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Lor em ipsu m dol or sit am et, con setetu r sadipscin g el itr ,sed diam n on u m y eir m od tem por in vidu n t u t
Th at also m ean t im e, bu t also m it . No on e h as a Wit h t h at s coin cidin g w it h of som e clar it y a " Keep an d Keep t ow ar ds you r Go
An d last ly, In t er view. Pleas h er st or y w ill u p t h is East er Su n d ar e, bu t also w h
An d f in ally,
We all h ave so m u ch t o be t h an k f u l f or ! Ar e you t h an k f u l f or t h e t h in gs t h at God, Jesu s Ch r ist an d t h e Holy Spir it h ave don e f or you ? Lif e is f u ll of ch allen ges an d as w e f u r t h er en t er t h ese " last days" or t h e "en d t im es" , it ju st seem s t o get even m or e ch allen gin g, h ow ever , t h e k ey is st ayin g f ocu sed an d separ at in g you r self f r om t h ose t h in gs t h at seek t o t ak e you r joy an d w ear you dow n an d ou t , be it a per son , place or t h in g. Th e ch allen ge t oday, r igh t h er e an d r igh t n ow is w ill you con t in u e t o t r u st God, as you n avigat e, an d w it h Him , t h e w at er s of lif e, f am ily, societ y, cu lt u r e an d var yin g belief s? Can you f in d it w it h in you r self t o r em ain calm , civil, h ospit able, an d car in g even w h ile it m ay seem t h at t h e w or ld an d t h ose ar ou n d you "ar e n ot " ? Even as I w r it e t h is I am r em in ded t h at som et im es, w e h ave t o absolu t ely pick an d ch oose ou r bat t les. Especially w h en God h as given u s " f or e w ar n in g" or a " h eads-u p" .
n s t h at in t h is m om en t in t im e, w e m u st ch oose n ot on ly h ow w e spen d ou r m ak e w ise an d select ive ch oices r egar din g w h o an d w h at sit u at ion s w ill occu py an y pr eciou s t im e, en er gy, an d or r esou r ces t o w aist , in su ch a t im e as t h is. said, I in vit e you t o r ead ou r f eat u r e ar t icle " Th e Ch oices We M ak e" . Again , ou r open in g t oday, w e m u st ch oose lif e's bat t les w isely. Also, if you r in n eed an d dir ect ion , please ch eck ou t ou r f eat u r es " Redeem God's Wisdom " , an d On M ovin g" . Bot h su r e f ir e m essages t o k eep you on t r ack an d gu ided od-given dest in y an d pu r pose.
bu t m ost cer t ain ly n ot least , sh e's on t h e cover , an d t h is m on t h's Exclu sive se r ead t h e pow er f u l st or y an d t est im on y of Sh am u Per k in s. We believe t h at plif t you ,an d en cou r age you ! Also, please see ou r n ot ice " Th e Blood" , an d let day, an d t h e celebr at ion of Jesu s' Resu r r ect ion r em in d you of n ot on ly w h o you h ose you ar e!
, I w an t you t o sit back , r elax an d en joy r eadin g t h is pu blicat ion .
StephanieMaxwell- Robles Publisher/Editor- in Chief
Your # 1 Christian Fragrance
T heChoices WeM ake By S.L. Maxwell-Robles One thing about life is that we will always be presented with choices. Whether it's a choice in regards to our next move, life, our family, our children, our households, etc., having to make a choice or decision will never cease.
factual, and Biblically sound advice for your life. And what better way to move forward in anything in life than armed with the guidance, directive, requirements, daily direction, and wisdom of your God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit?
Even when it seems like things are going well or smooth sailing, a brash choice or decision can immediately have results and affect your today, as well as tomorrow.
Honestly, I don't know why God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and Holy Spirit can begin to catch a bad rap unless most of the world is going to hell!
