2 minute read
Beef Blurb
Shelby Diehm
director of youth activities, director of marketing & communications
Goals Not Resolutions
It is the time of the year for setting New Year’s Resolutions and as I began writing this article I was thinking about the difference between resolutions and goals. So, I did a quick google search and found a Forbes article that discussed the difference. The article suggested setting goals versus resolutions and said why goals are more beneficial and how you can achieve them.
The biggest reason that goals are more beneficial and easier to accomplish is that they are more specific with the best ones being really specific. The more specific you are when you break down the goals you want to achieve, the more likely you will accomplish those goals. You can track those goals and stay focused.
Another suggestion from the article is to keep your goals visible. Write them on sticky notes and put them on your computer screen, hang them on your bathroom mirror or keep them as a note on your phone you can check off. Whatever way you keep yourself organized, add those goals to that you can see them and see your progress.
You can always turn your resolution into a goal. Take your broad resolution and narrow it down. For example, if your resolution is to save more money then your goal could be to save a certain amount of money each paycheck to reach that certain amount of money saved as your goal.
It is also suggested to choose no more than three goals to work on at a time. If you try to do too much at once, you’ll end up getting overwhelmed which can delay progress. And if you get delayed and lose motivation, you may give up on the goals you have set.
One of my goals this year is for the National Junior Shorthorn Show to be larger than last year with more exhibitors and more head shown.
Another goal is for more money to be raised for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. That can’t be done without our generous donors and sponsors. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far!
Those are two of the main professional goals I hope to achieve before 2024, alongside a few other smaller ones.
Seth and I have set a personal goal of finishing our cattle working area at our house so by 2024, we can have cattle of our own. We have spent the last few months building a new run off our barn so we can feed some calves for our freezer. This spring, we hope to finish building.
So, take that resolution, make it into a goal and achieve that goal. “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal.”
What will your goals be for 2023? =
Shorthorn Youth Development Fund 50/50 Raffle

Winner receives 50% and SYDF receives 50%
Purchase tickets by emailing shelby@shorthorn.org