How can you help kids in your community?
Donate Goods
Your donation of necessary children’s items like clothing, toys and books makes it possible for Eastside Baby Corner to give more than 500 kids a week all of the “stuff” they need to thrive. You can give back just by cleaning out your closet.
Donate Money
While much of what we give to the children we support comes from donations from the community, there are many items like diapers and formula that cannot be donated as used items – though they are absolutely essential. Other items like car seats and cribs are just not donated quickly enough to keep up with demand. With your financial contribution we are able to get these items into the hands of the families that need them.
Volunteer time
When you give your time at Eastside Baby Corner you might find yourself filling clothing bundles for school-age children, putting together layettes for new moms to take home from the hospital or helping us count and organize donations coming in from the local community. No matter how you spend your time, you will leave EBC knowing you made a difference.
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