Because of the fact that we are a Christian publication, we are never short of terrific,
Even on my worst days, I would seek, welcome, and do the will of God (and believe me, I have had challenges too) than
as a final means resort to my own thoughts, and ways of doing things, totally. As Christians, God give us the ultimate protection, a rubber-band type of make-up that even when and if you fall short for a moment, He's done to much for you or spanked your bottom when He had to, for you to just fall back to the wayside and permanently. And even that type of situation comes with some serious snap-back-into-action mechanisms as we know, or at least should as Christians, that God is (as His Bible says) "Married to the backslider" Jeremiah 3:14 (KJV).
are "true Christians" we will never make a mistake, or fall short of the Glory of the Lord? In a fallen world, hardly, however, as we suffer through those choices and decisions when wisdom and knowledge were sitting right at the door ready, waiting, and available, you'd have to be from a another planet not to move towards once and for all getting this thing (life), right! Here are a few Scripture References to give you insight, encouragement, and hold you up along the way.
Therefore yes, life and the choices we make are a great teacher, and God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in terms of your growth, potential, and development are the most high in terms of the level of your knowledge, development, and teaching.
1. "To obey is better than sacrifice" 1 Samuel 15:22 (KJV
Everyone has the ability to make choices, and chose wisely. So, does this mean that if we
3. "If ye love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15 (KJV)
2. "Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ?" Romans 8:35 (KJV)
Proud P ublisher of : Black Girl Magazine Mecca Black Men's Magazine Black Kid's Magazine Black Family Magazine & So Much More!! "Like" Us On Facebook! LANAREPUBLISHING© 2019
© 2019 By S. L. Maxwell-Robles
NO MORE HAPPENSTANCE By S.L. Maxwell-Robles "As luck would have it"... Nothing about your life is "happenstance", according to your Holy Bible. There are some in life that equate "circumstances" or "happenings" to "luck", "chance", or even "coincidence". But as a Christian, you must know that your life is not "happenstance".
In fact, there are several Scriptural References that clearly support this fact and or phenomenon. I mean, imagine that. That nothing that you ever did, accomplished or will do was an "accident". God's plan for your life was in fact highly
orchestrated and well thought out. Did you think that your dreams, skills, gifts or desires were completely your own?
Read Rom an s 8:29.
Eph esian s 1:4-5 says "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the earth", and that "in love he In fact, according predestined us for adoption as sons to Scripture, through Jesus Christian man Christ, according and woman, God to the purpose of "foreknew" you, his will". That and "predestined means that it is you to be no accident you conformed to the image of his son".
got save, it is no accident that you serve in the capacities that you do. It is no "happenstance" that you serve the Lord! The key here is to do what God has called you to do, do it well and always unto the Lord so that you may prosper in that thing which
he has called you to do. There are references all throughout Scripture indicating the blessing's that God wants to bestow upon your life, starting with the "call" from him. He "foreknew" according to
Scripture, and before He "formed you in the womb", according to Jeremiah 1:5. Therefore, once again, there is nothing purely coincidental about you or your life! You had the family you did for a reason, the parents you did
for a reason, and you grew up where you did for a reason. And last but not least, the Bibles says "All things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." Rom an s 8:28.
I t's Y our T ime T oWin! By S.L. Maxwell-Robles You know, God is great ladies, and we are in an "Open Season" right now, thus saith the Lord. That means a window of opportunity like never before. That means an anointing like never before. That means we're also in a time of an "Open Heaven" where abundance is pouring out, and your cup is running over! Ask what you will and see will God or his angles not provide it, especially for the adhering Christian. Your faithfulness and obedience have paid off. The world does not know the Lord
like you know the Lord. He chose you to know him before the foundation of the earth. In this "Winning Season" chose to win and choose your God. Allow him to guide you, restore you, and above all, orchestrate your life. Your winning season requires Him. Enjoy all the sweetness and goodness that God has for you. Cherish and revere your God. He can do what no man can, as He is not only our Father, but also our Creator.
Shamu M iller By S.L. Maxwell-Robles I first knew Shamu (aka Monique) in grade school. We we're both students at Baker Elementary in San Diego, California. I didn't really know or hang out with Monique during those years, however, I saw her regularly, and even then, for some reason, she always stood out to me. I remember her as alway smiling, and as very spirited. Something unique and very special stood out about her then. So when I saw her many years later in church, it was a very surreal, yet "Ah ha" type of moment for me. Not because I saw an old school mate in
church, saved, and letting the Holy Spirit guide her, but because you see, God is so great that even before we even know Him intimately and on any type of level, He is still ever working to manifest His plan for our salvation and our lives. So when I saw Monique a few years later on social media, I was very glad to reconnect with her, once again. In addition to her beautiful spirit, and awesome personality, one thing I did remember about Monique, and even as a child, was her striking eyes.
