december 2022 issue 11 • volume 49
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
Shorthorn Youth Development Fund
American Royal Show Honoree - Loving Farms 30 Shorthorn Country Price Changes 69
Keystone International Livestock Exposition National Show 21
Keystone International Livestock Exposition Junior Show
American Royal 2022 National Show
American Royal 2022 Junior Show
Kentucky State Fair - Regional Show 70
Northern International Livestock Expo - Regional Show 71
The December cover photos were taken by Next Level Images at the 2022 American Royal in Kansas City, Mo.
advertising rates
1x 11x
Full page $620 $555
2/3 page 460 425
1/2 page-island 370 340
1/2 page 345 320
1/3 page 265 250
1/4 page 215 190 1/6 page 150 135
Business card (1 1/2”) 45 365/yr
* Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs color rates 4 color $200 1 color $195
* Color only available on half of page or larger
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher
Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org
Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com
=Advertising Representatives
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com
Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com
=Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.
US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300
(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org
Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org
Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org
Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org
Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Jr. Breeding Heifer Ownership Deadline
Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Late Entry/ Substitution Deadline
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - ASA Office Closed for the Holiday
January Jan. 1 2023 ASA Membership is Due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2023 WHR assessment fees ($18)
Jan. 6 CC Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show
Jan. 6 CC Open ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show
Jan. 7 Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show
Jan. 7 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale
Jan. 8 CC Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show
ASA Board of Directors
Joe Bales, president 615-330-2342
John Sonderman, vice president 402-641-0936
Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552
Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603
Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522
Lee Miller, 330-231-6834
John Russell, 832-588-8604
Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905
Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president
American Junior Shorthorn Association
Faye Smith, president
National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president
Jan. 9 WHR Assessment Fee Early Discount Deadline ($18) Jan. 11 NWSS Junior Shorthorn Show Jan. 12 NWSS Pen Show
Jan. 13 NWSS National Shorthorn Show Jan. 29 Fort Worth Stock ShowNational Shorthorn Show February Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show, New Orleans, Louisiana Feb. 28 WHR Assessment Fee Regular Discount Deadline ($24) Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid March March 1 WHR Assessment Fee Increases to $30/head
WHR Assessments for 2023 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.
1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2023 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2023.)
2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2023 to an assessed 2023 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months)
2023 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1, 2022 - January 9, 2023 $18 January 10, 2023 - February 28, 2023 $24 March 1, 2023 and after $30
*Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.
The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”.
This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them.
Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex.
*Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen.
**DO NOT test twins via blood samples.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
2022 International Year Code: KWe are in the midst of the holiday season with the yearend fast approaching. This is a busy time of the year for everyone. The hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas and the new year right after celebrating Thanksgiving can be stressful. The year-end always brings additional chores for everyone, reviewing activities of this year while planning for the next, and I also want to bring WHR Assessments to your attention. The savings are substantial if you have them done by Jan. 9, 2023. You can pay them in the 2022 tax year or push them to the next year. Either way, remember to complete and pay them before Jan. 9 to get the discounted fee. Also, please review the ASA fee changes that are effective Jan. 1, 2023. Some changes should be going into effect at that time regarding DNA submission. We hope to have in place a more streamlined way of submitting DNA near or shortly after the first of the year. Keep checking the Shorthorn Country or the ASA Insider for updates. These changes should help the process of submitting DNA go smoother.
The year 2022 has been a year of many changes for everyone when it comes to the economic situation around the world, with inflation at an all-time high and rising interest rates, the pain or concerns has affected everyone, including the ASA. For several years, the costs at ASA have continually gone up. Just like the process and costs of doing business and buying personal items and groceries have affected your households. The fee increases that ASA has put into place on Jan. 1 are less than $5 per item; the goal was not to make a major impact on our members, but rather to continue to provide the services you need. This was necessary to enact now rather than wait and have to play catch up at a later date. We hope, like all of you, that the drastic change of increased costs across the country start to
slow down so we can all plan for it and deal with it. The issue for ASA is the same as it is for you. Things are moving at such a fast pace that it is almost impossible to plan for what will happen.
But, if we look at the value of the registered Shorthorn this past year and their increased value, these cattle can help us overcome some of these inflated costs. The sales have been extra strong this year. We see increases daily in new memberships for seniors and juniors at the ASA. The surge of new members in our breed is a real positive activity. This will help the long-term sustainability of the breed and the association. In many ways, membership is more important than the number of registrations. The breed is made up of people with the desire and passion for being a Shorthorn breeder. They make the breed and the association what it is. We have been fortunate to see increased sales of commercial-type bulls and purebred females, both bred and open females. The demand is at an all-time high for our good Shorthorn cattle and they are worth more every day. I strongly recommend you evaluate your inventories, select the better animals with acceptable documentation and discard the lower end. You will be rewarded, especially when you look at the cost of maintaining a cow unit compared to the past. Cleaning this up will help your bottom line and help the breed with more good animals to offer the industry. It is times like these that make us more efficient and in turn we do a better job. That will set the stage for our success tomorrow.
Act as if what you do makes a difference - Because it Does!
The ASA Board of Directors went through an extensive Strategic Planning Session with staff in June. The purpose of this, under the direction of Dr. Tom Field, was to look at what measures the ASA should take in the future to ensure
the sustainability of the association and the breed for the next 3, 5 or 10-plus years. There was a detailed report of this at the ASA Annual Meeting in November. Many of the initiatives that have been approved by the Board are already in place, while several other initiatives will be occurring in 2023 and 2024.
A lot is happening in the breed, with National Shows in January at Oklahoma City, Denver, and Fort Worth. Over the past couple of years, the month of January has become one of the busiest, with the Summit Sale and several shows taking place now. The breed seems to be gaining steam at this point as we wind down the year and start to focus on next year. It is time to put the pedal to the metal and go forward with a full head of steam. We must continue to do the right things and improve our product to increase or at least maintain that new attention Shorthorns are getting in the industry!
I personally want to extend to our Shorthorn Family best wishes during the Holiday Season. Through all the hustle and bustle, please take time to share special moments with loved ones. This has always been a special time of year for me, and I always enjoy seeing those little faces glow on Christmas morning or at special events for family and friends. So please, take time to partake in the holiday activities in your communities and enjoy your fellow friends and family. This includes your Shorthorn Family. We are a special group of dedicated individuals with passion and compassion for our cattle and each other. The holiday is a great time to share with old and new friends just how great it is to be a Shorthorn Breeder and Family Member!!!
Montie D. Soules asa executive secretary/CEOAs we reach year’s end, there will be no lesson on genomics, performance data, or the philosophy of raising cows as I see. I just want to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as we head into 2023. Enjoy the moments with your family and friends, as they are so precious. I’ve learned the importance of this even more this year with the addition of Lane to our little family, but also through the loss of friends that aren’t with us this holiday season. It won’t ever be the same until we are all together again one day. Miss you, Crusty.
As I step up on my soap box, I challenge anyone who reads this with a simple task: don’t forget why we do this. I’m known for being vocal on both sides of my family that the Christmas season has become a spectacle way more
focused on parties and presents than on the gift that was the birth of Jesus Christ. I’ve discussed with friends before that I don’t believe Jesus would enjoy what the modern world has made Christmas. Many have told me that my feelings will change when I experience a child’s joy on Christmas morning from a parent’s eyes, but Lane isn’t quite to that stage yet. Rather than the feelings of joy and excitement, December can be full of anxiety and exhaustion. I don’t believe that’s what the Good Lord had in mind 2,000+ years ago.
As Shorthorn breeders, don’t forget why we do this, either. All your “whys” will be a little different, but you all have a reason for being a part of this breed. The overarching reason any of us are involved in this business is that we want to help feed the world with healthy, great
tasting beef. Whether you’re doing that through selling bulls and females or providing a young person with a show project that ignites their passion for agriculture, keep focused on what got you into Shorthorns, and why what you are doing absolutely matters to feeding the world. Current conditions make it hard to remember why we got into this sometimes, but deep down, we all have a love for this industry.
With all that said, we certainly wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Looking forward to a prosperous 2023 for the Shorthorn breed.
- Matt, Erika, and Lane
2023 is bringing big changes for the ASA, there is no doubt about that! Hopefully the newest change I am about to go over will bring excitement, as it is one that has been requested for years, and now it’s finally going to be a reality.
Starting in January 2023, breeders can send DNA samples for testing directly to the lab, rather than the office.
Three pieces of information will become mandatory in order for this to work, and those are: 1) A registration (or recorded ‘U’) number for each animal, 2) A barcode for each sample, and 3) The DNA submission form must be present with the samples.
Without going into too much detail, International IDs are the basis for many comparisons, and the bulk of an International ID contains an animal’s
registration number. That said, we are predicting that this change will shave days, if not weeks, off your results turnaround time.
The process for getting the DNA submission form completed will not change very much. You will still queue up your animals for testing in your Digital Beef account. From here, once you have all your animals selected that you want tested, as well as which tests you want, you will submit that data to the office, and once we process that data, you will be sent an email with your ready-to-send form, which you will print and stick in with the samples and send it all together to Neogen!
You can still purchase blood and hair cards from the Association’s website. There will be a grace period through
March so we can get the hang of this new process. Until then, you can still send samples to the office if you feel the need. Just know that come April, additional fees are going to be incurred for samples sent to the office, as well as if samples are sent to the lab without appropriate paperwork, etc.
We have all new literature on shorthorn. org which covers sample collecting and handling. DNA testing is on an uprise, and we are striving to be as efficient and cohesive with the lab as possible. Be on the lookout for new how-to’s as well as a video walk through which will cover all of this.
Heather Lange director of office operations, registrations & DNAHappy Holidays and congratulations on surviving the fall show season! Easy on the rest though, January brings a full schedule of events for ASA! Many of you will be making the trek to Oklahoma City for our 2nd Super National of the year at the 3rd Annual Cattlemen’s Congress at the first of the year.
Cattlemen’s Congress has easily become one of our largest shows, which means stalling gets tight. Stalling requests are processed with entries and lists very specific instructions found on their website to ensure you have the best chance of getting your request. To help us and other breeders, please let us know if you will be scratching your entries ASAP. If you have Cattlemen’s Congress questions, please send those to Cassie (cassie@shorthorn.org) for tie show and Wade (wade@shorthorn.org) for the pen show. A schedule for Cattlemen’s
Congress can be found on page 78. National Western Stock Show comes in next in our schedule for National shows. If you have not entered, late entries will be considered until December 21st. We are excited to see the updates to the facility, as last year’s progress in the yards was impressive. We worked for months with NWSS staff to adjust our schedule to flow well with other breeds and allow time for exhibitors to haul between OKC and Denver. If you will be making both shows, reach out to Wade or Cassie if you need help with schedules. Find a schedule for NWSS on page 78.
Closing out January finds our crew at Fort Worth Stock Show. Unique to FWSS, open entries must be owned by the exhibitor. Be sure to transfer any animals to the needed exhibitor prior to the ownership deadline. A schedule for FWSS is located on page 78.
