be who you were meant to be, and they sometimes play a major role in establishing the person you became or will become. Family is so important to God. Whether you have actual blood ties, spiritual ties, or simply human ties, God values family, how we treat one another, and so should you. Here are a few key scripture references to remember when thinking about family, 24 God's or your own:
"But if any provide not for hisown, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and isworse than an infidel." 1 Timot hy 5:8 (KJV) "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there isneither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Galat ians 3:28 (KJV) "Behold, how good and how pleasant it isfor brethren to dwell together in unity" Psalms 133:1 "Though shalt love thy neighbor asthyself" Mat t hew 22:39 (KJV)
"While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, 'Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister and mother." Mat t hew 12:46-50 (KJV) Have you ever t hought what it would feel like if you had no one in your life? Albeit , what if you had no mot her, brot her or sist er? Well in Gods family, you always have a mot her, brot her or sist er. Take
heed of t hat informat ion because one day you may find yourself in a sit uat ion and t here is no one else t o fend for you. Take for example t he st ory of t he Good Samarit an, he chose t o go in a way t hat he was not t o sure of, along t he way, he was at t acked and jumped. A Good Samarit an came along and saved his life. Somet imes, we have t o rely on t he help and wisdom of t he Lord. He is our comfort er and provider. He t akes care of us like no one can. He provides our Ext ended Family. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths" Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) There is always family, in God's family.
L an ar e Cosm eti cs
Com i n g Soon !
lack is B
TRAVEL DESTINATIONS By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles W hen was t he last t ime t hat you purposefully sat down, planned and execut ed a t ravel dest inat ion? Or, even a "weekend get -away" for your family? If t he answer is "Never", t hen it 's t ime t o get your pen, a not epad, and get busy! According t o a
2017 AAA survey, more t han one-t hird of Americans, or roughly 35%, made plans t o t ake a vacat ion 50 miles or more away from home involving t wo or more immediat e family members. Sadly, many children and families who live in urban communit ies rarely t ravel a minimum of 10 miles out side of t heir neighborhood, yet alone 50! However, if t his is your current family st at us, don't dismay. It is t ime for you, Black Family, t o get out of your comfort zone and plan t hat unique, one -of-a-kind, "never-t hought -you'd-ever-dream-of " V A C A T I O N. You owe it t o yourself, and your family. Now, first t hings first , number one: when you are planning a t ravel dest inat ion, t he key word here is "PLANNING". Before you even begin t o make reservat ions, call a family meet ing and get input from E V E R Y O N E. Document ing and considering each family member's personal need is key. For example, does grandma need t o have a room t hat is wheel chair accessible? Or, while en rout e, does your wife need t o have a seat where she can see and monit or t he kids at all t imes? Also, does uncle W illie have a valid passport ? Consider all element s t hat may affect your t ravel plans and need t o be addressed during t he
planning process, which ult imat ely, will allow for great er comfort and ease during your act ual t rip. Second: whom ever will act as t he "vacat ion lead" or is t he "t raveling buff " in t he family, have t hem research and prepare at least 3 t o 4 pre-select ed choices t o present t o everyone. Also, allow family members t o give suggest ions t o you Third: writ e out an it emized assessment of t he pro's, con's, and overall feasibilit y of each dest inat ion. Also, bear in mind, some family vacat ions can and will be considered in t he cat egory of "once-and-life-t ime opport unit y", t herefore t he quest ions regarding your BUDGET vs. DESIRE will definit ely arise. W it h t hat said, don't go broke planning your family vacat ion, however, if for once money is no object and your willing, by all means spare no expenses! Fourt h: t ally a group consensus or simply put , t ake a vot e. The group vot e, coupled wit h your det ailed assessment will allow you t o make t he best choice for your families vacat ion or weekend get -away. And finally: you want t o make sure t hat money is not a hindrance when planning your family vacat ion. If you can, set up a family vacat ion bank account and allow each member who is willing and able t o cont ribut e t o t he account . In fact , unless it is a minor or a child wit h no job or income, everyone who will at t end t he family t rip and is able should cont ribut e somet hing. If you, as t he vacat ion lead (possibly Mom or Dad) decide t o "gift " aunt Rose her t rip cost and/or accommodat ion's, t hat is bet ween you and aunt Rose, however, allow everyone else t o pay int o t he vacat ion account .
