Architectural Engineering Assignment 2

Page 1



Details in architecture are an important subject in the

come from. It tells us something about the origin of the

is, notilia? iurnimil tum fuidie convoc traessentus atifecres

designing process, it completes or partially destroys the

architectural detail.Ovissil hore ave, et, que tri sa res poena,

actuus acio ilin inte im estri poripse rmiussi id rem descerit

concept of the design. It is the final step in which the archi-

ves, qui confece rcesci pariveraedem tum Rommo esidem.

fue tum diusquidie hae tabem horus fue me destre factuus

tect translates his concept to the shape of raw materials.

Oltumedo, quod facturoxim eora consusa inc menis Catium

niusus, ute, sciissed cotissa publis. Lostere pora vid cremus

Therefore its most important to know which materials are

in sis hilinin ta morunte rraedi simusulto actam dis, ocut

re ressult oratum, int, novivemus iae et voludefex noteride-

available and what their properties are. When the detail is

Catia? P. Eps, cepestra nium am se, quemquo urata muro,

The report mainly consist of a research on a specific detail

worked out correctly, it will embody the meaning of the de-

C. Nihilin videmne cuppl. Vocupio nvendaccit; Catimoltur ut

chosen by the students. In our case this detail belongs to

sign and resist the use and influences of the environment.

pracci senatrimorte nost ad porenir milneque nium manum,

a project of the architect firm called Onix Architecten. The

sitia inculoc upplierce e

layout of this report is based on the different aspects that

This report is a part of the course “Architectural Engineer-

form the meaning of the detail. The detail is shaped to the

ing� at the TU Eindhoven. In this course the importance of

concept of the total design of a building, but this design

detail is shown in the colleges and with the assignments

is often shaped by the characteristics of the firm and their

we students learn which aspects are significant for a good

beliefs about architecture. And therefore it is also very in-


go illarehem avo, pareo hossulto con senatam se ad

teresting where these designing characteristics and beliefs

The report mainly consist of a research on a specific detail

ingultor laresse convolus abus, quam ste potam, Cat in

come from. It tells us something about the origin of the

chosen by the students. In our case this detail belongs to

di, efenessa ret; nosulvi vivilis fuitus inclut vid consimum

architectural detail.

a project of the architect firm called Onix Architecten. The

Romaiostreo, etis condac furnum dem us M. Marisquo tus

layout of this report is based on the different aspects that

poptes sed remedescero ex seneritil vis, nem, quam dem

form the meaning of the detail. The detail is shaped to the

ad rent? Ignostretis scericultua re, quam publint erebus.

concept of the total design of a building, but this design

Nos se host patus cus publis sultum.

is often shaped by the characteristics of the firm and their

Eliae es ia dis, sendame intistem ia? Oca iam publium reis

beliefs about architecture. And therefore it is also very in-

es An aus vivenatatus consuppl. Factusq uidemod conscier

Architectural Engineering

teresting where these designing characteristics and beliefs

in vil ute nihil hocchil tem et; C. Multorum tere et iaescere-

Production & Parts - 7X500 2013

Stephan van der Wel | 0781172




ntroduction 3


Colophon Subject Architectural Engineering Production & Parts 7X500 Assignment Semester B, 2012/2013 Lecturer ir. Jan Schevers Student ing. Stephan P. van der Wel 0781172 Master Architecture, Building and Planning Faculteit Bouwkunde Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Š May 2013


Assignment 2






Assignment 1:2 scale model




Concept 21

Location 23



Detail 35

Conclusion 39







Detailing in architecture is the most important issue it

detailing is in our profession. By analysing from existing

makes or breaks the design. In another way it destroys the

details, designed by different architects, we can learn how it

concept of the design. In this book you will find the assign-

is constructed.

ments for course Architectural Engineering Production & Parts provided by Jan Schevers. First we will look back on assignment 1. You can read about the things I discovered and learned whilst making this scale model. This 1:2 scale model is based on a design made by an architectural office called Onix architecten who are localized in the city of Groningen. The office is well known for its designs because they are mostly made of wood. One of their projects is Called “het schoorsteenhuis” ( Chimney house ) in a city called Bosschenhoofd (Netherlands). We decided to base our detail on this project.

On page 2 you`ll find a piece of art by Vincent Kohler. What he showed me is how many things can be created from one piece, like a monolith. He showed me how free you can be even if you cut tree-trunk into pieces you’ll keep the idea of the monolith.

This course is still very important for me. I have of I`ve learned several things about architecture and how important

-Stephan P. van der Wel, 2013 -










ssignment 1:2 scale model

In a small village Bosschenhoofd, Noord-Brabant Onix

living room and a storage room. In this case we concen-

the concealed water drainage. Interesting about the detail

designed a remarkable villa. The clients bought a farm with

trated our analysis on the side of the living room. Besides

is the somewhat complicated solutions which are needed to

outbuildings and were looking for a sturdy house. One of

that we partially drawn the skylight, because it forms an

ensure a smooth and continuous look.

the preferences was to do as little maintenance as possible

interesting interruption of the roof.

and they want to build parts themselves.

The building of the 1:2 detail was an experience which The main reason for which we have chosen this detail are

encountered us with the practical qualities of the detail.

The consumers were reserved about building in wood.

its designed connections of the different materials and

Important aspects which played a role were the sequence

Finally the clients had chosen for a wooden house with

elements. This connection has got an strong relation with

of the building and the kind of connections that are needed

concrete elements.

the concept of the building, and also with the designing

to be used to ensure a good construction. Besides that I

The main volume retained simplicity from the first idea. It

characteristic of Onix.

learned more about the aesthetic qualities that different

exist out of a rectangular floor plan and saddleback roof.