At this time, we do not have a show date provided to us from Dixie Nationals in Jackson, Mississippi for our final National Show. We are anxiously awaiting their schedule for which February weekend we will show. We will update our website, insider and social media with dates ASAP. This was a fun show for many new exhibitors in 2022; we anticipate many to return, and more to enter!
As a reminder, please let us know if you will not be attending a show you have entered to allow us to reallocate tie spaces, we appreciate your help to ensure a good experience for all.
We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events! Should you need anything as you prepare, we are happy to assist you with your needs. We look forward to seeing everyone as we ring in 2023.
Exhibitors and breeders now have access to view current show standings by navigating to the “Show Points” page on DigitalBeef. You will see this option on the left-hand side menu. Show results will be added as the ASA receives them.
Ever since I started college in 2012, the time around Christmas are some of my favorite days of the year. As a college student I was six hours from home, and I have now doubled that distance as a Kansas resident.
Since I live so far, I only get to see my family a few times throughout the year, especially my grandparents. At times, that distance can be really difficult because of special occasions I may miss out on throughout the year. Birthdays are just sending a card and a few minute phone call or maybe a Facetime. My gramps will be turning 90 this year and I will miss being in Texas for that special day. I am lucky enough that I am close to my in-laws. Seth’s grandpa is only about two miles away from our house and his parents are maybe three miles away. We live in what we like to call “the Diehm circle.” So, while I am far from my family, I am fortunate we can be close to his family. They are there whenever we need them.
Going back to Hamilton, Texas, for the holidays is my favorite because I get to spend time with my three siblings, parents and be back home where I grew
up for several days. As we have got older, the four of us “kids,” have grown really close even with all the distance between us. We have a fun group text and call each other all the time to chat or when we need help with something. We used to have the best family vacations with six people in one car traveling from Texas to Montana or farther, but it is nice that our relationship is even better now as adults. When we get together, we are guaranteed to have lots of fun.
Another favorite part of traveling back to Texas in December is the weather. If you know me at all, you know that I don’t really like snow. We get way more of that in Kansas than I want. And this was the first year since I lived in Kansas that it hasn’t snowed on Halloween! When we go back to Texas for December, usually it can be in the 60s or 70s for high temps. One year we even killed a rattlesnake the day after Christmas. The weather is a nice break from the cold of Kansas.
The last thing that I really enjoy is the ranch and seeing all the cattle. My parents usually leave some cattle work for when all the kids are home so they can get a lot done with help. There is just
something special about being back on the ranch working some Hereford cattle with my family. It is what I grew up doing and I enjoyed it when we lived it home. Plus, I know my parents enjoy having us all back home working together. Even though Seth and I have land of our own now, we don’t have cows yet. Our goal is to have some by 2024 so when we are in Texas, we enjoy seeing cattle.
Being back in Texas also reminds how lucky I am for the life I had growing up. It helped make me who I am today and is part of the reason I am in this job now. My cattle gave me a passion for the industry. My family encouraged me to run for the junior board and now I am lucky enough to lead the best junior board in the country (I may be a little partial). I love this job and the people I get to work with that make it even more special.
I love Kansas, but I will always be a Texan at heart. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing everyone in January at Cattlemen’s Congress.
As I write my first article as an AJSA board member, I want to begin by thanking everyone who put their trust in me to fill this role. Blessed, speechless, and amazed are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think about the opportunity to serve the Shorthorn breed and represent AJSA members.
During the current holiday season, many of us are visiting family and celebrating the joy this time of year brings. As a college student, I look forward to winter break, always. At first, I thought this was simply because of no class and home-cooked meals! While this is positive, I realize how much I appreciate moments spent with my parents on the farm. Growing up, working at the barn meant time for my family to discuss daily events that had occurred and truly enjoy being in each other’s company.
My fondest memories are without a doubt the weeks my parents and I have spent at cattle shows together. In the Shorthorn industry, we, as members, are fortunate to count on and spend time with our “family” year-round. The AJSA has created a sense of camaraderie that has allowed members to create lifelong
friendships. This breed separates itself apart from the rest as I often see juniors congratulating each other outside of the ring, pushing competition to be the best version of themselves, and leaning on one another during adversity.
With the enjoyment of good food, gifts, and days spent with loved ones, the holiday season can be hectic as well. Sometimes, people in the livestock industry dread these busy days. Patience is a word we should all keep in mind when everything seems to be going awry. James 5:7-8 reads, “See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm”. It takes time to build a herd, daily chores can be dreadful during cold weather, and improving your operation can be a lengthy process. But we must be patient, consider the outcome, and remember our “why”.
I encourage each of you to check on members of your “Shorthorn family” during this holiday season! Remember to be thankful for the opportunities you are given and the accomplishments you have made!
The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund (SYDF) provides financial support that will sustain and expand excellent programming to develop Shorthorn youth as cattle producers and responsible, productive citizens.
The Royal Society fundraising program allows breeders to donate lots in their sales to become part of the SYDF. The donations are off to a great start!
On September 3 during the ‘Star Search XX’ sale, Cates Farms of Indiana sold a bred female, Mona Lisa I43 SOL ET to Sebert Show Cattle of Indiana for $8,750. They donated 100% of the proceeds to the SYDF.
Cornerstone Farms of Indiana hosted an online sale on September 3 and donated 100% of an embryo package. The embyros were WHR LS Demi 8931 x CDF Long Look HC 706 ET. The embryos were purchased for a total of $6,400 by AST Shorthorns of Tennessee.
On September 12, Berg Shorthorns of Iowa hosted their online sale and donated 100% of multiple semen lots. Kurt Moffitt of Iowa purchased all 15 units of AA Kane Boulevard for a total of $750. The Berg family donated an additional $250 to make their total donation $1,000.
During the Tadmore Farms, online sale on September 19, John and Barbara Russell donated 100% of TMF Elements Pride. The heifer was purchased for $2,100 by Danielle Roby of Texas.
Little Cedar Cattle Company, Michigan, donated 100% of a package of embryos in their sale on September 24. The embryos sire was Leveldale Cowboy Up with choice between three donor
dams (MAV Picture Perfect, SULL Rose Mary’s Goose or Leveldale Lassie 811F). The package sold for a total of $6,000 to Bennett Land & Cattle of California.
During the Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale on September 25 Warner Ranch Shorthorns, of Wyoming, donated 100 % of two lots. The first was three embryos with donor dam S/S Daisy 7924 and sire Muridale Skoll 38Y. The embryos sold for a total of $450 to Malik Abdul-Rauf of Kentucky. Warner Shorthorns also sold 10 units of semen on JSF Patron 26J which sold for a total of $750 to Ronald Conrad of Colorado. GSKI Shorthorns of Colorado also donated 5 units of JSF Skyfall 135E with 100% of proceeds benefitting the SYDF. This semen was purchased by Todd Osterman of South Dakota.
Fox Shorthorns of Iowa hosted their first online sale this year on September 27 and donated 100% of three sexed embryos. The donor dam was FS Sally 908 and sire was Jake’s Proud Jazz. They sold for a total of $750 to Mason Mitchell of Iowa.
On October 2 during the Share the Vision Shorthorn Sale, Du-Lynn Farms, Ohio donated 50% of DLF Jazz 2H11. She was purchased by Teresa Hunter of Ohio and $550 will benefit the SYDF. Cedar Lane Farm, Ohio donated 50% of CLF Proud Fool 2223 with $1,100 benefitting the SYDF. She was purchased by Heath Halter of Ohio. Twin Oak Farms, Ohio donated one straw of Byland Flash which sold for $700 purchased by Robert Cowden of Ohio.
On October 8 during the Family Legacies sale, Studer Shorthorns, Gilman Shorthorns & Mapleton
Polled Shorthorn donated 1% gross sale to the SYDF for a total of $2,500.
During the Heart of the Prairie Sale, sale on October 15, Crow Creek Farms and Frank and Lynda Lucas of Oklahoma donated 100% of two embryo packages. The first package with donor dam Lucas Adapoppy LI 46 and sire Saskvalley Yesterday 116Y sold for a total of $400 to Clair Bye of Oklahoma. The second package with donor dam Lucas Adapoppy LI 46 and sire DMH Cherry Fillet ET sold for a total of $400 to Jim and Bev Freed of Oklahoma.
On October 15, Aegerter Cattle Company, Nebraska, made a donation in the Lasting Impressions sale. They donated 1 conventional embryo with dam CYT June Flower 9107 ET and sire CYT Maxim 9202 ET. The embryo sold for a total of Kendall Nelson of Illinois for a total of $750. Lane Cattle of Oklahoma donated ten units of DJS the Insider and it was purchased by $250 to Steven Crow of Oklahoma.
Thank you to all the donors and buyers for your support of the SYDF. We appreciate your commitment to the future of the breed!
For more information on how you can provide support, email shelby@ shorthorn.org or visit shorthorn.org.
Donating is investing in the future of the breed.
Frank Stoltzfus was born and raised on a small livestock and crop farm in Elverson, Pennsylvania. His earliest memory is of feeder cattle being in the pasture and finished cattle in the barn. Frank began showing cattle in 4-H at the age of ten with a crossbred calf. He started farming on his own at the age of fifteen with a few acres of corn and feeding a handful of cattle. He continued to expand the farm and upon graduation from High School joined a partnership with his younger brother. Frank married his High School sweetheart, Irene, and she became fully involved in the farm operation caring for the farrowing of 200 sows along with helping with the crop work. The Stoltzfus’ stayed on the home farm for the next 10 years until 1985 when Frank had the opportunity to join the Farm Staff at Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, where he worked as the crop foreman and was responsible for a small herd of about 30 crossbred cows and a small feedlot that finished about 200 head per year.
When he joined Masonic Homes, he was introduced to the for breeding the crossbred herd. Along with Gerald Tracy, farm manager, they continued to use Shorthorn bulls for the next several years taking advantage of the appendix program at the American Shorthorn Association. Dr. Roger Hunsley, the ASA Executive Secretary, encouraged them to “breed up” the crossbred cows and work toward producing Purebreds. The farm also continued to finish 200 head of steers a year and many were Shorthorn calves, that were slaughtered at their own facility for internal use at Masonic Village which had approximately 500 residents.
In 1990 Frank was put in charge of all the livestock, dairy, and crop operations and became the Farm Manager. They farm also decided to intensify the management of the Shorthorn herd. They went to the neighboring state of Ohio to the Byland herd and at their annual sale bought Byalnd Strongbox and Byland Cindy Beauty. These two became “foundation cattle” and herd changers. They continued to use the appendix program to breed more Purebred calves. For the next several years they purchased females from the Byland and Waukaru operations. They began to sell several Shorthorn heifer calves per year at the Keystone Autumn Klassic. That sale was a highlight for them for the next 28 years. They also started to show at the
Pennsylvania Farm Show, Keystone International Livestock Exposition, and the Eastern Regional Shorthorn Show. They continued to show at these three shows for the next 25 years.
