4 minute read

Association Outlook

Montie D. Soules

asa executive secretary/CEO

Bringing in the New Year

As we start 2023, I’d like to review some changes that have been enacted during the past year or two at the Association.

I want to clarify for everyone the differences between the Shorthorn Foundation and the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. So, there is no misunderstanding; both are 501 (c) (3) corporations making them non-profit foundations.

The Shorthorn Foundation has been around for many years, supporting the Shorthorn breed. It is the source of memorials for the Shorthorn breed and is responsible for scholarships that are awarded to junior members at the Junior National. Donations are accepted for these purposes and more. It has and will continue to support research projects for the breed using donations earmarked for this purpose. The Shorthorn Foundation is still functioning as it always has to support the breed through donations for these and any other purposes donors may request. The Foundation supports our youth and donates the cost of the Herdsman of the Year Award and the list goes on as this organization underwrites the needs of our membership. A system is in place to keep donations for specific purposes identified to be used for that purpose. The main goals have been memorials for scholarships or other memorials specifically identified for personal wishes.

The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund (SYDF) is a foundation established with a separate board of directors for the sole purpose of supporting the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference and Junior Board activities. All funds go to these objectives; the goal of this foundation is to provide sustainability for our junior programs, including the Junior National. The cost of this single activity continues to rise, and the need for more funds to maintain the current level is a high priority. Donations all go to the general fund for the purpose of the junior programs. The SYDF Board of Directors is responsible for securing the funds needed for the longevity of this great event in the breed. The Shorthorn Junior National & Youth Conference is by far the largest attended event in the breed each year. Last year the SYDF contributed over $127,000 to the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. The energy of this SYDF Board for support from our breeders and beyond is ultra-important to continue the activities at the Junior National we have all become accustomed to.

It was time to clarify the differences so you can understand how they work and what they do for the breed. Both foundations are important to our future and there are differences in the goals of the two foundations, as neither one is trying to overlap the other. Both need your support to continue meeting their goals for supporting the Shorthorn breed.

A change going into action as of the new year is the process of DNA submission. This will streamline the process, allowing breeders to send samples directly to the lab. For this to work, some very detailed steps need to be followed. First, the animals you are testing must be recorded with a U number in front of the registration number or be registered and have their registration number attached to the documents - a form is in the Digital Beef registry to fill out. The bar codes on the DNA sample cards must be included, and the bar codes must be correct. Once that form is submitted to the ASA office, it will be approved by staff and returned to accompany your sample that you mail directly to the lab. There will be more detailed instructions on this new process on page 10 in this issue. We will also be completing some how-to videos and step-by-step tutorials that will be accessible on our social media and website. This should help with turnaround time and streamline the DNA testing process. I caution everyone - it is extremely important to doublecheck your information and make sure it is all correct and complete or the samples may be put aside when they reach the lab. ASA Staff will be ready to help you with this process over the phone. There will be limited staff available during January due to covering the Cattlemen’s Congress, Denver and Fort Worth Shows, plus the NCBA Convention starting February 1st and Dixie National later in February.

Many of the fees also changed at the ASA on January 1, so please check the new fee schedule. Be sure to get your WHR assessments done by midnight, January 9 to receive the discount - an even bigger savings than in the past. The need to increase fees is necessary due to the increases in costs to the ASA.

The month of January is maybe our busiest with three national shows in one month. It takes a lot of staff and member’s time and attention to make these events successful. Don’t forget the “Summit National Shorthorn Sale” at the Cattlemen’s Congress on January 7th. This year’s sale may be the strongest offering we have ever seen in this event.

We are starting off the new year with a bang at OKC the first week of January then on to Denver and Fort Worth, followed by the NCBA Convention and Trade Show in New Orleans and Dixie National. 2023 is set be a busy time for Shorthorn breeders as we a continued increase in new memberships and activity. On January 30th Shorthorns will be featured on The American Rancher on RFD TV. Excitement in the breed continues to grow. 2023 has a lot of unknowns, but one sure thing we see is the acceptance and growth of the Shorthorn breed across America! =

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