2 minute read

In the Know

Cassie Reid

director of shows & events; customer service specialist

Upcoming Show Reminders

Throughout the fall I’ve heard judges comment that Shorthorn breeders should be proud of the cattle they are raising, and ultimately bringing to the show ring. It feels good to hear these comments about our breed, and I hope this encourages you as breeders to keep doing the good work. Wade and I have had a blast traveling from East to West and North to South attending five Super Regional Shows, and already 2 National Shows. As fun as these shows have been, great anticipation builds as we prepare for NAILE and the 2023 shows yet this show season.

Speaking of NAILE, if you haven’t sent Wade (wade@shorthorn.org) your stalling requests yet, November 4th is the absolute last day requests can be considered. NAILE historically is one of our largest shows, which means stalling gets tight and, at times, near impossible. To help us and help other breeders, please let Wade know if you will be scratching your entries ASAP.

Cattlemen’s Congress entries are now open and close November 18th. Late entries may be accepted through December 1st. Cattlemen’s Congress processes stalling requests with entries and lists very specific instructions on their website to ensure you have the best chance of getting your request. Please read these before entering. If you have Cattlemen’s Congress questions, please send those to Cassie (cassie@shorthorn. org).

National Western Stock Show returns to our list of National Shows this year, with entries closing November 20th. Late entries will be considered until December 21st. Wade and I visited NWSS last year, we saw exciting updates to the facilities and look forward to sharing these updates with more exhibitors this year who enter.

Fort Worth Stock Show closes out January. Entries for FWSS close November 15th and must be mailed to FWSS. Unique to FWSS, open show entries must be owned by the exhibitor. Be sure to transfer any open animals to the needed exhibitor prior to the ownership deadline.

As a reminder, please let us know if you will not attending a show you have entered. Everyone knows barn space is limited and can get cramped, we appreciate you helping to ensure a good experience for all.

We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events! Should you need anything as you prepare, we are happy to assist you with your needs. =

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