8. Su n glasses
2. Cam er a/ Cell Ph on e
3. Tow el, Um br ella, Volley Ball, et c. 1. Beach Ch air
4. Su n Hat
7. Su n Scr een / Su n Block 5. Beach Ball
6. Sh ow er Sh oes/ Flip Flops
" DI D YOU REM EM BER THE SUN SCREEN?" Oh yes, while BLACK may not crack, we st ill have t o do our part t o ensure t hat we don't increase our risk of "sun over-exposure". W hile t he sun it self st ill has enormous benefit s, many cont ribut ing fact ors such as "Ozone Layer Deplet ion" cont inue t o increase it s damaging effect s due t o t he diminishing of t his prot ect ive layer. According t o t he Environment al Prot ect ion Agency (EPA),34 "Ozone layer deplet ion increases t he amount of UVB t hat reach t he Eart h's
surface...Laborat ory and epidemiological st udies demonst rat e t hat UVB causes non-melanoma skin cancer and plays a major role in malignant melanoma development in addit ion, UVB has been linked t o t he development of cat aract s, a clouding of t he eye's lens." So, t he message is clear: Prot ect your eyes and skin, and limit direct exposure t o t he sun, especially bet ween t he hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when UV rays are the strongest. Enjoy Your
Tr avel Dest in at ion s Con t in u ed Vacat ion Plan n in g Ch eck list / M in i Gu ide - Decide w h er e t o go, an d w h er e t o st ay. - Resear ch an y discou n t pack ages or f am ily deals. - Fin d accom m odat ion s t h at m eet you r f am ilies n eeds. (Ref er t o you r Fam ily Assessm en t ) - M ak e you r t r avel plan s/ ar r an gem en t s - Cr eat e a Bu dget (In clu de t ot al t r ip cost an d/ or daily spen din g per per son ) - Book you r accom m odat ion s (Hot el Room , Cabin , Villa, et c.) - Book air lin e or t r ain t ick et s, r eser ve r en t al car s, et c. - Cr eat e a f lexible Vacat ion It in er ar y (In clu de m eals, dow n t im e, special act ivit ies (i.e. sn or kelin g), an d/ or visit in g h ist or ical t ou r ist at t r act ion s. - Un less you plan n ot t o, don't f or get t o t ak e you r cam er a an d/ or cell ph on e t o t ak e lot s of pict u r es/ video. - Last ly, go an d ENJOY! i
By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles Let 's face it , act ivit y wise, and alt hough beaut iful, wint er can be one of t he most challenging t imes of t he year. And depending on where you live, your access, and your inclinat ion, you might be t empt ed t o t hrow in t he t owel all t oget her. However, spending t ime as a family is st ill very import ant , and having furn at t hat ! According to Harleena Singh at, "The main reason why family time is important is because you need to develop ties and bond with your family. Often kids decide to join gangs or groups because they welcome them in, to become a part of their family...Spending family time together ensures that a deep, strong, family bond develops." Family t ime is paramount as it st rengt hens bonds and develops t ies bet ween t he family members, and also can foster or allow for personal growth and self expression. As the winter months get underway, here are a few suggestionsyou and your family can partake in. Also, don't be afraid to give those devices a major beak too! HAVE FUN!!
FUN TI M 1. Play Board Games: This old-t ime favorit e can st ill garner lot s of fun, creat e last ing memories and provide great family boding t ime, t oget her. 2. Draw, Design, or Paint - If you are art ist ically, mechanically, or aest het ically inclined, or just have a great aest het ic eye, let t hose creat ive juices flow in a family art and inst allat ion project . Think out side t he box for t his one! 3. Read, W rit e, Talk, List en - Did you know t hat t hese four basic element s are t he building blocks or foundat ion for learning a language? They are also prime in developing great communicat ion skills! IDEA: Assign a family t opic t o read about , writ e a one page essay on what you read, t alk about t he subject mat t er t oget her, list en t o each family members point of view/feedback. Make it educat ional and/or fun. 4. Sing Karaoke, Produce Fashion Show, DJ/ Play Music - These are all awesome act ivit ies and are for sure t o bring your family excit ement and energy level up a not ch! Karaoke is a great way t o bring out t he performer in anyone. If you decide on a Fashion Show, give it a specific t heme and provide awards such as "Best Dressed"!
"Cr eat i ng Memor i es That La
MES! Finally, a good DJ can set off any occasion. Perhaps your families annual New Year's Eve part y or have t hem for a Valent ine's Day Dinner and Dance. 5. Develop Science Project , Prepare A Meal, Decide on Family Heirloom - Creat ing a science project can be challenging and fun. Decide on a project you want t o provide an answer for or shed more light upon. Develop a "hypot hesis" and move forward wit h your "scient ific research met hod". Each family member can be responsible for or assigned t o a specific port ion of t he project . Clearly report on your findings or end result s. This same direct ive should be applied t o preparing a meal. Give each family member charge of a specific port ion of t he meal during t he preparat ion process. Preparing a meal t oget her, just like sharing one, gives t he family t ime t o t alk, share st ories, t each and cont inue t o develop family t ies t hat bind. And finally, if your family does not have one, decide on a Family Heirloom. If your family has not t radit ionally part icipat ed in t his rit ual of generat ionally passing down an it em of great value, sent iment , and/or wort h, st art t oday and leave a last ing legacy wit h your family for generat ions t o come!
ast a Li f et i me"...
