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Sales Calendar

North Central Region – 84 head – Judge: Ryan Rathmann, Lubbock, Texas

by Cassie Reid

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, HAHN Popular Monster C7G, owned by Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, owned by Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, GCS Guns N Roses, owned by Green Castle Shorthorn, Gilman, Iowa.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SW MH Caroline 2201, owned by Skyler Ward, New Paris, Ohio.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, SMCK Maverick W23, owned by McKay FarmsMorgan McKay, Holly, Mich.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SULL Dreams Made 1021J ET, owned by Corbin Curoe, Bernard, Iowa.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, CCS Charming Lady 315K, owned by Ella James, Manito, Ill.

Sale Reports

Shadybrook Shorthorns “Decades of Excellence”

Sale Summary

22 Bred Cows ..............$ 132,000 .............$ 6,000 12 Bred Heifers............$ 66,500 ...............$ 5,542 11 Open Heifers..........$ 129,000 .............$ 11,727 45 Live Lots ............... $ 327,500 ..............$ 7,278 2 Embryo Pkgs.............$ 18,600 ...............$ 9,300 4 Semen Pkgs...............$ 5,550..................$ 1,388 Sale Gross: $351,650

Saturday, September 17, 2022 Shadybrook Farm West Brome, Quebec, Canada

Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Agerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn

A very impressive set of Shorthorn cattle greeted those in attendance for this edition of the Decades of Excellence sale. Especially impressive were the bred heifers and open heifers that were offered. The snappy sale saw strong prices from the buyers from the US and Canada, Congratulations to all at Shadybrook for the presentation of a great event. $20,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - Shadybrook Picture Perfect 31K ET. A roan, polled January 21, 2022 daughter of JSF Times Square 120G ET and out of SBF Perfect Millie 23X ET. This was a great female to start this sale. Impeccable in her design and balance. By Times Square and out of the famed Picture Perfect line at SBF. She will definitely be in a donor pen in her future. Purchased by Merideth Land and Cattle of Lafayette, Missouri. $15,000 - Lot 2 - Bred Cow - Shadybrook Hot Millie 44E ET. A roan, polled 2017 daughter of Free K-Kim Hot Commodity and out of SBF Perfect Millie 23X ET selling bred to Byland Flash for a March 2023 calf. A maternal sister to the Lot female and a really good one. A well made female with a super EPD line. She is definitely donor quality in her future. Purchased by George Six of New Freeport, Pennsylvania. $15,000 - Lot 12A - Open Heifer - Shadybrook Crystal 13K ET. A roan, polled January 5, 2022 daughter of JSF Times Square 120G ET and out of SULL Crystal’s Lead ET. This was another of the great group of Time Square daughters in this sale. This one will definitely show and then be a leading female in her new home. Purchased by Poplar Lane Farm of Caledon, Ontario. $14,000 - Lot 13A - Open Heifer - Shadybrook Midnight Fire 11K ET. A roan, polled January 4, 2022 daughter of Hill Haven Firestorm 28C and out of Shadybrook Juanita 97C. A top young show prospect by Firestorm and from a great line of females at SBF. Juanita 97C is a granddaughter of the leading donor female at SBF, Veronica 92Y. Purchased by WHR Shorthorns of Van Alstyne, Texas. $12,000 - Lot 13 - Open Heifer - Shadybrook Summer Storm 25K ET. A roan, polled January 13, 2022 daughter of Hill Haven Firestorm 28C and out of Shadybrook Juanita 97C. A flush mate to the Lot 13A female and will make another top show heifer. Her future in a donor pen is unquestioned. Purchased by Cameron Bukart of Hillsboro, Ohio. $11,500 - Lot 4 - Bred Cow - Shadybrook Perfect Millie 15F ET. A RWM, polled 2018 daughter of Crooked Post Stockman 4Z and out of SBF Perfect Millie 19A ET selling bred to Bell M Guiness 17G for a March 2023 calf. This top young female has a great design and just an outstanding EPD profile. She will be a top producer in her new home. Purchased by Hornhead Valley Farm of Hickory, Pennsylvania. =

THREE Internships available for Summer 2023

Registrations :: Communications :: Youth Activities Learn more about breed association work and assist with planning and executing the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference. Learn more about the internship at juniorshorthorn.org. Contact shelby@shorthorn.org if you have questions about this opportunity!

Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale 2022

Sale Summary

23 Open Heifers .........$ 339,500 .............$ 12,574 1 Cow/Calf Pair..........$ 24,000 ...............$ 24,000 5 Bred Cows................$ 70,250 ...............$ 14,050 4 Bred Heifers..............$ 24,500 ...............$ 6,125 4 Bulls ..........................$ 26,000 ...............$ 6,500 41 Live Lots ............... $ 484,250 ............$ 11,811 13 Pregnancies .............$ 125,750 .............$ 9,673 26 Embryo Pkgs...........$ 124,150 .............$ 4,775 12 Semen Pkgs.............$ 20,725 ...............$ 1,727 2 Steers.........................$ 3,050 .................$ 1,525 Sale Gross: $757,925

Saturday, September 24, 2022 Little Cedar Cattle Co. Beaverton, Michigan

Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Little Cedar Cattle Co. by: Darryl Rahn

The Best One Yet!! As good as the Revival sales have been in the past, this one topped them all. There are reasons for that. Offered were just an outstanding group of live lots that were of the highest quality. The pregnancies and frozen genetic lots were the strongest group ever offered. All these things added to a large crowd in attendance made for a tremendous sale. The bidding activity was constant from the seats, the phones and the internet throughout. Congratulations to Little Cedar and all the consignors for raising the bar for this great sale. $37,500 - Lot 1A - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Miss Margie WW 2210 ET. A red, polled April 25, 2022 daughter of Knight 2030 ET and out of SULL Blooded Ruby 3278 ET. This one has show winner written all over her. By Red Knight and out of the great Blooded Ruby female. A full sister to this heifer was Reserve Champion at a past NAILE show. This one will find the winners circle in her future. Offered by Little Cedar and purchased by Enix Farms, Centennial, Colorado. $24,000 - Lot 57 - Cow/Calf Pair - KSS Aviator’s Weston Mary 2038 ET. A R&W polled 2020 daughter of Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of LCCC Weston Mary BDJ 1423 selling bred to 1872 for a heifer calf due in April 2023. At her side was a roan, polled heifer calf born May 12, 2022 sired by LCCC ARG Hector 1777 ET. This was a great package. A top young female with a heifer calf at side and bred back to the exciting new sire, 1872.This was a great economic opportunity. Offered by Keystone Shorthorns and purchased by Leemon Cattle Co of Fairland, Oklahoma. $22,000 - Lot 5X - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Marvelous Margie 2220. A roan, polled June 12, 2022 daughter of SULL Current Commodity 7630E and out of GCC Marvelous Margie 96 ET. This great youngster was added to the sale to add another great one to the offering. She is super stylish and a complete package. She will surely make the final drive in her future. She has what it takes to go with a great pedigree. Offered by Little Cedar and purchased by Woodlawn Farms of Creston, Illinois. =

and she is also a really good one. She will be a top first calf heifer. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Lazy Bar F Shorthorns of Chickasha, Oklahoma. $3,400 - Lot 2 - Bred Heifer - WR 228C Delight 101. A red, polled March 2021 daughter of CCS Bold 228C and out of WR 3140 Delight 644 ET selling bred to JSF Patron for a Spring 2023 calf.

This young female has the length of body and great front end all want to see in their females. She will make a great mature cow for her new owner. Offered by Warner Ranch and purchased by Elsie Deininger of Douglas, Wyoming. $3,400 - Lot 30 - Bred Heifer - Shalimar 6E Halo 136 - A red, polled March 2021 daughter of Muridale Raw Hide 6E and out of Shalimar 105T Halo 907 selling bred to JSF Patron 26J for a Spring 2023 calf. A very correct, feminine female that will be a great addition to any herd. Offered by Shalimar Ranch and purchased by Jackie Lauderback of Cheyenne, Wyoming. =

Sale Summary

27 Bred Heifers...........$ 70,400 ...............$ 2,607 8 Open Heifers............$ 18,150 ...............$ 2,269 1 Bred Cow .................$ 2,200 .................$ 2,200 8 Plus Open Heifers.....$ 14,600 ...............$ 1,825 2 Bulls ..........................$ 5,250 .................$ 2,625 46 Live Lots ............... $ 110,600 ..............$ 2,404 3 Embryo Pkgs.............$ 1,530..................$ 510 5 Semen Pkgs...............$ 1,835 .................$ 367 1 Steer...........................$ 1,4850 ...............$ 1,450 Sale Gross: $115,415