Their operation started a new era in 1995. McElhaney Stock Farm from Hookstown, Pennsylvania, Hively Highland Farm from East Waterford, Ohio, High Hope Cattle Company from Frederick, Maryland, and their newly named farm - Masonic Village Farm joined together to market cattle through a public auction held in the hills of western Pennsylvania. From 1995 until 2005 we sold 20 to 25 lots in the Mid-Atlantic Genetic Productions sale. During these years they continued to grow the cow herd, now at about 125 cows, and finish cattle for Masonic Village residents.
In 2002 at Schrag Shorthorns sale, they purchased 20 bred cows with great matron pedigrees along with SS Dakota Thunder. They were also able to obtain 40 units for semen from a new bull on the scene, WHR Sonny. This was a purchase that uplifted their herd for the next 15 years. They were able to purchase the Shorthorn herd from Mary Mahaffey after she lost her husband Mike. With the purchase of these final 15 cows, they were set to produce deep pedigreed Shorthorn genetics for the next decade.
In 2005 the Shorthorn Junior Nationals came to Pennsylvania for the first and only time. Frank had the privilege of working with a great group of people as Show Chairman for the event. This show was the first major event in the newly constructed completely air-conditioned Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Juniors entered over 90 head in the show which is still the record high number of entries for PA. What a great opportunity that was to showcase Shorthorns.
In 2012 the focus of the farm was changing. They built a 300-head feedlot finishing about 600 per year and began selling beef into New York City through a partnership with Happy Valley Meat Company. Their numbers sold to the
beef market rapidly grew and they needed all the calves they were producing to fill that market. They also increased the number of crossbred cows to about 200 using mostly ShorthornPlus cows. From the purchase of the first Shorthorn bull in 1980 until the Masonic Village Farm Shorthorn Dispersal Sale in 2018, they were able to sell Shorthorn Genetics into at least 24 states and 2 foreign countries including Canada and Brazil. Frank really enjoyed the cattle and more importantly the people he was able to meet. Frank believes this breed truly is a PEOPLE BREED.
In addition to the Masonic Village Farm, Frank has been able to give back to the industry in several ways. He has been a board member of the Pennsylvania Beef Council, Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association, Beef Quality Assurance Commission, Keystone International Livestock Exposition Beef Committee, Pennsylvania Farm Show Beef Committee, Pennsylvania Shorthorn Breeders Association President, Director Pennsylvania Shorthorn Breeders Association, and a delegate to the American Shorthorn Association for ten consecutive years.
The farm has also been very fortunate to receive two national beef awards. In 2011 they were awarded the NCBA winner of the National Environmental Stewardship Award. In 2016 they were awarded the NCBA winner of the National Beef Quality Assurance Cow/ Calf Award.
Congratulations to the well-deserving, Frank Stoltzfus on being our 2022 Keystone International Livestock Expo Shorthorn Show Honoree! =
Northeast Region – 64 head – Judge: Kyle Perez, Nara Visa, N.M. byWadeMinihan
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Early Spring Bull Calf, was SWF Hot Commodity 2216, exhibited by Slate Wind Farms, Mercersburg, Pa.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Femlae, was CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Junior Bull, was Pleasant White Lightening, exhibited by Pleasant View Farms, Given, W.Va.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa 256 SOL X ET, exhibited by Baylor Cowden, West Middletown, Pa.
Sixty-four head of Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus cattle entered the ring during the Northeaster Region National Show at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on October 8th, 2022. Kyle Perez of Nara Visa, New Mexico evaluated 33 Purebred Females, 13 Purebred Bulls, 14 ShorthornPlus Females and 4 ShorthornPlus Bulls.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Senior Female was awarded to CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was awarded to CF Mona Lisa 256 SOL X ET owned by Baylor Cowden of West Middletown,
Pa. She was also the Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf division winner.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull honors went to SWF Hot Commodity 2216 owned by Slate Wind Farms of Mercersburg, Pa. He was the Champion Early Spring Bull Calf.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull honors went to Pleasant White Lightening owned by Pleasant View Farms of Given, W. Va.
Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female honors went to CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio. She was also the Champion Senior Female.
Reserve Grand Champion
ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf went to CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET exhibited by Grady McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was awarded to TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET exhibited by Schaeffer Show Cattle of Hagerstown, Ind. He was the Champion Junior Bull division winner.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Intermediate Bull was BEG King of Hearts exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger of Saylorsburg, Pa.
Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Junior Bull, was TSCC BT Limit Up 1099J ET, exhibited by Schaffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female, was CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Intermediate Bull, was BEG King of Hearts, exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Female, was CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET, exhibited by Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Sugg, Darien, N.Y.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2105 UH X ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – RT Margie’s Estelle K64 ET, Ridge Top Farms, Avella, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – HAA Lady Bell, Peter Hoffheins, Abbottstown, Pa.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf –Harmony Riley, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CHEY Hot Myrtle Bo 3907 ET, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Champion Intermediate Female –Barr Velvet 2117, Pleasant View Farms, Given, W. Va.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AMW Lady Liberty 812, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Champion Junior Female –LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin,
Centerville, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Female –SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET, SajoQuin Livestock Inc, Waynesboro, Pa.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –Midnight Fancy 108, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –CDR Myrtle S Master 1K, April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – DNR Johnnie Walker 224, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – LPA The Flip Side, Madalyn Rankin, Pa.
Champion Junior Bull Calf –SMCC Near Perfection 205, Hickory Hill Farms, Washington, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull –Jevi’s Lucky Charm, Adam Ross, Spring Mills, Pa.
Champion Senior Bull – H.H.F Sampson the Charmer, Samantha
Heston, Street, Md.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – BEG Next Shining Star, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – MAD CMF Lisa, Madeline Rhodes, Centreville. Md.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SWF Sultry Salina 2230, Slate Wind Farms, Mercersburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – GCR Dream on Primo ET 204 ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET, Piper Cates, Modoc, Ind.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – HFA Fool’s Legacy, Annette C Braun, Mechanicsville, Md.
Champion Intermediate Female –TEF Keep Dream 20J, Rylan Luyster, Belmont, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – DLA Sippin on Margarita, Ruth L Stroup, Kreamer, Pa.
Champion Junior Female – Blatt
Acres Renee, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – LPA Crown Royal, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa.
Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – Ikes Elliot, Jacob Eichenlaub,
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – HAA Lady Bell, Peter Hoffheins, Abbottstown, Pa.
Mifflinburg, Pa.
Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – DNR Jagermeister 222, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa.
Open Purebred Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET exhibited by Makayla Sugg; 2) CF
Mona Lisa 2105 UH X ET exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc.; 3) SJQ Lucky Charm’s Reward 2208 UR X exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET exhibited by Keegan McGrew; 2) CCFarm Lyndy exhibited by Ryan Lester; 3) LPA
Sweetheart exhibited by Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien, N.Y. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2105 UH X ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – RT Margie’s Estelle K64 ET, Ridge Top Farms, Avella, Pa. Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – DNR Johnnie Walker 224, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa. Champion Junior Female – LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –CDR Myrtle S Master 1K, April Troyer, Monkton, Md. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf –TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md. Champion Senior Bull – H.H.F Sampson the Charmer, Samantha Heston, Street, Md. Champion Junior Bull Calf – SMCC Near Perfection 205, Hickory Hill Farms, Washington, Pa.Madalyn Rankin.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 256 SOL X ET exhibited by Baylor Cowden; 2) GCR Binnie BW K17 exhibited by Audrey Robertson; 3) ESS Jamie 2204K exhibited by Evan Seaman.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) RT Margie’s Estelle K64 ET exhibited by Ridge Top Farms; 2) Ikes Milly exhibited by Jacob Eichenlaub.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) HAA Lady Bell exhibited by Peter Hoffheins.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CHEY Hot Myrtle Bo 3907 ET exhibited by Madalyn Rankin.
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Harmony Riley exhibited by Francesca Bologna.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) AMW Lady Liberty 812
exhibited by Addysen Wagner.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) Barr Velvet 2117 exhibited by Pleasant View Farms; 2) IKES Rosie exhibited by Jacob Eichenlaub; 3) CDR Candice 7J exhibited by Aubrey Short.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) LPA Angel Dolly exhibited by Madalyn Rankin; 2) SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc.; 3) HAA It’s a Sham exhibited by Aubrey Short.
Junior Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET exhibited by Keegan McGrew; 2) Midnight Fancy 108 exhibited by Addysen Wagner; 3) RBJT Perfection’s Primrose JPJ exhibited by Samantha Heston.
Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) Rexlaine Molly S11H exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger.
Open Purebred Bull Class Placings:
Late Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) CDR Myrtle S Master 1K exhibited by April Troyer; 2) DNR Johnnie Walker 224 exhibited by Haylee Riley.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SWF Hot Commodity 2216 exhibited by Slate Wind Farm; 2) LPA The Flip Side exhibited by Madalyn Rankin; 3) WBB Stanley 12k exhibited by Makayla Sugg.
Junior Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SMCC Near Perfection 205 exhibited by Hickory Hill Farms; 2) TRNR Medallion 92 ET exhibited by Aubrey Short; 3) H.H.F. Randell exhibited by Samantha Heston.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) Jevi’s Lucky Charm exhibited by Adam Ross.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1)
Senior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) H.H.F Sampson the Charmer exhibited by Samantha Heston.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) BEG Next Shining Star exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) SWF Sultry Salina 2230 exhibited by Slate Wind Farms.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) MAD CMF Lisa exhibited by Madeline Rhodes; 2) SJQ Demi 2204 JT X exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) GCR Dream on Primo ET 204 ET exhibited by Audrey Robertson.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET exhibited by Grady McGrew.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET exhibited by Piper Cates.
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) HFA Fool’s Legacy exhibited by Annette C Braun.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) DLA Rosie’s Alba Raptor exhibited by Ruth L Stroup.
Late Spring Yearling Females –(2 Entries): 1) TEF Keep Dream 20J exhibited by Rylan Luyster; 2) DLA Sippin on Margarita exhibited by Ruth L Stroup.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) Blatt Acres Renee exhibited by Hailey Blatt.
Junior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis.
Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf – (1
Entry): 1) LPA Crown Royal exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger.
Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings:
Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Ikes Elliot exhibited by Jacob Eichenlaub.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) DNR Jagermeister 222 exhibited by Haylee Riley.
Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) BEG King of Hearts exhibited by Elizabeth Gouger.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) TSCC BT Limit Up 1099J ET exhibited by Schaffer Show Cattle.=
Shorthorn Female picture not available:
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Harmony Riley, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CHEY Hot Myrtle Bo 3907 ET, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Champion Intermediate Female – Barr Velvet 2117, Pleasant View Farms, Given, W. Va.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AMW Lady Liberty 812, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – Midnight Fancy 108, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – LPA The Flip Side, Madalyn Rankin, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – Jevi’s Lucky Charm, Adam Ross, Spring Mills, Pa.
pictures not available:
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SWF Sultry Salina 2230, Slate Wind Farms, Mercersburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – GCR Dream on Primo ET 204 ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – DLA Sippin on Margarita, Ruth L Stroup, Kreamer, Pa.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – LPA Crown Royal, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa.