Over the years, Monique has weathered, like many of us, the storm! And the journey became more greater, more tougher, and and more sweeter, all at the same time.
ministry. I have a lot of things, but the most thing that I know is that I am a child of God. The most important thing is I am a child of God.
Like all of the amazing women who have graced our cover, I marveled at the opportunity to request an interview from this extraordinary woman of God.
Q: Am en . At w h at age did you f ir st r ealize t h at God w as r eal?
In addition, because of her dynamic life story, and because of her inner beauty, as well as outward beauty, which is an absolute reflection of Black Girl Magazine readers, and our Covers, I am proud to announce Shamu as the newly minted BGM Brand Ambassador! So without further ado, let's get to her interview!
Q: Tell u s you r n am e an d a lit t le abou t you r self .
A: My name is Shamu Perkins (married name), I'm an artist, I love to write poetry, I love to praise dance, I have a flag
A: I think I was maybe 8 years old, when I accepted God into my heart the first time. I was an eight year old girl and we would have...well, an urban ministry called World Impact I was involved in, and they would come to the neighborhood and get us , and take us, and teach us about God. Take us on field trips, just show us who God was through how they interacted with us and loved on us. So, that was a ministry I was apart of at eight years old and I got saved at a summer camp.
Q: Am en , am en . Was t h er e an yon e else in you r f am ily t h at w as saved, or goin g t o ch u r ch or h ad exposed you t o t h e w or d of God?
A: Oh, no...the environment I grew up in was a house of madness, a house of abuse, and a house of addiction. So no, I didn't see God in anybody in the family, all I saw was destruction.
Q: Am en . You k n ow God u su ally ch ooses on e ou t of t h e bu n ch , an d af t er t h at on e ot h er s com e alon g, an d h e k n ow s t h e t im in g, it doesn't r eally even m at t er t h e t im e becau se it t r u ly is in His t im in g. Th e Bible
says " No m an com es t o t h e Lor d u n t il h e's [dr aw n ]" . Af t er you got saved, did you n ot ice an y ch an ges of an yon e in t h e f am ily?
A: No.
Q: Ok ay, w e'll t ou ch u pon t h at m aybe a lit t le bit lat er . You h ave a t est im on y, an d I k n ow t h at becau se I k n ow you , an d u m , w h at w ou ld you lik e t o t ell u s abou t you r t est im on y becau se it ju st speak s volu m es r igh t n ow in t h e w or ld t h at w e ar e livin g in an d t h in gs t h at a lot of people ar e goin g t h r ou gh . Wou ld you lik e t o t ell u s abou t t h at or sh ar e you r exper ien ce w it h u s?
A: Definitely, um, as far as a testimony, it's ongoing, it's an on-going thing. God is constantly bringing me to and through different things. As far as the message I wanted to put forth is just never give up. That's the words God whispered to me, just never give up. And He said, if you don't quit, you don't lose. So I just keep going no matter what I am faced with.