Sunday, September 25, 2022 Platte County AgPark Columbus, Nebraska

Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Sears Marketing Services LLC by: Darryl Rahn

The crowd that gathered in Columbus found a strong set of Shorthorns on offer from leading Shorthorn firms. Especially strong was the set of bred heifers in this sale. There were also some fancy show heifer prospects that were in the pens. This snappy sale saw active bidding from the seats and on the phones and internet. Congratulations to Warner Ranch and all the consignors for the Little Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET and out of SULL Miss Margie 9139 ET. What a great way to start the sale. This is just a tremendous young show prospect that has a great pedigree to go with her great look and style. The dam of this heifer has already produced Champions and this one will follow her footsteps. Offered by Little Cedar and purchased by DeLisle Farms of Gladwin, Michigan. $30,500 - Lot 25 - Open Heifer - GCC Omaha’s Mirage. A roan, polled April 27, 2022 daughter of TRN Omaha 79 and out of Little Cedar Missing Mirage RW 1916 ET. This is a WOW heifer calf. Beside the fact that her pedigree is top shelf, she has all the parts to be a great show heifer and then a donor cow. She will definitely compete this show season. Offered by Vogel & Lindsey Cattle Co and Greenhorn Cattle Co and purchased by Claire Nibe of Melrose, Iowa. $30,000 - Lot 60 - Bred Cow - LCCC WF Rosette 1601. A red, polled 2016 daughter of NBS Low Rider 42W and out of Leveldale Rosette 021X ET selling bred to Little Cedar Equator 2093 for a March 2023 calf. In a strong set of bred cows, this one was surely at the top of many lists at the sale. She has tremendous dimension and volume. She is definitely donor material. Offered by Little Cedar and purchased by Leemon Cattle Co of Fairland, Oklahoma and DAP Shorthorns of Jonesboro, Illinois. $29,000 - Lot 19A - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Blooded Ruby 2206 ET. A red, polled March 3, 2022 daughter of SULL Red

presentation of solid event. $6,000 - Lot 14 - Bred Heifer - BOS Marge 579 - A roan, polled April 2021 daughter of MAV Charisma 836F and out of BOS Margie 479 selling bred to JSF Times Square 120G for a March 2023 calf. This was a really well made moderate female by the popular Charisma. With her bred to Times Square, she is a great addition to her new herd. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Brad Beers of Luverne, Minnesota. $4,250 - Lot 15A - Bred Heifer - BOS Cassy 580 - A roan, horned April 2021 daughter of MAV Chrisma 836F and out of BOS Cassy 4th selling bred to JSF Times Square 120G for March 2023 calf. Another well made bred heifer by Charisma that will have a good one by Times Square. She is the right kind. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Emily Cech of Clarkson, Nebraska. $4,200 - Lot 15B - Bred Heifer - BOS Cassy 581 - A roan, polled April 2021 daughter of MAV Chrisma 836F and out of BOS Cassy 4th selling bred to JSF Times Square 120G for a March 2023 calf. This is a twin sister to the good Lot 15A female

Share The Vision

Sale Summary

24 Open Heifers............$ 310,750 .............$ 12,948 7 Plus Open Heifers.......$ 58,250 ...............$ 8,322 3 Cow/Calf Pairs............$ 31,500 ...............$ 10,500 6 Bred Cows.................$ 34,250................$ 5,708 2 Bred Heifers..............$ 7,600 .................$ 3,800 3 Bulls ..........................$ 7,000 .................$ 2,333 45 Live Lots ............... $ 449,350 ..............$ 9,986 5 Embryo Packages......$ 17,800 ...............$ 3,460 6 Embryo Packages......$ 11,850 ...............$ 1,975 Sale Gross: $479,000

