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Shorthorn Update
American Shorthorn Association
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org
ASA Board of Directors
Joe Bales, president 615-330-2342 John Sonderman, vice president 402-641-0936 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president
American Junior Shorthorn Association
Faye Smith, president
National Shorthorn Lassies
Sommer Smith, president
ASA Dates of Note
Nov. 1 Inventories mailed for 2022 WHR Assessments Nov. 1 Deadline for NAILE Stalling Requests submitted to ASA Nov. 12 NAILE - Jr. ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Nov. 12 Deck the Stall Junior Fundraiser at the NAILE Nov. 12 150th Anniversary Celebration Finale at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 13 NAILE - Jr. Shorthorn Heifer Show Nov. 14 NAILE - Super National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Bull and Female Show - Show Honoree - The Brown Family of Kentucky Nov. 15 Cattlemen’s Congress Breeding Cattle Entries Due Nov. 15 FWSS Entry Deadline Nov. 19 ASA Annual Meeting Forum and Awards Banquet, Hilton Kansas City Airport, Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 20 National Western Stock Show Open, Junior, Pen Cattle Entries Due Nov. 24-25 ASA Office Closed - Thanksgiving and day after
Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Jr. Breeding Heifer Ownership Deadline Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Late Entry/ Substitution Deadline Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - ASA Office Closed for the Holiday
Jan. 1 2023 ASA Membership is Due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2023 WHR assessment fees ($18) Jan. 6 CC Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Jan. 6 CC Open ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Jan. 7 Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show Jan. 7 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale Jan. 8 CC National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Jan. 11 NWSS Junior Shorthorn Show Jan. 12 NWSS Pen Show Jan. 13 NWSS National Shorthorn Show Jan. 29 Fort Worth Stock Show - National Shorthorn Show
Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid
New DNA Card Fees
Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them. Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex. *Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen. **DO NOT test twins via blood samples.
New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022
The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
New DNA Submission Reminder!
Don’t miss out on utilizing the new DNA feature within Digital Beef, which allows you to easily select your animals for testing, and all their data is auto-filled in. From there, you just pick which tests you want done, print the form, and send it in with your samples. No more messy or crowded hand-writing necessary! For video and PDF walk-through of how to do this, go to https://shorthorn.org/dna-testing/
Regular Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Central Time Zone
(ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)