Northeast Region – 34 head – Judge: Shirley Kaufman, Mount Sydney, Va. byWadeMinihan
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female, was CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female, was CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET, exhibited by Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Shorthorn exhibitors from the Northeastern Region exhibited 34 head during the Junior Show at Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on October 9th, 2022. Shirley Kaufman of Mount Sydney, Virginia evaluated 22 Purebred Females and 12 ShorthornPlus Females.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female honors went to CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa. She was also the Champion Senior Female division winner.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf was awarded to CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female was awarded to CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio. In addition to her Grand Champion honors in the Junior Shorthorn Show, this heifer also went on to be the Supreme Champion Junior Breeding Beef Female!
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female honors went to CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET owned by Grady McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa. She was the Champion Junior Heifer Calf division winner.
Other champions include: Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien, N.Y.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – LPA Sweetheart, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CDR Candice 7J, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – AC RC Autumn’s Hazel 239, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf –Harmony Riley, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CHEY Hot Myrtle Bo 3907 ET, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Champion Intermediate Female
– CDR Candice 7J, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AMW Lady Liberty 812, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Champion Junior Female –LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Female – Cave Miss Hey There Delilah 216J, Holly Harvatine, Kingsley, Pa.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –Midnight Fancy 108, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf
– BEG Next Shining Star, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – MAD CMF Lisa, Madeline Rhodes, Centreville, Md.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – GCR Dream on Primo ET 204 ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET, Piper Cates, Modoc, Ind.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – HFA Fool’s Legacy, Annette C Braun, Mechanicsville, Md.
Champion Intermediate Female –TEF Keep Dream 20J, Rylan Luyster, Belmont, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – DLA Sippin on Margarita, Ruth L Stroup, Kreamer, Pa.
Champion Junior Female –Champion Junior Female – Blatt Acres Renee, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Female – JRA JOT Jewel, Joshua Archer, West Finley, Pa.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – LPA Crown Royal, Elizabeth Gouger,
Saylorsburg, Pa.
Junior Purebred Female Show Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET owned by Makayla Sugg .
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) LPA Sweetheart owned by Madalyn Rankin; 3) CCFarm Lyndy owned by Ryan Lester.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) GCR Binnie BW K17 owned by Audrey Robertson; 2) AC RC Autumn’s Hazel 239 owned by Haylee Riley.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CDR Selena 3k owned by Aubrey Short.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) BF Crimson Fireball ET owned by Logan Miller.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CHEY Hot Myrtle Bo 3907 ET owned by Madalyn Rankin.
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Harmony Riley owned by Francesca Bologna.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) AMW Lady Liberty 812 owned by Addysen Wagner.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) CDR Candice 7J owned by Aubrey Short; 2) SM Stella owned by Hailey Wasman; 3) CDR Black Rose 6J owned by April Troyer.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) LPA Angel Dolly owned by Madalyn Rankin; 2) HAA It’s a Sham owned by Aubrey Short; 3) Cave Miss Hey There Delilah 216J owned by Holly Harvatine.
Junior Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) Midnight Fancy
What is your one must-have item at a cattle show?
My most wanted item at a show is my clipper box because I like to help fit at the shows.
What is your favorite show product?
My favorite show product is pro pink and tail adhesive.
What is your favorite activity outside of AJSA?
Being out in my barn with my 4-H animals like my cattle.
What do you want to be when you grow up/career plans?
When I grow up I want to have my own cattle business. I want to have people that work for me that break and groom the cattle so that I can sell them. Then, I will go to all the big shows in the United States helping my customers and their kids fit and clip their animals. I plan on going to Kansas State of Agriculture school.
108 owned by Addysen Wagner; 3) RBJT Perfection’s Primrose JPJ owned by Samantha Heston.
Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) Rexlaine Molly S11H owned by Elizabeth Gouger.
Female Show Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) BEG Next Shining Star owned by Elizabeth Gouger.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) MAD CMF Lisa owned by Madeline Rhodes
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) GCR Dream on Primo ET 204 ET owned by Audrey Robertson.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET owned by Grady McGrew.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET owned by Piper Cates.
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) HFA Fool’s Legacy owned by Annette C Braun.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) DLA Rosie’s Alba Raptor owned by Ruth L Stroup.
Late Spring Yearling Females –(2 Entries): 1) TEF Keep Dream 20J owned by Rylan Luyster; 2) DLA Sippin on Margarita owned by Ruth L Stroup.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) Blatt Acres Renee owned by Hailey Blatt; 2) JRA Jot Jewel owned by Joshua Archer.
Junior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis.
Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) LPA Crown Royal owned by Elizabeth Gouger. =
Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C
-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F
- Semen: $30/unit
Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140
Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280
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Quality cattle for sale at all times.
Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.
629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806
Wayne: 618-384-8250 Doug: 618-384-1932
Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.
Scott Horton, Owner Horton cell: 630-965-1710
Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754
4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444
Don Cagwin
Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051
P.O. Box 77
Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033
Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com
Trey & Hailey Wright
Steve & Marsha Wright Route 2, Box 55
Beecher City, IL 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229
SULL Roan Goose 9020
31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052
Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258
Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.
contact: L.E. Mathers III cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692
Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 Check our website for our current list of herd sires. www.leveldale.com
Mark Gordon 1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com
What began as a small herd of multipurpose Shorthorns for Jack and Aletha Loving’s family in the 1940s has grown into one of the largest Shorthorn herds in the country and one of the most data-driven, technologically advanced programs in the world. The first heifers arrived on the farm in 1948 and by 1958, Jack Loving swept the Kansas State Fair Polled Shorthorn bull, heifer, and pair show, with some of the first calves from Kintyre Martinet.
Today, Loving Farms has more than 300 head of females active in the American Shorthorn Association. Marty Loving and his son, Scott, have emphasized the importance of accurate and comprehensive data collection and analysis. From breeding and conception to calving ease and growth measurements through the feed-out and harvest stage, nothing is overlooked or minimized in their drive to offer a complete commercial animal. Maternal traits are critically analyzed at every opportunity and are evidenced by Loving Farm’s recognition of ASA Performance animals, of which they have had the most in the breed since the program’s reintroduction.
In 2016, they began testing all yearling bull prospects for feed efficiency utilizing the GrowSafe System. They have expanded that to all yearling replacement heifers. By feeding out their own calves they realized how economically important feed efficiency is to the bottom line and aim to improve these genetics and the profitability of the commercial producer as well as the sustainability of the industry.
Loving Farms has identified feed efficiency as a commercially and economically important trait to use for selection. Five years ago, they began feed efficiency testing our sale bulls, and steers and recently started testing all replacement heifers on the Grow Safe system. They felt the need to document the feed conversion of their cattle for customers and then help them realize that value will carry over into their replacements. Loving Farms expect their focus on feed efficiency will help the industry move toward a more sustainable status. They aim to be a national leader in feed efficiency testing and genetics and believe it is possible to increase feed efficiency by 20-30% in 3-4 generations of breeding and selection.
Loving Farms believes Shorthorns have long had a place in the commercial industry. Their natural ability to convert feed efficiently while having superior carcass traits, coupled with unparalleled maternal traits make them the most ideal and underutilized crossbreeding tool, for many operations. Their goal is to continue increasing Shorthorn bulls’ marketability through marketing patterns they have developed over the last three decades.
Loving Farms has developed partnerships based on the reputation of their genetics with several backgrounders/ feeders who are eager buyers of Loving Farms Shorthorn-influenced calves. Partners buy direct from the farm, at reasonable market prices without the sale expense, commissions, and middlemen. Loving Farms’ reputation has also created the opportunity for partnership with feedlots that are very much in tune with the ability of Shorthorn influenced cattle’s ability to gain and convert in the top tier of all cattle fed.
Finally, Loving Farms believes in continuous improvement in our grazing practices, water conservation efforts, and cover crop usage to conserve the
land for future generations and believes Shorthorns are the ideal breed to succeed in their sustainability efforts. The 6500-acre diversified operation consists of dryland and irrigated crops and pastures supporting nearly 300 cows. Loving Farms utilizes cover crops and underground irrigation to contribute to the sustainability of their farm and the industry.
Marty served on the ASA board for six years. Both Marty and Scott have been presidents of the Kansas Shorthorn Association and Karen was Secretary of the Kansas Shorthorn Association for eight years. Loving Farms has been the recipient of the Century Club Award for the last fifteen years. In 2021, Loving Farms was named a finalist for the 2021 BIF Seedstock Producer of the Year.
All of Loving Farm’s extensive datakeeping, diligent breeding philosophies, and 74 years of dedication to the breed are represented in their annual production sale, the first Saturday in March, where they offer more than 70 Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus bulls and 30 open heifers.
Congratulations to Loving Farms for being the 2022 American Royal National Shorthorn Show Honoree!
able showing when calf is due from a given date of service. Based on 283 days of pregnancy.
www.shorthorn.org shorthornbeef.org juniorshorthorn.org Fire: Police/Sheriff: Doctor: Hospital: Miscellaneous: www.shorthorncountry.net
North Central Region – 76 head – Judge: Jennifer Bedwell, Tonkawa, Oklahoma
byCassieReidShorthorn exhibitors from 12 states exhibited 76 head during the National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show at the American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri on October 21, 2022. Jennifer Bedwell of Tonkawa, Okla., evaluated 36 Purebred Females, 7 Shorthorn Bulls, 28 ShorthornPlus Females and 5 ShorthornPlus Bulls.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female honors went to SULL Whis Bo’s Solution 1099J exhibited by Carter Kornegay of Tulsa, Okla. SULL Whis Bo’s Solution 1099J was also named the division Champion Junior Female.
NF Strawberry Fool exhibited by Kyle Nelson of Seneca, Ill., earned the Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Reserve Champion Junior
Grand ShorthornChampion Bull & Champion Junior Bull was HAHN Popular Monster C7G, exhibited by Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Female was SULL Whis Bo’s Solution 1099J, exhibited by Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Reserve Champion Junior Bull was LDB Braveheart 113 ET, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Champion Junior Female was NF Strawberry Fool, exhibited by Kyle Nelson, Seneca, Ill.
Female division winner.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull honors went to HAHN Popular Monster C7G exhibited by Bright Lights Show Cattle of Beloit, Wis. HAHN Popular Monster C7G came out of the Champion Junior Bull division.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull was awarded to LDB Braveheart 113 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship of Orlando, Okla. He was also the Reserve Champion Junior Bull.
In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J exhibited by Carter Kornegay of Tulsa, Okla. She was also named the Champion Intermediate Female division winner. Reserve Grand Champion
ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female went to ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, exhibited by Lydia Recker of Hopkinton, Iowa.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull honors went to AHCL Sellout 77J exhibited by Hale Chandler of Springfield, Mo. He was the Champion Senior Bull Calf division winner.
TKA Mystery Machine 98J exhibited by Bailey Abney of South Wayne, Wis., was selected as Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Intermediate Bull.
Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DTR Taffeta 2024, Josie Heter,
Raymond, Kan.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – AF VF Margie’s World 202, Adalynn Vaughn, Maxwell, Iowa.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N SL Hopes Mirage 222 ET, Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET, Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – S/N Demi 219 ET, Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Peakview Max 2201 ET, Peak View Ranch, Fowler, Colo.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – DAL Anndella 1149ET ET, Carissa Dalquest, Wilsey, Kan.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – DHB Margie BS C16 ET, Rylee Nicole German, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Champion Intermediate Female –WSCC Steck Chelsie HC 114J, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
Grand ShorthornPlusChampion Bull & Champion Senior Bull Calf was AHCL Sellout 77J, exhibited by Haley Chandler, Springfield, Mo.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & IntermediateChampion Female was SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J, exhibited by Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Short- hornPlus Bull & Champion Interme- diate Bull was TKS Mystery Machine 98J, exhibited by Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Reserve Grand Champion Short- hornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female was ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, exhibited by Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.
Champion Senior Female – SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo.
Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions:
Champion Junior Bull Calf – KDL Survivor 501K, Kelby Linn, Red Rock, Okla.
Champion Senior Bull Calf – Little Cedar Currency 2146, Leemon Cattle Company, Fairland, Okla., Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich. and Delisle Farms, Gladwin, Mich.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – Lane’s Clementine Rose 96K, Alexa Lane, Grove, Okla.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET, Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – LH Robbers Roost 0422, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – S/N Demi 200 ET, Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Fires Flirt 1 K ET, Finley Rieke, McLouth, Kan.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – NCC Adel Percent 101J, Dalton Pattimore, Paola, Kan.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – DL Fancy, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – TKA Violet 118J, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Champion Junior Female – LWFS Judy’s Revolution 2130, Maeleigh Riedel, Franklin, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Female –SFF Augusta Price 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – Sweet Caroline 202J, Abigail Green,
Picture not available: Champion Senior Female – SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
State Center, Iowa.
Open ShorthornPlus
Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – LH Baltus 0422, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Champion Junior Bull – LH Mr Miyagi 0321, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – Cash-Farms Mr Red Spark, Shane Carlisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Open Purebred Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) DTR Taffeta 2024 exhibited by Josie Heter; 2) AF VF Margie’s World 202 exhibited by Adalynn Vaughn.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms; 2) Peakview Max 2214 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 3) AF Magical Mirage 2210 ET exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) S/N SL Hopes Mirage 222
ET exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms; 2) RPO Proud Boderek ET exhibited by Cole Cowan.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) S/N Demi 219 ET exhibited by Jacob Nikkel; 2) AF Magical Mirage 2204 ET exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden; 3) CHB June Flower BR C20 exhibited by Samantha Sagar.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Peakview Max 2201 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch; 2) GCS Mirage RM 3K exhibited by Maggie Bass.
Winter Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) DAL Anndella 1149ET ET exhibited by Carissa Dalquest; 2) DHB Margie BS C16 ET exhibited by Rylee Nicole German; 3) RSF Fabulous Felicia 03J exhibited by Kimberly Holland.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) WSCC Steck Chelsie HC 114J exhibited by Keagan Steck. 2) JS Cecilia 1J03 exhibited by Johnson Shorthorns; 3) Nollswood Madison 021 exhibited by Jaci Tweeten.
Early Spring Yearling FemalesApril – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Whis Bo’s Solution 1099J ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay; 2) NF Strawberry Fool exhibited by Kyle Nelson; 3) MM Casino Queen CPD 75H exhibited by Mealiea Cover.
Early Spring Yearling Females-
March – (6 Entries): 1) Peakview Goldie 48921 exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 2) CSF Margie 2170 HC exhibited by Murphy Fahrmeier; 3) Lilyblossom ET exhibited by Cole Cowan.
Junior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans.
Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone.
Open Purebred Bull Class Placings:
Junior Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) KDL Survivor 501K exhibited by Kelby Linn.
Winter Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Little Cedar Currency 2146 exhibited by Leemon Cattle Company, Little Cedar Cattle Co and Delisle Farms.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) LDB Braveheart 113 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship; 2) NF Turning Point exhibited by Kendall Nelson & Ryan Wernicke.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (3 Entries): 1) HAHN Popular Monster C7G exhibited by Bright Lights Show Cattle; 2) SS Inferno 120 ET exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms & Cornerstone Farms; 3) GCS Guns N Roses exhibited by Green Castle Shorthorns.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Lane’s Clementine Rose 96K exhibited by Alexa Lane.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) LH Robbers Roost 0422 exhibited by L H Showcattle.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET exhibited by Jacob Nikkel
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) S/N Deni 217 ET exhibited by Jacob Nikkel; 2) AF Playlist Cait 2205 ET exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) S/N Demi 200 ET exhibited by Jacob Nikkel; 2) Fires Flirt 1 K ET exhibited by Finley Rieke; 3) AF Magical Mirage 2201 ET exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden.
Winter Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) PRL Chloe Junior exhibited by Payten Linn; 2) Jasmine exhibited by Taylar
Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) NCC Adel Percent 101J exhibited by Dalton Pattimore; 2) DL Fancy exhibited by Kylee Dameron.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J exhibited by Carter Kornegay; 2) TKA Violet 118J exhibited by Bailey Abney; 3) CCBF Max Rosa’s Recollection 08J exhibited by Logan Diffee.
Picture not available:
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female –TKA Violet 118J, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) LWFS Judy’s Revolution 2130 exhibited by Maeleigh Riedel; 2) SFF Augusta Price 127 F exhibited by Tyler Dahse; 3) JCS Maddy 330J exhibited by Cole Flower.
Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) ABEN Blackberry 112J ET exhibited by Lydia Recker; 2) Sweet Caroline 202J
exhibited by Abigail Green.
Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings:
Early Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) LH Baltus 0422 exhibited by L H Showcattle.
Winter Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) AHCL Sellout 77J exhibited by Haley Chandler
Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) TKS Mystery Machine 98J exhibited by Bailey Abney.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) LH Mr Miyagi 0321 exhibited by L H Showcattle.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) Cash-Farms Mr Red
53 head – Judge: Brady Jensen, South Dakota
byCassieReidShorthorn exhibitors from nine states exhibited 53 head during the Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Shows at the American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri on October 20, 2022. Brady Jensen of Brookings, South Dakota evaluated 30 Purebred Females and 23 ShorthornPlus Females in Hale Arena during the Junior Show.
Grand Champion Female honors went to SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans of Lorenzo, Texas. Evans went onto represent the Shorthorn breed in the Supreme Junior Heifer Drive at the American Royal. This female was also the Champion Senior Female division winner.
WSCC Steck Chelsie HC 114J owned by Keagan Steck of Woodstock, Minn. earned the Reserve Grand Champion Female banner and was Champion
Grand ShorthornChampion Female & Champion Senior Female, SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET, exhibited by Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & IntermediateChampion Female, WSCC Steck Chelsie HC 114J, exhibited by Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
Grand ShorthornPlusChampion
Female & Champion Senior Female, ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, exhibited by Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & IntermediateChampion Female, SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, exhibited by CarterTulsa,Kornegay, Okla.
Intermediate Female.
Moving on to the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female honors went to ABEN Blackberry 112J ET owned by Lydia Recker of Hopkinton, Iowa. This award earned Recker a spot in the Supreme Heifer Drive presenting ShorthornPlus. She was also the ShorthornPlus Champion Senior Female division winner.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and ShorthornPlus Champion Intermediate Female went to SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET owned by Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Other Champions Include: Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DTR Taffeta 2024, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – AF VF Margie’s World 202, Adalynn Vaughn, Maxwell, Iowa.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – RPO Proud Boderek ET, Cole Cowan, Burlington, Wis.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – DTR Ruby 2004, Ryder Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – GCS Mirage RM 3K, Maggie Bass, Burrton, Kan.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – DAL Anndella 1149ET ET, Carissa Dalquest, Wilsey, Kan.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CHB Margie BS C16 ET, Rylee Nicole German, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AF VF Myrtle’s Fast Track 113, Adalynn Vaughn, Maxwell, Iowa.
Champion Junior Female – SULL
WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Reserve Champion Junior Female – CSF Margie 2170 HC, Murphy Fahrmeier, Lexington, Mo.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – Lane’s Clementine Rose 96K, Alexa Lane, Grove, Okla.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Fires Flirt 1K ET, Finley Rieke, McLouth, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CMA Fire & Ice, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – DL
Fancy, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – NCC Adel Percent 101J, Dalton Pattimore, Paola, Kan.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – TKA Dixie 09J, Caleb Formo, Blue Mounds, Wis.
Reserve Champion Junior Female –SFF Augusta Pride 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – Sweet Caroline 202J, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.
Junior Purebred Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) DTR Taffeta 2024 owned by Josie Heter; 2) AF VF Margie’s World 202 owned by Adalynn Vaughn.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) RPO Proud Boderek ET owned by Cole Cowan
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) DTR Ruby 2004 owned by Ryder Heter.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) GCS Mirage RM 3K owned by Maggie Bass.
Winter Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) DAL Anndella 1149ET ET owned by Carissa Dalquest; 2) CHB Margie BS C16 ET owned by Rylee Nicole German;
3) MM Lisa Raindrop TW 127J owned by Bridgett Cover.
Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) AD Addi’s Miss Starburst owned by Shalee Conrad; 2) BFS Royal Ruby KF 175 ET owned by Shane Carlisle.
Summer Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 2) MCK Strawberry Shortcake 8201 owned by Molly Kreutzer.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) WSCC Steck Chelsie HC 114J owned by Keagan Steck; 2) AF VF Myrtle’s Fast Track 113 owned by Adalynn Vaughn; 3) DTR Ruby 1788 ET owned by Ryder Heter.
Early Spring Yearling April Females – (4 Entries): 1) SULL WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) CCBF Chrystal’s Magic Design 07J E ET owned by Abilene Sullivan; 3) MM Casino Queen CPD 75H owned by Mealiea Cover.
Early Spring Yearling March Females – (5 Entries): 1) CSF Margie 2170 HC owned by Murphy Fahrmeier; 2) Lilyblossom ET owned by Cole Cowan; 3) Robstens Snowflake WLAL owned by Carissa Dalquest.
Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans; 2) LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET owned by Lane Blankinship.
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Lane’s Clementine Rose 96K owned by Alexa Lane.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) Fires Flirt 1K ET owned by Finley Rieke; 2) CMA Fire & Ice owned by Abigail Green; 3) KGH Navajo Rose 1004 owned by Kimberly Holland.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) PRL Chloe Junior owned by Payten Linn.
Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries):
1) DL Fancy owned by Kylee Dameron; 2) NCC Adel Percent 101J owned by Dalton Pattimore.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) TKA Dixie 09J owned by Caleb Formo; 3) TKA Violet 118J owned by Bailey Abney.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) JCS Maddy 330J owned by Cole Flower; 2) SFF Augusta Pride 127 F owned by Tyler Dahse; 3) SULL S/T Unlimited Dreams 1311J ET owned by Allyssa Wilkening.
Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries):
1) ABEN Blackberry 112J ET owned by Lydia Recker; 2) Sweet Caroline 202J owned by Abigail Green. =
Due to a significant increase in production costs, Shorthorn Country is forced to have a rate increase on January 1, 2023.
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Take note that even with this price increase, the Shorthorn Country magazine still is the lowest offered advertising rate for breed publications!
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Southeast Region – 36 head – Judge: Mike McGuire, Waverly, Ala.
byWadeMinihanGrand Champion Shorthorn Bull, SharBen Levitate 1245, exhibited by SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SULL PCC Makin’ Cherri 1066J ET, exhibited by Johnna Osborn, Columbia, Tenn.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, Crowe Endeavor, exhibited by Nolan Crowe, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SharBen Myrtle Bo Eve 1186 ET, exhibited by Eden Ennis, Martinsville, Tenn.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, VVCC Bojangles, exhibited by Valley Vista Farms, Scottsburg, Ind.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SharBen Crystal Blue 1187 ET, exhibited by Eden Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, SharBen Dialogue 1243, exhibited by Hadley Wilson, Nicholasville, Ky.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female,MFS Limitless Zena 2144, exhibited by Matthew Wallace, Williamsburg, Ky.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, Peak View Final Plan 2021 ET, owned by Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, Peakview Goldie 48921, owned by Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, IG’s Outlander, owned by Isabell Gilleard, Stevensville, Mont.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, owned by Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, 4 Spear Point of Commotion A8E, owned by Lariat Fenster, Mills, Wy.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SULL S/T Cull Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, owned by Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, 4 Spear Augustas Magic Man 10E, owned by Brylee Rodgers, Casper, Wy.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, Dixie’s Delight ET, Owned by Hailey Wehri, Newcastle, Wy.
1 Bull $ 30,000 $ 30,000
18 Open Heifers $ 145,150 $ 8,064
9 Plus Open Heifers $ 45,150 $ 5,017
6 Cow/Calf Pairs $ 23,850 $ 3,975
10 Bred Females $ 35,200 $ 3,520
44 Live Lots ............... $ 279,350 .............. $ 6,349
1 Pregnancy $ 6,200 $ 6,200
4 Embryo Pkgs $ 9,375 $ 2,344
2 Semen Pkgs $ 750 $ 375
3 Steers ......................... $ 3,550 .................$ 1,183
Sale Gross: $299,225
Saturday, October 29, 2022 Bedwell Cattle Company Isabella, Oklahoma
Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn
A large crowd gathered at the sale sight on a beautiful Fall morning to evaluate the outstanding group of Shorthorn genetics offered. They found a top level group of open show heifers as well as top bred females with outstanding pedigrees. The snappy sale saw top prices given for the cattle offered in the seats and on the internet. Congratulations to Bedwell Cattle Company and Lost Diamond B Ranch and the guest consignors for having a great event.
$30,000 - Lot 1 - Bull - LDB Braveheart 113 ET. A roan. polled April 23, 2021 son of CF New Deal X and out of LDB Mirage Premium Brave 901. This is a top young sire that has already been a Champion in the show
ring. His overall dimension and style make him very attractive to all who see him. He will surely become a top sire when his show career is over. Offered by Lost Diamond B and purchased by the Braveheart Group, a group of progressive Shorthorn breeders.
$21,000 - Lot 16 - LDB Merci’s Dream Girl 211 ET - A RWM, polled June 23, 2022 daughter of SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out of MB Bo’s Knightly Cabernet ET. This was the youngest open heifer in the sale and easily one of the best. She has that show ring style that all like to see. Super structure and balance, this one has it all. With her pedigree she will have a long career in her future as a donor. Offered by Lost Diamond B and purchased by Dustin White of Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
$20,000 - Lot 4 - Open HeiferKANE Lady Reward CW 61K - A RWM, polled February 15, 2022 daughter if KANE Catwalk 685G ET and out of AA KANE Lady Reward 613C ET. This one is special when you see her. She has that added dimension you like to see to go with the depth of rib that is desired today. From the Lady Cornerstone line, she has a bright future in the show ring and the donor pen. Offered by Aegerter Cattle Co and purchased by Brett Stutzman of Milford, Nebraska.
$17,000 - Lot 6B - Open HeiferCCBF Cool Chrystal Charisma 13K ET. A RWM, polled March 28, 2022 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and
out of SULL Cool Crystal 3286 ET. This was probably the thickest made open heifer in the sale. Great overall dimension to go with performance traits that make her a future great mother cow. Offered by Bailey Cattle Company and purchased by Stacey Lewis of Stillwater, Oklahoma.
$17,000 - Lot 5 - Open HeiferKANE Lucy’s Crystal 685K ET. A RWM, polled February 15, 2022 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of SULL Crystal Lucy ET. The Red Knight progeny continue to impress. This one has that show ring look to go with a great pedigree. She is a full sister to the top seller at the recent Cates Farms sale. She is a great one in her own right. She will be a top show heifer and then find the donor pen in her future. Offered by Aegerter Cattle Co and purchased by Brock Studer of Creston, Iowa.
$16,000 - Lot 19 - ShorthornPlus Open Heifer - KANE Blue Crystal CW 829K. A black, polled May 1, 2022 daughter of KANE Catwalk 685G ET and out of SULL Blue Crystal 8297F ET. The plus division at shows continues to get better and better. This one will be one of best to show this next year. Her dam was a many time champion and this one will follow in her footsteps. Tremendous structure and style, she will deliver in the show ring and then in the pasture. Offered by Kane Aegerter and purchased by Sheridan Soules of Sperry, Oklahoma. =
Sale Management: Sears Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn
Bred Purebred Females $ 3,301
Open Purebred Females $ 2,400
Open Plus Females $ 2,400
42 Live Lots ............... $ 127,500 ............$ 3,035
Open Plus Females $ 3,900
Open Plus Females $ 335
Sale Gross: $135,300
October 23, 2022 Paint Valley Farms Sale Facility Millersburg, Ohio
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Ohio Shorthorn Breeders’ Association by:
Kendall ShonkwilerIn October, Shorthorn enthusiasts gathered in Millersburg, Ohio to attend Ohio’s oldest continuing Shorthorn Sale, the Ohio Shorthorn Fall Showcase. After being sidelined for the past two years, a large crowd came together to view a diverse offering of Shorthorn genetics assembled by Shorthorn breeders from Ohio and surrounding states.
$6,300 – Lot 45 – Conventional Embryos – FSF Near Perfect X FSF Crystal. Shorthorn breeders quickly realized this rare opportunity to purchase
Sale Summary
42 Open Heifers $ 218,750 $ 5,206
55 Bred Heifers $ 198,625 $ 3,611
8 Plus Open Heifers $ 24,950 $ 3,119
44 Plus Bred Heifers $ 135,900 $ 3,072
33 Bulls $ 131,300 $ 3,979
182 Live Lots ............ $ 709,425 .............. $ 3,898
2 Pregnancies $ 8,750 $ 4,375
4 Flush Lots $ 15,250 $ 3,813
2 Embryo Pkgs $ 4,800 $ 2,400
29 Semen Pkgs $ 15,250 $ 526
Sale Gross: $753,475
Saturday, Nobember 5, 2022 Jungels Shorthorn Farm Kathryn, North Dakota
WHAT A NIGHT. The largest number of Shorthorns ever offered at auction were presented by JSF and the guest consignors at this year’s Durham Nation Sale. There was a tremendous amount of quality in all categories in this sale. The auction facility was full to capacity when the auction kicked off. The bidding was fast and furious throughout the sale. The internet was on fire. When the sale concluded, there was applause from all in the building. Congratulations to Derek, Brock and all involved for the presentation of just a great event.
$13,500 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - JSF Maude 139K. A roan, polled March 13,
full sib embryos to FSF Perfection 812 pushing Lot 45 to the top as the highest seller. Brought to us by Turner Shorthorns. Purchased by Farrer Stock Farms of Royal Center, Ind.
$5,600 – Lot 19 – Bred Purebred Female – EGC Creedence Contessa. Lot 19 was a crowd favorite, to say the least. Consigned by Esselburn Grain & Cattle, Contessa is moderate, stout and powerful. This easy fleshing female commanded attention in the grass lots behind the auction facility and continued on to the sale ring to be the second highest seller of the afternoon. Good footed and functional – this one has cow written all over her. Purchased by Maple Brook Farms of Ridgeway, Ohio.
$5,200 – Lot 20 – Bred Purebred Female – Rains Capella Star MNP. Rains Family Shorthorns skimmed this roan powerhouse right from the top of their program in order to offer the very best at the Showcase. A sound, sleek necked daughter of HP Manimal 1C, Lot 20 is not only phenotypically compelling, but she’s also got the pedigree to really work for folks serious about producing high
quality Shorthorn cattle. Purchased by Heath Armstrong of Fayette, Ohio.
$5,100 – Lot 31 – Open Purebred Female – DKSN Dream Girl 4022. Dickson Cattle Company delivered when entering this female! Lot 31 is a flashy, performance-oriented daughter of CSF Long Look HC 706 ET, with a solid pedigree and great numbers. Dickson Cattle Company’s program continues to churn out females that work in and out of the show ring – and Lot 31 is no exception! Purchased by Regan Bowman of Greenville, Ohio.
$4,900 – Lot 1 – Bred Purebred Female – HHF Fools Answer 38H. There is a ton of opportunity with this WHR Sonny granddaughter, and the crowd and online bidders picked up on it right away. Lot 1, consigned by Hively’s Highland Farms, is a stylish, red beauty with strong lines and tremendous shape through the center portion of her skeleton. A female like this will more than prove her value as a cow. Purchased by William Beinlich of Monongahela, Pa. =
2022 daughter of JSF Palermo 172H ET and out of JSF Maude 277F. This was a powerhouse heifer to start the sale. She has all it takes to be a leader in the show ring and also in a donor program. The quality of this female is at the highest level. Offered by Jungels and purchased by JR Sales of Lamoure, North Dakota.
$12,000 - Lot 20 - Open Heifer - JSF/TRNR Gardenia 181K ET. A white, polled March 24, 2022 daughter of Saskvalley Outlaw 173Z and out of Robinson White Gardenia. As the catalog said, “show heifer alert”. This was a beautifully made white prospect that has a world of style and appeal. Out of a top outcross dam, this one will be fun to watch. Offered by Jungels and Turner Shorthorns and purchased by 7 C’s Club Calves of Lakin, Kansas.
$10,000 - Lot 1A - Open Heifer - JSF Maude 146K. A roan, polled March 17, 2022 daughter of JSF Battlefront 129C ET and out of JSF Maude 41G. This is another really good one out of the Maude family that has been a leader at JSF for many years. This one is the kind of deep ribbed, well balanced female that you can build a program around and reap dividends for many year. Offered by Jungels and purchased by Jay Gudajtes, Steel Hill Ranch of Mento, North Dakota.