Saturday, October 1, 2022 Greenhorn Cattle Company Waynesville, Ohio

Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn

A big crowd gathered on sale morning at GCC for this top of the line sale. The cattle on offer were as strong a group as ever presented here. The open heifers were especially strong from top to bottom. Super active bidding followed during the sale from the seats as well as on the internet. Congratulations to David and Josh Greenhorn and all the consignors for making this one of the best here in anyone’s memory. $105,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - GCC Buckeye Charm 72 ET. A R/W, polled April 11, 2022 daughter of SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out of GCC Evolution heifer born September 24, 2022 sired by SULL Current Commodity. This is truly an impressive beast. She looks only half her age with the body mass that you can’t miss when you see her. A great proven donor female. The fancy heifer calf at side is a great bonus. Offered by Greenhorn, Turner and Double C and purchased by Cheyenne Cattle Co of Eddyville, Kentucky. $17,000 - Lot 19 - Open Heifer - TRN Missing Tillie 221 ET. A roan, polled January 15, 2022 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of CYT Missing Mirage 2120 ET. What a heifer here. Start with her great pedigree and then take a look at her. She has already been a Champion and her dam produced the Grand Champion Female at the Illinois State Fair Open and Junior Show. This one is bred in the purple. Offered by Turner Family and purchased by Blake Fisher of Wapakoneta, Ohio. $17,000 - Lot 22 - Open Heifer - GCC TRN Dream Only 28. A R/W, polled July 1, 2022 daughter of SULL Current Commodity 7630E and out of SULL Dream Only 7188E ET. The youngest heifer in the sale and one of the very best. Sired by a National Champion and her dam was a Reserve National Champion. This one is really fancy in her makeup and design. She will be a lot of fun this coming show season. Offered by Greenhorn and Turner and purchased by Tim Noll of Cross Plains, Wisconsin. = Offered by Cedar Lane Farm and purchased by Moore Shorthorns of Jerseyville, Illinois. $5,500 - Lot 31 - Open Heifer - CLF Miss Margie 2210 - A roan, polled March 15, 2022 daughter of CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET and out of CF SF Margie 75T LR X ET. This fancy young show prospect rose to the top of many lists at the sale. She has a great profile and the style that make her one to compete on any level. Her dam is a Low Rider daughter that comes from the famed Margie line. Offered by Cedar Lane Farm and purchased by Farmer Cattle of Lisbon, Ohio. $5,300 - Lot 27 - Cow/Calf Pair - CLF Margie Love 1920. A R&W, polled 2019 daughter of CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET and out of SharBen Margie Love 835 selling bred to “North of 49” for an early Spring 2023 heifer calf. At side was a R&W, polled bull calf born March 10, 2022 sired by DLF One Night Stand. This pair drew much interest at the sale. A top cow bred back and a calf at side that has the look of a top bull or a great steer. Offered by Cedar Lane Farm and purchased by Chase Snyder of Navarre, Ohio. =

Sale Summary

3 Cow/Calf Pairs............$ 15,500 ...............$ 5,167 14 Bred Cows...............$ 50,500................$ 3,607 3 Bred Heifers..............$ 7,900 .................$ 2,633 17 Open Heifers............$ 51,150 ...............$ 3,009 5 Plus Open Heifers.......$ 10,000 ...............$ 2,000 3 Bulls ..........................$ 5,900 .................$ 1,967 45 Live Lots ............... $ 140,950 ..............$ 3,132 7 Pregnancies................$ 33,150 ...............$ 4,736 4 Embryo Packages......$ 9,900 .................$ 2,475 6 Semen Packages ........$ 1,755 .................$ 293 Sale Gross: $185,755

Sunday,October 2, 2022 Du-Lynn Farms Millersburg, Ohio

Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: Sears Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn

A big crowd gathered on a beautiful morning at the sale site. They found a very good set of Shorthorn cattle on offer in this sale. The bred females were especially strong and they were well accepted in the auction. The sale saw active bidding from the seats as well as on the internet. Congratulations to Duane Miller and his guest consignors for bringing their best for this sale. Charm 7102 ET. This one has GREAT written all over her. Out of the great sire, Dream Maker and her dam was the 2018 Grand Champion Heifer at the NAILE Junior Show. This one is bred in the purple and will surely fine her way to the backdrop in the future. Offered by Greenhorn and purchased by Kyla Hendrickson of Charlo, Montana. $30,000 - Lot 17 - Open Heifer - DON Ruby 326 ET. A RWM, horned March 26, 2022 daughter of CSF Evolution HC and out of SULL Traveling Ruby. This is a beautifully designed youngster that has one of the leading dams in the breed today. She has all the dimension and style to make her one to contend with this show season. Offered by Donathan Show Cattle and purchased by Tom Brown of Bluffton, Ohio $24,000 - Lot 28 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - Don Maggie 120. A RWM, polled January 20, 2022 daughter of TRN Omaha 79 and out of DON I80. This one stood our in a good set of Plus heifers. She has the dimension and feminine look that makes her a great brood cow prospect as well as a top show heifer. She will be a strong competitor in the Plus shows this show season. Offered by Donathan and purchased by Grant Sojka of Riverside, Iowa. $17,750 - Lot 32 - Cow/Calf Pair - SS Royal Revival 265. A white, polled 2012 daughter of HD Swagger 802 and out of SS Revival 804 ET. At side was a roan

