Ancient athenian greek life of boys and girls (6)

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The daily lives of an ancient Greek was much like ours today. Really , the only big differences are that they didn’t have the technology that we have, or the same clothing, or knowledge. But they did go to school, that had organized cities, and they started civilization and much much more that we improved to make a better society and better lifestyle for those who walk the Earth today.

CLOTHING People back in ancient Greece wore clothing called chitons. Both men and women wore these. It was a simple tunic made from a rectangle of cloth cut into two. They were made of wool material. Those who had enough money could afford chitons made of linen or silk. Both men and women would wrap the cloth around their bodies and adults would put belts around their waists to show their maturity.

FOOD The ancient Greeks had a diet that mostly consisted of bread dipped wine, fish, cheeses, olives, and vegetables. Meat such as pork and beef was only eaten on rare occasions such as festivals. Watered down wine was usually the main drink of Greece. The men often had dinner parties for their friends. They would start at sundown and run the party until very dark. Only the men were allowed to come, not women.

HOUSES Ancient Greek homes were built around an outdoor courtyard. The courtyard was the center of activity. It usually had a well for water, an altar to worship the gods and goddesses, and was a good place for the children to play. A lot of Greek homes had three generations: grandparents, married son, and his wife and their children. The households might contain the married sons unmarried siblings. The man was always head of the household, even if he was not the oldest in the house.

WOMEN Women were to stay at home and manage the household. In the city-state of Athens, men usually didn’t allow their wives to leave the house. They were basically prisoners in the comfort of their own homes. Women managed the household slaves and even lived in a separate part of the house, women were not treated equal.

Men In large houses, men had their own dining room. The women would wait on them, and the men would eat their own dinner in the privacy of their courtyard. Men were the ones who were responsible to grow and harvest the crops. All the boys in the family would help, unless they had a slave to do the work for them. The main jobs the men had included farming, fishing, teaching, government worker, craftsmen, or they could join the army/military and become a soldier.

Children Once a Greek child was born, the father was the one who got to decide if they wanted to keep the child or not. If they chose to keep the child, the boys would go to school and study reading, writing, music, math, poetry and philosophy. Once the Greek boys reached the right age, they get to chose if he wanted to work in his village or join the military. Girls however, once they were born, the father would usually get rid of them. They would do this by leaving the baby in a public area where people who pass by would pick them up and treat them as their own, or they would starve to death or the father would kill the child himself. This would happen to both males and female. Girls were the ones who stayed home and the mothers would teach them skills such as weaving, cooking, and household things like that.

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