FAM ILY VALUES By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles Family Values...does your family have them? It is important to understand how values outlined as a set of rules and expectations impact our world and society. At best, family value is the underlining core and principals associated with living in a thriving, healthy, and satisfying world. We create value everyday. From the things we say to people, from the way we treat them, etc. Value determines something's worth. It determines how we hold that something in our precious little hands to mirror or marvel at. Value is ultimately what Jesus Christ did when he died on the cross showing and giving us the mind set that life matters, your life matters, and the way we treat people in this life time matters. Value is a measure of importance that we place upon a thing. How you value life will determine how you live it. If you value education , you will obtain it. If you value work, you will obtain employment. Values in life determine and set the structure of how our families will operate, also. Clear and distinct values are necessary for a thriving and successful culture. We must have an atmosphere of mutual respect to see each other's point of view and determine which is the best course of action to take. Wisdom will carry you a long way. If it is not demonstrated, it will not be obtained. We must teach our children the value of life through our values. Each life matter's and represents a fundamental unit in the grand scope of Gods will and purpose here on earth. Treat your family with regard, and love. Define what is important for you and your family and place it on your wall so that each parent, child, and additional family see what is important. "Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he isold, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) This message is so very important as it equates to the measure of wealth that is instilled in a child during the development process of the early years. We must teach our children this early. Value.
Black Gir l M agazin e A v ai l abl e January, 2019! - " Like" Us On Facebook - Follow Us On Tw it t er : @Black Gir lM ag1 - Follow Us On In st agr am : @black gir lm agazin e - " Pin" Wit h Us On Pin t er est : @Black gir lm agazin e
M ECCA Black M en's M agazin e A v ai l abl e January, 2019! - " Like" Us On Facebook - Follow Us On Tw it t er : @black k idsm agaz1 - Follow Us On In st agr am : @black k idsm agazin e - Pin Wit h Us On Pin t er est : @M eccablack m en sm agazin e
THE FAM ILY TH PRAYS TOGETH By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles Besides loving, support ing, prot ect ing, and nurt uring, Prayer, by far, is t he single most import ant t hing you can do not only for yourself, but also for your family. One t hing t he moves God is our prayers. Prayer is one of t he heavy-hit t ers t hat is required t o "Hear" from, as well as "Be heard" by God. Prayer is your direct , free, and inst ant aneous connect ion wit h your creat or. So why does t his monument al act , t hat in act ualit y can t ake very lit t le t ime and effort , somet imes seems so hard for folks t o do? W hen t he Disciples asked Jesus t o t each t hem how t o pray, what he t aught t hem was not only encouraging but also miraculous and mind-blowing, all at t he same t ime.
calamit ies. Prayer, coupled wit h fast ing and st udying/reading t he word of God, or your Bible, is a powerful weapon and st rat egic t act ic. "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonian 5:17 (KJV), is what t he Apost le Paul said. W hen one is walking in t he "whole armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11 KJV), Jesus Christ , and t he Holy Spirit , while at t he same t ime using t he "Authority" and power God gave Christ ians t o "tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy" (Luke 10:09, KJV), mount ains are moved in t his eart hly realm, and in t he spirit ! Our prayer is our weapon and readily available t ool against Sat an. "Pray W it hout Ceasing!"
He gave t o t hem, which also meant t o us, a road map or a t emplat e for how t o pray. And anyone who uses a t emplat e in our modern day t imes knows t hat you can cust omize it t o fit your needs. The Bible t eaches us t hat "Jesus Christ is t he same t oday, yest erday, and forever" Hebrews 13:8 (KJV). W hen Jesus t eaches t he Disciples how t o pray, He does it in a way t hat would also empower humanit y and cont inues t o do so t housands of years lat er. Prayer is t he most powerful weapon you will ever use from your arsenal against life's challenges and somet imes unforeseeable
THE LORD'S PRA Our Father, which art in art name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will heaven.
Give us this day, or daily br debt, as we forgive our debto
And lead us not into temptat For thine is the kingdom, an forever. Amen.
AYER M ATT. 6:6 in heaven, Hallowed be thy
be done, in earth as it is in
read, And forgive us of our ors.
tion, but deliver us from evil: nd the power, and the glory, 48
"Tough Lov e" By St eph an ie L. M axw ell-Robles
Tough Love Tough Love You Know We All Need Tough Love It Help Us Grow Keep Us Strong And Reaching Far Far Above We All Need Tough Love...
© 2018 By S. L. Maxwell-Robles
BLACK FAM ILY M AGAZINE CONTACT: "Like" us on Facebook : Follow us on Tw it t er : @black f am ilym ag2 Follow us on In st agr am : @black f am ilym agazin e "Pin" with us on Pin t er est : @Black f am ilym agazin e Email: black f am ilym agazin e@gm