$9,750 - Lot 15 - Heifer Pregnancy - A heifer pregnancy due in March 2023. The sire is Little Cedar World Wide1979 ET and out of Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y. This was a great opportunity to get a heifer from one of the top young sires in the breed and a proven donor female. This one will be exciting. The Breathless female line never misses. Offered by Du-Lynn and purchased by DAP Cattle Co of Jonesboro, Illinois. $7,000 - Lot 2 - Donor Female - DLF Demi 7E34 ET. A white, polled 2017 daughter of BISS Element 79 3702 and out of RFC Demi 0593T. Selling open an ready to flush. This is a proven donor female that has produced high quality progeny. She will be a great addition to a new donor program. Offered by Du-Lynn and purchased by Sam Yoder of Berlin, Ohio. $6,000 - Lot 17 - Cow/Calf Pair - CLF Proud Fool 1725. A white, horned 2017 daughter of CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET and out of CLF Proud Fool 1207 ET. At side was a roan, polled heifer calf born July 2, 2022 sired by DLF One Night Stand. This was a really good pair of females. A proven cow by the top breed sire Foolin’ Around and a truly fancy young heifer at side. This one will be a great addition.

Schrag|Nikkel “The Family Event Sale”

Sale Summary

37 Bred Females...........$ 133,300 .............$ 3,603 34 Open Heifers............$ 108,450 .............$ 3,190 71 Breeding Lots ....... $ 241,750 ..............$ 3,405 1 Steer...........................$ 2,400 .................$ 2,400 Sale Gross: $244,150

Saturday, October 8, 2022 WCC Cow Palace Anita, Iowa

Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Studer Shorthorns by: Darryl Rahn

When the crowd gathered at the Cow Palace prior to the auction, they found a super strong set of bred females that is always a feature of this sale. Also this year was a fancy set of open heifer show prospects that will make great young mother cows. The bidding in this snappy sale was steady throughout and cattle were sold to several states across America. Congratulations to the Studer’, the Gilman’s and Mapelton Polled Shorthorns for presenting a quality event. $8,500 - Lot 7 - Open Heifer - Gilman’s Secret Beauty 7K. A red, polled February 1, 2022 daughter of Circlk Gilman Dream Easy 21F and out of Gilman’s Secret Beauty 14H. This was a very popular female in this an early Spring 2023 calf. This female has all the parts to make her a very attractive package. She is a performance type female that will be a top producer. Selling bred to the exciting young sire, Foreplay. Offered by Studer Shorthorns and purchased by Jungels Shorthorn Farms, Kathryn, North Dakota. $7,000 - Lot 38 - Bred Heifer - Gilman’s Rona 94J, A red, polled March 2021 daughter of Leveldale Cowboy Up 820F and out of Gilman’s Rona 10D selling bred to JSF Ronan 5H for an early Spring 2023 calf. The Cowboy Up progeny continue to impress when you see them. This one not only has the brood cow look but has just an outstanding EPD line. She will be a leader in her new herd. Offered by Gilman Shorthorns and purchased by Fairview Stock Farm of Columbus, Nebraska. $6,500 - Lot 28 - Open Heifer - DSF ST Sue 109J. A roan, polled October 29, 2021 daughter of Studer’s Marquis 86G and out of Muridale St Sue 85A. This is a fancy fall yearling that has already been in the show ring. She will make a great young cow in her future. She has the dimension and depth that make her a great choice. Offered by Studer Shorthorns and purchased by Bill Gay, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. =

