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Reimann Ranch/Frye # 7
An absolute great female is offered to you in this lot, Donor # 7 Half interest sold in the recent Reimann Ranch bred female sale. Bidding was fierce but when the smoke cleared, and the dust settled Frye Cattle of independence, Iowa was the winning bidder at $37,000 that gives her $74,000 valuation and that is CHEEP for this great female with already state fair Reserve Grand Champion to her resume’. This fall she had a steer sell for $35,000 in the Reimann Ranch Pasture sale. Add to that she also has a daughter by Wizard who has entered the transplant program Reimann’s also.
She is a daughter of the great Maternal Made, who is exceeding even the wildest of dreams of what folks envisioned he would do as sire. His daughters are worth their weight in gold.
Donor # 7 is a direct daughter of the $100,000 Donor 777 cow. Ask those who have seen her, she is one of the greatest beef cows of all time… Reimann has done a fantastic job hording her genetics to themselves!

The legacy of the Frye Family and their dedication to the club calf business has been unwavering for almost 50 years. It started with Grandpa, caught fire with Ricks passion. Sadly, with Ricks untimely passing, bother Scott and now the third generation carries on with Carson. We are proud to have this opportunity to share these genetics with you.
LOT 49 - 1 package of 3 IVF embryos sired by HERE I AM sexed male