$9,750 - Lot 11 - Open HeiferOpen Heifer - JSF Ellen 144K - A roan,
polled March 17, 2022 daughter of JSF Palermo 172H ET and out of JSF Ellen 70D. This is a beautifully made Palermo daughter that is impeccable in her style and balance. She has been a favorite at JSF all her life. The female line has been a feature in the Byland herd for many years. Offered by JSF and purchased by Abe Lucey of Cameron, West Virginia.
$9,500 - Lot 8 - Open Heifer - JSF Marigold Maria 53K - A roan, polled February 27, 2022 daughter of Gilman’s Clout 45H ET and out of JSF Marigold Maria 24F. This is an exciting young daughter of the Clout bull that is a top young sire at JSF. She is a stout made heifer that is wide made with a big top and a feminine front. She will be a leading female in her new herd. Offered by JSF and purchased by Jay Gudajtes, Steel Hill Ranch of Mento, North Dakota.
$9,000 - Lot 161 - Bull - JSF Maritime Law 299J. A red, polled May 5, 2021 son of JSF Battlefront 129C ET and out of JSF Marigold Maria 137F. This exciting youngster just has the Herd Bull look. Sound of structure and extremely well balanced. He has the dimension to go with that look. He will definitely be a top sire in the future. Watch for his progeny for years to come. Offered by Jungels and purchased by Pearl Valley Shorthorns of Valley City, North Dakota.=
Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn13 Open Heifers $ 96,000 $ 7,385
8 Cow/Calf Pairs $ 77,250 $ 9,656
9 Bred Cows $ 65,250 $ 7,250
8 Bred Heifers $ 48,750 $ 6,094
38 Live Lots ............... $ 287,250 .............. $ 7,559
5 Embryo Pkgs $ 16,400 $ 3,280
5 Semen Pkgs $ 4,900 $ 980 Sale Gross: $308,550
classic design. She will be noticed in the show ring and then be a cornerstone in a breeding program. Her design & sound structure make her a foundation piece. Purchased by Karl Miller of Kearney, Neb.
$19,000 - Lot 17 - Bred Cow - DJS Anndelle C032 - A roan, polled 2020 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of DJS SC SP Anndelle J 921 selling bred to DJS Reloaded for a March 2023 calf. This is truly a great proven female. From the Anndelle line that has been a leader at DJS for many years. She has a super design to go with a sound structure that make her a sure donor. She will be heard from many times in her future productive life. Purchased by Greenhorn Cattle Co of Waynesville, Ohio and Turner Family Shorthorns of Mahomet, Illinois.
DJS Reloaded L024 for a February 2023 calf. At her side was a roan, polled bull calf born January 8, 2022 and sired by DJS Reloaded L024. Here is another female line that is a leader at DJS. This cow has the feminine design all like to see and has a great young bull at her side. The Reloaded bull will be a top sire in the near future. The cow was purchased by David Ohman of Glenbeula, Wisconsin and the calf by Tim Wolff of Brighton, Illinois.
This super good sale was truly a Showcase of a breeding program. The DJS firm has long been a leader in tying to top bloodlines and keeping those lines going. The large crowd at the sale saw many top quality animals in all categories that represented years of breeding the best to the best. The sale saw top prices given for these animals from the seats, on the phones and on the internet. It was a fun event to be in attendance. Congratulations to Dean & Jan Steck for the presentation of a great event.
$20,000 - Lot 23 - Open Heifer - DJS Queen Ann C223 ET. A roan, polled May 7, 2022 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of WHR RHS Casino Queen 2258 ET. What a super youngster this was. A true show prospect with a great pedigree to go with her
$16,000 - Lot 11 - Cow/Calf Pair - DJS Cherri RA 901. A red, polled 2019 daughter of TEGM Red Advantage 100T and out of DJS Cherri CH 316 selling bred to DJS Hot Investment HC847 for a March 2023 calf. At her side was a roan, polled heifer born February 5, 2022 sired by DJS Hot Investment JC847. This was a great pair of females. From the Cherri line that has been at the top of the DJS program for many years. These two have a bright future. The cow was purchased by Meyer Farms of Rushville, Indiana and the calf by Bowman Cattle Co of Greenville, Ohio.
$14,500 - Lot 31 - Cow/Calf Pair - DJS Carmele C734. A roan, polled 2017 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of DJS Mckee Carmele SNY 8 ET selling bred to
$13,000 - Lot 22 - Open Heifer - DJS Queen Ann C221. A RWM, polled March 25, 2022 daughter of JAV Charisma 904W and out of WHR RHS Casino Queen 2258 ET. This outstanding young show prospect is a full sister to the high selling Lot 23 heifer and they are both top quality. Out of the famed Ten Queens line, this one will be a top show heifer and then fine her way to the donor pen. She is a can’t miss prospect. Purchased by Bowman Cattle Co of Greenville, Ohio.
$12,000 - Lot 34 - Cow/Calf Pair - DJS Mona Lisa C751. A RWM, polled 2017 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of SULL Mona’s Solution 5571 ET selling bred to DJS Hot Investment HC 847 for a February 2023 calf. At her side was a R/W polled heifer born March 15, 2022 sired by DJS Hot Investment HC 847. This was a really good cow that will be a great breeding piece. Her dam is a full sister to Red Knight. Her heifer calf is really fancy and will catch the eye of all who see her. The cow was purchased by Jennifer Ruby of Howells, Nebraska and the calf by Heather Criss of Dorris, California. =
Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc & Stuart Wilson Consulting by: Darryl RahnRoy Donald Dedmon, age 97, of 1511 McBrayer Springs Rd., Shelby, NC, passed away peacefully at his home on October 21, 2022 surrounded by his family. He was born October 8, 1925, a son of the late Thomas Lawson Dedmon and Verdie Horn Dedmon. He is survived by his son Rodney Kevin Dedmon, Sr., and wife, Myra Royster Dedmon; two grandsons Rodney Kevin Dedmon, Jr., wife Kristyn Funderburke Dedmon, Kristopher Charles Dedmon, wife Elizabeth McDaniel Dedmon; and three great grandsons, Roy Kixxon Dedmon, Kolton Wyatt Dedmon, and Korbin Loyd Dedmon, all of Shelby. He is preceded in death by his loving wife of 67 years Ruth Spangler Dedmon, brother Thomas Hal Dedmon, and sister Lou Jean D.Hamrick.
He was a veteran of the US Navy during World War II, having served in the South Pacific aboard the USS Raymond Van Brogan. Following his return from service, he and Ruth were married on New Year’s Day in 1949. He
was a graduate of Fallston High School and Reppert School of Auctioneering in Decatur, Indiana. He was a professional auctioneer for many years. Prior to his retirement he conducted many real estate, livestock, farm machinery and other public and private sales in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. During the early 1950’s, Roy became interested in breeding and producing purebred Shorthorn cattle. Alongside son Rodney, he exhibited Shorthorns at many livestock shows and exhibits throughout the southeast, winning numerous awards. He served on a number of livestock boards, and committees at the county, state, and national level.
He served as the first President of the Cleveland County Cattlemen’s Association. In 1985, he received the American Shorthorn Builder of the Breed Award, presented by The American Shorthorn Association in Omaha, Nebraska. He is a member of both the NC State Fair Livestock Hall of Fame and the Cleveland County Cattlemen’s Hall of Fame. In 2001, Dedmon Shorthorns exhibited the Calf Champion Bull at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. Within the industry Roy made many
special lifelong friendships. He served as a member of the NC State Highway Commission from 1969-1972, having been appointed by Gov. Bob Scott to represent Cleveland, Lincoln, Catawba, and Alexander Counties. In 2008, he was recognized by the Cleveland Soil and Water Conservation District for 34 years of service as a supervisor for the Cleveland County District, the last 10 of which he served as Chairman.
He was a member of the Shelby Planning and Zoning board, and also served as President of Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cleveland County for a number of years until his retirement. In his later years Roy enjoyed spending his retirement with his family and friends,especially his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Until his health declined, you could always find Roy out and about on the farm, or in the community taking care of the things he loved.He was a lifelong member of Ross Grove Baptist Church, during which time he served as Chairman of the Board of Deacons, Chairman of the Trustees, and numerous other positions within the church.
Memorials may be made to: Ross Grove Baptist Church: 1225 Fallston Rd Shelby, NC 28150. =
Marvin Clifton Wammack Jr., known as “Cliff” to everyone, left this earthly world on October 20, 2022. Cliff was born on February 2, 1950 to Marvin Clifton Wammack Sr. and Vivian Jean Johnson Wammack. Both parents preceded him in death. He is survived by one sister, Sharon Jean Hammond and her husband, Jim.
Cliff graduated from Waxahachie High School in 1967. He went to Texas Tech University and was drafted to the United States Army to Vietnam. On his return from the service, he worked for his father for a few years at Red Oak Valley Golf Club before venturing into his own farming business. Later, he served
one term as Ellis County Commissioner of Pct. 4, he was also a brand inspector for the State of Texas, and in 1990 he and his wife Connie, gained ownership of Red Oak Valley Golf Club until he retired in 2019.
In 1977 he met Connie Elaine Wammack and they were married on November 4, 1978. Their union was a deep and committed love until his passing. From this union came Jared Blain Wammack, who married Jennifer Berdull, and Brandon Lane Wammack, who married Lindsey Patton.
From a previous marriage, he had a son, Clifton Chad Wammack, who married Cammie Lenee’ Richardson. Grandchildren from these marriages, whom Cliff loved dearly, were Logan Brandon, Halle Irene, Austin Jared, Laney Elizabeth, Hayes Blain, and Carsen Riley.
Cliff worked long, hard hours most days, but he loved to travel. He loved the lake and had a lakehouse at Cedar Creek. Most summers he and the family spent days at the beach in Galveston at a beach house. In recent days he had talked about where he wanted to travel when he was better.
Cliff had been past or current member of Red Oaks Lions Club, Rockett Special Utilities Water Board, The Texas Shorthorn Association, the American Shorthorn Association, and several golf associations. Cliff and Connie had many great years with their Shorthorn families, showing registered Shorthorn cattle all over the United States.
Cliff was a gentle and kind man. He was loved and respected by everyone that knew him. He will be greatly missed by his loving family and friends. =
Luke J. Acker, age 90, of Nazareth, passed away on September 18, 2022 in Amarillo. Funeral Mass for Mr. Acker will be at 10:00am, Saturday, September 24, 2022, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Nazareth, Texas with Father Bashkar Audusupalli, officiating and Deacons Bob Birkenfeld and Joe Hochstein assisting. Interment will follow in Holy Family Cemetery. A Holy Rosary will be recited at 5:00pm, Friday, September 24, 2022, at Holy Family Church in Nazareth. Arrangements are entrusted to the Lemons Funeral Home.
Luke was born July 7, 1932, in Nazareth, Texas and was the eldest son of Valentine P. and Margaret (Brockman)
Acker. Luke lived in Nazareth all his life except for the 2 years he served his country in the United States Army in Aberdeen, Maryland. He married Mona Tucker on June 7, 1956, in Tulia, Texas and were married for 66 years.