of CF CSF Demi 650 SOL ET. This one has greatness in her blood. Her dam was a past National Champion Female and this one looks like a clone. Massive in her design and the feminine front that makes her so attractive. She has a very high ceiling in her future show career. Purchased by Reagan Reedy of Lovington, Illinois. $33,000 - Lot 6 - Open Heifer - S/N SL Hopes Mirage 222 ET. A roan, polled March 6,2022 daughter of SULL Propel 7187E ET. A full sister to the good Lot 7 heifer and out of the same mold. They go back to the great CYT Missing Mirage 2120 female on the dam’s side. This one will also be hard to handle in her show career. Watch for her at many major shows this coming season. Purchased by Tuner Family of Mahomet, Illinois. $32,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET. A red, polled April 15, 2022 daughter of SULL Propel 7187E ET and out of SS Chasing Dreams 6202. This is another of the truly outstanding Propel daughters in this sale. She checks all the boxes from any angle. Super clean in her lines and has the overall dimension that make her a really good one. The Dream female line continues to produce at a high level at S/N. Purchased by Don St Ledger of Albion, Illinois. =

Sale Summary

Shorthorn Lots

16 Open Heifers............$ 248,750 .............$ 15,547 6 Plus Open Heifers.......$ 83,750................$ 13,958

22 Shorthorn Lots .... $ 332,500 ............$ 15,113

11 Chi Heifers..............$ 91,050 ...............$ 8,277 4 Charolais Heifers.......$ 32,000 ...............$ 8,000 9 Maine-Anjou Hfrs....$ 70,700 ...............$ 7,856 4 Angus Heifers............$ 25,000 ...............$ 6,250 5 Simmental Heifers....$ 28,900 ...............$ 5,780

55 Live Lots ............... $ 580,150 ............$ 10,548

19 Embryo Packages....$ 49,850 ...............$ 2,624 15 Semen Packages ......$ 39,750 ...............$ 2,650

Sale Gross: $669,750

Saturday, October 8, 2022 Schrag|Nikkel Sale Facility Marion, South Dakota

Auctioneer: Steve Bonham Sale Management: Rockin K Productions by: Darryl Rahn

What a Day! Great weather, great crowd and a great set of heifers presented at optimum level of being ready. At the start of the sale, the sale arena was full with several bidders and buyers standing outside the open doors. The bidding came from all over the building as well as on the internet and several people on the phones. When it was over, there were smiles all around. Top sale. She has tremendous depth of rib to go with balance and style. She will show but then make just a great brood cow. Offered by Gilman Shorthorns and purchased by Little Cedar Cattle Co of Beaverton, Michigan. $8,000 - Lot 31 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - DSF Ranch Hand 202K. A BWM, polled January 25, 2022 daughter of Saskvalley Bandit 141B and out of JAG Ranch Hand 100E. This one is special. She is at a high level with her type and kind. She is dual registered and can be shown as a Shorthorn Plus and also in the Simmental shows. She will definitely compete in any show. Offered by Studer and purchased by Cody Purdum of Creston, Iowa. $7,500 - Lot 36 - Bred Heifer -Gilman’s Secret Beauty 39J. A red, polled February 2021 daughter of Leveldale Cowboy Up 820F and out of Gilman’s Secret Beauty 20 selling bred to Ashvalley Answer 0243 for a March 2023 calf. This top female was at the top of a super strong group of bred heifers. This one has a great look to her and with top of the line EPDs. This is cow power. Offered by Gilman’s Shorthorns and purchased by Stangl Shorthorns of Java, South Dakota. $7,000 - Lot 63 - Bred Heifer - DSF Anne 98J. A red, polled April 2021 daughter of Studer’s Emperor 99E and out of DSF Anne 84C selling bred to JSF Foreplay for

quality show heifers went to new homes where they will be super competitive in the future. Congratulations to the Schrag/ Nikkel crew for the presentation of one of the Fall’s great events.

