1 minute read
Tartan Plaid
Pam Dressen
National Shorthorn Lassie Board Treasurer
2023 National Shorthorn Lassie Dues
Attention all Shorthorn breeders and enthusiasts!
The National Lassies would like to encourage you to buy a chance to win this sterling silver and rose gold bracelet designed by Kay Knight (pictured below). Just scan the QR code with your phone, fill in the necessary details, and pay with a credit card. There are only 100 chances being sold! The drawing will be held at Jr. Nationals this summer. The money raised will help support the National Lassie Queens. We appreciate your support.
Also, please mail your state’s National Shorthorn Lassie dues. Dues are $10 per member and payable to the National Shorthorn Lassies. Please send them to Pam Dressen at:
Pam Dressen, Treasurer
N4787 515th St.
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Your dues help fund and sponsor the National and Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queens. It also gives financial support so that the National Lassies can offer additional youth programs at Junior Nationals such as the Lassie Princess Hour and Lassie 101.
The Lassie Queen in her tartan plaid is a special symbol of the Shorthorn breed. Your financial support is vital. We thank you for your continued support. =