And no matter how hard it is, and no matter how many tears I have to cry at night, and sometimes, the most times, alone. But never, never give up. And don't take it personal. When you go through, just as much as we go through, everybody that's human goes through trials and tribulations, and no matter how bad that I think mines may be, somebody else got it worse than I've had. And I don't got to take it personal, I guess God said I took it personal. And it caused me a lot more heartache. Not feeling the presence of God, saying is God really real? Is He real, or not real, you know. Because um, I took it personal. And, I was like, I'm a worshiper you know, I'm a worshiper. When the music is playing I have flags that I do. I just dance in the spirit or sing out. I'm a worshiper, I'm not ashamed to worship in front of people, or whatever. And I feel like, that's the reason why I was hit like... I was hit with so much stuff. Like my son passed away, and God said, that's not about him,
it's about you. [The Devil] wants you to think I'm not real, he wants you to doubt me, and I had a cold heart towards God, and I was angry a lot of times, but I'm coming back to the place that I first knew Him. It's not over. Just because I don't feel him right now, and I feel like I can't hear him right now , He's always speaking. He's going to come back, The fire will come back, but He wants us to know, don't just praise me when you feel like it, or when you feel me. He said in the Bible I will never leave you nor forsake you, so why am I am I being like that. Then, as far as a testimony, I been through a lot of different things. Um, you know, I grew up in that home that I was telling you about that was full of addiction, and full of hurt, full of shame, and full of abuse. And after that, the first guy who said I love you, at 17 years old, I got with a 28 year-old male, my kid's father, I have four kid's with him. I stayed 17 years in an abusive relationship. After that, my son passed away, being homeless, being raped out there while I
was on the streets, like a month after my son passed away and leaving me with more trauma. Um, I think one of the most powerful things that I think needs to be addressed in the church is Mental Illness. And if anything that I would like to convey today is that, you know, we need to start dealing with it differently and quit telling people that, I felt like the church I was in was telling me, if I prayed enough, and if I was [doing enough] in my walk with God [I would be healed] --Depression is not going away, and anxiety isn't going away, and now um I still suffering from PTSD from different traumas. But, don't think we can pray all this stuff away. I prayed until I couldn't pray no more, I cried out to God, Lord take this from me and He hasn't. So, we have to find a different alternative. And even, don't discourage people from taking medicine. You know, you taking High Blood Pressure medicine. But when it comes to people with Mental Illness, people tell them, "don't take that stuff ",
and "such a thing will pass soon", and in some of our African-American churches, you know. So that's the thing I would want to get across. And that's the one thing that really hinders me is Mental Illness, and [some] say "don't claim it", no I ain't claiming it. It is what it is. That's like if I have a cold, and I say, "I ain't got no cold". Your not being real, that's lying. Your sick, and I know that I can be real sick at times. In the last three years I been hospitalized maybe 12 times from Mental Illness. so. People need to start going to therapy and other things outside of church because church is church and God is God and there are other things too. You can't just like put a band-aid on it. You've got to put some antiseptic. There are steps to where your healing might be, and mine may not be in the church all the time.
Q: I'm so glad w e'r e h avin g t h is con ver sat ion , an d u m ,
an d I'm def in it ely t h an k f u l t h at t h e Lor d. I'm t h e per son t o u plif t t h is issu e becau se I've been on bot h sides of t h e f ield, an d act u ally, an d lit er ally. I of t en say t h at I'm a r ealist , bu t a r ealist w h o is f illed w it h t h e Holy Spir it . M ean in g, in t h e w or ld, ju st give it t o m e st r aigh t , I'm a big, I can h an dle it . If you t ell m e t h e t r u t h , it pu t 's m e in a posit ion t o m ak e a r igh t decision f or m yself , ok ay. I don't n eed you t o su gar -coat it . Bu t as a ch ild of God, f illed w it t h e Holy-Spir it , all of t h is m ean s t h at God is goin g t o get t h e glor y. I k n ow t h at He can ax t h in g's ou t w it h ju st on e w or d, w it h t h e blin k of an eye, in a m in u t e, so, h e k in da u ses t h ose t w o dich ot om y 's of St eph an ie, you k n ow t o k in da m ove f or w ar d. An d I'm u n der t h e r ealizat ion becau se I've h ad t h e con ver sat ion s, an d I've gon e t h r ou gh som e t h in gs, an d exper ien ced t h ese t h in gs m yself , an d I've r ead t h e in f or m at ion , an d I do k n ow t h at t h ey ar e sym pt om s. Th ey ar e sym pt om s, an d w e h ave t o be able t o be edu cat or s, w e
h ave t o be able t o h ave t h e con ver sat ion , w e h ave t o be w illin g t o sit at t h e t able an d do t h in gs dif f er en t ly, an d t h at is w h at God is callin g f or in t h is h ou r , you k n ow. Becau se t h ey ar e absolu t ely sym pt om s of a gr eat er issu e, t h ey ar e by-pr odu ct s. Wh en I can sit dow n w it h you h on est ly, an d open ly discu ss, you k n ow t h e gr eat er issu e, t h en God can be able t o com e in an d m in ist er an d h eal t o t h ose poin t s an d h eal t h ose par t s of you so t h at you ar e f u lly f u n ct ion in g an d r u n n in g. An d h e does it in su ch a gr eat an d m yst er iou s w ay, w e alm ost becom e n u llif ied. It 's n ot t h at you f or get abou t it , it 's n ot t h at you don't r em em ber it , t h at 's t h e ar m or of God bein g placed over you w h er e t h ose bu llet s an d t h in gs t h at ar e com in g t ow ar ds you ar e bou n cin g r igh t of f of you . Th ey can't even pen et r at e you an ym or e, an d yet , on ce w e've got t en t o t h at place He's given u s, w e'r e t h e on es t o go back an d pu ll t h e ot h er on es ou t becau se you don't h ave t o live lik e t h at .