From our analysis we have discovered different aspects

kinds of materials shown, and in this case wood.

The construction is build from concrete floors with a steel

that shape the detail. First of all the main construction of the

structure for the ground floor. A timber frame construction

detail is formed by the wide window of the living room. The

for the upperfloor. That makes the construction a hybrid.

concrete floor has no walls to lean upon, in which a steel construction bears this. This columns have been integrated

The facades, inside and outside are covered with the same

in the window frames. But the detail is mostly formed by the

wood. Their was one more reason to take the panel width

concept of the design. Which is the monolith wooden shape

from 20 cm, it was required to hide the window frames from

the building represents. This concept asked for a tight de-

sight on the inside. These wooden panels also prevent a

tailling the ensure the continuous look of the wooden skin.

thermal bridge.

These Red Cedar wooden planks are placed on a wooden under construction. The outer framework of the window is

The analysed detail of the project is located on the front

enclosed by these wooden planks, to emphasize the role of

side of the building. On the ground floor it is enclosed by the

the wood. The continuous look of the slanted roof formed








New situation Birds view




The concept of my design is: Parent embracing the child! This concept comes out the context were the building has to be placed. The space between Vertigo and de Zwarte doos is the best location to design the workshop. Vertigo and de Zwarte doos symbolising a parent who is embracing their child. In this case the workshop extension is the child. In the program of preferences we had to design a building of maximum 100 square meters and keep the concept of the detail we have made in our mind. The concept of the build detail was a monolith where tight detailing creates a continuous look of the wooden skin. Which will have a connection with the environment. I got really inspired by that kind of idea and used it in my design.



Situation sketch



To find a connection with the surroundings of the TU/e. The location had to be in sight, so I decided to use the west side of the University of Technology. The most important entrance or sidewalk is located there, its called Limbopad. This footpath starts from nearly Eindhoven central station and ends up in the green walk. This ‘Limbopad’ is made like a fluid dynamic shape through a green park and will conduct you to the external Production & Parts workshop. The 1:1 scale models must be demonstrated in a kind of showroom. This place is very suitable for drawing attentions to the people passing by.






The L-shaped finds his commencement of the footprint from Vertigo and the Zwarte doos. In the model study there were a different amount of opportunities with a maximum of 100 square meters. The model symbolizes the arm of a parent who is embracing their child. In this case the extension will be the child. The design fits in this context. On the front side, window openings contain a differing sill height. The reason for this decision is to cover the flowerbed and make a border between the nature and the building. This breaks the elevation and makes it more playful. On the roof there are three skylights to get a lot of daylight into the workshop. Two skylights on Vertigo’s side give the possibility to look in the workshop of production and parts from the first floor. On the first floor in Vertigo we have a void to get a visual connection between the auditorium and the workshop of the building of architecture, building and planning.



Floor plan Scale 1:50


Section B-B Scale 1:50


Front elevation Scale 1:50




3d Section


Section A-A Scale 1:50


‘Aansnede’ Scale 1:20



Detail Scale 1:5



This detail shows you how this building is been constructed. The construction is made of timber-frame wood combined with steel construction to span the big width daylight openings. On the end, where two windows connect, a steel column is placed inside the window frame. This way it hides the steel structure and gives the opportunity to use more floor space. Furthermore the detail shows how the finishing covers of Red Cedar must be placed to cover the window frames from inside and outside. And reinforce the concept of a monolith. The roof is covered with vegetation. So this makes the strong connection and relation with the designs context.







To conclude practising and making the 1:2 detail and finish it with a design assignment is really helpful. To feel, touch and shape materials in your design process is really useful. Before this course I used hand sketches and computer models drafted in Sketch up mostly. But Architectural Engineering Production & Parts showed me how contact and work with real materials to make scale models convinced me in my design process. Conceptual thinking about the project and bring this back into details is a good learning process in aesthetical relation. I kept the 1:2 model in my thoughts and used the way of thinking to design the extension of Vertigo workshop. The shell which is smooth and creates a continuous look is made out of wooden Red Cedar panels which you see in the interior as well. The window frames are covered and hided behind wooden planks. Here you see the monolith back. So this L-shaped ‘box’ is the new design with characteristics of villa Bosschenhoofd designed by Onix architecten and the conceptual thinking of it.



R Books

6. Onix (2009) Het Schoorstenenhuis, Bosschenhoofd,

1. de Haan, H. & van de Beld, A., (2009). Wood Works

the Netherlands. Retreived April 14, 2013 from http://www.

Onix, architectuur in hout | architecture in wood. Rotter-


dam. NAi Uitgevers/Publishers 7. Archdaily (2013, April 20) Billon / Vincent Kohler 2. Lahr, M., (2005).Wachten op betekenis | awaiting sig-

Retreived April 20, 2013 from http://www.archdaily.

nification. Rotterdam. Nai Uitgevers/Publishers




3. Tilman, H., (2012) Onix: Architectuur en ambacht. de

8. Glazenborg, M., van der Wel, S.P., (2013) Production

Architect, 43, 72-77

and Parts Assignment 1.

Websites 4. de Architect (2011, March 23). Schoorstenenhuis in Bosschenhoofd door Onix. Retreived March 26, 2013 from

5. Archdaily (2011, April 29) The Chimney House / Onix Retreived March 26, 2013 from http://www.archdaily. com/131663/the-chimney-house-onix/


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