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NAILE 2022 Super National Open Shorthorn Show

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Tartan Plaid

Open Purebred Bulls & Females - 184 Head - Judge: Chris Sankey, Council Grove, Kansas

by Wade Minihan

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull, was Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, exhibited by Enix Farms LLC, Centennial, Colo. and Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich. He was also named Supreme Champion.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female, was SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, exhibited by Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio.

Again this year, Shorthorn exhibitors presented some of the best quality cattle we’ve seen from top to bottom. The Super National Shorthorn Show was Monday, November 14th in Freedom Hall on the green shavings. Judge Chris Sankey sorted through a total of 184 head during the show; 145 Purebred Shorthorn Females and 39 Purebred Shorthorn Bulls.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull

and Champion Junior Bull honors went to Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, owned by Enix Farms LLC of Centennial, Colo. and Little Cedar Cattle Co of Beaverton, Mich. At the end of the show, he competed against the Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and was awarded the title of Supreme

Champion and received the George Garvin Brown Memorial Trophy.

SS Inferno 120 ET was named

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Reserve Champion Junior

Bull, owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms of Marion, S.D. and Cornerstone Farms of Winchester, Ind.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female

and Champion Senior Female honors went to SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, exhibited by Kathy Lehman of Shelby, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Reserve Champion Senior

Female was awarded to CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET, exhibited by Skylar Ward of New Paris, Ohio.

Division Winners:

Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions:

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –

MM Blitz 78K, Hugh Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.

Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –

MFS Dream Weaver 37K, Meyer Family Shorthorns, Greensburg, Ind.

Reserve Champion Early Spring

Bull Calf – CCS Impel 324K, Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill.

Champion Junior Bull Calf – Hahn Dominion S17K, William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.

Reserve Champion Junior Bull

Calf – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Ill.

Champion Senior Bull Calf –

Armstrong Ruger 2066, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull

Calf – SUTH Omicron 508J, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky.

Champion Intermediate Bull – JA Easy Rider 1J30, Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill.

Reserve Champion Intermediate

Bull – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co., Jonesboro, Ill.

Champion Senior Bull – FF Pursuit 6H, Graig Fuller, Rennsselaer, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull –

SUTH Revlon 481H, Norman Tuholski, Trafalgar, Ind.

Open Purebred Female Show Divisions:

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –

CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Reserve Champion Late Spring

Heifer Calf – BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf

– GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Early Spring

Heifer Calf – Pioneer 261 ET, Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf –

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Reserve Champion Junior Bull was SS Inferno 120 ET, owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D. and Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Champion Senior Female was CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET, owned by Skylar Ward, New Paris, Ohio.

CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer

Calf – STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET, Steck Cattle, Woodstock, Minn.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X, Cater Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer

Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.

Champion Intermediate Female –

JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.

Reserve Champion Intermediate

Female – LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET, Lane Blankenship, Orlando, Okla.

Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Junior Female –

PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Spring, N.Y.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.

Class Placings:

Open Purebred Bull Class Placings:

Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) MM Blitz 78K exhibited by Hugh Moore Jr & Sons.

Early Spring Bull Calves – (6 Entries): 1) MFS Dream Weaver 37K exhibited by Meyer Family Shorthorns; 2) CCS Impel 324K exhibited by Don Cagwin; 3) WSC Dreams to Reality 19K exhibited by Matthew Wallace.

Junior Bull Calves – (5 Entries): 1) Hahn Dominion S17K exhibited by William Milashoski; 2) TRNR Medallion 92 ET exhibited by Aubrey Short; 3) RDS King Diggy 2K exhibited by Megan Keeney.

Winter Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SUTH Omicron 508J exhibited by David Ragsdale; 2) PEAKVIEW Final Plan 2021 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 3) WAYMAR HAPP Concrete exhibited by Alyson Utegg.

Senior Bull Calves – (4 Entries): 1) Armstrong Ruger 2066 exhibited by John M. Allen IV; 2) ZSS Dirty Deeds P36J exhibited by Roger Kerr II; 3) BFC Dutton J258 exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company.

Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (3 Entries): 1) JA Easy Rider 1J30 exhibited by Jordan Acres; 2) Little Cedar All Star 2105 exhibited by DAP Cattle Co; 3) Little Cedar WF Intrepid 2106 exhibited by Drake Penrod.

Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (6 Entries): 1) Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160 exhibited by Enix Farms LLC and Little Cedar Cattle Co; 2) CF Payweight X ET exhibited by Cates Farms; 3) LDB Braveheart 113 ET exhibited by Lane Blankenship.

Junior Yearling Bulls – (5 Entries): 1) SS Inferno 120 ET exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms and Cornerstone Farms; 2) GCS Guns n Roses exhibited by Green Castle Shorthorns; 3) Force of Meg exhibited by Fanning Family Shorthorns.

Senior Yearling Bulls – (6 Entires): 1) FF Pursuit 6H exhibited by Graig Fuller; 2) SUTH Revlon 481H exhibited by Norman Tuholski; 3) H.H.F Sampson the Charmer exhibited by Samantha Hetson.

Open Purebred Female Class Placings:

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) Creek’s Vanessa exhibited by Emma Helsinger; 2) GCC Magical Margie 221 ET exhibited by Sloan Reedy; 3) RFSS Margie Baby 252K exhibited by Respite Farm, Inc.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET exhibited by Makayla Sugg; 2) 7G Max Rosa K32 ET exhibited by Laine McKenna; 3) RFSS Mona Lisa 261K exhibited by Jackson Overbay.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo exhibited by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) CF Mona Lisa 2101 Uh X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 3) SFF CPRU Roses are Red RK 247 ET exhibited by Morgan Brooks.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Miss Margie WW 2210 ET exhibited by Wyatt Smith; 2) RFSS HH Breathtaker Diva 225K ET exhibited by Respite Farms.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans; 2) CF Max Rosa 286 EV X ET exhibited by Lane Patrick McCall; 3) Little Cedar EF Roses are Red 2208 exhibited by Addison Wall.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET exhibited by Keegan McGrew; 3) Caligo No Foolin exhibited by Kayla Fogg.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 270 SOL ET exhibited by Ryli Bivens; 2) Don Ruby 326 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn; 3) JKF Georgie Spring K1 exhibited by Josie Fitzgerald.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) Pioneer 261 ET exhibited by Braylen Schaeffer; 2) DJS Cherri C218 exhibited by Blayne Dunklau; 3) SFF Mona Lisa Reward AV 215 ET exhibited by Skyler Ward.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) TASC Kori exhibited by Alyssa Carter; 2) S/N SL Hopes Mirage 222 ET exhibited by Callie Turner; 3) MM Cumberland Rose DM 21K owned Joshua Blakeman.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 250 RB X ET owned Karaline Schuman; 2) WAT Homecoming Queen 301K exhibited by Karly Goetz; 3) CSF Moma Lisa 2232

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – MM Blitz 78K, Hugh Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.

Champion Junior Bull Calf – Hahn Dominion S17K, William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf – SUTH Omicron 508J, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky.

Champion Senior Bull – FF Pursuit 6H, Graig Fuller, Rennsselaer, Ind.

UH ET exhibited by Weston Ward.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) LGF SULL MFS Ruby’s Dream 2292K ET exhibited by Evelyn Hill; 2) CSF Dream Lady UR 2218 exhibited by Keagan Long; 3) RDY Bo’s Traveling 201 ET exhibited by Maddox Reedy.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET exhibited by Paige Wickard; 2) S/N Myrtle Bo 218

Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – MFS Dream Weaver 37K, Meyer Family Shorthorns, Greensburg, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Ill.

Champion Intermediate Bull – JA Easy Rider 1J30, Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull – SUTH Revlon 481H, Norman Tuholski, Trafalgar, Ind.