An d I'm su r e I'm goin g t o be doin g m or e on t h is t opic, an d I'd love t o pu ll you in on t h at . In f act , I pr obably w ill dedicat e a w h ole issu e on t h is. An d w e h ave t o k n ow t h ese t h in gs ar e sym pt om s, t h e ar e a by-pr odu ct of a gr eat er issu e, an d absolu t ely God can h eal you .
A: Yes. God is still healing me, and it is going from glory to glory. I'm not where I want to be, but thank God, I'm not where I was, and, I just feel like in my spirit, it's not because of something I'm doing wrong, it's because I'm a threat. The Devil just wants me to shut-up and sit down somewhere, and quit talking to people, and quit encouraging people, and quit loving on people. Like, I'm going through my own stuff, but, I never go through something so bad that I can't say hi to people when I pass them, or to have a discerning spirit with someone [enough] to know when to strike up a conversation. Just to encourage
somebody. It's about that day to day stuff. Not so much about what's happening at church so much, but how we live our lives. Are we compassionate, are we loving, are we inviting. You know, and people, everybody has hurt, and people are just really hurting right now period, it's just how this world is and what's transpiring in our country.
Q: Again , t h is is a t opic I plan on cover in g in t h e m agazin e, an d abou t t h e Ch u r ch . Even w it h in t h e ch u r ch , t h is t opic is lik e t h e gr eat digit al divide. It 's t h e ch u r ch , an d t h e body, an d let 's n ot even get in t o t h e Black ch u r ch , an d t h e gr eat digit al divide t h er e. You k n ow ,God k n ow s h is ow n , an d h is ow n h ear h is voice. An d w e h ave t o r u sh , an d w e h ave t o dem an d, an d w e h ave t o do it n ow. He's clear ly separ at in g t h e w h eat f r om t h e ch af f , t h ose t h at ar e His, f r om t h ose t h at ar e n ot His. An d w e h ave t o be able t o do ch u r ch dif f er en t ly, an d w e h ave t o be able t o pr ovide in st it u t ion s an d ar en as w h er e
people can com e an d pr aise 24/ 7. Ch u r ch does n ot h ave t o be r u dim en t ar y. It 's n eeds t o be an at m osph er e f illed w it h t h e Spir it , love an d w or sh ipin g, an d t each in g.
A: I miss that. It needs to be a whole worship experience. What you feel led by the Spirit to do. Everybody doing their own thing, and just praying, I miss that....I miss that.
Q: Am en , h ow h as God cr eat ed, sh aped, an d m olded you t h u s f ar ?
A: He's molded me through trial and tribulation because without what I been through, I wouldn't be the person I am. And it's made me a more loving person, a more compassionate person, and not someone who is quick to judge. It's molded me into that type of person. A person who can give love.
Q: An y f in al t h ou gh t s, w or ds of w isdom or en cou r agem en t
f or ou r r eader s?
A: Just to continue to fight their fight, stay in their lane. Do what God has called them to do, and um, not worrying about looking like, sounding like, or being like anybody else, but being the best you that God created you to be. We all come with our unique gifts and talents, personality traits, whatever, but just be you. Just be you. Unapologetically be you.
Be on t h e look ou t f or m or e f r om Sh am u Per k in s, in h er M in ist r y, an d as Black Gir l M agazin e's Br an d Am bassador !!
The Bl ood of Jesus Christ
Shamu M iller
M ECCA Black M en's M agazin e R
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