Top Selling Shorthorn Lots $40,000 - Lot 21 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - S/N Luck Charm 220 ET. A BWM, polled March 3, 2022 daughter of Colburn Primo and out of GNCC Lucky 320Z ET. There was much discussion about which was the best Plus heifer and this one was always in the mix. Good from any angle. Never stops wrong. She just has the show heifer look. This one will be a lot of fun to watch. Purchased by Berg Shorthorns of Osage, Iowa. $35,000 - Lot 7 - Open Heifer - S/N SL Hopes Mirage 223 ET, A red, polled March 16, 2022 daughter of SULL Propel 7187E ET and out of SS Hope’s Mirage ET. This was another favorite of many at the sale. The Propel progeny continue to impress with their overall pattern and design. This one will be a contender in the Spring heifer class. It will take a really good one to get around her. Purchased by Finley Jones of Aledo, Texas. $35,000 - Lot 13 - Open Heifer - S/N Demi 219 ET. A roan, polled February 25, 2022 daughter of SULL Red Blood and out

Sale Summary

4 Shorthorn Heifers ....$ 23,250 ...............$ 5,813 5 Plus Heifers...............$ 18,650 ...............$ 3,730 3 Shorthorn Steers........$ 9,400 .................$ 3,133 1 Plus Steer...................$ 3,800 .................$ 3,800 2 Angus Heifers............$ 6,100 .................$ 3,050 2 Hereford Heifers.......$ 6,300 .................$ 3,150 23 Heifers................... $ 84,400 ..............$ 3,670 5 Steers....................... $ 15,700 ..............$ 3,140 1 Goat ........................ $ 6,000 ................$ 6,000 Sale Gross: $105,700

Sunday, September 4, 2022 Rutan Farm, Eaton, Ohio.

Hosted on: sconlinesales.com by: Christy Campbell

The 29th annual Early Bird Sale was once again hosted by SC Online sales with a open house viewing of the cattle Saturday & Sunday September 3rd & 4th. Bidding opened Saturday morning & ended Sunday evening. The on & off drizzle of rain didn’t keep the viewers away with their jackets & umbrellas on Saturday. A great group of Shorthorn, ShorthornPlus, Angus, Hereford & Maintainer heifers & steers were offered along with an outstanding Boer goat Wether. $9,000 - Lot 1 - RC Quiet Revival - A roan, March SRV Quiet Man daughter & out of CF Revival 1100. This girl is the prime example of what having show cattle & shorthorns is all about. Her femininity, overall dimension & structure are what people like to see. From RC & purchased by Mike Heath Moberly, Mo. $8,500 - Lot 5 - RC BC Blacklist Louise - A powerful shorthorn plus female sired by PVF Blacklist & out of RC Proud Louise 553 ( Damn Proud). This one has the front, the angles & soundness to compete in the tough plus division. Offered by RC & John & Beth Campbell, purchased by Liberty Glaser Waynesfield, Ohio. $6,250 - Lot 3 - SW RC MH Gertie - A dark red, January DJS the Outsider daughter out of MFF Cumberland 95 (Damn Proud). Good boned, big footed & super cow written all over this female. Many admired her mass & overall completeness. Sold by RC, Mary Henry & Skyler Ward to Emily Adams Wilkinson, Ind.

$4,250 - Lot 25 - An exciting son of AF VF Limelight (JSF Marquis son) & out of a PVF Taylor Made cow, topped the purebred steers. This one had many viewers not only in person but on the sale site. A great colored red neck roan steer that is good structured from the ground up. Sold by Home Sweet Home Farm (Craig Phillips Family) to Richele Farrer Oak Hill, Ohio. $3,800 - Lot 28 - Leading off the ShorthornPlus steers was a May We All son out of a DJS the Outsider daughter (Fancy). A huge boned, great moving, squared hipped steer that had already grabbed a banner at Shorthorn Jr Nationals this summer. Offered by RC & Addison Campbell & purchased by Annabelle Harris Lewisburg, Ohio. $3,750 - Lot 26 - Another purebred DJS the Outsider steer out of a ALM Chiller dam (Peggy) that attracted a lot of viewers. Well balanced, great haired & big footed. Sold by RC & John & Beth Campbell to Zach Miller Camden , Ohio. =

New DNA Card Fees

Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them. Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex. *Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen. **DO NOT test twins via blood samples.

New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022

The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.

New DNA Submission Reminder!

Don’t miss out on utilizing the new DNA feature within Digital Beef, which allows you to easily select your animals for testing, and all their data is auto-filled in. From there, you just pick which tests you want done, print the form, and send it in with your samples. No more messy or crowded hand-writing necessary! For video and PDF walk-through of how to do this, go to https://shorthorn.org/dna-testing/

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