ET exhibited by Sharben Shorthorns; 3) CSF Mona Lisa 2233 TP ET exhibited by Kayla Fogg.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) SULL LGF Ruby’s Dream 2295K ET exhibited by John Gellerman; 2) CSF Margie HC 2227 ET exhibited by Kade Lott; 3) DNCC Sweet Revival 2208 exhibited by Double Nickel Cattle Company.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CCS Impel 324K, Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill.

Champion Senior Bull Calf – Armstrong Ruger 2066, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co., Jonesboro, Ill.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5Entries): 1) CSF Margie 2220 UH ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farms; 2) BARR Cindy Beauty 2202 exhibited by Brandon Barr; 3) Pearl’s Traveling Blaze 1200 exhibited by Cooper Hetrick.

Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) CSF Cumberland LL 2226 ET exhibited by Josie Robinson; 2) RFSS Sierra’s World 260K exhibited by Respite Farm,

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Pioneer 261 ET, Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X, Cater Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET, Lane Blankenship, Orlando, Okla.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Spring, N.Y. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.

Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET, Steck Cattle, Woodstock, Minn.

Champion Intermediate Female – JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.

Reserve Champion Junior Female – PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.


Junior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF CSF Cherri 25 HC X ET exhibited by Amanda Annett; 2) Paradise Proud Fool 2201 exhibited by Caroline Winter; 3) Peakview Max 2201 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET exhibited by Steck Cattle; 2) CSF Margie 2210 FB exhibited by Jaclyn Thomas; 3) Millbrook Veronica FB 3K exhibited by Alexa Turner.

Winter Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET exhibited by Hailey Jester; 2) PFC Dottie 127J exhibited by Jackson Overbay; 3) Princess’s Traveling Tess 1201 exhibited by Cooper Hetrick.

Winter Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) GCC TRN Traveling Ruby 25 exhibited by Nathan Hill; 2) GCC Crystal Lite 76 exhibited by Alexa Turner; 3) MM Lisa Raindrop TW 127J exhibited by Bridget Cover.

Senior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X exhibited by Cater Wickard; 2) CF Margie 1119 UR X exhibited by Maddox Reedy; 3) CCF Sofia C61I exhibited by Emma Helsinger.

Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) RIOLA Island Queen Hottie exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farm; 2) RFSS Hot Rose Mary 243J exhibited by Ethan Broughton; 3) JA Homecoming Queen ER 1J50 exhibited by Jackson Bunting.

Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET exhibited by Lane Blankenship.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) Riola Propel’s Shanie X21 exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farms; 2) BARR Velvet 2117 exhibited by Pleasant View Farms.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) JS Cecilia 1J03 exhibited by Johnson Shorthorns; 2) CF DCDF Dream Lady 1105 X ET exhibited by Ashley Strueh; 3) MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) MM Casino Queen CPD 75H exhibited by Mealia Cover; 2) SULL WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay; 3) KGWAT Fire World 407 J exhibited by Karly Goetz.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921 exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 2) BS Pearl 196 exhibited by Isabella Bunting; 3) SULL LGF Power of Ruby 1227J ET exhibited by Winston Dryer.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (8 Entries): 1) SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) RHS Red Robin’s Queen ET exhibited by James Kendal Cleere; 3) SS Evermore Mirage 137 ET exhibited by Cash Lehrman.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET exhibited by Wyatt Smith; 2) TMC Margie’s Evolution exhibited by Logan Schroeder; 3) BJSF Majesty Rose 212 exhibited by Karoline Jordan.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET owned Skyler Ward; 2) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans; 3) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET exhibited by Miller Smith.

Junior Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET exhibited by Kathy Lehman; 2) KNEP Amber Diamond 214 exhibited by Colton Becker; 3) PFC Henrietta 101 exhibited by Jackson Overbay.

Senior Yearling Females – (2 Entires): 1) Rexlaine Beth S6H exhibited by Finley Jones; 2) CLF Augusta Pride 2017 exhibited by Joshua Blakeman.

Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H exhibited by Respite Farm, Inc.

Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET exhibited by Kaitlyn Broughton. =

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