In the 1970’s Luke was active in the Big Country Shorthorn Association (Panhandle of Texas) and the Five-State Shorthorn Association (TX, OK, KS, CO & New Mexico), He used “M Z Bar” as a prefix when registering his cattle. In 1982, he partnered with MJ Shorthorns and Hodges Family Shorthorns of Olton in purchasing AF Della’s Irish Dealer. In 2000 he raised a bull called “Bass Master x” a descendant of IDS Duke of Dublin and Deerpark Leader 13th. He sold his cattle in 2012 following a severe drought in the Panhandle of Texas.
Luke enjoyed fishing, hunting with his Coonhounds, and raising shorthorn cattle. Farming was his passion. He was
a member of the Holy Family Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Order of Foresters.
Luke is survived by his wife, Mona Acker; three sons, Douglas and Jackie Acker of Clarendon, Alan and Chrissy Acker of Amarillo, and Daniel and Sharon Acker of Elgin; three daughters, Donna Corp of San Angelo, Michele and Rodney Bohr of Amarillo, and Sabrina and Brad Grinstead of Durham, N.C.; two brothers, Don Acker of Nazareth, and Louis Acker of Amarillo; two sisters, May Hochstein of Amarillo and Joan Melcher of Holly, CO; thirteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
He is preceded in death by two brothers, Walter, and Fred Acker, and two sisters, Verna Acker, and Ellen Steffens. =
Tuesday, Jan. 3
12:00 p.m. Cattle Begin Arrival Wednesday, Jan. 4
1-4:00 p.m. Check-In: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Females and Bulls (Tie-Cattle)Shorthorn Booth SBSA Thursday, Jan. 5
9:00 a.m. Process and Check-In Pen Cattle - PER Friday, Jan. 6
8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show - JN Ring 1 followed by Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show - JN Ring 1 followed by Super National ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Saturday, Jan. 7
11:00 a.m. Shorthorn Pen Show - PER Arena
Presentation of Show Honoree - Richardson Farms
6:30 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale - SBSA Sunday, Jan. 8
8:00 a.m. Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show - JN Ring 2
Cattle released at conclusion of show.
Sunday, January 8
12 noon Hill cattle may arrive Monday, January 9
8:00 a.m. Yard cattle may arrive Wednesday, Jan. 11
8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Heifer ShowStadium Arena Thursday, Jan. 12
9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Show - Witwer Show Arena Friday, Jan. 13
8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Open ShowStadium Arena Presentation of Show Honoree - Ed and Jamie Kruse
Cattle released at conclusion of show.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
8:00 a.m. Cattle Begin Arrival Thursday, Jan. 26
6:00 p.m. Cattle Must be in Place Friday, Jan. 27
9:00 a.m. Check-In: Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls Sunday, Jan. 29
2:00 p.m. National Shorthorn Show - W. R. Watt Arena followed by National ShorthornPlus Show - W. R. Watt Arena Show Honoree - Scott Family Shorthorns owned by the late Richard and Linda Scott Sunday, Jan. 29
5:00 p.m. Cattle Released
Cattlemen’s Congress Open Shows: Jeff Gooden
Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Shows: Cheramie Viator
Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show: Troy Thomas
National Western Stock Show Open Shows: Patrick Wall
NWSS Junior Shows: Scott Werning NWSS Pen Show: Scott Werning
Fort Worth Stock Show Open Shows: Kyle Conley
FWSS Junior Shows: Kody Lucherk
Best Western Saddleback Inn 4300 SW 3rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73108
King or 2 Queens: $79/night King or Queen Suite: $99/night Reservation Cut-off: December 19, 2022
Call 405-947-7000 to book or visit: https://shorthorn.org/show/cattlemens-congress/
Hot breakfast included Complimentary internet and parking
Individuals responsible for cancellation fees charged by hotel in case of room cancellation.
Hilton Garden Inn Oklahoma City Airport 801 S Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73108
$103/night Reservation Cut-off: December 21, 2022
Call 1-405-942-1400 to book or visit: https://shorthorn.org/show/cattlemens-congress/
Hot breakfast buffet for 4 included per room Complimentary internet and parking
Individuals responsible for cancellation fees charged by hotel in case of room cancellation.
Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel 3801 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80207
Rates starting at $124+tax/night Reservation Cut-Off: Friday, December 16, 2022
Reservations may be made by calling hotel: 303-399-7500, Reference Group Code: AHAAHAA or find our link online at https://shorthorn.org/show/national-western-stock-show/
Additional Information: On-site Parking Garage Free high-speed internet
Rate available 01/03/2023 to 01/21/2023. Individuals responsible for cancellation fees charged by hotel in case of room cancellation.
To subscribe, complete the following information and return with payment via cash, check or credit card.
Farm Name Name Address City State Zip
United States Subscribers
One Year (1 yr) $24.00
Two Year (2 yr) ........................$38.00
Three Year (3 yr) $52.00
First Class - One Year $54.00
Canadian Subscribers (All First Class) (US$)
One Year (1 yr) $60.00
Other Foreign Subscribers (Air Mail) (US$)
One Year (1 yr) $120.00
Two Year (2 yr) ........................$110.00
Three Year (3 yr) $130.00
Two Year (2 yr) ........................$220.00 Three Year (3 yr) $300.00 Credit Card #
Mail completed form & payment to: 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64151
Fax completed form & payment to: 816-599-7782
Questions? Contact us at 816-599-7777
Dec. 1 - Canadian Western Agribition Shorthorn Sale, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dec. 6 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales.com
Dec. 7 - Manitoba Shorthorn Association “Jewels of the Prairie Female Sale”, Brandon, MB, Canada
Dec. 7-8 - Muridale Heritage Sale, Swift Current, SK, Canada, farmgatetimedauctions.ca
Dec. 10 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio
Dec. 13 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Valance Variety” Sale, Greens Fork, Ind., amsonlinesales.com SPRING 2023
Jan. 7 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale” at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Jan. 28 - Jungels Shorthorn Farms “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D.
Feb. 9 - Watertown Winter Farm Show and Sale, Watertown, S.D.
Feb. 18 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com
Feb. 25 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, WCC’s Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa.
Mar. 2 - Bratcher Farms, Heifer and Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, Ind., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 4 - Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.
Mar. 4 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky.
Mar. 7 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can.
* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 11 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.
Mar. 11-12 - Stangl Shorthorn Open House and Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Jave, S.D., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio.
Mar. 18 - Waukaru Farms “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.
Mar. 21 - Schrag|Nikkel “Spring Forward Online Sale”, Marion, S.D., sconlinesales.com
Mar. 22 - Moore Shorthorns “Fall Born Heifer Online Sale”, Jerseyville, Ill., wlivestock.com
Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX”, Van Alstyne, Texas Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
April 1 - Paint Valley and Byland Polled Shorthorns “The Bull Sale” Millersburg, Ohio
April 15 - Springtime Revival, Belle Point Ranch, Lavaca, Ark.
April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.
April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Dec. 6 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com
Dec. 10 - Paint Valley Farms & Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, OH
Dec. 13 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Valance Variety” Sale, Greens Fork, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Jan. 7 - The Summit National Shorthorn Sale, Oklahoma City, OK
Jan. 28 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND
Feb. 14 - Double M Cattle Maids of the Midwest Bred Heifer & Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 11-12- Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull & Heifer Sale, Java, SD, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Show and Sale, Columbus, OH
Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX” Sale, Van Alstyne, TX
Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
April 1 - Paint Valley Farm and Byland Polled Shorthorns “A New Brand” Bull Sale, Millersburg, OH.
April 3 - Greenhorn Cattle Company Spring Edition “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Online Sale, Waynesville, amsonlinesales.com
April 10 - Bollum Family Shorthorns Red, White, and Roan-Spring Fling Sale, Goodhue, MN, amsonlinesales.com
April 15 - Little Cedar Cattle Company Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, AR
April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK.
April 25 - 5Dick Cattle Company Online Show Heifer and Show Steer Sale, Nowata, OK, amsonlinesales.com
April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns Return of the Southern Stars Sale, Campbellsburg, KY.
Online sales with a personal touch.
AAA Shorthorns 80
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. 85
American Jr Shorthorn Assoc. April
Bennett Land & Cattle 80
Berg Shorthorns May, 80
Bigelow Farms 80
Bowman Superior Genetics 5, 80
Brooks, Bruce ................................ 83
Bye Well Shorthorns ...................... 80
Byland Polled Shorthorns .............. 80
Cagwin Cattle Services LLC .......... 83
Cairns Shorthorns ......................... 80
Cates Farms August, 80
Cattle Visions 83
Cornerstone Farms 80
Crawfdown Farms 80
Dedmon Shorthorns 80
DJS Shorthorns 74, 80
Double C Shorthorns 80
Dreamy 280 Cattle Company ....... 80
DTR Cattle Co ............................. 80
Duis Farms .................................... 80
Fickbohm Farms ........................... 80
Fieser Family Shorthorns ......... 17, 81
First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd.... 83
Greenhorn Cattle Co. September, 81
GSKI Shorthorns 81
Haumont Shorthorns 81
Homeplace Farms 81
Baylor Cowden/Hornhead Valley Farm July
Hub Ranch Shorthorns 81
Humble Stock Farm 81
IL Breeders Unitd For Impact 28-29
Inness Shorthorns 81
Iowa Shorthorn Association June
James F Bessler LLC 83
Jester Farms ................................... 81
Jungels Shorthorn Farm ... Jan., IFC,IBC
Kevin Wendt ................................. 83
Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 81
Keystone Shorthorns ..................... 81
KSS Keystone Shorthorns 81
KW Cattle Co 81
Laban’s Roanoke Farm 81
Lasting Impressions Sale 13
Legacy Ranch 81
Leveldale Farms December, 81
Little Cedar Cattle Co. 81
Loving Farms .......................February McCall Show Cattle ...................... 81
McKay Farms ................................ 82
McKee Family Shorthorns ............. 82
Meyer Family Shorthorns .............. 82
Meyer Farms ................................. 82 MFK Shorthorns 82
Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust 82 Norman Farms 82 Oler Farm 82
Paint Valley Farms BC
Peak View Ranch 11
Pearl Valley Shorthorns 17
Prairie View Shorthorn Farm 82
Richardson Farms Shorthorns 82
Robjoy Shorthorns 82
Rockin’ G Land & Cattle Nov., 82
Rocky Branch Shorthorns ............. 82
Schrag 605 .................................... 83
Schrag|Nikkel Cattle ........... March, 3
Sears Marketing Services, LLC ...... 83 Shadeland Farm............................. 82
SharBen Shorthorns 82
Share the Vision Sale-DuLynn Oct. Shorthorn Foundation 15
Smith Family Farms 82
Smoky Mountain Farm 82 Stangl Shorthorns 83
Stone Springs Shorthorns 83
Sullivan Supply.............................. 83
Sutherland Shorthorns .................. 83
The Summit .................................... 7
Turner Family Shorthorns ............. 83
Utterback Show Cattle .................. 83
Warner Ranch ............................... 83
Waukaru Shorthorns 9, 83 Wilson Livestock Agency 83